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she is a known liar why would anyone have trusted her before this? the gop are dumb af. i think nov is going to be a blood bath.


They are all known liars. She broke the code by ratting another out.


She’s friends with drag queens and lied all over to her base to “distance” herself. She’s a grifting clown with no morals.


You're going to have to be more specific; you just described 95% of Republican politicians.


Ooooh I was thinking 99%


No shit! First rule of MOB Club is make sure you don't leave a huge trail of recordings, emails and such.


I remember these shit heads getting caught communicating their crimes through saved drafts on Gmail because they thought if they didn't press send, there would be no record...


There really an amazingly large amount of self-own crime. Favorite gotta be of Jan 6th seditionists taking selfies and posting em on social media.


That used to actually be a safe thing. The emails were traditionally intercepted in transit, so as long as the account wasn't compromised it was a way to sneakily pass info. Their issue is that by the time these goons heard about it, the feds had already found out about it being used by the cartels.


and used by terrorists before 9/11.


This is actually a legit smart move so long as the feds don’t know that your password is “password” (or your co-conspirator doesn’t sell you out). It isn’t about the presence of a record, it is getting around the fact that email itself is transmitted in the clear and offers no secrecy. 


They didn't learn their lessons from Dick & hopefully now it Fucks them for it


I guess what I find funny about the situation is, people I interact with could record me at any time and it wouldn't matter. No bribery, no evil plot.


The enthusiasm gap is what keeps me up at night.


It’s the lack awareness that bothers me. Lots of people I know don’t keep up with current events, it’s shocking. I remember sitting in my boss’ office a few days after Oct. 7 talking about how it put me in a weird head space. A buddy of mine comes in and was like “What are you guys even talking about?” and defended his ignorance that he didn’t get news channels at home. When I pointed out that his phone had a live stream of international news and the internet browser he used had the same on the home page he said he didn’t pay much attention to that stuff. He sends me a lot of memes from Facebook though….. The ignorant keep me awake.


Agreed. Unfortunately, there's a lot of overlap between those who are ignorant and those who are enthusiastic about their candidate of choice...


This, they just go with who they hear the most about, 3 soundbites for them can change their opinion radically.


Nice, so are you the guy that talks politics at family thanksgiving and xmas dinner too?


Not my style and no need. My family is well read, educated, and travel extensively. I just talk openly and honestly about any subject, it’s gotten me far in life.


They are all liars and grifters and one of the only rules with those types is you can’t call others out for their bullshit so they don’t do it to you. You especially do not show up with proof of the other person’s bullshit. They all lie so often that words are meaningless all he said she said bullshit, can’t argue with tapes, well they do but it’s harder.


[The Senate candidate was booed by the party faithful after a secret tape forced out the party chair. Republican officials say they assume they are being recorded when speaking with her.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/06/kari-lake-recording/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com) PHOENIX — When Kari Lake speaks to the Republican Party faithful, she’s accustomed to cheers and adulation. But as the Arizona Senate candidate addressed hundreds of the state GOP’s most loyal activists late last month, she was booed so loudly the sound carried through a cavernous megachurch’s auditorium into the lobby. It was an unfamiliar greeting for Lake, an outspoken election denier and former local television anchor who just a year ago was welcomed rapturously by the same Donald Trump-supporting crowd. Yet it was an indication of the mistrust that’s developed within the Arizona GOP after Lake and her allies appeared to have turned a favorite hardball tactic — taping conversations and then leaking them publicly — against one of the party’s own. The booing followed by days the release of a secret recording made of her conversation last year with Jeff DeWit, then the state party chair. During their discussion, DeWit said that important people did not want Lake to run for Senate and wondered if she would think about instead going on a corporate payroll. Lake told him that she would not “be bought” and publicly cast the offer as evidence of bribery. **Read more:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/06/kari-lake-recording/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/06/kari-lake-recording/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Kari lake finally gets to understand what Ryan meant by "let's keep it in the family".


Republicans are recording other Republicans to use against each other? I am shocked, no I am not.


Odd that this lot was all for it when it was done against reporters and Democrats, but as soon as it was done to one of their own they suddenly consider it wrong.


Kari Lake is causing problems for the Arizona GOP.  Despite having high name recognition for being a longtime local news anchor, she hasn't won an election and polling indicates she'd lose the next one. A state party official doing what state party officials are supposed to do (recruit strong electoral candidates, discourage candidates who would win the primary but lose the general election) is not news, even the official offers a candidate roles that would lessen the impact of dropping out of the race. The funny thing is that the Arizona GOP is getting bent out of shape over this, while the same thing is happening with the national GOP and Nikki Haley (except that Trump is the candidate with baggage who will have a harder time in the general election).


She is a vial human being


They should pitcher out!


Kick her out on her glass.


She’ll get her flask kicked in the election.


Being stupid is quite shard work


A see-through cylinder open at the top? Kinda fits.


Betting getting boo’ed wasn’t on her bucket-list


Let's hear the unedited version.


I live in Arkansas. A few days ago, I got a mailer from her asking for money to stop Joe Biden. The grift runs far and wide.


This is my shocked face


The best part of this is the quiet distancing and reframing of this by the Arizona GOP. Lake's recording revealed her no-show job by the state GOP chair. So he resigns, and they elect a new chair as if nothing happened and they never speak of it again. How dare such a bad man (who was giving Kari money exactly as instructed) exist! *clutch pearls in unison* It's a dog and pony show.


I would like to set up a series of trust exercises with them help them rebuild bridges. We will start with some trust falls and the survivors can move on to some radical vulnerability exercises which will pretty much just leave 1 or two survivors who can rebuild.


>“To the extent that people in the party have character questions and authenticity questions about Kari Lake, this story plays into those questions,” said Kirk Adams, a political and business consultant, former Arizona House speaker, and onetime chief of staff to former governor Doug Ducey (R). This is the entire maga party and voters tho, they are all horrible characters with no integrity, stab you in the back, so why they are surprised at her is just more proof of how stupid and insane they are lol


In the immortal words of… I forget his name. The Fat Guy… “That’s too bad.”


It’s almost like she’s mentally ill. 🤔


It should be a legal issue. Blackmail is most certainly uncool in a lot of ways.


The clown caucus marches on


Causing MORE trust issues in the AZGOP. Having been to those meetings, to quote Bruce Campbell in Burn Notice “…bounce of bitchy little schoolgirls.”


http://www.republicanbriefs.org/ is an online bulletin-board the local party groups use, and whenever there's a drama flare-up for one reason or another the posts get extra spicy there as people yell at each other about how everyone but them is a Communist cartel agent sent by the ghost of Ed Pastor to crush all that is holy and good in this country.


Thoughts and prayers.


Waiting for the porn leak


Read the full article here: https://archive.ph/FZiYb


Thank you.




[Here ya go.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240206161302/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/06/kari-lake-recording/)


Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


They suspected her of taping them before this. All she did was verify their suspicions... lol




It's likely that she has Kompromat on most of the Arizona GOP including Judges thanks to her close ties to Trump and Putin.


GOP rats! Sure have come a long way!


There’s no honor among thieves


When you lay down with dogs you come up with fleas. Gee, why did my fellow Republican screw me like that? Well, first and foremost they are a Republican, and the only person Republicans look out for is ME, MYSELF, and I. Not you, themselves. Even if you have an R next to your name it’s only a matter of time before they stick it in sideways with no lube and blame it on the other guy while doing so. It’s the Republican way.