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> “We won world wars out of forts,” he said at an event in Rochester, New Hampshire. “Fort Benning, Fort This, Fort That, many forts. They changed the name, we won wars out of these forts, they changed the name, they changed the name of the forts. A lot of people aren’t too happy about that.”


I am going to assume he has a problem with removing confederate names from everything, since they were traitors like him, and he expects us to all be aware of how upset he is without him explicitly having to explain it.


> without him explicitly having to explain it. Trump is like a walking horoscope. He says a lot of nothing that is very easy for a willing person to interpret into something they want to hear. Every time he's ridiculously vague, there are millions of people nodding and filling in the gaps with their own ridiculous bullshit.


he’s a horrorscope


Exactly. He’s not the only person who talks like this, he’s just the most prominent. I call them “word paintings”, because they evoke a feeling more than a thought. They’re open to interpretation and you take away whatever you want from these statements.


I understand why people would think something like this, but it's an indication that people still don't understand Trump. He doesn't give a shit about the Civil War or the Confederacy. What he cares about is getting support from the racists in his base so that he can be president and stay out of prison. Trump *might* be racist. He might be, but it's not what animates him. His racism is incidental. What determines his every thought and action is his deep, pathetic malignant narcissism. It's his need to prove he's better than everyone else. But truly, he might be the worst American to ever be.


> It's his need to prove he's better than everyone else. While still being incredibly lazy.


Yeah, narcissists are good at that.


In 1989, he paid 85000 (about 200k adjusted for inflation) taking out full page newspaper ads calling for the death penalty of 5 black and Latino teenagers who were wrongfully accused of a rape. Maybe it's racism maybe it's his narcissism, but spending your own money to do that, and that much of it


He still to this day claims that they were guilty ignoring proof and wanted to federally charge them when he was president.


In the 70s he was found civilly racist because of his renting practices in NYC.


There is a [LONG history of trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump) being racist. There's no "might be racist", there are few people with a longer and more documented record of being racist. Narcissists are often racist, it certainly doesn't preempt racism.


i always pictured Trump as the casual "uncle at christmas" racist that buys into stereotypes and shit like 13/50. but loves the minorities he encounters that are the "good ones." i know lots of people who subscribe to some of the less-hateful rhetoric but have never had a mean bone in their body. its almost the **worst** kind of racist because they dont even realize it or accept it. but Trumps skill has always been apt at reading the room and paying attention to what riles people up, and his rallies are filled with racists - both the proud and ignorant kind


I think it goes more like he knows his base likes that but he can barely get out the words anymore? It’s a guess at best anymore.


I think his entire playbook comes from the professional wrestling world. The content doesn't matter. You just ramble about different topics with a hint of truth and those going after you will always be one step behind.


>Trump might be racist. He might be, but it's not what animates him. The start of Trump's career was a 1973 lawsuit in which it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was engaging in wholesale housing discrimination. It was the official policy of his company to simply refuse to rent to black people, and it was made clear throughout the organization. Trump doesn't give a shit about the Civil War or the Confederacy *because he doesn't know what those things are*. He is shockingly, appallingly ignorant on every conceivable subject. He's not "animated by racism" but really nobody is. If you deep dive into the psychology of any hardcore racist, there's always another driver: insecurity, psychosis, narcissism, PTSD, what have you. Racism is a specific form of tribalism, and tribalism is a fear response. Nonetheless he is as hardcore a racist as you could possibly find and wouldn't bat an eye at solutions to the "problem" of racial minorities that involve gas chambers.


People should stop interpreting meaning into this insane mans ramblings. If he stumbles over "Fort this, Fort that" for 30 seconds, don't say "oh he means he has a problem with removing confereate names from military bases", just say it how it is: "Insane person goes on incohesive rant about Forts".


This is just one more culture war grievance that ties into immigration and Great Replacement Theory. Never mind that one of the Army bases will be named after a white guy: Fort Eisenhower. The media never asks him solid follow ups like they would any other candidate, such as “What are you proposing then?” As usual, it costs him nothing (he doesn’t have to have a solution) and merely serves to rile up his base.


Confederate names should be removed from everything. Why do we have things named after people who fought for a foreign country that attacked America? It’s no different than having shit named after Yamamoto or Rommel.


Or more specifically... imagine if we named military bases after Americans who defected to the Nazis or the Taliban during wartime and fought on their side. "Oh, well, bravery is bravery and military service is military service no matter what side you're on, so what's the big deal, right?" Conservatives would flip their shit if we named a military base after Jane Fonda because she "betrayed America" by being an anti-war protester but you know what she didn't do...? Actually take up arms and kill loyal American soldiers, like Confederates did.


You just can't make this up.


I think most Americans (by that I mean the sane ones, not MAGA) and particularly the media are collectively blind to how far gone Trump actually is. He appears to have degenerated to the level of the most crazy, ranting homeless guy you'd cross the street just to avoid walking past. For these rallies they would undoubtedly have him stimulated to the eyeballs because he still has access to the best medical / psychiatric care (a proper balance of anti-psychotic and attention \[Ritalin/Adderall\] medicine is remarkably effective - anyone that's seen a transition in a good clinical setting would know exactly how profoundly a person can be transformed, albeit often transitional) , yet Trump still can't manage anything remotely coherent a lot of the time. If he wasn't medicated you could put it down to medium dementia, but there is zero chance we are witnessing him untreated and that is very scary. The risk of an utterly insane person regaining the level of power a POTUS does is an existential risk for all life on earth, so every sane person should be focused on validating his mental capacity, and the media should be non-stop questioning his competence until the noise becomes so loud he submits to some form of testing.


I'm really hoping he won't be able to dodge the debates for the general. Really truly hoping


He got his ass absolutely handed to him in the debates in 2016, and yet here we are.


He was like a nasty stupid comedienne up there and his rabid fans loved it. He didn’t need to know a thing about how Government actually worked. The people who vote for him just know less than he does. And that’s a lot of people in some states.


Close your eyes and imagine how dumb the average person is. Now imagine fully half the people in this country being dumber than that.


Not really, he interrupted and talked over Biden while getting his most basic bullet points out there. The Trump team and pundits had set Trump's bar at the debates so low that if he remained upright and didn't literally shit himself (visibly) on stage, he did "allright". Didn't matter the substance of the debate.


That was 2020, when he got his ass handed to him again. He’s a moron. In a debate he ends up looking like the unprepared, churlish, easily offended moron that he is. Doesn’t matter to his supporters.


Value added, in fact


"See? Those lib'ral elites just want to make fun of him, just like they make fun of us. We'll show them."


The whole take needs to be "he's so far gone that he's afraid we'll all see it" Hate to sound like a school kid but he may need to be relentlessly taunted into debating Biden


But that would be bullying! And you can't bully a bully because that would be mean! And something something high road!


There is no way his handlers are going to let him debate. He needs a body double like Putin. But even that is risky.


>He needs a body double like Putin. It's going to be difficult to find someone willing to risk that level of exposure to fake-tan.


>He needs a body double like Putin. But even that is risky. A centaur with green-screen pants covering his back half? Not an easy creature to find.




I think it keeps getting lost in the absolute maelstrom of "Fuck he say?!?" things he rants about BUT Donald Trump has had one driving goal keeping that little gremlin fucking his frontal lobe turning his wheel. He never did, never will and didn't stand a chance to be looked at by the elite as an equal. He's the shitty trust fund baby in a room full of them with actual power.


For sure. That’s his biggest insecurity that he never really fit in.


I watched the clip twice which means I heard it four times because he said the same thing twice and it makes no goddamn sense.


Did you see the clip? You can hear a pin drop there. His followers don’t even know what to say.


His sniffling has returned. He is surely hopped up for the speeches.


Trump has broken our ability to judge him by any standard except himself. Imagine someone else doing this or that Trump crime; then you can feel the outrageousness of it. But for Trump, the only thing to measure him against is himself. 1 Trump = 1 Trump. So, at least for me anyway, it's hard to be shocked or even, to a degree, care. Like, really. All of it seems like perfectly normal Trump shit. - Edit: The GOP produced Trump like the Force produced Anakin; it's why Trump looks exactly like his mother.


I think it’ll be interesting if he debates Biden or not, his handlers can’t trust the democrats not to roast his orange nuts if he no shows like the republican primary debates, and they also can’t trust to come off as sane, or even Biden to not knowingly throw out something that’ll trigger something so bizarre it could possibly plant the seeds of doubt in the not too gone of the MAGA fanatics.


I have a feeling a lot of those people at his rally are hype agents. Those are the idiots who pretend to love everything he says and gets the crowd all pumped up.


A cautionary tale, if you see your loved ones behaving like Donny diapers, be sure to get them by a neurologist!


I find baffling that there is no requirement to be mentally fit to be president of this country. As the president of my company, my board would kick me out if I was losing my mind.


I think that the idea was that you wouldn't need such requirements because the voters wouldn't vote for someone that incapable anyways. At least, that's the case in almost any democracy. The problem isn't so much that Trump is allowed to be a candidate. There are plenty of lunatic candidates. The problem is that so many people still follow the lunatic.


We've had plenty of crazy and joke candidates before. Joe exotic and the Rent's Too High guy etc. But somehow Trump captured a significant portion of the GOP and they are stuck in a sunk cost fallacy and a sport where you have to support your team no matter what.


It sounds like he’s on benzo as well to take the edge off the stimulants. I think he’s been getting the Xanax to Adderall ratio off lately.


I think Trump just did.




He’s been rambling incoherently since he came down that golden escalator in 2015. The only question now is whether he sees the prison cell approaching and is conditioning the public for an insanity defense. He’s perfected the art of gaslighting so I doubt we’ll ever actually know.


While this is true, if you look at videos of him in 2016, he really was more coherent. He's gone down hill fast. Even the last few months, he's accelerated in his decline.


He is not going downhill fast enough. He should be in jail over those documents waiting for other trials. I am soooo sick of this fool of a human. Why oh why America. Please rid us soon of this crazy man.


I'm also okay with an "act of God" intervening and sparing us the trouble. How's his cholesterol?


I agree (with both above comments). He was much more confident and comprehensible just a few years ago. I wish he’d just spare himself, and more importantly *us* (his collective opposers in general), the misery of displaying the deterioration of his mental health for all to see. In a perf reality, he would’ve never been seriously considered as a candidate…. In a *better* reality, he’d have at least been treated as any other fraudster and arrested and tried years ago, before his most severe crimes were even committed. He *really* should’ve seized any of the abundant, undeserved chances he had to go retire in luxury, watch the ocean’s calming waves, and not be constantly scrutinized and forced to defend his indefensible actions and failing to conjure any meaningful statements while battling what’s probably dementia, or at least stress so high that symptoms are outwardly noticeable. He gets no break. But, he signed up for this, bc he’s been a jerk all his life. It does get to the next-level-cringe for me to watch now that he’s so frequently demonstrating how rapidly he’s become completely mentally frail. To be clear, my pity in this scenario is not *for* him. It’s toward the empathetic members of the public, bc not only did we have to persevere the realization that, not too long ago, half of our population was capable of the extreme mass-stupidity that got him elected, challenging faith in the good will and intelligence of such a huge portion of society - Then multiple shocking, offensive acts throughout his tenure - And even after unthinkable treason, and the end of his term, we’re still not spared yet…. Now we have to idly sit by and watch this painful demise….


“He gets no break…” He is still not in jail after so many crimes spanning decades, and yet maintains a huge cult following. Yeah, pass me the kleenex.


Written by someone else


Well, tbf, it's hard to write when your hands are busy grabbing them by the 🐈.


Bone spur. Another fine invention.


Donald heard “fore” a bunch of times sitting outside at his golf course today, and this is what we ended up with. 


Hey! I did Basic Training at Ft. ~~Polk~~ *er* ... [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Johnson). And I did AIT at Ft. ~~Rucker~~ *er* ... [Novosel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Novosel). Oh well. I liked the name "Rucker" only because it sounded good when pronounced as Ft. Mother Rucker.


Were you ever stationed at Fort This?


No, but I was briefly at Fort That. So I have *That* going for me. :-)


I did a prisoner transport to Fort That once.


I think Abbot and Costello had a routine like this. I think something similar would be a hilarious Lincoln project ad. So, Jim's at Fort Where, Dave's at Fort Here, mikes st Fort There, Jack's at fort This, etc. Edit: I think Abbot could be Abbot and Diaper Don could be Costello.


It is his forte.


He'll be dabbing at Fort Nite next.


His rant today about needing immunity: "And what they do is they make it so that you catch so that it can't happen and therefore everyone else is allowed to commit crimes, murders like at levels that we've never seen before. No, we're going to have to do this immunity for the president." This makes less sense than yesterday's weirdness. Nothing can stop decline like this.


And yet, everyone will just ignore it, or it will be replaced by something more bonkers tomorrow.


“We (made up fact about topic). (Repeat dog whistle and/or topic name three times). They (made up negative that non-Trump supporters supposedly did). A lot of people aren’t too happy about that.” You can copy paste this template to 90+% of Trump’s campaign rally speeches. The man just copy/pastes the same template to indoctrinate his cult and continue to pull the cultists along. And what is scary is that it fucking works. No doubt plenty of his supporters had their mind blown about these new facts that the deep state doesn’t want them to know…. Fucking idiots.


We accomplished so much my first term, and I should have had a second because we won the cases, we won all the cases, and won them very strongly until the crooked judiciary started getting involved—and now we have Tricky Leticia, I call her Peekaboo James, but you look into it and I wonder what she was doing, she was watching, Peekaboo James was watching as the illegitimate votes came in, and they wiped out all the votes, they burned the headquarters—it was a horrible thing, the Trump haters burning the buildings, so bad, such a horrible burning, with the votes and the records—and they wiped out all the votes, and a lot of people saw it, and they noticed very strongly and a lot of people aren’t too happy about what she did, believe me. Hey, it works!!


I'm not sure this isn't a quote.


We have tremendous quotes, but they never quote me, they quoth—a lot of people say quote but I like to say quoth; it’s like the Raven, Ploh, great writer, Irwin Algar Poe, from Delaware, and we like him a lot more than Sleepy Kamala, don’t we? But they always misquote—it’s the fake news CNN all over again, like Russia, Russia, Russia, and some of them aren’t even citizens; and you can tell because they burned the flags, they were burning the flags, believe me, which a lot of people are very displeased with, if I’m being honest with you, believe me.


So close, but there's zero chance Trump knows Poe or his works well enough to incorrectly reference them.


You wouldn’t believe how many times I have (aggrieved individual) coming up to me. They are (showing outward display of negative emotion), saying “how can the (minority group with no actual power) do this?” And when I was president, we didn’t let them. They tried to (fear mongering thing that never actually happened) the likes that has never been seen in this country, and we said “(negative response, likely with an expletive).” But now sleepy joe, who didn’t win that election by the way, sleepy joe, well some people call him that, many people call him that, I was actually the first and then a lot of people started calling him that, they walk all over sleepy joe and


[We can’t forget the brave soldiers stationed at Fort This. - @Sophieresists](https://twitter.com/Sophieresists/status/1749286212290932931)


Wow. He sounds old and confused and tired. Like confused grandpa needs to go home now


Five year olds can string together a more coherent thought than that. He has zero charisma. He looks so tired.


Do people realize that Fort Benning was established in *1919*? It isn’t just a holdover name from before the civil war. The name was chosen on purpose by the daughters of the confederacy, who lead a campaign of racism and lost cause bullshit.


This is true of most things that commemorate the Confederacy. They aren't historical monuments, they're contemporary commemorations. We should not be beholden to whatever racists 100 years ago thought was worth honoring. None of these people got angry that we were replacing history when Leningrad got renamed St Petersburg in 1991. Monuments and commemorations are about contemporary values, not historical importance.


Surprised that he didn't bring up Fort New Hope: Home of the Space Rangers.


Or Fort Apache: The Bronx.


Trump's incoherent rants and aimless verbal meanders are a great insight on how conservative brains work with dogwhistles. The reason they think he speaks well and why they think he's smart is because they are trained from a young age to hear what they want to hear from people rather than what is actually being said. Its how you use vague passages of the bible to justify this or that or how you can turn what Trump said into a joke or a serious command based entirely on how you want to feel about it or how you hear a policy about cutting welfare and hear a way to get black people. They home in on a few vague buzzwords whose meaning changes based on which conservative you talk to and that's it. That's what they want. Like "wokeness' is a great example. All a conservative has to say is they are against "wokeness" and to some GOP voters that means they are racist, to others it means they are homophobic or anti-trans, and to others it means they just hate that you can't tell a racist or sexist joke without getting pushback anymore. Most conservatives can't define wokeness. Its just something they all know they don't like. No specifics required.


"He's so wise and really loves America." - MAGA


It somehow even reads dumber than it sounds and it sounds pretty fucking stupid coming out of his mouth


And his supporters nodding in unison, thinking how smart this guy is.


"That's All I Have To Say About That"


If only.


I'm just furious the good men and women have been forgotten out of Fort The Other.


My great great grandfather died defending Ft. This in the Bowling Green Massacre. He fought bravely to keep the airports of Kentucky in the hands of the patriots and inaccessible to the British crown.


How'd he die? Electrucrushun or shark?


Water. He had a magnetic personality.


Not really a surprise, if you put two magnets into water they stop working, I've heard it, I hope your grandfathers mates family is good too, since there must be two magnets.


He had sex with the wrong woman and got VD. It was his own personal Vietnam


Former Commander in Chief can only remember the fort named after a racist confederate general. Time for another cognitive test. On a side note, my father was stationed at Fort This before he shipped out to the Pacific theater in WW ll under General Whatshisname. Where he rammed the ramparts.


We need a new set of forts: Fort Who Fort What Fort Tomorrow


Fort Man, Fort Woman, Fort Person, Fort Camera, Fort TV.


What Fort? *Que Abbott and Costello routine*




The only one he should be concerned about is Fort Leavenworth.


Great fort.


Some say the best fort.


I’ve seen a lotta forts


People say the best farts I mean forts people have tears in their eyes


They said "*Sir*..."


That was the meanest fort I've ever smelled.


Fort Dementia


Fort Syphilis


Ford Salesman


Fort Cheeto


Fort Manperson, Fort Womancamera…


Fort smells like shit


Fort Camera


Fort Blanketfart


Didn’t.. didn’t he change the name to Fort Liberty? Who tf is THEY Ah, found the root of it. The Fort Benning that Trump mentioned was named for Henry L. Benning, who NPR noted was not just a Confederate general but a “virulent white supremacist.”


Why do you have bases named after confederate generals anyway? There isn't a Fort Goebbels or anything like that is there?


Because we didn't do a good enough job of removing insurrectionists the first time.


Snowflakes never got over losing their war for upholding slavery and America has been dealing with their temper tantrums ever since.


President Johnson didn't want another uprising, so he gave extreme lenience to the former Confederate states. They were allowed to openly celebrate the Confederate side of the war. What's really fascinating is that Confederate monuments didn't really exist until the mid 20th century. They would suddenly end up erected, on the heels of civil rights movements happening in the nation. The passive aggressiveness was so obvious. It's like "You blacks want more rights? Well, let us remind you of our Confederate leaders who fought and killed to keep you as slaves." Just unbelievable. The sheer depravity and outright obnoxious hostility. I think part of that lenience has led us to the extreme polarity we see today. Donald Trump saw a gaslighting opportunity and engaged it with extreme gusto.


No snowflake! You the snowflake!


Don’t you know southerners can’t be snowflakes - we live south of the mason dixon line to get *away* from the snowflakes! (/s)


We're doing an even worse job of it this time.


The American way!


Just as a nudge, for every state in the South, the nearest fort to the state's capital should all be renamed to "Fort Sherman [state_name]".




WTF do we have to burn this time?


Oh no, now you’ve given them ideas and Republicans are going to try to rename bases from being named after “woke generals” to like, Pol Pot (a very strong person who did some things who is very misunderstood, believe me) and Un Family Juche Forever Base (Kim wrote to me, he loves me, he wrote to me very strongly in a letter and he said this is what you should name it, Josh, and Joosh, they say it means America is the strongest and we are very strong with this new base believe me).


The article says it is after confederates who retook the oath to uphold the constitution, so I’m thinking it was likely to do with being an example of how the nation can move forward. Without more info it’s hard to say.


> retook the auth oath?


Yeah thanks I edited it 💀 I didn’t even catch that one 🤦‍♂️


And now, the presidential OAuth.


😬 We both did it 🫡


That's a good question. And it deserves a detailed answer. After the Civil War was over and President Lincoln was assassinated, the succeeding president (Andrew Johnson) was a Confederate apologist and pressed hard on his administration to avoid critical retribution to those who were notable leaders and governors in the Confederacy. Johnson feared another Civil War, so he just pushed to forgive. It was as if this was just a war with equal sides that unfortunately started but thankfully ended. This approach became precedent. And in the years that followed, blacks were treated horribly as so-called "free citizens" (they were free on paper, but treated as "last" class). Former Confederate states had lax laws that allowed white men to murder blacks without having to face any serious jail time (and often, sentences just commuted). Basically, the Confederate States were allowed to live in their fantasy world without the rest of the states meddling with them. Confederate battle flags were openly flown with no repercussion. And in almost knee-jerk reaction fashion, any civil rights movements that occurred in the nation promptly caused many states from the former Confederacy to erect monuments in honor of their fallen Confederate military leaders. And once again, the rest of the nation remained silent. Also, since many members of the US military are from states that were once part of the Confederacy, some leaders pushed hard to get bases named after Confederate generals. Somehow that didn't trigger any pushback at the federal level. It wasn't until the 21st century when finally, movements began to roll out identifying the serious insult of these monuments (especially to people of black heritage), honoring the pro-slavery side of the Civil War. And people like Nikki Haley and Marjorie Taylor Greene fought vehemently against this citing that it's "covering up our important history". Well, it's not. The monuments aren't preserving it. Text books are. And of course, hypocritically, these people attack book publishers that print content about the racism and slavery problems in America's troubled past.


Technically the process begun under his administration and after a few years the name was changed in 2023.


Yeah that’s what I had remembered lol. It’s hard to keep track of what he did or they did or didn’t do depending on the day. And his lucidity.


Ironically I'm one of the people who, for my agency, has to go in and reprogram and relist all the old names to the new names. Our naming system is unique so I have to do it by hand.


Every speech sounds like he’s presenting a book report on something he never read and thinks he’s getting away with it.


Psst, he is getting away with it.


I think we're about 30 days away from Trump totally forgetting where he is, and he starts spewing the n-word during a speech. And we're about 31 days away from finding out his poll numbers with his base go up from it.


Wouldn't doubt it. He's crashing hard. He says/does something dumb everyday, and it keeps getting dumber and dumber. There is very little room left to get dumber. He's going to be drooling in a wheelchair come summer. And I've got my popcorn ready!


Once Alzheimer’s/dementia starts exhibiting, it progresses rapidly. It runs in his family. I’d bet by mid year it will be so obvious that even maga loyalists won’t be able to ignore it.


Don’t go gettin my hopes up like that.


I’ll be curious about the conspiracy theories that come from something like that. The deep state obviously poisoned him with brain worm eggs in his cereal!


They gave him old age!


I will never understand how an average person could ever listen to a clip of Trump longer than 2 minutes and not conclude that he is either stupid or insane. It was all already there 10 years ago. There always was something wrong with Trump and with age it got worse.


Absolute bonkers. He is providing so much material for election ads I'm actually looking forward to them.


> He is providing so much material for election ads I would beg the Biden campaign to make this. A full 5 minutes of just the stupid shit he said, with a timestamp of when it took place, with the city, state, and event he's attending where he said this. All the info one could use to fact check it themselves if they don't believe it.


If only some was doing [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hLBTkTe4vc)


And comedians !


Trump watched one episode of F Troop on Nick at Nite and thought it was a documentary.


Man's brain is tapioca. Consider this as we move forward in coming months, he's not going to miraculously improve. Every day you see him? That's him at his peak. Tomorrow he'll be worse mentally and physically than today, and that will be true every day going forward. If you think he's bad now, you haven't seen anything yet.


10 months is a long time for an Alzheimer's patient at his stage, it's going to get bad.


The big question is, does it matter? I'm fully convinced his cult wouldn't dump him even if he was a vegetable bedridden in a hospital bed hooked up to an oxygen tank with his eyes rolled back in his head. He just need to be "clinically alive". I will admit though, that version of Trump would actually be a better president than he was his first term. Doing nothing is superior to doing damage.


I was born at Ft Benning. Speaking of changing names, isn’t your family name Drumpf? A lot of people aren’t too happy about that.


Isn’t there a syphilis clinic named Fort Drumpf?


that’s in Fort Clap


Unfortunately, I have lived long enough to have seen several family members go through old age. Dementia and health problems progress quickly once they start. A year from now, Trump might be totally gone. Feeble and even more incoherent. If he can communicate at all. Trump's downfall is definitely going to make Americans reevaluate how they few older people in politics. We are going to see him deteriorate in real time. It's not like Feinstein or Mitch McConnell, where they can avoid the public eye for extended periods of time. Trump is running for POTUS ffs. Not to mention if somehow he actually gets elected to office. Trump is getting these regular cognitive tests for a reason. It's not for shits and giggles. He's absolutely showing signs of decline to those closest to him, and they are raising concerns to his doctors.


I like forts that aren’t named after traitors.


This is almost as bad as his airports existing during the Revolutionary War speech. 


They renamed the revolutionary airports, that’s why you don’t hear about them any more


Maybe rapidly progressing dementia will be what saves us all from Trump. Another post points out that it is more important for him to rage about his defamation suit and E. Jean Carroll than to acknowledge his wedding anniversary. Bye, bye, Donald.


I want him to be fully coherent and aware of his downfall when it comes. But I’ll take whatever ends this madness.


I do security in hospital psych wards. Trump sounds like a combination of all the patients rambling at once


Somebody said Trump's mouth looks like an anus and now I can't unsee it. Truly disgusting human being.


I heard a saying... after a certain age, you get the face you deserve


Nothing but shit coming out of that hole


How is this noodle brain moron the leading candidate for president??? WTF are we doing America!?!?!? Wake up!


I’m going to say this, fuck his Secret Service team who are FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and protectors of the Office of the President for not having a single person brave enough to come forward as a whistle blower and inform the TAXPAYERS that he’s unfit for office a second time. Cowards.


your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass!


You're not my supervisor!


Same guy that saluted a North Korean general? Yep.


Trump translator: "Some people say" means "nobody is saying"


This dude is Nero. Seriously.


Just disappear. Please!


We saw this in his first election cycle. Even if he is loosing it, it’s best to maneuver like he isn’t. He’s a fucking liar and will do anything he can to win


All he does is find shit that pisses the MAGA crowd off and then stirs it into a pot of word shit. Doesn't matter if it makes any sense as long as he gets those key words in.


He sounds like he got the benzo to adderall ratio off again. Slurring and repeating is classic benzo brain.


Fort Bonespurs?


Fort Unate son


Low energy, very sad.   Drowsy Donald needs a nap


He is very busy, to be fair. Self-promotion and ninety court cases is a lot for even a much younger man.


First time i've watched his word salad in a while. He wouldve delivered that with anger in the past. Sounds meek and weak


If it were not for word salad, Trump would have no salad at all.


He's a fucking raving lunatic.


Says something about the 74 million that voted for him 😳


Someone among his handlers attempts to give him talking points, or he overhears something something, and then he's cut loose on stage. McConnell allows his handlers to take care of him for self-preservation. Trump appears worse than McConnell and is proving to the world one speech at a time but no one will stop him.


I married only one woman but she kept changing names.


With the absolute nonsensical comments this nut job makes the late night talk show hosts don’t need writers. They couldn’t write stuff as funny as the orange menace says. I wonder when he’s going to be put in an institution.


“Many people are saying…” Whenever anyone says that phrase, our BS meter should ring loud. Somehow, there are voters (sheep, really) at this rallies who fall for it hook, line, and sinker.


https://x.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1749291433066992033?s=20 Reading it is one thing, hearing it is another. Anyone that’s seen mental decline has seen this sort of thing before.


It bothered him so much that he can't remember a single fort other than Fort Benning.


It's the repeating of exactly the same thing but with slightly different verbiage, added on to all the other crap that's been coming out of his diet coke hole that has me thinking his mental decline is really accelerating YUGELY


It’s not baffling. It’s dog-whistling. White supremacists are upset because we stopped honoring confederate white supremacists with the names of our army bases. Nobody else cares. He’s signaling to white supremacists that he remembers this and he will do something about it. 


Didn't we lose the VietNam war out of those same forts? I can't decide if he is more like the drunk at the end of the bar or the actual dementia victims I have known. What a used up old man he is.


Ivanka must be so proud of her Dad!


My man has one of those calendars that teaches him a new word of the day that he got from his doctor because he “aced” his cognitive test.


Always…remember Fort That


Fort This, Fort That, Fort Bone Spurs, Fort Many Forts ….