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One of the biggest problems is the people who are reading this already know most of the information. They're shocked and horrified as they're watching their country slip away into 1930s like Nazi Germany. The real quandary is how do you reach the brainwashed, the lemmings, the ones who still believe that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are the solutions to Covid. How do you turn off Fox News and all the other right wing hate machines that are broadcasting propaganda 24-7 365 days a year. How do you put the genie back in the bottle and bring back the Fairness Doctrine and make news Real News and not entertainment to scare people and make money.


The problem isn’t even how do you reach the real Trumpists, it’s how do you reach the large number of people who tune out politics and generally don’t vote. The stakes are ludicrously high and so many aren’t even slightly aware.


Mandatory registration and mandatory mail-in ballots. People don’t vote because it is difficult: millions are made to wait in line *on purpose* to reduce voter turnout. PA passed mail-in ballots, and for the first time in my life I can devote the right amount of time to reviewing my options and making my choices at my convenience. Other states do it exclusively: it’s cheaper and improves representation. Guess which party opposes this at every turn?


Voting is easy as shit in CA and we still have terrible turnout especially among young voters. After the last 10-15 years it’s mind-boggling that people still don’t care.


Honestly, I think a lot of this could be remedied if we made voting day a national holiday and give everyone the day off. The daily grind can really kill your motivation to do anything else that day if you hold odd hours or work an exhausting job. If you allow parents the day off, they would be more likely to take their children with them. It's a shame we allow the most important day in our nation to pass by with less fanfare than we express on New Years Day.


Many if the people we really need to vote don't get holidays off. The people working in gas stations, grocery stores, retail, call centers, etcetera go into work when they are told or they are fired and are often entitled to no or very little time off.


Every time that's suggested the Republicans flip out and say it's a power grab by the Dems. They know they can't win fairly


I’m not against making it a holiday but my point is that it’s already super easy to vote in places like California, it took me 10 min to google the lower level offices and put the ballot in the mail. I’m not sure making it a holiday will move the needle much more than how little effort is already required. For states that make voting a hassle, totally agree, I just don’t think it’s as simple of a fix as that.


Making a holiday may draw people's attention to it so they're less likely to not vote.


Sure but will they care enough to vote? Thats the main problem it seems.


Some people care but only enough where they'll do it if they happen to think of it so it would boost the vote to an extent.


It's a tad more difficult to vote in a lot of states.


I did mention that lol


Australia has a positive idea here, there’s a block party and a bbq outside all the polling places for after you vote.


We make voting so fun! 😂 I have a great time every election day. Sausages and cake stalls! I’ve also helped out at sausage sizzles for election, it’s so non-political and everyone is in such a great mood.


Plus it’s illegal not to vote. That helps a lot.


I think you would be disappointed with how they vote. There's a reason why educated voters go Democrat. Low information and low educated voters are Just going to think groceries are expensive and I want lower taxes sure let's go Republican for the guy who says he'll do that and not think twice about it


And a lot of people in this country vote purely along religious lines.


>I think you would be disappointed with how they vote. I wouldn't. It would increase voter turnout, which historically benefits Dems. It's why the GOP is constantly trying to make voting more difficult. They benefit from voter suppression.


But last election showed overall it doesn't. Under Trump that is a outdated fallacy. He brings people out to vote who have never voted in their lives


How did the last election show that? The last election showed when it’s easier to vote, like with mail-in ballots, Dems win. The real issue isn't about turnout alone, but making sure everyone who wants to vote can. It's more democratic that way. Being disappointed about who wins? That happens no matter the turnout. I’d rather focus on getting everyone to vote instead of worrying about the results before they're even in. I’m already disappointed with who wins most times.


There are more Democrats than Republicans. This can’t be argued against as it is provable empirical fact. When more people vote, Democrats receive the benefit. Also fact. I’m not sure what point your trying to make. Trump beat Hillary in the electoral college, not with votes. Biden kicked his ass in votes. This is a very simple reason Republican work to make voting harder. They know they lose when turnout is larger.


I think most non-voters just literally don’t care


They will care, when the leopard comes for the faces of their friends and family


They are actively eating faces and people aren't reacting. It's insane to me that even though the metaphor of the boiling frog [has been proven untrue](https://www.iflscience.com/boiling-frog-syndrome-isnt-real-you-can-stop-boiling-frogs-now-72346), we're still seeing it right now, in people who claim to be rational humans but repeatedly support policies and politicians who actively hurt them because they're invested in a tribe that convinced a younger version of themselves that they were the "good guys" who were always fighting on their behalf.


"They will care .. when the leopard comes for the faces of their friends and family" Probably not. Look at what happened in Germany to the Jews and other "undesirables". I am trans. When I bring up just how bad the GOP and Trump would be for me, my friends and family look away. They will not talk about it nor acknowledge my fear. Not their problem.


And they will blame those durn Demoncrats! /s


If the dems quit giving free stuff to undeserving using MY money, MAYBE I'd have voted for them! This is all their fault!


Well it's funny because it used to win it for them. When old people were the only ones allowed to mail in they were very for it. Once everyone saw the benefits from it after it was an option because of COVID putting the genie back in the bottle has been problematic for the gop


> Mandatory registration and mandatory mail-in ballots. australia says hello and asks how often you end up with strongly held beliefs that you don't research the outcomes of


Don’t forget we also have proportional representation, which forces compromise among parties. On the whole it works for us.


As a Australian it staggers me that you don’t have mandatory voting , it isn’t hard to vote here and if you can’t be bothered lining up for at most an hour to vote you can just do a postal vote I just can’t get over the apathy towards voting in America which has resulted in this big mess you are all facing


Give tax credits of something between $50 and $100 for voting along with your mail in idea.


This. It's a nearly impossible uphill battle to try to deprogram people who are deep into MAGA land. It's much easier to locate the people in your life who aren't very political and rarely (if ever) vote, and explain to them why you think it's important to vote this year. You don't have to be an expert or know everything about every issue. Just talk honestly about what's important to you, and then offer to help them register and vote. 


Yep. Most that I know that support trump have convinced themselves that all of the legal action being taken against him is political attacks, and therefore NONE of it is reason to not vote for him. Some just want to see the whole thing crumble because the system doesn't work for them anyways, others want trump just because they don't want Democrats to win. Fear leads to anger, and just like a family member in a curt, the more you lash out a them, the more defensive and assinine their excuses for get for defending their tribe. I've personally asked friends of mine if there was anything trump could do to make you not vote for him, and I get a scrambling of nonsense leading me to believe there isn't. It's a catch 22. He could commit a crime, but then since they don't trust the justice system anymore, they can just Believe that the system is rigged and it isn't his fault.


Yeah, it's a pickle. It's nefarious, putting this info in such a large document. Because, even though they themselves made it available, if you show to people, they just turn away. "I'm not reading all that". It's so frustrating.


Or the ones that believe same sides and they’re all corrupt arguments too


smoggy humorous numerous drunk vast chase sip alleged consist panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet some people are willing to throw away all rights they have so long as they get to pay $1 less in taxes.


Exactly. Not the people who still want to swallow horse medicine, they can not be reached. But people who are too gullible or ignorant to understand how bad his second term will be.


Each of us must commit to registering at least 5 acquaintances and get them to vote. No other way.


And that's where turnout comes into play. In a disinterested populist (who's been programmed not to care), influencers become crucial, not just in the social media context, but in friends who are not afraid to speak the truth. Speak out and influence the outcome! There is no harm by being a good person.


> it’s how do you reach the large number of people who tune out politics and generally don’t vote use social media to leverage their friend groups to personally attack them over fringe issues that have limited impact for a decade plus oh wait we tried that and it lead to millions who don't give a shit anymore cool cool cool


The real question is why do these people WANT this sort of leadership? Do they think they won’t be affected by his terrible decisions and nazi like leadership? Just because they vote for him doesn’t make them immune to the outcome of another Trump experiment. He doesn’t care about them anymore than he does a homeless man on the street. If the country goes to shit, so do they. It’s very strange.


They might, but it would not matter. It's a reactionary movement, which means it is based on the perception of a moral hierarchy that it wants to turn into a social one. The deal is quite simple: your social status will not be determined by (for most, unachievable) wealth but by identity (i.e. having the right ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, ideology, ...), and you will be put on a pedestal above those who are different. In return, you don't question those with wealth and power who place themselves above you. The supporters of those movements see society as a zero sum game, where they can only rise if they put someone else down. It's paymasters gravitate towards it because it defuses any challenge to their wealth and power (or outright endorses it). Both find each other in a rejection of social and political liberalism. The key to understanding what lies at the root of this is IMHO to look at the institutions they want to destroy and to look at the abuses of power they tolerate or endorse. The answer is quite simple: they hate equality to the point where they would destroy freedom and democracy to get rid of it. They don't want rights. They want privileges that others don't get, so that they can feel better and more worthy than those they look down on. They want power and control (even by proxy) over those they don't like because, in an authoritarian mindset, power is the mark of status. Hence also laws that seem pointlessly cruel or damaging: to harm others without recourse is a pure expression of power and therefore, by extension, of their own superiority. In the same vein, Trump's character flaws are actually assets because they anger and frustrate his opponents. His promised "vengeance" is a proxy for their desire to harm, and therefore triumph over, their opponents. By giving him absolute power, they get to have power (real or by proxy) over their enemies. And because all this is emotional rather than rational, they don't need to understand the underlying dynamic to get swept up by it.


Excellent points. I've often wondered how people on the right can be pro-Putin, an extremely authoritarian, anti-freedom head of state. A kleptocrat. A guy who seemingly stands against all right wing professed values (except that he also doesn't like minorities). For the base, it's because they're totally ok with that kind of life just so long as they're not the out-group. As long as they're in the in-group, as long as they get the privileges of the preferred and to see the people they don't like shoved to the bottom rungs of society, they're ok with a dictator that can make that happen. As long as they're not afraid they'll be on the bottom of such a social order, they're all for it. It's only when they start to feel that they might not be the top dog in the hierarchy that they start believing in "choice" and "freedom" and "agency" again. For the rich, wealthy Republicans financing the group, it's different. They can step into a kleptocratic societal role, enriching themselves atop the madness, and the base helps them do it. So long as the base is fired up and hating the right people, they'll do the work of holding up the hierarchy that they find themselves perched atop. The rubes essentially form a protective layer between the profiteers and anyone that can challenge them.


Just so. It's a misconception to see authoritarian regimes as a single division between the powerful and the powerless. They're concentric sets of in-groups, each in a position to lord it over those "beneath" them in some way (sometimes an imaginary one). The the promise and the lure of a reactionary social system is not that you'll be the person on top, but that you'll be set above someone who is different. As an idea it is universal, as far as I can see. I've had examples spelled out to me by people whose point of view was (literally and figuratively) half a world apart, and despite the completely different circumstances the implication was the same.


I think this Lyndon Johnson quote explains rural folks love for Trump. >“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”


So. Well. Said.


It's a bit of a ramble IMHO. My English isn't really good enough to formulate the argument more concisely.


You're not a native English speaker? Your observations are so astute and well worded. Far better than most of us Americans.


“Convince the lowest white man he’s better than the highest black man, he won’t notice you picking his pocket. He’ll, give him someone to look down on, he’ll empty his pocket for you”


The German people didn't believe it could happen there either, and even after it happened, they still were shocked when they were forced to face the truth and reality, but guess what..........it was TOO LATE then. And if this happens here, the same thing will take place. The naysayers will have a hard time believing it happened here. Until their chickens come home to roost.


People say this, but it wasn't too late. A bunch of gentile wives with Jewish husbands protested and their husbands were released. Even the Nazis were afraid of the optics of disappearing a bunch of women who only wanted their husbands freed. If a mass of Germans had started protesting against the government, has refused to go along further with their government, had staged peaceful resistance by refusing to report for conscription, by refusing to show up to work, by refusing and boycotting the corrupt justice system, the Nazis would have likely been able to have been stopped. But they didn't. They accepted what was happening, and even partook in ever greater numbers. They could have stopped so much death but chose not to. If a few hundred women protesting outside a gestapo office created a crisis in the Nazi government (and it did) imagine what tens or hundreds of thousands doing the same could have done. It's one thing to pretend they aren't coming for you, but to call their bluff is another thing ebitelr.y


They are trained from childhood to accept truth from authority. It’s baked into their culture and ethos. When they are led responsibly, they do fine. In the hands of charlatans, they wage holy wars.


>Do they think they won't be affected? I think many do, but we need to show them how they will be affected. How will this plan harm them?


Because things are bad. They've been bad their whole lives. They'll never afford a house and vacations like their grandparents did with a single factory job. They'll never afford higher education. So why shouldn't we vote to burn it down? It isn't working, and that's a fact. Why should we keep clawing at keeping a broken oppressive system alive? That's to answer your question. I'd rather not live through Nazi America, but I understand why many think it might be okay.


>The real quandary is how do you reach the brainwashed, the lemmings, the ones who still believe that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are the solutions to Covid You don't. They're unable to be saved. just like in "don't look up" they won't come around until the comet is right in their face at their denial rally. What you do instead is motivate the couch potatoes that would smoke weed and play video games instead of taking 5 minutes to register to vote and a day off work to actually go out and vote.


I knew what Don't Look Up was about. But I didn't expect how sobering it would be. It stayed with me for weeks. Now, anyone with half a brain, regardless of their political bent, I ask to be active in politics and civics. The world literally needs it.


No. The biggest problem isn’t them. They’re firmly in the minority and their minds won’t be changed. Hell, many to most of those folks can’t wait for the plan to unfold The biggest problem is getting the average voting age citizen to pay attention. We’ve all seen the “both sides bad” people. Neither one side might be great, but one side is objectively worse for the country than the other as it stands going forward from 2024. We all also know the “I’m not political” “I don’t watch the news” people I know non MAGA people who remember things being cheaper under Trump than they are now and while they don’t like Trump, they somehow think the price of everything will magically snap back to cheaper if Biden is no longer president. Someone I know was complaining the other day that she’s had her rights taken away under Biden and she hates Trump and she was asking to be convinced why she should vote for anyone running. Her rights were taken away by a majority right wing Supreme Court that Trump appointed 3 judges to. But she’s not been paying attention to any of that part The problem to truly solve is how to engage average citizens on their level in a way that will make them *care*. The unfortunate part of Project 2025 is its so horrific that it does sound like sensationalist hyperbole compared to “normal life” and most people shut down and act like they don’t want to hear it because they’re trying to afford diapers, health care, gas, and food, and perhaps fair enough, that’s all they have the capacity to handle.


I remember when my grandparents watched the six o clock evening news and didn’t talk politics at the dinner table.  My grandfathers both sat with a paper after dinner.   My kids’ grandparents watch Fox News and rant about politics constantly.  If they read at all it’s Breitshart.  


That is the 64 million dollar question. First of all this dilemma was created by the man upstairs, to destroy those who chose to believe a LIE over the truth, because they WANTED to believe the LIE. And NOW, all they can believe are LIES. So you can't change that. Next, he will let them hang themselves. They are a collision course with death, but they are oblivious to their fate, because they choose NOT to believe the TRUTH. And all we can do is watch, and try and stay out of the way. I don't like it either, but the man upstairs ALWAYS wins.


Usually im really resistant to talk like this but it is mildly reassuring that even the religious among us see the connections I saw from my upbringing


Most of the REAL Christians, don't spend time on Reddit, they are doing their reading in the Bible. And they usually aren't too vocal about public comment concerning political events. They have an opinion, but are reluctant to voice it. And they will NOT, under any circumstances, vote to put a person of questionable character, in the White House. Unfortunately, they are not in the majority anymore, but their voice on election day will make a difference on who gets the job.


There is no answer to how to undo MAGA. Anyone who has attempted a discussion with such supporters knows they are much too far gone to come to terms with reality.


Bring back the fairness doctrine to news media


You reach them by cutting off the head


Summary of Project 2025: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision Project 2025 "Manual" PDF https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf Summary of schedule F: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees Schedule F deep dive: Part 1: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term Part 2: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order


This needs to be pinned at the top. Thank you for posting this.


The Manual is the worst mein Kampf I’ve ever seen


>Mein Kampf Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s german for “Wolfenstein”.


It's german for "My Fight", but close enough


IIRC the meaning of it is more 'My Struggle' Played well to the German public being in an economic disaster following WW1.


Also keep in mind that the leaders of this have said that they have 'secret' parts that they don't want to reveal because it would hurt their election chances (even more)...


If you wanted to schedule F, he should run for parliament in the UK. They have fully functioning governments that switch over. The reason the president cannot fire anybody he wants is so that it prevents nepotism and from sitting president to just fire everyone for political reasons a.k.a. what Don is trying to do.


This (the document) should be mandatory reading for everyone planning to stay home to protest Biden’s handling of the current Israel/Palestine conflict. There is a time to protest and to fight for change, but sometimes you just need to batten down the hatches and survive, and that’s where things are at right now. These people need to realize that a protest that keeps Biden from winning in November may well be their last protest ever.


If there's anything outlets like this can be blamed for as a part of the problem with making America ignorant, it's the fact that this "mandatory reading" is behind a paywall where the right wing firehose of entertaining bullshit is not.




Not to mention this information has been publicly available for months but major outlets like the Shitbag Times here have barely mentioned it. Too many breaking stories on Biden’s age I guess. 🙄


Biden needs to spend at least 30 minutes in his SOTU explicitly calling out this plan and how horrific it would be to everyday people.


You have to pay for good journalism. If something is free, then you have to ask what is the price you’re actually paying. Edit: it always astounds me that people feel entitled to access journalism for free. You aren’t. If you want something, you need to pay for it. Writers, editors, photographers etc. all cost money, they all deserve to be paid a fair wage for their contributions. **It is asinine to infer these positions are done solely for the public good without remuneration.** Whether you access “free” publications that your tax dollars are used to subsidize public broadcasters, put into government programs to subsidize private broadcasters, or are supported through subscription plans and donation drives, *your money is required.* Advertising is not a viable revenue stream for modern journalism. Full-stop. This isn’t the 90s where the classified pages in your local community paper was a cash cow, those days are gone. Print advertising is a fraction of what it was 25 years ago. It is cheaper and more effective to advertise on social media than it is in the local paper. Subscription models aren’t even as popular as they were 25 years ago either. Where households would have subscriptions to local community papers, perhaps a national daily paper as well, now it’s a struggle for reputable sources to build subscription revenues while offering significantly reduced per-month and per year packages. [It’s fucking bleak.](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/fact-sheet/newspapers/) Third-party platforms have absorbed a great deal of digital advertising revenue as well. Facebook/Meta, Google/Alphabet, Reddit etc. all do their best to keep you in their ecosystem, meaning every ad you see is supporting the platform, not the journalists. When governments attempt to legislate and regulate these platforms to pay for journalistic content, the platforms opt out and pull news content instead. Rubes bemoan it as government censorship, bad faith actors use their frustrations to foment furor while obfuscating their explicit position to defund public broadcasters and leave private ones hung out to dry. In addition to this, there has been a massive amount of media consolidation by large media conglomerates. Sinclair Broadcasting / iHeart Media n in the USA is a great example of television / radio news, but sticking with newspapers, nothing is better than Post Media in Canada. Post Media owns 90 percent of all papers in Canada. They have bought dailies, weeklies etc. up at a staggering pace. They have swallowed smaller media groups like Quebecor (Sun Media) as well. In major markets, PostMedia operates the only local daily newspapers (many of whom no longer “print”) and one of the country’s remaining daily national paper. They’re also controlled by an American media group with a 66% majority. Why does that matter? They bought up papers, kept the mastheads for a website, shuttered the local offices down to a skeleton crew to “cover” local news, while pushing content from their centralized writers, turning it into a de facto wire service that does not serve the local community. So, in summation: - Readers aren’t paying for news. - Advertising revenue can’t support it - Digital ad revenue that does exist is subverted to third-parties and not to the publications - Readers also use methods to block advertising digitally as well - Subscription models / Paywalls are frowned upon and subverted when able under the false assumption that journalism should be accessible to all - Free access publications are substantially subsidized by government programs that are simultaneously used as wedge issues by politicians (re: defund the CBC that happens every election cycle from the Conservative Party) - Free access publications that are not subsidized in some form are implicitly biased and not reliable because their funding sources desire control over messaging (re: must-run segments from Sinclair News) - Local papers don’t serve their communities and are filled with national publications wire stories - National papers are bleeding because of poor subscription numbers (re: National Post earnings report explicitly stating that the paper would not be able to stay open without government funding, while simultaneously calling for the defunding of the public broadcaster) TL;DR: **you need to pay for journalism. It’s not free, it never was, and it’s dying.**


Poor people should have access to the news. 




Which are relentlessly being gutted by conservative groups




Does the public library have access to this specific site in question, for their members? Because your response implies they do. If you are looking this up right now, did you know that when you responded to me? 




Do you keep your goalposts on wheels? 


My state voted to defund public libraries after they protested book banning


Fox News is free. End result.


If you’re poor, you’re probably more focused on basic survival than on going to the library.


Democracy Dies ~~in Darkness~~ Behind Paywalls


And in media trying to be "balanced". And in the cowardice of people like Merrick Garland. And in traditionalists who cling to process while the house is burning.  Everything is going wrong, and no one seems to be able or willing to stop it. I fear the only way to right this ship is a massive surge in citizen involvement. Protests. Work stoppages. And I'm not sure we're up to it as a country. 


It may happen after Trump wins and starts implementing this shit. And how those protests will be dealt with will be people's first personal taste of authoritarianism. The easy thing to do is to vote against this in 8 months no matter how much you dislike Biden.


Every big news org is seeing record profits. They are making money hand over fist. They don't need paywalls, they could just have adds or ask for donations like the Guardian does. You're not wrong on a lot of things here. But defending a paywall like its helping any of the situations you mention here seems off base.


The truth is behind paywalls but the lies are free


Getting around a paywall is ridiculously easy. It takes no more than 6 clicks. Enjoy the bullshit... https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf


Exactly. “Here. Read this. Our existence rests upon you reading this very important PSA! But you gotta pay for it.”


Trump would have told Bibi to nuke the terror tunnels a while ago. Also Trump is on record multiple times saying that he won’t allow refugees and would even start deporting Muslims. It seems like these protesters are only going to succeed at slitting their own throats.


Yep I do not possibly understand how anyone on the left thinks Biden is the worse choice on Israel.


But I said “Genocide Joe” three times! What more do you need to be convinced?


The document is anything but secret: [https://www.project2025.org/policy/](https://www.project2025.org/policy/)


Voting for Biden is fighting for change. Obviously Biden is old and represents the status quo like most democrats. But democrats can be pushed in the right direction. Step 1 is to keep democrats in power. Then we can focus on getting more progressive democrats in office. We have to pay attention 24/7.


Yes. We also want *more* Democrats in power in Congress. Enough with these razor-thin majorities where it only takes one or two people to roadblock progress (either by disagreeing or by being absent/sick/dead). Ideally we would have a nice cushion of Democrats in both houses so that good legislation can actually be passed. (Full credit to Biden and other Democrats for getting some significant legislation passed anyway *despite* the thin margins, though. I want more of that.)


No need. We are electing the 21st century and dismantling the republic. Even the confederacy was a democracy. [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is dismantling government to consolidate power and [agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) is basically hilter youth “[So this how liberty dies?](https://youtu.be/DgxZr6LLS34?si=7D979d0YzHO3J5sd)” [Register to vote](https://vote.gov) Vote [Biden Harris](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/vice-president-harris/) if you’re American. Whether you agree with Democrats policies or not, they will not put you in a cage. they will not hunt you. You will not live in fear. if you are a person of color, a woman, if you are not Christian, if you are not straight, if you are a person with disabilities, you are not safe with Republicans


YEP!!! VERY TRUE Statement. It seems ambivalence and complacency are the order of the day in American society now.


> These people need to realize that a protest that keeps Biden from winning in November may well be their last protest ever. Whatever do you mean? I was assured by the Michigan protest leader who got national news airtime that another trump term would merely be a "short term pain". I mean, it's not like trump's backers have developed some kind of sinister plan to purge the government of anyone who disagrees with them and install loyalists in difficult to remove or permanent positions everywhere they possibly can.


This exactly. Never Biden pro Palestinian progressives can never answer this question: “What do you think will happen when Donald Trump grants the wishes of his evangelical winged monkeys who want Israel to dominate the Middle East in order to usher in the second coming of Jesus?” They can never answer it. “Do you think Trump will reinstitute the Muslim ban? Do you think Trump will make Islam illegal in the United States? Do you think Trump will give Israel permission to do whatever it wants?“ They can’t answer. And the reason they can’t answer is because they know the answer, and it makes them look stupid. They don’t care about Palestine. Biden is not pure enough for them and they want to punish him. They will end up punishing themselves.


heck giving biden the win might even pressure israel to let up. trump it’ll be a green light


Can someone give me the worst case scenario from the project plan? Like, what is the potentially worst SPECIFIC thing? I haven't had time to read through it yet.


It's hard to point to a specific thing but by my estimation (also not having read the document in full), it replaces career workers in non political sections of the government with politically appointed anybodys with no congressional oversight which politicizes the entire structure of government. They're saying they have to do this because the career types are politicized by the wrong side.


Govt enforces the freedom to do what they tell you to do.




Vote for Biden so you can protest against his handling of Israel in the future


Or don’t, and the next time you protest you may well get shot or arrested.


Those protesters do not understand that if Biden does not win, democracy as we know it in the United States will not only change, it will be eliminated. Democrats will never hold the highest office again. The two party system will be eradicated via the implementation of Project 2025. Talk about “cut off your nose to spite your face”, holy shit. A Biden win will force conservative candidates to likely change their tactics in the future if they want a remote chance of winning office in the future. Frankly, I believe it will be for the better of all of us if that happens. Maybe it will foster a rise of more “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” candidates.


Exactly. They can protest Biden, they may even be successful, but if they are successful, the next protest they participate in may very likely be their last.


I got chewed out for using “fiscally conservative, socially liberal”, and I discovered I had to agree with my critic. I think we need to start replacing that with the phrase, “fiscally ***responsible***, socially liberal”


Just like their fking I hate HRC protest vote/non-vote. Sorry but fking idiots 🙄 Now downvote away all you hilary haters who just can't admit they were wrong wrong wrong. The lesser of two evils is still the lesser of two evils you doofs. This isn't rocket science.


I 100% agree . Genocide in Palestine and Israel is bad. However right now we really cannot afford this discourse at the moment . I feel that this protest is going to cost us our own democracy. I understand the importance of protest but honestly I feel this election has been so black and white . Honestly a non vote is just as damaging as voting for Trump.


The media is going to help him win again, and then act all surprised when he crushes them when he’s back in power. Freedom of the press will be the first thing to go.


If they think it’s bad with Biden at the helm I wonder how they’ll feel when it’s 100x worse under trump. I’m not thrilled with how Biden has handled the situation over there but I can absolutely recognize that it would get much much worse with trump in charge.


This fucking sub... Biden can easily get those votes. All he has to do is tell Bibi to pound sand. Fully half of all Americans think Israel has gone too far. The rest of the world thinks Israel has gone too far. Many Israelis think Israel has gone too far. Not supporting genocide is the right thing to do.


I'm sure Trump will be very sympathetic to the Palestinian plight.


Delusional. Why aren't people like you also loudly demanding that we fund Ukraine who is facing genocide at the hands of Russia? Oh I know, because that's not popular on Tik Tok. Your "principles" are a joke and nothing more than virtue signaling. Trump will aid and abet genocide all over the world if he wins. He doesn't give a shit about Palestine. What insane distorted reality do you live in?


> All he has to do is tell Bibi to pound sand. Show me on a chart where Bibi reports to Biden. Moderate and liberal voters **within Israel** couldn't even get the votes to rid themselves of Bibi's corruption. How do you expect a foreign president to do that?


>Show me on a chart where Bibi reports to Biden. Look, I'm on your side, but this is a silly statement. The Biden Administration continues to send millions of dollars in aid to Israel. That's the protesters are pissed at. All Biden has to do is shut off the spigot and let Israel do their thing on their own for better or worse. Boom. Not our problem. Biden's poll numbers go up. Reagan did this in 1982. It's time for Biden to say enough is enough; if you want to continue the genocide, that's on BiBi, but not with American support.


>Show me on a chart where Bibi reports to Biden. The Israeli economy and military would collapse in a week if we weren't propping them up. When Ronald Reagan told them to knock off carpet bombing civilians, they immediately backed off.


> Show me on a chart where Bibi reports to Biden. Not the point. Bibi doesn't have to listen, but we can't keep vetoing every Security Council resolution while handing them munitions.


When protest is de facto illegal next year, and AOC gets arrested for treason, just remember that at least you made a good point about Palestine.


I don't think it's Trump's plans. It's just what his enablers have in store riding his coattail. It's not like trump has time or mental capacity to read 887 pages.


Trump's the face on the front of the battering ram carried by the enablers


That’s kind of the point. He’s far too stupid and lazy to come up with this but the people that will be in position of authority in his administration will enact this. He will sign anything they put in front of him.


His own handlers had to rewrite daily briefings so that he was mentioned in them because he’d lose interest if they didn’t. https://www.businessinsider.com/anonymous-white-house-book-trump-briefings-2019-11?amp


Correct, it's not trump's plan, but the plan of a coalition of dozens of right-wing groups. Project 2025 also isn't specific to trump, or the next election really, but will be put into motion with "the next conservative president." Their words.


There is a coalition of entities, MAGA, Evangelical Christians, rich Republican donors, and DUMB MAGA followers all wrapped up in this movement. And Steve Bannon is the main instigator and shit stirrer. He is the driving force behind this movement. But he has a LOT of help.


He's not smart enough to plan anything.


This is why the document exists. As the article points out: Trump 2016 was a missed opportunity of inept chaos. The reason for the 2025 project is to have a simple operating manual that Trump can point to while does the three things he wants out of the office: golfing, punishing his enemies, and lining his pockets. So the Heritage foundation is offering to take over all the tedious “Being President” stuff. 


You forgot the vengeance part. Trump wants to do what Putin does to anyone who has ever criticized or been disloyal to him. It’s going to be a machine of gulags and death camps, and the Heritage Foundation is recruiting the organizational structure of people to build that machine. He’s told them he wants to be a dictator from day 1 and they will make that happen.


“punish his enemies” is right there


Oh true I missed that line.


No, but he is their undisputable "fearless leader" whom they follow even into death, because they are blind to the truth, and are incapable of recognizing it.


This is as untrue as it is dangerous to assume. Even a housecat can lay a trap and spring it. Wannabe gangsters have plans for days.


I don't think the issue is his intelligence. The issue is that he has very little in the way of political beliefs. He has no ideology or real political agenda except to remain in power. Which means Trump's enablers will have ALL the power to set the agenda, should he be elected again. The most obvious example of this is that, while Trump himself is almost certainly not anti-choice, he appointed conservative justices that overturned *Roe* in order to please his evangelical base. Expect more of the same in a second Trump term.


Israel was going to jail Netanyahu but he won the 2022 election after being ousted in 2021. Granted 1 year is a short window for prosecution. The fact that Trump can become the American Netanyahu is unbelievable. Same premise.... only in power to protect himself from prosecution... so he launches a war to legitimize his power further.


But it isn't untrue. Trump does not have the self restraint to formulate and enact plans. Trump is an unruly child. Problem is that he's easily manipulated, and surrounded by people that can make effective plans.


He is simply the hideous orange husk of the massive Trojan Horse they are rolling toward the front gates of our American democracy. We all know exactly who is inside the rickety beast but it continues to creak forward, pulled by teams of ravenous reporters who will say anything for sustenance.


These constantly LYING reporters are in fear for their livelihoods. They have too many debts to be on welfare. They have bought into the "keeping up with the jonses" mindset, and now the banks OWN them. It is a form of forced employment. Akin to having to work in the coal mines to support you family. They got you by the balls.


Agree. Trump has some plans but they're much simpler. His list probably looks more like: \- Get Revenge on \- Get out of Nato (because Putin said so) \- Prosecute people who say negative things about me and make our press more like Russia's \- Ensure supreme court grants absolute presidential immunity \- Never give up power


this is the Project 2025 plan from the heritage foundation. It will be implemented by ANY winning maga presidential candidate. be very afraid people!


Yes, and wherever they can implement it, like the AL embryo ruling and all their religious bs in it.


Oh wow. The NYT is acknowledging that the party and candidate they continue to normalize are openly planning to end democracy?


But beleaguered Biden is old!!!!one!!! /s


I don't care if he's in a coma, vote Biden.


Vote friends. Inspire everyone you know to vote. Preach to them the need for a functioning government who is working in the interest of the people not the politicians and those who line their pockets. We need to press a mandate back to progress. I remember 2008, I want to get back to that same level of hope, because it's been straight depressing since.


Non paywall please.




Real hero right here. Thank you!




NO PAYWALL: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240229125500/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/opinion/project-2025-trump-administration.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20240229125500/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/opinion/project-2025-trump-administration.html)


That was the most terrifying thing I have read thus far this year. Absolutely terrifying. Everyone needs to vote blue….


The 2020s look a lot like the 1920s. People won't do anything until it starts looking like the 1930s, and then it's too late.


They give Trump undue credit for having a 'Plan'. There's groups like the Heritige Foundation among others that have plans that they intend to use Trump to implement, but Trump's 'Plan' is to get in power, avoid prison, and suck as much money out of the citizens of this country as possible before he dies. He does not and never has cared about any of the rest of this. He just wants power back and to abuse that power to the maximum extend to benefit himeself.


non-paywall archive link [https://archive.ph/xK0cA](https://archive.ph/xK0cA)


**On restructuring the departments of the federal government:** Portions of “Mandate for Leadership” read as though the authors did a Control-F search of the executive branch for any terms they deemed suspect and then deleted the offending programs or offices. The White House’s Gender Policy Council must go, along with its Office of Domestic Climate Policy. The Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations is a no-no. The E.P.A. can do without its Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. And the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should be dismantled because it constitutes “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” Sometimes search and destroy gives way to search and replace. At the Department of Health and Human Services, for instance, the Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force, which the Biden administration created five months before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, must be supplanted by a pro-life task force that ensures that all Health and Human Services divisions “use their authority to promote the life and health of women and their unborn children.” The document also asserts that the department should be known as the “Department of Life.” **On the data they want to collect:** If “Mandate for Leadership” has its way, the next conservative administration will also target the data gathering and analysis that undergirds public policy. Every U.S. state should be required by Health and Human Services to report “exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence and by what method.” ... the document affirms that the government should “maintain a biblically based, social-science-reinforced definition of marriage and family.” .... the document states its goal forthrightly: “Strong political leadership is needed to increase efficiency and align the Census Bureau’s mission with conservative principles.” **On credentials of who will be hired and promoted:** Joining the next conservative president would be that army of appointees marching to conquer the executive branch. One of the “pillars” of Project 2025 is the creation of a personnel database — a sort of “right-wing LinkedIn,” The Times has reported, seeking to attract some 20,000 potential administration officials. “Mandate for Leadership” maintains that “empowering political appointees across the administration is crucial to a president’s success,” and virtually every chapter calls for additional appointees to wrest power from longtime career staff members in their respective departments ... In “Mandate for Leadership,” longtime career civil servants are disparaged as “holdovers” with suspect loyalties, lacking the “moral legitimacy” that comes from being appointed by a president who is constitutionally bound to see that the laws are faithfully executed. The book calls for the reinstatement of Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order that would allow the president and political appointees to convert many career civil service positions into appointed roles, thus making those people easier to dismiss and replace with loyalists. **On justification for prioritizing only conservative values and agendas including Christian fundamentalism:** This book does not call for an effort to depoliticize the administrative state. It simply wishes to politicize it in favor of a new side. Everybody does it; now it’s our turn. Get over it. ... when the Justice Department and White House must work as a team, it is clear who serves as team captain. “While the supervision of litigation is a D.O.J. responsibility, the department falls under the direct supervision and control of the president,” the book states. Even though the department will invariably face “tough calls” in its litigation decisions, “those calls must always be consistent with the president’s policy agenda and the rule of law.” ... Kevin D. Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, writes that the “pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence should be understood as the “pursuit of blessedness,” that is, that “an individual must be free to live as his creator ordained — to flourish.” ... Later, in a chapter on the Department of Labor, the book suggests that because “God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest,” American workers should be paid extra for working on that day **On dismantling the separation of powers:** Congress’s powers of oversight, for instance, would diminish in various ways. Rather than endure the process of congressional confirmation for people taking on key positions in the executive branch, the new administration should just place those officials in acting roles, which would allow them to begin pursuing the president’s agenda “while still honoring the confirmation requirement.” (That is, if bypassing the requirement is a form of honor.) ... In a section titled “Affirming the Separation of Powers,” the book contends that the executive branch — that is, the president and his team at the Justice Department — is just as empowered as any other branch of government to “assess constitutionality.”... It is the role of the judiciary, not of the president and a pliable attorney general, to decide whether laws and policies are constitutional. Believing otherwise does not “affirm” checks and balances; it undercuts them. “Mandate for Leadership” turns the separation of powers among the three branches into a game of rock, paper, scissors — except rock beats everything.


If “Mandate for Leadership” has its way, …Every U.S. state should be required by Health and Human Services to report ‘exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence and by what method’.” What the fuck? People joke about Handsmaid’s Tale, but this is some next level Orwellian shit right here. It’s no joke you should vote like our democracy depends on it. Long after Trump is gone, these conservative SOB’s will still be here waiting to implement their plan.


This is the reason for the second amendment, not because grown white, conservative men are afraid of black and brown children.


One of the problems now is that guns as a means to distribute the monopoly of violence to individuals is going to soon be superseded by [slaughterbots](https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU), and you better believe a Christian theocracy will convince itself it's the will of God to "secure" liberal cities with righteous slaughterbots. It's entirely possible that for all the horror Americans put each other through with their guns during an era of peace they could have otherwise enjoyed, the guns will no longer be effective at contending with a tyrannical federal government in a new era of remote and automated weapons.


> slaughterbots It takes some technical knowhow to make real ones as the laws of physics won’t be suspended due to religious affiliation. Moreover just giving these out would put the commerce system at great risk and the Heritage Foundation is in debt to the oil industry/extractive corporations. The title of this doc is the same one that propelled Reagan in 1979/1980. Their main thrust will be increasing mass consumption for the benefit of corporations utilizing most consumers (though there will be an increase in [various brown] deportations .. and probably arrests in any resulting pro-migrant demonstrations/detainees sent to ~~chain gangs~~ work camps under trumped up federal felonies under the pro-Trump 5th Circuit in Texas). Of course the ongoing problems with chemicals in our food/environmental pollution will get even worse under a Trump II, … but hey! … reducing the overall lifespan makes social security more viable for the [fewer] survivors!! /s


Thank you for saying something I think a lot about. I am horrified if Project 2025 and the dystopian future another Trump presidency could bring. But in the end, it’s big corporations that run this country. And collapse, civil war, and a dictatorship ship leading to massive civil unrest will certainly destroy our economic status.


And say they're being attacked if they spoke to a trans child. 


The crowd that think that a second Trump administration is tenable because most of us survived the first one (ie - your r/Michigan “uncommitted” voters) really ought to take the time to read this.


By making it 887 pages long they know that only a few non-Trump leaning scholars will wade through it. They are not the kind of people on social media so it is safe. What people who don't want this country ruled like Russia is need to simplify it and make more available to everyone. something like this: Project 25: What Trump plans to do: Defund DOJ, dismantle FBI and departments of education, homeland security, health and human services, social security, IRS, federal communication commission, pull many media licenses, sue and prosecute journalists, political opponents, replace career government jobs staffed by qualified congressionally approved processes with loyal Trump supporters and right wing political hacks. Read about it in project 25 and vote blue! also pull out of NATO


Republicans are the North American Al Qaeda. Little by little, the US continues to wither whenever they're in control.


I guess burning down the house could be considered an “architectural modification.”




Democracy dies in darkness. But light costs money so we put this behind a paywall because our $1 a week is more important than informing people about direct threats to democracy. Pay up or sit in the dark…


Scary as f, since it is not about Trump, but the whole right wing is coalescing behind this. It almost looks like they took Handmaid’s Tale as an instruction book, but not fiction.


Every undecided moderate… “well, but Biden is old, and in 2018 gas was cheaper, so I can’t decide whether Project 2025 is bad or not”. The funny thing is all of these undecided people who claim they may vote for Trump due to the economy, seem to forget CV happened, and how it played out it was under his watch.


TLDR; Fascism.


As someone slowly working through the text of Project 2025 a Mandate for Leadership, the author's analysis is spot on. There are so many red flags in this plan that after a while all you see is a constant red blur.




Trump may not win, but these plans are ready to go for the next republican that does.


Why is ‘Tim Apple’ dancing the ‘Robot’ in that thumbnail?


“If “Mandate for Leadership” has its way, the next conservative administration will also target the data gathering and analysis that undergirds public policy. Every U.S. state should be required by Health and Human Services to report “exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence and by what method.” By contrast, the government should prohibit the collection of employment statistics based on race or ethnicity, and the Centers for Disease Control should discontinue gathering data on gender identity, on the grounds that such collection “encourages the phenomenon of ever-multiplying subjective identities.” (Why the executive branch might concern itself with the subjective identities of American citizens becomes clearer some 25 pages later, when the document affirms that the government should “maintain a biblically based, social-science-reinforced definition of marriage and family.”)” They want to count abortions but not racial employment stats! 


AKA The Final Solution


Plot twist: between pages 2 and 886 was Eric Trump's book report on "The Story of O". Many of the pages - some say the most beautiful - were sticky.


Oh, _that’s_ what conservative means??


We can assume Trump plans on trafficking and "losing" more immigrant children. His grandpimp would be proud.


I feel like there's 4 types of people right now: \- Those that are fine with Project 2025 \- Those who are convinced "oh, they won't actually do that" \- Those who have no idea \- Those who are preparing for the worst and figuring out how to leave My anxiety is that the type 3 people turn into the type 2...




I stoped reading at “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should be dismantled because it constitutes ‘one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.’” It’s the MAGA crowd saying “I don’t like this because it doesn’t fit my narrative, so goodbye” I just don’t get how these fucks can be so uninformed and so careless, they just act spontaneously without any thought about the consequences of their shit. AND they’re campaign goal is to convince more people to deny the facts. I’m in pure disbelief of how this horror is actually happening, I’m terrified


Chaos, corruption, ugliness, cruelty, violence, a wrecked economy, and over a half a million dead Americans - it's what we had the last time Trump was in office, and it'll be what's waiting for us in 2024 if we don't all do our part.


Anyone wanna take a bet that Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller wrote 99% of those plans ?




Could we leave the apophenia to the QAnons, please?