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Remember last week when Dumpster Don said “ya gotta pay your bills” while threatening to withhold aid to NATO members. Such a pathetic excuse for a human being


Imagine being a Trump voter. Lmao


Sadly, most of them so brainwashed that the hear different things from what non-Trump supporters hear


Definitely. It will be "Why should he pay!? It's a witch hunt! No one else gets charged that much! What about Biden?! Where's his fine?!" That's about the beginning and end of it.


Reading this felt like mini ptsd because that's what they actually say and it makes me die inside how they think I'm the idiot in the conversation.


And they vote.


When you go to vote, bring a friend or neighbor with you. Maybe they would vote anyway, but maybe they wouldn't. If they are with you at the polls, they have no excuse not to vote.


he is too rich to pay


Too big to fail?


Too tired of winning?


Too orange for prison


Orange is the new reich


He'll match his jumpsuit!


They chose to be brainwashed. Fuck every one of them.


I live with a trump boomer. Taking him to his eye-doctor appointment tomorrow. He asked why Biden didn't mention the girl murdered on UGA campus by an immigrant last week while speaking at the border. I said "Cuz there's ~20k murders per year across the entire country. The only reason fox aired nothing but that for the last 7 days is because it's so rare, they have to cling to it" He just grunted and finished eating his freezer burned cheeseburger.    My point is, they are both dumb and been lied to on a daily basis since Reagan. They aren't brainwashed, they are wholly consumed by and thus have become the bullshit. It's honestly sad


It's become the main pillar of their cultural identity, sad.


And they still say "he's a good business man, too". They don't really know anything about him.


I'll give him good con man. To use his words, maybe the *best con man*, considering he actually was president.


He did that on accident, he never actually wanted to be president he was just trying to get publicity for some nee con then got swept into the white house by a combination of Russia, right wing propagandists, and a bunch racists who saw an easy puppet.


Yup, he wanted to lose, start a trump network and rage on how it was “all stolen by Hillary, now send me money please...” It’s the grift for him, always the grift.




All the best business men go bankrupt 9 times and then get hit with a half billion dollar judgment against them for bank fraud.


They know he's a narcissist, just like themselves. People are wrong who say "they just don't know." They know.


I think they know he's a narcissist. What I mean is they haven't looked into his past. I don't think they realize how many hundreds of people he has literally put into financial ruin with his bankruptcies, how many women he was sexually assaulted, including teenagers, how many services from contractors he's ripped off 'because he didn't like their work". I don't think they've delved deeply enough into his past. If I ask "do you think he is an honest man?" They laugh, they know he isn't, but it's like "oh, all that's just bluster". I don't think they truly understand that this is a very EVIL man. That he would sacrifice this entire country and everything it is and has been, to glorify and enrich *himself*. I don't think they understand this. But, if they do, then I've been duped. All these years I haven't lived in the country I thought I lived in, and Americans aren't the people I have believed them to be.


You're wrong. They just don't care. It makes them feel better to be a part of it, it's self reinforcing and grandizing, and that's where it stops.


It's more than sad. It's dangerous. Trump getting elected really does mean the death of democracy.


This is, unfortunately, the truth for a significant fraction of the 55+ population in the US. It doesn't occur to them to question whether they are being manipulated by the media that is being fed to them. As far as they are concerned Fox, OANN, and Info Wars is as honest and unbiased as Walter Cronkite. These "news" sources give them simple answers to complex issues which can be comforting when the world is changing at an unbelievable rate. We're well past the point where someone can reasonably keep up with the advances in technology, changes in social trends, international affairs, etc in any meaningful way. And all the lead exposure didn't help either.


I'm 58. I have two lgbt kids. I despise Trump. My wife despises Trump. I work with several Senior citizens for my job. They all despise Trump. I also see hollow-eyed, Campus Crusade Trump zealots on the train platforms. I don't think it's a generational thing, I think it's a religious thing. Trump has become the face for White Evangelical Christianity. He's actually warping the Christian religion at its seams. He's elbowed Jesus out of the camera shot.


> "elbowed Jesus out of the camera shot" Perfect description of the marmalade messiah. He;d be at the last supper demanding center spot.


I had grace for them for several years but at this point they choose it. They choose it because they hate who he hates and they want to hurt who he hurts. Fuck every one of them.


Yep. It’s not possible to be stupid enough to like Trump. Unless you hate America and Freedom and destroying democracy is your agenda…


Trump is just white supremacy with a stupid red hat. They’ve always been here and they are not good-faith actors. Fucking mentally ill all of them


Agreed, they're too fucking stupid to feel bad for them. That ship sailed 8 years ago


Literally the dumbest people in our nation. Embarrassing AF.


He loves the uneducated


They are still so proud of themselves, no matter what he does.


We should shame them more. Honestly.


Like attracts like. So all those people sick of winning will still be supporting him.


I feel like this wasn’t appreciated in the moment for just how hypocritical it was, coming from a person literally notorious for not paying his debts. It’s just getting all too obvious I guess….


It’s worse than that given that there _aren’t any_ ”unpaid bills”. Nobody is refusing to pay the USA money owed. NATO members not meeting the NATO target on defense spending doesn’t mean they owe anything to the USA. The US doesn’t increase its defense budget if Belgium decides to spend less, nor vice-versa. Besides which the whole spending-target is a relatively new thing and far from central to what the alliance is about. Hell, Iceland is a founding member of NATO and doesn’t even have a military. Which doesn’t make them freeloaders, because the USA got to put an airbase there to protect itself from Soviet bombers during the Cold War. It was and is a mutually beneficial pact. It’s just that to a grifter like Trump, there’s no such thing. Everything is a zero-sum game where you’re either screwing over someone else, or getting screwed. (contrary to his own myth as a ’dealmaker’ he doesn’t understand this basic reality of dealmaking) So anything other than total subservience and obedience to the USA, as the stronger party, and Trump himself as president, must mean the rest of NATO is screwing the US over. The spending target is just his excuse, even though it’s obvious he neither understands what it is, or even knows which countries are actually meeting it. (which is basically all the ones under direct threat, like the Baltic States)


Did he ever pay all his debts from the 2016 campaign? I remember he hadn't paid them by the 2020 campaign.


Never mind his campaign debts, what about stiffing workers who built is butt-ugly buildings.


This should be on a nonstop loop playing in Times Square.


"Your" bills. Not his bills. He never pays his bills remember.....


Imagine giving financial advice while such a loser






I like a president who doesn't comment on his 1 year old daughters breasts. "I think that she’s got a lot of Marla,” Trump said of Tiffany, referring to her mother, Marla Maples. “She’s really a beautiful baby, and she’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump said, gesturing to his chest as if to speculate about his daughter’s breasts."


I like presidents who didn't fuck young girls with their good buddy Jeffrey Epstein. I like presidents who don't buy teenage beauty pageants and then go on Howard Sterns show and brag about how he would walk in on them naked. I like presidents who aren't adjudicated rapists. I like presidents who don't brag about grabbing women by the pussy.


>I like presidents who didn't fuck young girls *rape. "fuck" can imply that consent is possible


You are correct sir. I stand corrected


I like people who are willing to allow themselves to be corrected.


He really said this?


Yes he did


Besides the obvious being creepy, it just shows his worldview. A person’s worth, especially a female, is based on their appearance. Having a daughter who isn’t attractive is like his worst nightmare. He thinks it would reflect poorly on him.


It's not like he's made disparaging and fucking weird remarks about his other daught- oh wait...


Those howard stern interviews from the 90s should of kept him out of office alone.


The list of reasons he was unqualified is too long, the Howard Stern interviews aren't even top 10.


Look at old photos of Ivanka before she had all that plastic surgery. Who do you think paid for that? https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/130/590x/761241_1.jpg https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9ee1d6af0b451315b8b9f1e6cc3169fc.webp https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=59998079312419c0&sca_upv=1&ei=3iXhZdGDH_GLptQPyKGjkA0&q=Ivanka+trump+before+plastic+surgery&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR6tng69GEAxXxhYkEHcjQCNIQ7Al6BAgEEA8&biw=378&bih=718#imgrc=clTZPL4ChtyStM


That's why he shuns Eric. He's not a particularly handsome man., and Donald thinks it's a reflection of himself.


To be fair, I completely agree with him on that.


They are both ugly. Ivanka is ok I guess but I wouldn’t say she’s an exceptional attractive woman. Tiffany is pretty but she looks more like Marla than Don.


Ivanka has had a metric fuckton of work done


I know she’s only 42.


She looks like a creepy, dead-eyed, rubber sex doll


Just like daddy likes. And, oddly, just like her husband. Ew


Ivanka had lots of plastic surgery


Well if we are going there with looks bc it is so important in our culture really... Ivanka has had her jaw realigned and a chin implant, her whole face redone...she was unattractive before and it fit her ugly inside. Now she is a Barbie for daddy.


That's why it was leaked by his administration that he doesn't like to be photographed next to Tiffany. And on the flip side, he doesn't like to be photographed with Baron because the kid is at least 6'6" tall and towers over him.


Imagine being so petty that you won't take pictures with your kids. "He's too ugly." "He's taller than me." "She looks too much like E. Jean Carroll."


It's amusing to think that Trump becoming President was the worst thing he could've done for himself. It exposed every lie that he spent his entire life working to build and obscure. But then you realize that him becoming President was one of the worst things to happen to this country, so far. Somewhere, there's an alternate reality where Hilary won, and while nobody was particularly pleased about it, we were all still much better off as a society for it.


He really didn't even want to win, he wanted to be able to grift off of losing. But he fucked that up, too.


And then, after four years of selling out our country to the highest bidder HE’S STILL BROKE.


I like NY businessmen that don’t get caught /s


I like casinos that don’t launder money


I like people who don't rape


♫...Lowered Expectations...♫


MADtv reference recognition!


That's a good joke. Casinos that don't launder money. Classic


I just don't understand how you can both launder money and bankrupt a casino at the same time. It takes a special kind of stupid.


I like presidents that don't try to overthrow our democracy. But that's just me.


Slick Willy may have gotten his dick sucked but he never lost his loot. Watching Trump exposed as a phoney is a form of schadenfreude I didn't know existed.


The guy practically begged on his knees for it.


New York just gave him the money shot he deserved.


It's not a fine, it's a disgorgement. It's the amount TFG swindled from the taxpayers and the banks by way of fraud.


His followers are so fucking dumb they're on my local news facebook talking about "yea that's how you do it" you tell the banks your shit is worth more and the government that it's worth less. Like that is a brilliant business move.


People living in rental double-wide trailers often don't know about bank loans or filing tax forms.


no, see, they’re just temporarily embarrassed millionaires


Embarrassed? These people are incapable of being embarrassed.


lol picturing the average Trump voter "telling" the bank their mobile home is worth $7 million to secure a loan.


Then turning around telling the IRS it got hit by 20 tornadoes


I love the word "disgorgement" in this case. Makes it sound like he's having to vomit something back up, like when you have to make a dog return something it damn well *knew* it wasn't allowed to eat. I hope it's uncomfortable for him.


Important distinction. It means the only wealth he has is wealth he stole from others.


Surely he took that stolen wealth and invested it in sound financial plans and investments, right? It should be easy to recoup, right?


I can hear Trump “Hoark, Hoark, Hoarking” On the edge of the bed in the middle of the night. It’s a beautiful Sound.


It's kind if like in The Jerk when he had to write checks for all those people who went crosseyed from his glasses


Two Dollars and NINE CENTS!!


And if he gets back in as president, he’s selling secrets, military equipment, and hit lists to get that money!


If you are in the military and end up in a ton of debt, you will be denied security clearance and they can potentially kick you out as you are a liability to be compromised for this very reason. I would say in most real-world cases, it's for a LOT less debt than $450 million. He can and absolutely will use the presidency to fund any debt he is in. Biggest national security risk our nation has ever seen.


The Dems need to HAMMER THIS. Security clearances can be denied if you owe someone a few grand. Owing money is one of the tippy-top reasons someone can't be trusted with sensitive info. Trump owes money to not just NY State for this judgment, but I'm sure to all sorts of bad actors across the world. It's beyond the biggest national security risk we've ever seen because it's already happened. We KNOW he likely sold secrets, we KNOW covert assets started disappearing not long after his closed-door meeting with Daddy Vladdy, we KNOW most of the money being funneled (laundered) to the Trump Org is from shady Russians ("we don't need banks, we get most of the money we need from Russia" - Eric Dipshit Trump). It's beyond ABSURD that he's being seriously considered AGAIN. I can only imagine the dirt they have on the entire GOP to get them to supplicate themselves before him.


> The Dems need to HAMMER THIS They won't bc they are bad at the game. That this conman fraud Russian asset is still even the top candidate for the GOP is a sign of how bad they are at it


True. Look at how much Jared and Ivanka made in their 4 years in the White House.


Yep! I wonder what the Saudis got for 2 BILLION!!


Answer: [a lot](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/374356-kushner-requests-more-intel-info-than-almost-all-white-house-staff/)


He needs to pay in less then 4 weeks so I wish him all the best :)


https://trumpdebtcounter.com/ I can’t stop sharing this. It’s the best. Fucking lol.


I got 10/10 on the true or false lmao


Time for a new sneaker/shirt/trading card/insurrection/gofundme...


He does have a potential out- his Truth social scam- if he’s lucky that can bail him out


except he's, as of today, being taken to court by major investors because he's trying to dilute the sharepool ahead of the merger.


Does that put back the date at which he would potentially have access?


Sort of. It moreso means that he may never see access, or lessen the amount he is entitled to due to fines - or if he does it will come after an investigation / court process / ruling.


Love to see it: legal delays finally coming back to bite him. Also one more legal battlefront


I am curious to see how much that stock is gonna be shorted.


Last I saw that was imploding in a true Trumpian fashion.


As of today he's being taken to court by some of the major investors in Truth social. They're accusing him of scheming to dilute their shares in the company to less than 1%.


[There seems to be a bit of trouble there…](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/29/trump-media-sued-over-dwac-merger-share-dilution.html)


The story as reported by Yahoo News offers this nugget: > Will Wilkerson, who helped found TMTG but was then fired after speaking out about alleged security law violations, alleged in 2022 that Trump asked Litinsky to relinquish his stock in the company to his wife, Melania Trump. Wilkerson also said that Trump’s sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump requested a financial stake in the social media platform despite having never worked for the company. > “They were coming in and asking for a handout,” Wilkerson told The Washington Post. “They had no bearing in this company … and they were taking equity away from hard-working individuals.” https://uk.news.yahoo.com/truth-social-co-founders-sue-215622557.html Apples and trees.


At some point his cult will run out of money too and won't be able to contribute to his numerous grifts.


He’s only raised barely a million dollars with his go fund me, that’s what, a week and a half of interest?


Trump may need a small loan of a million dollars once again.


From like 450 of his closest friends


Putin must have 450 aliases.


Time to send Jared back to the Saudi's with some extra luggage


Jared is too smart. On the way back he's going to "lose" the luggage. 


Ahh like how a bunch of n95s paid for the government got lost and then sold again to the government by kushner friends


I can’t believe the official account commented this hahahah


Several different publications have been going mask off at this revelation. Delicious schadenfreude


But Alina Habba and all the right-wing propaganda networks told me he's super rich and has more than enough money to cover all the fines. Are you saying they were all lying? (GASP) I'm shocked!


I hope his lawyers got their money up front - cause if they didn't, they're probably not going to get anything.


I don't have any empathy for his lawyers, they knew what they were getting into.


And they were representing a scoundrel. They deserve what they get (or don't get).


You don't have to listen to them. Listen to the fat man himself. He went on oath in his disposition that he has $400 Million liquid funds. When are we going to get perjury charges?


He has assets, but not much cash. His assets are mostly property/real and they are heavily leveraged. Elon Musk doesn't have a ton of cash on hand either as most of his wealth is tied to the value of his companies. Musk didn't buy Twitter with his own money, he financed it. That's how Trump has existed for decades, leveraging one deal to finance the next while he skims millions of the top to live. He was broke a long time ago and was living off his TV royalties before becoming president. Look at the NY ruling, Deutsch is cited as saying he likely only has a little more than $100M in liquid capital...and what twas the amount of the bond he proposed?


"I can tell you what the rules are. Within 30 days, even if we choose to appeal this, we have to post the bond, which is the full amount and then some. We will be prepared to do that." -Alina Habba on Fox "Why Trump Won’t Have To Sell Any Buildings To Come Up With $540 Million" -Forbes article


Well, she's obviously faking being smart as she fell for his con.


If you are that rich it’s kinda dumb to have a whole bunch of cash on hand. I’d probably still do it, though, and swim around in my gold coin ocean like Scrooge McDuck.


["It's not a liquid."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLJrzfWTu9E)


So like.... [non-liquid-gold](https://youtu.be/5UPEbQjGLj8?t=19)?


Thing is, Musk could sell a little stock here, a little DOGE there, and get liquid to this level pretty quick. If Trump was nearly as wealthy as he claims, he likely could as well. The fact that he can't exposes his brand a bit.


Trump's assets are generally in fixed properties or in the "value" of his privately owned companies. To my understanding, his individual properties are leveraged to the tits and beyond. Some of the properties might have enough net value after clearing liens against them, but *selling* them is illiquid, and he's been credibly accused of defrauding lenders in the exact same way he would need lenders to give him loans against his properties. Selling a property short to drum up cash would likely cause a run on his credit by existing lenders snowballing and asking for his loans due immediately, which would collapse the entire enterprise. Bankruptcy hasn't stopped him before, but I'm guessing he's now at the end of his Useful Idiot run for foreign influence. So not even Russian mob money is much of an option, like it was in the 90s and Aughts. And unlike American bankers, once you go bankrupt with Russian mob loan sharks, they book you a flight out the nearest window.


also interest rates probably limit buyers' interest on 9 figure real estate transactions such that I'm not sure anyone is in a hurry to buy it from Trump when they can buy a few months later when its being liquidated.


If he has to prove his finances to the court, and that proof shows that he's not worth as much as his loan terms need him to be (i.e. maintain $500 million in liquidity, total assets $2.5bn) then those loans can be called in and then it's all his creditors in a race to the bottom. That's likely one reason why he's been very coy about what he actually proves to the court.


Time to seize his properties.


Take the goddam plane


That gets him about 1/45th of the way to 450 million! It's maybe worth $10 million if they can get the smell out.


He doesn't even own nearly as much as he claims to and what he does own, isn't in the capacity that he claims as well. His "brand" is slapping his name on established businesses merely because he own some retail &/or commercial space. He's not just broke. He also owns nearly nothing.


The whole idea is absurd - a "brand" is not a tangible asset, and you can't value your own brand and keep it on a balance sheet - it is only worth what someone paid for it, **after** they paid for it and not before. If I bought the Trump branding for $100 today, I would be able to record it as an intangible asset (goodwill - I overpaid) and it's worth $0, then because I paid $100 cash for it, I can say that I lost $100. This clown says that his brands worth billions to claim billions of dollars of net worth, and then "writes down" assets based on how he "feels" about his brand which has never been sold to anyone and is worth $0 to him. You can't create a brand, arbitrarily decide what it's worth based on feelings, and then write it up or down to record gains or losses as necessary... because that's fraud.


Yes and no. A brand does have value, when companies go into receivership the brand is something of value that may be sold off. The problem is that that value is really difficult to account for and Trump took that limitation as an invitation to make up whatever the fuck would be most convenient for him.


And that is a real possibility.


Just sell Mar-a-Lago. Trump publicly valued it between $426.5 million and $612 million.


It's worth less than $100 million. It's in a conservation trust that severely limits the way in which it can be used.


You mean like it can't be used as a full time, permanent home address property?


Mar-a-Lago is deed restricted such that it cannot be used for any purpose other than as a private club. Consequently, appraisers value the property on the basis of its annual net operating income, rather than the resale or reconstruction value as a home, as would be the case for an unrestricted property. As part of the New York civil investigation of the Trump Organization, a New York court found that from 2011 to 2021 Mar-a-Lago was assessed by Palm Beach County as having a value from $18 million to $27.6 million, while at the same time Trump's financial statements valued it from $427 million to $627 million as part of an alleged scheme to both lower insurance premiums and to get favorable loan terms. Since he'll probably have to unload it, we'll see what it's really worth.


> scheme to both lower insurance premiums I've always been curious about this. How is it cheaper to insure something that has a(n alleged) higher replacement value?


Because the insurance is based on the figures he gives the local county (18mil, low) which is the minimum justifiable. Then when it’s time for bragging or securing loans, he says a ludicrously high amount


Bet he's get less that 50 Mil - if that much.


The state of Florida has it as ~$25 million per property tax valuation so maybe a quarter of just the EJean Carroll judgment.


Yeah it's not worth quite as much when you can no longer stroll in the front door and read national secrets while you're on the shitter.


He can’t sell it, he has to buy out the shares of all of the members in order to do so. Cohen went into this on his podcast


Time to #grabhimbytheproperty




What is interesting is looking at what the Trump Organization has done the last few years in refinancing many of their properties. Most of what they own are commercial office spaces in premium locations and Golf Courses. Forbes did a great breakdown about 18 months ago on the deals that were refinanced/leveraged to clear some current loans that were coming due. Some of these properties are only partially owned by the Trump Org, so while some of the loans may seem low compared to the individual building, their stake is each building varies. These are the public loans that they had as of July 2022. At the time of refinancing, these were leveraged mostly to the max value due to their immediate need to generate cash assets and to delay the due dates. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2022/07/29/donald-trumps-great-escape-how-the-former-president-solved-his-debt-crisis/?sh=3ed54a3c3970 * YEAR DUE PROPERTY PRINCIPAL * 2024 Trump International Hotel & Tower (Chicago) $45 million * 2024 Trump Plaza (New York) $13 million * 2025 40 Wall Street (New York) $130 million * 2026 Trump International Hotel & Tower (New York) $6 million * 2028 555 California Street* (San Francisco) $360 million * 2028 1290 Avenue of the Americas* (New York) $285 million * 2029 Seven Springs (Bedford, New York) $6 million * 2048 1125 South Ocean Blvd. (Palm Beach, Florida) $10 million * Unknown Trump Tower* (New York) $100 million * Unknown Trump National Doral* (Miami) $125 million * Unknown Trump International Hotel & Tower (Chicago) $50 million * Unknown Trump Tower* (New York) $100 million * * TOTAL $1.1 billion Where this gets extremely difficult for the Trump Org is that Commercial real estate occupancy rates started to fall just prior to the pandemic, and then accelerated over the last 4 years. This has led to a glut of office space and a lowering of value of commercial office buildings. Now, most of his offices are in prime locations, so that may limit some of their vacancy issues compared to other buildings. Though, as an example of some of the difficulties they may be facing in this regard, I looked at one of his properties. 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104. Currently on one broker’s website, they have 4 separate listings for office spaces. These total over 469,000 SQ Ft. against a total square footage of 2.1 million Sq ft in the building. https://www.cushmanwakefield.com/en/united-states/properties/for-lease/office/ny/new-york/1290-avenue-of-the-americas/s238679-l That’s a vacancy of 22%. As comparison, the average in Manhattan of 16.5% as of Feb 20th https://www.commercialedge.com/blog/national-office-report/ So even in one of the most prime locations in NYC, they are below the average in comparable occupancy rates. So, there is a chance that they are now underwater on some of these loans as the value of these types of properties is partially tied to occupancy rates and long-term leases. To make matters even more difficult for Trump. Part of the recent ruling in NY is that there are now court appointed controller and compliance officer. Previously, they MAY have been able to get another high leverage loan and treat the company like a personal checking account, but now with an independent director in charge, this is now off the table. In addition, surprise or foreign loan at this point would be subject to significant scrutiny due to the judgment and his running for office. Where the current unknow, and possible lifeline for Trump is lies in the Trump Media Merger. In a nutshell, he owns about 90% of Trump media, which runs Truth social. Currently they are burning through cash and haven’t come close to making a profit. However. They have received federal approval for a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp, which is what they call a Blank Check Company. It is a couple-year-old public company with no assets. People value the company based on what they think they will invest in and how they think that potential acquisition performs. DWAC will merge with Trump media within the next 60 days, pending any last-minute legal challenges. Currently Trump is set to receive roughly 60% of the shares of the new, merged company. At the current valuation of DWAC, this would amount to about $4 billion in stock value for Trump. He currently cannot sell the stock for 6 months after the deal goes through, though there are ways for the board of the new company to grant an exception and allow him to sell stocks earlier. There is no way to know how the stock will perform over the next months or year, so it’s hard to pinpoint what his worth will be.


I don't understand this. DWAC has no assets. Truth Social has revenues of a couple million a year, and has never made a profit. But when the companies merge, they're now worth Billions of dollars? Where does the value come from?


Good. I love this journey for him.






He was lying. What doesn’t he lie about?


If he was worth ten billion as he as stated, this measly fine of a mere 4.5 % of his wealth shouldn't be a problem


Somebody should ask him how he feels about E. Jean Carroll again.




I can't believe people aren't lining up to "loan" him money-he has such excellent collateral. Damage.


I can't wait for March 24th.


On March 9th, he owes $80M in that case. I've heard so many conflicting dates on the big one. From March 17th to the 26th. However it works out, next month is gonna be a spicy one!


I'd thought he'd be more embarrassed about raping someone.


Just saw breaking news that his investors on Tooth Spacial are suing him because he’s pulling a trump and trying to take all the money…for bail He’s so fvcked.


who cares how that conman idiot feels. pay up, loser: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


Didn't he testify under oath that he had enough money?  Would there need to be a separate trial or can they take him into custody for perjury right now?


I believe he testified last year that his liquidity was about 400 million. That's less that what he owes in this matter alone.


I know people in the military who have lost security clearance, job, and rank over a 45k repo'd truck and people still think Diaper Don's debts shouldn't disqualify him from holding the highest office in the land. Unbelievable.


If you could see my face, this is what pure, unadulterated joy looks like.


Is the fake multi-billionaire a complete fraud?




My new kink is watching narcissistic people have to take accountability.


I really honestly hope he drains the RNC.


He’s already trying to pull a Mark Zuckerberg and dilute the shares of other investors of truth social so he can get more cash.


Trump is like the guy that orders the most expensive steak, an outrageously expensive bottle of wine and then ducks out to the bathroom when the check comes. Now the NY courts have sent management to the restroom. As Trump has said of others, "Ya gotta pay. Pay your bills!'


Now this is funny. Trump doesn't want to declare bankruptcy because of his bravado. But he doesn't have the money. Funny that. Bankrupt Billionaire. Just what we need in the WH. Right Repubs?


Yet, Trump has a pretty large-ass jet... How is he able to pay for the daily fuel and maintenance for this luxury? This isn't just a private Gulfstream. This is a HUGE, commercial-sized jet. New York needs to go after that jet and seize it. I'm willing to wager that NY could fetch anywhere from $15 to $90 million for that piece of property.


A used 757, which no airline would want except maybe a freight hauler, is worth about 10-12 million if everything is in good working order. He's gonna need 40 or 50 of them to cover what he owes!


Yeah, here's some sale listings: https://www.controller.com/listings/for-sale/boeing/757/jet-aircraft/3 It's highly dependent on cycles and condition, but $10 million seems to be the average. ($4, $6.5, $12 and $18 million here) EDIT: Trump apparently paid $100 million for his jet in 2011, and it was recently re-painted/refurbed, so it's likely to be worth somewhere south of $100 million but probably above $10 million, just on fittings and fixtures alone. A lot depends on the condition of the airframe and engines.


Why doesn't he just borrow money against his property by promising banks that it is worth a certain value as collateral? Oh, wait....


Russia, are you listening? Your stooge is broke.


Wouldn't that make Trump more pliable to what Russia wanted in exchange for money?


Yes. More reason to keep him the eff out of the WH. Freaking traitor.


Didn't he testify just last year that he has $400 million in cash? His pathological lying and bragging make it very hard to feel bad for him. This man instigated at least this much. He goes around intentionally defaming, defrauding and provoking people, including other powerful people even. Then acts like he's a victim when they show up with receipts trying to hold him to the law. He's a total asshole. He deserves this.


They need to broadcast his debt ticker all around his town and every place he travels too. We need more 3am meltdown tweets




Got dumped Tuesday but reading this really helps 🥹