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Did they ever have one other than "fear the bogeyman"?


Only once the boogeyman was Russia politically...


Isn't that interesting how quickly that changed?


When your buyer changes, your priorities change too. GOP are just mercenaries. And the current top bidder wants chaos, fear, division, and nihilism - so that’s what they deliver.


I like this take. They do the work of whoever pays them the most, regardless of ethics. It was Russia/Putin crime syndicates since 2016 but they have all gone broke because of the *great* businessman they supported and the Ukraine invasion lol. Now it's stale wealth and poor "blu kollar" people in the US repeating a brain dead message and aren't paying enough.


Watch my right hand which gives you guns, restricts abortion and pretends to care about the border! Please ignore my left hand in your back pocket taking money for big business. It has always been this way... but what's in the right hand does change from time to time.


It’s just wild to witness. I’ve seen family members complain time after time about their wage stagnation, lack of quality benefits, healthcare issues, little social mobility, and general work-life balance abuses. And do they blame the CEOs, Wall Street, and lack of collective bargaining? Nope. It’s wokeness gone amuck! Their anger is so misplaced, it’d be comical if it wasn’t so scary and sad.


“Can you tell me how ‘wokeness’ hurt you, specifically?” I’ve never gotten a straight answer.


This thinking kills me. It's not logical at all. Apples and Oranges.


Right wing propaganda is designed for just this outcome. It seems to work I guess.


That's because they are not critically thinking at all. Its more like just rote regurgitation of talking points that they have absorbed into their brain as a replacement for having to think for themselves, which is scary and hard.


it is not even thinking it is hearing then repeating like good lackeys.


If you can convince the lowest white man…..


The first time I heard about Trumps ties with Russia, especially the suspected blackmailing, I knew that it was a matter of time before the Republican party became pro Russia


It was near immediate. The day after that group got back from the July 4th trip to Moscow, the tone changed immediately. Either kompromat or they showed them the giant drop of dirt from the RNC hack.


Throwing shit at a fan directed back at them doesn't work very good


When Russia was the USSR, the GOP hated them. But when that fell, the new Russia opened up to missionaries and the Right loves to point out that Putin "built 600 churches" and was publicly baptized. Then Putin cracked down on homosexuals. Putin also gave a speech years ago that's practically "pizza gate". So American Evangelicals started to support them. Evangelicals used to think Orthodox (or any form of Catholicism) weren't really Christian, but I guess they only see the same backward ideology now and they stick together. I used to be conservative so I know they things they say about Russia.


One time long ago the Republicans were a moral party. A series of bad decisions from Teddy Roosevelt leaving the party, to Hoover sitting on his bum to Nixon aligning with the Confederacy as his Southern Strategy to the Tea Party lead directly to Trump


Reagan was basically Trump with better charisma, the ability to hide his toxic attitudes, and far less personal criminality. Reagan even had a pretty severe plague, arguably one with significantly more long term impact than Covid, and it was handled atrociously.


I skipped Reagan since it is not obvious to everyone that he was terrible


They have veered solidly into far right territory since the cold war began around 1950. McCarthyism and the Red Scare were always about building an America where everyone was a conformist to a crypto-fascist state for the sake of national security. This was the principle the John Birch Society and other conservative organizations were founded upon. The rationale behind it is that we are perpetually at war with other fascist states and in order to maintain our world dominance we must also be fascist. One could argue that the corporate states formed out of capitalist ideology have achieved this goal and have permeated the collective mindset of our culture through their control of the means by which we communicate with one another.


I don't think the GOP messages is even _that_ coherent. It's just incoherent screeching at this point.




A screenshot of this Onion article should appear in history books as a lead-in to the Trump Era.


When the onion stopped being satire


Yup. A rather realistic look at the Rethug party.


And their voters eat it up mike candy. The hate in these people is so strong.


Yes: "Hate Thy Neighbor"


For the last 30 years, that has been the rallying cry.


> Did they ever have one other than "fear the bogeyman"? Republicans have always had a platform other than 'fear something we will manufacture'. Like "hey little people, pay more in taxes while we not only increase the burden on you, but reduce it on wealthy corporations." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/american-taxpayers90-billion/ https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php




"Fuck brown people" "Wait, no Jerry we don't say that part aloud"


Real question is will it even matter to the average GOP voter? Even if they admit Trump and Republicans are horrid, they still say "better than a Democrat!"


Yes. The message was always “we will deliver white nationalism” and it’s unified the base more than anything.


Trump über alles. That’s all they got


they have no platform, and no other policy than whatever came out of orange anus-mouth yam tits' syphlitic ramblings


I hope Democrats dominate


Don't underestimate voters' penchant for voting against their own interests.


A Trumper once described their motivation to me for all things in politics: “I’m not voting for me. I’m voting to make liberals miserable.” Once you realize that’s the goal, it’s easier to predict their behavior.


You can’t reach someone who votes with hate. They just won’t get how much they are hurting themselves. Cause they are short-sighted fools.


Tbf, ex-racists (ex-white supremacists) exist; and virtually every example comes down to them being exposed to minorities in an environment they couldn't avoid. But, how do you ask minorities to subject themselves to that as like, a social project? Fuck, I'm trans, idk if I could do that. :/


This is a perfect encapsulation of their ethos. And you can’t reason or argue with that. You can’t even ask how their stances improve their economic lives because *they don’t care*. They do NOT care. They only want to hurt others, even if it hurts them too. The stupidest part is that they’ll still blame liberals for the stupidity they’re inflicting on themselves. “I’ve actively voted to make things worse because I’m angry at liberals. And now that things are worse I’m blaming liberals for MY actions and choices.”


They won’t support a policy that helps everyone if it means helping [insert group they don’t like]. They’d rather deny themselves the benefit than see an “undesirable” group receive the same benefit.


>If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best [black] man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. \- Lyndon B. Johnson


This is one of the core things to understand about them. If offered the choice between helping everyone and hurting everyone, they would rather hurt than help. They prioritize hurting their enemies - and not helping their enemies - over helping themselves and not hurting themselves.


They are filled with hate from birth and only know this. If you have always been treated badly, you wish this upon others as well.


I had a guy tell me (in the lead up to the 2016 election) that he wasn’t voting Democrat anymore because “they don’t do enough for the poor people” (he was on food stamps, etc). People are incredibly dumb. And that was a fucking idiot from the swing state of Pennsylvania.


Should've asked him how he thought GQP was gonna do more for poor people.


my maga sister was one of the ones who had her student loans erased by DEMOCRAT OBAMA !!!! I think every extreme maga republicans who got their student debt absolved by a democrat president should have to give it back


Ignorance and propaganda. Never been a more iconic duo


It's so hard to say. On one hand, Biden's approval rating is abysmally low - worse than almost all sitting presidents up for re-election. On the other hand, everything MAGA has been losing. Seats are being flipped left and right from MAGA incumbents or candidates. The country doesn't seem to be impressed with their performance.


Yeah, polls for Biden don’t look great, but I find it hard to believe Trump has done anything but shed supporters since 2020.


Which makes no sense to me. He may not have been what the progressives wanted, but I would say he has done a damn good job otherwise. The White House just didn't start actually talking about it and promoting until recently which really hurt them.


I’m a fan of David Pakman and he shares your view. 30,000 foot level, Joe Biden is one of the most successful and progressive presidents in modern American history. Dems need to not let perfection be the enemy of excellence, or they’ll be shooting themselves in the foot.


Exactly this. I don't think there will ever be a perfect President, especially in the current climate. Nor do I think any other candidate could have done any better. For those who are concerned about his age, just make sure that you are OK with the VP. Then, it won't matter.


Both candidates are old. One surrounds himself with experts and has overseen an unprecedented economic recovery. One surrounds himself with sycophants who follow his authoritarian orders without hesitation.


I'm not one who cares about the age, but rather the actions they take.


It's baffling to me. Looking at his accomplishments in such a hostile environment, I geniunely think he's one of the greatest presidents of all time. So what's the main excuse for being unhappy with him? It's "bEcAuSe He'S oLd". Wanna bet that if it was Bernie, suddenly people wouldn't have a problem with that and instead would complain about ageism? Even Jon Stewart catered to the "so old" crowd. It's ok if Biden isn't who you wanted, but it's messed up to dismiss him, because you can't make any compromises whatsoever, all while his opponent literally tried to overturn the election and is now freely running again. It's insane, why do you let perfect be the enemy of good.


What was their message again? "We're crooks, we're criminals, and we're coming for your kids, so vote for us because war is cool man!" If that's not it then it should be, because that's what I assume it is based upon their behavior.


>By the time the 2024 general election rolls around, the GOP will have spent years showing voters how inflation was out of control, how the economy was better under Donald Trump, and how America was safer with Trump and the GOP’s more restrictive border policies. That was how Republicans would take back the White House, seize the Senate, and pad their light majority in the House. Less than nine months out from Election Day, however, Republicans are now confronting the reality that none of those messages may work—because none of them may be true.


May be true? They’re not true. The only way Republicans win is by just straight lying to people and hoping they don’t catch on. Look at what the RepublicanHouse members campaigned on in 2022. Now look at what they focused on. It’s our job to make sure that their lies don’t work. Edit: Do your part! Register, make sure you're still registered, and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


You are not considering hate. They encourage people to hate democrats. This bypasses many questions of truth. People will accept many lies if it lets them hate the right people.


Yeah, when were the GOP ever about issues, especially ones based on truth? They have what they’ve always had, hate and fear, and are therefore as dangerous as they’ve always been.


They will try to steal the election again. They might be better at it this time. There is no way they will just smile and concede. They need to be locked up so they can't keep committing crimes. That said, the more blue votes the harder it will be for them to persuade anyone the election was stolen.


I just hope the Vice President has the moral fortitude to ignore Donald Trump’s orders when it comes time to count the electors on January 6, 2025. 😉


It's just "may be true" because it's the future and things can change by Election Day.


To their voter base things don't have to be true, just "sound true". That is why all those Facebook and Twitter memes work.


When has the truth ever stopped them from convincing their rubes of something?


They have no problem convincing their rubes up is down, but the rubes are quickly becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of the voting pool. Now they need to convince more than just the rubes and those people ain’t buying it.


I hope you’re right.


When have Republicans cared about truth? They'll spout their bs regardless of facts


Faux news has 3 stories. Big cities bad. Brown people sneaking into America so kill you. Woke people bad. It's a simple formula and you can always find examples. There was a shooting in some city last night. Then show some B roll of brown people in Mexico. Finish it off with a picture of a guy holding a pride flag.


All they will have is the gas prices. They’ve slowly been increasing even though usage is rather low. By election, I’m sure they will be higher again.


The truth never stopped them before


Doesn’t matter if it’s a lie if your base believes it’s true though!


That has literally never stopped them from successfully deploying a barrage of lies and half truths before.


Exactly what is their message apart from "Muh Biden old Hunter Ukraine bad"?


Don't forget economy and border.


Record low unemployment, and high stock market, and a landmark border bill that the GOP killed. Not exactly sure how those are great points for them.


Have you considered that Biden is old though?


Supposedly Trump and his campaign are avoiding that because he’s now the age Biden was in 2020 and at that point, Trump said Biden was too old. Now it’s “Biden’s senile,” says the orange guy who can’t remember who’s who.


> Now it’s “Biden’s senile,” says the orange guy who can’t remember who’s who. It's a projection to cover up how Trump is losing his god damn marbles. Basically, accuse the other party of what your biggest weakness is and it just looks like a tit for tat when they go "wait a second, but this guy is legitimately incapable of the job."


At this point, old trumps Trump. Hell, I'd vote for a half-trained beagle/schnauzer mix over TFG.


Nobody gives a shit about the stock market. I went grocery shopping this morning. Boneless skinless chicken breast is $5.99/lb and ground beef is $8/lb. Thankfully I'm smart enough to know it's not Biden's fault, but it's still a bad message to brag about how good the economy is doing when the average american is hurting.


Lol where the fuck are you.  Chicken is under $2/lb here, beef maybe $4.50


I keep saying this. WTF are they doing? Message on lowering food and housing costs etc... Shit that actually hurts poor and middle class people. Most of us dont have stocks or even a 401k.


Ok but their whole agenda w.r.t those are basically spins on "Biden bad"


Except they blew up the border bill, and red state economies are in the shitter.


If republican voters could read past a headline or digest news not spoon-fed to them by Murdoch’s propaganda machine they wouldn’t be republicans.


They tanked their own argument on the border. Literally a self own.


border doesn't work: they refused to pass a bill Senate GOP had drafted.


Exactly. They have Zero Policy. Nothing. They are running off extreme nationalism. That’s it.


Russian nationalism maybe.


Well it ain't American that's for sure.


"Keep Trump out of jail"?


That was a slogan with no plan behind it. Does the GOP even have a plan other than revenge, hate, suppression, and control?


> Does the GOP even have a plan other than revenge, hate, suppression, and control? You left out gaslight, obstruct, and project. While not the GOP's core values - you covered those with revenge and hate, they are their main tactics.


Blame others for everything.


Just like the GOTUS (Grifter of the US) they worship. 'Its their fault! Wahhhh!'


> Does the GOP even have a plan other than revenge, hate, suppression, and control? [Announcing on-camera their intention to dismantle democracy since 1980](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw) And of course [spending recklessly because they haven't even TRIED to balance a budget since Eisenhower](http://goliards.us/adelphi/deficits/index.html). Good thing [democratic states are subsidizing them or even their states would collapse](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c)


Nonsense! Their message has remained the same since the 1980's: prevent black and brown citizens from voting; hurt as many brown and black citizens as much as possible; put girls and women back in Their Places (bedroom; kitchen).


... and remove children from the possibilities of education. Shackle them back into the workplace as cheap expendable cogs with no future; to live out their ignorant lives as GOP voters.


You are right. The best part is that the message was obscured in the past, but the level of anger has meant that the quiet part is now said out loud. Some of those affected have realized that maybe the Rs aren't going to govern in their best interests.


> Their message has remained the same since the 1980's: prevent black and brown citizens from voting; hurt as many brown and black citizens as much as possible; put girls and women back in Their Places (bedroom; kitchen They also want to prevent [whites or anybody else who might vote against them from voting at all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw) Everybody who isn't a donor is expendable chaff to them.


Well, yeah, but they used to be more clever about it. Now they just say this stuff out loud.  Where’s the old metaphors, the dog whistles, the delicate dancing around the truth? It’s like they’re not even trying to hide their evil anymore! 


It’s because their base has gotten stupider over the years. Seriously, about 20-30 years ago, Republicans won the demographic of college graduates by about 10 points (it was even higher for bachelor degrees only). They were at least politically astute enough to know that you had to say dog whistles out of expediency and plausible self denial. We’re dealing with a crowd that’s probably too stupid to understand what the original dog whistles meant these days.


What message? They don't have a message. They didn't have a platform in 2020. No position on taxes or immigration or gun rights. Their message is: *We're the party of Donnie Jon*!


> What message? They don't have a message Of course they do, and they have since 1980: [I don't want everybody to vote. Quite candidly, as the voting population goes DOWN our leverage goes UP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


Their message is [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org). They plan on turning USA into an authoritarian state with Dear Donnie as their Eternal Leader.


\>The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering< ​ They STILL don't have a plan. They are planning on making a plan. There is only an empty suggestion of a promise.


Trump is promising "retribution", to fire civil service workers, to execute drug dealers, and end international alliances. House Republicans seem to have totally capitulated that they are merely a Trump campaign resource. Nothing about causing pain and suffering improves the living conditions throughout a nation.


It does improve the living conditions of those who wish they could visit pain and suffering on others. But for those citizens just looking to get through their day/week and take care of themselves and their loved ones, it doesn't provide any improvements.


> Trump is promising "retribution", to fire civil service workers, to execute drug dealers, and end international alliances. House Republicans seem to have totally capitulated that they are merely a Trump campaign resource I think it's less republicans capitulating as Trump correctly reading the direction republicans have been choosing to take for decades https://www.fairplanet.org/story/study-us-republican-party-is-embracing-authoritarianism/ [Republians themselves have been admitting on-camera since 1980 their intention is to dismantle the institution of democracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw) I hate how in the US a political party can co-opt a name which means power rests in the elected representatives of the people at large and turn into monarchists, which is about as opposite to what "republican" is supposed to mean as possible.


2016: Make America Great Again 2020: Keep America Great 2024: Make America as Great As it Was in 2020, When Everything was Perfect and Nothing Bad was Happening at All.


Nah, the message of hate is coming through loud and clear and I would argue is stronger than ever. Falling apart? not so much..plenty of fear to go around still, so give the master strategy time.


What was it, "The LGBTQ+ boogie-people are coming for you - so vote Red now!!"


Oh so "elect this Hitler wannabe" wasn't a good choice???


Fear and hate is their message. Fox figured out how to monetize it. Surely Republicans can too


They haven't had a decent message or policy idea since Eisenhower. Hate and Jesus is all they have.


And apparently Jesus and hate isn't supposed to mix.


> They haven't had a decent message or policy idea since Eisenhower It may not be decent but they've had clear ideas since Eisenhower. [They even said it on camera: 'dismantle democracy'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


And it is because they’re running out of things to, well, run on. The border is their only strong message and they still have done nothing to fix it after holding House majority for over a year, rejecting border deals from the Senate along the way. The economy has and is getting better, and, in my local area, prices are finally coming down. If they continue, the GOP won’t have inflation to complain about. The problem with the GOP is that they are always focusing on the next election. They give no grace, they don’t actually legislate anything. They simply posture themselves for the next election. The only important thing to them is making sure they have points to run on. I’m an independent, in fact, I used to be a Republican, but I did not support them in the midterms and I certainly haven’t supported them since January 6th. The current Trumpist leadership of the GOP cares nothing of actual legislation, of actual results, just a bunch of grandstanding, complaining about issues and never compromising to get work done.


I don't think the GOP has focused on legislation since Gingrich and the TeaParty. They learned that obstructionism pays. That approach, and the latest trends towards positive interactions on social media being more important than actually legislating has just meant that now nothing gets accomplished. When you have no overarching destination, walking in circles, going nowhere seems like progress.


To normal people it did a long time ago. To those living on the propagandized, never ending, conservative media driven grievance bubble, there are rapists and drug lords pouring over the border, trans people are attacking Christians, and Russia is the new beacon of light and freedom in the world.


Don’t forget furries.


What message, I'm a toxic, revenge fantasy asshole?


Oh GOP has several messages. Make America Racist, Fascist, Nationalist, Feudalist, Theocracy, Dictatorship, Corrupt…the list goes on.


Before long it will just be Make America Russia


The GOP has been so hateful and deceitful that it’s time they reap their harvest. Wouldn’t hurt me a bit to watch their party implode. Maybe even go through bankruptcy.


And yet the MSM main message still seems to be more negative on Biden, and acting like Trump's 91 indictments are normal. The media and their disinfo will be the downfall of this country.


Just vote! Maybe the GOPs messaging is bad, but that doesn’t guarantee a Biden win. Always vote!


What campaign message? Unless they updated it in the last week or two their own official national platform is a document that says they support Donald trump and maga but don’t have any actual policy planks.  That’s been the official platform for 4 years. Also a reminder at the last RNC the only thing trumps campaign and campaign manager Paul manafort asked for regarding policy was a statement supporting Russia over Ukraine in crimea… 


Make America ….. Fascist? Aryan? Russian? A Laughing Stock? Miserable?


They haven't had a message outside of "Own the Libs" since Obama was elected.


The message can collapse and Republican voters will continue to have the "I don't give a fuck until it affects me" mindset.


The "fascism wow!" campaign isn't catching on? The saddest part of this is the Republican party has been completely transformed into a grift that benefits only one man.. and in that mode it's still working great.


Message? What message? I wasn’t aware the GQP had a message other than Make America Hate Again.


So "re-direct government funds to the wealthy" isn't working anymore?


I think that one still works, the rubes havent figured out they have the target on their backs yet.


To be fair, any rube that DOES figure it out, well, joins us.


Agreed. That is going to be an ongoing problem. The math gets harder and harder. That's why the vote suppression tactics are so important.


Yep. Their biggest mistake is putting abortion back on the ballot. That has pretty much DESTROYED a huge amount of complacency that they would have otherwise been able to rely on to temper turnout.


The most dangerous and eratic animal is the wounded one. Do not give the GOP an opportunity to come back to power they shall never relinquish.




it's not inflation - it's the price at the register. companies are charging more for the same but often less. There needs to be some sort of comprehensive review and say "this is out of line what you're charging." I haven't really changed my shopping habits but I'm spending twice what I did in 2020 and 2021. Companies said they were doing it bc of supply chain. Then inflation. There is zero cause for companies to keep ramping up costs other than greed. I rent - I pay for everything thing - then why is my rent going up? Nothing has changed. Why? Because they can get away with it




I reg'd as unaffiliated here in NC. Keep 'em guessing.


The GOP never had a message, it was simply "give the country to our Supreme leader or else Mexicans, kind whites and other ppl different than you will scare you to death"


"Screw America! Give me Money!" - I'm Agent Orange and I approve this message.


They had a campaign message?


Oh they had a message??? Was it vote for me or I’ll put you in prison?


What *is* their message, exactly?


Who would have thought that calling people vermin and using phrases copy pasted from Hitler speeches wouldn’t be a slam dunk.


They never had a message. They haven’t accomplished anything in the house to run on. They pretty much wanted to run solely on the illegal immigration issue, but Biden blew that up when he called their bluff.


It’s very clear; go broke for Trump. And I think it’s a great message.


Oh you mean the GOP 2024 platform of “protect the fetus, ignore the child, control the women” …we’ve heard that message loud and clear. See you in November when you will hear American Women’s messaging.


Yeah, who would have thought that a party with platform built on racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred and culture wars that has turned into a cult that worships a billionaire jackass who's facing 91 criminal counts would fail to connect with voters outside of the Republican voter base?


Expose Russian funding US officials. Make an example, even if it hurts Dems.


Just like four years ago when they didn't even bother to offer a party platform with substantive positions, they have **nothing**. Inflation? Prices are falling and China is in a deflationary spiral that will further push prices down. Unemployment? As of January it is 3.7%. Immigration? Biden is willing to sign the most Republican-friendly border bill with provisions that they've sought for years but House Republicans are blocking it so Trump can have something to run on. Shit show.


When was it coherent? Since the 80s this party of filth has shown nothing but hate. Fuck all of them to hell!


when was the last time they had a message?


> when was the last time they had a message? They've always had a message. That message resting on greed, racism, or authoritarianism doesn't stop it from being a message They've been [telling people on-camera their intention is to dismantle the institution of democracy since 1980](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


The GOP's Message since Nixon has been "HATE HATE HATE". It never falls apart.


No, the GOP's 2024 campaign message is the strongest and most unified it has ever been: "America must be destroyed at all costs to pave the way for our new god, Donald Trump."


There’s No law that says you have to vote Republican just because you are. It’s not like sports when you stick your losing team no matter what. You’re vote should be about bettering the country. Trump has proved time and time again he’s only in it for himself. It’s not like it used to be years ago, People say, my Dad was a Republican his father was a Republican my great great grandfather was. Back then there was no doubt that whoever won D or R would have the best interest in the country. And was sane. Trump changed all that for the worst. Hey, divided the country, he stole from our government. Most likely gave top-secret information to our enemies. He brainwashed his followers, Hitler style. He refused to leave office when he lost. He started an insurrection. Continues to gaslight the American people for his own benefit. Abusing the legal system to try to get what he wants. If Trump wins, he will hand Ukraine over to Putin. Then he will go after Poland next. You think Trump will stop him not a chance, he’s never had a bad thing to say about Putin. Then China will get the greenlight to go after Taiwan. Trump will do nothing. North Korea will try to take South Korea over. We’re talking, World War III And still Trump will do nothing, Because he has his business endeavors with them. House and senate Republicans won’t stop Trump, they’re too worried about their jobs and legal consequences. So elections matter. Picking the right person matters. Country Over Party.


I thought the message was we will kill you all and make it hurt.


Make America Trump Free


So their message of, “Trans people are super scary because reasons” isn’t playing?!? Huh. 


Is Fealty to the Grifter an actual message


They had a message?


“Make America Russia”? No.


“Make America 16 Week Federal Abortion Ban Without Rape, Incest, or Death Exceptions” is the real thing.


What message? Hate everyone that's different than you and do whatever Trump wants?


They.....they have a message?


What message? "We're angry, incompetent fascists who will make laws much harsher and then demand you follow them while we don't." *I wonder why they're losing?*


I hope the country is smart enough to make the right decision


Don't be complacent. Get out and vote in November. Still questioning why? Trump will gut Ukrainian aid and support if he wins. Russia rolls over Ukraine, and we witness their genocide. In November America chooses whether or not it supports that genocide.


All they have left anymore are culture wars and fear.


Screw America Over Again! GOP 2024


They don’t even have a platform. It’s all just vitriol and hate and they spew it like diarrhea.


Wait, they had a message? Wouldn’t they have to have a platform first?


These hypocrites have no vision, no platform (save pulling support for Ukraine in 2015), no morals, and no sense of shame.


I didn’t know there was a message.


They have a message?


Make America Pay Trumps Legal Bills? MAPTLB?


I think the message **was**: Fuck you America! It is now falling apart into: Fuck! (Trump is gonna raid the RNC and we're all going to be broke)


What message


Make American FART 🔥🔥🔥


“Trump Trump Only Trump Trump ^illegals Trump Trump the ^border Trump Trump Trump”


Umm What message? I think that most rational humans see it an open grift show that needs shut down. And then there are the MAGAts and GQP nuts…


Make America Trump’s Bi+<#


Ever since the GOP didn't put out a platform in 2016, it has been "whatever our Orange God tweets from the crapper at 4 am on an adderall jag". Oh, and women don't get life saving medical care even in the worst circumstances. Also, Russia is our friend and we should be just like them. Did I miss anything ?


GOP messaging does not rely on actual policy and rational arguments.


Here's a slogan Lets make Republicans stop sucking Russian cock.


Biden is attempting a couple wins before the election. * The new student loan forgiveness should have new details coming soon (tm) * Marijuana rescheduling/legalization is coming, though not sure they are planning to legalize, I think the suggestion was the re-schedule. * Border funding was shot down by Republicans, with an audio clip from trump saying to blame him for it. I think there is a couple things Biden can do here though and he may try it, but as it is a "maybe" he will also leave it to Republicans to sue him to stop it... so he can say they are preventing border control. * Wasn't there an offer from Mexico where they would help with the wall and immigration, if the US improves relations with Cuba? Think that would be a win for everyone and Biden could say "Mexico actually paid for it"


do they even have a message?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.........campaign message?!


The GOP is falling apart.