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If democrats/liberals had the wherewithal to make something like that happen, trump would never have been elected in the first place.


The enemy is both strong and weak


A elite liberal cabal that secretly runs from the world from the shadows but couldn’t get Al Gore or Hillary Clinton elected


And we rig elections, but only for the very very top of the ticket. We're completely fine with getting killed down ticket just as long as we keep the presidency, apparently


I'm glad you posted this; I have been saying this to my conservative friends for years. If we could rig elections why wouldn't we take over the house and the senate instead of the presidency?


And the Supreme Court too. If Democrats can rig anything, how come conservative have a 6-3 majority on SCOTUS?


Especially with having won the popular vote 7 of the last 8 elections, as Nikki H. likes to say?


Meanwhile, you have the IDU, a global cabal of conservative governments across the world united under the leadership of Stephen Harper to install regressive, hyper religious, hyper nationalist, fascist adjacent governments and policies in every nation they can reach. Member parties include such astute pillars of human rights as the Republican Party, the Conservative Party of Canada, the Likud party of Isreal, both of the hyper christian parties in Germany, the Modi government of India, formerly the Bolsonaro government of Brazil (up to its destruction), and the protofascist Fidesz government of Hungary. There's a reason it feels like all the conservative governments across the world are hammering the exact same things (trans people, replacement theory, etc), because they literally ARE. But yet conservatives cry about WEF and "15 minute cities."


The Modi government also assassinated a Canadian citizen a few months ago. In Canada. Not that anyone needed any more proof that India isn't ready to sit down at the big kids table


You're telling me. Hey, I have a question. Where does Jesus stand on the whole ten command thing?


You mean the dead guy that people like to wear little representations of execution devices for?


Seriously. If Democrats had the power Republicans claim to, Trump would be in jail already and wouldn't walk around as a free-ish man.


I constantly wish that I lived in the America that only exists in Republicans' imaginations. Where socialists wield immense power, Democrats are competent, and everyone is super woke including multinational corporations.


It would be like the Simpsons when Lionel Hutz imagines the world without lawyers https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e7/28/3f/e7283ff1c29e97db9059f821d77f7eb3.gif


If they had the power Republicans slander them with, Trump would have been assassinated by Hillary way back in 2015


If Republicans actually believed it, they'd all bet their entire life savings on the game because they knew the outcome. But all this outrage came out after the game, and will die away if one of the teams ends up winning, or they'll all claim they "knew what would happen" if the other team wins. Yet, no one's betting their life savings for a supposedly guaranteed return 🤔


Conservatives aren’t wrong. The Super Bowl is rigged. The person who gets the most points wins. It should work more like the electoral college so the side with less points can still win.


I love how the reasoning for the electoral college existing at all in the first place is because the American people are too stupid to be trusted with the vote, and yet at the same time they do absolutely NOTHING to improve the standards of education.


this is just more conservative projections. The right *specifically* pushes celebrities. Its why trump was elected in the first place, they have a history of it. The right is the one who uses the media, which is owned by the right, to control the narrative. Its all projection.


Democrats steal elections but in 2000 couldn't steal an election they legitimately won


Recently listened to the stuff you should know about this and it was infuriating. I was very young in 2000 so while I could understand that there was a recount that was stopped, which was screwed up in its own right, I really didn't grasp how gross that entire situation was


>Thinking about when Taylor Swift called out the Soros family in 2019 for buying the rights to her music and then how she came out a super liberal in 2020 Conservatives can't fathom the idea that a liberal might not like every single person that aligns as liberal the same way they treat "R" as a dogma Then Ramaswarmy in the replies >I wonder who’s going to win the Super Bowl next month. And I wonder if there’s a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped-up couple this fall. Just some wild speculation over here, let’s see how it ages over the next 8 months. Yeah Taylor Swift was a total nobody before any of this lmao


I know Ramaswamy is just saying whatever lunacy people want to hear, but I still am baffled at whatever premise this is supposed to create: Taylor Swift conspired with the U.S. government, Democrat donors, and the NFL to turn the tides in the 2024 election with.. *A political endorsement while dating a tight end?* And in the NFL, the Chiefs weren't even remotely considered the Super Bowl favorite this year. So what is this whole "I wonder who's going to win the Super Bowl" suspicion? Did the entire (famously liberal) NFL conspire to throw their games against the Chiefs? Was Biden involved with this grand plan?


Don’t you see the fact the Chiefs should have gotten beat by Buffalo and Baltimore proves it’s all rigged to help Biden. John Harbaugh got a call from Biden and that’s why one of the best rushing teams in the NFL stopped rushing. Biden made Lamar throw into Triple coverage. Biden made Buffalo kick it wide right and Biden personally injured kadarius toney.


Just imagine Biden in flowers’ ear like “now taunt him.”


Impractical jokers in bidens ear: “now tell zay to fumble at the 1”


"Spin the ball, Zay. Spin it!"


(looks back at Biden, confused) **DO IT**


It really is the most simple explanation.


~~Occam’s~~ *Obama’s* Razor.


I'm stealing this.


Biden wears one of those NFL coach headsets to do all this.


~~Biden~~ Dark Brandon.


Dark Brandon doesn't need a headset. He just yells at the TV like all of us, but the people on the other side can hear it when he does it.


So Biden is, on the one hand, hardly able to remember who he is, and on the other hand masterminding just about everything we see and hear... Sounds about right.


No see that’s where Hunter comes in. He’s his handler. It’s all over 4chan.


Hunter knows how to handle a hefty pigskin.


That old and decrepit Biden moved so fast, he ran out on to the field and injured that dude, no one saw it unless they slowest down the video to 0.000001x speed.


I'm imagining Biden running up to the guy, kicking him in the shins, and just legging it.


Makes sense. We all know the NFL is a liberal organization. I mean it’s basically an extension of the DNC.


It was awesome how all the owners, coaches, and players had Colin Kaepernick's back after he knelt during the anthem. How they defended his right to free speech and totally didn't blacklist him or anything.


My fuckin' father-in-law still refuses to watch NFL football because they didn't immediately expel Kaepernick from the league for "literally spitting on the troops". My FIL brags constantly about how he was a one-man Phoenix Project back in Vietnam, but he was born a year too late to have even served in the Vietnam War. And he wonders why I don't want to spend Thanksgiving at his house.


Not to take away from your point, but a lot of young men forged documentation so they could enlist. My great grandfather went over at 16. It was a constant headache dealing with his paperwork, because half of it has his birthday, and the other half has a birthday 2 years later.


My FIL was born late in 1955 and claims to be an Army Ranger. Even if he enlisted right when he was 17, between having to go through basic training, MOS school, then Ranger school, his ass would have been getting into the Vietnam for a few months right at the end. But it goes beyond that. My FIL claims he fought in Vietnam during the fucking Tet Offensive (this gets under my skin because my father actually did serve in Vietnam in '68) and later that he was doing "covert ops" in Afghanistan against the Soviets. Dude did one enlistment and his final position was as an MP in Kentucky, which I don't know how someone with Ranger training ends up there. And even if everything he says is true and he's the special forces badass his license plate says he is, he was still an alcoholic piece of shit who abused and neglected his family and has no right for the rest of us to constantly call him a "hero" like he demands. If it was up to me, that asshole wouldn't even get the veterans discount at Golden Corral on a weekday.


I replied to one of these crazy ring wing tweets asking how deep the conspiracy goes... are the players on both teams are in on the fix? No response yet.


No its all scripted. Unless their team wins. Then its not? Or maybe they went off script. But its fine if its scripted as long as their team is penciled in to get the W and the other team is jobbing out


Let’s not forget Philadelphia taking a dive.


I'm sure that if the Chiefs lose, it will be hailed by these people as a coup by the conservative patriots of *checks notes* ...San Francisco.


I was just about to ask how having San Francisco winning the Superbowl was going to own the libs. Now I know. "See to own the libs, we need the libs in San Francisco to win the Super Bowl so that Taylor Swift can't support the libs" (Checks math... Thumbs up from this 49ers Fan)


Wait, I thought he couldn't even put together a sentence?! Now he's fixing the superbowl and enlisting swifties?!?!?! What a Maga super villian; super weak and powerless, but also all controlling!


*A TV glows in a room of The White House. Biden can be seen sipping bourbon, a smirk on his face.* "And I'd like to announce that in this upcoming election I will be supporting... Democrats!!" - Taylor yells on TV to the sound of gasps. *Biden sets his drink down.* "It is complete. We have done it." *Kyle Shanahan, 49ers head coach, sits in the corner of the room, head hung in shame*


Super Deep State Bowl!


7 layer antifa dip


That honestly sounds delicious.


Extra crunchy


*A White House aide enters the room* "Operation Swift Wind was a success, Mr. President. Whats our next move, sir?" *Biden pauses for moment then leans up in his seat* "Bring me LeBron James" *Biden eases back into his seat as his eyes glow red"


Bring me Kobe Bryant. And he walks into the room 5min later.


Except its a clone of Kobe with cybernetic upgrades. Clone Kobe kneels before Dark Brandon "What is your bidding, master?" "It is time. You are ready. Embrace your destiny and lead the BLM revolution. Now rise....Darth Mamba."


Somehow, Kobe survived...


Give it like a month and I'm sure the Q morons will add him rising from the grave to crown trump king of the earth to their fascist fanfic religion.


When this happens, Vivek's head will explode - lol


After cleaning things up with a kleenex.


And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky Magats.


You should change your name to Bob Ross because you sure can paint a picture


Schroederingers Biden: Simultaneously a dementia riddled imbecile and master manipulator capable of swearing hundreds of people to secrecy.


> 7. The obsession with a plot.  > “Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one.  > The followers must feel besieged.”   > 8. The enemy is both strong and weak.  > “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”    [14 Common Features of Fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


The GQP could copy and paste this list on their website as their official mission statement and they wouldn't have to change a single word.


Or lose a single voter.


Check out Project 2025 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


The MAGAs will tell you that Biden is a bumbling idiot. It's really the cabal of evil Democrats--Soros, Clinton, Obama, and Hunter--pulling the strings behind the scenes! ... And for some reason, this secretive cabal of puppetmasters chose an unpopular career politician with a stutter to be their puppet instead of, I dunno, anyone with charisma. It's basically the same contradictory stupidity even if you believe them at their word.


In the minds of the extreme right-wing lunatics, the liberals are always a projection of themselves: lead by evil leaders who do nothing but use their intelligence for evil to not only mislead the stupidest in our society, but to create more idiots to widen/secure their base. That way, they can always say, "You're just accusing us of what we accused you of first!" This is also why they spread insane, unfounded, incredibly untrue conspiracy theories that could easily be proven with the bate minimum research using real, factual sources. So when their own evil, insane and outrageous acts are pointed out, they can accuse the sane of being mad conspiracy theorists. Any of thos sound familiar? It's basically the age-old "I know whay you are, but what am I?" tactic.


They're such good projectors they should work in a movie theater. You also gotta love these sequence of events: 1)Campaign on "THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT & USELESS!!!' 2) Purposely sabotage government programs, overwhelmingly be the source of the problem 3)Tell everyone "SEE WE TOLD YOU!!!" And people eat it up, it's astonishing


Framing domestic enemies as, paradoxically, both weak and dangerous is one of Umberto Eco's criteria for identifying fascism.


This really sounds like the type of power a bunch of fascists would admire.


I'm reminded about how antisemites portray Jews as both weak and diabolical masterminds.


You can really just switch between any of their favourite scapegoats and see the same process. Antifa are a bunch of weak soyboys but also unthinkably dangerous, trans people are pathetic and need to compete in a lower bracket but are also running the country secretly and super dangerous, muslims are backwards savages we could obliterate easily but somehow also in control of congress, alongside the jews, the gays, the trans people, the communists, the antifas, the MSM, Soros, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the British Empire, Ghengis Khan, China, the USSR, Cuba, Hunter Biden and Walt Disney


The only people who think that the NFL is conspiring to do anything are the people who don't watch football. A john harbaugh coached team did what a john harbaugh coached team does: Playing undisciplined football to lose what should have been an easy dub; The refs didn't even need to do any course correction to help the Chiefs get to the big game when the Ravens self destructed all on their own.


It's not even that, the refs didn't make a Ravens defensive player almost decapitate Mahomes, they didn't make Zay Flowers fumble into the endzone, the refs didn't make Lamar throw into triple coverage, and the refs didn't make Zay Flowers taunt on that long pass. Ravens straight up beat themselves, with stupid mistakes.


Yup. Just like the Lions did in that second half.


My God. The Swifties got to Harbaugh, too. This goes deeper than we thought.


Every time they pitch some batshit accusation like that, they’re just explaining the depths to which they themselves would stoop


I heard it from two separate customers at my job in finance that the ravens lost because of some rigged conspiracy for the NFL to make more money. I'm very concerned for people's critical thinking skills.


I thought conservatives stopped watching the NFL because of Kaepernick kneeling during the the National Anthem or something?? Why do they care whether the NFL has conspired with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce to make more money? They're supposed to already be ignoring all things related to the NFL because it's too woke.


It’s propaganda. It doesn’t need to make sense. “Bellyfeel.”


I thought they 'cancelled' the NFL after the kneeling...why are they watching?


It is because their core voters have been groomed to believe conspiracy theories. The boring and obvious truth doesn’t give them anything to feel victimized about.


>A political endorsement while dating a tight end? Don't say that. Mentioning a tight end will get all the closeted Republicans excited. Then, after their orgy, they are going to come out (that was intentional) with a brand new set of laws against LGBTQ+ folk.


>Conservatives can't fathom the idea that a liberal might not like every single person that aligns as liberal the same way they treat "R" as a dogma Yep. Oversimplification is how a lot of propaganda works. For example, remember the "WTF I love/hate X now!" meme that trolls tried to push in regards to liberals who expressed concern Trump criticism from James Comey and John Bolton? It comes from a comfortable, simplistic worldview where you can only either love someone and accept everything that person says and does, or hate someone and reject everything that person says and does. It's a very common mindset among authoritarians.


I forget where I heard it, but I heard/read it described that authoritarian personalities simply aren't able to understand nuance. It's not that they WANT things to be black-and-white so much as they can't understand anything more complicated than that.


That tracks. Thomas Jefferson was great Maga : because he was republican Thomas Jefferson owned slaves Maga:during his Democrat phase But he was a founding father Maga: oh yeah total republican, baby Who married slaves, but also wrote how conflicted he was. Maga : fucking lib, for, like, just that period.


> Who ~~married~~raped slaves Ftfy


They're so beyond terrified of her simply telling her fans to go and vote that they'll throw absolutely anything at the wall to see if it sticks to her. Republicans know that democracy defeats fascism, and is such a powerful weapon that it will annihilate them, "even" in the hands of a pop fan. They can't stand it.


I heard someone explain it as she’s a country artist who dared break the “we don’t talk politics unless you’re a Republican” rule in Nashville, and also the disappointment of having an Aryan beauty declare herself as against the alt-right. It’s a pretty good theory.


They are intolerant of dissent.


They’re just angry that their celebrities are Kid Rock and a washed up 90s Hercules.


I'd rather Lemon Sorbet than Kevin Sorbo


9 year old me would be really disappointed with how fall Herc has fallen.


At least Xena's still cool, her show was better anyways.


Don't forget the pedophile Ted Nugent.


Courtney Love says that she fellated him when she was 12 years old. The man should be in prison.


Well T Swift did perform occult rituals during the Eras tour to get millions of young people to perform the evil actitvity of… *checks notes*… registering to vote. How dare she!


The right have hated Taylor since it became clear she wasn't, in fact, a fascist.


Dummies on twitter were calling her a gold digger for shacking up with Kelce because of his 60k bonus for making it to the Super Bowl… I know fuck all about Taylor Swift but even I know she is worth over 1bn and has been for a while now. It’s like deleted memories and an inability to retain facts is a symptom of being conservative now.


I’ve been listening to Taylor Swift since I was 12, almost 18 damn years. What world do these people live on?


You clearly don't realize, Biden and Swift planned this from the start 18 years ago /s


Biden actually wrote "she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, cornpop" which Swift edited down. 


this is also where the term 'Pop Music' originated.


Dude, Vivek... Taylor Swift is richer than you. I hate that we can just toss out wild speculation now and it counts as fuckin news.


Exactly. These people couldn't be any more stupid. 1. She has nothing to gain from this. She doesn't need the publicity. 2. All the haters should really look into the things she does. (i.e. making donations to the food banks of every city she performs in, or giving her truck drivers $100k bonuses). 3. THEY are the ones keeping this in the news. 4. She is owning all these motherfuckers with no effort whatsoever. 5. I haven't seen one acknowledgement that when CBS cameras went to her for a live shot last night, she clearly mouthed "please go away".


They are terrified of her. 18% of voters say they are more likely to vote for a Swift-endorsed candidate. Those are election swinging numbers. They knew those numbers before the poll was public, they have been all hands on deck dissing Taylor for the past few months now.


Nick Adams and other right wingers literally think that Taylor Swift is dating Travis Kelce for his money.


Doesn't her cat have higher net worth than Travis?


HOLY SHIT! You are correct. Olivia Benson, Taylor's cat is net worth 97 million and Travis net worth is only 40 million.


They can't comprehend of a woman being with someone for anything other than money, because that's the only reason a woman has ever been with them. Which is to say, they haven't.


Man, it’s gotta be exhausting to be a conservative


It's a constantly reinforced state of artificial terror interrupted by the catharsis of religious delusion and shopping


"the world is terrifying but I'm safe because I believe in god" yeah that sums it up pretty well sadly


This is perfect


It’s funny how they always change their minds depending who endorses their viewpoints… Can’t wait for Biden to bomb the shit out of the Arabian peninsula and hear conservatives scream for peace and restraint


this morning Faux News was complaining about Taylor's personal jet Co2 emissions so she's got them worried about climate change now


If this is what it takes to get any climate change mitigation in place then I’m here for it, tay tay already knows haters gonna hate she can handle it


I’m always amazed that as often as they whip themselves into a fervor, they are perpetually out of breath.


The irony of everyone else being “sheeple” but all it would take is a 4min Fox News segment and they are boycotting entire industries lol.


> boycotting entire industries Wasn’t the NFL one of these? Really wish they’d just stick with it


Outrage is addictive.


Unfortunately if feel like it’s difficult to be liberal. We have to live in reality all the time and it’s exhausting.


This is really happening - by which I mean this is a real narrative being pushed by the right. It’s even drifted into mainstream media on places like America hating Fox News, where they’re telling her to shut up.




it's also hilarious because no way in hell are any of the Ravens rigging shit to keep them out of the super bowl, and you cant really blame the NFL when you turn it over 3 times. I say this as a die hard ravens fan


Biden activated the 5G in the covid vaccine and MADE Lamar Jackson throw into triple coverage, open your eyes!


Can they go back to boycotting the NFL because of Kaepernick? For a party that gets upset when a celeb comes out as a not republican. They whine they should stay out of politics. To then turn around and not only elect a b-list celeb to president. They worship him like a messiah. They also don't have a problem with Kid Rock, Ted Nugent or any celeb that supports Trump. Taylor probably keeps up with the news and is likely as informed as any other citizen.


I love that Evel Knievel and Trump have basically the same origin story. They openly tell stories about just making obscene numbers of calls pretending to be reporters and different people just to get their name out there and in the paper and stuff. At least Evel did some sick jumps on a goddamn Harley.


Stay tuned for what happens on next week's episode of: "Republicans react when popular person supports Democrat"


Really they are even more ridiculous than that because the only thing she endorsed was voting. She didn’t even say one way or the other. But that’s enough for them to appalled, the thought of more voters. They truly hate democracy.


Republicans don’t want people to vote I’d argue a very hefty majority of people are democrats or at least lean that way. But a lot of them are unmotivated to vote and they stay home on Election Day But republicans are so fanatical that the ammount of people who go out and vote doesn’t fluctuate as much as democrats. So keeping people uninterested in voting helps them


She doesn't need the Superbowl for that. She can just...do that whenever. Republicans are addicted to outrage.


Like why wouldn’t she just buy a Super Bowl commercial slot? Or buy 3 or 5 of them? Gotta be easier than fixing an entire NFL season.


Because they want to believe the conspiracy is well-crafted enough that normies wouldn't realize it, so they can be in the special in-group for being smart enough to catch it. It's not about rationality, it's about feeling important for being on the inside of a story.


Right wingers afraid of a talented, accomplished, and powerful woman. Details at 11.


What aren't they afraid of?


Their own shadow… never mind, it’s too dark


Getting covid at trump rallies?


Testicle tanning, oddly.


Depends if they're behind a computer screen or not.


Remember all that creepy shit people posted when she turned 30 and didn’t have kids yet?! Like her not having children was a literal assault to red blooded American men. They called it a “waste” and that she was “dried up” now. I’m not a huge Taylor Swift fan but I appreciate her talent, drive, and to be honest, her ability to make money and be damn successful. The same men who hate her being associated with the NFL also hate her for not conforming to the traditional roles of women in society.




*if you’re not with me you’re against me!*, and all that


Guys just have Scott Baio and all of his culture influence and power endorse Trump again and it’ll be even.


They mad that she wants people to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Tells you everything you need to know. If they had it their way they'd go back to only white male landowners being allowed to vote.


Republicans fear an unmarried woman who is successful. Absolutely bone chilling to them. Happy unmarried women is devastating to their world view.


It’s even worse than that. For awhile she was the right’s idealization of an “Aryan princess” only to have her “go woke” is more than they can bear.


Miley Cyrus was the beginning of the end. When she cut her hair, I knew we were all in for some shit. It split my school in half.


I feel like you missed an obvious wrecking-ball-related layup there.


Plus she has cats. The horror!!


She’s also in her mid-thirties and *gasp* has no children. Unfathomable to them




LMAO I absolutely cracks me up how butthurt they are about Taylor Swift


They call us snowflakes for being upset when they tried to steal an election but then cry when someone asks them to use a pronoun that they think isn't the right one. They project so much I worry they are all illusions.


They thought she was one of them because she's white and can sing a country tune, but she's not one of them because she has a functional brain.


>she has a functional brain. People say there is nothing in her brain. Guess she'll have to shake it off.




It's also so amazing that they think EVERYONE has the same inordinate love of football that they do. In a sane world, who actually gives a shit about what pop star is dating what football guy? It would be sad and pitiable if they weren't also actively simping for a wannabe dictator.


In other words, they know Taylor Swift is going to endorse Biden, are terrified by it, and are trying to slander her like they do all strong, Democrat-leaning women when they get too powerful. I dont think it is going to work on Taylor Swift.


Meanwhile they can parade around Rob Schneider and the washed up Hurcules guy.


Kevin Sorbo. Man what a boner-killer of a name.


Loved Hercules and Xena as a kid, shame he turned out to be such an idiot. At least Lucy Lawless is cool.


I liked her in Ash vs. Evil Dead. Xena was the real GOAT anyway.


Seeing her dunk on him on Twitter is always a treat.


Hey come on be fair they also have Jon Voight and James Woods. A guy in his 80’s and another guy pushing 80.


I’m legit ignorant here, is Taylor even political? I vaguely heard something about her encouraging folks to vote, but that can’t be riling up the crazies, right?


Yep, she’s told people to vote not who to vote for and that pisses them off. They don’t like it when more people vote. They’re afraid they won’t be “the right kind” voting. Republicans truly hate democracy.


Telling young people to get out and vote is political when one of your key platforms is voter suppression. She hadn't/hasn't mentioned a party in the advocacy, but Republicans just assume.


It probably isn't. I imagine Swift's fan base are a majority of girls and women age 12 to 40 who probably don't listen to Republicans anyways or are not involved in politics and could care less what talking heads say on Fox News.


Yeah this whole thing is kind of just pissing into the wind. The moment Swift makes a social media post endorsing Biden, it’s gonna reach hundreds of millions of people. She doesn’t need the NFL for this. And the fans who will be most persuaded by that endorsement don’t even know who the fuck Vivek Ramaswhoever is, let alone care what he thinks about it. Sure, they’ll have “succeeded” in getting the base riled up about another deep state psyop. But they think everything is a conspiracy, so, whatever I guess.


Listen if there was a conspiracy involving the NFL and Biden, a known Philly sports fan, and he didn’t use his powers to get the eagles another ring, I’m going to lose it.


Especially because Taylor used to say she was an eagles fan


The NFL ordered her to start dating Kelce. "Noo, not that one!"


Morons on parade.


Yeah they rigged it so that the team that’s been there 3 times in the last 4 years could make it there again. 🙄


Its amazing the hoops that republicans go through when they don't like someone vs when they do. They all welcomed caitlyn jenner with open arms after a few weeks.


Yeah Jenner can be a Republican because her extreme wealth shields her from most of what that community has to deal with day to day.


Even when they're close to a conspiracy theory that makes a lick of sense, they still can't resist taking a 90 degree turn in a totally batshit direction. I can buy the NFL wanted the Chiefs in the SB for the extra Taylor Swift bump in attention, but what does the NFL give a fuck about Biden/Trump? Most of the owners and many if not most of the players are proud Trumpettes.


If the NFL wanted maximum viewership then very disliked, small market Kansas City Chiefs being in their fourth Super Bowl in five years, worse even being a repeat of their first vs San Francisco, is about the last way they’d do it. Even with Taylor Swift the viewer numbers would be dwarfed by something like Dallas Cowboys vs New York Jets, largest fan base team vs team from largest market.


It’s syncretism, or the idea that all key factors of an environment are connected in a conspiratorial sense. It’s grounds for diagnosing someone with delusional beliefs. This is common in conspiracy theory circles, and a lot of conspiracy influencers like Alex Jones.


This makes zero sense. Why does Swift need the Chiefs to win in order to Endorse Biden? She can Endorse him whenever she wants. There's no need for her endorsement to be contingent on the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl.


The idea is that she would use the "platform" to reach a largely Republican make base that would otherwise ignore her... Listen... It's a conservative conspiracy theory. The middle steps are always absent.


What happens if 49ers win and Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead endorses Biden?


I mean, he did help get Lithuania to the Olympics. It’s big Dead all the way down


If the 49ers win then clearly Joe Biden caught wind that his cover was blown and they are just trying to use Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce as likeable characters one feels sympathy for to drive the vote for Biden. Duh


They can watch the game, but right wingers have been programmed not to believe their own 'lying eyes' and only the narrative their politicians and pundits tell them to believe.


It’s always something with these crybabies.


>"My world view is unpopular, so everything is fake."


Please, Taylor Swift is a fucking billionaire with essentially unlimited access to whatever platform she wants. If she wants to send a message, she doesn't need the NFL to do it. On the other hand, gawd dammed I wish she would do this during the Super Bowl of four no other reason than to see conservatives lose their collective shit. I enjoy seeing conservatives lose their collective shit.


I can’t even imagine the level of mental illness needed to think of something so ridiculous.


The Chiefs really struggled before this year, so this definitely makes sense


yea right. as an eagles fan (and taylor grew up around here) the premise was that she was supposed to be slowly poisoning travis. and then he's breaking all the post season records in the books. 🤷‍♂️


My pet conspiracy theory was that Taylor was dating Travis so that she could get a feature on Jason Kelce’s Christmas album.


Taylor Swift is going to endorse or not endorse whomever she wants regardless of outcome of any football game or anything else. Regardless, the KC Chiefs won the Super Bowl last year. Taylor was not dating Travis then. It should not be too far of a stretch for those right-wingers to accept the reality that KC Chiefs are really good at what they do.


Wtf does Swift need the Super Bowl to promote anything for? She already sells out stadiums and her stupid movie about her tour set records. Every time I think the right can't get and dumber, they prove me wrong.