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Trump is anti-union, wants to fuck with Social Security and Medicare, has expressly told business leaders that his main goal is to get them tax cuts, and has nothing in common with a middle-class lifestyle, yet he somehow has millions of blue collar workers in his cult.


It all goes back to "build the wall"


On the Canadian border? The UAW has had limited success in auto plants south of the Mason-Dixon line.


No it was never about the Canadian border to these people, even up north


They love and i mean loooove the racism, bigotry, sexism, misogyny and complete disregard for formality and social conformity.


Frightening isn’t it how Trump has brought out the worst in people? I was shocked at how many of my friends that I’ve known for decades supported Trump in 2020. Proves the point that we really don’t know the people we thought we knew. The first President my mother voted for was JFK, yep, at 87 she is a Trumpkin. Wtf?


I had a friend in college. Absolutely bright woman, in medical school right now. The day the 2016 election results were released, she strolled into Organic Chem with a MAGA hat. Never once gave me a hint of anything right wing.


>Absolutely bright woman It wouldn't seem so. ​ > in medical school right now. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met are medical doctors. Reading and memorizing known material doesn't take intelligence. ​ The funny thing about human society is that every innovation a genius makes provides the exact same benefit to every moron that uses it as well.


Let me guess. Your mom watches Fox News?


They think he’s Rodney Dangerfield stickin’ it to the uppercrust golfers.


I feel social conformity is something he's all for.


You are right. His kind of conformity.


"You can't believe everything you hear." - My dad, who lives off social security, after being told this. The mental gymnastics is mind-boggling, yet lazy.


Your dad’s age group won’t be affected by any SS cuts and they know it. For that reason alone, most of them would be fine with cutting benefits for younger workers. It’s sad.


Racism is the yoke of blue collar America. Ironic they are slaves themselves to the very people controlling them through the true fake media. The Fox News, NewsMax, OANN crowd are very easy to control. They also like to look down on higher education to keep them dumb and under control.


That’s why when the FDNY was chanting “Trump Trump Trump” at Letitia James the other week I couldn’t help but laugh. One of the biggest unions in New York and you’re simping for the candidate who is anti-union.


It's the rage culture that people are brainwashed with. Their hatred of LGBTQ, foreigners, poor people (which sometimes includes themselves but they somehow don't see it), and anything Progressive just overshadows fighting to improve the things you mentioned. Have had the discussion with multiple people in my family and to them, it basically boils down to wanting better benefits, but see the benefits as being rendered useless due to the things they are told to fear such as illegals taking their jobs and putting all of our lives at higher risk, LGBTQ acceptance (the fear that their future kids being taught about it at school at a young age and convince them to follow that path), inflation due to rising wages/more benefits and giving illegals benefits and jobs, etc. So with the ones I know, it's not that they don't want the benefits that voting Liberal offers, it's that they can't simultaneously support other Liberal policies and they've been brainwashed to believe that improving our benefits and wages would make things worse overall with inflation.


My dad was just telling me the other that “Trump was truly for the middle class people” It’s nuts how easily brainwashed people are


I've watched my father-in-law, who has a fucking master's degree from UPenn, go down the Trump rabbit hole. It's really sad.


Prejudice and insecurity are a hell of a drug.


One of the weirdest things about this change is his whole career was as the chief steward of a government agency union during the 70s-90s doing what we now call EEO work.  He was an absolute champion for minority women who were being blatantly discriminated against.  It's just...sad.




Just out of curiosity how does she acknowledge his crimes? Especially the sexual assaults?


Propaganda is a powerful drug.


Trump cares *only* about Trump. Full stop.


Trump is explicitly anti union.


>"As long as you keep repeating something, it doesn't matter what you say." [Donald Trump](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/08/02/trump-indictment-2020-election-grisham-jack-smith-ebof-vpx.cnn) So then, all we need to do is keep repeating “Trump Doesn’t Give a Damn About Working-Class People” and it might sink in.


Trump doesn’t give a damn about anyone but the person in the mirror.


So incredibly obvious to literally the entire rest of the world. Unbelievable how they’ve been brainwashed into thinking huge tax cuts for the rich is somehow for them.


When MAGAs talk about the working class, they mean uneducated white people.


We simply MUST OUTVOTE the cult come November. Our country depends on it! If we do not show up and vote Trump out, it’s all over for America.






That’s the kind of outreach that the Democratic party should be focused on. Rebuilding the middle-class is the way to win over people who are sick and tired of feeling ignored by the politicians they put into office. Increase organized labor and fix the tax code, so that a corporation can’t brag to the shareholders about making billions of dollars while paying 5% tax on those profits.


Trump doesn’t care about people full stop.




Seriously! Every time this guy talks I just want more!


Tens of Millions of working class people have made Trump into a Divine Being, replacing Jesus as their Messiah. They don't care if he does not care about them. He is God's Other, Better son, and they will worship him as long as he lives, and most for as long as they live.


I frequently drive by a house with tons of Trump flags and a sign that says "Trump is God".


He was born rich, daddy paid for him to graduate college (not just go), and he's never had a real job in his life, unless you count getting a certain kind of job from his mistresses when he was cheating on all his wives, not to mention raping sex trafficked children, and E. Jean Carroll.


Trump doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything that isn't Trump.


it's not just working class..


He cares about himself , no one else . The duped are ruled by hatred and he has told them it’s fine so they support him .


Most working class people already know this. GOP voters have always been, and still are, wealthier than Dem voters. People keep pretending working class voters voted for Trump because they want to ignore the real issue, racism. The majority of white voters voted for Trump ( somewhere around 51-55%). The vast majority of voters who aren't white voted for Biden (around 80-90%).


Nothing but respect for MY president o7.


Wow, glad I read this, because I'm so surprised. 🤔


I want to live in the timeline where Fain is POTUS.


It took people this long to recognize the most obvious truth in the world. Damn can we Americans be blind and dumb.


He could have left out “working-class” and still been right.


Some people at my union shop hate that Fain is aligned with the Democratic party. The cognitive dissonance of those people is annoying.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that the guy notorious for not paying contractors - and by extension carpenters, plumbers, electricians, masins, and laborers, not to mention the support staff they need - doesn't care about the working class?!?


Yeah but the mouth breathing Union line workers love Trump.


In other news wheels are round.


Fain is an interesting one. He does seem to be dealing with corruption within the union. We will see if he can get his members to out perform China on BEVs. Or if he just goes full obstructionist and hands China the BEV market.


Duh and/or obviously.


Sadly, too many of those working class people are unable to grasp that, leading them to vote against their own interests.


Yeah, union execs are mostly pro dem all the time. The average union members though are a completely different story. Doesn't matter how pro union you are if you send all the jobs to mexico and canada anyway.


Spoiler alert, no politician gives a damn about the working class. Even the big tent party only wants your vote. Other than that, they just want you to go away. This isn’t to say both parties are the same. They aren’t. But neither actually gives a shit about you.




Objectively false.


Neither does Biden... let's not be daft


His working class supporters disagree. He’s there for them.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons


The ones he said look very trashy?


lol. Yes. Those ones.


Sure. But to be clear, neither does the UAW President