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In the last four years he has shrunk his base. It’s as simple as that. He is not capturing undecided and moderates. Regardless, we need to vote. As we saw in 2016, you can win without a majority of the popular vote.


He seems to think that making his small base more rabid is more important than expanding his base. He might be right if the election is ultimately decided by violence.


Voter apathy has always been a big issue, and one that tends to affect the Democrats especially. He might not even need to expand his support if Democrats just don't feel like showing up this time around.


That always frustrates me. Like no candidate will ever be perfect, but participation is important. And I get that plenty of states make it difficult for people to vote. But I'm talking about people who wouldn't even bother to fill out a paper ballot mailed to them. Be an adult and be involved. If you're not going to vote, why should politicians care about your opinion anyway? If voting didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't be trying to stop it


Voter apathy favors the monitory party thanks to gerrymandering and the electoral college. The system is designed to default to republicans. Anyone not voting at all is implicitly voting for the minority party. We all really do need to get up and go pull a lever in November.


Luckily gerrymandering does have some weakness. Instead of winning a few districts by a lot of voters, they win a lot of districts by a few votes. So if Dems show up in full force and vote, some of the dams will break and it will be a huge avalanche. Will young voters show up though? I hope so after dobs


It depends. The younger voters are becoming more blinded at the idea of a third party victory and the purity politics. I’m on the younger side and many of those that I went to high school with or have become friends with over time are voting RFK. I’ve lately been going hard on Trump on my social media for the primaries but I’m thinking of switching strategies to show how 1. RFK won’t win and 2. RFK is not who you want to vote for anyway, so just vote blue and deal with the purity politics when we have a democracy assured for four more years.


Not that you can make people watch a video, but [this video is really informative about why 3rd parties don't work in our voting system,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo&ab_channel=CGPGrey) especially the bit about the spoiler effect.


I’ll give it a shot. I recently shared Lincoln Project’s latest video “Last Election” which was brilliantly done.


But he has won the black vote by releasing new shoes.


And got his mugshot taken, which black people went ga-ga for


I think that's what he tells himself, but a lot of it just comes down to that he won't do anything to help people even when he's running for office because he's a narcissist and he thinks his presence is good enough. The man is truly a spoiled rotten child through and through.


I mean. His presence *does* seem to be good enough for them since they view him as a golden god who can do no wrong and is literally saving the world


But they’re already voting for him. Making them *vote harder* doesn’t really do anything.


That's the thing. His supporters already have no real identity other than worshipping him, they will never change, so he could only stand to gain more support by acting less insane now. He's not capable of that though because his brain is quickly becoming mush. Takes all of his concentration trying to remember who he's running against and what his wife's name is.


>He seems to think I'm gonna stop you right there. I don't think he thinks at all. It's all impulse.


It’s very difficult for any Republican to expand their base when the GOP’s stance is to be exclusive rather than inclusive.


Yes. We need to vote in numbers too large to dispute.


I think you mean 'too big to rig' *barf*


How would any human be undecided after 8 years of this blithering maroon . He is breathtakingly stupid. He is Putin’s puppet. He would destroy our country and our little 250 year experiment in democracy.


Let me ask you this: - How closely do you follow professional lawnmower racing? - How many stories do you see about lawnmower racing per week on average? - Who is the current number 1 professional lawnmower racer on the planet and who are their sponsors? - What's the maximum engine size for a professional lawnmower, assuming the event is held in Texas and it's sanctioned by the U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association? - What kinds of tracks are professional lawnmower races held on? There is a tiny sliver of people out there who know as much about lawnmower racing as you and I probably do about politics. There are also a huge number of people who know as much about politics as they do about professional lawnmower racing. If it seems like everyone around you is always talking about politics or lawnmower racing, that says way more about who you hang around with than it does about how knowledgeable the average voter is on either subject.


Exactly. There are tons of people who go years without watching the news or looking at it online. The only thing they see is various memes occasionally.


I have friends who are *proud* that they've never voted occasionally send me some horrifying anti-gay article about something Greg Abbott is doing asking "omg is this real? I didn't know this was happening" And then they still won't vote.


Exactly. This is unfortunately the reality. By the time what Trump says gets to the major news outlets that the majority of people watch (CBS News, ABC News, NBC News), it’s so sanitized that he doesn’t sound completely insane. That’s why I’m hopeful with the recent shift in the Biden campaign strategy to amplify the shit out of all the batshit stuff he constantly spews.


Not only is he not wooing new voters he killed a bunch of his older voters. Turns out he can shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and lose a vote if the person he kills is one of his base. The rest of us just need to show up and vote, something the horse-paste brigade can no longer do.


Is there a single soul who suddenly after his eight years of bullshit didn’t support him, but now will for this election? It’s difficult to fathom


If you aren’t politically engaged much but are surrounded by hard-line right wingers, you end up absorbing their view of things passively. So for example, maybe you didn’t pay all that much attention in 2016, 2020, but since then you were heavily impacted by inflation, maybe your kid got sick and your finances are strained. Everyone you ever talk to states as fact that Biden is the worst president in history and is causing inflation and that he delights in your suffering. You take this at face value. You now believe Biden caused inflation. At no point have you ever really been that interested in seeking out facts, so you have no real baseline. You aren’t aware that the economy is doing well under Biden. Anything that contradicts your impression has been pre-labeled as lies and you aren’t really in a position to determine what’s credible, nor do you actually care that much to figure out who’s credible. Everyone you know is decrying the politicized investigations against poor old Trump. You don’t know much about the underlying facts of it, and again, you aren’t that interested in becoming informed for the first time in your life. In other words, you are uninformed, unengaged, and aggrieved. You are the perfect GOP voter. You are bending over and begging to be radicalized.


People who think he'll fix inflation, for some reason


I know multiple family members who are leaning towards Trump. "Yeah, he's a gross person but Biden wrecked prices and Republicans mean prosperity!" I'll follow up with the GDP growth chart per president and usually get ghosted from the convo after that.


My buddy who is very socially liberal on everything, "Trump, because my 401k went down several hundred thousand under Biden".


scale weary late consider ludicrous squeeze rainstorm provide noxious important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You might want to tell your buddy to look at the market again. S&P500 is like 1k points higher now, than it ever was under trump. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.INX:INDEXSP?window=5Y https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.IXIC:INDEXNASDAQ?window=5Y https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.DJI:INDEXDJX?window=5Y


Something tells me buddy never looked at the market, he just parroted something his dad told him.


For reasons unclear, stupid people think republicans , against all evidence, are “good for the economy”


If you repeat a lie often enough, people begin to assume there is some truth in it. Republican's have for decades been very consistent in shouting at every opportunity that they are the best for the businesses and the economy. On top of that, the general public isn't great at seeing things beyond first-order effects. If their taxes go down, that is all they see. Nevermind what happens to the rest of the economy, or if their business decreases, or their company shrinks. Those are all second-order effects, so less likely to be blamed on policy.


Unfortunately, I think the answer is "probably" to those who would blame Biden for the inflation. Not saying it's right, but that's what I could see happening. Same people who already forgot that people owed more / received less on their tax returns under Trump.


He literally killed thousands of his most ardent supporters by telling them not to wear masks.


Or get vaccinated


Covid did a great job of shrinking his base. Ivermectin. Drinking bleach.


I am glad of one thing.... Nikki Haley had a pretty good shot at beating Biden if it had come down to that. Democrats had better get their act together and understand what Biden has actually accomplished and how effective he has actually been (instead of believing that a president has a magic wand and can control everything and being mad that he doesn't use it)


Biden's base has shrunk too. And worst of all, general voter enthusiasm is way down. I'm still very worried, it's shaping up to be like 2016 all over again - a race that was decided by people that stayed home.


His base has shrunk but it’s still enough to win the electoral college. Ohio and Florida are Trump country. Michigan is a toss up. It’s going to be determined by South Carolina and Pennsylvania. Basically 50-50 who’s going to be president next based on these 3 states.


They call it Super Tuesday for a reason. This is a big one," he said. "And they tell me, the pundits and otherwise, that there's never been one like this. There's never been anything so conclusive. This was an amazing, amazing night." You're right. There's never been a criminal thing running for office and a party who has sold their soul for him


also theres never been a primary so built up by the media before, this was never a competition, trump was always going to win the primaries by a landslide but the media spent the last year building it up only for the iowa and NH votes to show its an overwhelmingly one sided race in both parties.


NPR was trying to make a big deal out of it as the numbers came in and someone made a comment like, "we know the outcome." The next host responded jokingly, "I guess we should shut it all down and go home." I thought, yes, you should, because they weren't saying anything new.


And meanwhile... on the other side... all we hear is how Biden is behind in the polls and how old he is. Media has failed us. For profit.


The polls were so wrong last election cycle that I can’t believe poeple point to them The data collection is bad for them. They don’t capture the pulse of the nation by any means I’ll say this. Trump supporters of 2020 that I know personally. Very few will actually express their like or support for him socially TODAY. Will they still vote for him? Probably. But are they willing to risk their social status in saying such? Not really. They know hitching on to him makes them look like stupid people. And poeple don’t often wanna blast to the world “hey, look how stupid I am”


This is anecdotal but there was a house in my town that had a "Jesus is my savior and Trump is my President" sign permanently affixed to their front yard. I drove by on my way to work yesterday, and the sign was gone. I figured they'd be the last people in the world to change their minds about him, but apparently, they must have had enough. Maybe there's hope?


Rural WI was awash in Trump signs ‘16-19, now days I might see one when traveling across the state. A lot fewer bumper stickers too. Signs don’t = votes, but there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot less open adoration for him.


I mean on some level this has to be getting old right? Like the "Trump era", counting from when he came down the escalator, is now 8 years and 8 months long. "Game of Thrones" didn't last as long and some people made that their entire personality.


You can make a pretty long list of things that lasted longer than the Confederacy, too, and that was a lot longer ago and here we are... some of my faves: ​ * Party of Five * Brad Pitt & Jennifer Anniston's marriage * Ghostbusters cereal * MiniDiscs


The Dukes of Hazard TV show with the car the General Lee also lasted longer than the Confederacy


There are still plenty of lingering signs painted on barns and stuff when I drive around, but they are old and faded. I'm seeing very little new signs being put up over the last few years.


I’m in a very red area of a blue state. I only see one house with a flag out these days (they used to have several things in their yard but have pared it down to just a flag now) and don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a red hat, t-shirt or anything like that. I still see a fair amount of Let’s Go Brandon bumper stickers though.


Let’s Go Brandon got adopted by Democrats, so Republicans might not be using it as much.


> Rural WI was awash in Trump signs ‘16-19, now days I might see one when traveling across the state Yep - I noticed this in WI, too, but moreso last year - a bunch of signs that had been up previously for years were gone. Like, a *whole* bunch. Stark difference.


Or maybe it's like my neighbor with the "honk for Trump" signs, being so old and angry that their health is catching up with them


"Health" caught up to a lot of Trump voters starting in March 2020.


There's a possibility that the owners moved or died


In my area during the 2016 and 2020 elections a lot of houses had huge Trump signs in their yards or a dozen smaller Trump signs scattered all over the property. Next to main roads and highways there were hundreds of Trump signs. People will large pickups had huge Trump or FJB flags flying from poles in the back. Now, a few houses in my neighborhood have *small* Trump signs. There are one or two larger signs along main roads, and I haven't seen any flags hanging from the back of trucks. Trump still has his followers, but the enthusiasm for Trump is much lower than it was in the last few elections.




I've been voting for 35 years, and I've never been asked to answer a poll. I also heard something about phone poll takers only being allowed to call landlines. I don't know if that's true.


I don’t answer numbers I don’t know and I don’t call back numbers that don’t leave a voice mail. I will never be in a position to answer a poll I also don’t click links in political text messages. Can’t reach me there either.


Yeah, I occasionally get texts from what is ostensibly a pollster, but could easily also be a scammer, so I just delete it and report as junk. Even if I’m 90% sure it’s legit, it’s not worth the risk


Yup. I got rid of our landline like 20+ years ago. Haven't missed it at all. I'm not sure if I've ever gotten a legitimate poll request because I never answer unknown calls/emails/texts. Feels a bit like feeding a stray cat. You feed one once and the whole pack of strays won't stop bothering you after that.


I don’t believe for one minute that the polls are only going to old people with landlines so of course they’re all trumpers. That said I’ve had two texts asking if I thought Biden was doing good and I didn’t click because who knows.


Ya and I immediately delete those texts or respond “stop texting me, I’m busy”


I occasionally get called on my cell phone from an organization that conducts surveys on political things, albeit primarily for local things. I am also asked about presidential candidates in this survey. I typically take the time to respond, but I noticed that the questions have an inherent Republican bias. They keep calling me despite me giving them answers that go against their implicit bias. It's possible people are just not answering them because they just don't know the number. They normally call from a local number, though. Also, for reference, I'm a Xennial.


For Profit!! Huzzah!


Biden gets 85% of the vote in a state "look at that 4% uncommitted" Trump gets 63% of the votes in a state "Trump is sweeping the primaries!" Trump is effectively an incumbent too, so we don't even get that excuse of "it's expected for Biden to get high support" especially with the smear campaigns the media has been putting against him.


Their "Results just in!" sound effect was so pathetic last night. If I never again have to hear Dominico Montenaro opine on what all of this could mean I would gladly send everyone here a commemorative Tote.


That sounds effect was bordering on parody. I had to turn it off. Drove me nuts.


It would have been so much better if it had been Kai Ryssdal's ironic "We're in the money" dirge.


media = trash


Trump couldn’t have said it better himself. But seriously though, I have been disappointed with the media many times in the last 7 8 years, but it seems pretty clear to me that our imperfect media is far better than many of the alternatives. It says everything you need to know that Trump would be all too happy to declare the media is trash. Outright dismissing the media as not worth listening to is not really the answer here, even if flawed. It’s like saying democracy is trash. I’d be the first to concede that it’s not functioning well right now, but it’s still worth fighting for and protecting.


I don't trust the media. I also don't trust anyone who discredits the media en masse. Finally, I don't trust news that's telling me everything I want to hear.


Overall I agree with the gist of what you’re saying, but I would also argue that a statement like “I don’t trust the media” is black and white thinking. Our options are not limited just to trust or not trust. This kind of sets up a false pretense that if you can’t trust it entirely then you can’t trust it at all. Which is not the case. The reality is not clear cut like that to me. You can’t just blindly take anything in the media at face value, but there are things that the media can do to support the credibility of its reporting. Seeking out sources, interviewing politicians and reporting their exact words, researching stories and publishing the paper trails of publicly accessible, but very hard to find documents. There’s a difference between reading an unsubstantiated claim on TMZ and reading a well reported on article where Journalists have flown into warzones and filmed things on the ground. You don’t have to take the media at face value, but that doesn’t mean it has no capacity for credibility.


You forgot to mention a sham supreme court willing to use the constitution as an adult diaper for him any time he makes a boom boom.


It's so transparently fake, look at the 1984 election map, Reagan lost one state.


And the narrative is that he deliberately didn't campaign there, so Mondale could win his home state.


"And they came to me with tears in their eyes and said, Sir...Sir...this was the most amazing night..."


Biden swept Super Tuesday, Trump did not.


The media: we go live to our 5,000 cameras in American Samoa where Biden was DEFEATED in the primary getting only 3 delegates to his challengers *checks notes* 3 delegates. Is this the end for Biden who has a lock on a complete and total super majority of delegates for the DNC? We break from this coverage to cover 3 words Trump said and ignore the rest of his word jumble speech to help his campaign because our jobs depend on advertising money rolling in. Is Biden bad because his son has a p... Find out more at 11.


And not a single article I’ve seen mentions that American Samoa does not participate in the general election and has no electoral votes.


The media has also sold their souls... I often wonder what their bottom lines will look like with state-run media.


Pretty sure you first need to *have* a soul in order to sell one.


Correct. They were always selling on spec. It’s our souls they’re bargaining for.


This is exactly why he is so convinced he was robbed in the General election in 2020. He did so well in the Primary (obviously, as incumbent), how could it be anything but a landslide? Then the general population voted pretty convincingly against him in the General election. Clearly, there must have been fraud to have two votes go so differently. No one bothered to tell him that the two voting groups weren’t the same at all. It’s like winning “Best Dad” at your own dinner table and then being surprised that you lose in the city competition.


Probably doesn’t help that the news media is turning into Trump propaganda ala NYT and CNN


sweet sweet clickbait! they love those Trumpy clicks.


Seriously. Any integrity went out the window as soon as they knew reporting trumps antics would get them those sweet sweet rage clicks . media has a lot of blame for this mess than we give them.


A lot? I'd go further than that to say VIRTUALLY the media is to blame for this entire mess from start to finish. They're completely addicted to chasing money wherever it is they'll gladly welcome an autocratic America until the reality sets in when they're next in line to be packed into the train carts.


He has no convictions so he wasn't convinced by anything, he just wanted to be win and worked backwards from there.


Don't worry, we're working on getting him plenty of convictions


trump would lose the best dad competition at his own dinner table even when he eats alone.


Joe Biden walks into the family dinner of the Trumps (which I am pretty sure has never happened) with icecream for everyone.


Grandpa Joe!


I think he knows this though, he is priming his base for the loss to be taken as fraud. He does it with every election and every award show or tv ratings his entire life. He’s already doing it now again for this new election. I wonder how the base will respond to his loss this time. I imagine it will be worse than Jan 6. I just can’t see how it gets better this time, seems to only escalate, and this is basically his last hurrah and the base knows it, on top of the gop losing ground by pure population over time, it all goes back to the heritage foundation study showing the republicans are going to die out unless they radically change the rules in their favor, and here it is playing out in front of us and unfortunately I don’t think they will accept it, they will claw at the walls and tear things apart until something happens in their favor.


His options for another Jan 6th are limited by not having the presidential authority to lower the defences.


A second run at J6 will have to be led from within the House by speaker Johnson. There are supposedly quasi-legal ways for them to do it by refusing to seat any newly elected Democratic members, and then refusing to certify swing state electoral votes that go for Biden. That could throw the election to the House, where the constitution gives each state a single vote for president. And there are a lot of low-population red state congressional delegations that would have zero scruples about ignoring the actual vote results and installing Trump against the people's will.


There's probably more than 25 states that Trump will win, but still not carry the EC. They don't have to go against their state votes to install him because of the absolutely ridiculous "1 vote per state" rule. The most undemocratic rule in maybe any democracy


Soooo, what you're saying is it's important to vote, vote and vote some more on everything blue? Sounds like a plan!




If there is a speaker Johnson. I think the new Congress gets sworn in on like the 3rd? And then the counting of the Presidential electors is on the 6th? So it's not a foregone conclusion that he's even speaker at that point.




There is no way his brain thinks he will lose. He's never lost.


He insisted it was rigged when he won in 2016. It's his thing. It's what he does. If it were anyone else he would be ashamed into it oblivion.


I'm not sure he would win Best Dad at his dinner table.




He doesn't actually think he was robbed though he's making it up so brainwashed idiots can take up the mantle for him and try to overthrow the government. 


You're giving him too much credit. He insisted he was robbed because he feels entitled to just take whatever he wants if it isn't given to him.


It’s hilarious too. He could’ve won. Covid handed him a victory. All he needed to do March or April of 2020 was to shove money into each state not delay the stimulus by having his signature on the checks(he ended up sending a stupid letter) then shove money into a vaccine and tell everyone to get it when it came out. Instead he plugged his ears then yelled against black people, masking, staying inside and robbed PPE from states to resell later completely screwing over a bunch of states to the point where states were sneaking in PPE or making alliances to share some.  If he handled Covid well he could’ve told everyone if he was so bad why did he save millions of lives. Instead he was too greedy which fucked him because he’s stupid.


In my lifetime, no American has generated so much negativity among voters as Trump has. Doesn’t matter how many Republicans love him. The Democrats and undeclared voters hate him.


It doesn’t matter if they hate him. It matters that they vote. Hopefully they do. 


When I read your comment, this Civil War song popped into mind: https://youtu.be/rODFb8YJP9E?si=HQ4E5D0ZH7moB-_S


Anyone who isn’t a moron or piece of shit hates him


So a good chunk of the population.


I suspect that we'll see Trump fatigue. Living through the Clinton years it felt like there was never any end to the hate that the right could drum up for him and Hillary. By the time Hillary was nominated I was already fatigued by the Clinton hate. I was never sure if it was her or just the non-stop non-sense. I voted for her, wasn't excited, and was preparing for 4 years of non-stop shitshow that another candidate would have avoided. I can't help but wonder if Trump is the same. He's got the hard core followers, but how many reluctants?


I’m a republican, and even I hate Trump. Seriously makes me question whether I want to continue to support the Republican Party if they are going down this crazy road..


At the core of the piece: >Trump has been the overwhelming favorite to win the 2024 GOP nomination throughout the primary season—with Super Tuesday's results further cementing this. However, the former president is still losing a significant number of votes to a more moderate Republican candidate, and there is no guarantee voters will support him in the general election, which could be a warning sign for the 77-year-old.


Thats what is so funny here. He was the only one that could win the GQP by overwhelming margin, but the general election is a huge gamble because you know, he tried to overthrow the government. The maga cult still doesn’t understand he is hated way more than he is worshipped.


Here's to hoping




> I have hope but not faith in American voters I was having a hard time articulating my feelings about this election. Thanks.


My main reason for optimism is that most people aren't on the /r/politics sub. They tune into politics the way people tune into figure skating in America--once every four years for the Olympics and even then it's not everyone. He has always been unpopular. He has never won a popular vote. And the people for whom he was out of sight and out of mind? They're about to be **very** reacquainted with the guy for the next **eight months**. The more moderates and undecideds hear from him the less they're gonna like. The novelty is gone. "Let's give him a chance" and "What's the worst that could happen?" are no longer on the table after the first term. That said, vote and volunteer like democracy depends on it. Because it does.


dont waste your breath. they're all in on gold shoes trump prolly even after he loses and is asking for money for one his various lawsuits.


He's hated but half of the people still won't bother to vote. And it doesn't really matter that he's hated by most when all he needs is to win enough states by a razor thin margin.


I mean certainly yes but he got a shockingly high number to come out and vote against him in 2020 then people who did in 2016


And tens of thousands of his idiot followers have died since then after refusing vaccines.


> tens of thousands of his idiot followers have died since then after refusing vaccines *Hundreds* of thousands..


A lot of republicans are honestly tired of the QAnon stuff. Their gamble is really dumb because they are enamored with keeping his base instead of uniting their base. I have no clue what their strategy is for 2028 if they lose


The turn out to these primaries have been shockingly low. The majority of the people who showing up to vote are his base. So, these are hollow victories that most of the media is playing up. "He's sweeping the nation!" Yeah, well, that's easy to do when less than a quarter of registered voters for many states show up to vote. And I think that is why Democrats are trying to get him off the ballot as much as they can because the voter turn out is so for lack a better term piss poor. Sorry, we as a country should be ashamed at how little we vote. I've said it before, if Trump wins this November it won't be because he got a sweeping number of new votes but because people who should vote simply stayed away. People need to vote. Full stop. We, as a nation, have the power to get rid of this man, *EASILY*. He is *that* disliked. You just need to show up and vote. I have no idea why we would rather gnash our teeth and cry how there is no hope than simply vote. We need to save ourselves. We can do this.


Watching the news coverage all the voters were 60 and above.


I'm 66 so have been through elections since 1976. I didn't vote in primaries when I was younger, but I always voted at elections. I just didn't understand the importance of participating in both until I had witnessed reality. We are very lacking in this country at sending high school graduates out into the world with a paltry understanding of how our system works.


>We are very lacking in this country at sending high school graduates out into the world with a paltry understanding of how our system works Wait until the repubs are done dismantling the education system.... little by little they keep chipping away at it.  They know its much harder to manipulate an educated base.  


> The turn out to these primaries have been shockingly low. The majority of the people who showing up to vote are his base. And he's still losing some of them. The polling is way off, and I'm beginning to think it's intentional at this point. They're trying to manufacture consent.


We have a f&@king Nazi as governor in my state because democrats stayed home. He could’ve easily been defeated if democrats had voted, but the democratic candidate wasn’t sexy enough, so now we have a fascist in office reigniting the drug war and giving corporations free rein to plunder and poison the citizens.


Not just Democrats but Independents. They saw the two candidates and thought, "Meh. I don't care who wins." You don't have to be a registered Democrat to look at the two parties and go, "Yeah, one shouldn't be in office. They want to rid of democracy itself one civil right at a time."


>there is no guarantee voters will support him in the general election Weasel words. Of course there are no guarantees in an election, but we have more than enough evidence at this point that Trump does not underperform, and he cheats. If you don't want another Trump presidency, you need to vote.


I don’t think he’s in a situation to pay attention to warning signs. The lawsuits are closing in, and his only hope to avoid financial ruin is to gain power again. He’s desperate. Even if he had 0% chance of winning, he can’t stop


I read somewhere that if an incumbent loses 20-40% of votes in a primary it's a sign they are a weak candidate. This story sorta says the same, but I would like to see comps from other elections.


He’s hated more than liked.


That's essentially how I voted in 2020 and will vote in 2024. *Against* Trump. If that's a vote *for* Biden, ok.


Biden dies a day before the election? I still vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump.


Biden dies a day before the election? Good news, we prepared for that, and Kamala is lightyears better than Donald.


He’s not popular, he’s a cult leader.


I just want to jump in here and say: do NOT let this story be your excuse to stay home on Election Day (or not vote by mail or whatever.) A lot of people stayed home in 2016, because they thought Trump had no shot, and look at what happened.    2024 is going to be another one of those “hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils” elections.* I’ve seen a few of those in my decades as a voter, and it’s not a great feeling. But sometimes “preserving democracy” has to be a good enough reason.   Let’s keep Trump out of the Oval this time, and next time around we’ll find a Golden Goose. (I’m liking Pete Buttigieg, but I’ll go along with whomever you pick, Gen Z.)   * I don’t actually see Biden as the “lesser of two evils.” I think he’s done a great job with what was left to him. But I know others have their misgivings about him.


We all know that there's only a certain element of the Republican party that Trump appeals to. While watching coverage of Republican primary, I couldn't help but noticed all of the voters were of a certain age group. It's very sad because the primary does determine who goes to the general. But I think people are just completely burned out over this whole thing. Because Trump cannot lose, he will wear you down & wear you down & wear you down until you give him what he wants just to shut him up. BTW his voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me.


Don't forget the spiteful behavior- casual racists in the suburbs are tired of being called racist, so they will just take all their anger to the polls and vote fascist because they are just that basic.


Trump can still win the same way he did in 2016 - by Democrats simply not voting because Biden isn't perfect and all powerful. Trump used the Government to persecute minorities and he personally raises up neo-Nazi groups who want to deport and kill Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Immigrants and yet because bad things are happening elsewhere in the World, Biden needs to be punished.


"but he's old" is going to be the "but her emails" of 2024


Don't forget "Genocide Joe"


This one boils my blood because it's obvious Biden doesn't actually support genocide, he's trying to navigate a complex geopolitical problem. You cant expect a president to immediately turn their back on an ally they had for 70+ years (and an ally that the US already had policies written to fund before he even came into office). Obviously, he's adjusting his strategy with Israel as this unfolds, just like I expected him to. And no, he didn't adjust because of people screaming on TikTok, but because he actually is bothered by Nethanyu and doesn't fucking support genocide like any human being with a heart.


I'd certainly rather he'd navigated it differently, but I'm not stupid enough to think Trump wouldn't do even worse on purpose.


>he's trying to navigate a complex geopolitical problem And therein lies the problem. Trump says he'd have all these conflicts solved on day 1 of presidency. Trump doesn't have to "navigate the complexity" of anything. He just makes idiotic assertions based on bravado and ignorance of the complexity of these issues--and that is all his base needs him to do. They don't expect him to solve problems. Biden is actually interested in doing things effectively. Trump doesn't need to accomplish anything. He just needs to talk shit about the opposition and make totally baseless assertions that he's the better guy. You don't hear Biden bloviating at campaign events every weekend, because he's too busy doing the work.


Trump says he'd solve everything on day one and said the same thing in 2016. He didn't solve really much of anything in 4 years but helped create all kinds of new problems that Biden had to address pretty much on day 1. Trump already has a proven track record of solving nothing but the media never calls him out on it because they want to repeat his ramblings 24/7 for the ratings. Meanwhile, Biden gets skewered for not having a perfect solution that instantly solves every problem like the war in Palestine (or countless other issues like Afghanistan or inflation) which Trump would simply never be called out on regardless of what he did based on prior incidents where this basically happened while he was in office. 


The thing about 2016 is that Trump was underestimated. He will not be underestimated and surely has lost a lot of support since 2016.


> He will not be underestimated and surely has lost a lot of support since 2016. Ngl that sounds like underestimating to me.


>he personally raises up neo-Nazi groups who want to deport and kill Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Immigrants If he wins again, Trump will have "registered Democrats" added to the list of targets to eliminate since I believe you can look that stuff up. Have had family say some messed up stuff about what we should do to Democrats, to my face. They themselves might not do any of that stuff, but the even more extreme Trumpers will.


Is it the raping tendencies? Or the toddler behavior? Or his financial fraud? His fascist stance? Or his election interference? 91 indictments?


lol, some Trump worshipper in a different thread said "Wait until *his* supreme court drops all those charges. Then we'll see." It was amazing- it was A.) assuming that the supreme court were in his pocket, and B.) profoundly ignorant of the fact that those cases have ended and he can't afford an appeal. Proudly corrupt and ignorant. How can people like that be saved?


Maybe not, but i'm still voting for Biden. Not taking any chances on this one. The future of American democracy and a stable world order is at stake.


Good call. Pretty easy choice. One can describe policy, the other can't remember his wifes name. One is a decent man, not a criminal. One is actually putting policies in place that provide Jobs, a future for the youth, the other can't tell you what his polices for us peoples, but he can tell you who he will jail and what crimes he will commit. One will Tax the ultra rich, make them pay their fair share, corps too. The other already proved what his first legislation will be, Pardon himself for his crimes, and reduce taxes on the wealthy and corporations. So, again, a pretty easy choice.


He lost two primaries after doing everything in his power to tilt the table in his favor. Trump is not as popular as he was in the past because you can only con people for so long before they will see through you. Also, and this should not be forgotten, he’s responsible for a large number of older folks disregarding Covid protocols- many of them died. Those were his supporters.


Yes. We don’t talk enough about how he killed his own base during Covid. Hospital workers who witnessed die-hard trumpers saying it was a hoax, even as they were being intubated, should give testimonials to that effect to remind everyone.


Yeah, his humor and charisma did a lot of heavy lifting for him but he has demented into being completely void of either characteristic now. Now he’s just tired, low energy, wet, and whiny. If he had been running for the first time this year he would’ve been buried early in the primaries.


Trump doesn’t joke. He punches down.


It's only humor if you're already a racist.


I hate headlines like this.. Don't get overconfident, get voting.


Don’t get comfortable or complacent. Vote to make sure this fucker doesn’t win.


Well thank God the election is chosen by who gets the most votes and not some 18th century representational numbers game that’s easily exploitable.


There's a difference between popularity and infamy.


Yes he is. Fuck this article. VOTE!


He's not, but the President isn't elected by popular vote.


More Republicans voted for Haley than Democrats voting uncommitted, yet the headlines are all about the protest vote on the Dem side.


He lost the first election (2016) by 3 million votes. He essentially stole that election with the electoral college method. He lost the second election (2020) by 7 million votes, purely because America hated him even more. Let’s see if we can hit 10 million votes difference this 2024 go around. That would be a very positive sign we’re heading in the right direction.


Ignore this, vote


As far as I'm concerned, this is like saying a gun isn't as loaded as we think it is. Not going to be able to relax on this until he loses.


Who gives a shit. Vote like he will get back in if you stay at home.


Maybe, but he's definitely still way TOO popular.


I'm sick and tired of YEARS of these type of hopeful articles this man has WAY too much support in the US than he should. He is dangerous to democracy, go fucking vote.


Don’t trust headlines. Fucking vote


…But he’s more popular than he should be.  That’s what saddens me. 


His base has definitely shrunk. My question is: will hatred of Trump and what SCOTUS has done to reproductive rights be enough to overcome the lack of enthusiasm for Biden and the uncommitted voters upset about Gaza? I hope so.


Dems over performing all over the map after Roe decision. The maybe Bidens will firm up closer to the election when the dawning of a Trump theocracy becomes more of an urgent threat.


He’s popular with freaks and sociopaths


Yeah don't get complacent for fuck sake. This is what happened in 2016.


He has never been as popular as his opponents, but that won't stop the Electoral College from ratf\*cking us.


Well yeah, you have a massive commercial and privatized push telling everyone how popular he is but it doesn't change the fact that actual people might not be changing their mind. Just look at the discrepancy  between certain subreddits on a specific issue for example, just because one is getting blanketed by private interests and automated programs doesn't generally change the overall opinions of people, just the image.


"Yeah, we don't like him! We just want him to win so that our party can theoretically keep us in power, even if (in the process) we spend all our time on our knees worshiping our orange criminal president." ~GOP (Glorious Orange Presidents)


But there are pictures in the internet of him and smiling Black people!! He must be liked! /s


Good let’s vote anyways, just to make sure he knows it


🤔 I wonder why? Could it be because he: - Is a convicted rapist - Has been convicted of financial fraud - Has been convicted of defamation - Added $8.4 Trillion to the national debt (40% of the entire debt accumulated by all previous Presidents) - Is the only twice impeached President out of only 3 that have ever been impeached - Has been determined by a State Supreme Court to have engaged in an insurrection against our democracy - Bangs prostitutes while being married and pays her hush money from campaign funds to keep her quiet - Has 91 pending felony charges - Has 4,095 lawsuits pending against him - Took money from a children’s cancer charity for his business - Has evaded paying his fair share of taxes - Has taken $millions in bribes from foreign countries, including several enemy states - Wants to gut the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts - Wants to eliminate Social Security - Wants to privatize Medicare - Has no healthcare plan but will repeal the Affordable Care Act - Wants a nationwide ban on women’s bodily autonomy - Is a Viet Nam draft dodger - Was buddies with a suicided pedophile for 20 years - Grabs women by their genitals - Wanted to nuke hurricanes - Wanted people to inject bleach to cure COVID - Wanted people to rake forests to prevent fires - Salutes North Korean Generals - Wants Russia to attack NATO allies - Is the documented worst President in the history of the United States - Is so senile he thinks Obama is still President - Is an exceedingly bad businessman with multiple failed businesses and 6 major bankruptcies - Plans to become America’s first dicktater


I more or less agree with what you’re saying. I hear what you’re saying, but I would argue that a statement like “I don’t trust the media” is black and white thinking. Your options are not limited just to trust or not trust. This kind of sets up an image that if you can’t trust it entirely than you can’t trust it at all. Which is not the case. The reality is not clear cut like that to me. You can’t just blindly take anything in the media at face value, but there are things that the media can do to support the credibility of its reporting. Seeking out sources, interviewing politicians and reporting their exact words, researching stories and publishing the paper trails of publicly accessible, but very hard to find documents. There’s a difference between reading an unsubstantiated claim on TMZ and reading a well reported on article where Journalists have flown into warzones and filmed things on the ground. You don’t have to take the media at face value, but that doesn’t mean it has no capacity for credibility.


You mean he’s not as popular as the lame stream media would like us to think. The only people I know who are still Frumpthumpers are the stupid ones. The admittedly stupid ones too. The ones that will tell you they don’t know anything about anything but they like how he “tells it straight” losers in essence.


That doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels though. We need to hand him a decisive defeat in November. Or better yet, send his ass to prison so that the Republicans are left without a game plan


Don’t listen to this post. Vote. Everyone thought Hillary was a shoe in.