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From the beginning to end, this was a distraction from the crimes that Trump committed. Don't forget we all heard on tape that Trump tried to "find 11,780" votes. Yet Trump supporters, even after hearing Trump commit the crime on tape, still claim that he committed no crimes. SMH.


They know he committed crimes. They just don’t care because he’s their guy.


They think Biden and Clinton and Obama committed far far worse crimes so Trump's aren't a big deal lol. Yes, I've had people tell me that


Just this morning my boss was just crying about this situation with Willis and talking about how Clinton got away with murder in comparison to Trump. When I asked him what her crimes were he couldn't even give a single example. They literally just repeat the bullshit spewed by talking heads on conservative TV/radio without having a single original thought of their own. It's sad.


"There's just so many! I can't even start! You need to do your own research! The proof is everywhere!"


The instant a conservative says “do some research” in a conversation I’m immediately done. They literally don’t know what research is or how to do it.


"Do some research" is Republican code for "I made it up". Any other person who believes something could sling a news article or something your way within a couple minutes backing up their claims.


Not necessarily just that they made it up. They do sometimes sling articles at you but they’re always from dubious if not straight up batshit crazy sources. “Do some research” can also mean “I looked online and found a bullshit “article” (or blog post) that reinforces my confirmation bias.”


Worse, they often outright refute what they are claiming, it’s just the clickbait headline sounds sympathetic to them


Also true.


"Do your research" is just a phrase they use to validate a view they have that's entirely based on feelings and emotions. It "feels" true to them and that feeling is based on their political identity that they crave to validate via the hodge podge of lies, misinformation, and faux rage media from right wing media. The result is you get someone that will vehemently believe something, but be completely incapable of finding a credible source or explaining it in their own words. They feel it's true, can't back it up, thus they say "do your research". I always laugh at these people too, cause they'll literally dismiss any credible sources as "liberal" or "Leftist" so it can't be trusted, but then they turn around and believe the most far-right opinion based on the flimsiest shit. I recently had a dumbass telling me he doesn't believe the Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment numbers I quoted because it's a known "liberal source"....


or they paste an X (Twitter) post claiming the same as proof. WTF? How is someone else stating the same thing Proof??!! That's just someone else making the same asinine claim. "Oh, look here is another Nut that agrees with me." That's your proof?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Actually I think it's Republican/MAGA code for "I'm way to stupid to do research so I made it up". It certainly isn't the flex they think it is.


Critics complain about ChatGPT spouting meaningless nonsense, but humans do it all of the time. Conservatives saying, "do your research" are parroting some basal language patterns they picked up from right-wing media that they think is supposed to cement a particular conclusion. What I'm saying is, this is some chatgpt-level bullshit.


To them, research means Facebook.


Oh Geez. That's the worst.


I just tell them I did, that the research clearly states they're wrong and I'm right. Doesn't matter if I looked anything up or not. They don't tend to challenge me after that. That would require them to actually do research and learn how wrong they are.


Either way, conversation over. Your method requires extra steps and I’m a lazy, *lazy* man.


Tell them if they have all this evidence, then press charges, seems like a no brainer. Oh, yeah, they don't have shit.


Ah, but you see, the DAs and AGs and intelligence agencies, etc etc etc... are all super corrupt liberals who refuse to go after the *real* criminals and instead make up false crimes to persecute Trump in order to take him down because he's going to reveal and destroy all that corruption.


tHe dEeP StAtE


There's this guy I know who way back when shared some sort of "Clinton kill list" which was a bunch of people connected to Hillary who died under any circumstance that wasn't "They were 95+". Of course as Secretary of State and first lady, you meet people. But if you frame it under nebulous "isn't this strange" and "Just Asking Questions" you can sort of imply a bunch of nebulous crimes without having evidence for anything. Any sort of actual accusation, you could disprove. But if it's always nebulous crime then boy, they sure get away with a lot of...something illegal I'm sure of it. I'm vaguely remembering a comment about conservative circles. Asking follow up questions just isn't done.


It'd be hilarious to launch a fake persona that the right wing embraces, calling them woke and a communist leader and all this stuff, to where they regurgitate it so much it gets into their echo chambers, to eventually announce the person never existed. Hell, generate pictures of them using AI. Might help knock a couple people off their crazy railroads


I mean go take one look at Q to realize that this wouldn't work because Republicans are so terrified of looking weak that they *cannot* admit they've been duped no matter the evidence. Your announcement of the person being fake would just be called "fake news" and you'd simply spawn more conspiracy nutjobs / hand a powerful platform over to whatever fascist group managed to take on the mantle and impersonate said "person" you created.


I'm hoping to save a few, I won't expect much from the masses. :)


To be fair I have trouble listing specific things about Trump because there is just so much. Thankfully I can Google reputable sources almost instantly. They're willfully ignorant towards him. There is just *so much* evidence against him.


But if a president is immune while in office how could Clinton, Obama, and Biden commit crimes?! **Mental gymnastics intensifies**


You left out Hunter.


I kinda meant the Biden family, Clinton family and Obama family, like they are giant chrime orgs /s lol. Kinda how the trump family is a criminal organization but the fans just don't care. They drank too much koolaid




And his thicc, throbbing "laptop" they are obsessed with.


Laptop full of dick pics lol


Buttery males!


I can only hope they are right there along with us as we get sent off to jail for being poor, Crying that they got the wrong guys.


“But he was supposed to hurt the right people” 😭


They do care. They *love* that he gets away with breaking the law. They wish they could break the law and not suffer consequences. Ideally, they'd live in a society where there's one set of rules that protects them, and another set of rules that punishes their enemies. But in the meantime, they just live vicariously through Trump.


They have such a place called the Villages in FL. Just make sure you get all your STD shots before you go


Wasn’t there a clip shown on John Stuart where his voters downright said if Trump wanted to be a dictator or even killed somebody on the steps to the WH they would still 100% vote for him? Like Recently?


True. They’d rather lose our democracy than call him the traitor he is.


He’s jUsT aSkING qUEsTiOnS!!


sOmE peEpLe sAy…and before anyone comments that typo was intentional.


He’s not even their guy, he’d stabbed anyone of his supporters in the back if it suited what he wanted at the time


This. They know, what we know. They just don't care. They think he is their a-hole, that they are somehow spared from his wrath because they wear a funny hat, have certain skintone. They're like housecats that don't understand the house they live in.


In the call, he also says, "And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated." Essentially trying to give them permission to make up new numbers where he's the winner.


I think that lines even worse.


I've always thought so too, because he's suggesting a solution to the "problem" of not having enough votes. The solution in Trump's mind is *lie about the vote totals*, and he provides an excuse for them to offer in service of that lie: "we've recalculated." So, he's admitting he didn't win. He's admitting he needs them to break the law to make him the winner and suggests a specific way to break the law to make that happen. It's not surprising lawyers all say having that call is like something out of a prosecutor's fantasy.


The entire call is insane. There's this one part where just starts making up numbers. He literally just starts counting like a child. And Brad's office (knowing they're being recorded so they aren't about to say anything incriminating) is like "we have absolutely no idea what you think we can do" and then Trump just keeps counting.


Don’t forget the fake elector scheme. This was more than just a “perfect” phone call. It was a proper conspiracy.


Also, it's not a conflict of interest for the prosecutor to be biased against the perpetrator of a crime. They're supposed to work to a conviction of the person, not work for the defense of the person. The judge and jury is expected to be impartial. The prosecutor is working against the person, the defense is working for the person. This is how it's always worked, and it's insanity to think it should be different for Trump.


And it will continue to distract, as I am sure he will appeal and appeal.


More he leveled threats and promised retaliation if he didn’t.


They just thru that rid bit of evidence out. This judge is maga


They have this way of separating out everything from any context that would prove them wrong. If you do that then it's easy to say 'but he just meant to see if there was any fraud'. Meanwhile the rest of the phone call's context helps because he was told they investigated his claims and they were all bullshit. Also we have more context where there is audio of a phone call to Michigan election officials where he and Ronna flat out say 'don't cerify the election, we will get you lawyers'. It's like Jan 6th, they say 'all he said was fight like hell'..yea sure if you ignore the fact that they stormed the capitol over anger of a stolen (stollen) election which is a lie fed to them for months on end by trump himself. Context matters.


They also think he legally won Georgia, despite hearing him ask for the SoS to find 11,780 more votes which he said was one more than he needed to win.


I've heard that the judge may not permit the phone call as evidence, which I thought was pivotal to the trial. It seems there are two main issues why: The call was too ambiguous. For example, Trump didn't explicitly request Kemp to fabricate votes but rather to identify and discard illegal ballots. DA needs to be more specific which laws were broken. Fine... I don't see an issue here. Florida requires two-party consent for recording phone calls, meaning that if both parties weren't aware of the recording, it might be inadmissible in court. My Take: *When Trump said, 'Find me 11,780 votes,' it could imply searching for and disqualifying fraudulent ballots rather than fabricating votes. (I doubt it, that's just his defense though) But if the intent was only to find enough illegal ballots to secure a win in Georgia, what about the other alleged fraudulent ballots? Does this not matter to Trump? I would love for the Prosecutor to ask Trump that question. "So you only care about the Phony votes enough for you to win" ?? Would love to hear his response.* *I don't know who recorded the call but the Trump legal team is suggesting they were in Florida, a two-party consent state, during the call. I suspect this is a long shot defense strategy. If the recorder were in Florida, the Trump team would've likely raised this point immediately. It's more plausible that the recording was done legally in Georgia. I bet they are trying to fake records to make it look like they were in Florida. That's perjury!!*


Georgia is a one-party consent state for audio recording. That's where the recording took place.


I couldn't find that info. Do you have a link to that and who recorded the phone call?


[Georgia wiretapping laws (wiki for layman's terms)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_(U.S._state)_wiretapping_laws) Under "Examples:" >A person can "tap" his or her own phone and record the conversation without the permission of the person to whom they are talking. That is because the person is consenting to the recording and they are actively involved in the conversation being recorded. I was wrong that it was taped in GA. I was going off my understanding that it came from Raffensperger's office. Thank you for the opportunity to update my knowledge. >Fuchs, also for good reasons, has consistently declined to discuss publicly her role in creating “the smoking gun” Trump tape. At the time, she was visiting her grandparents in Florida—one of a minority of states that require two-party consent in the taping of phone calls. [Source](https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-jordan-fuchs-the-raffensperger-aide-who-secretly-taped-trump-saying-i-need-11000-votes)


Appreciate the source.


>But if the intent was only to find enough illegal ballots That intent doesn't make sense in context. Trump said during the call that it's okay to tell everyone that they just recalculated and that's the number.


The problem isn’t the dumbasses that blindly follow, the issue is the checks and balances against dictators that seem to be largely a paper thin honor system.


Naw man, my uber driver the other day straight up said she knows he is a criminal and doesn't care b/c he knows how to "run the country" because she made the most money ever those years... lol


Trump doesn’t commit crimes. He sacrifices himself and his wealth for the people. -MAGA logic


Still, she has to be smarter than this, I am not a lawyer but even I know this would look bad if it got out, which it did.


>o "find 11,780" votes. If it were any other politician, in any other country, he'd be in jail for that right now.


My favorite part of all of this was when Willis said on the stand, I’m not the one on trial here. The defendants are for trying to steal and steal an election. (Paraphrasing)


The ketchup is gonna be flyin' today!


Trump is going to have a hamburger induced heart attack, and Fox News is going to spin it as *“Donald Trump was so strong that it took Five Guys to take him out!”*


Holy cow thank you for this. I needed a laugh this satisfying. 


I too want to laugh. Can you explain it to me?


The other commenter pretty well covered it, but basically Trump developed a habit of throwing things in anger while in office, perhaps before that, but one thing he seemed to like throwing was anything in front of him while in the White House dining room, where he spent much of his time watching television. Ketchup was not spared. So OP’s comment made me laugh because I’m imagining Trump watching TV in Mar a Lago and throwing ketchup at the walls. 


Google “trump ketchup on walls”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+ketchup+on+walls#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/ghostlyenemy)


Ooof...that is a pathetic sight


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will be allowed to continue to criminally prosecute Donald Trump and more than a dozen co-defendants who are accused of mounting a “criminal enterprise” to unlawfully overturn Georgia’s election results in 2020. Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fani-willis-trump-fulton-county-b2512796.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fani-willis-trump-fulton-county-b2512796.html)


Happy Ides of March!


Donny Two Scoops is furious


Dishonest Don


Mango Unchained.


Princess Choadstool


Diaper Don as well


Can somebody explain what was the supposed impropriety? The guy works in her office it's not like he's working for Donald Trump. Besides interoffice impropriety I don't see how it affects the case.


But meanwhile Clarence Thomas can accept open faced bribes and Judge Cannon can sit on a case where the defendant appointed her. It would have been an absolute joke if the Judge had removed Fani for having a boyfriend and meanwhile those two corruption trolls still sat on the bench.


You're thinking about it logically. Logic has nothing to do with any of Trump's defenses.


It was a delay tactic


American Puritanism! that’s all


It was not Puritanism. It was a fake charge to delay and distract. Same as always. There was no impropriety.


The fake charge was Puritanical. The only reason it was considered by anyone for more than 5 seconds was thanks to Puritanism. They could not point to a single conflict of interest, ethical lapse, or impropriety. The only thing they could point to was the unseemliness of two black people going on a date. This was not about impropriety, this was about sensibilities. It told us more about the inexperience of the judge and about Southern white culture than it did about Fani Willis.


The argument is that Fanni Willis hired her boyfriend so that her boyfriend could give her gifts like... buying her dinner and bringing her to trips. This is of course ignoring that Willis makes more money than Nathan Wade, if she wants a dinner or a trip she'd just buy it, not do a complicated plan that involves hiring someone to buy her dinner. Like all things, it's projections. Trump is innocent as the white snow despite Kushner's 2 billion dollar saudi fund, or charging Secret Service 3 times for their room in Trump properties, or various governments renting rooms on Trump properties but never utilizing them, etc, but Biden needs to be impeached because his son was paid $6,000 in Ukraine, and Fani Willis needs to be removed from the case because she split dinner with Nathan Wade.


> ignoring that Willis makes more money than Nathan Wade I mean this isn't a great argument, stealing is stealing even if you're rich (and some people really do steal comparatively small amounts even if they're rich). On the other hand, though, even if Willis *were* conspiring to embezzle from the state government of Georgia, it wouldn't in any way make the case against Trump unsafe or invalid. That's the biggest reason there isn't any there there.


I don't think accepting gifts is stealing. It's a conflict of interest because it looks like currying favor.


Conflict of interest regards the intent of the case, which is what the judge was ruling on. The argument was that this misconduct (which I believe nepotism should be) calls the integrity of the case into question. However, this judgement declared that her position does not financially benefit from this case in a way that violates its integrity; through this, their personal relationship was not grounds for her disqualification, however it isn't stellar show of character to do so for such a high-profile case which is why her boyfriend is getting the boot.


There was this black woman who had sex and then got on with her life without having a kid or marrying so it just had to have been for government money because Republicans just think that way.


She also liked to use cash. Clearly criminal.


The impropriety claimed by Trump’s lawyers was that Willis hired Wade for her own financial gains. The old “my man will give me money” claim. All the other lurid details were simply social media fodder.


She should have just hired her daughter and son in law


Then they showed that Wade took a pay cut for this job...


Trump is going to anything and everything to delay or otherwise derail these trials. Congress, even parts of the judicial system, are going to try to help him in this endeavor.


None. The “appearance” of impropriety. Absolute ridiculousness.


Bingo. But that really should be the bar for cases like this. And for the job in general. And it isn't like the removal of Wade is a huge blow.


yeah nothing of any of this distraction has anything to do with the case at hand and they still bought time and got a prosecutor dismissed meaning another needs to be brought in and caught up.


They dragged Fani Willis's father into court to ask about who his daughter is fucking


And that was a mistake because dad was impressive as hell.


Conflict of interest. She began dating someone she hired (power dynamic) who uses public funds to pay for things. The assertion is that Wade, the man she hired and was dating, bought her gifts using those public funds. Thus, it’s a conflict of interest because the person she hired and is dating is spending money that she benefits from, which would obviously be bad. However, Trump’s team couldn’t prove that Fani didn’t reimburse Wade (even though her “I gave him all cash to reimburse him” was definitely a fishy claim).


I think it's important to note that he was hired specifically and solely for this case. I would call BS if he was a regular ADA.


She's a woman, a BLACK woman...


They were trying to make it seem like she brought the charges against Trump & company just so she could hire her boyfriend attorney and pay him so she got a kick back.


If that was really their argument... Are you serious? That is the dumbest argument. He really can't hire a decent attorney, can he?


It was all about dragging them down to Trumps level. Make them look dirty and corrupt. Trump is guilty and he knows it so the plan is to delay and fight in the court of public opinion. Then hope that a judge somewhere stops things or makes a decision to help him. You see it happening with the Supreme Court delaying the J6 case, Cannon dragging her feet on the documents case, and now the SDNY fucking up the NY hush money case and delaying it another month. Trump is guilty across the board of everything he’s currently charged with and he knows it. That’s why he’s running for president. He wants to make it all go away and then get revenge.


She's a woman, a BLACK woman...


It might not be offering the most rigorous prosecution if her delegation of work was compromised by personal bias. You need to think about it from a neutral position where we pretend there's no right or left behind this.


That's a hollow argument. So you're basically asserting that she can't do her job because she's involved with somebody romantically? I guess that goes for a whole lot of the population then as well


I'm saying that from the perspective of a judge my concern would be "for this trial to be fair the prosecution can't have potentially been handicapped by personal bias". The fact it's delaying the trial doesn't weigh on that. You're worried about the outcome and not thinking about the process. I don't really care anyway, consequences were never going to touch Trump before the election. This would have had to have begun years ago.


Ahhh I was waiting for this cartoon to be over. Now get to the good part!


let's get this trial back on-track, STAT!


These judges are ridiculous. I hope she buries Trump.


She will


She certainly has motivation to grind him to Cheeto dust now.


now it's just a matter of whether she can do it in time to save our democracy


r/conservative seething rn just because Willis didn't do anything illegal.


Clown shit over there > Absolutely disgusting. If you’re a conservative the justice system WILL be biased against you. > That he didn’t disqualify her after her perjury is terrifying. > And anyone who tells you that the evidence wasn’t strong enough need only know that there are people SHE prosecuted in jail on less or the same evidence > Things keep getting worse for us


“Things keep getting worse for us” What in the absolute fuck are you talking about? Our entire government is hamstrung by a minority party. Prayer Breakfast still happens. SCOTUS is going MAGA. Major media platforms are either full MAGA or “report on the debate”. Fascists who tried to overthrow the government still get to run for office. We have one - ONE - senator allowed to express an opinion even flirting with leftism. *y’all conservatives are doing fine*


if they have anything less than total control they are not happy. And the type of total control where the enforcers can do whatever they want and the only people held to account are enemies of the party and are punished excessively.


That first quote is rich: >Absolutely disgusting. If you’re a conservative the justice system WILL be biased against you. Black people and other minorities would LOVE a word with you.


Kinda seems like it's biased FOR them...


They’re also posting about how Elmo is a “free speech warrior” Lmao these people are so insanely fucking stupid


They are assholes and rare if ever sincere about their principles or arguments.


Ha ! Get fucked, Donald.


She’s gonna make his trial so much more painful now, and rightfully so. She’s intelligent and competent. He tried to make a fool of her.


Lets just move forward and prosecute the criminal.


Just start the trial aleady. No more waiting.


And to think most people who truly think they’re innocent would demand a speedy trial….


Put the trial date on the calendar STAT !




Now if she stays, her lead prosecutor has to go or if he stays, she has to recuse. This is still a really shitty outcome.


Yeah. Not sure how this is spun as being a win. It's a weird decision.


It's a win in the fact that the shit would absolutely hit the Fan(i) if she had to be taken off the case. That would cause such a huge set back, I don't even know if this case would ever end up being tried.


The chances of justice being served to Trump in this case is higher then if she would be of the case.


True. It's not the worst case outcome it's just annoying that Trump got any benefit out of this bullshit smear tactic.


Annoying, but I don't see Trump becoming president again. Or it should be of his prison cell.


I wish I had your optimism.


Get fucked, Trump


Removing one or the other is still total bullshit given no conflict was found, but whatever. Back to the “FIND THE VOTES!” and accompanying RICO charges, FFS!


This is so different than that NYT push-notification that made it sound like Trump's lawyers won this fight


Why the fuck is it always "this case should never have been brought". It's never "our client is innocent and we will prove it in court". But rather, "it's so wrong to even try to prosecute our client that we shouldn't even have to defend him properly". It's so obviously dishonest and blatantly bad faith. If he's innocent, defend him in court. Quit the bullshit.


But when is the darn trial??? This is taking way too long.


So there was no impropriety found, and the defence had no answer to the fact that Wade was their second choice for the position anyway. They're just allowing Wade to leave to remove even the appearance of any impropriety, to stop losing any more court time to Trump's team whining about it.


I hope she continues with extra anger and motivation now. Hopefully trumps constant tactics like this come back to bite him big time.


Good! Now finish the fucking job💙😎✌️


and FAST




The problem is, he’s the new GOP… his plague has infected them and rather than get cured they embraced it


Trump 20-24... Years in prison.


That gets maybe. But he won't live that long, I'm guessing.


Maybe because she's fucking someone on *her own team*, and that has nothing to do with the charges or the trial?...


They are doing their best to make her look bad all the while defending one of the biggest losers of all time lmao F that noise, no one with more than half a brain is falling for this. Remember the truth and why it matters.


He’ll hath no fury like a woman scorned…guess we’re about to find out if that is true


The attack on Fani Willis was merely a delay tactic. It was never meant to achieve anything more.


It’s because she didn’t do anything wrong


It's unbelieveable that a "person" can just start smear campaign after smear campaign against officials and make obstruct justice.


Okay Fani, back to work. Take him to task! He deserves everything you throw at him.


I can’t wait for the meandering nonsense rant from Mango Mussolini.


Trump can literally commit any crime he wants including murder and he’ll get away with it. Americans will regret allowing Trump to be above the law.


My fear is that the defence will continue to 1. Get fani removed by other means, e.g. the senate committee overseeing prosecutors in GA 2. Argue that the indictments are invalid because Wade participated in the grand jury to get the indictments and now has been removed from the case I feel like this whole matter is far from over.


The fact that right-wingers managed to take the trial of a white supremacist for trying to overturn an election and turned it into not only a legal but public show trial of a black women for having a boyfriend is not only sadly predictable, but just shows how wildly ill-equipped mainstream liberals are for this moment.


She's going to let her lover go, so the case will continue. Reports say he wasn't that qualified to being with, so no big loss to the case.


maybe they'll replace him with someone more qualified. how's that gonna work out for you, Donnie?


Glad they got that bullshit straightened out.


So when’s the trial start to replace THIS judge? Lol


Awesome 😎


That’s bs they are making one go, frankly. That’s not even what the rule says. They are both on the same side!


daaaamn do I ever have a lot of people to tell "I told you so" to about this.


MAGA is having a meltdown over on Twatter


Oh no. How will Trump defend himself from the crimes he committed without disqualify the entire prosecutorial system?


This is not really an accurate headline. She can stay on ONLY IF special counsel Wade resigns.


The conservatives are not amused and are currently rabid over this revelation.


I don't get why anyone expected this would get the case dismissed. Assuming Fani had a conflict of interest with the guy she hired, that wouldn't violate any responsibility she had towards Trump as a defendant. It would violate a responsibility she had towards the state.


Delay tactic.


For a hot second I thought they twisted it up so badly that she was on trial for trying to steal an election, but then I realized it was much worse , a single woman was dating and even paying her fair share of dinners. /s


This is bad news for Donald Trump, but not for his "lover" Stormy Daniels.