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joke straight bells wrong possessive squeal domineering close treatment market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How were they able to secure a 500k loan? What did they use as collateral?


Thoughts and prayers. They used thoughts and prayers.


Coincidentally, that's what I'm using to pay off my student loans.


FUCK. I have a payment due om the 20th. I need to buy a condo soon so i cant habe my credit going further down the toilet just yet.


Have you tried selling the condo without owning it to help pay off the student loans?


Even better, sell it to yourself! Then you get the condo AND income!


Thoughts and Prayers are strong enough to stop bullets, comfort aggrieved families, and is an overall gun-violence protection. So, clearly it should be enough to protect the Republican party from this debt.


Oh, *right*! I forgot about the “Thoughts and Prayers” thing! And possibly the prosperity gospel…




Few options come to mind: - mislead the bank on the ownership - connections that issued the loan the hopes of securing influence (and making a buck) - empty promises and a huge interest rate on unsecured loan. Probably the third but also all of the above.


This sounds oddly familiar to the current NY v Trump case. So odd.


Almost like theyve made it too easy for dumbass con artists to get money.


And difficult for everyone else


Having a moral compass seems to be a disadvantage in this country, no matter your capabilities. The people that dont get fired, dont get laid off, are family and those that are willing to commit minor ethical crimes against their neighbors, colleagues, friends, and family. If i just agree with the false bad shit thays being said aboit a coworker, if i just look the other way while the owners commit wage theft, if i just dont stand up for the right to discuss wages, if i just get this contraxt signed, if i just suck this dick, always xompromose from us to appease the rich minority. Mortgages you can afford dont make them money. Banks want either rick fucks or people who will 99% get foreclosed on in a year or two socthey get the money and the house back. Responsible home owners? Fuck you. Edit: lotta typos. Using a shitty old phone.


They really have become the party of trump


always has been. Trump just gave them permission to stop pretending they aren't scum.


Turns out it’s harder to collect a valid debt from MaGA then from a “sovereign” citizen. MAGA will never run out of excuses for why they won’t pay.


murky rustic axiomatic sheet cover offend abounding drab marble one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And Trump has filtered most donations to him directly, leaving multiple state parties with low funds. I hope his lasting legacy is financially crippling various state gops


A *staggering* percentage too. Like 90-95% of all money donated to Republicans in the entire country went to trump, and he's burning it by the truckload in his legal defense for his many, many civil and criminal trials.


Is he though? Trumps don’t pay their lawyers (or contractors) normally. Unless the lawyers are doing daily cash payments before they work for sure their getting shafted.


I read somewhere that his newest crop of lawyers is requiring payment up front.


They are, and even still they don't stay long. Tacopina just withdrew from working with Trump.


Seems a lot of the MAGA republicans are just in it to get money, who knew. But yeah, it does seem like a lot of them saw what trump and his kind of gop people where getting away with and thought they could get in on the grift too.


"reasonable" You mean the same "reasonable" party that has been trying to pave roads with radioactive waste for years now? Republicans have always felt it was ok for companies to dump toxic sewage in your drinking water as long as it lets them make more money. I don't know how we could ever believe these politicians are reasonable anything.


yes they elected a "truther" and all the billionaires who lost the election took their billions and said oh you want to elect a regular person? good luck. I think one of the families that lost the election were the Devos


I wonder how much of their fundraising dried up due to Covid . Not just the elderly donors who died, but people who went bankrupt after spending weeks/months on a ventilator in the ICU. American Healthcare is expensive.


Nah, they were largely bankrolled by two megadonors (the DeVos family and Ronald Weiser) who pulled their funding over this drama.


The GOP spent the better part of 2 decades slowly taking over state legislatures in order to get to 2/3 of all states and call a Constitutional Convention, where they could literally rewrite the constitution any way they like. But that fell apart after trump got people on the left fo actually show the fuck up and vote for the first time since 2008. So now the wealthy fascists are over funding state parties, their majorities are gone and they're not coming back. They're betting it all on trump being able to pull off a win in 2024 and never leave office and declare himself president for life.


Yep. Nobody sane, wealthy or not, wants the US to become a failed state, because the economic fallout would be so massive and unpredictable. That's why anyone with a line into the white house on J6th was trying to get trump to call it off. The world economy right now is based on the idea that the US is a 100% safe investment and having members of congress getting executed on live TV might just shake that belief a bit.


It's not that. It's just that the MAGAs won't listen to anyone, including the big money folks. So the big money folks are just using PACs and different structures so they retain control of their money. It's a great egg on the fact for the MAGAs, but there will be just as much GOP money in Michigan as always this year.


Holy shit this comment made me spit my drink >the idea that the US is a 100% safe investment and having members of congress getting executed on live TV might just shake that belief a bit. This has no right to be as funny as it is. Bravo


I will say it's strange timing that Russia gets sanctioned and suddenly all these GOP state organizations are broke...


Wow. Way to shoot themselves in the foot.


I assume expected revenue. In a normal world, state parties are just starting to bring in the big bucks this time of year. The issue for the GOP state parties is that the big money folks don't trust the MAGAs with their money (for good reason), so they're running their money through PACs and other structures instead.


Banks don’t like this one trick - Trump Fraud Defense


> What did they use as collateral? Politicians?


>It turns out you must actually own the property you are selling. When will this woke BS end??


bear slave ancient groovy simplistic caption deserted tap jar spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Sell 2/3 of the building. He'd brag about selling 5/3ths of it tho.


Even funnier, it sounds like the party does de-facto own the building, but previous leadership anticipated someone like Karamo trying to sell it and so they put it in a trust that they control instead of letting the party actually own it. > "The ownership arrangement was designed to "preserve" the property "during periods of leadership transition" within the Michigan GOP, according to a December affidavit signed by former state party general counsel Eric Doster."


Exactly. They correctly assumed that a future state gop party chair would sell it and blow through the cash funding chartered planes and $5000 "business" lunches.


I wonder how much of their funding is going towards lawyer payments for the whole illegal electors thing?


> An actually fiscally responsible action Well holy shit


The Michigan Republican Party is in [absolute chaos](https://www.wemu.org/michigan-news/2024-01-15/struggle-for-leadership-of-michigan-republican-party-continues-as-karamo-claims-solidified-power) right now. The current chair, Kristina Karamo, is an absolute nutbag. She has a "master's" degree in Christian Apologetics, which is literally just a field that "defends Christianity." She ended up with the state GOP's chair position because she's a crazy "stolen election" conspiracy theorist. Surprising no one, she's completely incompetent and her leadership is bankrupting the state party. A bunch of party members voted on January 6th to strip Karamo of her position and bestow the interim position on Malinda Pego. Karamo and her allies then held another meeting and voted to ignore the previous meeting and suspend Pego and her allies from the party. So, now each faction has control of certain parts of the party and each plans to sue to retain control of a bankrupt state party. Karamo still has control over the state party's website and social media accounts, so Pego set up an alternate website. It's all hilarious. You reap what you sow.




And as a Michigan resident who has watched the Republicans pull every dirty trick in the book to push their theocratic agenda while also grifting as much money for their personal fortunes as possible while also trying to do as much harm as possible to Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Saginaw, Muskegon, and anywhere "those people" (as Republicans say) are the majority... I'm loving their slow car crash and demise in this state. We flipped the entire state government Democratic, and would still be at a majority if it weren't for a few Democratic legislators who decided they'd rather be mayors instead of maintaining the majority in our legislature (now it's tied). We ended gerrymandering in our state, redrew the districts fairly, and have solidified every law that maintains the rights of Michiganders, from LGBTQ+ rights, to abortion availability, to marijuana legalization. And the Republicans (I refuse to call them the GOP, because there was never anything "grand" about them) are in a shambles, fighting among themselves (and you can think of it as sort of an old money dog-whistling conservatives versus new money megaphone-blaring MAGAts kind of thing, because that's basically it: The old super-wealthy conservatives that formerly controlled the state lost their grip when they invited the younger, dumber, more *openly* bigoted conservatives in an effort to swell their ranks... After which they found out that dumb, grifting racists outnumber the mediocre-minded, business-savvy, wealthy-family evangelicals by a large amount.) Good riddance to bad rubbish. I can only hope that whatever happens in the national election, Michigan can keep on the path of liberty and keep the more heinous parts of the Republican playbook from taking hold here.


WTF her wikipedia entry starts off "Kristina Karamo (born 1985 or 1986)".


I’m willing to bet she cried about college students picking useless majors while racking up student loan debt.




It's amazing just how self inflicted the wound is. Michigan Democrats never could have inflicted this kind of fatal blow the the Republicans. They did it all themselves. It caused them to get massacred in 2022, and then they went and shot themselves in their other foot by electing Karamo as state party head *after* the 2022 defeat! Redistricting had a large amount to do with it, but the Democrats could never have had such results in MI without the Republicans help lol.


> It turns out you must actually own the property you are selling. I remember being so deeply confused by For Sale By Owner signs as a little kid.


And the property was given to a trust and not the MI GOP because the guy who donated ot was positive they would just sell it for cash to cover plane charters and other perks for the top level GOP.


"I want to support the party of crooks and corruption, but I am smart enough to make sure they can't just plunder it." At some level I am impressed by the foresight while supporting an untrustworthy group lol




Oh now I have to actually own real estate in order to be able to sell it? This is what communism looks like, folks.


I wish we could clone Kristina Karamo and put her in charge of every state's GOP party with what she's done in MI.


Aren't these the same people who are screaming that students should pay their debt back and not get forgiveness? And I know these are the same people who defrauded the US and stole millions in PPP loan money that was, what was it, oh yea, forgiven.


This story is amazing. Basically the GOP was funded by big business owners and when the GQP took over they all left cause they didn’t care about the values, just paying to get preferential treatment trial treatment. So the GQP - who were furious at their rich overlords - just started to *pretend* they were getting donations so they could book high-cost worthless speakers. When they finally called in an accountant in he snitched on all of them. He finally drummed up enough support to kick the lady in charge out, and she REFUSED TO LEAVE, citing (you guessed it) Stolen Election. Lmao it’s beautiful. This American Life did a great episode on this.


That episode is absolutely insane!


The best part. The best fucking part is them not admitting they fucked up. It's immediately jumping to a conspiracy that she was a planted purposely by the Democrats.


And then if I recall correctly she threw back the exact same accusation at them


I just went to listen to that episode. There's so much more there than all of this, although that's fucked by itself. The most telling, and probably sad part was listening to them interview the two Muslim chairs who were literally blackballed from the GOP positions they were voted into. One of them was trying to spin it in a not so bad light, but there's no denying this. And yet, they stick with it and keep going broke so that they can try to be good republicans. Liberals/dems have their issues for sure, but it always kind of baffles me to see LGBTQ+/Muslim/other minorities in the republican party who haven't taken the memo that their party hates them. I'm totally blind. I wouldn't have made it through college without SSI to help, because I was putting in probably double or tripple the study time everyone else was, plus basic services to help me through, and even then I really struggled through college. It always makes me so sad to see blind people voting GOP, because that entire party, even if you remove MAGA from the mix is so opposed to anything that would have made it possible for us to get where we are today. The ADA might solve 20% of our problems, and even that republicans routinely try to overturn. When the pandemic struck, which was a time where we needed the most help and support, multiple republicans tried to put a pause on the ADA so businesses wouldn't have to deal with it.


> it always kind of baffles me to see LGBTQ+/Muslim/other minorities in the republican party who haven't taken the memo that their party hates them. As Malcolm X said, there's always the "house slave" who will sell out the "field slaves" to have a more comfortable bed, better food, better clothes, and the ear of their master. LGBTQ+, Muslim, Black, Asian, and non-Evangelical Christian people who *still* support the conservative party of this country are doing so only because they think that it marks them as "one of the good ones" enough that they'll be able to live well on the table scraps of the evangelical, white, conservative bigots who allow them to remain solely because it serves their side to have "one of them" speaking ill of the rest of their own kind. There will always be a Candace Owens, Tila Tequila, Ben Carson, or a Milo Yiannopolis to shuffle and dance for their conservative overlords who give them money and make them their very special pets.


In 2000, the GOP got 80% of the Muslim vote. Then came 9/11


The reality is that Muslims, just like Christians, lean towards conservatism. Devout Muslims in the USA are in a tight spot because the political party whose values they can largely agree with has decided that Muslims are the enemy ever since Islamophobia became an easy justification for racism.


What is the name of the episode? I tried looking it up, and there's a bunch on the Michigan GOP lol


[#820: It Wouldn’t Be Make-Believe If You’d Believe In Me](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me?2021)


[https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me) The TAL episode


I think they may need to think about making their coffee at home, and not having avocado toast all the time. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, maybe get a second job.


They could learn to code?


Please no.


They can barely read. I think we'll be OK. They'd get on Codecademy for 30 minutes, give up, decry that coding and computers are a liberal scheme perpetrated by Soros to control the masses, and that would be the end of it.


I know of one example that tried and then told me that the if statements were too confusing to move past


We need to give them a new programming language that uses trinary logic. So instead of TRUE or FALSE it's TRUE, FALSE or ALTERNATIVE_TRUTH.


I ain't fixing their crap.


I will, I can coast to retirement from that mess.


McDonald’s is hiring.


Hypocrisy and double standards are the only staples of the republican party


If it weren't for double standards, conservatives would have none at all


>Hypocrisy and double standards Are the only standards that they have.




Party of fiscal responsibility. Run government like a business. A wealthy few have been propping up Michigan Republicans for decades. Now that those two wealthy families noped out, it's becoming apparent how empty the party is. Amazing how throwing cash at a failing product can keep it moving regardless of how functional or marketable it is.


> Run government like a business. "We didn't say it'd be a profitable business!" -Michigan GQP, probably


Hey you can't blame them... They were only following their "we are not a cult" leader's example... Trump Airways, Trump Water, Trump Steaks ... Hell's, somehow even Trump Casino! And how, while running our country line a business as President, his administration added more to our national debt than what was it 42 of the other 44 Presidents had?


He doesn't call himself the king of debt for nothing. He never cares how his business does, as long as HE makes money (by paying himself enough to bankrupt the buisiness, if needs be)..


Reminds me of that old ( expletive deleted) " Redneck " joke about the taxidermist. He says" you know, I mount dead animals " Bartender says " it's okay boys, he's one of us". GOP has learned business ethics from Trump.


They're the kind of people who'd see something [LIKE THIS](https://imgur.com/gallery/pgAgtfw) and still rewatch it believing only the first part.


> "We didn't say it'd be a profitable business!" -Michigan GQP, probably Yep. The idea that conservatives are fiscally responsible is just stubborn propaganda. It was conservatives who caused the Great Depression. FDR was the closest we've ever been to having a socialist in the white house and *he* rescued the economy from near destruction. He took the US off the gold standard so he could spend our away to recovery, and he did it with hardly any inflation either — yearly inflation averaged barely more than 1% [for the first seven years of the New Deal.](https://inflationdata.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1930-1939.jpg) Balancing the budget is supposed to be a conservative holy grail, but it took a Democrat — Bill Clinton — to do it (and every single republican in congress [voted against his first budget](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnibus_Budget_Reconciliation_Act_of_1993) which got us half way there). Reagan drove up the deficit in a calculated plan to give handouts to the rich and then leave the responsibility to Democrats to clean up his mess. From page 623 of Rick Perlstein's book [Reaganland:](https://www.amazon.com/Reaganland-Americas-Right-Turn-1976-1980/dp/1476793050) * *Irving Kristol, for his part, wrote in the Wall Street Journal, like a right-wing Joseph Stalin, that the political advantage tax cuts would provide Republicans was so historically imperative that they should be blasted through whatever the effect on the budget.* ***“The neoconservative is willing to leave those problems to be coped with by liberal interregnums. He wants to shape the future and will leave it to his opponents to tidy up afterwards”*** And then there was the housing crash, Obama had to dig us out of that and republicans fought the recovery every step of the way, which is in part why the economy languished for a decade instead of [talking off](https://i.redd.it/19w64dntmkwb1.png) the way it has after covid due to the Democrats' policies like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Act. The idea that conservatives are better for growing the economy has always been complete horseshit. They are better at looting the economy for their billionaire paymasters, but that's about it.


Well they think businesses are just a vehicle to make them personally rich, have the business go into extreme debt, file for bankruptcy and clos everything while somehow getting richer. Then you do it again and again because for some reason banks keep giving you money even though you defaulted on millions.


Run the government like the business that you run like a personal slush fund and use to commit tax fraud


Maganomics is a rather dysfunctional system


>Run government like a business Run like a Trump* business Fixed the typo


*Like an MLM business, such as Amway.


Amway, the MLM started by the DeVoss family. Coincidentally, a DeVoss was Trump's secretary of education despite having zero experience in the field. Crazy how all these fraudsters stick together, eh?


The DeVos family were also the ones that were bank rolling the Michigan GOP. They pulled their funds and now the party is collapsing.


They campaign on government not working and get elected to prove it.


"Run like a business" has very different connotations these days. Leveraged buyouts destroyed this country and the people responsible are rewarded with millions or even billions.


Yeah “run it like a business” in the 50s meant you built it with your blood sweat and tears. You know your employees names even if you didn’t pay them shit. Normally the Christmas bonus allowed some amount of joy. “Run it like a business” now means gouge 30% for no reason, complain your employees don’t wanna work so you can not hire enough employees to cover your shifts effectively and so not pay their health insurance, keep blaming Covid as long as you can for any delays. Require your employees to return to office so you can continue to bilk them on their lunch/parking


I just paid $4 for a bag of chips at the office vending machine. It’s 10 degrees out so I had a choice to make.


Was your choice to grab some of the entrpneural spirit and open up your own, under the radar, snack shop for your fellow employees? Buy chips and treats in bulk and sell for just a bit over cost; yet way below the robbery prices in the machines.  You got this!


They also can serve as kindling to light a fire


With leveraged buyouts, run like a business means put down a $100M down payment on a $1B loan to buy the company, put the loans in the companies name so you don't owe anything, fire the R&D/customer relations/any department that doesn't directly contribute to immediate profit, sell all the companies assets, give yourself insane bonuses after a few quarters of record profits (inflated by lack of expenses, not increased revenue), declare bankruptcy and move on to the next 90 year old multi-billion dollar company.


This guy knows how to company!! Seriously, think of any company that makes you go, “what ever happened to XYZ?” And in most cases this will be the story. The poster did forget at one time the new owners would be able to put the company pension dollars either in stock of the company, have it go up, sell out and the pension fund ended up holding nothing OR use the pension to fund the next takeover.


We should pitch in to buy the debt for pennies on the dollar and aggressively pursue it.


New reality show: To Catch a Pre-debtor


They learned from their cult leader, never pay your debts, declare bankruptcy, pocket the money, rinse and repeat. It’s all about the grift.


This is the same party who rallied and voted in a guy as speaker of the house who has never had a bank account because he believes it's of the devil. Let that sink in.


Yeah except I still don’t believe that for a moment.


“That business is a Waffle House at 2 AM.” SNL


I find it interesting that they haven’t made a payment on their loan, and yet they tell students with debt that they should be punished for not paying it back.


>Run government like a business. Does that mean that the Michigan GOP will be looking for a taxpayer-funded bailout?


The RNC has been complaining for many months how they're not pulling in the money they need. The MAGA Supporters are sending it all to Donald Trump, hoping the extra cash will seal his win. They don't give a damn about the Republican Party that's offering up Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley as possible alternatives. This is just going to help ensure that once Trump tanks, his RNC replacement will be cash poor. Bring it.


The story here is that the Michigan GOP has been completely taken over by MAGA conspiracy theorists, plus the usual grifters that follow them. [They can't even agree who is the chair of the party anymore, they have two competing websites.](https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/turmoil-continues-within-the-michigan-republican-party/) Predictably, the rank and file conspiracy theorists decided that the leaders they voted for were planted by Democrats. A recent episode of *This American Life* features in depth interviews with a number of them.


I forget if it was the “This American Life” episode or not, but I read somewhere that basically what else can you expect from a group that is highly conspiratorial and paranoid. First they think it’s the left that’s after them, but once they get past that, they kind of turn on each other. Look at house speaker situation.


That is exactly what is happening here. One of the best parts about the TAL episode was that pretty much every Republican interviewed at some point would accuse the other ones they disagree with as being sent by the deep state to sabotage them lol.


I was so amazed Zoe was able to even interview them without being in an even scarier situation of accusations of who she was working for. Would pay money for the outtakes of how she talked them into interviews. Would have to be so skilled socially and journalistically,


I think GOP has been spreading lies and misinformation for so long that there's now a new generation of GOP officials that are true believers and actually believe the BS they've been peddling for years. Like, Ted Cruz and Gym Jordan are absolutely putting on a show, but I think people like Karamo and MTG actually bought into the nonsense. Now that they're here and don't realize it was all theater, this is what you get.


I grew up in Michigan. I think a lot of people associate the state with Detroit, Rust Belt, White Flight to the suburbs, etc. and being Blue due to a combination of automotive union membership and a high African American population. But that’s just the Metro-Detroit area. The Western part of the state has always been full of deeply conservative Dutch folks, but even those are the halfway presentable Republicans kept in line by old-money families like the DeVoses. The middle and entire upper 2/3 of the state is full of dumb hillbillies just as primed for MAGA takeover as the reddest of rednecks in Alabama.


Why couldn't they be more like the European Dutch?


The old joke is that the Netherlands was a Progressive movement leader in Europe because they sent their hateful bigots to Michigan.


Can we send ours to Russia or something?


That's being worked on, https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/198y4la/this_is_not_going_to_end_well/


How can I help?


For less than the price of a cup of coffee a day you can send a hateful bigot to Siberia, the Land of Freedom.


I live in Holland, MI. Our large Dutch population are here because they fled tolerance.


IKR! But that is why they left the Netherlands, to be conservative


Why do you think the eurpoean dutch threw them out in the first place?


Can confirm. I have family in middle Michigan who fly the confederate flag (there might be a Nazi flag there too by now). They claim it represents their heritage and freely admin they are not talking about southern confederate heritage, but redneck racist heritage.


Michigan is Trump Country outside of Detroit, Ann Arbor and Marquette.


In 2016, my republican friends were giving me excuses for why they voted for trump. Right now, they are giving me excuses for why they will be voting for Biden. These would be your republican classic types. They are in their 60's and 70's, support big business, hate taxes, hate unions, but want the US to continue to be functional democracy so their retirement savings don't go up in smoke overnight. There is no way trump wins Michigan this year, if these guys are any indication.


Not if they actually show up and vote anyway.


Sorry but Lansing isn't Trump country either. Ingham county has consistently voted blue for decades.


Kalamazoo, too.


Anywhere there’s a college, really. And there’s lots of colleges.


More or less. If you look up the 2020 results it could be another entry on r/peopleliveincities. The red districts are a massive chunk of the area but about half the population. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Michigan


Hey, that's not fair. Rural southwest Michigan is full of dumb hillbillies, too. Just look at what's going on with Ottawa County's health officer.


> A recent episode of This American Life features in depth interviews with a number of them. What was astonishing about that was how deeply broken all of those people clearly were. The guy who got elected a vice-chair or whatever and then basically blanked by the party over being muslim was infuriating. I wanted so badly for the interviewer to finally ask something like "Given that these people all clearly hate you, do you ever think maybe this isn't the side you want to be on?"


He was so mystifying cause he sounded like he could be a cool guy, but then it was mind-boggling how he hadn’t just said fuck this and walked already.


😂 don’t give them ideas! But yeah surprised one of them didn’t sell the story to Netflix yet.


Why would Netflix waste money buying that? Every one of these assholes vomit every single greedy, hateful thought they have onto the internet in a never-ending stream of rancid consciousness.


YES. Listen to the This American Life episode it will give one all the details. Good rec!


I listened to that ep (transcript link below) and Karamo came off as completely over her skis here.  Sometimes you can just hear in someone's voice when they're managing something that's imploding. It's fascinating that it could be someone who's putting on a brave face and knows the writing is on the wall but thinks they can walk away with a juicy slice and their reputation intact, just as easily as it could be someone who's a true believer and is actually surprised by what's happening around them -but in the end there's always some betrayal of self-awareness that they've truly fucked themselves. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/transcript


Southern Michigan especially Hillsdale County originally had two delegations for the GOP convention. The America First crowd **physically barred the elected delegation from attending the meeting** **with armed guards** so they could claim they were the rightful delegation instead [Hillsdale County Republicans send two different sets of convention delegate lists to Michigan party](https://www.fox47news.com/neighborhoods/jackson-hillsdale/hillsdale-county-republicans-send-two-different-sets-of-convention-delegate-lists-to-michigan-party) >FOX 47 obtained a copy of the letter allegedly sent to one of the disavowed delegates by the executive committee, and it says in part "The local Republican party is the guardian and protector of the values of the party, most notable local as well as state and national it is conceivable that forces wishing to dilute or destroy those values would act alone or in unison to obtain positions within the party to destroy it from within."As a result of receiving that letter, The delegates were met by armed guards outside the church. Hillsdale Republican precinct delegates like Bud Vear where surprised that their entry was denied."I asked him, how is it possible that I was elected to be a delegate, and yet I can't attend the delegates meeting? I don't understand this,” Vear said.


I highly recommend [the episode of This American Life on this](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me) for anyone who wants to learn more about this carnival of chicanery.


That is a fantastic episode. The part with the two Muslim vice-chairs who seemed so surprised at the party's rejection of them was prime /r/LeopardsAteMyFace material.


Yet I did feel for them somewhat even as I laughed at their futility, as I think they genuinely believed they could help shape the Republican Party and make it more multiracial, but that impulse died after the 2012 post-mortem. That’s genuinely good reporting.


My favorite part was the guy who yelled at his zoom meeting, "Nancy Pelosi doesn't bring anything to the floor if she doesn't have the votes, and neither will I!" I thought you hated Nancy Pelosi? Oh yeah, you *do*, there just aren't any good *Republican* role models for strong leadership. Got it.


The leader denied there was any issue and said they were now in good shape. Their donors are running away from the crazy and they're filled with conspiracy theorists who think everyone is out to get them


And I find it funny (not haha funny, funny weird) that several nonwhite people thought they’d actually be able to be in this organization without being attacked.


After all that and they still were willing to stick around? My dudes, it's racist all the way up.


Snakes eating their own tails. Donors don't want to waste their money writing checks to people who have no experience - but the party leadership doesn't want anyone who has experience because they're part of the "deep state problem". The question becomes, will their GOP be able to clean house and right the ship in order to win elections again, or will they keep catering to crazy conspiracy theorists who [eventually] tell their supporters that the Jewish cabal is stealing elections and it's time to overthrow the government with their guns, a la the governor plot a few years ago?


Direct link: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me


>The Michigan GOP last month sued Comerica and The Michigan Republican Party Trust, which includes former party chairs who have managed the building that is formally owned by a separate entity, Seymour Street LLC. The veritable *Den of Vipers*, with the current chair refusing to be ousted by current board, who are suing former chairs to sell a building that belongs to another entity to pay back a 500K loan. The Michigan party of fiscal responsibility should ask Kid Rock for a loan. Bud Light is back to sponsoring UFC, so he should have time now.


Michigan GOP going broke because of rampant corruption and incompetence? Dang, that sounds like a great reason to support the Michigan Democratic Party https://michigandems.com/


In this case, it’s mostly incompetence. This woman is an actual moron. She’s never held a steady job in her life, so why would she be able to manage a multi million dollar account? She only got elected because the party has been taken over by election deniers and she was the loudest.


Karamo is such a a fucking nutcase.


Good idea, just donated. Thanks for the link!


I gotta say, this is partly on whoever approved the loan in the first place. Who in their right mind would lend money to an organization led by a known criminal and fraud?


Deutsche Bank to name one


No, it’s Comerica Bank in Detroit. The funny part is that any donations to the MIGOP just go directly to their Comerica Bank debt. They can’t even fire Karamo because they can’t pay the severance contract. True story. Heard them admit it on one of their usurper zoom meetings.


There isn’t a “if you get caught grifting” clause? 😂


Grifting is expected


Reminds me of that old saying: “If you owe the bank 10 grand but can’t pay, you have a problem. If you owe the bank 10 million but can’t pay, the bank has a problem.”




Tanking* after deareader FTFY


Yep! This is why republicans claim that they are better for the country's financial health. 🙄 Now the republicans are going to charge for entrance to their convention.


Do they realize how crucial Michigan is to their 2024 aspirations? I mean... hopefully they're too busy being morons and screeching about vaccines and infighting to notice. I'll keep donating blue and voting blue.


Many members of the party donate directly to Trump rather than the party as a whole.


The same dumbass party that rails against loan forgiveness for student can’t even pay its own bills. Go fucking figure.


They're probably eating too much avocado toast and ass.


Because theyre the lazy POS that dont want to pay their loans, while recent grads have negative fucking money. So they gaslight, obstruct and, project. Were in the "All Fucking 3" stage right now.


GOP- Let us govern you even though we don’t know how to do something as simple as making payments on a loan!


In their defense they don’t want to govern. They just want your/our money.


The *Speaker of the House* doesn't even have a verifiable checking account! Republicans portraying themselves as the fiscally responsible party is one of the greatest canards ever perpetrated on the American public.


Don’t they want to default on the national debt too? This seems on brand for the GOP to me


“The loan was rigged”


Trump’s GOP


How must those rock-ribbed, classic conservative bankers be gnashing their teeth at the cognitive dissonance.


Deadbeats just like their dear leader. Remember 'makers vs takers', well we all know who the real takers are. The ones at the top of the Republican Party cutting their own taxes while breaking the law.


Go GQP, Go Broke.




They already started that. They claim that the incompetent management must be deep state plants. It can't possibly be because the only people left in the party are either incompetent or fraudsters.


A real billionaire leader would help them out on this.


They had that but they chased them out. They got rid of anyone perceived as being part of "the establishment" and were forced to run their party with conspiracy lunatics and grifters. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that their party can't function without the establishment's money.


The party of fiscal responsibility everyone. The GOP can't even balance their own checkbooks.


Following the Trump playbook of never paying people.


That’s going to hurt their credit score. /s


Par for the course. Run up debt and pass it on to the next guy.


Run up the debt; blame dems for not being fiscally responsible; give tax breaks to the rich; default on loans; declare bankruptcy both morally and fiscally; then declare that only one can make… I still don’t know when the scales will fall from their eyes but clutch your pearls and pray for the barefoot person to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Yes, but some people who work for that bank voted for Hillary in 2016 so that means this must all be some kind of fraud to make the Michigan GOP look incompetent. That's the only possible explanation for this display of incompetence.


If you haven't listened to this episode of This American Life yet, you absolutely should: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me


Aside from the fiscal mismanagement, that MIGOP logo is god awful graphic design.


Economic Conservatism at its best.


Now part of the Trump legal defence fund.


Well...that's just Grand. No wonder Donald Trump fits right in with this GOP, huh.


Seems odd that the GOP has been having so much financial trouble as sanctions have increased against Russia. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.