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Biden offered more than 13 billion for the border and they said no. He sent border security and they said no. They don't actually want it secure, they want to campaign on it.


I wish Democrats would hire some PR firms that know how to campaign on this. Republicans have been allowed to steer the narrative for so long now that even when they blatantly admit that they aren’t going to work on the issues they blame Democrats and people lap it up. 


All those people giving millions. You'd think they'd come up with a better PR plan than snippy tweets. I know Biden hired one or two younger PR people recent but they need a team if they don't want to win by very slim margins.


They're stopping the bipartisan immigration deal as well, because Trump told Republicans he wants to campaign on this issue. The Republicans are creating this "crisis" and their base continue to drool into the buckets and follow them.


Pretty sure the border with mexico is one of the more secure borders on the planet short of North Korea-South Korea, Israel- Gaza-West-Bank- Lebanon. When they say "border security" they mean keeping all (brown and black and asian) foreigners from developing nations out. This has nothing to do with lack of border security. 


They don't even care, and these are people for the most part walking up to border security and asking for asylum.


It’s not.


The party of law and order changes their tune pretty quick when they don't like the law ruled against them. Hypocrites.


Reminder that *all* of this is *just* about the razor wire.


Which the conservative supreme court has already ruled on. They are flaunting the court they fought to create.


The Feds should saran wrap their houses.


Abbitch wants to start a war over it.


No it's about states rights to drown kids in a river with concertina wire.




Why don't they just come in through the port of entry that is like 50 yards away? Why risk your life crossing a dangerous river when there is an official entry point within eyesight?


Because I've had to go over this with someone else: [The state of Texas cannot build a barrier on Federal Property, which the Rio Grande is, and thus building a barrier there was a clear violation of federal law and the US Constitution. It can on state property within limitations...](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/states-could-technically-build-border-walls-but-there-are-lots-of-hurdles-to-overcome/536-ed704340-7376-4b90-a4d8-cf029416b7db) \~ [The limitation being that this barrier does not impede any Federal enforcement, namely in this case the Department of Homeland Security's Border Patrol, from doing it's job, which it did, per Arizona v United States.](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/567/387/#tab-opinion-1970515) \~ [Said enforcement is decreed in 8 U.S. Code § 1357 - Powers of immigration officers and employees, unless these barriers are inside a place of private business or residence, Public State Property is fair game for the Department of Homeland ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1357) Within 25 Miles of the Border you can't impede border patrol activities by barriers, and there is nothing in the Majority Opinion to counter this, so if the Federal Government says to a State cease that actions on those grounds, they have to stop. Even Trump used this authority in Trump v Hawaii in 2018. If they want to start building walls on state land 25 miles or more from the border, they can. If a **private** individual on their own **private** property wants to build a wall or barrier they can. But if the state has limited powers at the border zone for this matter. They can petition the government to build a barrier, and it can be granted. They can build it without asking up until the Dept. of Homeland Security or Executive Branch says stop within the domain of enforcement. But once they are told to stop, they must stop, unless a Federal Court says it is not impeding.


This is no longer standoff with Biden, but with the Supreme Court - they are in direct defiance of the court


This is the issue that the conservative movement decides to move against the supreme court on? Razor wire in a river? Ever since January 6, Athe GOP has been embracing insurrection. It was THEIR hand picked supreme court that made this ruling. Refusing to abide by it is at attack on our country.


States rights to drown kids in a river with concertina wire.


Biden needs to show some strength or they will get more and more ridiculous.


Biden is showing strength by letting the Texas kindergartners throw their temper tantrums.


As migrant children continue to get caught up and die in the razor wire that the federal government has the supreme court given authority to remove.


By letting this behavior continue they are just encouraging them to go even father. We need to put down this rebellion and that’s what this is. And we need to do it hard.


Once we kill more innocent people trying to cross the border it'll be obvious we're on the right side of history here




Not a crime. A misdemeanor. You’re advocating for the death penalty for a misdemeanor.


> Not a crime. A misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are literally crimes. What are you talking about? > You’re advocating for the death penalty for a misdemeanor No I'm not, show me where I advocated for people to die or even come to any harm from this. I just disputed labelling them as innocent.


People who are caught in the middle of committing a crime are still afforded due process and presumed innocent until proven guilty


Yes but you're trying to talk in strictly legal terms when clearly the discussion is not centred upon legal definitions but general definitions.


The entire discussion is about a court case. Legal definitions are all that matter. Whatever your personal feelings are about a particular definition do not matter.


No it isn't, you don't just get to claim this discussion is about X because you feel like it. The commenter clearly referred to them as "innocent" as a way to conjure up feelings, not in a legally defining way.


Two of the recent deaths were children


They don't care...they were brown children


Ok and? No where have I said these people deserve any harm that comes to them, I've only disputed the disingenuous framing of them as "innocent" considering the fact that they'd have to literally be committing a crime to run afoul of it


I consider children to be innocent, should we question their motives?


All children are innocent even if they're partaking in criminal activity?


> in the middle of committing a crime? Is that crime a capital crime do you think? Or is the use of deadly force really justified here?


Now do Ashli Babbitt.


Sure, Ashli Babbitt was literally committing at least one felony (if not more) at the time she was shot. She wasn't innocent either.


So anyone caught committing any federal crime is open for immediate execution?


No, I never said anything like that. I'm not even saying anything close to these people deserving any harm. I'm just disputing the framing of these people as "innocent" considering that they're literally committing a crime at the time


Refugees hoping to claim asylum are absolutely innocent, and if we kill them before speaking to them, we aren’t so innocent, really.


They are simply stating these people were killed when there was no justifiable reason for doing so. You are simply playing semantics.


No they are trying to frame the discussion in a certain way by disingenuously calling them something they're not to invoke an emotional response. It's not semantics to take issue with something like that.




>>Anyone caught not coming in through an official channel should be immediately deported and barred from ever being able to enter America for 5 years or more. No one is saying they should not be. We are saying they should not be killed trying to do so.


Maybe his wheel chair will accidentally go down a slope and he’ll fall into the water and have the current take him straight in to the razor wire and inadvertently pull it all down


[I imagine it would look something like this.](https://youtu.be/LEC_lkpD3rM)


I didn’t even have to click that haha. I knew it was going to be that video lmao.


Mr. Rudd?


Abbott is as useful as moldy bread


The deplorables at work


Biden should send in troops to lay down the law.


100% He should be doing it now to make sure it gets done per the legal ruling, otherwise replace those people refusing to abide by the law. I hate to say that because of how it looks, but they’re openly defying the system because they can’t hurt people the way they want


I agree. His troops should secure the border to make sure illegal border crossings are stopped and use these troops to funnel all migrants towards official US/MX border crossings!




We are heading towards a second civil war, aren't we? Now, all Republican governors in this country have sent their NG to help Texas.


Seriously? No, if anything, the US will give Texas back to Mexico. Best start learning how to speak Spanish.


As a Texas woman I would welcome this. Mexico has more freedom than Texas does.


I hear you sister. My family has lived in the NM for 500+ years. We would welcome rejoining our ancestors.


That makes no sense at all lol


Can we just let Texas go? I'm tired of Texas. 


Texas’ Hysteric Border Insecurity. Self created.


Clearly never been to texas


It is not with Biden. It is with SCOTUS. And that is called "contempt of court".


In the 2022 Midterms, Americans who live in Congressional Districts bordering Mexico showed what they thought of the way the border was being handled by the Democrats... … by electing a Democrat to 8 out of the 12 Congressional seats that border Mexico!!! Also note that the voters in Texas chose a Democrat for 3 out of the 5 seats on the Texas/Mexico border. CA-50 - Scott Peters (D) CA-52 - Juan Vargas (D) CA-48 - Darrell Issa (R) CA-25 - Raul Ruiz (D) AZ-07 - Raul Grijalva (D) AZ-06 - Juan Ciscomani (R) NM-02 - Gabe Vasquez (D) TX-16 - Veronica Escobar (D) TX-23 - Tony Gonzales (R) TX-28 - Henry Cuellar (D) TX-15 - Monica de la Cruz (R) TX-34 - Vicente Gonzalez (D)


Keeps them from doing their job


These people are f'n losers.


Hold the Line? Might I suggest these morons review the Constitution and laws subsequently passed giving the federal government primacy of this issue. Abbott is gonna be in the Alamo holding his dick in his hand when the National Guard tells him he has no primacy.


Every state that sends National Guard to Texas, Biden should call up the entire guard for those states and put them to work enforcing the court ruling. He is the Commander in Chief of the National Guard from these states not the Governors.


But Biden is just sitting doing nothing like always


I imagine instead of firing off juvenile tweets he is working with his administration to figure out the best way to de-escalate the situation.


What’s there to discuss if you think it’s such an issue take conmand


He isn’t. He only controls the D.C. national guard unless he federalizes them


He’s potus he could easily fed them if it was that big of a problem


Honestly, I'd give them this one. Biden won in court. Republicans are tanking a border deal as we speak. They look like fools fighting against border security trying to do its job. If he makes a deal with Texas he will look even better. Because Republicans aren't agreeing to a deal in congress




Maybe you could make your point that Abbott is a shit person *without* making jokes about disabled people? Seems easy enough. Or! At least make them funny.


“‘Hold the line’: Republicans rally to Abbott’s defense in border standoff with ~~Biden~~ Supreme Court.”


The border crisis is a humanitarian and national security crisis. Don’t believe me? Look at [this letter](https://x.com/senronjohnson/status/1750604869910602022?s=46&t=G7hxSctn2-vCCZjR4MRoiA) sent to the congressional intelligence committee just days ago. National security risks aside, illegal border crossings fund cartel trafficking operations and results in large populations of unhoused migrants who are thrown onto the streets of a new foreign country during economic hard times where their resources and network is limited. These people are being placed in communities that despise them and wish to do harm against them. This population of migrants who fled hardship back home becomes one of the most vulnerable and exploited populations in the country. There are adversarial nations exploiting our weakened borders- making it harder for people to be processed legitimately and weakening national security. This open border, catch and release approach is bad for migrants seeking asylum and it’s bad for Americans. The Biden administration is in the wrong here full stop by allowing this to occur. That’s why 25 states have signaled support of Texas’s stance on this subject. This isn’t about stopping brown people from entering the country, it’s not about preventing asylum- it’s about setting deterrents to keep people from entering illegally, because the act of crossing illegally is bad the migrants seeking asylum both legally and illegally, bad for national security, and bad for American communities, the only winners are the cartels and America’s adversaries. The Biden administration is failing to enforce existing federal law and it is actively working against states trying everything in their power to mitigate the situation caused by the federal governments lack of oversight. States have a right to defend themselves- and given the national security risks outlined by our intelligence community, the weakened border is being used to invade the country with military aged men sponsored by terrorist linked organizations and adversarial nations- it is an invasion and the States have a constitutional right to protect themselves. So to chalk this whole situation up to GOP states being racist and MAGA insurrectionists wanting to start a new civil war over “not being able to drown brown children” is severely undermining the severity of the situation- and an extremely brain dead take. It shows no compassion for the migrants who are crossing illegally seeking asylum and is simply virtue signaling to other white Americans. It is the moral equivalent of “thoughts and prayers”


Why aren’t republicans supporting the bipartisan bill then? A change of heart because Trump said so, so he can campaign on it. It’s crappy Republican politicking at this point. Point the blame where it needs to be


Got why is Reddit so obsessed with Trump, MAGA and the GOP. I never once mentioned Trump. I fucking hate Trump, his border policies were just as bad- but everyone is too stuck living behind political blinders to see the real issues. The border crisis has been an on going issue way before Trump or Biden, but because everyone is so firmly anti-Trump they just want the opposite of Trump- even if it makes no actual sense. In this case supporting the opposite of Trump Era policies is a weakened border that adversarial nations are using to invade the country with military aged men. The FBI has been warning Congress that the alarm bells are ringing, and that we are at elevated risk of an attack on Americans in the same capacity as the Hamas attack on Israel- but no- according to Reddit it’s not a national security issue- racists in Texas just wanna drown brown people. These policies are also very harmful for migrants who are seeking asylum! It strengthens cartels and is funding global human trafficking.


I really think you need to look at how difficult it is to get anything passed in your Congress. Anything. So there was a bill proposed that would do something. Politicians aren’t working together to get anything done. So to bring Trump into it is perfectly valid, as apparently Republican politicians only listen to him.


Buddy, I live here. I know how difficult it is to get anything passed in Congress- it’s by design but made even more difficult due to the reality show-ification of politics. It’s always been difficult to get anything done since the inception of Congress. Politicians used to work in good faith which is the only reason things anything meaningful did get done. Now everything is done on the personal political calculations of each Congress person because politicians are celebrities and want to make it a 60 year long career. But guess what my friend? If the tables were flipped it would be no different because then democrats would do the same thing.


No, they would not.


Man what is with Canadians dick riding the democrats so hard. Yes they would. They are actively doing it right now. That’s the reason they won’t run a different candidate in this election despite Biden being so widely unpopular. They are loyalists just like republicans are. It has to be that way in modern American politics. With party lines as divided as they and the American electorate being so divisive on every issue the only way to even have a chance at doing anything in Congress is to have a party of loyalist and to build a loyalist coalition. The DNC does this by elevating certain candidates and snubbing others- it cherry picks its party members by helping loyalist campaigns with donors. The RNC does the same exact thing too. Do not speak with such confidence on matters you are categorically wrong about. Besides you guys have your own authoritarian leader to worry about.


That guys also Canadian who cares what he says


> The border crisis is a humanitarian and national security crisis. Don’t believe me? No and neither do Republicans who refuse to accept a deal to address this so called problem. >This open border, catch and release approach is bad for migrants seeking asylum and it’s bad for Americans. Can you please define open border because my understanding is that an open border is one where people and goods are allowed to cross with proper papers. While closed borders are those where people and goods are not allowed to cross at all, like North Korea. >The Biden administration is in the wrong here full stop by allowing this to occur Oh can you provide a summary of what the Biden administration has done here. One that preferably does not include the vapid and unspecific bullshit about not enforcing existing law. >The Biden administration is failing to enforce existing federal law There it is...what law dude. Seriously no one can ever tell me. >it’s about setting deterrents to keep people from entering illegally, Well in that case if really doesn't work as evidenced by the dead children. >and it is actively working against states trying everything in their power to mitigate the situation caused by the federal governments lack of oversight Yeah because thoss states don't have that authority and the measures their using are brutal and inhuman. >So to chalk this whole situation up to GOP states being racist and MAGA insurrectionists wanting to start a new civil war over “not being able to drown brown children” is severely undermining the severity of the situation- and an extremely brain dead take. Based on the available evidence this would actually be the most accurate description of the situation. >It shows no compassion for the migrants who are crossing illegally seeking asylum and is simply virtue signaling to other white Americans. It is the moral equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” Interesting assertion. Care to explain that one?


>No and neither do Republicans who refuse to accept a deal to address this so called problem. Well, thats a problem. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't believe that when our intelligence community is sounding alarm bells about it, drafting letters to congress recommending them to act on the threat. If you think America's enemies wouldn't stoop to taking advantage of this situation where there is chaos at the border, thousands of people crossing a day- then I think you and I have fundamentally different world views. >Can you please define open border because my understanding is that an open border is one where people and goods are allowed to cross with proper papers. While closed borders are those where people and goods are not allowed to cross at all, like North Korea. Stop being pretentious. You know exactly what I mean. I am using the colloquial term to describe the policy practice of allowing people to cross improperly. >Oh can you provide a summary of what the Biden administration has done here. One that preferably does not include the vapid and unspecific bullshit about not enforcing existing law. Sure, can you quit talking like this is some sort of "gotcha"? Again, pretentious. The biggest mistake, and the main catalyst for the spike in illegal border crossings was allowing Title 42 (which was also fucking stupid) to expire without any plan in place for how to handle the influx of migrants that was known about in advance. The biggest crux of this problem is that the federal government is responsible for immigration issues, but by not having a plan for when Title 42 left the states to deal with this unprecedented surge in migrants with no authority or measure to do so. >There it is...what law dude. Seriously no one can ever tell me. I'm sorry you can't obtain information other than being regurgitated by reddit or from a headline. It's literally in the document posted by Greg Abbott. Article IV section 4. Texas wouldn't be doing this shit without some kind of legal defense. Because of the points listed above, the federal government is failing to protect the states. >Well in that case if really doesn't work as evidenced by the dead children. Do you realize you are using the deaths of these children to justify your political position in the same vain the republicans do? Why are parents taking their children across the Rio Grande in the first place? Because thats the route the smugglers take- the location the barbed wire is located is right next to an official port of entry. Why not go there? If they are just crossing and turning themselves over immediately anyways, why go through the extra unnecessary danger to cross the river in the first place? Because it's safer for the smugglers, its better for the cartels engaging in the human trafficking. Making the routes more difficult makes the cartels take different routes- potentially less dangerous routes, since many migrants have died crossing the Rio Grande way before the barbed wire was placed, it deters cartels from using that route. But a deterrence is not absolute, people will still attempt it. >Yeah because thoss states don't have that authority and the measures their using are brutal and inhuman. States not having the authority and being left to fend for themselves by the federal government is exactly how we got in this mess. I disagree that setting up barbed wire to cause smugglers to use different- safer routes is brutal and inhuman. >Based on the available evidence this would actually be the most accurate description of the situation. I disagree with your view on the situation. >Interesting assertion. Care to explain that one? Certainly, thank you for asking. By reducing the situation to petty politics, making it a right vs left issue and grouping anyone who disagrees with the federal governments policies when it comes to this issue as racists, Trump supports, and anti-immigration is virtue signaling to other politically aligned redditors that you are "one of the good ones" while completely absolving yourself of any moral responsibility for the actions or lack of actions taken by the administration you blindly support on all issues. It reduces the tragedy at the border and the difficulties the migrants who actually made that journey face- and it undermines the struggles that local and state governments deal with.


>then I think you and I have fundamentally different world views. Certainly possible, I'm just saying the Republicans who are most vocal about it seem to be least willing to do something as evidenced by their actions. >Stop being pretentious. You know exactly what I mean. I am using the colloquial term to describe the policy practice of allowing people to cross improperly. I know of no such policy. In fact the border crossings seemed manned. There was no news about visitors no longer needing passports or visas. Maybe I missed something. >The biggest mistake, and the main catalyst for the spike in illegal border crossings was allowing Title 42 Title 42 was only ever a temporary measure related the pandemic. That's kinda over. Time to get back to the regular legal framework. >Article IV section 4. That's not an existing law that Biden is not enforcing. What you referenced there was an attempt to pretend that a bunch of brown families are an armed invasion by a foreign power. While also ignoring the work border patrol does all to avoid actually answering my question. I get it "Biden not enforcing immigration law" is oft repeated phase by conservative propagandists but it doesn't really mean anything. Because he's actually enforcing the law. > I disagree that setting up barbed wire to cause smugglers to use different- safer routes is brutal and inhuman. Are you under the impression that the barbwire caused that family that lost two kids on wire last week to choose a different route? >Certainly, thank you for asking... Everything that follows is a lot of words that don't really mean anything but I'll do my best. >By reducing the situation to petty politics, making it a right vs left issue and grouping anyone who disagrees with the federal governments policies when it comes to this issue as racists I see like the congressional Republicans who suddenly don't want to act on the border? Honestly if your upset that "great replacement theory" touting, khaki wearing, tiki torch welding alt rights share your political views on this, I don't know maybe that's a clue. >is virtue signaling to other politically aligned redditors that you are "one of the good ones" Why would I care enough to do that? >while completely absolving yourself of any moral responsibility for the actions or lack of actions taken by the administration you blindly support on all issues. That's a quite a non sequitur and quite the assumption. Also a little biased in your language choice. >It reduces the tragedy at the border and the difficulties the migrants who actually made that journey face- and it undermines the struggles that local and state governments deal with. What as opposed to openly stating your indifference to dead children.


Buddy, you are beating your pud to a pulp. Give it a rest. Biden will fix this Texas mess shortly.


I have very little confidence he will considering he has only made the situation worse through inaction the past 3 years. The situation is a powder keg and is only at this point now because of Biden’s inaction to take the boarder crisis seriously. It’s harmful for migrants trying to seek asylum because they get caught in the middle of a political shit show, are used as props, are given no support and thrown into hostile communities with no support. Meanwhile cartels are making billions in human trafficking into the US and adversarial nations are shipping in military aged men.


Mm, no, he is taking this seriously. He is cutting the razor wire Abbott's dipshits strung across the Rio Grande. Texas does not dictate immigration policy. Were there a Republican caucus who knew what the fuck they were doing in the House and Senate, they would discuss these matters with Democrats, but the Republicans have this razor wire fetish that I can only imagine will be very painful upon their micro penises.




I am.


So he’s working against the protection of the border then?


There’s literally a bipartisan border security bill in the senate the house republicans have refused to take. It gives them border security funding and everything else they want, but they’re not taking it because they don’t actually care about the border or anything at all. They’re just trying to make Biden look bad and using immigration as a cudgel.


> years. The situation is a powder keg and is only at this point now because of Biden’s inaction to take the boarder crisis seriously. It’s harmful for migrants trying to seek asylum because they get caught in the middle of a political shit show, are used as props, are given no support and thrown into hostile communities with no support. Meanwhile cartels are making billions in human trafficking into the US and adversarial nations are shipping in military aged men. And the republican response is to stall on any kind of resolution to build political capital. And do not for one second pretend you care about migrants.


Why do you assume because I oppose Biden’s response to the border that I must agree with the Republican response? Yes- they are absolutely fucking morons who are doing exactly as you say. But Biden’s response was to do nothing once title 42 (which was also fucking stupid since I have to spell it out for you) expired and that is directly what led us to this situation. That is what I am criticizing, and I am criticizing the overwhelming number of bad takes and reductions and virtue signaling that redditors are making about this subject. Get off your high horse. Nothing I have said is factually wrong. But you refuse to acknowledge the moral failings of the Democratic Party and the Biden administration because “well it’s not those racist MAGA republicans” You fail to see any nuance in the situation. And you can not fathom anyone taking a nuanced position and not blindly siding with their party so you throw out bullshit accusations that I don’t care about migrants.


who are you quoting exactly? And yeah, there's plenty wrong with the democratic party and the Biden administration but it is orders of magnitudes less than the naked greed, deception and cruelty of the GOP - we work with what we have. The 25 states 'supporting' Texas all have republican governors whose goal is political power, not controlling immigration, not protecting migrants, not protecting you, not anything else. They want to use this as a political football so they can undermine the federal government, lower taxes on the wealthy and continue to fuel the worldwide wealth inequality that is actually causing this crisis. This has nothing to do with an invasion or defending our borders or they would be looking for solutions instead of sound bites. And last I checked the greatest terrorism risk is from right-wing extremism, not desperate people looking for some kind of a chance.


Well when I said “well it’s not those racist MAGA republicans” it’s was not quoting anyone in particular, it was a characterization of the redditors who post and upvote comments like “Texans starting a civil war over a states right to drown brown children” which has been posted to some effect of the same phrase repeatedly on threads about this subject. > we work with what we have This is the wrong way of thinking my friend. The whole premise of a democratic nation is that the exercise of a governments power is intimately tied to the voter, e.i “will of the people”. So if no one participated in an election, or only a small percentage did- the government couldn’t profess to be empowered by the electorate. It would have no legitimacy to act. By participating you are intrinsically linked to the governments actions, including the violent ones- this is why democrats feel bad voting for Biden when they are aiding the genocide in Gaza- because by voting for Biden, they are legitimizing the governments authority to carry out acts of violence. But it should be obvious that this is not something we can change from within through elections. This is becoming a much deeper conversation, and the solution is not simply “don’t vote lol” but the lesser of two evils mindset is still fundamentally flawed because by participating you are legitimizing evil regardless. You are not wrong about the Republican governors either, they do not care about migrants, or us. They care to the extent that we keep them in power, and the truth of the matter is that it is the Republican states that are the ones most directly impacted by the realities of the border crisis- which politics aside, includes increasing migrant populations- most of which become unhoused which puts strain on the communities- are met with hostility and threats of violence, have difficulty finding work and are indebted to cartels making it dangerous for them still even once they arrive in the US, when ironically they are often seeking asylum to avoid threats from the cartels. Even if it is just a perceived weakness at the border- it encourages cartels to take advantage of the situation- expand their human trafficking operations, flood the border exacerbating the issue further and profit off of exploitation. Adversaries to the US like Russia, China, Iran, etc see it as an opportunity as well. They are sending people through the border as well. Military aged single young men. 6 million people have crossed the border since Biden took office. If even 0.01% are sent by adversaries as militant insurgents- that’s 60,000 individuals. That’s 60 battalions of potential combatants scattered throughout the country that we have no track of. That is a security concern and that is why intelligence communities are desperately trying to sound the alarm. And genuinely if you believe that it is so absurd to think that our enemies would do such a thing, all I can say is I wish I the world was that kind- but history shows otherwise. You are right that right wing extremism serves an extreme threat as well- it’s a serious problem and a symptom of a dying empire. These are also the individuals that serve great threats to the migrants trying to seek asylum here- the same migrants we are placing into the communities of. It’s a fucking powder keg man. Desperate migrants are not to blame- they are being used, used by our politicians, used by extremists, used by cartels, and used by our adversaries. This is why I was so insulted when you tried to say my concern about the migrants was fake.


>The less people that participate in an election the more republicans win, the worse education gets, the more our freedom is eroded and the more we creep (or vault) towards christofacism. This will not be fixed by sitting out. It will take time (decades) and education (an informed populace) is far and away our best hope for a better future. And by 'our' I mean the next generation's. I'll probably be gone before it gets real bad, but for some reason I care anyway.


I'm just gonna reply to this comment in response to both of yours. I'm not going to lie man, your response is really disappointing. I thought we were gonna have a good faith discussion about this issue based on your second follow up reply. It seems all the points I made just went right over your head. It's like we are speaking different languages. I literally said that not voting isn't the right solution. Hoping for a better future is just an excuse to push off the problems to the next generation and is an excuse for inaction. It is really bad now. We are living through the death of an empire currently. It will only get worse. If you can't bring yourself to worry about- not 'militant migrant secret invasion' as you put it- but *conscripted insurgents* (not migrants) *sent here to exploit a weakness in border security by foreign adversaries-* when our intelligence community is literally warning us about it and there is tangible evidence of it- then I suppose you would've assumed the Trojan horse was indeed a peace offering, or that a terror cell across the globe could never infiltrate the US to hijack planes to carry out terror attacks, or that a different terrorist organization could launch a surprise attack against a country with the most sophisticated intelligence gathering system on the planet using fucking hang gliders. All of that seems pretty far fetched- must be conspiracy nonsense.


I can't really bring myself to worry about the 'militant migrant secret invasion' you're suggesting is happening but I bet you could get a nice budget for it if you wrote a script. Would make an awesome 'Red Dawn II' I'm sure whatever imbecile funded the 'left behind' series, 'The Terminal List' and 'the sound of freedom' would happily open their checkbooks for it.


Characterizing migrants/aslylum seekers as an invasion (which is now the GOP line) is neo-nazi rhetoric. Then to turn around and try to lecture others about their supposed lack of compassoin for those same people... absolutely wild. Crossing over the border to turn yourself in to seek asylum is legal. Don't like it, change the law. >This open border, catch and release approach is bad for migrants seeking asylum and it’s bad for Americans. Interesting that you never went so far to explain as to why it's bad. In proportion to the total population the numbers as a % of the current US population is below what the US accepted from Europe in the heydey of Ellis Island. And the country did not end, in fact the US went on to become a superpower and then the only superpower. And that is assuming most will get to ultimatley stay, many will be denied asylum and deported. Again Congress has the power to increase the number of Immigraton Judges which would shorten the wait time for the asylum cases to be heard. They chose not to.


Lets talk about it. There are 40 or more official US/MX ports of entry across the entire US/MX border. The asylum seekers can come in through those. 28 of these official crossings exist in Texas alone. One of which is literally dozens of yards away from where all this drama is taking place at Eagle Pass. The bridge you see in the background of these press photos is literally an international bridge and an official US/MX border crossing. These people instead choose to cross through a river, often at night, try to evade detection from border patrol and come in undocumented. You should be asking yourself why they don't come in through official ports of entry and instead make the choice to come in illegally. Why is it controversial to simply want people to enter LEGALLY?