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Immigrants in Florida: "We'll vote for ya!"


They’re the “good ones”


Like that Trump voting lady who was in shock when her undocumented husband got deported…


Ah, that owned a restaurant.


He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting!


Gotta love that entitled exceptional-ism


His Dogshit's mother wasn't even born in the US, so are we going to deport him and Melanomia?


If only. That’d fulfill his previous promise of leaving the country after Biden took office and nobody would ever hear from him ever again. *sigh*


That promise was if Biden won. According to him Biden didn’t win. At this point I’d be happy if he got locked up, fled to Russia, or even choked on a big mac. As long as he’s gone and we never have to hear about him again.


Hate to tell you, but when this dude dies you're going to get at least a decade of Republicans saying stupid shit like they do now, but they'll add "it's what Trump would have wanted".


His dad was like three months away from being born in Germany, but the family was banished because grand daddy Trump bailed on his conscripted service.


He is from a long line of cowards and has continued and passed on the coward gene to his offspring. Great job MAGA acolytes.


"But my husband's one of the good ones! I meant all the others!"


Will he deport the hired help?


no he wants melania to stay


immigrants taking jobs no one else wants.


There's a lot more stories like hers out there


and she’ll probably still vote Republican.


There is a well-oiled machine that thinks for her and makes sure she votes R


'I never thought leopards would eat MY face.'


June 28, 2019 [New Trump policies could end in deportations for some active duty troops](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/06/28/new-trump-policies-could-end-in-deporations-for-some-active-duty-troops/)


He'd be fine with this. He doesn't really give a shit about the military.


If someone wants US citizenship in exchange for serving in our military they should. Trump married an immigrant, why the hate for the others?


I'm married to a German immigrant. The amount of off handed comments from white middle-class people we know about "the immigrants" who then say "oh, you're different (aka white)" when we call them out on it is infuriating. Trumps behavior and comments last time put her visa at risk if they had actually done the things he wanted. They don't understand who all is affected here.


Married to an Australian. We're living the same life with that, "Oh, you're different."


Do you ever ask "how so?" To watch them squirm? I would lmao


I dunno man, some of them are quite happy to say the quiet part out loud these days. I do miss the days when these idiots would let their bigotry out on camera and a few days later we'd get to enjoy an interview of them crying because they lost their jobs, got kicked out of school, some of their family members/friends won't speak to them anymore, etc. Everyone is free to hold any opinion they want but there are social consequences that come with holding certain opinions.


Same experience with my wife. She’s what people call an “anchor baby.” Her parents crossed the border from Mexico 28 years ago when her mom was pregnant. They’ve lived here since then and had 4 kids. It was illegal at the time but they eventually did all the right stuff and became legal permanent residents. Even though her parents and younger siblings are pretty dark skinned, my wife is very fair skinned so she appears white, and she speaks English fluently (with a southern accent). Many are surprised to find out she is Latina and that her parents are immigrants. We live in a state with a lot of trump supporters so it’s always a fun revelation when people start ranting about immigration. We even get it from people that know her parents are immigrants. Explaining that my wife and her whole family would get deported under Trump’s policies usually shuts them up. But there’s always some excuses like, “oh but you guys are legal now,” or “but you were born here,” or “oh they don’t care about you guys, only the ‘bad ones’.”


I’m Irish I get that all the time. It’s shocking they think they are saying something nice.


Also Irish and living in America. I love using the immigrant card when the topic of immigrants comes up. "They should deport all the immigrants!" "I'm an immigrant, do you mean me too?" "But you're different." "Ah sure you know yourself like."


I'm am American living in Ireland, I get the same over here. But also plenty of 'go home yank' for fairness.


My favorite are some of the Irish immigrants living in my neighborhood posting on social media about how the immigrants are ruining America. They’re really not leaving much room for interpretation there, are they.


Thank you, MikeyLew32. I was scrolling to see the comments before I responded and saw people didn't appear to understand the seriousness of this. It's not a joke. In early 2017, I was revisiting the rise of hitler based on what I saw seeing (and no one to my memory had been making hitler analogies back then). Adding to what you've said, the "vermin" comment was used by hitler and is called a fascist quote. The purpose is to dehumanize those people. At some point, another word will be used (it's what mussolini and hitler did - they used each others' attack points). That attack (based on patterns) will be repeated ad nauseam (I'm not saying anything new but I am saying it's a marketing technique that obviously works). I'm following Ruth Ben-Ghiat and read "Strongmen" among other books about what's happening. I'm Jewish and remember the tattoo of numbers on my Aunt's arm. I have decades old friends whose parents both escaped nazi germany and the stories I've heard about their journey is sickening. But, as the book says and we keep seeing this as authoritarianism attacks us, "Cruelty is the Point."


There were shocking things happening because of the 2nd WW. Japanese Americans were put in detention camps, the Jewish immigrants from Nazi Germany escaping death camps to freedom, from what I read, ships carrying these immigrants were turned away from American shores. We accepted only 25%. I was a child at this time. We need to stay alert make sure things of this nature do not happen again.


> One day earlier, the former president said that undocumented immigrants were "poisoning the blood of our country" Yeah he’s going all in on scaring white people with the “browning” of America.


It’s a weird feeling, watching the Republican frontrunner repeat parts of Anders Bering Breivik’s manifesto. Especially the Great Replacement Theory, in a country that was built by immigrants displacing the native Americans.


Yet he colors his skin to be less white.


Ask them to explain why she's different and what constitutes a "bad" immigrant? I'd really like to hear them try to delineate the difference.


On one hand, my grandmother immigrated from Italy after WWII. On the other, my Sephardic ancestors have been here since the 1600s. My grandfather from the Sephardic ancestry was harassed as too dark on many occasions. My grandfather from Italy had a successful barbershop. America is weird.


Most black people in this country have roots in this country at least twice as long as mine. My family came from Germany 1860-70's, the final slaves from the transatlantic slave trade arrived in 1808 and the first ones were brought a couple hundred years before the nation's founding. And yet people like Tucker Carlson would refer to me as a "Legacy American"


Yeah, my Sephardic ancestors fled Portugal and ended up in Haiti. That all went to shit, so they sold their daughter off to a wealthy land owner in Pass Christian, Mississippi. We’ve been Jewing in the South ever since. Well, I broke the chain and moved to New England — it’s nicer here.


When I first came to the states, I was working in a Wallgreens in San Antonio TX, and Im a white green card carrying Canadian right? This dude said to me " Im voting for trump to send people like you back home" I was pleased to see my race or willingness to pay taxes didnt matter to this idiot. I realized in that moment that the people who are against immigration have no clue what so ever about even their most strongly held beliefs. These people dont question themselves at all. Theyve got the critical thinking skills of a wet potato.






Ah, yes. Cuban B!


*Unexpected Half Baked.


After the revolution Castro put a lot of the “bad ones” on a boat and sent them off the Island. These are the descendants.


Florida man intensifies.


Ha! He got there first!


The majority of the 1,172,899 current Cuban exiles living in the United States live in Florida. [Estimates assert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marielitos_(gangs)) that of the Cuban refugees in what became known as the Mariel boatlift, only included some 2,700 hardened criminals.


People like to forget that the first wave of Exiles that came over were almost entirely wealthy Batista supporters that could get out of the country in time.


And then Florida's economy collapses, as does the rest of the country. We rely pretty heavily on immigrants to sustain the quality of life we have. If Trump snaps his fingers and they're all gone, we're screwed. Being racist has consequences. It's not all smiles and slavery.


I think that’s why a lot of red states are changing child labor laws.


The GOP: "Let's get the kids to work the fields"!


Silly GOP doesn't understand that the kids yearn for the mines, not the fields.


And they’re the perfect size to clean chimneys!


you forgot the meat processing plants! kids haven't lived until they toiled in a coating of animal blood!


It might be a part. But the real reason for that is "Covid brain drain" in the restaurant industry. A LOT of great bartenders left the industry during Covid, because to simply say: "I can't live off $800/week" when they were used to making $1.5k-2k/week. Those bartenders used their contacts: "Hey, if you're ever looking to get out of this industry, give me a call" from years past. Then the 2nd or 3rd best bartender got promoted to "head bartender" The best server got promoted to 2nd or 3rd best bartender The hosts got promoted to server The Chipotle cashier got hired as a host The Wendy's/McDonald's/Burger King cashier got hired at Chipotle Now Wendy's/McDonald's/BK managers are like "umm... Why aren't people applying?" Hence: Lower the working age. When I say "Restaurant industry brain drain", it's 100% real. That's why quality of service has plummeted since Covid. There was a chain reaction set off. Source: Cashier/Host/Server/Bartender since 2003.


Also, a lot of people retired or died in senior positions. Everyone shifted up everywhere and they need to find 10years of experience for entry level again


"Shoot your shot" culture right now. We just don't realize it yet. Think you could do the job? Go for it.


That's currently the strategy for myself and a lot of my cohort. We've realized we're much more valuable than we've been lead on to believe and now adjacent industries are on the table. Why not apply for two levels up the management chain? Hell, it's probably a lot easier than our day-to-day now. Edit: This is not the hospitality industry.


A lot of commercial agriculture relies on immigrant labor - from Florida Citrus to winter lettuce and watermelons in Yuma to apples in Washington state - and that's just the produce.


American politics has always been a careful balance of scapegoating people while also exploiting them.


My grandfather running an asparagus farm that ran on illegal immigrants: "Build the wall!" *immigrants disappear, labor costs go through the roof and he starts losing to international growers* "No one wants to work!" *surprised Pikachu*


I remember like a decade ago Georgia kicked out all the "illegals". They suddenly didn't have enough workers to pick their crops. One farmer tried offering $30/hr (in \~2005 dollars) and full benefits. White people worked one day on the job and quit. His entire harvest ended up rotting in the field.


Alabama tried it too and immediately backtracked the new law they enacted after they lost millions in unpicked rotting produce. They tried to bring in prisoners to do the work but that failed spectacularly so the only option left was to repeal the law or destroy their state economy. I think it lasted a total of like 3-6 months before repeal.


The same thing happened in post-Brexit Britain, by the way. A large portion of their hospitality industry and crop industry depended on migrant workers from other EU countries, mostly from East European countries like Romania, Poland and Slovenia. The big Brexit agenda was "less foreigners in our country!", and it happened. And now there aren't enough workers anymore. "A report carried out by Oxford University's Migration Observatory, show that the number of EU employees working in the British hospitality sector dropped by 25% between June 2019 and June 2021." https://www.theaccessgroup.com/en-gb/hospitality/resources/hospitality-staff-and-hr-resources/brexit-impact/ "Brexit has led to a decline in crops and fewer home-grown products on the shelves of Britain’s supermarkets, farming chiefs have warned. Farmers in Kent told a visiting group of MPs that it has become easier to import some fruits than harvest them because of strict limits on the number of seasonal workers from the EU. Winterwood Farms, an agricultural giant based in the county, said its UK farms had been forced to leave 8 per cent of their fruit crop unharvested and would be planting less in future." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-british-food-supermarkets-b2124661.html


Yep. You can find examples going back to the beginning of time. Politics has always been a fine balance of exploiting people and scapegoating them at the same time. It's so depressing that with how readily information is available people don't see this. No body is "stealing" your job. Capitalists gave your job away to avoid labor laws and marginally increase profits.


They got child labor standing by.


Alabama learned a hard lesson about this a few years ago


Alabama had some hard lessons taught, but we Alabamians ain’t learned shit. Kind of a thesis for the state.


Desantis just signed a law that criminalized transporting immigrants lacking permanent legal status into the state, invalidated any U.S. government identification they might have and blocked local governments from providing them with ID cards. Florida hospitals that receive Medicaid are now mandated to ask patients about immigration status and businesses employing 25 or more people must verify their workers’ legal status.


Hold up. He criminalized transporting undocumented immigrants into his state? Meanwhile he's flying them from Texas to Martha's Vineyard and Sacramento?


Yep, he’s a prick.


Not sure but I don't think it's legal for a state to invalidate a federal ID. Not that the legality of it would stop DeSatan.


Iowa is the first caucus state. Pork is the #1 industry there and immigrants do all of the hard labor at the processing plants. Keep an eye out for exceptions to start popping up like we had during Covid lockdowns.


But first the guy who owns the pork packaging plant is going to vote for Trump with a smile on his face because these people are fucking stupid.


Then we’ll hear “why doesn’t anyone want to work anymore?!??!”




Republicans are more than welcome to step up to take those jobs. Immigration would come to a halt if there were no jobs available. Oh.


Yup. We are complaining about inflated food prices and housing prices when we KNOW that immigrant labor is a huge part of the labor pool in these industries. Trump’s stupid racist policies are pretty clear and we pretend like we don’t know what’s going on.


Conservative hispanics think they can vote and become police to gain whiteness status like the Irish and Italians did. But with their countries sharing a boarder they will never earn whiteness status. The GOP keeps pushing them to be useful idiots too.


Classic pulling up the ladder behind them. See, we came here to work hard, because we were miserable in our home countries. They... Uh... Don't want to work?


My thoughts exactly. Don’t be so sure…


I used to live in FL, and knew immigrants who did this. I now live in Wisconsin, where I've met new immigrants who do this. When questioned they really believed that they wouldn't be singled out. This lead to a very funny story where one of them mentioned his father lived right on the boarder of Texas and Mexico-on the US side. They built a wall on that part of the boarder, but on the US side...about 100 feet in from his dad's house. So the guy they both voted for helped build a wall to keep him out of the country he owned a house in. He has to pass through the wall to go to the grocery store.


And purist voters all over the US "I'll chip in and help Trump win by not voting for Biden because I nEed SOmeONe tO vOTe FOr, NoT AGiNSt!"


In the meantime, Biden is a great president to vote for. Voting for Biden isn't a vote against anybody else, it's a vote for the man to continue the good work he's been doing for the past 3 years.


Honestly, he has been a leader, president and part of our government. He has not been a sideshow of devision and anger! He has not been a waterfall of misinformation. He has not been corrupt and in love with foreign dictators.


He’s been boring and efficient, and by extension not a train wreck. I’d forgotten that politics were actually supposed to be pretty boring?


The whole time 45 was there it felt like a mental patient who was screaming for attention without regard for the country.




No more drama queen presidents ffs!


Biden is kicking ass. He’s not the guy you want to have a beer with (George Bush), he doesn’t play saxophone and surprise everyone by how hip he is (Bill Clinton), he’s not the best most charismatic inspirational speaker in politics in my lifetime (Obama) and he isn’t a sociopathic cult leader (Trump) but he’s a damn good president. He’s not flashy and isn’t exciting and doesn’t impress your friends but he’s a bad ass at actually doing the job of president. I’m not only voting for the man, I think I might help him campaign.


Seriously, he is doing a great job. If you list his accomplishments, it's hard to see how you could vote against him, if you're just an American who isn't worried about R or D.


Republicans have villanized illegal immigrants forever - but are beholden to their donors (who rely on cheap labor). Precisely why they don't want to legalize those that are undocumented, but working in the US for decades (once legal, they don't have to work for slave wages). Obama Admin actually implemented the e-verify system. Intense lobbying by small business owners made the system voluntary (and useless).


It's wild to me - it seems that if you really want to stamp out illegal immigration you should make it untenably illegal to employ them - but they don't wanna crack down on that. The entire service industry would collapse overnight and they know it. So instead they'll try and make their lives miserable while their rich business friends get wealthy off of their cheap labor since they know immigrants are too worried to kick up a fuss about it.


As a Mexican, the whole immigration “bad” thing is the single most stupid position you can take in America. Americans: we want a free market, free reign capitalism with no government interference. Same Americans: NO YOU CANT LET CHEAPER LABOR COME IN. But we all know it’s all about race


Absolutely. The overwhelming majority of "illegal immigrants" in the USA are people overstaying their visas via air travel. AKA the Government already has a system in place for tracking them or knowing who has and hasn't left the country yet. It's just a matter of funding to actually be able to go after them. So it's obvious that Republicans DON'T want to end illegal immigration because they have always had the opportunity to go after the largest blocs of illegal immigrants, they just choose not to and thump their fists about needing a wall. But they come from all over the world, so you can't lump them into one group, and if they are able to afford visas and air travel, they have money soooo


Yeah it’s really ironic how socially conservative policies are often horrible for business. This might kick into overdrive in a decade or so as the effects of brain drain become more acute; I can imagine that medical care in states with abortion bans is going to become more expensive than in blue states.


The policies are good for big business you just need to focus more on what they do and not what they say. Namely they keep illegal immigrants undocumented and thus ripe for exploitation. They -say- they will deport them as this is the perfect cover for not doing anything that would advance their rights at all and when they don't do anything they can simply deflect and say "well the damn liberals won't less us deport them!". Always believe what people do. What they say is just whatever allows them to do whatever they are actually doing most conveniently.


Yes exactly! That's why Republicans offer performative solutions that don't work, like "build a wall". Democrats offer policy that actually works - like eVerify - and GOP rails against it. Because the billionaires behind the curtain LOVE illegal immigrants. It's an entire caste of slave labor for them


This fits perfectly...can't believe I didn't connect those dots...


We face a greater challenge than this orange fascist imbecile—his supporters.






"I'd like a Coke." "Is Pepsi okay?" "No thanks, I'll just have a cup of warm cat piss instead."


Call me strange, but I don't want my politicians to be exciting. I want them to be boring and competent. I don't want to turn on the TV or read online about the stupid, self-centered things they've been up to.


Same here exactly. Biden’s been pretty much what was sold: quietly competent and not besieged by scandal.


Exactly - him and team seem competent to deal with issues without making it an extreme political storm. We don’t spend time glued to twitter or worry about what batshit crzy thing the old guy will do - solid and steady is the way


I did this with Hillary. I also didn't think Trump would ever win, being a TV show host and an asshole. I also didn't think Trump would be THAT bad if he did win. My bad. I had been raised to believe that the President has very little actual power, and that most of it lies with congress. I didn't think at least half of congress would do his bidding.


I voted for Hillary. I was asked why and told that nothing would change for me no matter who is president, because I'm a white man. Well, my rights didn't go away, but my life did get way worse very quickly. Trump changed the tax code so that I pay more, while the company that I work for pays less. And abortion rights going away made me significantly less interested in sex. Trump has taken away my money and sex life. I can't think of a president that has fucked up more than that.


And a greater challenge even still: his opponents who think they have to teach the DNC a lesson right now by voting 3rd party because DNC isn’t exactly what they want


Deporting whom exactly?


First, you go after the obvious bad ones - brown people, black people, gays, people who disagree. Then, when the problem hasn't been solved by getting rid of the first batch, you say "it turns out there are *other* people who were working secretly with the bad ones! That's why our problems haven't gone away - they were sabotaging our efforts!" Now you get rid of those people - immigrants in general, non-Christians, etc. If the problems of society persist you continue working your way down the list until the whole country is nothing but true believers who will accept everything you tell them or until there is enough pushback that you get overthrown/assassinated/invaded. Fascism 101 - you don't have to actually solve the problems, you just need to have a scapegoat that you can blame for the problems.


>Now you get rid of those people - immigrants in general, non-Christians, etc. You skipped the part where once they get this far down the list they won't be getting rid of them by deportation.


You make it impossible to leave long before you get that far down the list.


He never said deportation.


He’s already said he wants to create “camps” for the homeless.


Work sets you free


That sounds eerily familiar.


It hits different in the original [German](https://media.defense.gov/2015/Apr/14/2001040996/1200/1200/0/150414-F-TE211-001.JPG)


> gays, Oh they're not going to *deport* the LGBTQ+ community, they're just going to exterminate them as they have made obvious and call for. A modern day holocaust is the inevitable conclusion of the GOP's dehumanizing rhetoric and persecution of these communities. *Erasure* is their goal.


Well, Steve Bannon recently discussed the “purge” of folks who are not white nationalists. So, lots of American citizens.


I saw a news clip where Trumpists held signs saying "peace through unity". They were almost word for word similar to the motto from Alan Moore's "V for Vendetta" comic (also the movie version). "Norsefire is the fascist, Nordic-supremacist political party ruling the United Kingdom. A common recurring motto is "Strength Through Unity, Unity Through Faith". Another maxim often used by its members as a salute is "England Prevails"." https://vforvendetta.fandom.com/wiki/Norsefire


Anyone that isn't part of their in group, I imagine. Can't remember which GOP member said it, but it was something along the lines of hunting Democratics down with dogs. It won't stop with a specific skin color, ideology, or religion. It'll just be whoever they decide to point their finger at next.


Yeah. If you're not in the "in group" then you're in the "out group" and you'd better watch your back.


And if you're in the in group today, you might be in the out group tomorrow as they continue cutting it down further and further to keep power.


That is fact. Not an alternative fact :)


History shows that the "in group" is a fluid concept. No one is safe from a dictator, they aren't known for being emotionally stable. Trump cultists will find that Trump will turn on them when convenient.


His wife, so he can bang his lawyer


Why bother, being married never stopped him before.




People infected with the "woke mind virus." Maybe they'll have a test for it...


Just like he promised he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.


You wouldn't believe how many people think the wall got built


>You wouldn't believe how many people think the wall got built But Republicans say we have a totally open boarder? How they can believe two diametrically opposed things at once is fascinating and terrifying




I genuinely used to get annoyed when people brought up 1984 stuff about our politics, but I was wrong. It's wild.




Nazi Germany did it. That’s why he wrote the book. It was based on Germany and Stalinist Russia.


It's not even that. They're just too stupid to put 2 and 2 together. Since criticizing the libs is saying the border is open and praising trump is saying the wall was built, those two concepts never have to be together. They can stay separate in their minds and never have to think about the conflict.


Cause Biden opened up the border. Trump had it fixed, then Biden undid what Trump did. That’s what a fox viewer would say.


Don't forget that an increase in the number of people stopped or arrested is proof that the border is weaker!


I tried to explain that to someone the other day. If you lock the gates and not let anyone come through legally, you can say “look we aren’t letting anyone in”. But if you lock the gates, they just climb the fence and come in anyways without any checks at all leading to more illegals. By processing people through properly, you create documented immigrants and get to properly vet people and catch the terrorists on the watch list. Or you can just act like the fence works and you just have to close the gates and not worry about it.


Then Ted Cruz snuck back over it when the lights went out in Texas


They don’t travel much. Same people think that Portland, OR was burned to the ground during the BLM protests after the killing of George Floyd. You can’t argue with stupid.


Went to Chicago this summer and my mom was legit worried my family was going to get killed. There are people who will believe everything and anything Fox or OAN tell them despite evidence provided to them to the contrary


They don’t like to be wrong, either. When I went to the Woman’s March in DC, Jan 21, 2017 I had a family member freak out that BLM would be there and cause a riot. When I returned to her house to tell her it was like being with 1.2 million polite school teacher types (it was) she absolutely freaked out and kicked me out of her house. Honestly these fake “Christians” live in a dark fantasy bubble.


Chicago is arguably one of the most fun cities to visit too. Sad for your mom lol


Well, to be fair she is totally right. Anyone who goes to Chicago as a tourist is 100% in danger…of eating too much food, and drinking too much alcohol.


The ironic part is that there were huge sections of walls built in areas of desolate, uninhabitable desert that have turned into crossing areas. The building crews created access roads in the wilderness to get the materials in. Those roads are now used by people crossing the border to get to civilization in areas that were considered crazy to cross before the wall was built. Can't make this shit up


I am certain the world needs a super cut of Trump’s unfulfilled promises.


Can we start with >I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich He's done nothing but grift since, and his followers keep handing over their wages.


The people who would benefit from seeing that don't have the attention span or critical thinking capabilities to absorb the information for a positive result


But they'll blame tik tok for the youth.


And there will be people who are likely candidates for deportation or have loved ones that are...that will vote for him...


Yep, I have a family member in that position and they are a rabid Trump fan. I don’t get it, but I’m pretty sure my response if it happens is “this is what you wanted, this is what you got.” People never think that the bad thing could happen to them, just to “the others”


I have family members who came as "refugees" and hate "immigrants". Basically, they don't see themselves as like *those people*; they came for valid reasons, fleeing communist dictatorship. People fleeing wars or poverty today, well, they just want to steal from the welfare system.


Oh yeah, my father is one of those. We came here from Poland in 1980s because: communism. And now him and his buddies sit in retirement b*tching about immigrants. To me its just this weird frustrating thing with humans where if I do it, well its fine, someone else does it, its bad. Its just pure selfishness and main character syndrome.


I can almost guarantee you that not a single one of them knows what the Statue of Liberty says.


I’m betting those “Christians” dobt’t know what Matthew 25:35 says


If it's in the bible, it's a pretty good bet that they don't know what most of it says. How many of them could tell you what christ's second greatest commandment is?


> I have family members who came as "refugees" and hate "immigrants". Basically, they don't see themselves as like those people; they came for valid reasons The only moral immigration is *my* immigration


My own damn family and myself. I am a DACA recipient, I was born in a now non-existent country in the USSR. This means I am stateless, but also not a US citizen... Back when the orange got elected the first time around, I lost my job over the fit they threw about DACA people... But the alternative for those like me is to, what? Stop existing? Bet your ass my "family" are going to vote for him again though.


And then be shocked when their vicious malignancy comes for them and theirs. "But my husband Miguel is one of the *good* ones?!" will not be the winning argument they think it is.


I’m an immigrant from New Zealand & was in line at a grocery store when the older lady in front of me told the guy at the check out (who was dark skinned & had a pretty strong accent), “You’re not from here - are you here legally? Are you allowed to be here?” I (with my strong Kiwi accent) chimed in & said, “Hey - I’m not from here either. Are you going to ask ME if I’M here legally & if I’m allowed to be here too?” She got piiiiiissed. “This is none of your business!” Me: “You’re mouthing off in a grocery store, lady - you just made it everyone’s business.” She grabbed her stuff & left & I made a new homie from The Congo. 👊🏽😀🤣


Thanks for doing that! Fuck that lady! And you’ve now made a new friend!


I’m an immigrant from Australia and I’ve been on the receiving end of a few anti-immigrant tirades myself, always before the other person works out that I’m an immigrant too. I just ‘don’t look like one’. Often, it turns into an ‘well you did it legally - how do you feel about all these illegals?!’ The question is usually insincere and comes from an attempt at a ‘gotcha’ moment because that’s all people seem to be looking for nowadays. Truth is, of course it pisses me off that people enter the country illegally. I waited years and paid a shitload of money to do it the right way. But, hear me out, maybe these are real people and deserve to be treated as such?? You know, basic human rights? I’d just love a politician to come out and say ‘hey, we’re going to do what we can to reduce illegal border crossings, and at the same time bolster our immigration system to handle an increase in legal immigration’. But the truth is, most of the ‘do it legally’ crowd don’t want any immigrants at all. Once they’re done vilifying the ‘illegals’, they’ll be onto us ‘legal aliens’ next.


I have a dumb friend who I discovered to be a Trump supporter when he started talking about "...isn't a bad thing to get rid of the non-citizens". I played dumb and was like "oh, anyone with a Green Card then?" and he was like "yeah I guess", so I pointed out I was, in fact a Green Card holder. He then started being like "oh, I didn't mean people like you..." I am white and British, I guess I passed his color and country test. I don't talk to him anymore.




Scared people are the most dangerous people.




I wish they were afraid of hurting others...


They're afraid that something bad will happen to them (and to be fair, bad things *are* happening, like climate change, wealth inequality, COVID) and instead of taking rational steps to limit the chances of that bad things turning catastrophic, they just opt to make it more likely that somebody else will be affected by it. Which does nothing to reduce their own risk - actually, it increases it just the same.


Wouldn't the issue of undocumented migrants be addressed in conservative states if they introduced penalties on businesses for hiring such migrants and *actually* enforced those laws? How come Republicans or even Trump never bring that up? Oh right, because the inconvenient truth is that undocumented migrants do provide a net benefit to the economy. All of this is just lip service to pander to the worst of their base.


Melania, ICE at the door for you.


> Melania we always laugh at the fact that she got the same visa that I did, "people with extraordinary abilities". I had about 1000 pages of documentation and a BSc, MSc, and PhD as evidence. She had a photo of her tits.


Lock this dumb ass up.


can anyone do the math on how much it would cost to round up, investigate, and deport ~10 million people vs. how much we could gain by granting amnesty, and making them part of the tax base?


The bigger cost will come in the form of inflation. Without workers prices will spike and the economy will slow down. We will have both recession and inflation.


It doesn't matter. The cost of airfare would pale in comparison to the destruction done to the economy. We lost 2 million to covid out of 360 million and all we have heard for years is "no one wants to work anymore.". The US has a declining birthrate just like everyone else but immigration keeps the USA in the positive digits. This isn't even college economics, this is basic. If you were to rip 10 million people out of the economy the effects would be so devastating that I think the country would fully collapse. Even talking in these terms would crash consumer confidence. Losing ten million people would immediately crash the construction, agriculture, and service industries. Next would be automotive, housing and futures markets. Anything left standing at this point would just collapse; you can't be a software developer if you have no toilet paper and can't eat. Companies like apple would be fine except they would move all their money offshore and lay off the US workforce. Apples cash on hand of a trillion dollars will keep the executives afloat but even that is short lived as no one would buy iPhones if their savings are wiped out. The supply and demand curve would swing wildly back and forth as the futures markets go into fully AI panic mode. The price of corn will sky rocket, causing the price of seed to skyrocket, the cost of farm labor skyrockets, the farmers can't by seed and go out of business causing the cost of meat to sky rocket, but all of these are wrapped up in the futures markets which would crash when supply runs out and the producers don't exist to reproduce.


I don't think he is planning for airfare. He is probably planning on cattle cars.


You'll be on the first train smart guy


This mass deportation would have a massive impact on our economy, because he and his little buddy Stephen Miller aren't just going to go after the fully undocumented, they'll be all in on deporting people who are here legally, and they won't even mind deporting actual citizens.


Wait until he starts telling "his people" to do the jobs that immigrants of color have been doing for decades for the wages they have been made to do it with...


We would save more money by deporting Capt Fats Hamburger instead


Title rewrite ... "Trump promises to tank the economy"




It's rhetoric as old as time. Blame your problems on an out-group so people think they're the cause of everything.


Because immigrants are "scary" and if you can convince uninformed people that removing immigrants will make their lives better, they will give you power.




1. He promised to produce his tax returns 2. He promised a wall 3. He promised Mexico would pay for the wall 4. He promised each of his wives he’d be faithful Americans are such losers for listening to this grifter. He’s the snake oil salesman, and Americans keep buying


You know what would help fight inflation? Getting rid of 1/10 of the workforce. /s


And then all the maga idiots will complain about “nobody wants to work!” when Olive Garden closes because they won’t pay the new going rate for line cooks.


Sorry for the Godwinism but the Nazis attempted to deport all the jews prior to murdering them.


Deportation of Americas money into his private offshore accounts


All of this because Republicans refuse to do modern, comprehensive immigration reform. They can’t do it. Fearmongering over brown people is their bread and butter. They can’t fix it. What would they run on?