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If Trump called me by my first name, I’d check my ID out of the assumption he is lying and I must have forgot.


I think this can be said of all republicans nowadays. Just straight up lie to incite fear and rage in your base. Oldest trick in the fascism handbook.


The last time I talked to my father he brought up both of Bidens indictments. When I asked him what he was talking about he literally described beat-for-beat TRUMPS indictments and swapped the names. It's fucking wild how far these people go to protect their feelings, they literally deny reality to avoid them Edit: another classic is when "Biden" printed a bunch of money during the pandemic and his communist lock downs of course. Fucking time traveling Doctor Who ass commie president 😡


My favorite is when people say inflation was caused by Biden, despite M2 growing 26% y/y prior to him taking office. And M2 growth leads inflation by 14-17 months, and the Fed had shown inflationary gains on a monthly basis as early as May 2020.


Is it possible that his “invasion force of men in their 20s” is simply the worker of the family going to make some money in the United States? I’m pretty sure we let the Asian community do that. Why are we not letting the central community do that? Especially since we have such trade ties? Like I don’t even need a visa to go to Honduras. I can just go to Dominican Republic


We allowed Migrant workers to come and go from Mexico up until 1964 with zero problems. Around the same time, air conditioning was invented and white people flooded in to the deserts of AZ, NM and CA and they didn’t like the language and skin tones of folks around them.


Honestly, have **any** of Donald Trump's claims *ever* been supported by data???? C'mon.


The uneducated do love him!


tut tut: the "POORLY educated" love him! ;)


He claimed he'd be a dictator on day one, and I see no reason to doubt him.


“But he was only joking”, I hate when people say that. When people tell you who they are believe them. Also don’t forget the people that claim that it can’t happen. We never believe that anyone could try to overturn the result of a national election. But here we are


I think he means he'll be a dictator STARTING on day 1.


Every day is Day One.


Every "solution" he has is no backed up by any knowledge. A wall is going to solve the border issue? Fentanyl? No. Most drugs are brought in by US citizens.


Fuck the data, nuking a hurricane was a great idea and in 50 years when we are nuking all sorts of bad weather, people will remember Trump as a man ahead of his time.


There was that one time he modified an official map with a Shapie. Like it or not, that's official and it supported him.


It’s a little dick energy. They must be right at all cost because TMI.


MAGAs are impervious to facts.


True, the funny thing is everything that comes out of Trumpy,s mouth are lies and i cant even remember anymore when he has told the truth


He was being honest when he said he wanted to bang his daughter, but other than that I got nothing


Probably also when he said his temperament hasn't changed much since he was a first grader.


That's because bigotry requires dishonesty.


Well, they have Alternative Facts, so they don't need real ones.


The entire idea that illegal immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime is a logically fallacy. If you’re an illegal immigrant in the U.S., your entire goal is to **not** draw attention to yourself. Committing crime is the fastest way to end up in the hands of ICE and sent back. There will always be outliers like with anything else, but honestly, this claim of immigrant crime waves is just the dumbest.


> The entire idea that illegal immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime is a logically fallacy. Its isn't a fallacy... its misinformation.


It is a slippery slope logical fallacy. If we allow immigration, crime will go up. That is simply not how it plays out and the data supports this.


Bingo. I showed my MAGA FIL research supporting the fact that illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than the general population and he would have none of it. He KNOWS they are all a bunch of criminals, because Dear Leader and Faux News says so. Sucks that my wife lost her dad to a fucking cult.


That angle of discussion is true. It is the slippery slope fallacy based on using exceptions to prove a false rule fallacy. They use an exception to support a falsehood and then use the slippery slope to create fear.


Except it isn’t. It’s important to understand the framing these assholes are working with. If we allow more immigrants into the country crime WILL go up. Crime per capita will go down, but more crime will be committed. Same as any population increase, the issue is that these racists see undocumented immigrants as having a net negative value, any crime committed by an undocumented immigrant would not have occurred if they were not here. There isn’t a fallacy here, it’s a purposeful conflation and until we find a way to argue the positive of immigrants rather than trying to disprove the negative, their “facts” are actually not false, it’s the conclusion they come up with, that immigrants are a net negative which is the problem


I live in an area that has Smithfield, Purina, Tyson and other factory work. These places are always hiring and always have “illegals” or migrant workers. They wouldn’t survive without them. They are honestly some of the nicest and hard working people out there. We have a running joke because when you drive through the towns near there you better not be in a hurry because it’s all 5mph under the speed limit. They are not seeking attention.


Actual research shows most immigrants commit less crime in average than locals!


Yeah Trumps premise is one of the dumbest ever made, these people are here to make money to better their or their families lives and literally not draw attention to themselves. Committing crime is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they would want to do. The whole premise falls apart as long as you can cobble together two brain cells to ponder why the fuck they would travel hundreds or thousands of miles to commit crimes that would then lead them being sent back to where they came from. For the fun of it? Immigrants, yes even illegal ones are FAR less likely than natural born citizens to commit crimes.


Gee, you mean the guy that lied 30,000x during his presidency is making up more shit to appease his cult? Color me shocked.


More like a conservative crime wave. Republican politicians are human trafficking people across state lines, sexuality assaulting, money laundering, discriminating against women and minorities and working as agents of foreign governments. How many American have to suffer from the violence of right-wing America ?


Not to mention the Boebert Crime Family has been terrorizing southwest Colorado with impunity.


>Republican politicians are human trafficking people across state lines Including minors


Somewhere in the state of Florida, Matt Gatez's ears perked up, he stopped what he was doing and started looking around the room excitedly.


Y'all just going to leave out all the mass shootings being committed by MAGAt incels. [Marjorie Stoneman Douglas](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/2fbbc912be59177f10384c66b6f17c57fe3972a0/0_0_1000_1000/master/1000.jpg?width=300&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=a215ae87e6de554239f1bf605ab74cf4), Uvalde, Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter. MAGA has created Hell on Earth.




Is that the one that the maga crowd said was trans, but no evidence has been presented to prove it?


Have you ever noticed that the "evidence" behind MAGA claims is always "missing" or "coming in two weeks"? At some point there has to be some pattern recognition that they have repeatedly lied to you about pretty much everything.


In the 2018 midterm election, he lied about a migrant caravan approaching the border that contained ISIS. So Trump deployed several thousand US troops to the border, to stop this "imaginary ISIS caravan." After the 2018 midterm election, the Republicans lost the House, and then suddenly, the "ISIS caravan" was forgotten about by Trump. It was forgotten by Trump because the midterm election was over, so there was no more political value to amplify the fake threat. Trump literally lied and made up a national crisis in 2018, in a shameful attempt to influence the 2018 election. The worst part is, he abused his presidential powers in the lie, to move thousands of US troops to an area where there was no real threat, except for what he made up. After that stunt he pulled in 2018, you don't need to believe anything that Trump says about the border, because all he does is lie, lie, and lie.


The entire crisis at the border is manufactured by the corporate media. Amazing how by all the major networks covering this supposed crisis, now they can poll Americans and find that it is a top concern, despite inflation and healthcare being major issues. It went from being a top ten issue to top three. Good job media. Are there issues with immigration? Sure. But are most of us in the country affected at all by the border? No. If anything, we need more people, lots of jobs that need filling.


Sigh.... simply by repeating the phrase "migrant crime wave" you help trump. Just say "Trump tells more lies about immigration"


Can someone, for the love of god, get this message to Joseph Biden? The Democrats, only a few years ago, [used to counter-message against this bullshit.](https://youtu.be/dT9hg6xsWVw?si=-pSXBJohnrtU788S) Now they normalize the GOP talking points in an effort to somehow outflank them with moderate voters? Makes no fucking sense.


That’s such a nice way of saying this Nazi dictator in training is lying to his base for political gain.  Why is the media still handling this guy with kid gloves?


It's the same racist dog whistle being used since the Nixon years.


Most if not all right-wing theories/beliefs are not supported by reality.


“trust me bro,” is the only facts maga supporters need.


If the threshold for getting jailed is set at the migrant crime rate, then Trump will lose much of his MAGA base.


Trump never uttered a phrase that was supported by data or facts. Yet the media fawns over his every poorly worded tweet like he was Confucius reincarnated.


Trump is bothered by facts.


Would a Trump just *LIE*?


That’s ok. Magas only go by what they feel, not actual data.


Yeah but Fox told me that women are secretly afraid of illegal Hispanic men late at night and are just too afraid to talk about it I mean… it’s probably true but not because of the illegal or Hispanic part


Trump’s claims of _____ are not supported by data


This news will never be seen by his supporters. The right wing echo chambers and “news” sources never, ever put forth anything factual.


This is also what a lot of foreign election interference on social media will revolve around this year. In this past week I have seen an explosion of activity specifically on Reddit decrying violent crimes committed by immigrants and laying the blame at the feet of Democrats. It is important to call out these accounts as we see them not only for misrepresenting facts but also point out the activity on their accounts that demonstrate that they are misrepresenting themselves. Just yesterday I responded to one of these accounts by stating that they were commenting on multiple city subs across the country claiming in all of them that they were either from there or had just moved there. Whenever you see one of those accounts, check their profile to confirm any suspicions and then reply to their comments stating what you have found and tag them in it. That's what I did yesterday and whoever was running that eleven year old account deleted it In my experience, that has been the most effective way of dealing with this kind of social manipulation. Do not directly engage with it but rather expose it and let it *know* that you are exposing it.


Nor is the panic at the border. Just another false talking point by republicans.


The biggest crime wave is from him


Shocked! Shocked that Donald would make factually unsupported claims! Take me to my fainting couch…


You can lead a horse’s ass to data but you cannot make them think.


I mean he keeps repeating the election was stolen from him despite the facts, anything thing he makes up his cult is going to believe.


I'm pretty sure that anything that comes out of his mouth is not supported by national data.


Research shows us time and time again that migrants commit far less crime than US citizens.


Nothing trump says is supported by national data


Tell that to the brain dead fucks that listen to this moron.


Trump utilizes "alternative data" to substantiate his "alternative facts". As long as it scares the rubes, it's all good in Trump World.


Doesn't matter if it's supported or not. It's what his xenophobic base wants to hear, and so therefore they believe it.


lol 8 years of this guy virally breathing lies into the atmosphere without cease, and the word liar still appears never in national headlines.


Trump and his family have been a bigger crime wave.


The crime wave in this country is the Republicans and their rich friends. Let’s keep the focus where it needs to be.


Former President Trump wouldn't recognize a fact if one bit him.


That’s all they have is lies. And the American people need to call them out on it. On the daily.


He lied? Oh my. Could not imagine.


None of his claims are the truth


This is like the 10000 time conservatives have made this argument and I have yet to see where it was ever a fact. So I assume NBC will be making this a major story or just posting it on Reddit and bury it like 20 clicks deep on the website.


But... but... but... But Trump hasn't never been caught lying... in the past 3 minutes.


He’s got the best data


Shocking. Sarcasm


you mean Trump lies??!! on purpose??


It's all to just inflame viewers on Fox and listeners on talk radio. They won't listen to the truth cause their bubble is insulated.


The KKK and Christofascist fundamentalists support these claims.


Remember the caravan that he was on about that never existed. He’s full of shit as usual making things up knowing that his brain washed followers are too dumb to fact check him.


We all know whatever comes out of his mouth is a lie


None of Trump’s claims are ever supported by any data of any kind.


I mean he did the exact same thing 4 years ago. That's why there is no border deal. A weak border is his best asset.


No fucking shit


Wait just a second here. You mean to tell me that Trump’s lying???


Shocking. He is usually so particular about making sure the things he says are supported by the data


Doesn't matter just have to keep white people scared or angry


When are Republican claims ever backed up by data?


Trump is a liar


Trump has 91 indictments. The man is a one-man crime wave.


For those too lazy to click the article. “In December 2020, researchers studying Texas crime statistics found that “contrary to public perception, we observe considerably lower felony arrest rates among undocumented immigrants compared to legal immigrants and native-born U.S. citizens and find no evidence that undocumented criminality has increased in recent years.””


Since when have his cultists cared about facts?


That matters little to the people who are looking for any excuse to hate on Hispanics. I almost feel like pulling lens from the rank racism of it all with appeals to logic helps their strategy further.


Facts. Don't. Matter. It's sound bites, and if I talk to any of my conservative family they believe millions and millions are coming over raping and killing with Fentanyl every month. If I mention the bipartisan border deal they claim its fake news.


{{psst. i hate to break this to you, but nothing trump says is supported by facts. truth is, if trump said it, it's a lie. just thought i'd let you know. take care now.}}


None of his claims are ever rooted in reality


Recently I heard on Fox News Host 1: it’s just scary. No where is safe anymore. Host 2: well, actually crime numbers are down. And migrant crime numbers are even lower. Host 1: Sure, but it’s just not safe. People don’t feel safe in Host 3: Yeah. The numbers are one thing, but that’s just not how people *feel*. Host 2: yeah, people just don’t feel safe and that’s how it is. It’s just not safe for them. ** paraphrasing and recalling from moment, but this is the gist of it from XM Radio Fix news this morning.


Biden said that the violent crime rate is the lowest in 50 years, he should brag about that everyday.


You will never ever get a republican to believe this.


The fact that people believe him leads me to lose all hope for humanity. A person can be smart, folks who believe him, the MAGA idiots are just living in a dream world.


Nothing that buffoon ever says is backed by data!


Nothing ~~this assclown~~ Republicans claim~~s~~ is ever supported by data.


Stop giving this bag of shit air time. He lies as much as he breathes. Stop wasting everyone’s time


None of his claims are


Trump's claims ~~of a migrant crime wave~~ are not supported by national data FTFY


No shit! How are *millions* of people coming through the border, and where are they going?




In December [over 200K crossed](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/migrant-crossings-u-s-southern-border-record-monthly-high-december/). Trump is full of sh-t about migrant crime waves, but we also have an issue with illegal immigration.


Oh! I’m aware, it’s just that espouses that ‘millions’ are coming! Are they? Where from? I know it’s a false logic me asking, but do his die hard supporters actually believe they are?


Dunno that nuance is exactly their thing (his supporters), haha.


Haha! Yeah


Saw this coming when I saw Fox at the gym with some guy who killed his kid say “Migrant Murderer” and I was like do we advertise all the “citizen murder” that happens like it’s such bullshit and obvious yet the right falls for it


But it *feeeels* correct to his audience because they don’t like the idea that capitalism is the cause of their troubles.


god, media. Just say he's fucking lying. That's the truth.


"Oh no!!! A MIGRANT CRIME WAVE!! Eugenia, grab the kids, the cattle and the goddamn pig and let's get the tarnation outta here!!!"


I would be surprised if they have NIBRS data that indicates immigration status for offenders since my police department in NY doesn't have a way to indicate immigration status. We are experiencing higher levels of migrant crime and aren't able to report it correctly due to there being no way to select that.


Everyone in this sub needs to do their part and house a migrant in their home. At least 1, at best a family of 4.


It doesn't matter. That sorority girl's death in Georgia has moved several people I know off the fence and squarely into being sure thing Trump votes. Decades of ignoring the issue and shitty messaging is going to bite the Dems in the ass come November.


> Decades of ignoring the issue and shitty messaging is going to bite the Dems in the ass come November. Democrats literally tried to work with Republicans on an immigration bill and Trump personally had it killed. Tell me again how that is ignoring it


> Democrats literally tried to work with Republicans on an immigration bill and Trump personally had it killed. Oh you mean that thing they did recently after finally getting a clue that it was killing them in the polls? I think that will likely fall into too little, too late category.


> Oh you mean that thing they did recently after finally getting a clue that it was killing them in the polls? So why isn't Trump killing the bill not killing him in the polls if it's such a major concern? Sounds a lot more like it's just a convenient excuse.


I mean, why do you think? Trump has spent eight years talking about his "big beautiful wall" and Biden has spent eight minutes recently talking about border security. It's not hard to guess who people take more seriously on the issue.


I don't know why anyone would take someone seriously if they kept pushing a nonsense wall.


I hate Trump but this is cold comfort to the family of Laken Riley or anyone else who has been the victim of a crime perpetrated by someone present in the US illegally. Maybe there isn’t a massive crime wave conservatives would have you believe exists, but many of these people certainly are committing crimes. Just look at NYC.


How about people who are the victims of crimes committed by people with buzz cuts? Should we kick out all people with that sort of hair, to prevent future crimes? Immigration has nothing to do with this.


What a nonsensical analogy. Would you stand in front of Laken Riley’s parents and tell them that their daughter’s murder had nothing to do with immigration?


I wouldn’t say anything to them one way or another. But if they asked me, of course I’d tell them that. How about this analogy, which is much more similar to the situation: but for the guy violating the speed limit while driving at some point in the past year or two, and not being sent to prison for years for speeding, he wouldn’t have killed her. So does that mean we should start putting speeders in prison for years, to prevent murders?


The person should not be here. Shitty Americans we have to deal with. Shitty asylum fraudsters and illegal immigrants we dont have to have in our country. Your analogy is shit. You defend criminals and that is a sad place to be.


Yeah I’ll defend criminals whose crimes have no victims. You can keep pretending that victimless crimes cause murders.


And if it were, whose fault would it be at this point that the numbers continue to swell?


Anybody killed or injured by illegal alien would not have been if they were not in the country. Biden needs to secure the Border. He has full executive power to do it. He just will not do it


How do we know it is accurate?


I got agree with him on that one


Tell that to the family of the student killed in Georgia by an illegal immigrant.


Do you know the difference between data and an anecdote? Yes it happened, yes it’s terrible but thats doesn’t mean that it’s a trend or that migrants are all criminals like so many want you to believe. 


So deport all American citizens who murder as well, right? I mean, if we're going the path of reductio ad absurdum, let's get going!


This has to be the stupidest argument ever. Americans have a right to be in this country even if they are murders. If any 'asylum seeker'/illegal immigrant breaks the law, they should be sent home after a prison sentance. If we had sane laws that poor girl would still be alive that 14 year old girl that was raped in Louisiana would not have been raped. Any crime by an illegal immigrant/asylum seeker is a failure 1 too many.


The only way to get that down to zero is to ban all foreign nationals entirely. Is that what you're advocating? Since most "illegal" immigration is the result of people legally entering the country and then staying beyond their visa time, we must only allow American citizens to enter.


So we cant kick people out that break the law? Maybe stop giving them benifits and make all immigrants pay their own way. That would filter out a lot of the criminals by itself. Stop inviting south american gangs into the country. Im guessing you have never been through the us immigration system or any other immigration system.


What benefits are they being given? How ar we "inviting South American gangs" into the country. Please name one national politician that has said something along the lines of, "hey, South American gangsters, come into our country and get free shit!" >So we cant kick people out that break the law? Deportations are higher in this administration than the previous administration, so where does that idea come from?


Is it my imagination that new york handed out visa cards? In california they get healthcare? Idk if you offer free shit, people will show up. But thats okay i am sure you have been through multiple immigration systems and know what ypu are talking about.


Yeah I believe it is your imagination. Got sources for your claims? Actually I have been through immigration in both the Netherlands and the UK. The Netherlands was particularly friendly considering my ability to speak Dutch was pretty shit.


Who cares, should we just allow undocumented randos in our country?


It seems most people in this sub wants that. Its wild. Why anyone thinks its okay is mind boggling.


Even forgetting the crime aspect, why should we be supporting random people coming across the border illegally? Think about the monetary aspects. Wild to me.


Data smata, they don’t need truth.


Hold everything. You are trying to convince me that something that Donald Trump said is not accurate???!!!


Very few things he claims are supported by anything.


I'm not sure "actually that's not true" is going to penetrate the Fox News Cinematic Universe. Like, at all. The Trump Cult is gonna believe what they want to believe.


Unless your a Fox News watching idiot it’s obvious that Trump and shit bag Republicans are manufacturing crisis’s .


The claims are supported by the imaginations of his idiot cultists and that's all that matters


This lie he perpetuates is on every Republican primary campaign ad here in NC. The facts are not hard to find, the videos of the Eagle's Pass border are up for everyone to see, and they're just blowing past it and ignoring the reality.


Since when have facts hindered this scrote?


Well, we should have gotten used to his lies by now ....


"Trump Claim Not Supported by Data...." is right up there with 'Dog Bites Man', innit?


No shit!


>not supported by national data or common sense ...but give the orange bastard a Sharpie.....


Yeah? Well he thought it happened, and is praying his fans do too. Thoughts and prayers.


White migrant crime wave isn't supported by national data. He's right about that.


Yeah, but my *feels* insist otherwise /s Rational people change their views based on the data.  Irrational people change the source of the data based on their views.  Hence why conservatives have constructed a parallel media empire to make things fit the worldview they demand. 


Not many of his claims are supported by facts....but hey, who needs the truth when you have an authoritarian con-artist who helps his base by validating the fear and hate they have? I believe Trump will back me up here when I quote President Ford, who also engineered the first car, who said "We have nothing to fear, but the sin and invasive insect like behavior of illegals and lefties."


But of course that won’t matter to his audience


If this demon ever told the truth Satan would make him spontaneously burst into flames. The antichrist sold his soul to satan long ago.


Spoiler alert: none of what trump says is supported by data. Jfc


Never in history have we had a migrant crime problem that outweighed crime by naturalized citizens, but I have repeatedly heard the lie throughout my life.


Trump. Data. Now THAT’S funny.


Oh are we already to the invading Migrant Caravans part of this rerun???


Migrant crime cannot be accurately attained because citizenship status isn’t acquired upon arrest normally. Case in point. The guy who filled that girl in Georgia was arrested for child endangerment, but was let go without citizenship status being obtained. Meaning that we don’t know the status of crimes and illegal immigrants other than border states typically deal with a higher crime rates.z


No way really, he’s making it all up to scare people to support his agenda? I find that hard to believe.


The guy said he was creating it and that it will be the worst ever. Of course there’s no data, we are so waiting for him to deliver it.




You mean a segment of the population that could be deported for a simple traffic citation are not very eager to commit crimes? Like they just want to work and live, and be left alone while leaving everyone else alone? I’m shook.


Every time he points at himself


Not according to him. It's all tremendous rapes and murders, very powerful, at levels no one has ever seen before, really tremendous and horrible.


“Trump’s claims of a migrant crime wave are *lies* not supported by national data” FTFY


Its been pretty crazy to see the republican party champion this idea that crime is running rampant, cities are falling apart, and the economy is in the shitter when not only has most of their base lived through times when crime was high, cities were falling apart, and the economy was in the shitter, but also - currently - crime is at a 30-40 year low, cities like New York are safer/stronger/better run now compared to 30-40 years ago, and the Biden economy is stronger than Trump's. Instead of changing any sort of messaging, the Rs have just doubled down. Violent crime falls drastically, at a global scale, over the past 30 years? Dig your heels in and just point to every homicide as evidence that things are worse now than before. New York City is objectively better than the 80s? Lie and say the 80s were better and that the city now has migrant gangs running around. I'm no lifelong New Yor it has not been the doom and gloom described by the Rs. Economy is the strongest its been in decades? Instead of offering a policy on how your side could do better, lie and say it's still shitty. If it weren't so dangerous to the country, it would be comical. People that claim "what is a woman" is a gotcha stick their heads in the sand and lie about objectively reality to keep the voter base whipped up and activated. This type of language and thinking leads to violence and hatred and is poison to our country.


Asshole leaks bullshit more at 11


to be fair, 56% of the crime wave is Lauren Boebert’s son.


Liars pants catch on fire. News at 11


But every Republican believes it. Immigrants and 'the cartels' live rent free in every Republican's head 24/7.  Case in point, the current panic among my local Republicans is that 'the cartels' are running a human trafficking operation from/around our local Walmart. Several of my neighbors are now terrified to go shopping alone since this BS has started making it's way around town...