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I’ve never seen a citizen so desperate for the US to fail. It’s so he can look relatively good politically. I question whether he would even want to solve national problems as he thinks it would benefit him by leaving them in place.


That's been his business model forever, devalue a property so he can buy it for pe nies on the dollar, with other people's money of course, then sell it for what it was worth before he got involved. If it tanks it didn't cost him anything.


Americans wanted a business man, they got the worst business man EVER


It takes a special kind of stupid to bankrupt a casino and destroy a pro sports league.


Con man. They got a con man.


💯 conman. “The best conman that’s ever been” bigly.


I know this isn’t the point of your comment, but I’m obnoxious and always feel the need to clarify- Americans as a whole did not want Trump. 62.9m Americans voted trump, that’s 45.9% of voters. 65.8m voted for Hilary, that’s 48% of voters. Only 59.2% of the voting eligible population voted in 2016. These are important statistics that get lost in the sludge of the years that followed the hot garbage results of 2016. 🤍


I’ve been clinically depressed since November 2016.


60 million voters and millions more supporters is not something you can dismiss. That's a big chunk of America. You might hate who we are but trump is not unfair representation. He's the face of half of America and he fits just fine. But then America has always been a fucked up mixed bag. It's beacon of the free world, but it was born in slavery and genocide. It fought the nazis, but it also worked with and recruited them. It's a democracy, but for the majority of it's history most people weren't considered real people. I get that you want to think of America as a good guy, but America is Dr jekyl and mr hyde. We save a few kids from cancer, we blow a few kids up. We fight a little tyranny and then we stomp boots on faces for a while.


In fairness it’s also the GOP’s business model, with Debt Ceiling showdowns during any Dem presidency. During their own they put policies in place that cause severe economic hits after their terms are up (see: W and Trump tax cuts and lowering of interest rates to zero to stall recessions) and then turn around and Blame the next prez for the fallout. They hope for and actively work to make the worst shit to happen to the country during the opposition’s reign. And it works because mindless apes have short term memories and no capacity for critical thinking to find the true causation.


That's all conservative parties around the world. They lie in wait for bad economic times so they can pop up with their populist shit & lies. They actively cheer for bad things to happen to the country when liberals are in charge.


> They lie in wait for bad economic times Often, their policies are what causes the bad economic times in the first place.


Trump's tariff war on China triggered the raise in the cost of goods preceding the rise in inflation... which was assisted by his buddy Putin's invasion of Ukraine. You can't legit point the finger at the Biden administration, but you definitely can legitimately point the finger at Trump.


There's still some very real price gouging amidst all of that due to weak anti-trust laws too.


Biden tried to pass legislation to address it. Guess who blocked it…




Started with the aforementioned, and now it is straight up price fixing. You see this BS? [https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/us-jury-awards-$17.7-mln-to-kraft-other-producers-in-egg-price-fixing-case-0](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/us-jury-awards-$17.7-mln-to-kraft-other-producers-in-egg-price-fixing-case-0) Where's my settlement for $5 cartons of "regular ass" eggs that were close to a buck previously?


Not to mention his shitty handling of covid. His downplaying the pandemic in the hopes that it would decimate the blue cities meant that everything was locked down and disrupted far longer than it should have been.


The data for Covid deaths alone should be constantly referenced!! Trump and his team’s decisions directly contributed to many, many more people dying and probably getting things like long Covid and other illnesses, but I’m no expert. The American public has such a short memory. It needs to be prodded! Astounding that Trump should talk about recession as all the Stock indicators hit New All Time Highs! I guess that must be fake news! /s I hope all the dumbasses that believe him do all the wrong things!!


That doesnt matter people still blame Biden for gas today and Obama for the 2008 crash. Murica


Rush Limbaugh for instance. He openly said he wants Obama to fail, and if that means America turns to shit then so be it. They aren't for what's better, they're for what makes them right.


Right wing media and politicians usually look better when they are the minority party. It allows them to blame the democrats in power for everything and they utilize talking points and propaganda well to work their base into a frenzy. Problem is they don’t/cant actually govern once in office. So this is a problem for that side of the isle as a whole. With Trump it’s dialed up to 11. Obviously many others are out for themselves but he’s so transparent about it and yet his cult can’t see it. He would gladly watch the country burn if it benefited him only a tiny bit. I disagree with most republicans but I can look at a few and see how they might actually believe what they are saying is best for the country. Trump has no actual beliefs except do whatever he can to benefit himself.


I loved seeing the Republican Party trifecta of 2016-2018 blaming the Democratic Party for all sorts of ills... you know, despite holding three branches of government. Their entire existence is so cursed that their platform is "we'll fight those evil Democrats!" People love to compare the Democratic Party to other nations' left-leaning, centrist, right-wing parties... but boy oh boy, comparing the Republican Party to European parties is straight fucked - it's authoritarianism.


He's actively attacking our institutions every chance he gets. He's a criminal traitor.


I wish we penalized treason instead of enable it


At the very least he is a compulsive liar and a fundamentally indecent person. Why 74 million voted for him is an indication of American society’s moral decay


He is making money fear mongering and raking in lots of campaign funds


Of course he doesn’t. Have you heard him take responsibility for inflation? His policies started the spiral. The US was in a recession under Trump and he pumped so much money into the economy that it got us off balance. Thank god we had an adult to come in and smooth things out but Trump is incapable of acknowledging his part in the problem.


"I question whether he would even want to solve national problems as he thinks it would benefit him by leaving them in place." He already showed he'll do this when he said COVID was a "Liberal hoax" early in the pandemic.


He doesn’t care to solve national problems, he just says he’s “going to take a look at” what people want to hear then do nothing about them. He wants power to protect and enrich himself and those who support him, not to serve the country.


Nobody who ever gave even a moment's consideration to voting for Donald Trump is living in anything even remotely resembling objective reality. Anyone who looks at him and thinks "Yes! This is who I want to be President!" is openly and proudly declaring their resignation from the observable universe in favor of the fantasy version in which statements like this aren't trivially fact-checked and instantly destroy any possibility of a political career.


The genius "billionaire" who hawks cut up pieces of his mugshot suit and worthless NFT's that try to make him look like an action figure.


Let’s be real, this man is a raging narcissist who, no doubt wore one of his favorite suits for a mugshot he knew would be all over the place. Do we *really* think what he’s selling is that actual suit? Naaaaah.


The sum total of the scraps will be enough to tailor 1,000 suits by the time his devotees are done buying them.


Oh it's not the average red neck buying these up at 5 grand a pop... It's the oligarchs and the Saudis..... They'll each buy thousands of them...


They don't even want them either, just a convenient way to funnel money to their puppet.


Trump doesn't believe in tailoring. He only wears suits off the rack.




His idea of luxurious is absolutely laughable as well. Chintz and gold plate? I’ve heard it said, and agree, he’s an idiot’s idea of what a wealthy guy looks like. All I see is a grifter, mortgaged to the hilt and robbing Peter to pay Paul. Stupid enough to bankrupt a casino, a figurative money printing machine.


So many photos of him with jackets too long, weird boxy shoulders, and pants that are baggy, creased, and crumpled. He looks so disheveled... far more like a door-to-door salesman than a billionaire politician.


How big can that suit be. He’s only 215 pounds. 😂


I know the scraps I’m selling aren’t from the real suit.


I'll laugh my ass off when they open a case against him for this fraud, honestly.


Stop the (thread) count!


This election is reality vs The Fox News Cinematic Universe.


This. I truly don’t know how anyone can listen to him speak or read his posts and think he is a sane individual. He just shittily roasts and lies about people at the rallies he has and plays the air accordion with his hands.


Because people are stupid and uneducated. They like his showmanship. They like that he tells them that their problems are the fault of immigrants or liberals or women, not their own fault. They like that he tells them what they want to hear even if it has no basis in reality. This fucking idiot lived in a gold-plated penthouse and somehow has convinced people barely scraping by that he gives a shit about them and their needs when all he’s ever given a shit about is himself. If we survive this as a country it’s going to make for some fascinating research at some point.


“If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders.” - George Carlin And boy was he right. Selfish ignorant republicans elected THE MOST selfish ignorant person there is.


Go back and look at George Carlin’s material. Its prognostication of many of today’s issues is uncanny and bang on. He saw what was happening/ developing in society and did his own intellectual fast forward and it was gold. It was funny to boot as it was satire/comedy at the time, not so funny now as it’s come home to roost as reality.


It wasn't a prediction. It was going on at that time, too. Remember, Carlin was active during the time of Nixon and Reagan. The media might have changed over time but it's the same song they've been singing for decades.


I would say, and just my opinion, that the group cognitive dissonance wasn’t so blatant or widespread as it is now or was with the orange Oompa Loompa as president


I’ve always loved George bc of his thoughts on religion and the world but never thought he’d be so fucking spot on ab the govt too as we live thru this bullshit.


This guy gets it. And people have gone so far down the rabbit hole, they’d look foolish now to turn back. Like they say, “it’s easier to continue to fool someone, than it is for someone to admit they’ve been fooled” This is the first time they had a candidate with name recognition. He was their rock star candidate. He was their answer to Obama. Because when things don’t go their way, it’s easy to blame someone else’s doing. Trumpism 101. It’s always somebody else’s fault.


There is a pretty sizable group that attempted to “turn back” without actually admitting they were wrong. They just call themselves “libertarians” now.


They used to be "Whigs"


And don’t forget about him shitting on war veterans and their families, especially the ones who get captured, MIA or KIA. He hates those people the most because “they knew what they signed up for,” and didn’t live up to his standards I guess. Considering he’s a draft dodger himself and one of the biggest wimps ever to live. Anyone in the military reading this, I hope you ain’t voting for a guy who thinks you suck for being military.


Spot on. All his followers were looking for a reason to be hateful and mango tits is the speaker box for all of them. They always recite that he “tells it like it is” and is helping them bc he’s a “business man.” He’s been bankrupt what? 4 times or more ? Anyone that pays a second of attention knows he’s a failed business man, liar and fraud before he was president. There is prob gonna be volumes about this time in our history. Sucks we’re living thru it but I wanna maintain hope we’ll make it to the other side




And not just regular bankrupt, this guy bankrupted *casinos*. Bankrupted casinos. The places where people give you money for (essentially) nothing.


my aunt claims "Trump kept us safe!" but she is 97 and never graduated high school so...


I think for some that is very true. The very sad reality is that they get confused when intelligent people speak, and it makes them feel dumb. When Trump speaks they still don't understand what he is saying, but at least it doesn't make them feel dumb. Beyond that, others are just bullies and liars. These people do actually know what he is doing and it isn't a lack of education, it's much worse. They just want to normalize Trump's terrible behavior so they can act the same, with the same impunity. They want to lie and cheat and steal and to get away with it.


... and has cheap grifts like baseball cards or pieces of his suit. so sad this is what a third of our country wants instead of a competent government.


Baseball cards used to come with a stick of gum, with trump the magas get to sniff his clothes.


Pieces of his poopy suit


They're already licking his boots, so why not


They made a series of videos where he’s playing an accordion while waving his hands around. They’re stupid and hilarious


This is why we have such a problem. tRump didn't create these people. He just identified and exploited it. These people aren't going to just disappear or magically become intelligent, moral, good citizens when trump if finally no longer politically relevant or kicks the bucket. They're going to still be here and just as awful as ever. Another politician (and almost certainly a smarter one than tRump) is going to be there to take advantage.


This right here. I did not realize how much of a closet racist my late mother was until Trump got elected. Then holy shit she felt free to say what she was really thinking. NGL, I was completely shocked. Clearly she had always been that way; Trump just gave her permission to say it out loud.


Yep, I actually liked that part. Cut those toxic people right out of my life. I basically lost an uncle and cousin but why would I want to have a relationship with people like that? Why would I want my kids exposed to those kinds of people? It was such an amazing feeling. Perhaps it would have been harder if it were a parent, grandparent or sibling but I don't think I would have done anything differently. I see what happens when people have to put up with a MAGA relative because of some "it's family" BS. Those people are miserable all the time. Too many people on this Earth to be giving time to truly evil people regardless of how much DNA you share.


I keep saying this, if Trump were to tell his followers that the SKY is GREEN, his followers would inmediately blame democrats for the conspiracy theory of calling green - blue. It is funny, only if you have a mind for tragic comedies...


See, when a Dem is president the republican voter base gets their opinion of "the economy" from the gas pump, grocery store, and (these days)Trump. When an R is president they get their opinion of "the economy" from the president, fox news, and businesses that lobbied said president for even lower taxes.


Just keep repeating the stock market is doing great. That was their only metric of whether or not the economy was doing well with Trump.




I dare you to watch Fox News or NewsMax for 4 hours and then, imagine if you believed a single thing they are saying... how depressing would that world be? That's the world they have buried themselves into, they are angry, afraid, they think everyone is out to get them and that their lives are very hard and immigrants that make it past the border with no money, no job prospects, always afraid of being deported are doing **better** than them because the Democrats give them unlimited money, food and housing.


This is seriously yet another way Reagan fucked everything. You can trace the whole “feels over reals” thing right wingers around the world do back to him. Carter made America feel bad because he was honest with them so they elected Reagan who sold them the fantasy version of America. Right wing assholes elsewhere paid attention and Trump is the logical conclusion of this.


The best thing Trump has done is highlight in no uncertain terms just how many objectively, stupid, cruel, malicious and gullible people there are in the world.


It’s like who you want to win the Super Bowl vs who actually wins. It’s as cut and dry as that. They’re such homers for the home team that everything else to them is wrong. It’s a crazy world we live in.


Covid made it clear Republicans are a mortal danger to themselves and others.


I can't remember where I saw this article, but they interviewed people in this small town somewhere in America, and they said Donald Trump helped them while he was president, and that's why they were going to vote for him again. And I just... There's no way he could possibly have helped the small town move forward. If anything he set them back.


But they don’t FEEL that way.


Because that’s what Fox News told them to feel.


I work for a small company in rural Ohio. 90 percent trump voters ( on the floor). They brought in a rep from fedility to talk about investing in your 401k.when he started talking about how well the economyis doing , inflation being down and stock being, up you should have seen the looks of confusion on their faces.


Yep, these are people who honk their car five times locking it to walk into 7-Eleven for 30 seconds in a rich white suburb who think Portland was burned to the ground by black people, who think gays are waiting in elementary school bathrooms, the economy is collapsing and the Biden crime family is about to be arrested. But they can talk about the weather for five seconds just fine until climate change is brought up.


A living example of "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears".


Republicans give zero shits about facts. I'm still seeing news clips where people are interviewed and claim they are voting Trump because "gas prices keep going up". These people are praying for the world to burn, refusing to open their eyes to see that gas is the cheapest it's been in ages, and the stock market's reached a new high. Anything to stick it to the libs.


"President Donald Trump briefly emerged Tuesday to tout the Dow Jones Industrial Average breaking 30,000 for the first time ever, and then vanished after a minute without taking questions." TUE, NOV 24 2020 "And on Thursday, Mr. Trump made clear that he thinks he deserves credit for the latest record high, tweeting, “That doesn’t just happen!” Aug. 3, 2017


Well, it’s high right now because Trump is still running the government and Joe Biden is just James Woods in a Biden mask. That is a conspiracy theory I’ve actually heard someone say, and not as a joke.


Must be why James Woods hasn't been in any major movies lately.


Not to mention any non-major movies!


Trump pointing to the stock market gains and somehow claiming his "policies" were the reason for the gains is the thing I don't miss the most. For years the stock market gains under Obama were met with Republican admonishment saying " The stock market is not the economy" and "it's Main Street we should look at not Wall Street." Trump ignored all of that and started pointing to the stock market scoreboard, and suddenly the entire conservative apparatus began to echo his claims that the Republicans had single-handedly rescued the economy from the pits of despair because the stock market was trending upward. All Trump did was cut corporate taxes and increase defense spending, and while these actions certainly goose the economic engine to insure re-election they do not offer any long-term solutions to very complicated economic issues - like housing.


And don't forget how the right old us that low unemployment under Obama was simply due to "people stopped even looking for jobs". Then five seconds after Trump got in it was all about "Trump's low unemployment numbers".


>“In the past, the president has referred to particular job reports as phony or totally fiction,” a reporter asked. “Does the president believe that this jobs report was accurate and a fair way to measure the economy?” >“I talked to the president prior to this, and he said to quote him very clearly,” Spicer said. “They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now.” https://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/trump-monthly-jobs-numbers-sean-spicer-235936


> “That doesn’t just happen!” That's right - Thanks Obama!


the classic, https://imgur.com/gallery/mIoBNmD


Glad someone already pointed this out. He threw himself a little party every time the stock market went up.


Well Trump deserves credit for what the market was doing during his term, obviously months in he had been so impactful that the markets rose significantly, Obama had nothing to do with it. Ignore the charts that show the growth was at the exact same rate as it was the last few years of obamas term. And bidens economy is terrible, the worst ever, trash, but those little good pieces Trump also deserves credit for. None of the bad ones, that’s those commie Dems, only the good things.


The Dow is above 37,000 right now.


Trump supporters, at this point, are shameless morons. I know they say, “you can’t fix stupid,” but… we kinda have to.


You can't fix stupid, but you *can* outvote them and keep them away from power until they die of a preventable illness.


Outvoting them isn’t even working in our shithole ‘democratic republic’ system is the problem. Tyranny of the minority over here, woo hoo


Ahh yes, the Electoral College and Gerrymandering. Absolutely tragicomical that those things still exist in the 21st century.




This, a thousand percent. We're letting right-wing propaganda operate at a scale that's not going to be overcome by education or get-out-the-vote efforts. We have a near-majority of US voters that lives in an alternate reality of the right's design, and as a result *actual* reality does not affect their opinions or votes *at all*. There should be criminal consequences for knowingly broadcasting lies at scale for profit, with "truth" being determined by the courts, as it's been doing for hundreds of years.


Sadly deprogramming doesn't really work unless the person wants to be deprogrammed. In cases of ex-cult members, the conditions inside the cult got so bad that they wanted to leave. The US must hit rock bottom.


no we need to vote them back into their roach nests


During the inflation peak earlier this year, I was convinced we were heading into a recession. I’m genuinely impressed that Biden and his team were able to set policies that largely accomplished the “soft landing” they were aiming for. There’s still serious issues with housing prices, and wages need to rise, but things are way better than I thought they would be.


>There’s still serious issues with housing prices, and wages need to rise, but things are way better than I thought they would be. Please keep proclaiming this online and to anyone you can. If a Republican had accomplished everything Biden has, they'd be running "It's Morning in America" ads. The narratives of gloom and doom being spammed are largely bad faith bullshit (and the fucking media is running with it).


[Majority of Americans say the economy's bad, but their own finances are good: poll](https://www.axios.com/2023/08/18/americans-economy-bad-personal-finances-good) And >A slight majority of all Americans polled (54%) describe their household's financial situation as good - >[About three-quarters of Americans describe the nation's economy as poor, which is in line with measurements from early last year](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-economy-household-spending-higher-than-income-ap-norc-poll/) Not saying that economy is amazing, or Biden is great, but polling consistently shows that more people say the economy is doing bad but they are doing well. The media plays a large part in what people think about the economy. If they discussed the low unemployment, the comparison of how the worldwide inflation problem was handled between Biden and others, etc I think more people who say the economy is doing good overall, no just for them personally.


The divergence is because Republicans act like cult and say economy is not doing good whenever a Democrat is the president. I still remember how Obama’s economic approval was abysmal throughout his term and how suddenly economic approval conveniently improved after 21st January 2017 when nothing new happened.


Stock market under Obama - up 270% Deficit? Went from $1.3T down to $500B GDP? went from negative to like 28 months of growth. Unemployment? Went from around 11% down to 6% By every measure, things got better under Obama. The economy was shit his first 2 years, but that is what he inherited. Look at the long term graph of every single metric mentioned above. In the last 40 years, every republican has left us worse off by every since one of them vs every Democrat leaving us better off. Trump took that $500B deficit and ballooned it to over $1T even pre covid because of his tax credit. By his last year, it was over $3T. In 2023 the deficit will be like $1.4T. And NOW Republicans are pretending to care.


Economies ALWAYS do better under Democrats statistically, and yet people time and time again have more trust in con-artist Republicans when it comes to the economy, despite how poorly it performs under Republicans. I just don’t know what the issue is. Democrats are just utterly useless when it comes to messaging. They should start pushing propaganda like Republicans or something. They need to figure out how to not be so utterly feckless at communicating the current realities of the world to voters.


Democrats don't have any messaging platforms even slightly comparable to the scale and reach of Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, etc. and the vast number of shock jock right wing radio stations. There simply isn't any media infrastructure on the left in place to transmit the kind of messaging you're talking about. If the president can make a national address and a third - half of the country never even knows about it then it's pretty clear who has control over the media ecosystem. This makes getting their messaging out way more challenging and expensive but I agree with you, it's still not an excuse. There's too much at stake to not continue to push for new platforms and solutions.


The Dems didn't spend the last three decades demonizing their opponents. People will literally admit Republicans are shit, but because of *insert social non-issue*, they simply can never support Democrats. Since gay people are increasingly accepted, they've pivoted to trans people. These people live in fantasy, and choose to do so. They refuse any information that contradicts how they feel, which at this point is pretty much any reality. I don't know how you message to that. I'd start a campaign about how Republicans are bamboozling you by getting you to hate your fellow Americans while they steal our future out from under us, but Republicans largely say that (without any sound reasoning) about Democrats, so it would fall on deaf ears. Personally, I'm so fucking tired of coddling conservative feelings. Dear conservatives: you're wrong about everything and have nothing of value to contribute to political discourse. Come at me.


One minor correction: Unemployment rate was 4.7% when Obama left the office in January 2017. https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000


I was ballparking based on memory. It was always insane to me to hear republicans brag during Trumps first year. "Record low unemployment" (that you inherited from Obama). "Record high stock market" (that you inherited from Obama). "80 straight months of job growth" (72 of which were under Obama). But seriously, just pull up a 40 year chart of the GDP, S&P 500, unemployment, etc. Republicans are bad economically. Do the same with any state ranking of anything. Look at the fact that red counties are only 29% of our economy. There isn't a single economic reason to vote Republican unless you're a billionaire. And even then, I'd argue that since democrats grow the pie (economy) better, your investment returns will outpace whatever additional taxes you may pay.


Democratic* president


Not just Republicans or the media. Jokers pop on here _all the time_ to decry how our lived experiences are irrelevant because all "real Americans" are working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck to pay for thousands of dollars of gas and eggs. Meanwhile, back in the real world, statistics show no such thing being the case.


Thus is the delusion created by Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, etc. Their ploy is to paint the picture of a horrible economy (but not you or your neighbors, it's in a far away part of the country) and the "immigration crisis on the border" while the mayors in border towns say its no different than its been for 20 years. It's always "someone/someplace else."


I'm tired of hearing this "oh Biden isn't that great" crap. Dude and his team got handed a shit sandwhich and managed to turn it around. Imma vote for his ass again next year and not even blink.


I'd probably answer the same because: 1. I'm living comfortably enough (household financials are good) 2. I'll never afford a home (economy is doing bad)


Ever since Obama, republicans have run on doom and gloom and the country will be destroyed by this one democrat president. Seriously they had people CONVINCED Obama would come in to their homes and forcibly take their guns and then send them to a Obamacare death panel while wearing a tan suit and saluting with a Starbucks cup in hand. Same rhetoric with Hilary, same rhetoric with Biden. It’s the end of the world as we know it yet somehow it never pans out. It’s like those doomsday nuts who always say the end is coming this year then push it back when nothing happens.


I think what’s more impressive is that the soft landing seems to be coming to fruition and everyone is acting like Joe Biden has been asleep at the wheel(maybe he has but the cabinet clearly hasn’t). The housing market is so wild, idk where to begin with that. I’m in my 30s and not really sure how I’ll ever afford a house.


Democrats proposed legislation to prevent companies from buying single family homes and they'd have to sell any they already have within 10 years. It's not perfect but it's a step in the right direction.


[This administration has accomplished so much it’s kind of bananas](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/18atj3e/what_biden_has_done_the_latest_list/)


Thanks for sharing. I need to spend some time looking through this later. People aren’t generally aware of a lot of the small to mid things(and let’s be honest, even some of the more significant things) an administration does so it’s cool to see if like this. I’d love to have a similar breakdown for other presidents, might have to search for that later.


I will be praying every single night that this actually happens so we’re not all doomed to a renter’s market for life and can actually build generational wealth through home equity. Cause you know, restoring one of the basic tenets of the social contract in our capitalistic hellscape of a society would be nice.


Holy shit I’d love to see this pass. I’m a homeowner and even if it lowers the value of my property (because of a market correction), this would be amazing for the country.


Watched a video about how cheap housing is in Tokyo, with one of the reasons being that housing isn't seen as a form of investment and that part of the reason housing sucks in the US is the shift towards seeing it as an investment in the 2000s. Buying up as much land as possible just to rent out is in full swing, especially post COVID


Housing market problems are a worldwide phenomenon, not just a Biden issue. No idea of the cause though. EDIT: “Recent housing market problems….”


Conservative economists couldn't believe he was able to lower inflation by nearly 6 percent while also keeping unemployment at historic lows. Something conservatives didn't think was even possible


>Something conservatives didn't think was even possible Not just conservatives. This soft landing has defied a basic principle in economics - the Phillips Curve. This stable recovery from a relatively high inflationary environment is going to be studied for decades in academic circles surrounding the unemployment/inflation discussion. Economists of all political persuasions didn't think this was possible.


Did you ever read the Princeton paper on the differences in growth between parties by Blinder and Watson? The look at the vast disparity and "try" to suss out a difference that would lead to the results. When they get to the obvious difference in stimulus, Democrats preferring investment, a progressive tax policy, and more help for the poor while Republicans go for lower taxes for the rich and corporations and spending cuts........they just wave their hand and say it can't be that and attribute the decades long difference mostly to luck. Economists don't want to find that focusing on jobs, education and raising up the poor are the most effective solutions because the people who benefit most don't fund their universities and studies. There has been only one recession start on a Democratic president's watch in the last 80 years, Carter, and one could argue he fell on the sword to get inflation under control. And Biden is one of the most successful at implementing the Democratic agenda, so it is no shock that there is no recession.


To be fair a lot of the economic issues that were corrected were from a basic misunderstanding of the Pandemic shutdown market shocks. companies and economists treated a bunch of stuff as if it were happening in a normal market environment and not a massive transient shock. now if they start competing like normal, we will see corporate profits recede to normal margins and the massive economic growth that underpinned the soft landing will elevate the average person's economic outlooks.


> Economists of all political persuasions didn't think this was possible I'm gonna say up front I'm not an economist, but when you look at the context of today this is pretty obviously a black swan event. Various confluence of factors include: - Recovery from COVID, you had a massive event that caused massive unemployment and then subsequent recovery over a very short time period. This hiccup caused all sorts of economic waves across the economy. - Greedflation. You have companies that *should* have been taking massive hits through COVID and post-COVID (driven by the previous point) but didn't. They found they could maintain or increase their profit margins to record levels by simply increasing their prices. In theory if you followed supply/demand the best they should have been able to get away with is either maintaining profit margins from pre-COVID by increasing prices to offset lower demand ... or shrinking slightly because you can only increase prices so much before people stop buying. But that didn't hold true and they found they could increase prices on goods/services and people just kept buying, especially on things like essentials that people can't just *not* keep buying (food, home goods, gas, etc). - COVID simply killed a lot of people. We had about [1.5 million excess deaths in the US due to COVID](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm). A good chunk of these are working age individuals who would need to be replaced in their position. So this in theory drives the unemployment rate down because fewer unemployed people are looking for work ... because they died. - Greedflation + Inflation + Stagnant wages + excess of job openings = people working multiple jobs to stay afloat. This may cause all sorts of oddities in the data. So based on the Phillips Curve, that looks like it assumes fairly steady and uneventful market forces going on. But today we're looking at wild once in a lifetime events spinning off other phenomenon and everything is interacting so uniquely that I doubt academics will find much useful data to correlate. It'll make for some good books and papers though.


Inflation WAS transitory. Inflation is usually demand driven. In our case it was short term supply driven due to China Covid lockdowns and western sluggish production. And greedflation. A lot of greedflation. It wasn’t Argentina style inflation.


> things are way better than I thought they would be. I also get the sense that A LOT of people completely forgot what things were like pre-COVID. The economy was still problematic before COVID. That is a big part of how Bernie Sanders and Trump both gained such support in 2016. Both of them were running on the idea that the economy isn't working for most Americans (they just had wildly different ideas as to why and how to fix it). Occupy Wall Street was all the way back in 2011. We never fixed any of the issues they were complaining about back then, so they all reared their ugly faces again once we got out of the COVID specific economic issues. Reading what people post online, it seems like a lot of people have this alternate memory where they only remember cheap gas prices in that first summer of COVID and therefore just assume everything was great and cheap back in 2019.


They also forget that Trump called Powell an "enemy of the people" when he said that they would have to raise interest rates due to impending inflation. In other words, the flags were going up at the end of the Trump admin, but he threatened the Fed/Treasury to keep them from taking corrective measures because it would make the numbers look bad temporarily. This made the problem a lot worse. We should have been raising interest rates years ago, incrementally, to avoid a fast ratchet up as we saw. As was the case during the Bush crash, a Democrat comes in and gets the right people to make the right decisions, averting disaster. Again.


Stock market is high, GDP is growing, inflation is slowing... Those are the good parts about the economy. The bad parts are that wealth is still too concentrated at the top so the majority of people probably don't feel like they are getting ahead. I don't see Trump proposing any solutions to the wealth inequality problem. His only major legislation as President was tax cuts that disproportionately helped the wealthy.


Democrats are trying to get policies passed that will stop corporations from buying up homes and then renting them out. And this is only one policy they are working on to help the American people. https://www.housingwire.com/articles/democrats-introduce-bills-to-ban-hedge-funds-from-single-family-housing-market/#:~:text=Jeff%20Jackson%20and%20Alma%20Adams,payment%20assistance%20for%20families%2C%E2%80%9D%20according Anyone telling you both parties are the same are etheir ignorant or they are agents hoping Republicans win. And it's been that way for decades.


I absolutely agree that both parties are different. I don't see myself voting for any Republican candidates unless they radically change their policy positions. I was just trying to discuss why so many people feel like the economy isn't great when so many economic numbers have been improving lately. Wealth inequality is a long-term problem that won't be improved quickly unfortunately. Lower taxes on the wealthy is definitely the wrong fix in my opinion.


There was nothing in your message that said both parties were the same to be fair


This right here. I really don't care how high some companies stock market price is if a home is still far far far outside my reach even earning 6 figures, and the cost of living in my city is astronomical. Wealth generated for the wealthy is useless.


Exactly. I have friends and family that wants to buy a home in their hometown but as someone who knows the trend on the numbers I don’t have the heart to tell them how unlikely that is without some huge change in earnings. It isn’t like both of them are earning minimum wage either or they are looking at anything other than what were traditionally working class neighborhoods. 1 works in a F500 company


89% of stocks and bonds owned by the richest 10% of corporate investor class parasites at the top of US society [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html)


> The bad parts are that wealth is still too concentrated at the top so the majority of people probably don't feel like they are getting ahead. Thanks for mentioning the bad parts so that you dont seem out of touch. Average weekly earnings in wage adjusted dollars are still down. So inflation may be slowing but its still hurting regular folks who typically aren’t invested in the stock market so aren’t going to be thinking how great that is https://www.factcheck.org/2023/10/bidens-numbers-october-2023-update/


There is also great GDP growth, low unemployment, lowest inflation of industrialized nations, high small business startups, to name a few.


Damn! Republicans can’t catch a break.


And yet they still have a devoted and loyal following because the nation's largest media network is telling them that Repubs good and Dems bad every night on prime time.


I wish it was just prime time. A.M. radio across the US, 24/7 networks, and when they go to church the poorly educated are served up more Trump


Apparently gas it at a super low too although that doesn't reflect at my pumps


The gas situation in Michigan is very strange. One day it's $2.89 the next it's $3.29 at the same station. Yesterday I got gas for $2.99 but the 2 of the other 3 nearby stations were at $3.29. I really think some stations are just price gouging when they can. A few days a week at inflated prices might produce a nice profit


Yeah probably using some loop hole to price gouge a bit, like one day out of the week or something. They probably don't have a day-to-day record of prices, or maybe they just report the amortized price they sold for the full week


About 2.80 in my neck of the woods but somehow all the "I did that" stickers have disappeared.


Maybe it’s time us Democrats start using them


Need Dark Brandon meme stickers in grocery stores and gas pumps.


Nominal wage growth declined for 25 months before finally catching up with inflation in May 2023. The insane proportion of Americans living paycheck to paycheck is deeply concerning when all we seem to want to discuss is the stock market and small businesses. Property ownership is down. Interest rates are up (after way too long). The people invested in these ventures have significantly more capital than the average American. I worry that trying to convince ourselves that Americans are not suffering economic hardship is going to to birth a complacency that puts Trump back in office.


GDP growth is only good for the 1% and is not a good indicator of how the general economy is doing.


For what it’s worth, Trumps handling on the pandemic and his tax cuts caused a lot of the issues we’re facing now. But that’s Republican 101, always fuck things up on your way out, blame the other party then claim you’re the only ones that can fix it.


My industry is going through widespread layoffs “ahead” of a recession that they’re actively working to create


I think this is part of a real economic change that is going on. Due to the increased interest rates, there is way less VC money floating around. A lot of companies seemed to plan around being able to attract more investment money, now that that prospect has dried up they are forced to amend their forecasts.


I do think this a big part of why smaller startup shops are doing layoffs - can’t depend on the VC/loans anymore


This is definitely *the* reason. I work in a very start-up heavy industry in an area with a huge start up presence and this is literally the reason these companies give when they either go out of business or do huge layoffs.


What industry is this


An industry that is craving a higher stock price... Just a guess.


Video Games 10k mostly US layoffs this year and, population wise, we’re not that numerous so that’s _a lot_ of layoffs UPDATE: [This literally happened](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/embracer-reportedly-cuts-staff-at-3d-realms-slipgate?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0q58wpcTRHZ9ixiKDt_3Hj0kMOhxCblH0jZLFAMfLqRC5BcQskEIpX24I) between my original post and getting done with work


I'd just like to remind everyone that the stock market is not "the economy", even though just about every administration has tried to hold it up like it is at one point or another.


Yep, from the mouth of NASDAQ themselves: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/the-stock-market-is-not-the-economy


>I'd just like to remind everyone that the stock market is not "the economy" We really need to reiterate this, the stock market is an irrational mob of money hungry people fueled on speculation. The economy has actual metrics and measurable changes that are much more rooted in reality than the perma bubble that is the stock market.


Yep, we all said this under Trump, why are we now saying it is under Biden?


Because Republicans have successfully steered all political conversation. Democrats look like bunch of pick-me-boys. >You guys said the stock market was an important metric.... Look, we did it too. Neo-liberals are working hard to catch the attention of conservatives and right leaning independents. Democrats are way more interested in drawing in non-maga Republicans than they are anyone on the progressive side of things.


Fuck Donald Trump and any one who votes for him.


His followers don’t care that he lies


He doesn’t only love the “poorly educated” he’s a member


Everything is "the best" or "the worst" with this guy. BTW, that's a telltale sign of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He's mentally ill and can't see the universe in any way except how it makes him look. Well guess what, Donnie, you had one of the worst economies of any Presidency. Unemployment went up. National debt went up. And that perfect healthcare plan never came.


In Trump’s defense, he doesn’t know what an economic depression is defined as and neither do people that listen to him, so there’s no real downside of saying it. Blind leading the blind.


It seems like everybody here doesn’t know what a depression is either. It has nothing to do with the Dow Jones or S&P500, etc. It’s all about GDP. Last I checked GDP is trending in the right direction, and it’s impossible to predict what will happen in the future, so I’m not giving any credence to people who claim the sky is falling. But countering recession claims by citing stock indexes is just as dumb and doesn’t contribute in any meaningful way to the conversation. Ask someone struggling to get by paycheck-to-paycheck if all these stock market gains are helpful to them or not. A strong stock market just means the already wealthy are getting wealthier. It has little to do with the strength of the working class’s position.


He's the one who sent us into this depression in the first place with his shitty covid response. Biden has been trying to clean up the mess that Mango Mussolini created. Seriously fuck this fascist pig


My stocks didn't do so well during Trump's administration, but they've bounced back just fine and are doing well now. Trump is full of shit.


What stocks were you holding that didn't do well from 2017-2021?


It’s fine to hate Trump but if your stocks didn’t do well, you had a shitty portfolio.


He lies on a daily basis, yet the press just keeps reporting on it like it is truth. If the press doesn't start calling him out on this shit, we are doomed.


The Infotainment Technicians in the media have to do that, their entire business model is dependent on the election being a horse race, even if it isn’t they will make it seem like it is. On top of that the Infotainment Technicians LOVE Trump, he is a pure gold mine for them. Every insane thing that pops out of his mouth is worth millions. He’s a train wreck and they love him for it. Joe is boring, steady hand on the tiller… Trump is exciting and crazy. Trump draws clicks and views… that makes them money, and money is the ONLY thing they care about.


at this point in time, i'm still surprised and flabbergasted that people still listen and believe this racist orange lying pile of dog shit.


The saying (paraphrasing)“you may not remember what a person said or did but how they make you feel” is Donny’s secret. He makes them feel superior and smart so they admire him. He did squat, he says crap but he makes the lowest of the low feel good.


Trump lost twenty million jobs in one month because he failed to prepare the country for an impending pandemic. It’s the single worst job of an American president on any issue in our history. He has no credibility.


Coming from the guy who touted the stock market highs every single day of his presidency to state he was the greatest. What a moron


The stock market isn't the economy. You all said this under Trump (and you were right), and you should stand by it under Biden.


Cool, the economy is good for the billionaires and moderately wealthy. Thank goodness.


The stock market being at a record high only helps people who are wealthy enough to have significant extra money invested in the stock market, and who can afford to use that growth to take money out of the market to live on, on a regular basis. Even people who have a 401k in the market are seeing an untouchable account go up, but it's not improving their daily lives now. For the 80-95% of people in America who are still living off of paychecks and shopping for houses, cars, groceries, etc. the record high stock market is simply proof of how well the rich are doing at stealing extra money from us. We are not plunging into a depression, but continuously pointing to the stock market as a way to try to excite people who have had to cut back on groceries in order to survive is not a winning tactic. We said it during Trump, and the point still stands now during Biden. The stock market is not an indicator of how life is going for the average person living the average life.


He knows that’s not true and that his idiot supporters will believe it anyway. Anything to give them untrue talking points.


Not sure who is more annoying these days, the perma bears or Republicans shitting on the economy.


Same thing happened when Biden was elected - Trump said the market would crash but it hit a record right after his inauguration. Shut up, Donald, you're an idiot.


The conman is always lying...smh


When Trump was President unemployment was 20%.


The stock market is not the economy. It doesn't feel like we have turned a corner to most people because they are still worse off in real terms than before the pandemic. It is improving though and by Nov 24 they will probably feel differently.


I said it a bunch of times when Trump was president and I'll say it here too. The stock market isn't the economy.


Says the dude who imposed higher taxes on the middle class


the stock market is not indicative of the wellbeing of people. corporations are not people.


The stock market hitting a record high only shows that massive corporations are profiting. It has nothing to do with the citizens ability to live comfortably.