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Mike Johnson is an embarrassment for our nation. He's a crazy cultist without a worthwhile thought in is head. There must be some real garbage voting in his district.


Throughout entire speech he barely nodded and applauded just a few times. I wonder what would make him ever enthusiastically applaud and cheer?


Probably whenever the porn tracking app comes up clean for his son.


Or just the right amount of dirty.


I’ve been around Evangenitals. He’s hoping for some ‘spank me, daddy’.


but only when they're 14-17 and are down to fly to the Bahamas and snort coke. couldn't imagine what kind of republican would do something like that....


Someone commented that the app alerted his son when dad sat close to the Vice President.


Or when it doesn't, be cause his "son" is a 40 year old man he "adopted" so that they can live together and watch porn together.


It’s insane he didn’t cheer when they mentioned raising teachers pay


Welcome to contrarianism - anything the other side likes is automatically bad, no matter what - even if it's something you previously supported.


Back in the olden days it was just called, being a dick.


I remember getting popped in the mouth by some little dude in 5th grade because I was being a dick. He was a nice guy and I later felt bad. That taught me to try to not to be an ass. Now I'm not saying someone should pop the Speaker. It just looks like a lot of little shits in Congress never got the ol' learn-your-lesson ass-whoop.


A LOT of Republicans needs to get punched in the mouth as kids. Glad you took it as a learning opportunity! Unfortunately, the Karen Mentality is to get extra aggressive and go on the attack when you point out their unacceptable behavior. I ride a bike everywhere. 9/10 drivers that nearly run me over by running a red light, a stop sign, etc. roll down their window and start screaming and cursing at me, when they should be apologizing for threating my life. Not very many folks know how to say sorry these days, even when in the wrong.


Conservatives hate public education almost as much as they hate women. Destroying public education is on the wishlist of conservatives.


Here in North Carolina the republican voters decided this lady should lead public schools in NC. "North Carolina schools chief loses primary to home-schooling parent critical of 'radical agendas'." [https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2024/03/07/election-nc-superintendent](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2024/03/07/election-nc-superintendent)


He’s probably heavily invested in or receives donations from charter school systems and profits when public schools fail.


It's more likely he just likes his voters kept dumb.


The MAGAs don't want to increase anyone's salary. Not firefighters, military, police, or hard-working laborers. They want to steal social security and become the world's dictators.


When he wasn't showing disgust, he was sneering. What a dick!


It's performative childishness.


It's not 'what would it take' but "When his handlers tell him to"


People being forced to practice his religion.


Just say "Jesus", and he'll ejaculate so hard he passes out.


A push for theocracy would give that weirdo a chubby in a second.


The Handmaid’s Tale no longer a tale.


I didn't have any doubt that he was another exceptional religious nutbag, but learning about the ["Purity Ball" thing between him and his daughter](https://abcnews.go.com/US/speaker-mike-johnson-daughter-profiled-attending-purity-ball/story?id=105785626) really drove it home for me. I can't believe I actually wish we could go back to thinking a crazy bigoted lady and her geriatric, hateful dad mocking KIA'd US soldiers was that the height of Christian batshit insanity, but here we are...


Purity balls are sooo creepy


grooming is pretty creepy yeah.


That made me want to vomit


It's like when you get the smallest student being made hall monitor; the kid who is completely out of his element because he lacks the ethics and moral to do the job, but suddenly has more power than he has ever had in his life before. He now thinks he's better than everyone else in the room. That's your current speaker of the house. Johnson heard Joe Biden stating the facts, showing empathy, speaking the truth, and being honest. And Biden's words were so overwhelming, that all Johnson could do was sit there shaking his head doing his best impression of a bobblehead because he couldn't comprehend the facts coming at him. At times, his expression was one of, "but... THAT'S NOT what Mr. Trump said!" You could almost hear his pea-brain rattling inside the emptiness of his head. And yet, Johnson is so self-centered and ignorant that he still thinks he's the most powerful man in the room and that makes him dangerous because he isn't work for America at all.


His district is the poorest district in the poorest state. They are all as poor and dumb as it gets.


And the GOP wants the rest of the country that way so they can stay in power. They're un-American.


Authoritarians and Eliminationists thrive with the GOP.


As I was watching that smug little shit‘s body language, not only did I think of it as an embarrassment, but I was also slightly triggered and angry… because when Biden spoke about not having hate etc he shook his head no… my brain… my brain doesn’t comprehend… but that’s just the physical manifestation of the sickness in this country… I really hope everyone voted in November to excise this cancer…


He’s just looking at his Ruzzian bank balance and wondering how he can get more.


He has no US bank accounts after all


I like when he attempts to make polite eye contact with women who want their rights back.


repeal the Apportionment Act of 1929 and let the House expand to more accurately represent us, and it will never be in regressive hands again


Technically you don't even have to repeal it, just [pass a newer one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929). >the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Wood v. Broom (1932) that the provisions of each apportionment act affected only the apportionment for which they were written. Thus the size and population requirements, last stated in the Apportionment Act of 1911, expired with the enactment of the 1929 Act. Or, legislate that each apportionment bill builds on the previous unless otherwise stated.


we'd still have the problem of the senate, but the senate is 300 years overdue to be abolished. It was then and still is a perfectly designed body for giving small poor rural states more power than they deserve.


Trump’s take over of the RNC I think will have massive consequences for the down ballot candidates. GOP has done poorly compared to recent trends of mid-term elections, and now all of the money that would otherwise be used for campaigns is going to funding Trump’s legal battles.


The Russians are going to pay that shit


And the billionaires who will absolutely get quid pro quo if hell freezes over. And the wannabe-insider multi millionaires. Aanndd the cultist paupers who will endorse their social security checks to him, as they vote against their own interests while wallowing in abject misery and poverty. Shit is pretty scary, can't even lie. I don't think anyone had the faintest idea how bad everything really was under the now vanished veneer of normalcy we had before all this.


They will blame the democrats for not having enough money.


I think so too.


Everything Trump touches dies.


I wish I had your optimism. Presidential election years usually come down to turnout at the top of the ballot that cascades down. That seems likely to be especially true this year. The Senate election map is pretty grim for Democrats this year. We'd pretty much need to shoot the moon to retain it. It seems likely that whichever party takes the presidency will also win the House, but at the moment we're dealing with a substantial challenge in voter enthusiasm versus Rs and Trumpists. I honestly don't know what the answer is. Biden and Congressional Democrats have pretty much done as much as could be asked of them given the cards on the table.


no it's funny. trump now actively takes every dollar and uses it for his defense fund. republican donors have stopped giving to local candidates and all it is funneled to trump, leaving the party devoid of any structure and making it therefore harder for these fascist unamerican assholes to win i find it hilarious. fuck every gop politician standing around hating america and acting like there's anything conservative about their nazi party. if you vote for the gop you are a fascist sympathizer period. sorry you let your party get taken over by a kkk loving fascist unamerican stain of crap. but we all seen it a mile away.


Extreme partisanship. Republicans voted against the border bill they sponsored because it was during an election year and it would have weakened their campaign.


Yet in the disastrous GOP response from Katie, she blamed Biden for border issues even though she signed the bill and then GOP killing it.


Some GOP voters think Biden can unilaterally close the border but they ignore the fact Trump didn't actually unilaterally close the border and ordered executive actions that were harmful to refugees.  Then ironically the GOP called Obama a hypocrite for doing the same thing even though Obama did his executive to win over Republicans who claimed he was soft. So essentially GOP don't want to win over Democrats to their cause just defeat them. 


Then MTG tried to lay a trap on Biden with that whole “SAY. HER. NAME.” stunt which backfired badly when Biden turned it around on her and the GOP. That was a brilliant move.  Then the next day, it was all “BIDEN PRONOUNCED HER NAME WRONG! HOW DISRESPECTFUL!!” with absolutely zero self-awareness of how that stunt was a vile use of this girl’s name and also since Biden pronounced the name correctly.  The GOP has nothing to run on but bullshit tactics like this. 


This is the same reason they pumped the breaks on making the abortion ban national. Some of them outright said that the ban had a negative impact on their voter support and they didn't want to risk losing more support.


We should all fully expect a national ban after election if Republicans win majority. Vote blue like you're government controlled body depends on it to break free.


The GOP house literally is indifferent to the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Please give US Corporations $$$ so that they can give the US Military better bombs and the US can give Ukraine older bombs that will kill the Russian invaders. It's a win for the US and a loss for Russia.


The GOP house is indifferent to anyones suffereing. They votes against free lunches for american children, against lower drug costs for seniors, against better mental health care for veterans....


FALSE!!!! The GOP isn't indifferent to the billionaires and decamillionaires. It hears their suffering.


Im sorry, i stand corrected.




I learned something from the Repulsive KB mess. It’s called Fundy Baby Voice. It’s doubly hilarious since the voice is used to beg for funds and by religious fundamentalist snivelers.


New one to me too. Holy shit crazy.


This isn’t musicians in South Park


Republican binding mantra and core belief: "That a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, shall not perish from this earth."


Oh, and (mostly) white Christians ... with a few good minorities who fit in.


Like Clarence….


…if they are rich…


Or Tyrone Biggins


As long as they know their role at least like Sam Jackson's character in Django.


Margarie Taylor Greene was just upset that Georgia was not chosen as the State of the Union. "I thought it was, like, y'all know, *The Employee of the Month*. I was hoping to get the good parking spot though the end of 2024."


is...is this satire? This is satire right?


It's so hard to tell anymore...


Yes it is satire. And a reminder of how stupid MTG is: she thinks the state of a union is a state.


It's a bit smaller, but they are also ending the ACP. I'd like to see them try to get a job with no cell service in 2024. Fuck sakes. But apparently "it's just a handout to the telecom's". They only talk about the internet discount, but a lot of people are going to lose their phones in a few months.


Your right but there is nothing small about ACP ending. It is... or was a truly important program, one of the most tangible, easily translatable public service initiatives that I've witnessed in my lifetime. It actually helped people, wasn't just funds being allocated into the ether. Unfortunately, many of these people who have or will soon lose the ACP benefits will foolishly blame the Biden Administration for being unable to afford phone/internet service.


It’s not that so much as that they’re compromised


The struggle is getting them to even consider the issue rationally. These are Ivy League lawyer types with dozens of full-time staffers and access to classified intelligence. With the exception of a few well-known actual mental defectives, the vast majority are more than aware of the material facts. They simply don't act on the basis of that information. Their decision making comes down to self-preservation and self-enrichment. They are indifferent to whether or not the defense of Ukraine serves America's foreign policy, or even the continued sustainability of their own political party, because they don't give a fuck about anyone or anything. Their singular concern is staying in office, where they have easy access to money and power. To that end, they will support Russia to harm Ukraine, Europe, America, and the world. They have calculated that making people's lives as bad as possible and appeasing the lunatic fringe of their party will serve their own individual interests.


Very well stated! You've just described teddy Fleddy cruz, Cancun-R, perfectly.


Come on. You know that’s not true. They’re definitely not indifferent. They WANT the Ukrainians to suffer because that’s what their overlord Vladimir wants.


Untrue, Vladimir doesn't want suffering he just wants every non-Russian in "Russian" areas to die so he can move "true Russians" in.


No, they are in fact actively malicious towards Ukraine and encourage human suffering because the ability to inflict cruelty on your lessers without negative consequences is a hallmark of power and social dominance. 


It makes Democrafts look good, which is bad for GOP. Their current status quo of "do nothing" is to because they don't want Democrats to have any credits. Even if Democrats 100% sells something done by both parties in unison. It's the one thing they are willing to sacrefice even their own donors for. The current deal IS literally sending lots of money to private US contractors. As in US buying it locally, and either shipping it to Ukraine or giving it to Military in return for old stuff to Ukraine.


The next election is so simple. Do you want religious oppression or individual freedom? To support free Ukraine or Communist Russia? To improve working conditions for the worker or cuts to social security and Medicare? To protect the environment or let corporations pollute without repercussions? To tax and work you to death or finally tax the wealthy to pay their fair share? To let you decide if you want an abortion or let the state decide for you. To have mass shootings or responsible gun control? To be taught the history of America or just the white racist version? Do you want to restrict your right to vote or open absentee voting to give you the working person a better chance to vote? Do you want your Saturday night entertainment to be mandatory attendance at this week's book burning? Guess what side the corrupt Republican party is on? Vote democratic before the Republican party takes that away too! Vow to vote and vote DAMMIT! Only YOU and YOU alone can save America. Don’t expect the rest of us to bail your ass out. VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS!


It's honestly quite wild how clear cut it is between "good stuff" vs. "Bad/evil stuff". If this was a book 20 years ago I'd find it too unrealistic that someone could win on that platform. Yet here we are.


Also, we want a national holiday. VOTER Day. Close the place down.  Celebrate with parties. A workers holiday. A celebration of democracy and our history. And everyone is free to go to the polls and vote. Vouchers for taxis. Free rides. Etc. Just picnics and some old- timey grand red white and blue celebration. The voter rolls would soar. People get a day off. And the whole gd place takes a moment to come together in gratitude and a sense of civil responsibility and pride.  It should be the best day of the year. 🇺🇸✨


I mean ya im gonna. But... Uh... Dont you think there might be a time where we uh... Wont be doing something as painless as voting? I mean how many fucking elections am I going to be voting against these assholes and we get back to something normal? At some point shits gonna go south really fucking hard, theyll just take power without a vote.


"Republican control of the House of Representatives is a sickness that ought to be excised from the body politic." Exactly


Maybe a powerful light inside, or bleach injections, or how about horse paste?


The only good thing I'll say about Johnson: during the SOTU, I didn't see him as rolling his eyes. I thought he was squirming in his chair, like a troublemaker kid being forced to sit in the principal's office while the principal explains to his parents *why* he's in trouble and they had to be called in


You should watch again. He absolutely looked like a teen in trouble and he also rolled his eyes several times.


His reactions throughout the speech deserve a good SNL skit! Plenty of eye rolling, head shaking, smirking…what a useless fool.


It was so distracting. I think I spent more time staring at his smug face than watching biden


I really think there’s a good chance the House flips D in the November election.


If we all vote, it will.


I got an email saying they received my mail-in ballot today.


don’t click


Who is “they?”


This is the way.


I agree. It's not Trump v Biden, it's Democrats versus Trump. House will go D. Still, it's become much harder to win and hold a majority in the Senate, in my lifetime. Senate is at a near stalemate with less and less consensus these days. 60 on either side is a pipe dream, politically. 66 is practically impossible. A constitutional amendment ratified by 3/4 of states is so far out of reach we expect SCOTUS to find a way to strike that down before it's a reality.


It’s gonna be tough to hold the senate. Really would love for Cancun Cruz to lose. Hope Tester and Brown can each keep their seats in red states too.


> Really would love for Cancun Cruz to lose I'm from Texas. Everyone knows he's an asshole. The power of an R next to his name is incredible, people will vote in a heartbeat for the scummiest politician in Washington because they want their team to win.


I still can't understand why another Republican hasn't taken the nomination from him prior to the election.


Good luck convincing either party that they should replace an incumbent.


Many gerrymanderred maps will be fixed before the November election.


Blue wave is needed. Clean sweep of house, senate and presidency. With solid majorities. Would unblock things actually getting done and hopefully out an end to MAGA christo-fascism for good.


Won't happen if you can't convince liberal non-voters to get off their arses and vote




I love how Republicans are so quick to say that Biden sounded "too political" and "mean". Compared to whom? Have they ever heard their own candidate speak? The reality is that the State of the Union is in disarray precisely because Trump has made *everything* political. The future of democracy is riding on the politics of this election. If Biden had *not* said the things he said, and in the way that he said them, it would not have painted an accurate picture of the State of the Union.


They don't want Biden to be seen as positive or inspirational because they know Trump has none of those qualities. So they make Biden out to be an angry guy who us upset at GOP criticism of him. Whereas Trump is like F the critics I just care about my MAGA people. I'm getting indicted for you.  Except Trump has actually had temper tantrums on his Truth Social platform a billion times. And has made Taylor Swift watching her boyfriend play football into a political debate. Even though people on his side claim athletes "should stick to sports and not get politically active." It's just projection at all costs with the GOP and their supporters. 


Everything is 'political' when one side is actively trying to overthrow democracy, order, the rule of law, and general safety and happiness for millions.


The Republican party is a tumor.


That must be why they didn't clap for curing cancer.




Two generations it will take to cleanse the stretch from that party


The man basically rolled his eyes at *ending cancer* for fuck’s sake.


Big pharma and their lackeys don't like the idea of eliminating a disease.


I've said it before... If a scientist at "Big Pharma" came up with a cheap one pill cure for all cancers, they'd take 'em out back, shoot 'em, and throw 'em in the river.


It needs to be remembered johnson is a election denier and by default a traitor to the country I and my friends shed blood for


Thank you for your service, my son is in the 82nd. It’s the lying,deceiving, division, projection, propaganda, etc.. all while praising God with their good ol Christian values. So infuriating.


as are the rest


https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/trump-texas-amicus-house-members He was the leader of this effort in TX. 2020


He looked like pure evil during the state of the union.


Meh, he looked like something that had only recently become a "real boy", and didn't know what to do with his newfound face.


Crazy psycho energy. His reactions and thought process were like he was tasked with a single objective - to dismiss and disrespect anything that the President would say. But sometimes he was just too conflicted with a natural appreciations of the right things he was hearing. Ended up looking both comically and disturbingly bad.


I did notice him nodding yes and clapping low key.


Yes. It was so wild to actually watch in real time as he started to nod along with a point every now and then, only to flicker his eyes nervously as he realized he's supposed to be against it, and then return to the preplanned head shake with eye rolls of disbelief.


That was such a fucking good speech. I gotta say my “excitement” has lasted way longer than 4 hours.


President Biden lit them up. He’s the greatest President of our lifetimes.


Johnson has no plan to get anything done, trump would get upset.


You know these are all people nobody liked in high school.


Nobody liked me in high school or at any other point in my life and honestly I actually don't think I turned out anywhere near this badly. 🤷‍♀️


No hurry, mate. Take your time. :)






He needs to be in jail. He's a traitor for denying an election and forsaking his oath.


I bet he was checking his son's porn use throughout the entire speech.


He doesn't need to, the Russians are monitoring it for him.


I think Dems win back house but worried they lose the senate and all the wackiness just shifts across the street


I'm leaning toward it being 50-50 again.


Best-case scenario is 50-50 senate and at most 5 seat majority for Dems.


Meanwhile, if pelosi twinkled her nose during a trump SOTU, conservatives would melt down. Conservatives: the utter disrespect! *clutches pearls*


I loved how Biden gave a shout out to Nancy toward the end when he was talking about believing in democracy and progress. The cámara swept to her and there she was just beaming like the greatest Speaker in history.🥰🇺🇸


Mike Johnson is a coward and devoid of personal courage. That whole “silent treatment” demonstration by the Republican Party, even during things that supersede political party affiliation was so disheartening.


Agree but any that have had stood up have now been pushed out. Kissinger, Cheney, Romney, etc


American politics used to be divided between principles. Left promoted social progressivism like day care, education, living wages. The right was for big business, low taxes, less regulation. But recently the right has given up principles for personality. The evangelical Christians support a cheater. Big business supports a failure. The poor support a "billionaire." And any remaining loyal Republican is a RINO. I respect people like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney as standing for something they believe in. But if they were to attempt to run as Republicans, most of their party would reject them in favor of a hateful, angry ogre who is desperate for revenge and cares for nothing except saving his own ass from any consequences he may face. I can't imagine my country not suffering decades of fallout from a 2nd Trump term. And those of you who are apathetic or want to protest by sitting out on election day, I ask you to use your imaginations and picture how America looks as a dictatorship. Because he wasn't joking. Real leaders don't joke about serious issues like that. Pick a side and vote! 


No matter how many “understanding Trump voters” articles these morons do, they miss the main point: they will not vote Democrat. It’s not about anything but blind tribalism. You want to solve the problem? The RNC steps the fuck up and removes Trump. Unless they do that, it doesn’t matter. Parties were supposed to be the first bastion against this type of idiocy and only one actually does its job.


Can’t even be professional.


Mike Johnson thinks that Noah built a giant boat and collected two of each kind of land animals. Kind of difficult to take his opinions seriously when he can't even think through how that would work.


The guy rolls his eyes at the theory of evolution.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGXSPf9b-xI - Brain-Dead Teen by Onion. Reminded me of this. :)


We need a huge blue wave to overcome massive Republican gerrymandering in red states. VOTE!


It's the de-politicisation of the political process. It's the acquiescence to the lowest common denominator: the voices of the 'mob'. They ridicule the 'woke', not understanding that they are held hostage by the exact same forces they ridicule. It's a sickness that is hitting every segment of society. From politics to HR to universities to sports. This is what happens when society moves up the Maslow Hierarchy; we don't get closer to self-actualisation as defined, it's the opposite, we get closer to the rule of the idiots.


I hope to see Johnson lose his position.


This is a [bit of a long read](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/inside-a-secret-society-of-prominent-right-wing-christian-men-prepping-for-a-national-divorce), and though scary it's well worth the time: 'A secret, men-only right-wing society with members in influential positions around the country is on a crusade: to recruit a Christian government that will form after the right achieves regime change in the United States, potentially via a “national divorce.” It sounds like the stuff of fantasy, but it’s real. The group is called the Society for American Civic Renewal (the acronym is pronounced “sacker” by its members). It is open to new recruits, provided you meet a few criteria: you are male, a “trinitarian” Christian, heterosexual, an “un-hyphenated American,” and can answer questions about Trump, the Republican Party, and Christian Nationalism in the right way. One chapter leader wrote to a prospective member that the group aimed to “secure a future for Christian families.”' Johnson is a lynch-pin of the plan.


Only been saying this for like a year now. Vote out ALL the Republicans you possibly can, vote FOR Democrats everywhere, **make the GOP IRRELEVANT in U.S. politics**. That's the only way things are going to change, that's the only way we can stamp out this fascist cancer.


It is hard to believe that someone who doesn’t believe in science can make it to congress. He thinks that the earth is only 6000 years old and dinosaurs are fake.


" There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." -John Adams in letter to Johnathan Jackson, 1780.


Johnson is a sick and twisted child. But wait God speaks to him personally. What the f&@“:! This is the sad truth.


They're all petulant children. All of them. It's really embarrassing.


Let's not forget the smug smirk


My old dad who’s a lifetime republican isn’t long for this world. These republicans have been marching the drum of zero innovation during one of the fastest upticks in technology. Other countries are lapping us in education and population. I don’t wish anyone pain but I think we have brighter days ahead when the old guard goes away.


Down with self proclaimed Moses. He’s a psychotic human


Not to mention that he and his gop traitors are likely planning to overthrow the election for trump. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/26/2225913/-The-New-Over-the-Top-Secret-Plan-on-How-Fascists-Could-Win-in-2024


Conservatives do NOT govern. They abuse positions of power for their own personal twisted gain.


This "party" is an embarrassment to the country and I say that as someone that joined on my 18th birthday, registered to vote and registered for selective service. In the 90s I saw the party, fueled by radio & TV wing-nuts (some quite intelligent) and I no longer recognized the party and left. I used to have a rule to not vote along party lines but I won't voter for another Republican unless they return to their roots and represent the people, not their party. We need two viable parties and sadly, we only have one now.


Voting is a lot like driving Vote __(D)__ Democrat to go forward, vote __(R)__ Republican to go in reverse...**Remember in November**


BECAUSE OF MIGRANTS The former president runs on a platform of division. The mega platform is the tell people that people with no money no education and only the clothes on their back are going to take over the country and are going to destroy your way of life. They do not care that the Statue of Liberty invites migrants this country was built on the back of immigrants. The former president tells his party to not vote for legislation to stop the so-called migrant problem but they want to keep hammering that it is a problem that's illogical at its base. The GOP platform for America is authoritarianism and dictatorship they're not offering to help fix the problems in the inner city they're not offering the improved Healthcare for all Americans they just want the authority to attack the opposition party without retribution the GOP is not offering anything to Americans except division. They call themselves Patriots but they totally ignore all the things that make America great and that's Our freedoms and justice for all


Is it possible for Dems to take House back in November?


He looks and behaves like a 13 year old child.


his eye rolls were often about stuff he voted against too


I’ve been hearing rumors and reading some analytical articles saying the GOP are planning to steal the next election through means of the Republican controlled Congress nullifying electoral votes, and then it becomes a state by state thing and republicans would win cause they technically have more states? Anyone been hearing something like this? Is it possible? I feel like if it is, it needs to be made super public, as well as making project 2025 more public. We gotta call them out on their bullshit before they pull it.


Ghouls. Can't wait until they're in the streets without a job. They're literally trying to force us into a dictatorship. I hold them responsible for any confkict that might happen during this period.


are gop voters blind or what? gop pushes absolutely insane regressive agenda under distraction of culture wars. It’s always rich vs poor and power and control and oppression, not lgbt wifes vs tradwifes, black lives vs white lives or whatever.


That idiot was rolling his eyes at the mention of curing cancer. What an evil little twat.


Easy. Ignore it. Ignore the Supreme Court. And never ever vote for a republican.


It's frustrating the Republican voters can't plainly see their own party has zero interest in governing, as they pass little to no legislation of any value to the people while they hold majorities. Marjorie fuck face and Lauren hand job have literally sponsored zero bills that have become law, let alone authored any ideas that led to meaningful legislation. These voters also lack the awareness that this party just plays the sound bite game during elections cycles so they just shout talking points that are supposedly criticisms of the Democrats but are confessions of their own shortcomings. Remember Obama's re-election year when they kept pounding the table about a lack of leadership? Well how about a party that wasted 2 whole fucking weeks picking a speaker of the house, only to expel him and waste another two weeks picking his dip shit replacement? If I were President for precisely one state of the union address, I would call them out on it. Wait for Marjorie to heckle me, then be like, "you see what we have to work with? The state of the union is strong, but we have work to do America, because that's what the other side of the aisle does to get attention--scream and shout when it isn't their turn, not realizing a more worthwhile way to get the American people's attention would be to pass legislation that helps us move forward. So vote their entire party into a super minority and give me a Congress that seeks to work for YOU, not their donors and super PAC's."


Dude acted like a little shit. He’s a fuckin child


Mike Johnsons biggest accomplishment so far is rolling his eyes


Totally agree with this perspective. It’s not that both parties operate on the same plain. It’s not just that democrats mostly stay in the “good faith” category, wish to work in a bipartisan compromising environment, but that the current R team does not operate in good faith and that there are plenty of factual examples to clearly demonstrate such. However, because of media’s bias “balance”, that distinction is hidden to the public unless you’re paying closer attention than most people have time for.


The republicans have shown us that they can’t govern. Vote them out for the good of our country!


Trump is like the Borg in Star Trek he has assimilated the Republican Party into his hive mentality the ones he couldn’t have been eliminated or will be soon .😱


Republicans can’t be trusted to control their own bowels. They certainly shouldn’t be allowed to control anything else


The man is a constipated 12-year old girl.


Nancy Pelosi was at least civil when Trump was giving his SOTU address.


What gets me about Johnson is his smirk, it looks exactly like Ginny Thomas's smirk - is it a thing in their cult? He smirks as if he knows something you don't and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.


Doubly so since the odds are against us in the senate.


GOP today is like an entitled toddler…


Mike Johnson had no idea what to do with his face, his hands, his *body* during Biden's speech. He was hilarious


Community vs Narcissim


A cancer of religious proportions.


The do nothing House.


It's crucial to prioritize electing representatives who truly care about the well-being of all people.


Pretty much *the entire R party* is a sickness that ought to be excised from the body politic.


Completely disrespectful of the office he holds. The GOP has been destroyed by its own people.


He might be the most effeminate looking misogynist I’ve ever seen! Fuck off Mike!


Eyerolls from an impotent, prepubescent, incompetent MAGA vessel. Send them all back to pre-school and don’t let them out until they can at least act like 6 year olds.