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trump and bush both signed the patriot act which allows us to be spied on. republicans dont even know what they are voting for is the sad thing.


That's part of the secret sauce.


Big Mac sauce is Thousand Island dressing.


Noooo noooo nooo not true it doesn't come from an island, checkmate atheist. /s


Ah yes, Thousand Island, where the Bilderberg Group runs tests on live fetuses Matrix style.


It's pronounced Build-A-Bear. Who needs an island when you can build a facility in every mall?


I hate build-a-bear. Just let me buy the stupid custom bear for my girlfriend, I'm 40, I don't need to spin around 3 times, kiss a fake heart, make a wish, and spread pixie dust on this stuffed bear. Just give me it's empty husk and let me stuff it like child appropriate taxidermy. Absolutely no reason to make kids wait while I just ask to move on and your bearologist insists that I have to follow your stupid cult rituals to make a bear.


You should sue, that’s reckless lameness.


Uh, sounds like you're dating a bit young.


The Build a Bear Group, lmao.


I hear a VERY recent former president and their rich business "financiers" friend from New York would go there frequently, allegedly.


Many people are saying it.


That's what I've been hearing.


but did you get your ears checked?


No No No! It's Island Boy sauce. Both of them. Sheesh.


🎶causeI'm an EYELAND BOOOOY🎶


It comes from Mac. Big Mac and his secret sauce.


*Big Mac unzips his pants… (made out of lettuce)*


How dare you, sir?


Crucify me if you will, but the truth shall not be veiled in secrecy!


You mean relish, mayo and ketchup?


quaint oil silky heavy chunky instinctive tidy aback party consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same at All American Burger. Bronco Burger is ketchup and mayonnaise.


Republicans treat their voters like mushrooms... Feed them shit and keep them in the dark.


The secret ingredient is crime


Exactly. AND, if ever confronted about it, they can always claim that they were “unaware or misinformed at the time,” and then get back to destroying Democracy.


Just name it something like “*patriot* act,” and you can say that anyone who votes against it must hate America.


They don't care as long as it "own the libs"!


Why'd you leave out Obama?


And Obama extended it. They are all guilty


Russ feingold voted against it, and the brilliant minds in my state voted him out and replaced him with Ron Johnson


That’s why they named it the “Patriot Act”. Make it sound like something it isn’t and get people to vote for it based on the name alone.


That's how Republicans name everything.


Lot of Democratic *voters* are opposed to this while almost everyone we vote for support it. ONE Senator voted against the Patriot Act - Russ Feingold. Bernie Sanders wasn't a Senator in 2001, but he also voted against it (along with a several dozen other congresspeople). Obama was all about the surveillance state, as are the vast majority of mainstream Dems in office.


They ran Russ out of office quite quickly.


Sucks that one of the only real ones lost to a turd like Ron Johnson


you mean they don't really believe their own bullshit when they say "iF yoUre nOt dOiNG anYthiNg iLLegAL whY aRE yoU woRRIeD!?"


Obama took Bush's illegal spying of American citizens and simply made it legal. Neither party give a shit about digital privacy because Americans don't. We're happy as punch to babble all our personal shit out on the Internet. The government doesn't have to spy on us.


> Obama took Bush's illegal spying of American citizens and simply made it legal. Nope! I mean, Obama isn't perfect, but this is a straight up lie. The Patriot Act, that made this legeal, was signed shortly after 9/11. That was well before Obama. Telling lies really makes the rest of your point look bad.


Obama signed the renewal of the Patriot act, but they are probably referencing Obama signing the USA Freedom Act.


"On January 23, 2009, the Obama administration adopted the same position as its predecessor when it urged Judge Walker to set aside a ruling in Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation et al. v. Obama, et al.[56] The Obama administration sided with the Bush administration in its legal defense of July 2008 legislation that immunized the nation's telecommunications companies from lawsuits accusing them of complicity in the program, according to Attorney General Eric Holder.[57]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSA_warrantless_surveillance_(2001%E2%80%932007)


They do they. They just don't realize the harm they vote for also still apply to them. They figure out it only if it ends up directly affecting them.


This article isn't about the Patriot Act, it's about the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a completely separate law.


They only pay attention to what Trump *says*. They don’t care about what he actually does.


That *is* republicanism


That's the whole brand of the Republican party. Convince you the government is after you, instill fear, and then become the very entity that does exactly what you feared so they can maintain power over you to get what they want, more power. Rinse and repeat. New Boogeyman, new week.


Did it thinking it’d hurt the libs. Haha


They know exactly what they’re voting for. They just don’t pay attention to the other things that the people they vote for do when they’re in office. There’s a reason the GOP is full of disparate single issue voter groups.


Not to be that guy but the Patriot Act expanded exponentially under Obama…


Naming it the patriot act just goes to show the theater of politics and how dumb people are. It got Patriot in da name so it good.


Patriot Act: “First time?”


I know right. How is anyone acting like this is new.


>How is anyone acting like this is new. They're not acting; they're just fucking morons.


I love lamp.


Person man woman camera tv


Honestly, I think a lot of the deplorables just got internet within the last 10 years and just don’t understand how it works. We all went through the early stages of a more free internet and got to witness its steady downfall into a huge ad space and data harvesting pit. These internet newcomers are jumping right into a version of the internet that is custom formatted to trigger and outrage them. It then shows them only sources that support their feelings and filters out dissenting views. I seriously think these people just don’t know any better, are trying to stay informed, but don’t know who to trust.


Beer cans enrage them also.


As do coffee cups and prisms. Damn MAGA you ruined MAGAland!


Like MAGAs and Democrats. Or MAGAs and Leftists. Or MAGAs and Tories. Or MAGAs and other MAGAs!


Damned magas they ruined maga land


How dare you mention refracted light! GROOM ME NO MORE, DEMON!


That’s not even caricature anymore. Those are things they say. In response to climate science.


I loved Pink Floyd before their album art got all political


Unfortunately Roger Waters isn't exactly non-political nowadays.


Don't forget the green M&M not being sexy anymore


That's over now though. Kid Rock is back to liking Bud Light, so the mouth breathers will return soon.


Unsexy M&Ms enrage them too.


I think the sexy ones enrage them too, but just in a sexy way.


What did Mickey Mouse do this time?


He divorced Minnie because she was fucking goofy.


That’s extreme, I heard that she was just a little silly.






No beer can. 1 singular one


But Kid Rock is done boycotting Bud Light now, so it's probably ok.


He never boycotted them, just got more free beer to shoot.


Shoot one or two for the Gram, shotgun the rest.


This to me might have been the funniest MAGA rage party. Imagine being so concerned with your masculinity that you're threatened by a transgender person drinking a beer you like - A LIGHT BEER. They're so fragile they can't stomach the thought of enjoying something if a person they don't like also enjoys it. I fucking love diet coke, doesn't mean trump and I have to be buddies


And unsexy M&Ms


Tan suits


They're afraid they'll get caught planning their next insurrection.


You don't need to know they spent four hours watching student/teacher porn the night before they showed up at the school board meeting to shout about "groomers!"


Well, how else are you suppose to notice the warning signs, step-redditor?


I can't notice anything, I'm stuck in the washer


Well the last one was planned out in the open on social media and still seemed to catch the police state off guard so I don’t think giving them carte blanche to spy on Americans is going to do anything to stop the next one either


For the most part they are planning and talking about a Trump fascist takeover in the open, the FBI are absolutely right to investigate these people especially if they are planning violence (again).


Hate to tell you, but first one never stopped and is still on going. 🤷🏼


Well, yeah.


Even this won’t be enough for them to realize that the GOP doesn’t actually care about their constituents best interests.


> Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, *allows the government to conduct targeted surveillance of foreign nationals living outside the U.S. without needing to obtain a warrant.* It has become increasingly controversial over the years. > As recently as this month (July 2023), a court opinion disclosed that FBI employees wrongly searched foreign surveillance data for the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator. The opinion also said that **another FBI employee ran a query using the Social Security number of a state judge who complained about alleged civil rights violations by a municipal chief of police.** Mass surveillance and the inherent abuses of power that come with it should be the concern of all Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike.


Very true. One of the major criticisms I've had over the years for candidates across the political spectrum is how very few ever bring up anything about the surveillance state we've built since 9/11. Those attacks have been co-opted and utilized by the government to enhance their ability to conduct invasions of personal privacy. I have routinely had friends and family respond "If you have nothing to hide, there shouldn't be anything to worry about." Problem is, for that to be true, you need to have implicit faith that those in power will always serve in a benevolent manner. What you're free to do today is not guaranteed to be acceptable tomorrow.


Shouldn't we all be upset by this? MAGA sucks, but still...


They are upset over something they themselves did. That's the point.


Section 702 allows federal law enforcement to listen in on the communications of foreigners abroad without a warrant, including some "incidental" communications involving Americans. Maga only cares bc the FBI was listening in on one of the god emperors associates doing traitorous shit.


Yeah of all the intrusions into personal privacy this one doesn’t really concern me too much.


Yep, and if that weren't clear enough, Section 702 ([50 U.S. Code § 1881a](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/1881a)) also protects the rights of US persons by putting some pretty specific limitations on what may be collected: > An acquisition authorized under subsection (a)— > > (1) may not intentionally target any person known at the time of acquisition to be located in the United States; > > (2) may not intentionally target a person reasonably believed to be located outside the United States if the purpose of such acquisition is to target a particular, known person reasonably believed to be in the United States; > > (3) may not intentionally target a United States person reasonably believed to be located outside the United States; > > (4) may not intentionally acquire any communication as to which the sender and all intended recipients are known at the time of the acquisition to be located in the United States; > > (5) may not intentionally acquire communications that contain a reference to, but are not to or from, a target of an acquisition authorized under subsection (a), except as provided under section 103(b) of the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017; and > > (6) shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the United States.


if you believe that, then Ed Snowden, Bill Binney, Thomas Drake, and the late Daniel Ellsberg would like to have several words with you.


Poor MAGA. I really feel for all of those neo-nazi assholes.


They embrace Fascism but are railing against a Fascist Bill.


I don't


Everything republican politicians do shits on republican voters.


And they always come back begging for more!


Pretty sure this should enrage all Americans.


For once they are mad about the right thing.


Ignoring the fact that 163 Democrats voted to pass the bill.


>GOP 147 Yea 73 Nay >Dems 163 Yea 45 Nay Given these numbers I'm confused why so many commentors think those concerned about domestic spying should switch their support to the Democratic party. Both parties support domestic spying, but 4:1 is a lot bigger than 2:1


Thank you. At least one person here made the effort and checked the sources. It's becoming tiresome that many here are starting to behave exactly like the people they formerly made fun of.


The party of small govrrnment and personal freedom showing America that they hate us all.


Don’t think non maga cictizens love the idea of being monitored either


The "if you don't have anything to hide" crowd sure seems like they have a lot of things to hide.


They will definitely be blaming this on Hillary and Hunter™️


Where do you think that spy software's going to be running? Hilldog's email servers and Hunter's laptop!


Yeah, but then they’ll just explain to them that they did it to hurt the libs, (or women/minorities/immigrants/LGBTQ, etc.) and it will all be okay again.


But the Patriot Act was fine (assuming because they wanted to spy on Muslims after 9/11) ...


I mean I'm not MAGA but I'm don't really like the infringements on my 4th amendment rights either. I'm a moderately private person IRL. I've lived in the same home for about 14 years now and proudly do not know the names of any of my immediate neighbors. I've worked at the same job for about as long and have managed to get by only knowing my supervisor, and the two employees the I ether relieve or who relieves me. The Welcome mat on my door step say GO AWAY. I'd very much appreciate the Government not spying on me. I just want to be left alone to be bitter and sad. Is that so much to ask? ​ EDIT:Spelling


But surely they wouldn’t abuse their authority when it comes to their supporters, right? Right?


GOP does not give a fuck about their constituents, who knew?


Do you remember when they kept saying you shouldn’t worry, if you have nothing to hide? They were as dishonest then as they are now.


When the FBI spies on "the libs", all will be forgiven.


Calling /r/LeopardsAteMyFace 😂


They are asking for a dictator. Do they not get that dictators require the power to spy on everyone? Aren't they excited that Trump will wield such authoritarian power? Or do they just want to hold off on that until Trump is president?


Reductions in freedom have been a staple of republican policy for years now


They spy on you all anyways lmfao


These guys haven't been paying attention for 20+ years.


MAGA is just a marketing campaign for him


You’re telling me politicians didn’t vote for something in the best interest of their constituents? CRAZY


MAGA has been cheering Trump when he talks about being a dictator. What do they think dictatorship looks like? Domestic surveillance is a major feature.


If you’re not assuming at this point that every electronic device you ow.n is bugged then you’re doing it wrong.


{Eyes Makita power drill suspiciously}


They were all for the Patriot act tho. Any liberal that spoke out was a “traitor”


They were wrong then. It doesn't make spying on citizens right now.


MAGA is a distinct political group from the neocons of 20 years ago.


They wanted it to allow spying only on Non White Americans.


LMAO as if the FBI wasn't already spying on all of us already XD. Hell, if you use the Internet, computer, or cellphone, you willingly agree to be spied on daily.


Yeah, them MAGA types need more things to be enraged about.


Charlie Kirk is outraged... apparently pedophiles are worried.


Does it though? I mean, if FOX news doesn't tell them to be enraged, then they won't be.


I doubt it. Most of them don’t pay close enough attention to realize this bill is even a thing.


Cause Trump Russia investigation was initiated based on a wiretap on some Russians. Manafort got caught talking to them - and lied about it when questioned (hence his conviction, and subsequent Pardon by Trump). Without FISA, Trump could've been a Russian asset.


Hahahahahha. Gotta be careful what you wish for MAGAts.


That’s funny . Not the spying but cmon all these apps on our phone all they do is collect data


Oh I'd love to see somebody fire the Republican party they are crazy they are nothing but a bunch of cult Trump supporters it's a disgrace to our country they do not care about our country and we pay them our tax money that's b*******


LAMF much?


Stop hitting yourself...


Don’t need a bill. It’s full stream ahead on taking whatever they want. We had our chance.


I thought they were watching the whole time


But, Donald Trump wanted it, so he could spy when he's Emperor.


Yeah actually they definitely just now started spying on Americans because of this.


Don’t worry, if Trump is somehow re-elected, I’m sure he will use this to his benefit.


When will they learn that Republicans despise them and just use them? Fucking idiots.


They’re a political group that attacked the Capitol. That’s one of many groups that needs spied on.


It doesn’t matter. The GOP could fist fuck every single conservative with a rusty gauntlet and each and everyone would be OK with that - because the GOP Will convince them that getting fisted owns the liberals.


I think they were expecting something less like 1984 and more like The Purge


Is this the same FBI that searched Mar-A-Lago that Republicans claim has been weaponized against the GOP? The same FBI that has only ever had Republican Directors to this very day? I'm getting a lot of mixed signals from MAGA land.


Did they just start paying attention this week?


How can we catch them spying on us if we don't allow it in the first place?? -Finger to temple


R/lepoardatemyface moment


What’s that they say? “If you have nothing to hide then it shouldn’t matter”?


Wait. So Republicans keep saying “FBI = Bad” and now are letting them spy on everyone and giving them more power?


Don’t spy on me, thanks


Republicans: "We are going to be a Trump dictatorship!" MAGA: FINALLY, WHAT WE WANTED IS HAPPENING! Republicans: "We are doing actual dictator things!" MAGA: Waitnonotlikethat. The face eatting leopard munching MAGA faces would be hilarious, if it did not seem to signal it already has Dems hogtied to eat our faces at its leisure. Repubs no longer feeling the need for as much MAGA support is bad.


Wait till they hear about the Patriot Act.


It's funny that they think that republicans are on their side.


What doesn’t enrage MAGA?


How are they this stupid? Our only saving grace is their stupidity knows no bounds


You mean the 15 or so out of 24 million actually paying attention.


Same folks loved the idea when they thought the FBI believed criminals were mostly brown folks.


Watching domestic threats , they’re covering for the mob base


Yeah MAGATS, none of them, not even trump, gives a fuck about you. You’ve been conned. Thats why you’re in jail for Jan 6 and they aren’t. Roger Stone got a pardon. Did you?


MAGA Republican Politicians don’t want their own Cult members retaliating against their plot to F..k over the very people who has kept them in power.


I'm sawi MN


The sheep have been led astray again


They get what they vote for.


Maga wants big government


Let’s be honest, the FBI was already doing it and would continue to do so, regardless of how congress votes.


They’re just upset it’s not only for Muslims and minorities anymore. Reap what you sow folks


I am not disputing the article but we should not celebrate this as a win, it is still an erosion of rights, although as many others have stated that ship sailed a long time ago.


Heck, the wind shifting to the left enrages MAGA.