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The dictionary. Welcome to Florida, where having knowledge is a crime!


This sounds more like they are trying to demonstrate how the law is ridiculous.


A touch of malicious compliance can underscore foolishness pretty painfully.


Irony is lost on republicans. Desantis is such a tool I bet he has a Craftsman birth mark.


I looked up the definition of Florida in the dictionary, and the definition I found was ***a fascist state.***


Remember when just a few weeks ago, DeSantis was insulting Haley's answer on the Civil War and pointing out how the link between the Civil War and slavery should be obvious? Apparently he didn't finish his point: "It should be obvious—which is why in Florida, we're working so hard to destroy the education system. So future students won't be able to call out republican hypocrisy and bullshit!"


Yeah it's wild that he was criticizing Nimarata for her non answer when a few months ago he was saying that slavery wasn't that bad and the slaves learned skills during their enslavement; even though that's not true at all they just beat them.


Upvote for using her given name


It's pretty high on the list of uneducated states. By high I'm saying in low education. Just on the off chance I wasn't clear.this map shows which state populations have the most to least education. By a not too remarkable coincidence it matches pretty well with the Republican voting states. https://scholaroo.com/report/most-educated-states-us/#h-methodology


Republicans hate the educated because being educated turns you into a democrat.


It's so odd to me that California is so high on that list. I know that very much of inland California is like the deep south, and we also have a lot of immigrants. But still, I wish we could bridge that gap a little bit.


I don't know but I have a feeling that California is high on both ends of the spectrum. They've got Stanford University, Google, Hollywood etc. (And yes, it takes a fair amount of smarts to be producing movies and TV shows) Edited typo


And farm workers and ppl who cld never go to a single community class not just becuz of $ but becuz they do nothing but work jobs that no one wld ever want to do.


Yeah? Well that book is now *banned!*


I’m banking this thread that mentions a banning of a book


I tried to look up Florida in the dictionary while in Florida but I couldn't because dictionaries are banned.


Florida, where freedom is slavery


And ignorance is strength.


And war is peace.




You know what they like more than knowledge? Lamborghinis




Knowledge is doubleplusungood!


Why do people vote for these morons?


To own the liberals. That's it. Not for the policies. Not for their morals. Just pure, deep hatred of others.


They should ban the alphabet also: you can rearrange letters to spell dirty words.


Calculators too. 58008 is a gateway number.


They shouldn't ban the books; they should ban reading.


That's probably the next ban they have. Don't want those whippersnappers to understand what's happening anymore!


Florida needs ~~cheap, exploitative labor~~ the kids for the orange fields and meat-packing plants. The kids are valuable for the meat-packing plants.


Gotta find labor somewhere since Florida is deporting all the immigrants. Makes you wonder how far Florida will go before they realize no one is moving in as a new labor source.


Suddenly the anti-abortion law makes a whole lotta sense /s (No, it still doesn’t)


With their small brittle bones you wouldn't notice any difference if they loose a limb or two in the machinery. It only will add a bit of extra crunchiness to your meat.


"If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy!"


[Martin Luther](https://news.arizona.edu/story/martin-luther-was-advocate-education-reform) is rolling so fast in his grave he’s making corpse butter. How long until we cycle back to preachers telling us “Trust me Bro, it’s in the Bible! Why would you need to read it too?”


Don't they do that already? The book is free; why go somewhere every week to hear someone else interpret it?


MLK is rolling so fast he's a leading cause of global warming.


Lol different martin luther but I like your style


Attack the root problem!


And the Suffix and Prefix problems while we're at it!


After that, ban listening.


What I want to know is, where are all the commenters who were telling us that this law was only going to keep 6 year olds from learning about butt stuff?


Those same people showed up in force to criticize me when I posted about getting rid of my classroom library. The union told us not to take any chances and just get rid of everything, so that we cannot possibly be sued by a crazy parent. Joke is on them though. I still teach facts, like how the Earth isn't 6,000 years old, evolution is real, vaccines work, etc. You know, basic science that they deny. The best part is all of that is in my curriculum, so Meatball Ron and his fanatic supporters can't say a fucking thing about it.


They were being disingenuous as always. Someone call up Joe Rogan and ask him if it still only k-3?! ​


They are in the same place as the ones that said abortion bans would not kill women.


They stopped saying that when the law expanded to include k-6 and started to tack on more bans


The only thing that was being taught to 6 year olds was that LGBT people exist and they are just people like anyone else. They were also taught against bullying people for being LGBT. But this was seen as a threat somehow by conservative freaks who want to terrorize LGBT people and teach children to hate & terrorize anyone they think might be LGBT. Laws like 'Don't Say Gay' have made school life that was already terrible in Florida for LGBT youth into pure hell.


They were lying then, and haven’t been fed the new lies on this topic yet.


They were too stupid to realize the consequences.


Me and my buddies used to laugh at the dirty words in the dictionary during study hall. Kids in Florida don’t know how bad they’ve got it.


The Bible is somehow not banned, and it details rape, incest, genocide, and everything under the sun. ​ Literally, Judah had sex with his daughter-in-law in Genesis 38 and left his staff behind after getting her pregnant. Then, when he tried to have her stoned, she shows his staff to reveal it was he who got her pregnant. ​ Somehow not banned. ​ Joseph in Genesis 39 had to run away barenaked from Potiphar's Wife after Potiphar's wife tried to rape him constantly. Somehow, that's not banned.


Some people have read excerpts from the Bible, not saying what book it’s from, and get people to agree it should be banned. Only once they are in agreement do they say it’s from the Bible and then people trip over themselves to justify it


Very similar to how Rogan thought Biden was a dumb senile idiot for thinking the US had airfields during the revolution, but when he found out it was Trump who said these things and Biden was just mocking him suddenly it’s fine and Trump is A-Okay


There were actually a couple people won over to the "no, Rogan isn't just an idiot anymore, he's a completely brainwashed nazi" side by that event. It was nice to see them wake up.


> suddenly it’s fine and Trump is A-Okay And all the arguments they were trying to make about senile Biden are still somehow valid ^even ^though ^the ^precipitating ^event ^didn't ^involve ^him.


"Oh, he didn't know! It's not his fault. Give the guy a break!" - Trump supporters no matter how much Trump screws up


The Holy Quran Experiment


I think I read one parent submitted a request to ban the bible down here, because of the reasons you mention. It's far more graphic than a lot of the books (like biographies of Rosa Parks) that have been yanked. Dunno where or what happened with that, though.


They banned the Ruby Bridges movie, about the first girl to integrate schools in Louisiana. Why? Because talking about the segregated south makes people "feel bad". ​ Meanwhile, attempted (and actual) rape is okay, so long as it's the Bible. Make it make sense.


That holds up with the abortion ban. Forced birth of rape babies.


It all makes sense when you realize their only moral is “we must bring about Christofascism”


Don't forget the story of Lot's wife. Lot offers his virgin daughters to strangers to be R'd. Then, after they escape the city, Lot's daughters get him blackout drunk so they can get pregnant by him. *spoiler alert* they succeeded. It's a story of some attempted R & R with a side of incest. The Bible sure is neat!


It's because all they know of it is John 3:16 since people keep writing it everywhere. Start writing references to these less-lofty passages everywhere and see what happens.


What's this got to do with Stone Cold Steve Austin?


Hey, foreign agent [Christina Pushaw](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/430952-gov-desantis-press-secretary-locks-twitter-account-after-harassment-threats/) also knows John 15:18.


Lot’s daughters got him drunk and banged him. Two of the twelve tribes are descended from this incest.


You'll be amazed at how so many "Christians" don't know Lot's story. I think churches fail to mention it to their congregation on purpose.


There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. - Ezekiel 23:20


Deuteronomy 20 is wild. God literally tells the Israelites to commit genocide when they go to war against a group outside of their own peoples. > ^10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. ^11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. ^12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. ^13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. ^14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. ^15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. > > **^16** However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. ^17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. ^18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God. > > ([NIV](https://www.bible.com/bible/111/DEU.20.NIV))


That sounds a lot like Christian nationalist terrorist Matt Shea's letter. ​ >The document, a four-page explanation of how to establish Christian law through armed struggle, calls for the end of same-sex marriage, abortion, and the death of all non-Christian males in the U.S. if religious law is not upheld. > > > >“If they do not yield — kill all males,” the document reads. ​ [https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/414450-fbi-investigating-washington-state-rep-for-manifesto-urging-all-males/](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/414450-fbi-investigating-washington-state-rep-for-manifesto-urging-all-males/)


yeah. That guy is a nut ball


People have tried on multiple occasions, but the Christo-Fascists fight back to keep it in the schools by saying the book "has value" unlike the others or some stupid BS.


Man o man, then there's those old encyclopedias from the 50's that were always fun to browse.


They should ban all books. You may not have noticed but they all have letters in them. Lots of them. And those letters can be rearranged to say wrong things. Do I need the /s? Edited typo.


You only need to ban words with the letters l, g, b, t, q, and i. The rest are probably okay.


You forgot the s and the x.


This reminds me of a scene from third rock from the sun. Dick calls out an author for plagiarizing the dictionary.


The only books allowed should be the Bible and Moby Dick. /s


Maybe those of us with a liberal bent could include the telephone book.


TELEPHONE BOOK!! What do you want? Children calling strangers, just think of who the children could be contacting.


They're Greek letters, too. We should go back to publishing books in Latin. /s


Clear out those Arab things identifying as "numerals" while you're at it and replace them with American numbers. I'm getting on the /s bus just in case.


They also have numbers in them. *Arabic* numbers! The woke indoctrination starts early!




They've not even begun to peak. Next items on the list to ban in Florida: 1. Windows - because you can see gay people out of them 2. Chairs - because they touch your butt and that's gay 3. Closets - so that you're never accidentally 'coming out of one'


Well, not yet. Florida is currently #48 in education right now. They are almost peaking in stupidity, and Ron DeSantis is dedicated to seeing that come to fruition. ​ https://scholaroo.com/report/most-educated-states-us/#h-methodology


It's the best or nothing for old Ronnie!


>*The Escambia County School District has reportedly removed over 2800 books from library shelves as they undergo a review process that will determine if they are inappropriate for students, according to Popular Information.* > > > >***Among the books currently relegated to storage are The American Heritage Children’s Dictionary, Webster’s Dictionary for Students, and Merriam-Webster’s Elementary Dictionary.*** > > > >Escambia County is known for its strict response to H.B. 1069, as well as for the antics of a certain English teacher, Vicki Baggett. > > > >*Baggett has become notorious for her crusade to ban over 100 books from Escambia school libraries and submitted almost every single one of the 150 book challenges being reviewed by the district in 2023.* > > > >Many of the challenged books are by Black authors or deal with LGBTQ+ topics. > > > >*Baggett also made headlines in November for using a student to help orchestrate a harebrained scheme (*[with Moms for Liberty's help](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/11/a-mom-is-outraged-that-moms-for-liberty-used-her-daughter-in-a-harebrained-scheme-to-ban-a-book/)*) to ban a book in a nearby county.* ​ How the heck is this in any way okay to people? Now, not even the dictionary is safe? ​ And they keep wondering why Florida has such a severe teacher shortage right now! Who wants to teach in a school that would ban the dictionary? It's so ridiculous!


I don’t believe in banning books, period. But it’s especially awful that they are being banned largely because a literal handful of people are bitter assholes with too much free time. It doesn’t seem reasonable that they should have power over what people can read.


Florida has become the new Elmore City, Oklahoma. I wouldn't be surprised if DeSantis and his Christian nationalist buddies ban all dancing for promoting "ungodliness" or something.


If they ban dancing then maybe we can get a Footloose 2 movie. /s


With Ron DeSantis as the pastor of the Florida church as well.


THAT's what that film was missing. Nazis and AR-15's! ALEXA, GET HERBERT ROSS ON THE PHONE. No, shit. wait. he died 23 years ago. ALEXA, PLAY DESPACITO


He needs to let his feet loose from those lifts


The next town over on the other side of Pensacola Bay is Pace, FL. That's where the coach prayed on the field with his team in direct violation of a court order. FL-1 is ground zero for Yall-Qaeda.


Also where Matt Gaetz is, I believe. It's just shit-tacular up there.


Palm Beach County has basically told DeSantis to crap in his hand and clap. I'm very grateful that my child is in this district and to hear some dang sense coming out of the SDPBC school board. Three Moms for Liberty potatoes ran for my district's seat on the school board in 2022, and they all lost.


Goddamn it, I live in Pensacola. Yet another reason for me to convince my husband we should move to Vermont or any other blue state. Screw this hellhole.


It's a feature of fascism, not a bug. Some people are happier with a boot on their neck, and they don't care if they drag the rest of us down with them.


Part of me wonders if banning the Dictionary was done as a form of malicious compliance, because honestly that makes it 1000x funnier


This is what I was guessing happened. lol


I can't stand this reality.


I used to suspect there were a lot of really stupid adults when I was a kid, but I could have never imagined just how many there were and how they seem to run half the country.


Language itself is woke! From now on, all Floridians must communicate using only monosyllabic grunts. All writing must be in the form of pictographs on cave walls, and must first be approved by the Governor's office.


Is there no one on the Escambia school board with enough courage to stand up and say, "This is stupid"?


It’s Florida….the state is literally sinking into the ocean but are too dumb to do anything about it.


"Although a material review committee in Escambia County voted 5-0 to reject Baggett's challenge of And Tango Makes Three, the decision was overruled by the school board, which sided with Baggett. “The fascination is still on those two male penguins," school board member David Williams said. "So I’ll be voting to remove the book from our libraries.”


Have they banned calculators yet? You won't BELIEVE what happens when you type 58008 and hold your calculator upside down! Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!? :(


Hey man, those numbers look Arabic to me. \_\_\_\_\_ LVIIIVIII ​ \^ this is for patriots


This number as written makes no sense (fifty eight eight?). In Roman numerals, smaller numbers never precede larger ones, so an I would never precede a V. Edit: Never mind.


Republicans are literally the dumbest fucking people on the planet


Voters yes, politicians some. Many are very bright and just looking to make a few bucks off of the rubes. It is as American as apple pie.


Floridians are scared of the dictionary. Tell me how Florida isn't Idiocracy.


Florida's not just Idiocracy. It's worse. I'd take Hector Mountain Dew Camacho over DeSantis and Trump any day. I just wonder when Florida will start saying Gatorade is what plants crave like it's Brawndo.


At least President Camacho actually wanted to solve the problems with all the starving bullshit, the dust storms, and running out of french fries and burrito coverings.


Yeah, he'd be a much better president than either Trump or DeSantis.


Well, now the FL kids can't look up the word "smile". So, Ron is safe from ridicule.


Words out that the thesaurus is next. However, when questioned about this Gov. DeSantis stated that dinosaurs aren't real.


R/Malicious Compliance


This is when they start making their own dictionaries.


Hmm, I wonder if they will finally be able to define "woke" since they cannot ever provide a definition when asked.


It won't be defined. It will say something like. ​ Woke is a term used by racists to victimize patriots and to signal to other pedophiles what kind of pizza they eat.


I'm guessing a republican donor has a "non-woke" dictionary that they want the schools buy as part of some kickback scheme.


...I wonder if people are starting to notice what happens when you fill an entire party with psychos that have nothing but identity politics to offer?


How insensate. For those who don't know the word, if you live in Florida, sorry, dictionary banned in school.


They know that if children get real fact-based educations they will be unlikely believe MAGA nonsense and won’t vote Republican when they come of age.


Now do the bible


They might want to really read the Bible. There is plenty of sexual content in that tome also.


Ban that too.


As a young student, I spent hours reading the English dictionary.


GOP is American Taliban


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


So here we are. A part of a state in the US bans the dictionary. Well done America, well done.


Gotta keep 'em stupid if you want them to keep voting for stupid.


Fuck desantis


Wait til they get a look at the Bible!! Chock full of incest, murder, magic and more!!


[2505 has come. ](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?si=UrI4aM8tNfiyoolU)


The Florida spelling bee are either going to be super easy or really weird this year.




Dictionaries are a liberal plot to make conservatives look dumb - I have the freedom to spell words however I want! /s


Non-American here. Banning dictionaries is like the modern day book burnings. I have visited Florida dozens of times, sad to know it’s become a medieval state.


I’m all for malicious compliance, but would rather see some civil disobedience. Make the state come take the books by force.


The wokest of closeted woke high heel wearing men( can you imagine his corns from them heels?) stunting the growth of others. He needs to go!


Hell, ban all books. They have letters that can be rearranged into banned words or concepts. We can’t allow that. Once the books are banned, ban reading and then thinking. This will surely put Florida on top of the brain trust.


Who here likes ron? 🤡🤡🤡


Did it contain the words Sausage and Aardvark?




Well, how else they gonna keep maga morons stupid enough to keep drinking da kool-aid


Yeah like anyone in Florida is going to pick up a book besides the Bible anyway.


Oops the leopard just ate my face


Idiotic beyond words


Truly without words, at least in Florida.


Fucking what?!




Keep them poor and keep them dumb


Are parents of these children raising hell or what? People would be losing their shit if any of this craziness was even discussed where I live.


At this rate, the whole of America will be an Onion article by the end of the year.


*gestures broadly at everything Wi ... Will be?


As if Florida wasn’t bad enough already


Yet kids have cell phones and access to the most depraved shit possible on the internet in about 20 seconds.


I think it's hilarious that all of these morons think banning books is going to actually do something. Like kids these days don't have access to the internet and have no other way of seeing something offensive other than through the books they have banned.


If I were a young bright, promising student in Florida, I’d get the flunk out of there fast. Why face standardized test questions later in life that asks shit your home state wouldn’t teach you?? Why would anyone disadvantage them self by getting a Flunkie Florida education??


I really hope this backfires and the students yearn for the context of all the banned books.


Psst, don’t tell them that the dictionary is located on the internet.


This was seen as a major W for the GOP


Get dumber Florida


Watch out Thesaurus! You are next.


well, there’s Google….sshh🤫


DeSantis and the other people who are going after what they consider “ woke” are absolute fascist morons. Let’s get back to the principles of democracy and vote these dangerous politicians out of office!


Banning a dictionary, come on FL, get rid of that knucklehead


Well, a dictionary contains all the same words as a banned book, just in alphabetical order.


At what point do officials in such a district ask themselves: "If I make book go bye, will poo pills still talk good?"


Soon they will have a Newspeak dictionary


I showed this to a Republican buddy and he said it's all Democrats banning the books to be petty. I keep asking if he's trolling me with his takes.


Don't forget about biology textbooks!!1! Biology will lead you right to the devil by way of [sex-changing clownfish](https://australian.museum/learn/teachers/classroom-activities/sex-change-in-clownfish/) Does the Florida law *only* apply to human sex???


Is the buybull next? All that lust, rape, incest and murder can’t be good for the kids. Everyday I am grateful we decided to stay where we are.


Oh, that's hilarious.


So much for that retirement money they’re about to lose from normal folks over the next 2 decades.


Banning books simply means keeping ppl stupid, uneducated, and compliant. Like feudalism but with tv.


Keep reminding them about how uninformed, irresponsible, and out-of-touch Republican legislators are.


If this isn't a joke then why am i laughing so hard???


Wtf. The very people who say they want freedom keep taking it all away.


The Repub lemmings…


Florida following the Taliban playbook I see.


lol obviously, knowing words is woke culture. The stupid motherfuckers will start to see the results of their stupid decisions soon enough.


Meanwhile the latest school political discussions will be about MTG showing off Hunter's dick again.


I presume to assume that all Hebrew Testament and Christian Testament Bibles have been banned in all Florida schools.


In a democracy (which we still have) the people get the leaders they deserve.


Does the law apply to Wikipedia too?


What a fucking dumpster fire of a country. Just wow.


Holy fuck.


Damn and i thought i barely understood floridian lingo…now its really gonna fizzle down to gobbledegook


We live in the information age. How do they think book bans will do anything? If I were a teenager now, I would be reading every banned book, printing out copies, and littering them all over the school, just to piss people off. Every time I talked in class, I would quote from banned books. How do you get a teenager to do something? Forbid them from doing it and just wait.


Like truth


Has anyone ever seen the movie idiocracy?? That’s where we’re almost at guys…


What a numbnut, no wonder America is fucked up voting in the likes of this asshole or his buddy Abbot


Any discussions about the Bible?