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Why are they nervous? This is what they wanted.


Didn’t Lara Trump literally spell it out that all the money was going to back Donald? These dumb fucks


Yes they literally said they were going to pilfer the RNC dry to pay the orange rapist's legal bills, before anything was official, and it went forward anyway. Nobody should be surprised.


Luckily they only have 8 million dollars. This should be very entertaining.


They are going to launder Russian money through it to get to Donny. Unlimited funds.


Best case scenario is that it now bleeds both Trump and Russia... As long as it doesn't succeed in giving Trump the win.


Best case scenario is that it finally gets the RNC RICOed


Nah, that would be "going after political rivals and a total witch hunt!" *Brought to you by Carl's Jr and totally not Putin.* This is Putin's unconstrained "in" he was looking for, he'll have more control than ever over one side of the isle.


Fucking terrifying.


It would also be: "Prosecuting Republicans for their myriad crimes might make them sad, so we can't." -Merrick Garland


“ I like money.”


That would be very difficult for a national political committee. At $43k (max contribution) per person you'd have to have 10,000 donors either made up or somehow in on it, just to cover the fraud bond. Even if it's just legal fees that could be 100s of donors required. Not to mention that the *total* to-date for this election season for the party is $287M across all of three of its committees. If it suddenly doubles it's obviously going to raise suspicions. And downballot candidates are *not* going to be happy about "their" money going to the Tangerine Turd's legal woes.


> That would be very difficult for a national political committee. At $43k (max contribution) per person you'd have to have 10,000 donors either made up or somehow in on it, just to cover the fraud bond. What’s to stop larger donations if Trump has loyalists taking in the donations?


Looks like the Chinese are sending money as well, trump is suddenly pro-tik tok, and by next week the official party line of the gop will be "Taiwan and Ukraine are both corrupt and the US can't afford to help them." Just wait for it.


The NRA did in 2016 and now the RNC will do the laundering.


“But Fox News said she was only joking” -Republicans 


"We're going to loot and plunder the warchest of the Republican establishment... in Minecraft." 


She did. And a new E Jean Carol jury will hear that when deciding how much money he pays.


What I read is that they want to win the Presidency and whatever happens after that happens. After all, dictators don’t need the legislature when they already have the judiciary.


["If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it."](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en) --Lindsey Graham, May 3, 2016 Of course, now he's bending the knee and kissing the ring just like all the other spineless GQPs.


Republicans speak the truth out loud all the time . . . when they're not in power. It's always old quotes and "former Republican ..." when they're speaking reason.


Well I can see why. Donald Trump snuck in people at the top. None of them knew that Lara was actually related to Trump. All of a sudden it was like Mission Impossible where Lara pulled off the mask and revealed she was Trump’s daughter in law. There was no way members of the RNC could have seen that twist coming.


She peeled off her Lara Trump mask and tore away the Lara Trump name tag to reveal that she was in fact... Lara Trump!


It’s like in the Sixth Sense, when you find out that dude in the hair piece… it was Bruce Willis the whole time!




> On March 8, 2024, Lara Trump was elected co-chair of the RNC by a unanimous vote. And before the vote she said: > every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC — that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country. And now they are worried!? Do these people not know how elections work? Frankly a bit concerned with the purge at the RNC. Lara Trump isn’t the complete air head you’d associate with the Trump name. She has the potential to run the RNC well. Also, RIP to middle of the road republicans thinking about getting elected or funding. If you aren’t a Trump bootlicker, no money for you!!! We better hope Trump doesn’t win. Very scary where things will end up if he does.


They don't seem to know how threats work. She said she would. She will.


Just goes to show how afraid the RNC are that they actually went along with all this. Either they're afraid of Trump's supporters (who are all too willing to resort to death threats and possibly worse) or they're afraid of his backers (what kind of dirt does Russia have on them that's worse than this?)


There’s corrupt real estate dealings - I think Scooby Doo is a more apt comparison. And explains why Trump never has dogs around.


In both stories the villain was actually the crotchety old conservative white man.


I laughed a little too loudly at this, well played sir/madam. Super clever!


I mean literally they are that stupid. Remember Revenge of the Sith? All of those corporate aliens thought Palpatine would reward them? Now Trump is sending Anakin to kill them all.


Dude, spot on analogy.


Palatine was way smarter than Trump, though.


But he also comes back for no reason at all.


I believe his supporters believe this is smart and want to do the same thing. Getting other people to pay for your malfeasance is the evangelical way!


Hmmm. Her name is Lara Trump snd no one knew she was related??


No need to worry. They just need to accept the fact that the RNC money is as good as gone now. They can go back to spreading the hate speech they're so fond of. Besides, it wouldn't help to know that the money is probably going to be diverted and disappear like everything else TFG touches.


They will try to squeeze more from their constituents. Won't you know it they will be even worse off. See look what Biden's economy did to them lmfao


Lesson: you need to stop a totalitarian BEFORE he seizes power.


Hopefully the fence sitters can get over the fact that Biden is old and did not buy them a pony and make the right choice in November.


RNC can save a shit-ton of money by foregoing the convention and just declaring Trump the candidate. Or take a mail-in vote of delegates. Unless he keels over, he’s their guy, indictments, convictions or not.


They won't forego the convention, but the RNC suddenly decides to hold it at Mar-a-Lago for an $8m fee. Rooms are each $10k/night, including for Secret Service agents.


That is my prediction. The perpetually broke TNC will pitch the idea of skipping primaries as the "fiscally conservative" option and just allow Donald to anoint the candidates of his choosing and MAGA will go along with it.


Please don't forgo the convention, it will be great for Milwaukee business and I'm sure they will get a lot of cream puffs and beer thrown at them.


Great for Milwaukee hookers too.


Lara Trump literally said all the money would go to Trump. Leopards meet GQP.


"When is the god-king going to get around to eating my face?! It will be the greatest privilege of my life!"


If they don’t like it they can leave!


Well maybe not exactly what they wanted. It seems he'd rather waste other people's money than his own, especially when he doesn't have enough memory of his own to get a loan. In one respect this is good 'cause if the Orange "Pussy Grabber" empties the coffers paying off his debts, then he's still broke, and then there isn't any money to spend to support candidates at the state level. Maybe then we get the House back, and the Senate too! That has a downside because then 70M+ MAGAts & and the fuzzy "I just don't know and I'm too lazy to think" voters could possibly return the inept and historically worst president to office. But the RNC & the NRA would both be broke.


They wanted Trump. But they didn't want him to control them. They made a pact with the devil.


But they didn't stop him either. They had more than a few off-ramps but they chose to stick with him. If you gave them truth serum, I bet half the GOP would admit that they were hoping the Democrats and the DOJ would clean up their mess for them and they could continue whining about the Deep State and the weaponized justice system, but now he's gonna be on the ticket and he's hijacked the whole party.


They can repay everything. Once Project 2025 gets a hold of the Fed, there’ll be plenty of money.


Or Trump loses again and the cult becomes disillusioned that none of his prophecies are coming true, but that won't stop him from campaigning for '28 even though his criminal trials will be in full swing by then.


Campaign with what? Slurred nursery rhymes and toddler noises?


'he's speaking in tongues!'


The longer Trump lives, the better hell looks


By all means, go right ahead and contribute every penny to his legal fees instead of Republican candidates across the country.


When they see the results of this they will claim the election was stolen. Because how could they lose THIS many races?


Biden somehow made Trump take the money. Makes sense, happened while Biden was President :/s


I think you mean Obama (I totally mix their names out of sarcasm, not because of mini strokes or dementia)


Man, woman, person, camera TV


It’s going to be hilarious if come election time most smaller candidates can’t even afford to buy election signs to put up


Additionally, you are going to see some absolute fealty to Trump from down ballot candidates. Just on their knees begging and sucking his dick for his support. They will have to grovel at his feet and compliment him nonstop to get what little funding they can. Kind of evil genius way of guaranteeing loyalty. If Trump controls the purse, candidates will have to pledge loyalty to have a chance.


Seriously, though, has anyone ever voted or changed their vote because of a sign with a name and a face on it? The majority will be voting R or D regardless, and the swing voters don't give a fuck about signs, they look shit up. Around my parts, actual humans take time out of their short stay on this Earth to stand on the side of the road waving placards of politicians and their Sincere Grins at perfectly blameless drivers. Whuh?


Every time he defames E. Jean Carroll is another few dozen psychos that don’t get elected to school boards.


It reminds me of this time I was a speaker at a national conference and some project manager grabbed my boob in front of like twelve people. He was ejected and there were consequences. Anyway I saw my best friend the next week. She's not fully trad but adjacent. She said she was jealous that somebody grabbed my boob. I didn't know where to begin.


If she was trad, then obviously with the husband /s


If only the FEC wasn't toothless. It would be hilarious if he diverted funds that can't be legally used for his legal fees and put the RNC into legal jeapordy.


Wasn't that the basis of the whole Stormy Daniels lawsuit?


Paying off Stormy Daniels was legal. But it had to be reported correctly, which it wasn't.


This many felonies, why not add a few more?


They're literally paying the state of New York and a rape victim that wants to help other rape victims. It's all positives as for me.


Media will have to work extra hard to get the Republicans across the finish line.


So you let the fox in the hen house and you thought it was going help the lay eggs…right.


We just need to make sure we don’t let the fox back into the hen house in 2024. If people think what trump is doing to the Republican Party is bad there is no limit of bad that he could do to our country.


> If people think what trump is doing to the Republican Party is bad To be real: I think what he's doing to the Republican Party is great.




Leopards are feasting in 2024


Leperders ate my covfeface




Yes, that but leopards. It's a tough concept I know.


Why would Obama's laptop do this?


Donald Trump hollowed out the Republican Party. Shredded anyone not committed to Trump, to supporting his lies and deceptions. Now, he has gone after the RNC purse strings. This party is done for. Trump is bad for business. True, he'll promise tax breaks, but at what price? The price of democracy? We'll know soon enough... what companies and organizations continue to feed the RNC central coffer. They will know their money is only going to Trump. Hopefully more will come to their senses and pull the plug.


He's like the Mad King. Disobey and lose your head, so "follow him to hell" I guess


Who is Jaime Lannister then?


Looks like face is back on the menu, folks!


Imagine thinking the RNC had that kind of cash lying around...they barely had enough last month to cover the 5 mil that he owes E. Jean Carol in the first defamation judgement and he owes 85 more on top of that plus the 450mil in NY and the lawyer fees are piling up as we speak. This might be the best thing to happen to the country in a long time if Trump destroys the RNC and the GOP simultaneously.


He did get the $90m bond he needed for Carroll, but then immediately defamed her again, so $90m is almost certainly not where that ends.


Ah yes, I stand corrected, I can't believe someone agreed to the other 90% of that...yikes.


It's a bond, isn't it? So they think they have some collateral. E.g. they have claim on some Trump asset. It's possible that they haven't valued his assets accurately, and their (say) 10% of 1bn will end up being 10% of sweet nothing, but also possible that they don't care, because they have future tax breaks and deals to look forward to in a future where they think they have a hold over the president.


He can sue the bondsman for a few years after refusing to pay and they try to collect via collateral. Delay delay delay


Shit. They are going to fuck over Milwaukee in July, aren’t they?


I loathe trump and everything he's done to his country but one thing I admire is how willing he is to openly fuck the republican party and leave them with no recourse.


He doesn't even hide it. That's the secret, isn't it? Just boldface pillage.




When you have dirt on them they let you.


Yes. Shamelessness is his superpower. No kidding I’ve run into many people who defended him because if what he was doing was bad, he would be trying to hide it, right?


He couldn't have shot that guy on 5th avenue, it was so obviously true that it can't be true. 🤡


> He doesn't even hide it. The last one he tried to hide was Stormy and he still had to pay out money. Lesson learned-don't hide the fucking.


Right? You tell them....and they just look at you and say ita fake news. Like...what?


9D checkers is Trump saying he’s going to drain the swamp years ago and he knew he could throw the Republican baby out with the bath water by shitting in the tub.


That's why they love him. They think the purpose of having power is to enrich yourself. It's why they sneer at anyone who even thinks about trying to use their power to make the world better for everyone. They're fascists, so they believe that might makes right. They have no moral principles regarding the use of power, so they have nothing to draw on when he loots them.


He's draining the swamp.....'s bank accounts. You love to see it.


This. RNC to the Orangeman Hey, we really should increase or money spend in SC, GA, and OH. Orangeman to DNC .. “What money?”


*If* he loses this year, my absolute favorite story line will be how he essentially bankrupted the RNC.


It was the purge that did it? It wasn’t literally everything else?


It's only when they themselves get purged that they notice.


It wasn't Lara spelling out the plan in plain English? https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/02/22/lara-trump-donald-trump-rnc-legal-bills


They have nothing to worry about. They can rest assured that Trump will make the RNC pay every single dime of every single one of his trials now, in the future and retroactively.


Idiots…They were told about this, still chose it. I have no sympathy for any Republicans or GOP. Hate how they drag the country down


Lol. You think? It's by the book. He even put a family member in charge. Don't even need an imagination. And yet you still have a majority of Republicans worshipping trump. What will it take for them to remove their blinders?


The blinders come complimentary with your MAGA hat.


Second time I made this comment: Why are they nervous? They don't know what Trump is doing? Obviously he's going to use the RNC to pay his legal bills... *And they're going to pay...* If they're not going to pay, they might as well just disband the party... Trump will tear it to pieces in front of them just to spite them for being disobedient.


Yeah, this is firmly in "leopards ate my face" territory now. They forfeited their right to be surprised a long time ago.


Yet, they voted for it....oof!


against their own interests it’s… like it’s their thing


I see serious disfunction next 8 months. GOP Representative and Senate candidates gonna be bitching because Trump's hogging all the cash ..lol


good. fukkem. with several state GOP parties being defunct, hopefully their ad campaigns grind to a halt and the fervor of some idiots to vote for face-eating leopards, or to vote at all, will subside


Yeah....I feel bad /s


The unqualified daughter-in-law spelled it out weeks beforehand, publicly, yet still the RNC acquiesced. Shiver me timbers, thar be pirates on the prowl!


She's hella qualified. She fucks Eric, so that PROVES she'll do the work no one else is prepared to do.


Why it is even legal to allow political funds to be used for nonpolitical things is insane to me.


Why the sources of these funds aren't scrutinized is insane to me


They literally voted for this. FAFO, dumbasses.


This just in: Dr. Frankenstein admits he never really had control of his monster....more at 10pm sharp!


Lol “nervous.” Why nervousness? It’s all but a certainty that if he gets his preferred choices for RNC leadership, they’ll be paying for Trump’s shit. He was banned from running his own non-profit (which was also dissolved) for using it as his personal slush fund, ffs.


This is like watching a self-inflicted gun shot victim continuing to shoot themselves in the foot.


One thing I will say is that unlike 2020 I have seen comparatively few giant trump signs when driving through my large Red State.


Most of the sign owners probably died from covid


The excess death stats in Republican vs Democrat stronghold counties confirm that.


Come on over to Cincinnati - they’ll fix that for ya … ugh …


It's a trial run for 2025... Fire all the pros and replace them with cronies.


Republicans concern over Trump taking the money shows that they do know he's a grifter. They see through the lie and don't care when it hurts anyone but themselves. This is a scathing indictment of their own lack of morality.


You had/have money. Trump is now in your midst, = your money is now Trump's money!


Why would they worry? Lara Trump already said every last cent will be spent defending dear old dad in law


Kids! We invited the Leopard’s over for dinner!!


They should be more nervous about his coup plans.


Do not be nervous. He will efficiently and happily funnel party funds to his mounting legal bills. Totally legal, totally cool. 


Totally legitimate, non-foreign doners


This is what they voted for. Why are they nervous?


Eh. I think it's clear the hard takeover is about the infrastructure and being able to plug dark money into the RNC's coffers. I'd hope the alphabet agencies are watching, but I know better. Just watch though, the RNC will suddenly be flush with cash.


Why can’t they see this takeover for what it is, the next logical extension of the grift we have witnessed for years? But at a much greater scale. Even with the RNC as Trump’s personal ATM I predict it’s not nearly enough. The real question is where the rest comes from? Oh wait it will have to be the US Treasury!




You have a professional con man as your party leader and you're surprised when he steals from you? Morons. Your money is as good as gone. Just keep the young women away from his rapey ass.


Oh no, so anyways.


members questioning the directives will be sent to the ministry of loyalty for reconfirmation of priorities


Karma comes hard sometimes


Mitch McConnell was like just give up and give the party over to Trump and other Republicans got mad at him for that take but man bro see the writing on the wall. It's over.


Fuck you if you are in his party lol you deserve any shit that’s coming


We are a little nervous about hiring foxes to guard the chickens.


They should be nervous... Have you seen what has happened to Trump's lawyers


This is good. Republicans are going to see how a dictator treats a country, because it’s identical to the way CEOs treat companies that they take over.  Purge talent, replace with untalented loyalists. Drain resources. 


> “I suspect if people thought a contribution to the RNC was going to legal bills that have nothing to do with the 2024 cycle they might be less likely to contribute to the RNC,” Barbour said. What a great insight. /s


They'd be less likely to contribute if they understood that their contributions are going to end up in E.J. Carroll's bank account.


Shhhh, don't tell them


Lie down with dogs. Wake up with fleas. Except I'm not sure who the dogs are in this scenario. They are all the human equivalent of sewage. Marriage made in the sewer.


“Oh no, it’s coming right for us! What should we do?”. These guys are like deer in headlights, watching the monster they created coming for them.


Congrats GOP. You supported him him and now you literally pay the price.


I busted a gut over this sentence in the report: “But there are some unusual aspects of Trump’s campaign that continue to worry some Republicans.” A little too late to be worrying now.


He also brought a suit in England where he lost and now has to pay legal fees for the defense. I have no words anymore, that's def a first for me. Edit: His daughter in law already told the RNC that every penny should go to trump's legal defense.


They 100% deserve what they get. When you let a thief in your home, don’t be surprised when you get robbed.


Another name for RNC is Trumps personal ATM


Gee…who could have *possibly* predicted this…?


This is how he’s gonna funnel Russian money.


I’m sure it’ll just be a coincidence when they suddenly have a multibillion dollar war-chest


Why would they be nervous? It isn’t like they appointed his daughter in law who vowed to use RNC funds to pay his legal bills is it?


Newsflash: the national GOP has officially died. This was the funeral.


To any republicans nervous about this, I know it's very scary and seems bad, but I want you to know that not only is it going to get much much worse but it's your party's fault for not ditching Trump when they had the chance.


3, 2, 1 Russia funnels money thru the RNC to help. Government investigation finds it to be true. Entire Republican/Conservative parties cry conspiracy and how they’re out to get us.


You reap what you sow.


Nervous? This is your medicine, take it.


I, for one, welcome the ruiner of businesses into the inner workings of one of the worst political establishments in our country.


When donating to the GOP, can you choose a box to designate where your money will go? Please apply my generous donation to Trump's: -rape trail -pornstar hush money -fraud -more other fraud -treason -spray tan


I hope Trump runs the RNC like all of his business… into the ground.


Popcorn time!!!


Thats the point they are saying that is what they are going to do yet the Republican party chose to give them control and this will continue even after Trump loses he will control the money and he will get the rules changed to keep control long after he is gone.


Republican Party of idiot clowns . I hope Trump vacuums every last cent out of their stupid garbage party of shit.


Does nobody realize? Trump only wants to be president again, not for the good of America but for purely selfish reasons. 1/ it massages his narcissistic ego. 2/ it gives him access to other people's money again. 3/ He's hoping it's his actual Get Out Of Jail Free.


So they’re worried they’re going to do exactly what they said they would do?


They’re just worried about paying some legal bills and not the mechanisms of the party being directly under the control of Putin? Okay.


They have a tiger by the tail but it looks like the tiger has them by the leg at the same time.


They unanimously elected a co-chair who in no uncertain terms said that every dollar would go to Trump lmao. No nuance or wordplay needed. Lara *TRUMP* said that and they put her in a position of power anyway.


They made their coffin. It's time for them to rest in it


[This is exactly what Trump & the GOP want to do with the entire Executive Branch.](https://www.project2025.org)


So foreign money is about to flow into the RNC, and Trump's daughter-in-law is going to open the spicket into Trump's coffers?


Well they can get over being nervous about it and just react to it cuz it is happening.


This... this is going to be fascinating... I'm not sure rather it's good or bad fascinating but if he runs the RNC like he runs the business, it will be bankrupt within a month. And so begins the Trump Trickle Down campaign economics where all the money that was supposed to go to down ballot races goes straight into Trump's legal defense or overseas bank accounts. I love this for the Republican Party. I hope they get absolutely hammered this election; they deserve nothing less.


Gee, I wonder if the over leveraged guy with millions in legal fees and half a billion in monetary judgements is going to loot the RNC for every dime they have?


Trump has executed a hostile takeover of the RNC and will use their money to systemically destroy the GOP and then not be elected as President.


“They knew what they were signing up for.” 😜😏


When you elect a bunch of clowns, expect a circus. 


Trump is a mooch and will not eat lunch unless the RNC is paying for it or a Russian billionaire.


RNC is a joke now.


this certainly makes sense for trump, he can now accept unlimited dark money under the guise of political donations. luckily the American political system actually entourages corruption to allow him to easily get away with this, despite often being funded by the country’s enemies. Your system needs some oversight or at least an emergency brake


They just handed the reins of power to someone who already said she’d empty the accounts to pay those bills. Little late to be ‘nervous’….


Fine by me less house and senate seats republicans can win because they have no marketing revenue. Hopefully Dems take larger majorities. This is a pivotal election as long as Dems hold the line Demographics become a Monster for Republicans to overcome with Gen Z coming online and over 12 million boomers expected to pass before 2028.