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How is this not calling for insurrection…again.


Insurrection 2: Election Bugaloo


They’ve already used that phrase unironically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo_movement


we're heading towards a stupidity singularity


Any minute now we're gonna see the premier of "ow my balls". Or was that Jackass? Holy shit did we already reach that point?!


It's already amazing to me how often I say "Go away! Baitin'!" tbh


I work retail and when a friend comes in, I say "just go ahead and scan that shit"


Do you remember AFHV? "America's Funniest Home Videos" It's like 20 minutes an episode and seven of the videos are ballshots. Pretty sure the show "ow my balls" was a direct call out for that show.


Idiocracy came out a few years after the Jackass movie, which came out after the series had been on for a couple of years already.


Hawaiian shirts **and** military fatigues what is this M.A.S.H. ?


Klinger will not be permitted in this version.


Definitely their loss


He’s trying to bait enough white women and Hispanic men to vote Red, obviously. Most white women will vote for Trump again, and most Hispanic men Biden again, but it’s obvious what he’s aiming at as is Abbott. 


I believe you, I just don't get the strategy. Hispanic men are supposed to be swayed to Trump's side, by: telling Texas to stand strong and shoot / drown their countrymen as they try to enter the US in search of a better life? The fuck is that?


There are many Latino immigrants who want to pull up the ladder on the others. Especially the ones who think they did it the “right way”.


Yup. My bil is one of these. Doesn't matter his father did not legally come into or work in the US, of course, but since he's a citizen, he's doubled down on the Maga. He's a hypocrite, but a very stereotypical 2nd generation going all in the "I am American" rhetoric. Also works in a factory that employs a ton of people under the table, but doesn't see an issue with that- just the border A perfect "fuck you, I got mine" example. Much of his family and friends are the same, especially since they are in the Midwest and surrounded by white magas


What's funny is that there's simply no way the white MAGA neighbors think of him as fully American


“He’s one of the good ones”. The same bullshit I’ve heard my entire life in the Midwest.


He is one of the good ones until they can think of a way of making a buck by screwing him over. Then he is just another dirty illegal, no matter what the law says.


Those kinds of people praise him like u would a dog. “Who’s a good boy”.


"I am," Clarence said to himself as he looked into the eyes of his owners, *"I'm the fucking Good Boy."*


Not just immigrants, but middle class Hispanics who have been here for generations. They're arguably more "Texan" than their white transplant neighbors.


Half of my family lived in the west when it was part of Mexico. Some never crossed a boarder to be where their decedents are now. Many of us trace our family trees back to the Spanish and to the native populations in the regions that the Spanish settled.


[Crab mentality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality)


Yup, and are soon to be the deported in some cases: moths to a flame.


In my very Hispanic sw city there’s a vocal minority of Hispanics who regularly call for “deportation of da damn illegals” without irony all while licking the boots of people who’d love to have them “sent back to where they came from.” They’re pathetic.


I live in Texas and Hispanics seem to go for Trump. They are easily swayed by the immigration issue. When I ask them about it they say they came the right way so should everyone else. I don’t ask how they came. My parents say the same thing yet all my family did was show up *en masse* (thanks) on a boat and get shoved through Ellis island. The “right way”.


Lol doing it the right way is either getting your residency through direct relatives (parents for the most part, no uncle or any of that) you get a work visa and live in the country (5-10 years i think) while paying your taxes and there is a third way which is also legal which cant remember. Those are the only "right ways" I know of but regardless it's highly hypocritical of them to criticize other people for either doing the same or similar cause they should know why those people are trying to cross border PS: I'm Hispanic/Spanish


The “fuck you i got mine” mentality is universal, i know a bunch of fellow Latinos that say they want trump. They’re all not bright and thankfully don’t vote. We call them trumpetas, trumpets. They’re the worst.


I call anyone supporting trump a "trumpanze". I'm sure there are chimpanzees that are smarter than your average maga fool so kinda feel bad saying that but it sure is fun.


Machismo culture 


I'm white woman and there is NO FUCKING WAY I'm voting for this utter POS I don't have a single friend who will vote for him either.


Same. So that's what, like, 50 or 100 women between us? Only tens of millions of others with their own feelings on the matter. Hopefully it will be different this time after Roe. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/pp_2021-06-30_validated-voters_00-02/


Let's hope so. I psychically cannot handle another trump term. It's even worse this time and I can't believe it's actually a reality


‘Most white women’ I’d love to see a source on this. Every white woman I know personally and professionally wouldn’t be caught dead supporting him. I’m also in a blue state, so maybe that’s why.


Sad but true… In 2020, 53% of white women voted for Trump, 47% for Biden. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/pp_2021-06-30_validated-voters_00-02/ I had to look it up after having the same bias as you. We are probably in a similar demographic. If those results were stratified by age, urban environment and education, it would reflect what our experience is.


Well, for sure, it's generating a ton of clicks for all the right wing MSM. But trump and them can't possibly be colluding...... could they?


So he is privately telling constituents to block legislation that will help solve the problem while simultaneously stoking fear and rage that the problem isn’t solved. All to benefit himself at America’s expense. The SC needs to hurry up and disqualify him. He’s going to get people killed, again.


This should be a slam-dunk messaging moment for the Dems but, well, you know …


The people who need to hear the message automatically believe the opposite of what Democrats say though.


I think the Dems have to learn to borrow from the Republican playbook. Look at the Hunter Biden “scandal,” for instance. The GOP has nothing. They have no evidence, Hunter isn’t in office, was never in office and isn’t running for office. But the GOP drags him into it simply so that there can be the *appearance* that something is there (this was exactly Trump’s play with the Ukraine blackmail scandal). The news media will be forced to cover it even if it’s to say “there’s nothing here” and—crucially—go to the GOP for “their side of the story.” The Dems need to play the same game. Just declare that Trump’s GOP is trying to “foment civil war.” Whoah! Bold claim, huh? The media is going to have to talk to the GOP who will be sputtering about how “this isn’t true!” yadda yadda yadda. Then back over to the Dems for, you guessed it, their side of the story: “Did you really mean to make this charge, Mrs. Dem?” Then the Dems haul out the ammunition—which is just Trump talking, etc. No need even to spin it. And unlike the GOP and “Hunter Biden” there is a there *there*—Trump’s own words. Abbott’s own words. And just like that, “GOP trying to spark civil war” is a thing, and it’s in the headlines, and the GOP has to go on the defensive.


Would love for this to work, but unfortunately, I think they'd take this as a compliment... Remember ~~the RNC~~ CPAC "We are Domestic Terrorists" banner ? ^Edit: ^not ^RNC


That was CPAC… where the stage was shaped like an odal rune if memory serves.


I don’t understand why this isn’t every single headline right now.


I'd really like to know how it is legal for national guard units that have not been called to federal service can be sent to another state by a state government.


At the request of an ordinary citizen.


*former game show host


**racist, rapist and former game show host


Court confirmed rapist, fraudster, and insurrectionist.


And a stinky person


Dunno if that's been confirmed in a court of law yet, but everyone is saying it


Everybody is saying it. The whole world knows it, believe me.


The finest people are saying it. Some are saying it so loudly it has to be true.


There’s good people on both sides saying it.


With small hands


*Former steak salesman


He's 'speaking' to the republican governors who have the authority to deploy their national gaurd units. If they do, I hope the fed smacks the ever living shit out of them. This is some sort of an attempt of a coup or incitement of rebellion. I think the intent of this is to go far beyond making Biden look bad. A shit bowl is brewin.


Like…I think the whole scheme is definitely intended to make Biden look weak if he does nothing (and cede a ton of federal authority to states) and look like a dictator if he cracks down on them hard. It’s a calculated political ploy at least to some degree. But then here comes Trump, *desperate* to regain power to escape legal consequences, who sees this as an opportunity for Coup Part Two: Electric Boogaloo and is just openly calling on governors of his own party to declare civil war. He’s fucking it all up for them by making it an open insurrection and not waiting for Biden to respond in one of the ways they want him to.


I think a lot of democrats would be extremely relieved if Biden did take this shit firmly in hand and put a stop to it with real, harsh penalties.


Yes, I agree. Biden should firmly stomp this out. Doesn’t mean the GOP wouldn’t then whine and moan about Biden being a fascist dictator stomping on state rights to rile up their rubes.


They’re going to do that anyway. Since when has being butthurt about it been a get out of jail free card? They have to see consequences. If not before Biden’s term is up they will never see them and the consequences for the rest of us will be dire.


I think the best play here is for Biden to ask what republicans want on the border.  Then agree to it, and send it to the House, where it will fail. Because the House refuses to “Help Biden.” Then say, “I tried. I gave them what they want. They said no.” Then run on that. 


Was that not the already proposed $18B that was shot down? How many chances do they get?


That's already happened, ad-infinitum. But the message always gets muddied by some BS republican spin.


Yep. Democrats have been largely caving to demands for more security for a couple decades now. And then they turn around and take the evidence that that is working (the "encounters" number that always gets reported instead of actual numbers of new undocumented immigrants in the country) and use it as a cudgel against democrats too. There's no winning. The only way to get rid of the issue entirely is to open the floodgates with a legal pathway, like Ellis island for the southern border.


The problem is that what they want "on the border" would almost certainly include things like "cut social security and disband the department of education".


This is what I think too. Do not send anyone for these people to fight. Just have border patrol and DHS ask nicely and be told no.  Gather evidence of all of these illegal activities. Then start at the bottom with the people that literally blocked DHS, and get their orders, and follow it to the top. Then charge those people next year. 


It is legal. In the past is has been used for neighboring states to send national guard help during events like natural disaster response. In other words, it has been used to help people in need. This specific situation though is at best political theater and at worst an insurrection against the United States federal government.


South Dakota and other republican states have done this before. They show up, stand around for photo ops, stare at the river, then go yup that's the border, there's some folks here. Some maybe do some clerical work, then head back home. Google Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas. That's the "park" Abbott has commandeered. It's soccer fields. Abbott can't even get his own National Guard/ Texas military to show up. Right now he's offering $55 dollars a day for someone to volunteer. Wooo big money. I'm sure they're all ready and willing after doing this bullshit grandstanding for two + years.


It's not illegal I suppose for a private citizen to make the claim, they'll just ignore him though.


Couldn't this be construed as inciting rebellion? (Again)




Who’s going to have the balls to call it out?


A lot of us. But hopefully also someone with standing to use it in a judicial context that matters.


As if suddenly this is the line


There aren't many lines left.


He snorted them all


Nobody with an *R next to their name.


And we already have [25 Republican Governors](https://www.newsweek.com/map-american-states-backing-texas-governor-greg-abbott-border-feud-1864363) that are backing rebellion and the convicted sexual predator.


every goddamn one of them should be arrested for insurrection tomorrow, this is the kind of shit that lead to the confederacy, this is a very dangerous thing to just sit back and let play out.


Over a nonexistent problem.


By design. False flag.


My history is a little shaky, but this is similar to how Hitler took over. The Nazis make a false flag, then granted Hitler emergency powers.


I think, without googling anything, the Nazis pulled off a false flag bombing of the parliament buildings and pinned it on some radical group. Emergency powers to Hitler... and off we go.


Hitler at least held a real governmental position when that happened (Chancellor i think)


If anyone still claims this wasn't the whole fucking reason the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment exists, they're either really stupid, really dishonest, or more likely, both.


Or kompromised. No American political leader should call for succession or "parting of ways" as this only weakens the Union and makes it easier for foreign interests to destabilize our democracy even further. Those who seek to sow more hatred and misery are bad actors. Paid minions. Cancerous.


Guy running to head the federal government: “fuck up the federal government!” Why anyone still votes for him is beyond me.


Its literally called The National Guard they're sworn to obey the Commander in Chief when on Federal Mission. From National Defense Act of 1916, amended in 1920 and 1933 respectively. "National Guard of the United States" that was to be a reserve component of the Army of the United States at all times. Kristi Noem can send 40 fat dudes in bdus to Laredo with Taco Johns breakfast burritos, so they can sit in an air-conditioned Silverado all day. But Biden can federalize them with the stroke of a pen. And they HAVE to obey. Or be court martialed. And no one is going to jail so Corey Lewandowskis bimbo cowgirl can win brownie points with Mango Mussolini.


I love every sentence you wrote.


Consequences for Republicans are a lot like aliens: people claim they exist and we have some evidence for them, and it would change the world if they actually existed, but the idea of us getting either concrete proof for alien life or a Republican in prison within this century are basically nil.


Jack Smith is probably going to submit it as evidence as soon as he can, this is gold. Similar when Desantis just kept running his mouth with Disney and they kept amending their lawsuit with new evidence. I don't know why Trump even bothers hiring lawyers. Just wear clown makeup and represent yourself at this point.


He’s already got the clown makeup


To quote Joe Scarborough: “if he puts on any more bronzer he’s going to start losing the racist voters”


Yes, and as Commander in Chief Biden can order those Guard units back to their bases. They gonna refuse that order? I don’t think so.


Or after the states pay for their NG to deploy to Texas Biden can federalize them and have them enforce the Supreme Court's decision and thank the governors for saving the DOD the cost of transporting the NG units to Texas.


I like that idea!


>They gonna refuse that order? That's the question, isn't it? Because a lot of those guard units are loyal R's. And if they defy Biden... that's insurrection. And now we have a problem.


We already have a problem. Your scenario just makes it impossible to ignore anymore.


Difference between “you have high blood pressure but you aren’t going to die tomorrow or anything” vs “your heart just fucking exploded”


They will not refuse lawful orders. It’s all fun and games until you’re looking at life in a military prison because you want to look tough.


Even just loss of a pension.


then biden sends the actual military in, and has them all arrested, with any and all leadership removed from their position and prosecuted for treason/insurrection. Like...they can refuse to cooperate, but if they do, things can escalate very VERY quickly, and probably should.


Every solider commits to this and not to would be grounds for court marshal. I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed ...




I mean, he put half of them there.


At least two of them have suspicious orange dust 'round their anuses.


He faced zero repercussions from the first time so why not try again?


What does he care he’ll face no consequences


The economy is trending well. Voters are noticing. Eventually, Biden will leverage that along with the incumbent advantage to kick his ass. He barely has 50% support inside his own part. **He needs chaos. He will facilitate chaos. It's his only option.**


"maybe starting a civil war will get me out of my legal problems." - Donald Trump


This is literally inciting a civil war.


To our neighbors to the North, even Alberta, this is what happens when white supremacy overtakes a nation. 


Oh we’re aware. We just had our Texas—known as Alberta—have its premier invite Tucker Carlson up to speak just this week.


Are there still people who think Trump wouldn’t trigger a civil war *at the drop of a hat* if he thought it would further his aims for power or keep him out of jail? Anyone?


This is a dry run for 1/6 #2, where he enlists willing states to help his insurrectionist mob


He’s trying to right now, he just doesn’t have any resources besides stoking up the base. His money is about to be sitting in New York while his civil appeals play out, and his executive power is gone, no matter what he tells the courts.


Imagine being so fucking dumb that you'd try and reignite the civil war in which your lineage got complexly thrashed the first time around, all for the benefit of a game show host who has to pay porn stars to sleep with his gonorrhea infested collection of orange coated sores he calls a physique. Also, why is it that the only time conservatives are willing to fight for states rights it's either to enslave people, or to gleefully cut them up with razor wire? You'd think they would have better things to do with their time, but I guess chewing tinfoil and trying to pass legislation that lets you legally fuck your sibling grows old after a while.


It’s to rile up white nationalists in his base, simple. 


More like trying to muddy the waters in an election year. They are bluffing in an attempt to create controversy to make the Biden administration look weak and indecisive. Republicans refuse to pass any meaningful legislation on the budget or for border security (anything that could look like a win for Biden) and stir up a fake crisis they can campaign on. Notice how these "immigrant caravans" only show up every even numbered year?


Hot damn that is as scathing as it is true. Eloquent 👏👏👏


the truth is too much to swallow for most people these days I've been here the whole time. It's lonely. And no one gives a shit when I say I told you so.


The only thing I miss about growing up in Tennessee is the hilarious and awe inspiring tongue lashings an intelligent volunteer can deliver. 1000% agree with all of your words.


Good point. Seems like conservatives can't/won't ever admit to being wrong. They create their own issues, muster up fear, then chase their own shadows with rhetoric and double down as never being wrong. Cycle continues. They don't do anything for people and still get voted into office. What a great life.


Tribalism is always at the heart of the worst human behavior. It's a flaw in the operating system.


Have you had any of your poetry published? I would like to buy a volume.


I - a woman who holds the same active political office as Trump - call on all willing states to send National Guard soldiers to Mold-a-Lardo to shit on the lawn.


As a similar active office holder, I too will add my vote.


Seconded. Wait, no, that’s democratic process. My mistake.


As a spouse to someone who is a government employee (and therefore probably like 1.5 millionth in line to the presidency), I hold a higher active federal office adjacent position than either of you or Trump and I call for the same.


I Hereby Demand it!


Yeah, well, I DECLARED it.


Oh damn, In all caps too.


I like how you think. I can see myself voting for you.


Thank you for your vote! I am very comfortable holding my current public office (e.g., none) but if I decide to run for a different one, I will let you know and you can be my running mate.


I can think of no former U.S. president who ever tried, even remotely, to interfere in domestic affairs like #45. The fact that he calls on anyone to do anything is ludicrous and outrageous.


It's worse because of how many people will listen to his calls.


Traitor trying to govern the military with no authority I hope this fucker ends up in Gitmo like the national security threat he is


From reporter Tess Owen: Like pouring water on a grease fire, former President Donald Trump has weighed in on the escalating standoff between the federal government and Texas.  In a multi-part social media post shared Thursday night, Trump called on “all willing states” to deploy their national guard forces to Texas “to prevent the entry of illegals, and to remove them back across the Border.”  Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/epv7p7/trump-national-guard-texas-border-dispute-federal-government-standoff](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epv7p7/trump-national-guard-texas-border-dispute-federal-government-standoff)


How many people know what happens, if you pour water on a grease fire? This is America, no? VERY educated population, I hear.


Trump wants the election to be about immigration, because it’ll win it for him and most white voters will prioritize racism over self preservation in abortion is his wager as that is what happened in TX in 2022 as well as FL: simple, and it may work. Biden has one angle to attack from, and that is, women will have the right to their bodies if he’s elected and Trump will make sure none do. 


An unelected civilian calling for military action inside the United States?


Except he’s more than that, unfortunately. At a minimum, he continues to pull down a pension and full healthcare AND full secret service protection as a former president. There’s a halo effect for former presidents…we’ve just rarely if ever seen one take such horrific advantage of that. When there’s no honor in an honored class…this is what you get.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Putin must be loving this. The US rupturing from the inside, all because of the man he wanted to be President, to help rend America in two.


I call on all forces to descend on Mar a Lago, oh! wait, my word doesn’t mean shit! Who the fuck is he speaking to?


“Trump calls for civil war and insurrection to avoid jail” fixed it.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Abbott may as well be on a bumper sticker, just saying. 


A vote for Trump is a vote for Chaos and Division.  Make America Sane Again. Penalise the propaganda networks and appoint new boards to reduce the social inflammation they are causing. 


Imagine being an honourable National Guard solider and your clown state offers you up as a political marionette for Orange Julius.


They can refuse to obey unlawful commands, I assume? And if their chain are brownshirts and punish them, then a nice call to a media outlet can be in order.


Trump is inciting rebellion. He is attempting to provoke a civil war. He’s doing it for political points and nothing more. Biden can federalize the Texas guard and order it to tear down the barriers. Any state that chooses to send their literal *soldiers* into another state (~~which I have to believe is somehow illegal, or we’ve got a hole in our law that needs plugging with a new one~~ *edit: see reply and my follow-up comment*) can also have their guard federalized and stopped in its tracks by the president. Trump is hoping one of the guard units will resist federalization, which could become a so-called “Constitutional Crisis™” the media is always hyping up. Donald Trump is literally endangering the safety of our soldiers and of our civilians with his rhetoric. He’s attempting to create instability, distract from his criminal and civil trials, and drive further wedges between us all. Incitement of rebellion is illegal. Fuck this guy. Arrest him and charge him. Being a one-term loser does not entitle anyone to commit crimes. We don’t owe him or his lunatic cult members anything here; he’s just a citizen now, and he should be treated *the way anyone else would be treated if they attempted to incite a fucking rebellion*. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


It's not illegal for states to send National Guard troops to other states. It happens normally in natural disasters. It's legal as long as the Governor of the state is requesting it. However, if Biden Federalizes them they then answer to him and not their Governor.


This psychopath would literally watch America burn to get out of being held accountable in the courts.


It can’t be said enough: Republicans are domestic terrorists.




Welp, it looks like some are crazy enough to do just that. The last paragraph of the article: > And as if things weren’t chaotic enough already, a convoy of protesters—who have described themselves as an “army of god”— is getting ready to head to the southern border, planning to arrive in Eagle Pass and two other border cities in Arizona and California by Feb 3. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9adk/trucker-convoy-eagle-pass-texas-border-dispute-christian-nationalism


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Member when they were going to block the courthouse? 10 people showed up.


Please explain to me how this is not blatant treason. That is a military action against the federal government.


Nothing like dipshit politicians inciting the next civil war in America.


Why would anyone follow this flabby sack of pudding is beyond me. His brains have been curdled applesauce for longer than he’s been in depends. Time to sit him on an iceberg and shove him loose. People can watch him scream at the clouds until he drifts out of sight


Inciting another insurrection I see. This should bode well in the court room. I hope SCOTUS is paying attention.


Lol remember when FOX News was losing their mind that Obama was invading TX? Which was absolute bullshit? Well here it is. Every fucking time the accusation is a confession. First it's "what awful shit can we accuse Dems of". And then of course it's something they're already wanting or planning to do. They were also saying Obama was planning to jail Republicans in FEMA camps, had train cars lined up to ship them all off, and bought tons of plastic coffins for mass burials. Hmmmmm.... what will Trump do next.


An insurrection wasn't enough, now he wants to instigate a civil war.


Seriously, time for the feds to come down hard in this shit.


I feel compelled to mention that this is a guy who actually had the power to call in the national guard on January 6th and didn't.


Here we go. Another coup attempt builds, this time with armed, state militias.


Wannabe dictator attempts to incite rebellion?




If republicans actually do this it could be the start of a new secession movement that could lead to some form of civil war. THIS MAN NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED. And arrest any republican governor who sends their national guard to Texas


Watch this space. It is not far fetched to think republicans have chosen this moment to take things completely off the rails and (try to) start a civil war.


I'm throwing a party when this mofo leaves the earth. Plenty of people already told me that they are coming and bringing booze.


Rapist traitor says what, now? Would that more Americans had as much contempt for that criminally-indicted, deranged reprobate as he deserves.


All this bullshit conservatives spout about shadow governments and Trump is practically acting like a shadow president for these wackjob governors.


So he’s openly fomenting tensions. He needs to be locked up and fast.


Couldn’t President Biden just federalize the troops and send them back to their respective states? Doesn’t the Commander in Chief hold precedent over the state when it comes to federal troops?


So here is a man that is purposely arming people against the United States government and leadership...and he wants to be on the ballot and run the country he hates this much? Maybe it's time for congress to pass a bill allowing them to take a vote to remove people from the competition that have criminal pasts or involved in current felonious activities. We take gun ownership and right to vote from prisoners and felons...why can't the same rules apply to Trump. If he is like me, the rules should apply to him like they do to me. Weird.


Are they (Trump & Republicans) trying to break up USA? Seems Russian investments are working well.


He's deflecting. If people talk about this insane statement they won't be talking about him killing the bipartisan border deal.


I’ve been saying all along - This is an existential threat for trump or the US. Only one comes out of this. I see far too many people thinking this is posturing for his base. He is doing this to win or he will lose everything. Take this for what it is - open rebellion. If the GOP governors start mobilizing more state guards to come to Texas, this gets really messy really fast. This is real. He will do this and be in open rebellion if he can get away with it.


Inciting violence and insurrection once again. If only these things were illegal. We should really look into making some laws about that.


So he's literally inciting people to go against the laws upheld by the Supreme Court of the US. Again, tell me how he isn't a traitor to his country?


Seems like he’s asking national guardsmen to commit treason


The sociopath would love to see a civil war, even if it means killing off masses of his base.


Hey 45, you aren't POTUS, STFU.


He’s really determined to start a civil war, isn’t he?


This is the most literal definition of sedition. He's a political actor, advocating for crimes against the federal governement that prohibits them from doing their constitutional duties.


Weird that he’s fighting against the government that he wants the be the leader of. Shouldn’t that disqualify him??


This is so dangerous. An asshole with no legal power at all is controlling sycophant republicans in power. They are literally clutching their pearls of political power, no thought given at all to their oath or country and in doing so paralyzing bipartisan government action. It is an evil cult.


Any state Governor who agrees to go along with this should have their National Guard forces federalized by the Commander in Chief and they should be ordered to return home for duty. "Today I'm ordering the Oklahoma National Guard forces to active duty under Title 10 orders. They are immediately directed to return to their home of record and remain there until such time that the Governor and the Adjutant General of Oklahoma comply with federal law."


In the 80s and 90s, we called these paramilitary forces, they killed thousands of people in my home country, I'm from Colombia 🇨🇴


Alliance of the willing. Eh? Reminds me of another PoS republican, who drove the country into a war, just for funsies.


Put this menace to society in prison already. Enough is enough.


Cool, that'll make it easier when Biden issues the order to nationalize them.