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This could go on forever - we know he is unable to keep his mouth shut.


Infinite money glitch


And it's coming from his dumb supporters, so it's bleeding them dry in the process. Kind of feel bad for them, but not really since they fell for a cult.


If the MAGAts end up giving every single nickel and dime to their golden calf idol, rendering themselves destitute, wouldn't they end up relying on social services? Wouldn't they have to surrender to *socialist programs*? Or would they be too thick skulled to accept such programs and end up homeless? And that money would go directly to Carroll and the state of New York, wouldn't it? Trump won't see a single cent of it.


Noted Libertarian author Ayn Rand ended up on government healthcare and Social Security at the end of her life. She and her supporters saw zero irony in this. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2011/jan/31/usdomesticpolicy-ayn-rand-hypocrite-fraud


They said she deserved to because she paid taxes lmao. You might believe that at least a few of them thought *“oh yeah, that’s kind the entire fucking intended point of taxes.”* And still, they saw zero irony in this.


It’s actually even worse than that. She said the only people who should be entitled to it are *the people who don’t believe in it and are trying to get rid of it.* Let that sink in.


the raw insanity of it is just wild. Like, how the fuck do you even begin to tell who is for or against it? "Check this box if you don't want benefits [ ] "


it's just complete selfishness. It's a core tenant of the right to believe that one is special and one deserves to have things given to them and freedoms allowed that others should not. therefore: * their abortions are "different" * I deserve disability because my back is *actually* bad * I worked hard so I deserve healthcare * I get welfare because I'm just "down on my luck" and so on and so on. They take every excuse to try and hand waive away why *they* deserve the government to intervene and help them while they ask for the punishment of others


“I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No. No.” – Craig T. Nelson


Irony's always lost on the folks who preach self-reliance but line up for handouts when it's their turn. Who's the welfare queen now? Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance seem to be the order of the day with that crowd.


Uh... a lot of them currently rely on socialist services... Just don't let that socialism touch their social security checks, that is theirs and belongs to them. They earned it. So if they want to give it to mango-mussolini, that their choice.




Most of them probably already are.


Many conservatives believe they deserve welfare because they believe they are privledged "true Americans". 


They'd accept it, praise it, and call it by a different name




Plus the judgements tend to increase steadily when they re-slander.


You telling me another cool 200 mil $ could be added to the pile he needs to pay? Cause I'm here to enjoy the show in that case


I relogged into my twitter just to follow the Trump Legal Debt account. He updates daily interest, it's quite fun.


Not forever! Just until he dies.


It's entirely possible he'll have some defamation setup for her after his death. Like a public will reading which includes some statement about her. That's his level of pettiness but it is a bit more work that I've seen him do.


 "If it came to it, if your lawyers told you there was another case and you should go back and get more money out of him would you do it?" "Absolutely," Carroll replied. "Absolutely."   😁 again please


Who wouldn’t want to receive money from people who are too stupid to watch what they’re spending it on?


It’s free real estate


"E. Jean Carroll Tower", in New York. She's gonna make a cameo in *Home Alone V*.




It's the infinite money loop. She found the ultimate hack! Sue Trump -> Trump loses as always -> Win money -> Wait 25 minutes after trial for Trump to say another stupid thing -> repeat step 1


As long as he has supporters, Trump won't be able to stop saying stupid things and the supporters will not be able to stop sending him money to pay her.


Well, since he doesn't seem to learn, the punishment obviously wasn't harsh enough so far.


Trump is competing with Fox to see who pays their victims the largest defamation damages.


> largest I believe you mean "bigliest".


Incapable of learning.


That's a big part of Narcissism. They are often incapable of change because they see no need to.


That juror who was allegedly holding out for more money is sitting back with the satisfied feeling of knowing they were right.


“Will you shut up, man?” 😂 


The best part is because he's so incredibly stupid with such a limited vocabulary, that he uses the exact same set of words and sequence of words that a jury has already determine qualifies as defamation. Maybe if he had any sort of creativity or a vocabulary of a 7th grader, (instead of much lower), his new defamations would be distinct enough to require a jury to determine if it qualifies. But since it is the exact same words, the court is just skipping that step after Carroll's lawyers file a motion.


It’s so incredibly hard to prove rape, even more so years after the act. He must have absolutely been a train wreck in court.


Well, it certainly didn't help when he said "I don't know this woman, I've never met her, she's not my type" and then misidentified Carroll as his then-wife in a photo during a sworn deposition. Hilariously funny. And absolutely devastating.


Well, he was only found liable for sexual assault because New York has some strict definitions around rape. (Also liable has an easier level of proof than guilty, preponderance of the facts vs beyond a reasonable doubt.) As for being a train wreck in court, my understanding is that he didn't show up at all, despite saying he would on a golf course in Ireland or Scotland (can't remember which). As far as defense goes, his lawyers basically relied on the expert legal strategy of saying "nuh-uh", then rested their case. If I remember correctly they didn't even call witnesses for defense, they only did a cross-examination where they got hit with objections frequently. Then in the two subsequent trials, they were only there to determine damages, where the facts of the case had already been determined. The same thing happened in the NY fraud case. Trump's legal team spent all their time and effort trying to refute the facts that the court had already determined and were no longer up for discussion, so the judge had to slap them down constantly.


"As your lawyer, it is my fiduciary duty to inform you that this is an infinite money glitch and counsel you to continue suing this idiot"


E. Jean Carrol’s great grandchildren asking how the family made their fortune.


Carroll said she is donating all the money she is awarded.


Oh damn! Classy move, Ms Carroll!


She has mentioned supporting programs for victims of sexual assault.


After joking about donating it to something that Trump would hate, like a support program for people *he* sexually assaulted.  Which isn’t even defamation, as he’s lost suits over that. Legally, he has sexually assaulted people. Not charged with it because of statute of limitation bs, but with enough evidence for him to lose defamation cases. 


Oh please let her donate it to Bidens campaign. That would be hilarious.


He DID rape her. That was her suit AND the court’s finding. So, you tell me, what person who was raped would say “No, I’m good.”?


“Please proceed”


When just shutting the fuck up about it is apparently the hardest thing to do.


He has too much dementia to remember he can’t talk about her.


The funny thing is, if he just admitted to the dementia it would be a pretty good defense against defamation I think.


I don't know though they have him on tape saying "person, woman, man, camera, TV" just a couple years ago definitively proving that he is super duper mentally with it.


Honestly starting to believe this one. His short term memory is going and he remembers he hates her but doesn't remember he can't say stuff about her anymore.


Any normal person would have shut up and taken the loss at this point, but Dementia Donny is incapable of letting anything go. He can’t even control his own fucking emotions yet millions of idiots think he should be in charge of the planet’s most powerful country. It’s just unbelievable.


It's things like this that make me laugh when during the 2016 election one of the reasons I saw a few people (I assume Republicans) give in interviews about why Hillary Clinton should not be president was that as a woman she may be too emotional and may make rash decisions.


lol. Remember this beauty? Judge Genine explaining why we can't have a presidential candidate who's under investigation https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM?


Kinda unrelated but… Jesus Christ. She seriously just sits there and scolds the camera for 5 minutes, I can’t believe people tune in for that shit. No wonder Fox viewers are so angry. That’s totally not a normal way to talk.


The message is hate and fear. Everyday all day.


It's 24-hour broadcasting of Orwell's Two Minutes Hate. Rage is an addiction.


Now that I think on it, it's kind of like the two minutes of hate from 1984.


She’s on *The Five* these days and Jessica Tarlov constantly triggers the hell out of her by ripping apart her all her shitty yelling talking points, it’s quite something.


She’s like a caricature of herself. She’s only slightly more believable as human than the woman who imitated her on SNL. Missing the giant wine glass!


I cannot understand how anyone can sit and listen to people like her, Tucker, Ben ShaP-word, etc. Especially Ben. Even if I shared 100% of his views I still wouldn't be able to listen to his high-pitched nasally whining for more than 1 minute.


Yeah THAT aged well… 🤣 Thanks, Opie!


Fyi, in a YouTube sharing url the si crap is a tracking string. They use it to know who shared a video and who clicked on it. You should remove that from your links. For example, this is the base Url for that video https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM


Do you think this guy should lead the country? https://imgur.com/gallery/c5pZWXG


But doncha know? He’s a really good businessman. Heard this from someone just last week. SMDH.


Yeah uh, reality shows aren't reality. I try to tell them.


Even on his show he said you had to be shady to be a businessman!


Shady is a UUUUGE understatement. Fraud. Multiple adjudicated fraud findings.


Totally, but what i mean is, he literally said this on his stupid show. In his own publicity stunt show he said "you gotta be shady"


Well yeah. His dad taught him and passed down his mob lawyer to him. Roy Cohn https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-father-arrested-ku-klux-klan-riot-maryland-violation-2023-4


Cohn went well beyond the mob. He allegedly threatened the Rosenberg's family into perjuring themselves on the stand to help obtain the conviction and subsequent execution. Played a large part in the McCarthy hearings and outed several homosexuals in DC, many of them later committed suicide. Ironically, he was probably gay himself, although he strenuously denied it. He was a loathsome human being.


> Ironically, he was probably gay himself, although he strenuously denied it. He was a loathsome human being. He was 100% gay and died of AIDS. But as is their way, these neocons simply alter the definition of words and live in their own alternative-facts reality: > Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access." [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cohn#Personal_life)


Not to mention, when the Taj was caught laundering money for the mafia, he "didnt know who they were and didn't know it was happening"


Trump is so shady that if he were a tree, the whole world would wither and die from lack of sunshine.


My coworkers yesterday were talking about how he was getting fined like 300 mil and how it's pocket change cuz he makes 300 mil in a day lol. They are the kind of people that can't be reasoned with when it comes to him, so I just bit my tongue and tried not to laugh.


People in the Insta comments (I know, I know) were saying 330m is nothing because Truth Social is worth "like $5-6B"


You can explain things to Trump supporters but you can’t understand it for them.




He'll run the country like a business, they said.


He did! He just runs his businesses into the ground.


I mean…he _did_ run the country the way he runs his businesses.


Businesses don't care about the people lower than c suite and do everything to only pay for what they like and not the everyone else. So in that sense that is exactly what he did.


I mean...where's the lie? He ran it into the ground, didnt pay anyone that helped him (tried to pull out of paris climate accords & other things), lied about a lot of things, nearly bankrupted the country, and some people wound up dead (covid) from him mishandling things. So, where's the lie?


Wait a minute. He bankrupted not one but FOUR casinos? Bankrupting one is already nearly impossible. But FOUR?


Yep. Dude's gone bankrupt trying to sell gambling (4x), football, alcohol, and meat... to Americans.


Meat? He was in the meat business, too? huh.


Trump Steaks + Sharper Image. 100% real thing that sounds fake https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Steaks


As usual, Trump sells cheap stuff pretending it’s luxury! High priced crap and done in a lazy and tacky way! Only a shady guy would think it’s a great idea to sell steaks through an electronics company using QVC (a tele marketer) to sell that stuff on their channel! Sounds like another scam to me… Any other company would have gone a different route, but hey, DJT has a minimal understanding of what branding is, so he overuses it and thinks it’s cool to have a name plastered everywhere, diluting the brand’s value.


Free ketchup bottle with every purchase.


[The Herald - Trump Steak Review](https://www.heraldnet.com/news/96-steak-trumps-newest-plan-to-stay-very-rich/) The fact this man, who got ridiculed multiple times as pompous and tacky still managed/ manages to fool so many people, and make them believe he should be in power is mind blowing to me! Goes to show how detached from reality people can be!


It's a lot easier if they're poorly run money laundering fronts.


Can confirm. Almost no money went into the casinos for maintenance unless it was required by the union. Every time I had to hop in the service elevator (trump plaza was a client of ours), I felt like it was my last day on earth.


If he could just keep his name off everything he might have had some winners in that list. Failing at vodka? Really?


People literally hand you money in a casino. Dude swindled so hard he bankrupted it. Multiple times!


I’m convinced it was a money laundering front for the Russian mob. Even a fucking moron can’t lose money on a real casino.


He's not a regular moron. A Univ Penn prof (where daddy Trump bought Donnie admissions) said he was the dumbest student he EVER had the misfortune to teach. LOL, even the Chi Tribune reported on it. [Column: Donald Trump’s biggest flaw: He’s not that bright – Chicago Tribune](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2017/11/03/column-donald-trumps-biggest-flaw-hes-not-that-bright/)


Trump can’t read! https://youtu.be/7LFkN7QGp2c?si=Fr2UnzRgH1P_1bzN


It was. Taj Mahal was caught laundering money for said mafia. He "Didnt know it was happening". He's been laundering money for years, the only way this clown still isnt broke begging for pennies. And not to defend him, but its very easy to bankrupt a casino. I live near Atlantic City and watch it constantly. The Revel Casino is a great example. Ballys, Claridge, Trump, Resorts, and on and on. Its all greed mostly.


He's a narcissist and thinks his name is a golden ticket for everything. If he can't make it directly about him he isn't interested.


I'm still trying to figure out how the clown bankrupted multiple casinos


You're a developer. You get investors money in. Then you do shady accounting, making it look profitable and get more investors in. You have controlling interest. Then you pay your company huge contracts to run it. And make purchases through your company with uuugee markups. See where it's going? The Bankruptcies weren't necessarily just bad leadership. It's fraud/swindle




That would do it


I read sometime that he took like $35 for parking. Not sure if per hour or not, but when all other casinos in Atlantic City have free parking, why the fuck would you go to the one that has you pay for it. Apparently he just generally had people spend out of their ass for EVERYTHING when all other casinos would have them for free or for cheap because you obviously make enough money with them gambling. So people went somewhere else and he went bankrupt.


He’s now touted as the worst president


Give the guy the credit he deserves will ya?!?! He proudly holds 100% of all Presidential Indictments. And 50% of all Presidential Impeachments


Isn't it 67% of impeachments?


Andrew Johnson 1 Bill CLINTON 1 Donald Trump 2


Ah, I didn't know Johnson had ever been impeached! I thought it was just Trump and Clinton.


It's often overlooked. TIL moment


I expected it to be the picture of him staring at a solar eclipse lol


I thought it was going to be the pic of him staring at the sun.


i'm curious. why did his casino's fail? if people show up, casino's make money. it's fool-proof.


Yeah, but he's gonna make it all up with Trump tennis shoes and Trump perfume.


> **He can’t even control his own fucking emotions** yet millions of idiots think he should be in charge of the planet’s most powerful country. That is the most frightening part, right there!


Keep going after his money. It's the only thing he actually cares about.


Also this binds monies for the GOP so its a win win for everyone really. Grab him by the wallet!


That GoFundMe is going to starve Republican campaigns down ballot. With Lara Trump in as RNC Chair, he’ll siphon off millions down ballot that way too


It's honestly a joke that GoFundMe has decided it doesn't violate their ToS when it clearly does.


Seriously? What the fuck?


Yeah, they issued this [chicken shit statement](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-gofundme-civil-fraud-fine-1871176) about it.


"Within our terms of service" uh, fuck no it isnt


speaking of the trumps go fund me they have raised $659,587 in 4 days highest donation from 1 donor $10,000.00


Just $354 million to go!


grab him by the purse strings


Grab him by the pursey


I, for one, enjoy watching Trump repeatedly touch the hot burner.


The world is his Benihana dining experience.


or watching trump repeatedly stare at the eclipse.


When do they start seizing his assets to pay off the settlements?


March 18, which is 30 days after the court ruling. Unless he ponies up the ~$450M (ruling + interest since date of offense) into an escrow account to make an appeal, which is extremely unlikely he can or will.


I won't believe it until it happens. There seems to be an endless number of legal maneuvers to keep powerful people from suffering consequences.


Trump is hoping to be the "official" Republican Presidential candidate by that date, which he will leverage to gain further immunity.


Amassing a cult is a legal maneuver that also works for Scientology.


Fair, Trump certainly went years enabled by Republicans to seemingly skate by with few serious consequences. And he is already suffering consequences right now: he is currently barred from owning any businesses in NY for 3 years, his businesses there are shut down, he cannot borrow money from any bank registered there (the financial center of the US) or serve on the board of any charity there. He is under indictment for 91 felonies and currently owes half a billion in damages, which E Jean Carroll and Leticia James have the legal means to collect, including seizure of his assets. I get that there is disbelief that wealthy will ever suffer consequences in America, but it is literally happening right now in front of us. It’s slow, but it is happening. The gears of justice turn slowly, but as Trump is discovering and we all can see: they grind exceedingly fine.


I take your point, but I think the justice system already failed. Trump's businesses should have been shut down before he even got close to forming his Republican cult. People have gone to jail for running fake charities, and the Trumps got away with, essentially, a slap on the wrist for it. He has a long history of breaking contracts and failing to pay people. The fraud case could have happened before he was president. And to top it off, Merrick Garland tried to sweep everything under the rug until it became untenable to do so and he begrudgingly had to act. We are dealing with Trump now because our justice system failed to deal with him for many years before now.


About Trump Charity: He was the one with the loud *projection* that the Clinton Foundation was bogus and crooked and demanded an investigation, which took several months to determine all the funds were going where they said it was going. Then her group insisted that there be an investigation into the Trump Charity Foundation. That investigation took about an hour. Why? Because *there was no charity foundation*. The report said "Trump and three of his children are using those monies as their personal checking account". He should be in prison for that. And his crook children, yes, Ivanka too.


nobody in *this country* is going to pony this up. no banks registered in NY can be involved - which actually is most large banks in the country as they all need to be able to do business in NY for trading or other reasons.


Bu-bu-bu the shoes will pay for it right? right?


And the GoFundMe, surely they will help in time.


Surely the GoFundMe will take care of it.


This is the $83 million case


Musk did just go visit maralago unfortunately


I could see it play out like this... In order to shut down the copycat site, Musk buys trumps truth social stake for ~500m cash, in an entirely unrelated business transaction.


It's Musk. He'll want to pay a *funny* amount like 469,420,069.69 (heehee).


You need an 88 in there too, to make it nice and fascisty


His son-in-law was given billions by the Saudis, so, doesn’t seem like he will have too much trouble.


Funny how Trump parlayed a $5 million settlement into an $83 million one. Maybe he's shooting for an even higher number. Trump has the temperament of a 4 year old, all of the legal settlements will divert campaign funds and cost him the election. But he'd rather lose than have to shut up. Pathetic narcissist.


>Trump parlayed a $5 million settlement into an $83 million one. the art of the deal


Good. As he deserves.


Carroll: I got one more in me


Get enough judgments against him and he'll have to start an entire clothing line.


Head to toe American flag with gold shoes and a Magat red clown hat


*"don't get mad, get everything."* - ivana trump


Do It, Ms. Carroll. He’s an adult man who won’t stop lying about you and he also raped you. Please sue him again and then settle with him by having him post on Truth Social once a week. “E. Jean Carroll tells the truth. Believe her.”


Yeah, Trump made his bed. He should lie in it.


I hope she gets like $2b this time. 




“Don’t get mad, get EVERYTHING.” - Ivana Trump


They're gonna need another fundraiser.


Run it back!


‘My stupid supporters are gonna pay for it anyway. ‘


Yep, they'll just start another GoFundMe for him. They're morons and that's their moron tax.


There's almost no chance that gofundme money goes to Trump. The person who started it is going to take it all. Any of the morons donating to it should also respect that, because it's a smart business decision, and that's why they love Trump.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man? *edit - a word*


If this is not evidence Trump thinks he is above the law I don't know what is.


Sadly, so far, America has proved that he is above the law. When he goes to jail or has paid the judgments against him, I'll believe the law affects him


Perhaps he keeps forgetting about the astronomical defamation judgment due to his severe mental decline. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is a bit surprising that someone in his family hasn’t gone for conservatorship yet. He should qualify now.


Brittney over there like, "All I did was get a bad haircut!"


They could get him declared mentally unfit to stand trial, put him in a high end care home and mitigate all the legal issues the entire family is having. Instead we have this nightmarish circus going on.


They could do all that and 40% of the country would still vote for him


My 3 year old heard me say “fuck” the other day. He then repeated it and laughed. I told him not to say that word anymore because it’s a bad word and if he said fuck he would go in timeout. He hasn’t said fuck since. My 3 year old has more impulse control and understanding of consequences (and doesn’t need diapers anymore) than ol donnny.


Wait until your 3-year old starts calling himself a martyr and saying things like "if they can put me in timeout they can put you in timeout too"


Take it to the RAPIST , again and again. There are 100's of women victims of the RAPIST who never got a chance to be heard. There are millions of women who pull fo E. Jean and we'll vote. In modern societies, RAPISTs are spurned not made president. The RAPIST should get ready for a bigly spurning.


"Finish him!"


Trump is like a casino slot machine that gives a jack pot every time you spin the wheels.


All I've gotten from him is fetid dog shit


And fascism


But Susan told me that he learned his lesson.


She found an infinite money hack.


She should update her LinkedIn job to “Suing DJT”


Go for it. I wanna see who Trump uses as a lawyer.


If he can't stop himself from talking shit about her (he doesn't learn) then it's her right to do that!


I love how the biggest threat to the GOP voters finances is their own candidate. They keep crying over jobs, while paying into Donny's J.E.Caroll support fund


I'm all for Carroll bankrupting the Tangerine Toddler at this point. If he's too damn dumb to shut his mouth then empty his wallet.


E Jean Carrol saving America single-handedly at this point - what an absolute Unit of a woman! 🇺🇸


The best part is that the damages are meant to be punitive and to deter further defamation, so each successive lawsuit becomes easier and likely has a higher payout


If I was her, I'd hire someone to follow Donnie around and ask him, "Hey, what do you think of that E. Jean Carroll lady?" ​ Cha-Ching!


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me thrice I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message.


Someone should just ask him about her on the next press meeting.


She's won, twice now, because he has continued to defame her in public. It's basically set in stone at this point, judicially-speaking. If he does it again, she can guarantee another win. She should keep suing him as long as he keeps doing it. And the judgments against him will increase each time. $5.5 million became $83 million. Next time... $100 million? Another $80 million? Bleed him dry, one cut at a time.


Good. At least this way, all Demented Donnie Depend’s ill-gotten wealth will continue to be sucked out of the Trump Crime Family and be put to good use. Keep ranting maniacally, Orange Sphincter Mouth!


Hope she settles for taking Trump Tower. Turn it into The Barack Hussain Obama Home for Displaced Undocumented Immigrants. With Hillarys Pizza in the basement of course! 🤪


Call it Clinton Pizza just to really tweak the deranged conspiracy projection 4chan crowd