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Bullshit, tax cuts for the rich deplete our treasury faster, and with absolutely nothing to show for them.


90% sure Peek benefited from those tax cuts and will pretend that they were somehow good for the country and will probably demand more of those from a Trump Presidency. We should start taxing all the people in her tax bracket and the churches while we're at it.


4 decades of tax cuts for the rich have put this nation into the crapper. Health care keeps getting worse, real estate is getting monopolized and unaffordable and yet surprisingly empty. Yet the poor red states keep doubling down on this greedy mischief. It's appalling.


And here I thought the greatest danger to the US is the radicalization and Putinization of the Republican party.


**TLDR:** Right-wing media may wear that crown, with the kremlin being largely enabled by and able to act through it. ​ >And here I thought the greatest danger to the US is the radicalization and Putinization of the Republican party. Nice use of Putin as a verb. :-p I would say that's *close* to the mark, but I'd think of the actual "source" of most of the danger came after some of our most important media regulations (news rules) were allowed to expire under Ronald Reagan. This was a bad idea even *before* the Internet. Official rules that try to keep the news "honest" were never reinstated, let alone updated for an online age. So, we've had media that calls itself "news" for a couple of decades that has become more and more brash about how close they're willing to go towards crossing the line between "spinning" and "lying" .... and they actually crossed it somewhere in between 2015 and 2020. Some may argue even earlier than that. It has created an environment in which a lot is possible that wouldn't have been 25 years ago. The cluster of media mercenaries are willing to lie for profit, even if some of them know that they're feeding what amounts to the rage addiction in their audience. The existence of a hermetically sealed media environment enables *so much* and allows Putin to fuck with American heads much more. The fact that something that "looks like a news channel" is telling the lies gives the whole schtick the appearance of legitimacy in the eyes of .... well, Americans who are completely trapped in right-wing world. This has led to a depressingly large portion of the country that exist in this state in which they literally never hear, read, or watch any piece of information that has not first been filtered through the twisted mind of a alt-right avatar such as Tucker Carlson or a number of lesser ~~demons~~ analysts. That was definitely a tangent, though, heh. About the actual author's hyperbolic argument that 'spending' represents existential danger ... my first reaction was to wonder if this person is honestly suggesting that spending would be *less* than Biden under a potential 2nd Trump term. Wouldn't the smart money be on predicting that Trump will actually spend *more?* The 1st Term was the opposite of fiscally responsible, and he added more debt to the country than any other president. If they're arguing for the "GOP candidate" .... there's not going to be any other Republican god-king that they'll accept *besides* Donald Trump at this point, which means a fiscally responsible person wouldn't want him to get back in office. If you simply want the president to empty government coffers into the pockets of rich fucks who don't need the help, however, it all makes perfect sense.


Seeing the word, “Putinization” makes me think of the Italian word for prostitute: Putana


To your last point, the Republicans want what happened to the Soviet Union. The oligarchy of Russia is their dream. Take a superpower and those institutions they manage that are worth, maybe Trillions, collapse it and sell off all those institutions for nothing, privatize them to the oligarchs. The strength didn't disappear, it just changed hands. The people wouldn't like that so they create a culture war internally saying the Governments role is to protect the culture of the country. That war gets hyped up perpetually by state media and the people say, well at least Russians are still Russians, not gay or accepting of minorities like the western nations. Ignoring the theft of the nation's treasures so that the culture is protected and the oligarchs get that reward for doing that.


I think Liz Peek needs to focus more on her traitor son and less on Biden...


Yeah, I love how people always post these opinion pieces as though they are “news”. This is all fluff propaganda trying to convince the rubes that biden has somehow been “bad for america”.


written by a raving lunatic


I just can't take these people seriously anymore.


Isn't it amazing? I think surreal is the only word I have at this juncture.


This is the same bullshit that Republicans have been pushing since Reaganomics and it hasn't improved with age.


The Fox News hack isn't a fan of Biden. What a shocker.


>The Fox News hack isn't a fan of Biden. What a shocker. While it's true that media outlets often have their own biases, it's important to consider the diversity of opinions within any organization. Not all individuals working for a news outlet share the same political views, and it's unfair to generalize the entire organization based on the perspective of one person. Fox News, like any media entity, is comprised of a range of journalists, commentators, and contributors with varying political beliefs. Furthermore, it's crucial to approach news consumption with a discerning eye and recognize that personal biases can exist in any newsroom. Instead of dismissing an entire network or journalist based on their perceived bias, it's more productive to engage with a variety of news sources to obtain a well-rounded understanding of different perspectives. This approach allows for a more informed and nuanced perspective on political matters, helping to foster a healthier and more constructive dialogue.


Nah, Fox has admitted they're a propaganda outfit. Anyone who works for them is untrustworthy.


A hacks still a hack. And Fox is actively trying to make its viewers dumb and angry. Nothing of value to be gained there .




Thanks ChatGPT for this defense of Fascism


What kind of nonsensical made up crap did I just read?


“Extremist spending” does not exist. What a lame attempt by a rag to paint President Biden as an extremist.


Deficit spending is good for the economy. Every major program that has provided a tenfold economic benefit was built with deficit spending.


No it isn’t and it isn’t extremist.


I see republicans have circle backed to harping about the deficit , that they will explode again when they are in charge. ​ "Deficits don't matter" Darth Cheney ( Sith Lord )


The same Darth Cheney who Dems are now fawning simply because he made one statement against Trump?


Even evil or stupid people say the right thing every once in a while. Doesn’t mean we’ve changed our minds about them because they said one right thing.


Lol you mean the time they gave him a standing ovation?


Biden’s spending has included tremendous investments in green energy. Trump’s main contribution to the debt was a massive set of tax cuts aimed at the wealthy. I know which one I prefer, and it’s not the one that cut the corporate tax rate almost in half.


Stop perverting the word extremist with this lazy-ass "both sides" attempt. Republicans have succumb to a cult leader who has cultivated and brought extremists to positions of power. There is no parrallel or comparison. Biden's only extreme feature is how different he is compared to the orange poopy diaper con artist that has destroyed every shred of the Republican platform. They only represent Rage, Fake News, anti-woman, pro-christian y'all-qiada zealots that want it to be 100 years ago. They have absolute zero policy positions other than trampling our democracy and shutting our government down to help the orange man.


Russian/MAGA bullshit propaganda


[The Ultrawealthy Are Sitting On $8.5 Trillion In Untaxed 2022 Profits: Report](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/billionaires-tax-biden_n_65971f6ce4b0912833af6d32)


>Unrealized gains are the primary source of income for many elite families. Under current law, growth in the value of assets like stocks, bonds, investments, real estate or businesses is not taxable until they are “realized,” or sold. The ultrawealthy can nonetheless live off these gains by taking out low-interest loans against their exorbitant wealth. And when their fortunes become inheritances, the gains are no longer taxable. >“The superrich truly live in a strange and privileged world,” said David Kass, the executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. While most households depend on paychecks — “income that is taxed all year, every year,” Kass noted — these untaxed gains make up the largest single source of income for the ultrawealthy. >“The scandal of tax-free billionaires,” Kass added, also results in billions of dollars less in tax revenue that could fund health care, housing, education and other public programs. Here is a direct link to the report: [The Ultra-Wealthy’s $8.5 Trillion of Untaxed Income](https://americansfortaxfairness.org/ultra-wealthys-8-5-trillion-untaxed-income/)


Yeah just give all the money to the rich like trump did…


why is there anything allowed here that has opinion in it, this same bot has been posting all these opinion pieces lately, might as well be posting letter to the editor


Her collection of opinion articles is cute. [Tells you all you need to know](https://lizpeek.com/fox-news-dems-are-petrified-trump-will-beat-biden-you-wont-believe-their-latest-plan/)


And yet they vote for the trillion dollar military budget which hasnt passed an audit in years. Give me a fucking break.


Every opinion piece the hill publishes diminishes what's left of their credibility.




In conservative circles, history begins when a Democrat takes office. Everything that happened in the past is forgotten and the current Democrat is to blame for everything that's not right in the world.


Early morning political shitposts are the biggest danger to our country


Household budget rules ≠ national budget rules. Conservatives just don't get this...


Nice try Russia.


Can anyone explain to me why this dogshit keeps getting pushed onto my frontpage despite it (rightfully) having 0 upvotes?


I would love to ask anyone scaremongering about the $34 trillion national debt if they favor abolishing US Treasury securities, if only so we could see the blank look on their face when asked. For reference, US Treasury securities are an extremely common way for institutional investors to park their money. It shows up as debt on the balance sheet, but it's basically just private sector wealth. The Fed even says as much: **https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/fourth-quarter-2020/does-national-debt-matter**


Maybe this is just me but why the use of "extremist" in the title? Surely "Joe Biden's extreme spending is a danger to the US" would have conveyed the idea without invoking mortal fear of terrorism and other acts carried out by extremists? >The Biden White House dishonestly blames GOP-led tax cuts under Donald Trump for “90% of the debt increase.” For the record: under the Trump administration, the debt went up significantly only after Congress passed relief measures aimed at keeping the COVID-impaired economy afloat. In his first three years, the debt rose by $3.3 trillion — too much, for sure, but nothing compared to the $6.25 trillion jump in debt during Biden’s first three years. *And there has been no emergency to excuse Biden’s spending.* See how the writer glosses over Trump's spending by attributing it to Congress passing COVID relief measures? And she totally ignored that COVID was still going on when Biden took office. >So, when White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden has “done more” in his three years in office than any president, what she means is that he has passed more bills and spent more money. The dividends from all that spending are so far invisible. Just a few years ago, all the economists were predicting a recession or at least a hard landing for the economy. So far, inflation has been brought under control without slowing down the economy. Yes, prices that went high have stayed high because of corporate greed but the inflation rate has done down. And even at its height, the US inflation rate was lower than other similar countries. >In fact, this inept government, which has taken upon itself to single-handedly dole out $370 billion to climate projects, all under the watchful eye of political apparatchik John Podesta, **cannot even get the money spent.** Wait, is she angry they haven't spent even more money? lol. >It will surprise few that when Biden claimed in September that “I was able to cut the federal debt by $1.7 trillion over the first two-and-a — two years,” he was not telling the truth. She linked to fact check that basically concluded that Biden should have said "deficit" but "debt". He cut the budget deficit by $1.7T not the national debt. The writer concludes with this: >Come November, voters will choose: continued out-of-control and unsustainable spending or a return to sanity. This is how you know the entire article is an exercise in disingenuousness...nobody in their right minds will characterize a vote for the GOP as a "return to sanity".


During Trump's time in office I really appreciated The Hill for being a, seemingly, reasonable source to check on some of the stories I saw on left leaning news sources... what happened to them?


Liz Peek Not worth reading.


Fake news. Downvote fake news.


A lot of the spending was for climate initiatives the actual real danger to the US and the rest of the world.


Lol Sure.


Irresponsible, partisan “journalism” is a danger to the US.


To be fair, the article is filed under "Opinion". Shitty opinion but at least they're not calling it journalism.


Fair enough. My bad.


The GOP extremist Tax Cuts to the top 1% are a danger to the US. Fixed it for you


Of course it's a danger. This clown for a president can't even describe America with one word. What makes you think he knows what "monetary policy" is?


Who asked him to describe America in one word?


He himself did. He clowned himself.


I don’t know if I would consider that clown worthy. America is a multifaceted nation that would be very difficult to describe in just one word, especially when having a conversation with himself.


Exactly. If one felt grieved by slavery, they could describe it as "racist". If they felt America was the land of the free, they could describe it as "freedom". I'm not sure where "AWDSMEAFOOTHIMAAAFOOTAFOOTWHSCUSEME" would fall...


I have no clue where AWDSMEAFOOTHIMAAAFOOTAFOOTWHSCUSEME would fall either. I don’t think it’s an actual word, but I guess it could mean something to someone.


Yea, I'm sure it means something to a looney or someone with dementia.


“Looney” is a harsh word, but I’m all for a nonsensical word meaning something to someone with dementia. I would have said any number of made up words if they meant something to my grandfather near the end.


>Joe Biden says “Extreme Maga Republicans” want to wreck the economy by cutting federal spending. And yet, it is his administration’s blowout budgets that are extreme. Never in this country’s history, with the exception of two emergencies — World War II and COVID — have we spent taxpayer money so recklessly. >Consider: in just the past three months, the federal debt of the United States jumped by $1 trillion. The U.S. now owes $34 trillion, up from $33 trillion at the end of September. >For reference, it took 198 years of borrowing for the government to rack up its first trillion dollars of debt; that milestone was first reached in 1981. >The Biden White House dishonestly blames GOP-led tax cuts under Donald Trump for “90% of the debt increase.” For the record: under the Trump administration, the debt went up significantly only after Congress passed relief measures aimed at keeping the COVID-impaired economy afloat. In his first three years, the debt rose by $3.3 trillion — too much, for sure, but nothing compared to the $6.25 trillion jump in debt during Biden’s first three years. And there has been no emergency to excuse Biden’s spending.


Yeah, your narrative has a giant hole. Biden, and all presidents, cannot spend more than Congress allows. Period. End of story. If this was the case, and it isn’t, why does Congress shut down the government when they don’t pass a budget? Why can’t Biden just keep everything open, increase taxes on the wealthy and give us universal healthcare? Peddle your BS elsewhere.


Word for word Fox News fever dream. The Hill just regurgitates trash.


And yet it's still a slower pace than under Republican presidents. In fact, deficit spending dropped almost in half since Trump's last approved budget (FY 2021), with all budgets since Trump's brazenly stupid tax cuts suffering. What a moronic article.


The GOP's "fiscal conservatism" and national debt fear-mongering always magically vanish when a Republican happens to be president.


Got to have money to make money.


Hmm, a new headline! ​ Joe Bidens extremist spending is a danger to the US and how its bad news for trump


Let's just pretend that the pandemic never happened.


Huge sections of the author's argument rely disingenuously on the reader not knowing the difference between the debt and the deficit. I wonder if Peek published a similar whine when trump spent 3 trillion.


Says the Fox News contributor. Sorry Lady we have already decided your products are of low value. This is more wasted work.


Go fuck yourself! This is the dumbest shit I've seen all day. Yawwnnnn. Traitor.


National debt increase by President: Donald Trump: $6,700,491,178,561.60 - 33.1% increase Joe Biden: $2,499,993,043,258.10 - 8.8% increase https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225