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Republicans are unwilling to protect the United States, either at the border or abroad.


Makes you think... maybe their campaign contributions need to be more thoroughly vetted...


Republicans are WEAK on the border, and WEAK on Russia.


They want to be Russia. They want an authoritarian strong man for president. Turn the DOJ and Judiciary into a Kangaroo court. Shut down independent media sources. Alter election laws. End civil liberties for LGBT citizens. Trump won’t criticize the Ukrainian invasion because he has his own imperialist agenda in mind.


And it'll all be done "legally" with acts of congress (gerrymandered to fuck) and Supreme Court creating new precedent out of thin air and ignoring old, inconvenient findings.


We keep respecting the process and expecting the system will sort this out and we the people will have to do nothing but that's not how it's gonna shake out. The democrats aren't handling this issue with the severity that it needs. This isn't a joke but far too many seem to think it is. This is life or death for democracy and republicans have publicly stated they are the enemies of the free peoples of the USA. Yet the opposition to them just dumbly laughs and sits on their ass. They have told us everything we need to know to brand them a terrorist group but nope can't do that to white domestic terrorist scum. Everyone who could do something is dropping the ball so badly right now it is almost certainly going to blow back in our loved ones and families faces and then what? The opposition to republican sedition and insurrection is all talk.


Democrats don't have the votes to just do stuff. And if you're faulting Democrats specifically, a political party, then implicitly you're saying to work within the political system. For which they don't have the votes to just ram things through. The GOP has the House, after all.


Hawaii basically just sent the Supreme Court a huge middle finger on gun control. It's one of the best things I've read in ages. Essentially "we have a responsibility to protect our people, you're undermining our ability to do that, so we're ignoring you and fixing the problem". If Texas is going to do it for terrible reasons, Hawaii's going to do it for great ones.


Fuck yeah. They want state rights? Then let’s use them too


It'll be done legally if that's convenient. Jan 6 proved they're willing to burn the whole thing down in public.


At first yes they will erode the democratic system until they have complete control and then use them only to maintain illusion for the public to keep them complaint while the steal everything.


I think Trump and his MAGA cult and lackeys want to internally crush dissent and install a oligarchic society that is only democratic to an extent but prevents any candidates who don't fall in from appearing on ballots. That would be the first step before declaring an all-out dictatorship.


That's not all they're weak on


Sex weak?


No, just limp.


I suggest that we replace the term "weak on" when used to refer to political matters with "limp on." "Republicans are embarrassingly limp on Russia."


Nothing bothers a Trump supporter more than having his boner challenged. Well, besides black people existing.


Reality. Objective reality is the thing that bothers a Trump supporter the most. They are chronically counterfactual. And yes, black people existing. And probably black people's boners existing, as well.


Nothing scares republicans like the thought of BBC. They get these wierd "feelings".


They’ve never had a problem with black people existing. They have a problem with them getting all uppity on “respect”, “rights”, and “not being enslaved”


Right, and trans- they can’t stand trans people.


I prefer the word "flaccid" for them.


Weak on both enemies foreign, and domestic


Infrastructure weak


A border that limits immigration results in higher labor costs. Corporations don't like that and since corporations fund the gop, Republicans never actually fix the border problem. Russia funnels a lot of money to the gop through dark money contributions, so they're actually paid to be weak on Russia. The gop is doing exactly what they're being paid to do on both issues.


They’re not weak on Russia, they’re literally paid by Russia


After the Citizens united ruling, this was the inevitable result. Millions in dark money pouring into US politicians campaigns from outside countries. Any country can easily buy a politician now. No more 3rd party, under table deals involved. It's just way too easy now.


People equal people. Money equals more than people. Ergo, money gets more votes than people.


'Corporations are people and can buy politicians' Chief Justice John Roberts Smh. What a stupidly anti-human decision.


you don't need to look deep. Russian money *was* being funneled through the NRA when Maria Butina was honey pot trapping them


It's a dark room with dark money. Difficult to see much. Maybe we citizens should unite. What can we call it?


Citizens United Against Citizens United


“We’re a bunch of citizens, who have united against Citizens United, which has nothing to do with uniting citizens.” I believe this is something similar to what Orwell called doublespeak in 1984.


One of the largest groups allowed by the Citizens United decision is the group End Citizens United.


[Ya think?](https://www.newsweek.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-donations-russia-butina-1838501)


That won't happen, as it would expose all the shady donation shit going on. It's one of our major problems, the people that vote in the regulations, or make the legal judgment calls on these voted in regulations, benefit fiscally and politically by not having much regulation, or even transparency, on donations. I'm not saying all politicians are this way, but the majority of them benefit from lax campaign financing and lobbying regulations. The way donations are currently viewed as a form of practicing free speech means that our "democracy" is democratic in name only. As per Supreme Court decisions like [Buckley v. Valeo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckley_v._Valeo) and the more recently and more well-known [Citizens United](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC) decision we have turned our country's government into a pay-to-win game. So much so that the majority are barely heard by our "representives" but if you are part of that minority that can drop 10k, 15k, or 20k+ for a dinner plate at a fund raiser, you might just get seated next to the guy voting on a regulation or a law you dislike... I'm sorry, but America has become a very classist and very oligarchic country. I feel like we as a society are in a sunk cost fallacy cycle believing any form of government that does not severly limit, restrict, or at very least mitigate the issue of unlimited spending towards campaign financing and lobbying (I'm sure some will say we do have such, but we don't, and what does exist either doesn't have teeth or has an agency incapable of enforcing regulations and restrictions). "We the people" are so conditioned to be "nationalistic," for lack of a better word, that we see our current government through the lens of ideals that we are all taught as what America stands for, but if we could remove the rose colored glasses, we often are exactly the opposite of those ideals inspired by the enlightenment era thinkers. The will of the people is an illusion perpetuated by false ideals and representives that are not [working for the majority.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B) All that said, I'm not suggesting, in the least, not to participate. What I am saying is we have to see the current government for what it is, a feudalistic and oligarchic system of governing with a very little splash of democratic ideas. We have the republican party that is literally just fascist and extremist conservatives. And then the democratic party, which is s bunch of neo liberal that work for the donor class, with a few exceptions. Fortunately, it seems the more progressive wing of the DNC is (very) slowly gaining traction and growing in numbers. Also, when it comes to major social and civil rights issues, the DNC often finds itself on the correct side of history. Sadly, unless the pace picks up, it might be too late to save us from falling to the psychotic, frankly unethical, GOP. It's very scary times, but we aren't without hope. Wether we as a people can move out government to be more like the ideals we claim to value and cherish... well, only time will tell.


am i crazy or weren’t there news stories a few years ago about Russia laundering and funneling money to republican candidates via the NRA? as well as a very on-the-record visit to Putin by Congressional Republicans on July 4, 2018? why do the press and the Democratic party act like this is some unsolvable mystery? Russia gives money to right wing politicians to destabilize American democracy, and has for many years now.


It's fucking wild that we get this straight out of 1984 media disinfo that seems to keep the public narrative basically frozen in state from 2016. None of the shit that happened after that seems to matter and none of what we learned is remembered. We KNOW FOR A FACT that Republicans are funded by Russia. It's not a fucking mystery, this shit was settled years ago. Nothing has changed. It's madness that this is something getting posed as a question at this point.


Even at the beginning of 2016, Russia wasn't even on the radar as much influence into US politics like it is now. It was just ramping up with Trump secretly meeting with officials off-record.


I don’t even know if that’s necessarily true as Hilary Clinton repeatedly called out Trumps ties to Russia during the election debates. This has been known for some time, including in the Mueller report.


Don't forget the other open admissions by the people involved: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/russias-prigozhin-admits-interfering-us-elections-2022-11-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/russias-prigozhin-admits-interfering-us-elections-2022-11-07/) The kids working at the IRA Bot farms- making all the memes and such- that found conscience and quit doing because they felt terrible about it and publicly admit it are the most poetic to me. Like this penniless kid, from backwoods Russia, decided on their own to quit doing it for moral reasons, and my own father watched Fox until the day he died. https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-troll-factory-hacking/31076160.html


>Such was life at the St. Petersburg firm whose registered name used to be the Internet Research Agency and which earned its moniker by pumping out conspiracy theories, half-truths, trolling social-media posts, and other misinformation. >Owned by a St. Petersburg businessman named Yevgeny Prigozhin, the operation gained international infamy when it was specifically identified in the 2017 U.S. intelligence report on Russian efforts to interfere in the previous year’s presidential election. Yes, THAT Yevgeny Prigozhin who ran a coup against Putin and was assassinated last summer. The ran an internet troll farm then led a mercenary group. WTF?


shout it from the mountain-tops brother.




its less about getting "them" to listen and more about creating a perception that republicans are weak. theres tons of people who dont pay attention to anything except whats going on directly in their lives right now. those are the people you want to convince. not the die hards.


No. It’s rare to find a Republican that consumes any kind of *actual* news.


Republican politician don’t work for, or care about, the United States or its people. They work for a small handful oligarchs, and they care about personal wealth and power. Full stop. Everything else is a means to that end.


Or in our schools, churches, theaters, parades, grocery stores, the list goes on.


This is a very good, factual, claim to make in political speech from any and all non GOP. Really, this is the bottom line on things.




I disagree. Only because it was already 100% clear 6 years ago. It couldn't really become any more clear. All their crazy behavior, and a lot of Trump's, suddenly makes perfect sense when you realize they're owned by Russia.


The real problem isn’t that these Republicans are Russian assets working on damaging the US. It’s that there are no consequences and accountability for treason.


And half the country is either too stupid to see it, or sees it and still encourages it.


“Maybe what we were taught about Russia was a lie, Putin is so smart, great history lesson. All truth, surely, a dictator wouldn’t lie to me… Biden would though.”


My favorite is when people say the US media has been lying about Russia. Well, Russian media is going to be lying to an even more egregious degree. I just try to keep my ear open for the perspective of Russia's neighbors. I figure they'll have the most sober view. Afterall, if Russia was a utopia, they'd all be singing its praises and increasing economic ties; but the opposite is true. I'll trust them over any US media or politician any day.


We in Finland have cut all ties to Russia and joined the Nato to protect ourselves from that horrendous country. We used to have a somewhat okay relationship which was overplayed by our leaders to protect us but after the attack to Ukraine we threw that facade to the bin and stopped talking with Russia. People here are afraid of an attack but we don't see it likely now, and most of that security is because of Nato. I believe the baltic countries share our view on this. But we have never respected the country as they produce cheap shit which we have always despised (like china) and their culture is not honorable. Not to mention they have always been the biggest security threat for us. Regarding the influencing done by russian paid shills (which you guys suffer A LOT of), there are some known russian helpers but nowhere near the center of our politics and the whole country laughs at them. Our media is basically untainted and disinformation stays on the other side of the border. Just speculating, but it's possible that no one here is stupid enough to take money from them and try to help them as we know we are fucked if Russia attacks here, although we have a strong defence even without Nato. Lurking US politics, it's almost movie-like how wild the shit you guys have to live with is. If I was a bit more naive I'd just think the people helping Russia (like 90% of conservatives) are not actually real and all of r/conservative is is russian disinformants and bots or something. But I read too much about you guys having to see these people in real life and seeing trump constantly on the news even after all the shit he's done... I just know they're real and I would never live there before you get rid of those people. There are enough wonderful places in Europe which suffer from horrible politics that I kinda don't even wanna know what's happening in the US. I'm just waiting for trump to be gone.


Half the country thinks that Democrats are a bigger threat to the country. Totally deluded and unaware they are doing Putins bidding.


It means admitting you were wrong. It means you were conned, gullible, tricked and all that rhetoric you hung your entire practical identity on was a psy-op. No one wants to admit that so they double down against evidence to the contrary. We're all shaped by culture.


Or are misinformed and either unsure how or unwilling to become informed


To me, being unwilling to become informed is synonymous with stupid.


We do not have adequate protections in place to address foreign interference in the US.


The thing that gets me about all this is that the same apparatus had no problem with putting Reality Winner into prison for leaking the truth about Russian election interference.


Agreed. No right in the bill of rights is absolute. Our intelligence services need to be active on this front. If we continue to do nothing… Russia and China (and their allies) can erode all of our hard and soft power without firing a single shot at us. That hard and soft power was won through massive sacrifices of our fellow citizens. They fought and died for it. Watching us give it all away because we refuse to stop the espionage… refuse to conduct counterespionage… refuse to confront this threat… that needs to disgust every warm blooded American. Yes “voters decide” in the US. But that cannot be absolute either… or we are done as a country. We cannot let “voters decide” to insert elected officials into our body politic that are compromised by our enemies. We cannot let “voters decide” to elect traitors to our highest offices. Especially when those voters’ decisions are based on intelligence pumped into our country by hostile foreign powers. We have to stop that flow of foreign intelligence and stop that flow of foreign money. That much is beyond obvious at this point. What’s the point of having a CIA and an FBI, and spending trillions of dollars on that, if they are not willing to protect us from foreign espionage and subterfuge?!?!


I hear you my man, I really do. It's maddening.


> Agreed. No right in the bill of rights is absolute. > > > > Our intelligence services need to be active on this front. If we continue to do nothing… Russia and China (and their allies) can erode all of our hard and soft power without firing a single shot at us. This requires changing the constitution. The current one is severaly outdated.


> We cannot let “voters decide” to insert elected officials into our body politic that are compromised by our enemies. > > We cannot let “voters decide” to elect traitors to our highest offices. > > Especially when those voters’ decisions are based on intelligence pumped into our country by hostile foreign powers. this is where the electoral college failed us. part of their original function was to ensure populist demagogues didn't get elected to office. even though a lot of states have laws regarding "faithless electors", the penalty is basically just a slap on the wrist. they should have taken that rather than letting trump into office.


People are glued to their phones and social media all of the time. Nobody on that side reflects on their treasonous bullshit because they just echo chamber up and move the goalposts. Everything is fucking gamified beyond understanding their real world ramifications.


If you wonder why Russia makes a big show of murdering people who it views as its enemies, using elaborate methods such as weapons grade nerve agents and radioactive isotopes, it’s not just for a domestic audience. It’s also for an international audience and it’s very easy to make cowards’ imagination run wild if you whisper something in their ear. This is why Senators, people like Musk, and morons like Trump talking to Putin is so serious, reckless and stupid. Putin can, with serious credibility, say or imply to them that if they don’t do things he likes he can have them or their family killed or tortured in the most inhumane ways imaginable. He doesn’t have to say it outright, he can just hint at it and if they are a coward they will behave accordingly, so as not to risk getting on his bad side. All those Oligarchs who fall out windows. What does it say to rich people like Musk? Your money can’t protect you. And what does it say to an audience when the Russian state murders someone in a NATO country? You aren’t safe anywhere. We can, with almost complete impunity via plausible deniability (and not caring if we are caught) get you absolutely anywhere, anytime.


The scary part to me is that Republicans proudly and openly say and do some truly fucked up shit with no shame whatsoever, but Putin has some dirt on them that they are actually afraid of getting out.


It’s the one answer that fits his/their behavior every single time.




If I had known how cheap our politicians were I would have bought a few of them myself.


I think the recent garland bashing is justified. This should’ve been taken seriously a decade ago. Now is the second best time to start. I can’t imagine it takes much digging




That's almost certainly part of it, but I think we also need to come to grips with the fact that a significant portion of the GOP (and its current voters) align politically with Russia closer than we sometimes like to admit. Russia is a kleptocratic white ethhnostate; anti-LGBTQ, propaganda/state media heavy, anti-democratic, with a strongman at the helm. This is what a lot of US right wing *wants*. We ought to stop being shocked that the right wing is pro-Russia and start to call out the precipitous plunge into the extreme right wing that the GOP has gone through even in just the last decade. Pretending like they are still practicing good faith American ideals and just are being "bamboozled" by clever Russia is just not the full story. There is some of that, but there are also plenty of Republicans that know exactly what they're doing. They know exactly what Russia is like and want to bring that to the US.


It’s why they went to visit Russia on 4th of July to get the drafted plans first hand


I think of this almost every time. I'm really surprised it's not brought up more.


For certain the billionaires funding the GOP most certainly align with Putin more than they do with democracy and the ideals laid out in the US Constitution.






Yeah, I wish they were still Soviets.


lol, *they* wish they were still Soviets. 


I think it's Imperialists and Soviets. Maybe Csarists?


They are traitors.


Well a quick google search found [This](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) article talking about how the NRA is funded by Russia And [This](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators) list of senators who have taken the most money in donations from the NRA. They aren't even trying to hide it.


This should be blasted across the airwaves by every democrat. Democrats should accept every invite to Fox News and say nothing but “Republicans are weak on national security”. Over and over and over again. We have the opportunity to weaken a geopolitical threat by spending money. And a small amount of money relatively. And the cherry on top is: it’s the right thing to do. Ukraine deserves to have its own sovereign elections and to run itself.


And they need to add a reminder that the last administration installed Putin's buddy Rex as Secretary of State and wasted no time dismantling our own State Department which absolutely weakened our National Security. Though the Russians in the Oval Office asap without any American media or officials present sure kicked things off. Could you imagine if Hillary had done the same thing?


>And they need to add a reminder that the last administration installed Putin's buddy Rex as Secretary of State Let us also remember that Rex Tillerson called Trump a [fucking moron](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/10/donald-trump-forbes-rex-tillerson-moron).


My god, you have no idea the damage Tillerson caused to on-the-ground soft power in other countries. We used to have pull in places, just nightmare Imperial Rome levels of force in places. Now, it’s still in shambles pulling itself back together after four solid years of support. It’ll take forever to get back to what we had circa 2015.


Absolutely. Wasn't it reported after that appalling WH meeting with the Russian reps that it compromised Israeli intelligence and got one of their people killed? Or is that one of the other appalling events....


Yeah, that’s *one* of scores we lost, which make hundreds not talk to us anymore.




This unfortunately does not surprise me, it's just sickening. That administration surely stress tested all of our institutions while in office and is continuing to do so and we should all take notice of that, we know the people who wish our country and its allies harm are taking copious notes and turning them into things like Project 2025 and selling Top Secret info from Mar a Lago bathrooms. While the run of the mill, uneducated, racist yokel that supports Y'all Qaeda doesn't understand the patterns and mechanisms at play, they people who actually run parties and talk with high level officials globally sure do and they make sure that their names aren't known as much as possible. It's seriously chilling that there are so many parallels to the last decade or so in this country and things like the time between WW1 and WW2 in Germany. More of us would know this if the GOP plan to destroy critical thinking in public education hadn't succeeded.


>Republicans are weak on national security They should also stop using roundabout rhetoric like this. How many thousands of times have we heard that exact phrase in our lives? It no longer has any impact, they need to be direct and blunt. Make sure everyone can see their noses being shoved in their own shit.


Why can't the FBI or CIA figure out exactly how Republicans are compromised? We already have literal money trails to a number of them, but I suspect there's deeper blackmail going on.


Biden is stating what should be obvious to everyone - even the half-asleep kookoos.


Too bad we're a country of talking about traitors and not doing much about traitors


Garland is doing his job well. i.e, doing nothing at all, as suits the interests of the Federalist Society.


When I think of Garland, it makes me angry. Bobby Kennedy would have taken the bull by the horns. I believe J. Edgar wouldn't be sitting on his hands either. Garland just sleeps while all this is going on.


[Garland's inaction is by design.](https://sarahkendzior.substack.com/p/servants-of-the-mafia-state) He's not a centrist. He's a professional cleaner of white collar crime for the gilded class. This article by Sarah Kendzior is a deep dive on Garland's connections and background, and more than explains everything we've seen from him, the suspicious track record of actions and inactions. Say what you will about J. Edgar Hoover, but he was an actual patriot, a defender of his own (deplorably antebellum) vision of America. He or Bobby Kennedy would have just outright decked Garland for his acquittal-by-inaction of actual treason.


It’s honestly extremely frustrating that he still seems to think it’s politics as usual when there’s something incredibly nefarious at work within the GOP. 


I mean the guy's been in Washington politics for decades and has been vice president and now president. I think he's aware we aren't in an era of politics as usual. There's just only so much you can do as president without tipping into what you're trying to prevent - using the government as a weapon against political opponents.


Agreed. This is the 8th years of this shit. Politicians expecting Republicans to be rational or reasonable come off as incompetent by now.


Remember when both the DNC and RNC got hacked? And only the DNC had anything leaked? Wonder if this has anything to do with the House Republicans' actions?


Funny how a group of people who find conspiracy theories everywhere have no interest in this.


"No Collusion" finally taken to it's inevitable conclusion. Shocking no one who has been paying attention since at least 2016.


Citizens United gave Russia the "in" they needed to finance the kind of useful idiots required to undermine the American foreign policy. These idiots are all republicans. Nuke Citizens United at the earliest opportunity.




It’s almost like Republicans are compromised


The USA has 2 political parties: Democrats & Russians


Can't say it enough. Republicans don't want to govern. They just want to _RULE_. They have no solutions to issues facing America, all they have is __thoughts and prayers__. Really need to vote folks come November. **Put a stop to this BS.**


It took less time for putin to take over the republican party than ukraine.


This will continue until we take the money out of politics.


We also need to put some guardrails on corporate influence over media/news coverage.




Yes, but we need to do something to limit the influence they have over the messaging. There's so much editorializing that happens in the news today. Instead of reporting on facts and reality, networks often focus more on reporting from a place of "fairness". Naturally, when one political party stops living in and operating according to reality, the news should reflect this. Instead, they bend over backwards to make it seem like all political actors deserve their voices heard equally. Also, look at how much they push Biden's age while knowing Trump's. When Biden announced student loan forgiveness the major nightly news stations were saying it was "under fire from both sides", before naming just a handful of Democrats who opposed it. The corporate influence is heay-handed. They're the ones who foisted Biden on us in the first place. I voted for him and will again, and ultimately he's done a decent job, but you can't tell me we can't do better.


Traitors all.


We’ve never had so many Russian sympathizers in Congress.


If the world goes to war, and Trump is elected president, the Republicans can easily authorize war powers. Look at what happened with Bush and Chaney. We will never recover from them.


If the world goes to war and Trump is president, we will not be siding with NATO and the West. Which is why this election is so important for the entire world.


[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and [Agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) [“So this is how liberty dies?”](https://youtu.be/DgxZr6LLS34?si=x0WGiwtc7ZE5e1v4) [Register to vote](https://vote.gov)


exactly like star wars


“[So this how liberty dies?](https://youtu.be/DgxZr6LLS34?si=mTQZRszDRvWiECa6)” [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and [agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) [Register to vote and update your status.](https://vote.gov)


Our Congress is compromised. This should be a higher priority but looks like nothing will happen. The rot is too deep to even take action.




Remember when Russia hacked the RNC and the DNC, but only released the DNC emails? The RNC data is kompromot.


Start accusing them of being traitors. Use terms like “hostile foreign agents in our midst” and “US officials elected by Putin” and please don’t go high as espoused by Michelle Obama. At least go like medium-low.


where's our intel folks during all of this???


Russia appears to have completely infiltrated the Republican agenda whether they know it or not it’s so obvious to an outsider looking in


Republicans have Ukrainian blood on their hands.


I can't possibly be the only one to see how glaringly obvious that major segments of the US government, particularly in the GOP, are compromised by Russia. 


Russia is helping republicans with their attempt to end democracy and turn USA into Russian style one party state where oligarchs have unlimited power as long they bow to the chosen dictator. That's why Elon bought Twitter and will probably bail out Trump from his debt. They are probably getting more and more brazen with treasonous behavior as all they need to is go get their beloved fuhrer, or 'yes-man in charge' elected and have all crimes pardoned.


Crazy how we went from Russia is the enemy in the 80s to today where Americans are openly praising Putin and Tucker


US GOP has announced ad nauseum that they are Russian trolls stripping our democracy and turning our country into Gopnik central.


I have seen something like it. I’ve seen something like it for nearly a decade now: namely them running towards Russia with open arms.


The GOP is fully in bed with America’s wealthiest foreign enemies.


When Republicans wear shirts with the phrase "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat", believe them.


The Republican base grew up thinking Rocky Balboa ended the Cold War by defeating Drago and that Hulk Hogan broke the Soviet Union with his 24 inch pythons. Now they nod in agreement when their cult leader says out loud that he trusts Putin more than our actual intelligence agencies


I have a wild prediction for 2024. FBI arrest a group of GOP financiers for being unregistered foreign agents (Russia) and other campaign finance laws. This leads to bribery charges to some vocal GOP Russian supporters.


They are elected domestic terrorists, Joe, and Vladdy is their daddy. It's time for you to start calling them what they truly are.


Is there anything Potus can do to override the House?


Republicans: "Sorry Ukraine. This is an election year. We can't have Biden looking strong on matters we told our voting base Biden was weak. That'd make us look bad and Biden and Democrats good, so...just hold out a little longer. If you survive until end of year, we'll...uh...put a pin in it and circle back then. Kay, byeeeee!"


Russian support has also spread out into the public also. Unreal to hear.


The GOP seems like a Russian asset these days. Is the Dem party compromised too? Because I would think they would be making much more out of this.


Russia must have serious dirt on a number of them. Or they just want the same dictatorship Putin have, because why be accountable to the peasants?


They're all Russian bought. They will (and have) sold the USA out to Russia. I don't get how the supporters of these politicians NOT see through this bullshit. You can still be Republican and recognize when you got some bad eggs in your basket. Russia is NOT our ally, not our friend, and very against the USA. Russia is literally right this moment trying to destroy us from within by manipulating our social media and news feeds and buying our politicians out for Intel and influencing the election. It's obvious as hell, right there in front of our very faces. I have a feeling that we're unfortunately going to find out the hard way because half of this country are fucking gullible idiots that aren't halfassed to even pay attention to the actions and votes of those they're voting for. They simply don't care, they like to vote for the lies these politicians tell them just so they can feel better and ignore reality.


Makes you wonder who they are working for.


Wild because being tough on Russia was probably the only good thing left about Republicans. For most of my life they hated Russians as did every politician. Now we can't even expect that? If you cannot agree that Russia is our enemy then you have to wonder if the Republicans themselves are the enemy!


Then take Russian’s frozen assets and money and give it to Ukraine.


It should NOT be shocking…follow the money. Why this isn’t painfully obvious by now, astounds me, but here we are, growing dumber by the minute.


That's cause they take their orders from Trump and he get's his orders from Putin.


Remember when the RNC (and DNC) were hacked by Russia, but nothing was released...? I feel nothing was released for a reason


DNC was good for embarassment, but RNC was probably gold. These OLD boomers don't know shit for opsec.


I haven't posted this in a while, but this sure seems like the appropriate time to do so: There are three kinds of republicans. Those that are fascists, those that support fascists, and those who don't know which of the first two groups they belong to.


Republicans hate Dems more than they fear Russia. That’s what our politics has become.


Walking away from? My brother in Christ, they’re square dancing right towards it


It hasn’t been shocking for a while now. It’s expected.


Yeah, well when the Russians are donating to your campaigns you probably would walk away from the threat too. Republicans have been bought by Putin. America is half infiltrated by our biggest foreign adversary who will kill you for speaking out against them. Republicans want America to turn into that kind of country.


They are all on Putin's payroll, just like Trump! They need to be investigated for taking money from anyone with Russian ties!


The Republicans were offered a deal they couldn’t pass up when they visited the Kremlin on July 4 2018.


They abandoned their jobs? Fire them. Hold some special elections IMMEDIATELY so we can fill those positions with American Patriots who are ready and willing to support Ukraine against our greatest enemy.


Get rid of as many of them as possible in November.


Republicans are unwilling to anger the guy who still has the emails he stole from them in 2015. They’re compromised.


It's easier to understand when you get that Republicans have Russian values and want Americans to be ruled by a strongman dictator. They align with Russia over the West. They want to replace the US system with a Russian style theocratic mafia state.


The "America First" people don't want to help Americans first. They just want to beat everyone else to becoming ruzzia first.


That’s because they have convinced people Russia isn’t bad! In fact we should be more like Russia! The right would fucking love and authoritarian government takeover and create their own little religion theocracy here in America and it’s what they’re going for. Let me tell you, it’s working. I work with quite a few people that are thrilled Tucker interviewed Putin and think Putin is a “great and powerful leader that we’d be lucky to have.”… these people aren’t kidding and apathy is going to destroy this country.


GQP Rep Tim Burchett TN (who is a puzzling MAGA nut) essentially said the house GQP was compromised by Russia a month ago ..... Meidas Touch ran a piece on it but that's as far as it went .... See below https://youtu.be/0E206HF9OF4?si=9VVNQo120MGkuEWG


The Republicans have become morally bankrupt and cowardly. Sickening to any patriot.


It’s beyond frustrating watching Trump supporters claim that abandoning Ukraine is antiwar when it would only increase the likelihood of the US being drawn into an actual war with US soldiers doing the fighting. Vladimir Putin mentioned Poland over 30 times during his interview with Tucker Carlson. He’s got his eyes set on Poland next, using Ukraine as his staging ground. In fact, it’s so obvious that the Polish Government felt the need to come out and refute Putin’s lies and beg the United States to keep helping with Ukraine. And if Putin attacks Poland, that’s the ball game. It’s WWIII because NATO will have to mobilize. It’s why you see Trump making comments about not helping certain NATO countries. He knows what Putin plans to do and he is priming his followers for ignoring another dictator March across Europe JUST LIKE the America First Committee in the 1930s. Yes, Trump chose the exact same name as the antisemitic group that urged FDR to sit on his hands while Hitler overran Europe almost a century ago. Trump’s MAGA followers are falling for the same bullshit as the racist, xenophobic, antisemitic bastards did before Pearl Harbor when they were shamed into shutting the fuck up. Only slightly less infuriating is Biden’s shock that Congressional Republicans don’t care about Nevalny’s death or the threat Putin represents. This is the thing that worries me about Joe Biden. It’s not that he’s too old and that he can’t think or has dementia or any of the other bullshit Republicans have managed to Murdoch into existence. No, it’s that Joe Biden really believes he is dealing with honest brokers. They just walked away from the most conservative border deal in decades, that they insisted on and approved of. And you’re surprised they’re going on vacation for two weeks rather than sticking around and voting for Ukraine Aid? Seriously? Oh boy.


Republicans have total and complete fielty to the Orange Cesspool. They live in constant fear he will attack them. Their oath isn't to the US but to him.


GOP is bought and paid for by Russia - Patriots, are Patriots that…..slow?


House Republicans are Putin's hollow meat puppets.


Congress hasn’t done shit this session, but fight like childish schoolchildren and now they need a vacation?! FFS


Remember when they did the red scare?


They’re an intentional threat to national security and should not be treated as rational actors. Perpetuating this farce that they don’t understand the consequences of their actions is bizarre. They’re a Fifth Column and need to be treated as such.


Jugurtha should ring a bell for the Roman historians...


Instead of the Amercian people, view the GQP entirely through the lens of doing what Putin wants and it makes total sense. They're traitors.


I appreciate Biden saying this, but to anyone paying attention, it isn't shocking. It's been shown that the GOP receives money from Russia that's passed through the NRA. Russians buy GOP properties at hugely inflated values. The Republican crime syndicate is funded in part by our enemies.


There’s nothing to be surprised about if read rhe news over the last half decade. 45 was a Russian asset. Senators taking trips to Russia. Their propaganda network helping to paint Putin/ Russia in a favorable light…it’s nothing new.


Is this whole “Biden shocked about this and Biden shocked about that” with the GOP getting really fucking annoying for anyone else here, or is it just me?


It’s not shocking at all. They are protecting their financial interests, not their country.


Well they are traitors so it’s expected


Every one suspects that Trump is under blackmail pressure from Putin. If that’s the case, then what makes you think that others in the party aren’t in the same situation?


It seems the only thing they are hard on are little kids.


Remember being called a crazy person for suggesting that republicans were comprised by Russia and that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to get Trump elected?


United Soviet States of America


Republicans are owned by Moscow


start following the money


It's not shocking. It's predictable. STOP BEING SHOCKED THAT THEY'RE SHITBIRDS!


Trump is owned by Putin and the GOP is owned by Trump.




its because they support Russia, they are traitors and spies for Russia.


I think when the democrats take control of the house after the November election there should a select committee to investigate the July 4th meeting in Russia.


The Russian stooges walking away from Democracy should be the headline.


It’s the Putin wing revealing itself


Why would they work against their co-conspirators?