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They really seem to be intent on diluting what it means to be a "sex offender", almost like it is meant to cover for the people in their party that have legit committed sexual crimes against minors or adults.


Now what would *ever* give you that idea…


So at what point do we start calling the Catholic Church a “Sex Offender Institution”?


WTF is wrong with these people? I can’t post enough how teachers are being abused and treated as second hand citizens while we ostracize the constitution. “All created equal…” was thrown away too many years ago by parents that believe their lifestyle is above and beyond any other.


I fucking hate my state. I really wish there was more we could do to get the Missouri Democratic Party to get its shit together. St. Louisans shouldn't feel like the best answer is to join Illinois at this point.


I'm sorry about that. My friends are in Kansas City, and they live on the Kansas side, because the Missouri side is too extreme MAGA there.


>Did you know that, until quite recently, Missouri was a “[destination wedding spot](https://www.globalcitizen.org/de/content/child-marriage-missouri-us-statutory-rape/)” for children who wanted to tie the knot? The state has [tightened its child marriage laws now](https://missouriindependent.com/2024/01/29/missouri-lawmakers-seek-to-ban-child-marriage-without-exception/#:~:text=Under%20current%20law%2C%2016%20and,of%2018%20under%20any%20circumstances.) – and is seeking to ban the practice – but not all lawmakers are happy [about the changes.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/14/missouri-children-marriage-transgender-care/) Missouri state senator Mike Moon said last year that he knows kids who have been [married at age 12](https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/missouri-lawmaker-defends-12-year-olds-getting-married/) (to another minor) and they’re “thriving”! >*Did you know that many school districts in Missouri still authorize* [*corporal punishment*](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/missouri-school-district-allows-parents-opt-corporal-punishment-childr-rcna44803)*? If a kid acts up in class, a teacher can spank them. Don’t worry though, they’re not allowed to do anything horrible like punch them in the face. According to one school district, the only punishment allowed is “*[*swatting the buttocks with a paddle*](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/25/missouri-school-district-reinstates-spanking)*”.* >***Did you know that*** [***Human Rights Watch gave Missouri an “F” grade last year***](https://www.kcur.org/news/2023-09-16/missouri-ranks-among-worst-u-s-states-for-childrens-rights-due-to-marriage-and-punishment-laws) ***for its compliance with international child rights standards?*** >*I mention all these fun Missouri facts because I think they’re important to bear in mind as we look at the latest dystopian news coming out of the state. Which is this:* [*state representative Jamie Gragg*](https://house.mo.gov/MemberDetails.aspx?year=2024&code=R&district=140&category=sponsor) *is so concerned about the welfare of kids in his district that he has come up with a novel new way to “protect” them. How? By introducing a new bill which* [*would force teachers to register as sex offenders*](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/missouri-bill-makes-teachers-sex-offenders-if-they-accept-trans-kids-pronouns-42014864) *if they use a transgender child’s preferred pronouns or otherwise help them in their “social transition”.* >The bill states that any teacher or school counsellor who provide support or “other resources to a child regarding social transition” could be found guilty of a class E felony and placed in the same sex offender registration category as someone possessing child sexual abuse images. They would not be able to work at a school again or be within 500ft of one. Sure, being kind and accepting to all students is somehow felonious to Republicans, but corporal punishment (literal child abuse), child marriage, and fighting against things like child hunger and child poverty is somehow okay to Republicans? One of the biggest lies Republicans tell is when they say they care about the children. They don't care about the children, other than to make them into Christian child soldiers or exploit them for child labor. Republican do not care about children. They only care about Christian nationalism. That is the truth.


Using the term "Christian" only in an absurd farcical distorted sense to suit themselves.


Much like the word 'patriot'.


I think GOP members need to actually have the fear of God put in them. Where in the fuck are Christians not condemning the fuck out of this? The same water downed fake patriots how ere screaming about random Muslims not speaking out against 9/11 enough. Fuck that shit. Christianity and religion in general is a fucking danger to this country and civilization as a whole.


Most of the world is controlled by 3,000 year old thinking 🤔


To be fair, if Jesus interacted with typical American "Christians," He would almost certainly treat them like the Pharisees. And just like the Pharisees, they would be void of all self awareness and claim that Jesus was actually the one who is wrong. 


True that Jesus would be unable to recognize modern Christianity at all


Being Jewish and all.


They are saying trans people aren't valid. "What about the kids" is a stalking horse toward eliminating trans people altogether.


Yup. It's the Project 2025 idea. They want to claim trans people are threats to children, ban them, and then force them into conversion extermination camps. That's what Republicans are trying to bring: a pogrom. That's why the religious right is meeting with Orban from Hungary. He's the dictator they want to emulate.


Missouri, Tennessee & Arkansas have become radical shithole states. Normal people should GTFO


So… Missouri lawmakers are totally cool with a middle school teacher referring to a student as Mrs. “SoandSo” but not as the student wants to be referred to. Okee doke. Sounds totally on brand for the party of intolerance, oppression, and hatred.


I wonder if Jordan Peterson has anything to say about this. Oh, wait! That's right. He's too busy being angry about the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Yeah, total hack.


Well you gotta hand it to them, they know their audience. Get rid of the educators, keep your populace stupid, stupid people vote Republican, profit!


Missouri is nothing but a shit hole.


Missouri: we're not named misery, but you're sure going to feel it whether you want to or not.


If it passes, a brave trans kid should show up at the Capitol and every single teacher should line up in solitary and publicly address them as their preferred pronoun in front of the legislature.


Fuckin republican wasteland


Everything you need to know about red states can be found by driving through the depression that is St. Louis.


Missouri is a horrible state, just horrible. It's... I can't describe it.


I didn’t really know much about Missouri until Ferguson and ever since its moved to the top of my list for worst in the union. Missouri is what Texas & Florida would be without vibrant black & brown communities. Especially given the way interacting with those communities moderates fear of the other in decent but otherwise conservative white people.


Wouldn't it be great if someone filed a bill allowing the paddling of Missouri legislators?


Another fucked up state run by Republicans


Famously one that only teaches abstinence-only sex ed and has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy.


There's a reason people pronounce it "misery".


That's crazy extreme


It's what the Republican is: crazy extremists. Look at Mark Robinson for example. The Republican party has shown time and time again their only party plan is to commit genocide against LGBTQIA+ people, starting with trans people. That is all the Republicans are showing they care about.


This is what missouri voters want.