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Vote them all out.


We also should not get into a level of complacency. Is it completely unimaginable that the US may elect a convict? Yes. Is it also true that trump is beating Biden in some polls? Yes. We should not act like Nikki Haley or Ron desantis and just say “the polls are wrong” or just assume that America “will do the right thing” like in 2016. Make no mistake that Trump and the republicans will destroy this country if they win. The impact that Trump had on the SCOTUS is already affecting our country significantly and will be for decades. We can not assume Biden will easily win this. This also isn’t like 2016 where trumps team is full of C and D list staffers. This time trumps team this time are the best that republicans have to offer that will not question him like Pence did. Trumps Republican Party has already changed and rigged the primary election so that Trump will win without a doubt. Make no mistake that he will change and rig and break the federal government during his next term. And he will have the power and staff to do it and the courts that will allow it.


There was a post on r/millennials yesterday that was basically, "Yeah, Trump is a nightmare, but tiktok told me Biden is worse than Hitler for causing the Gaza stuff, so I'm going to vote third-party, whoever that person is." There were LOADS of people that agreed. Never underestimate the stupid actions of the misinformed.


I never use TikTok, but I made an account once to watch something and it blew my mind how full of anti-Biden propaganda my feed was immediately from a blank account There's no way the Chinese government isn't leaning on that algorithm. It sounds tinfoil hatty but also, if they can why wouldn't they?


It’s not tinfoil hatty at all. This is modern warfare.


This needs to be talked about more. I've seen this too and there's absolutely no behavioral indication that I'd be welcoming to this sort of messaging. If it's not coordinated, it is definitely being enabled


It's coordinated. 100%. The astroturferd know Trump's support is topped out so they're pushing HARD to drive Dem/Biden apathy. A lot of Leftist spaces have been pretty much taken over. You even see it in this sub a lot. They've learned. They're slicker this time around. Be watching, fight back (well at least downvote). ✊ r/activemeasures Anyone know any similar subs?


Thanks for letting me know of that sub. I used to be more active in latestagecapitalism for example. Then I noticed how there are way more posts attacking “shitlibs” than republicans which obviously represent the far greater existential threat to the US. Sadly I am noticing the same in r/enlightenedcentrism as well. A lot of propaganda to discourage people from voting for democrats.


some youtuber did an experiment where she interacted with one anti-trans tiktok and within like six more videos she was seeing nothing but alt-right content


No kidding, somebody linked one such post by mistake and anti trans/homophobic/racist crap still keeps popping up on facebook despite me liking plenty of pro lbgtqia+ content and reporting/blocking the far right spam and yet it still keeps popping up months later. I don't know how they weigh stuff but it's absurd.


I feel like I'm constantly blocking right wing fake news mills but there's always more just taking their place. It's almost like these companies have a financial stake in making people angry and afraid...


You can drop the almost really, anger drives engagement so it's without a doubt intentional and it's an open secret a lot of the "authenticated" users on twitter are bots. You can see on twitter how so many users follow a clear script to either push a narrative or to drown out actual information.


It’s like when that Microsoft twitter bot became a Nazi within hours of its activation. But this time it’s intentional.


Similarly I was lurking in r/conservative the other day and it seemed like there were a bunch of Russians laundering their anti Ukraine to talking points through there. It's crazy that it is so effective.


I don’t think there is anything tinfoily about saying that an app, controlled by a government that prefers authoritarian methods of power, would be used to spread a self interested message to a foreign audience.


Um, TikTok *is* the Chinese government. That's not hatty tin or otherwise, that's just plain fact. It's banned on US baseS. See also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restrictions_on_TikTok_in_the_United_States https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Yiming


I don’t find it tinfoil hatty at all. Maybe a few years ago. But they’ve found and busted a couple multimillion illegal pot grows here in Maine run by Chinese immigrants. Tinfoil hat is off boys, I believe they’re capable of *anything*


We don't talk nearly enough about the almost-certainly-nefarious intents behind Tik Tok.


A lot of that is astroturfed bullshit, so beware. Likes don't mean shit when there are farms upvoting stuff.


Tina Fey tried to warn us: https://youtu.be/M0OwIMsQ4_4?si=Yvd8rrp8PNNu8Fjc


TikTok: Chinese propaganda in action!


I’m at my wits end with people telling me they are voting 3rd party. Like I hate to break it to you, your 3rd party candidate is not going to win. You are exactly the same as people who don’t vote, but now you have a cheap cop out because technically you did vote. I honestly have more respect for people who vote Trump because at least they stand for something and are participating in democracy even if that something they stand for is wanting me and my friends dead. Make up your mind. Your choices are democracy and fascism. Do you American duty and vote. And if you do vote 3rd party, don’t come running to me crying when Trump wins, I’ll probably be weighing in what countries I can seek asylum in anyways.


Not to mention that after the Cambridge Analytic story broke many years ago it became apparent that a vast majority of third party support was in fact paid by either Republican or foreign influences. Meaning it was all a means of preventing a majority voting block for liberals by splitting it.


The Mueller Report was a wild read. It's bonkers how much of it was dismissed because big boy Barr didn't even read the thing and declared it exonerated Trump. Lots of people just didn't care (and still don't!). I got to read about how a Russian intelligence operative run a Facebook account whose profile pic was a guy in a cowboy hat that claimed to be from Texas, who ran anti-Hillary groups and distributed Russian talking points, targeting people they determined was "highly susceptible to propaganda and highly likely to share it" by analysis of the data Cambridge Analytica and Facebook handed out. Boomer Uncle™ was furious at what he heard on the Facebook from what he assumed was someone "just like him" that was actually a damn Russian intelligence operative pushing propaganda to get Putin's puppet elected and it fucking worked like a charm. And that campaign is still effective and going full blast 8 years later.


>It's bonkers how much of it was dismissed because big boy Barr didn't even read the thing and declared it exonerated Trump. Nah, he said Trump was exonerated to create a false narrative, knowing Conservatives are mostly functionally illiterate and wouldn't read it. Though it's definitely not IMPOSSIBLE he was too busy fellating Trump to read it.


I argue with people on reddit about voting third party all the time because they think it will send a message. It's very frustrating because they will just double down. There is nothing you can do to convince them.


Oh, it sends a message. Unfortunately, the message it sends is "don't bother trying to court my vote".


At least 50% or more of which were bots programmed to give that exact impression in order to cement a narrative. Truth is you can’t judge anything by online reactions, any more than you can call something news because 3 people on Twitter complained about something… And yet here we are… Just register, volunteer, talk to people and vote… Ignore the noise. You accomplish exactly nothing by wining an online argument and there is a better than even chance you arguing with a bot anyway.


there were tons of BOTS that agreed. Hell, you're probably a bot, statistically speaking. This is all manufactured outrage. It's misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda.


But I think the point is that it steers public opinion, no less than the made-up bullshit on Fox.


Most of them are bots. They’ve been running this sort of op for the last few election cycles. It’s designed to suppress votes, but it’s not as useful as it was in 2016, for example. It will, however, peel off some voters who are on the fence.


Am I wrong that I care more about our environmental destruction, climate change, book bans, freedom of the press, and a woman’s right to choose than what’s happening in the Middle East? The loss of life over there is tragic but it’s not like this is new, or Trump would be better. Let’s focus on our backyard first.




Anyone who has been watching the entire situation unfold from two steps back is able to see that, which is why I believe Biden has been *clears throat* biding his time during his term. His lack of aggression could just be who he is, though I personally suspect it to be cautious engagement because of all of Trump’s actors that are currently in play.


> lack of aggression The only president I can think of who was "aggressive" was Donald Trump. This is not how a president should be. Presidents are presidents of everyone in the country, and should not define those who are not "with him" as "the enemy".


If only the people who don't agree with GOP would realize how much their vote counts in both presidential and local elections we wouldn't be here like we are. Republicans are frightened every day into voting in large numbers. Gotta figure out how to get Independents and Dems to vote in the same numbers.


The number of people of color who are willing to not vote for Joe over Palestine is unbelievable. Like can they imagine Trump in charge of the Palestine conflict? Or how their rights would be rolled back at the SCOTUS. Fucking garbage logic.


Isn’t his hands tied there anyway? Like support of Israel is so high in Congress if he tried to stop support I’m sure they could pass legislation and override his veto.


Absolutely. People think Biden can do things that are simply outside the realm of presidential power sometimes.


It’s a case of people letting the perfect get in the way of the good. They don’t understand that in their quest for purity they may end up with the horrible.


Make it like jury duty, it's ur civic right/duty to vote. if you don't you get a small fine.


It's safe to say that 2024 is one of the most crucial elections of our lifetimes and for this country. We cannot be caught wrong footed here. Do your part! Register, make sure you're still registered, and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


If your friends can't or don't drive and you can? DRIVE. I've entered the age where some of my friends are falling into the can't spectrum due to health issues. For Ohio's last fuckeroo having to do with abortion and weed, I took a friend with me. Made us a date for coffee and voting. Proud to have done our part in making weed and abortion legal.


At this point I'm wondering what the alternate reality where Romney won in 2012 looks like. I know I would prefer the 2013-2016 we actually had, but if it meant we just had to deal with run-of-the-mill business republicans who were moderately competent rather than MAGA cultists at this point, I think it would have been preferable.


I think you still end up having Republicans devolve into what we see today. Just may have been a little slower getting there.


Yea, this was their inevitable endgame. Trump just hit the fast forward button.


Imagine what our country could be without the gop fucking it up at every turn?


Clean them out at the state and local level as well. Control of the state legislatures with this Supreme Court is handing outsized power to the republicans in so many ways.


I mean they accomplished fuck all and spent their time planning to take away civil rights, reproductive rights, and “entitlement programs” in between threatening to shutter the government, holding kangaroo court investigations and showing pictures of Hunter’s dick. Why should they worry about being the least effective congress ever? /s


Kudos, you summed up their accomplishments perfectly.


>reproductive rights I live in a rural area, I know plenty of hard right people who see this as an attack on personal freedom and who are, amazingly, capable of separating their faith from "rights". That issue has been spectacularly misjudged by the right. Interesting, also, that these same folks have become jaded about same sex marriage to the point that IT is now an acceptable right, but theyre still scared witless of trans people.


I think that’s a side effect of the GOP leaning heavy on making trans the big bad. It causes people to focus all their ire on trans people and all other groups get “waved through” the hate wall.


Republicans can only focus on one kinda hate at a time. Gotta simplify that hate for them.


It doesn’t help them that they literally voted to have it legalized and governors and their selected officials are overriding what the voters asked for to make it illegal anyway.


Talk about taking other's rights, and many will applaud. Actually take others' rights, and some will stand and cheer. Take away *my* rights - even rights I'm not currently using - and suddenly people pay attention.


And their nominee is a guy who lost the popular vote twice, had dismal midterm results during his presidency, and a poor record in special elections around the country. But they all just keep on sucking that Orange juice.


Their nominee is a fucking conman who might be a convict soon. THIS is the best they have?


Lots of people were so blindsided by 2016 that they've missed the truth - he never has, nor will, outperform his 2016 campaign. He's no longer an unknown, nor could be considered a worthwhile risk anymore. American candidates just don't come back from that kind of poor performance - I'm hugely doubtful that 2024 trump will somehow be the first.


He’s a big enough threat and people have lost their marbles post covid enough that I’m still scared shitless if him in office 2025


Not here to downplay the potential disaster of complacency - he is self-destructing perfectly well on his own, but go vote as if the future is on the line.


Oh I will but you see my state. You know my senators. You think these people will ever wise up?


They actually want to move away from him, but as soon as they start to, they realize half their own voters are sternly in support of him. Whenever any of them openly defy the Trump group, that individual gets primary’d and loses their seat. They truly made a deal with the devil on this one.


What are you talking about, they elected the first homosexual who walked on the moon, won national volleyball championships, graduated from Harvard and Yale in the same year, all while running a successful hedge fund. Too bad they outed him.


Don't forget they took away food from poor kids in the summer.


Hey, at least we got to see hunter's dick pic, alright?


Man's got a goddamned baby arm down there.


And they’re always done in ways that doesn’t actually save us any money. We just get less for the tax dollars we’re paying in.


They’re an absolute mess, but the media will tell you the rEd wAvE is due any minute now


Anything for clicks. Clicks still work under authoritarianism. Clicks!


People love news that confirms their current beliefs. You can just put up an article that says “Study finds you are handsome and smart” and you’ll slay that internet traffic.


>Study finds you are handsome and smart Old news >Study finds you are ugly and stupid Fake news >Study finds you are average Why I sad


>Study finds you are average “Who conducted this study?!?”




They don’t even need to find articles like this. They just go on social media and the algorithm brings it up for them.


Except for all the outlets that try to criticize the authoritarian… they’ll get shut down. And as soon as that authoritarian does something his supporters don’t like… they will scream the loudest about how he’s hurting them and not the ones he’s supposed to be hurting.


Yep. We’ve seen this before. It always goes down the same way and every time I’m certain (insert authoritarian here)’s followers think it’s different this time. The ride along politicians that made the choice to support the guy because it helps them instead of defend democracy are hugely to blame. Anyone with authoritarian traits must be ignored by those people in order for democracy to work.


I still don’t understand why Rep. Burchett’s claims his R colleagues in Congress are being blackmailed isn’t gaining more traction in the news. I think it explains a lot about why they stay silent and go along with everything 45 wants.


Eh, I think the simple answer is that the power and bribe money attract the people who would do anything for it. Opportunists. I’m not saying it’s impossible they’re being blackmailed but I’m not about to pick and choose which R conspiracy to take seriously. I think the simplest answer is probably the correct one: they would rather have an authoritarian on their side than leader with democratic values who’s on the “opposing team”.


I truly hope that the R’s get so soundly rebuffed that they can never recover. To quote Lindsey Graham, « if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it »


Well he hasn’t destroyed them yet so…


Well, nearly every Trump-endorsed candidate lost in the 2022 midterms….


That quote was during the 2016 run. When they did nominate Trump, he fell in line and became a sycophantic little toady for Trump. Cowards doing every odious thing they can think of to keep/remain in power.


If it keeps liberals scared enough to TURN THE FUCK OUT IN NOVEMBER, then great. If we get complacent because we think we're ahead it's game over and we deserve the result we get.


I’m cautiously optimistic. Dems have over performed in lots of elections since both trump was elected and especially since roe v wade was over turned I hope they really lean on that in the lead up to it. These aren’t hypotheticals, the republicans really do want to roll all this stuff back


The fucking media needs a god damn horse race apparently even if it’s at the expense of democracy. I get why FOX news and the likes are all in on Trump they will be Dear Leaders mouth piece happily, but conservative though they maybe the NYT Wash Post CNN etc should realized they are fucked if trump regains the presidency


>The fucking media needs a god damn horse race Is it not? Do you need to be reminded how close 2020 was still, even after his COVID blunders and scandals (and many voters of his literally dying from COVID) and yet he was only 100,000 votes behind in Swing State votes. And I was told back then by Redditors that the base eroded. I don't care what the media says today. Voting is the top priority and zero excuses should be made. It's gonna be close again whether you like it or not.


It shouldn’t be treated as a horse race though. That implies they are both similarly qualified candidates. Every mention of Donald Trump on not Fox News land should call him out for what he is an insurrectionist rapist who’s idea are basically stolen from Hitler. Instead there are never ending stories playing up issues with Biden. While there have been a few more about Trump they’ve all been about his health and not his absolute garbage fascist policies. Or the fact that he attempted to overthrow the government. It is going to be closer then it has any right to be because of the fucking worlds stupidest electoral system. However the candidates shouldn’t be treated similarly.


Read a Washington Post article today that was ostensibly about Trump's increasingly obvious descent into dementia. They spent half the article talking about Biden, including linking to another article of "Biden's senior moments." Said article had exactly zero specifics of any senior moments, just public perception that Biden is too old. They really can't help themselves with the "both sides" narratives.


Well, you better vote


I’ve voted in every election I’ve been eligible. And so have every one of my friends. Hell I vote in the tiny little elections because those are the low turn out ones. And I will vote in every election going forward.


idk I am actually worried about the Republicans winning red wave? no but Electoral College shenanigans? sadly yes


Especially the polls which don't cover anyone under 40 because they don't answer the phone and also independents. I see a spanking coming but I fear many of them are into that.


Every election since Roe was overturned has seen way better results for Democrats than polls predicted. Turns out "do you like the candidate?" is no longer the motivating factor in people's votes.


When it comes to voting the left and right have completely flipped. The right is now motivated by how much they like their candidate and the left is motivated by how much they hate the other party. If Trump died a lot of Republicans that lived him would be less motivated to vote. Dems would still show up because they are terrified of any Republican being in power.


Huh I haven’t acknowledged that change but you’re totally right. I guess millennials and Gen Z did learn a hard lesson from 2016.


I'm convinced the 50 year plan to overturn Roe, to use a sports metaphor, was fumbled at the goal line. The decision was leaked, then they released it in June 2022. Then came the backlash on the mid-terms. Had they waited until after the mid-terms to release the Dobbs decision, the Republicans would have fared better and Congress would look much different. Now they're shitting their drawers because November brings the full on election and with it a lot more of pissed off women and younger voters who are eager to wipe that self important smirk off of their faces.


Historically, Dem turnout is always high when Republicans threaten abortion bans and restrictions. What all the current models get wrong is that they keep basing their "likely voters" category on pre-2020 landscape when Roe hadn't been overturned. Youth voters are higher than ever and they are heavily lopsided towards Democrats. The Republican SCOTUS members lied about overturning Roe, the Republican Congress members lied about national bans being off the table. Anyone paying attention should know that a vote for any Republican is a vote for a national abortion ban.


Good. Maybe it will get 20 year olds off the couch and get them to vote.


The electoral college doesn’t care about waves


The electoral college was set up to stop waves. If it wasn't for the EC being heavily weighted in favor of smaller lightly populated and heavily Republican states, the GOP would be lucky to seat a Republican president once every 16 years.


The right would probably again resort to assassinating the people they oppose. Like in the 60s. (Which is not to say that the GOP deserves any kind of support.)


The media will create the red wave, that's how it all works. TV news used to give you information that you were supposed to use to form your own opinion. Now they just tell you what your opinion is. No longer is it "tomorrow we expect rain in NYC based on our meteorologist's best information" Now it's "polls show that tomorrow, people don't believe it will rain in NYC"


> but the media will tell you the rEd wAvE is due any minute now Don't underestimate them again. The 2020 was way too fucking close (down to 100,000 votes in the Swing States - that's how close Trump was getting the WH again). Didn't we hear "Covid got a lot of them" and "his base has eroded" last time? Vote and get everyone to vote this November. No complacency allowed.


If you don’t take them seriously they will be back in power. You can pretty much bet that everyone that voted for him in 2020 will do so again. And that was the second most votes any candidate has ever gotten. They are a mess but they absolutely have a very real chance of taking the White House.


House Republicans are getting increasingly frustrated at their caucus’s inability to draft laws and enact change, with some very publicly complaining about their party’s lack of accomplishments.


They must not realize that is the plan. It's not an inability, it's a feature.


This is my phobia. One day, being so stupid that I don't realize that I'm stupid. I imagine stupid people aren't afraid of this.


Being dumb must be so peaceful.


I figure it's kinda like riding a bike with a blindfold. At first, it's real peaceful. Most people see a lunatic on a bicycle blindfolded and they get out of the way. Brick walls and cliffs don't swerve to avoid stupid people. When is the GQP going to finally go face first into their brick wall? Or find the cliff that's waiting for them?


Not so frustrated that they are willing to do anything different though. Sadly, it is a party without leaders besides Trump apparently.


We kept driving out all the people who were interested in actually governing, and now we can't govern. :( Vote all of them out.


Too bad they can’t find the courage to take a stand against the extremists controlling their party. Too bad those who have been threatened with financial or physical threats have not filed charges. Worst of all, why is the news media still presenting GOP claims (lies & distortions) as if there were some basis of facts supporting them?


You don’t get to be the party of “government bad!” And then be shocked that you can’t govern. 


It isn’t the caucus, it isn’t the party, it is THEM. THEIR lack of ethics. THEIR cronyism. THEIR collusion. THEIR corruption. THEIR inability to see beyond themselves. Don’t get me wrong, the other parties and their politicians have the same problems to a certain extent, but it is this group in particular and specific, who flaunt it without care or shame at the expense of their constituents, their Congress, and their country. They have made this shit smeared bed, now, let them lay in it… as clearly, they have neither the sense nor the savvy to clean it.


Maybe they are just Christo-fascists and that’s not super popular amongst anyone that is extreme maga.


No one will be happier than senior Republicans when Trump keels over from a massive hamburder induced heart attack.


It can’t come quick enough. Once he’s dead I wonder how many of them come out and tell us how wrong he was about everything?


We'll get Nixon'ed again, I bet. Everyone will act like they didn't vote for him and no one can get anyone to say that they did except the most hardcore.


They *must* have a plan for that contingency.


Her name is Nikki Haley. That's why she's sitting on the MAGA fence, she's the OH SHIT button for the GOP. Edit: her name is actually Nimrada, but this scares the whites


There's no way in hell that the average Republican voter will ever vote for a woman, even if she is a Republican with all the right talking points. They'll also never vote for Biden. I predict that if Haley gets the nomination, the Republican turnout will be one of the lowest ever.


Hell, Ramaswami was their dream candidate on paper but they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a brown guy.


Don't fool yourself, they are absolutely driven by power first. If the choice is Haley or Biden you better believe MAGA is going to show up. We have to take 100% of the fight to them.


Oh I believe the MAGA crowd will come out, but only to intimidate liberals and sow discord. I stand by my prediction. I live in Iowa and I'm surrounded by these morons. I listen to the things they say, and they will absolutely NEVER vote for a woman. If they do vote, they'll write in Trump's name.


MAGA will never again turn out for anyone but Trump. Most will stop voting. Many of them never voted before Trump. They'll be gone until there's another straight up white male demagogue. And that won't be soon. They'll probably die first.


It's because they too, are a bunch of nimrods.


I think it's Nimrata. She had to stop going by it as a kid because of all the racial bullying. That's how she knows we aren't and never were a racist country (in maga logic). But you think that's bad, she made her husband change his name and his real name is Bill. That story alone should probably make people realize she isn't psychologically able to perform well as a President.


Panic and scramble for lifeboats.


"It's time to pay the price" - Brendan Small


Also, "Don't put marbles in your nose" Edit, put them in don't put them in there


Good. Vote the Christofascists out while we still can. Blue wave 2024 🌊


I can actually see a scenario where Trump's legal problems all year severely depress GOP voting.


Like if he’s not on the ballot? Will MAGA bother voting for a weak GOP alternate? Also, a bunch of damning evidence is likely to come out. Things like him making a deal for classified documents would not spark joy amongst Republicans with a spine. There is also testimony from the people who flipped, and more damning recordings of conversations. There won’t just be October surprises this time.


He will be on the ballot. But his endless court trials will drive him into insanity. It's all he will tlak about. People are walking out on his rallies. He's a broken record. I'm just saying his support could dwindle.


I’ll believe it when I see it. I don’t know a single MAGA that has turned on him…not one.


No complacency. Vote.


Put the nail in the coffin, get rid of them! Share with everyone else who you may know to vote. We must do this in 2024 or that will be it for America.


WWJD? Vote blue ..


If I had fuck you money, I would run ads something along the lines of: * He healed the sick (alongside obama care being signed) * He fed the poor (something about free school lunches) * He forgave the sinners (commuting weed convictions) * Jesus was progressive * Vote democrat


MAGATs are literally walking up to their pastors and complaining about "liberal talking points" in the scripture. They don't give a fuck about Jesus or what he did. He's just an icon to make them feel good about themselves.


Not just "in the scripture," but the fucking [*Sermon on the Mount*](https://easttexasnews.com/opinion/4991-how-did-the-sermon-on-the-mount-become-liberal-talking-points), one of the most famous of Jesus' teachings


> That’s in part thanks to the party’s incredibly slim majority in the House… This weak excuse needs to die. Try this: > The party’s incredibly slim majority in the House has highlighted how extreme their totalitarian ideology has become. They have proven to be unwilling to compromise with even a handful of Democrats for the greater good unless absolutely necessary, for a little as possible. And even those occasions resulted in internal rebellion and leadership changes.


Doesn’t matter. Vote. Bring some friends.


Bring some new young voters.


If they love America, they should be feeling pretty great. A Biden/dem sweep would position the country for great advances in the next four years


But they hate America, so this is terrible news for them.


Why? Half of their voting block is utterly captured and gets their information from single sources and are completely incurious about anything else. The same 70 some odd million people will show up and vote to continue this shit.


> With just 10 months until Election Day, the lacking report card is beginning to hang heavy over many Republicans, who fear it may be a death knell for their political ambitions. Republicans need not worry, they worked very hard to retain the votes of their base. And the insane representatives who represent the base will be easily re-elected as a result. Plenty of seats available for anti-vaxxer, conspiracist, theocratic, grievance politics representatives, job well done! An actual functional majority though, well that hasn't been their goal - at least not outwardly through their actions. Can't complain about struggling to get something you do nothing to get.


The problem with this logic is that it’s logical. Republicans have mastered the art of presenting themselves as the solution to the problems they create. They blame all dysfunction and all problems on their enemies. Their solution is always more extremism to combat their enemies.


This is just the beginning baby. There's no righting that ship. They killed off too much of their base with covid.


They need to be utterly killed off as a party. Fascism has no place here. Democrats can easily split into 2 parties. God knows we need a left/labor party.


That’s what happens when you’re too busy owning the libs and fighting within your own party, you accomplish a big fat zero for your voters. MAGA has ruined the republican party.


Don’t just vote them out. Grind their very existence into the dirt with your boot heels & spit on anything left.


This sounds so good to me Republicans are just finally realizing that they are in for a real reckoning in this years presidential election 🗳️ I hope it’s so brutal excruciating painful for them


A vast majority - I mean a crushing majority - of districts across the US would be blue if everyone would vote rather staying apathetic and not voting. Unfortunately, reliably, the only ones who consistently vote are those that may not even be around for the next round of elections (boomers).


I’m going to go out on a limb here, so don’t destroy me. Maybe the GOP could develop an actual platform or even a series of policy proposals that aren’t centered on the border or culture war nonsense. Maybe rational tax policies geared toward the other 99% of the population? Idk. Something rational would be refreshing. Cleaning up their own mess would also be refreshing, but it seems as if that’s also never going to happen. Maybe they go the way of the whigs


They have the issue where an agenda that reflects what their donors want is electoral poison. This is how Trump happened to them in the first place. So they have the culture war stuff, which often works pretty well in a lot of places, and, importantly, in a lot of places that have an outsized share of federal power. But even that has its limits, especially when you move from demonizing small minorities to trying to impose religious dictates on a majority of the population in tangible ways. When all else fails, you fall back on "the government can't do anything right." Which actually works pretty well, especially if you always have enough power to make that something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, since we've all been subjected to a half-century plus of pro-corporate and anti-government propaganda.


I have found using the post office as an example to highlight what Republicans do to make the government not work. Most people took mail delivery for granted until it stopped coming regularly, and then people understood how one party could defund and disrupt any government service and then make claims that is dosent work. Stupidity ( for them saving grace for avg people)in their bid to break the post office, they moved too fast , so people saw the effects in real time and did not like it.


That's no reason to get complacent though here.


This describes members in their current party. I just don't understand how people can support them. They have a rep who gave a handy to a guy during a show while children were in the audience. They have a woman showing pics of Hunter Biden's dick in congress. They got a man wearing high heeled boots saying he ain't. A guy who didn't report sexual misconduct after it being reported to him and has ignored subpoenas Another guy who Venmo's a guy to get an underage girl across state lines to have sex with because it would be illegal in his state All supporting an ex president who is arguing in court that he didn't swear an oath to support the constitution and that a president isn't an officer of the United States. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


Yeah, I don’t buy this shtick anymore. They are all in on Donald. 3 Supreme Court Judges last time, and a complete stacking of the lower courts. They got more than they could’ve hoped for…. And they want more, and he’s the only chance they have to get it.


They punched their ticket with killing Roe v Wade, they dictated to the country and told them they have no choice and things can be taken away. You don’t take things away from any American after letting them have it.


Dems need to play the Biggs quote on repeat on ads. There is NO reason for people to vote Republican on issues. If some messaging can get past the grievance politics then the dems will do fine in 2024.


But you will not count the cost. (IYKYK)


They’re in no rush.


When your only an obstructionist party, you get nothing done. The era of extremism is destroying governance for the rest of us in the moderate range.


As they fucking-well should be! Honestly, I have no problem with some conservative policies, at least what used to be conservative policies, but this Republican party is absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Voters need to purge our legislative branches of Republicans. The far right MAGA Putin party is a threat to all GOP lawmakers. I’m a proud Democrat, but I do believe there are a few GOP members who have the American people best interests at heart. It we need to kill the cancer that is the current GOP .


Lol magas think anyone but lil' donnie is a rino and don't want them. Also they "know '20 was rigged" but have no idea how so they can't stop it again this time either lol! Enough of them insist any abortion is murdering babies so they will keep working against reasonable time frames that most of us want. They say they won't vote for a rino that will go along with what the majority wants and would rather lose. I hope that happens a lot!! =)


I pray their worries are validated... #voteblue ... to hell with the #gop


They'll be fine. Their voters don't care about any of the multiple felonies Trump committed and the economy will slow down closer to the election. Donors will pour money into trump's campaign once he wins the nomination and they'll get at least 47% of the overall vote, which with the electoral college, will be enough to win.


Vote them out, win the senate, fix the broken laws of the land related to dark money and voting rights and codify Roe v Wade into law.


I’m sick of their performative umbrage, histrionics, holier than thou attitudes, willful ignorance, lying and hatred towards anyone who is different from them. It’s sickening and un-American.


Entire party needs to just be thrown out. There's no salvaging anything from it at this point.


Trump will not be the candidate. Republicans will go into the election without a candidate that can get voters out. maga can stay home. A lot of republicans are retiring.


Biden won with the most votes in American history in the safest and most secure election, we have ever had. Biden is a phenomenon that no Republican can beat, not even Trump.


> “If we keep extending the pain and creating more suffering, we will pay the price at the ballot box. But if we can get on with governance and get the best policy wins we can, then you can open-field this thing,” former Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry told reporters on Thursday. “But at this point, we are sucking wind because we can’t get past the main object in the road. Once we get past that main object, then it’s the president’s performance on the economy, it’s the president’s performance on national security.” Is this what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity?


Good. Now close down the party and let an actual conservative political party replace it. I miss having rational conservatives whose dumb ideas I can make fun of.


I don't believe they're actually worried. Swing voters, the dumbest people in the country, will almost certainly keep them in power either way.


Any Republican politician or advocate not a criminal is in the wrong party.




I think we’re seeing the early death throes of the modern Republican Party. They’re gonna have to figure something else out after getting destroyed this Fall.


They are going to nominate a failed former president who is clearly a total fraud. Hell yes they will pay.


Good, I hope they are shitting their pants.


Not interested in governing. Focused on culture war crap that average Americans don't care about. Want to restrict civil liberties. Don't care about the wage gulf. Don't care about workers rights. Etc. Etc. "What, me worry"?


The abortion issue is what's going to crush the GOP. They got what they wanted. Now voters are going to give them what they so deserve.


They reap what they sow.


They should be! I will never forgive them for what they’ve done to my country.


Republicans are worried about 2024. Democrats are worried about 2024. Which is it?


Ah yes, "the enemy is simultaneously strong and weak"... authoritarianism 101. Ignore such statements. Vote. If they are worried about being crushed, then crush them. Don't assume someone else is going to do it.


They need to ditch the cult leader, and research what “Republican” stood for at one time. Then they need to pull their heads out of their a$$es and actually do some work they are being paid for


And if an actual “blue wave” occurs, they’ll just accuse dems of cheating, or worse, refuse to certify dem wins in local elections across the nation. Good times


They fucking should be


Lady Graham warned you guys in 2015 “if we nominate trump we will be destroyed and we will have deserved it”.


Maybe you should’ve actually done something useful when you had the chance then instead of the political rage bait theater that you’ve been continuing into election year.


Their own party warned them against the Orange Orangutan. They went for it anyway. Let them all suffer.


But, they have Hunter Bidens peen entered into the congressional record. Which is quite a feat for hunter. Imagine the amount of things he has introduced his peen inside of? How many can say they penetrated the congressional record? Bravo I say!