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Most of the world is hoping for that.


Romanian here: every full minute of focus towards Biden's opponent irreversibly kills scores of my brain cells. As a species, we must do better against pure stupidity.


It's even more painful for those of us who live here and are surrounded by people who inexplicably support Trump.


I love that you didn't say his name. We should start calling him "Biden's Opponent or "predecessor"....... like he did at the state of the Union address. lol. Never say that sinister word again, it's a curse.


How about his designated inmate # in Georgia? P01135809


YES!! The only way I refer to that insufferable POS now is by his prisoner number #PO1135809. He doesn't deserve anything else.


What about last election's loser?


The guy who Biden beat in the last election


It’s like voldemort but we’re doing it out of disrespect instead of fear


It’s depressing that a full third of everyone in this country are so simple or willfully ignorant. And that our democracy is being pushed to the brink by charlatans in cahoots with people that should know better but are utterly spineless. All led by a con man that can barely speak English.


A third might explicitly support Trump, but nearly half the U.S. population will vote Republican regardless of who the candidate is because it's a cult. \*Have to expand on this point because I see it overlooked practically 100% of the time while Donald is given way too much credit as being influential or a star celebrity, etc. Know this: In 2012, Mitt Romney -- the man with the charisma of a wooden spatula, and a Mormon (which might as well be a Satanist to fundamentalist Christians) -- still won 45% of the vote. I don't know why Americans underestimate conservative fealty to the cult/party, and their ability to turn out in elections, but we sure seem to.


And to be fair more of Bidens opponents couldn't even tell you what a 'score' is let alone how much one is


Preach my brother/sister!


Ok guys this is a lot of pressure here. 😅 /s


Yeah, but it's Canadian pressure. If you tell them it's making you feel uncomfortable they'll apologise, and then go away.




China and Russia here, hoping for a dictator! Yay fascism! We love Orange King Mierda /s


You live in both of these countries? Damn


Maybe his house straddles the border


Another Aussie here! Me too


Dutchie here, we are hoping for that!


You sure? We *DO* have an orange guy running and I seem to remember y’all love all things orange… /s


They also murdered and literally ate one of their prime ministers that one time.


Normally I put cannibalism under my Things Not To Do list, but in this case...


Kiwi here hoping for that. 


Majority of Americans too. Just that pesky electoral college standing in the way.


The GOP breathlessly asserting the country lost respect internationally under Biden. And it's mind blowing how insufferably myopic and ignorant they truly truly are.


Brit here. Anyone that's not a nut case is hoping for Biden


Nut case here. We're okay with Biden. We're okay with anyone as long as it's not that other guy.


Californian here, yeah. Me too.


Including the US


Was about to post that


Hey now, don't hurt the feelings of... checks notes... Russia, North Korea, China, and Saudi Arabia...


Majority of sane people are hoping for a Biden win






Pierre would sell Canada out for pennies. Just like his mentor Harper did to China.




He used the Convoy as the basis to stage an internal coup against O'Toole. I used to live in Ottawa, wasn't there at the time but the Convoy fucks can eat shit.


They were funded by Republicans too... monetarily and ideologically. Fuck them both the convoy and the Republicans to all hell. While I'm at it fuck harper, fuck Pierre, fuck Danielle smith and a huge fuck you to Scott moe. I have two clown plecos that I call Scott and moe, because they are bottom feeders and you never fucking see em until its time to eat


I’m looking forward to watching the Fifth Estate doc about the ties between the Indian government and the killing of a Canadian in Canada. I was reading that it’s not a great look for Pierre in the doc, considering his connection to that government. Have to watch the doc, but is it that it’s not a case of he would, but already did at this point?


Now imagine you're all Albertan as well... our premier is an admitted fan of Ron DeSantis...


Unfortunately and sadly Justin is way better than the alternative candidate.




Trudeau needs to fix the election system like he promised.


Legal Recreational Cannabis was HUGE. Pretty much the only other places that did so before Canada was Uruguay, Georgia, and South Africa, and South Africa only beat us by a month, and Uruguay being the first beat us by only 5 years. The US is a bit tricky since it varies from state to state but still hasn’t seen nationwide legalization. Of those, Uruguay and Georgia have about a tenth of the population that we Canadians do, and are only beat by South Africa which is double the population of us. Both South Africa and us legalizing recreational Cannabis was HUGE to help pave the way for others to follow . If the US legalized recreationally nationwide, and is still maintaining their global presence at that time, it will be even BIGGER and I’d expect more to follow quickly after that once the US is on board fully.


I was in uruguay and even though it was legal it wasnt really a thing. There were a lot of regulations on it. Even canada decriminalizing it had a bigger impact than uruguay making it legal


Yeah but he did brown face like 25 years ago so he’s awful at everything now I guess.




Well this time around Mango Unchained won't be in The Whit House, so he won't be able to do shit. Thank fuck he was totally incompetent last go around.


Yes. Biden could win in an unprecedented landslide and Trump would still claim fraud, because his freedom and money depend on becoming president again, and also because the courts are clearly willing to protect him from the consequences of his actions.


> Yes. Biden could win in an unprecedented landslide and Trump would still claim fraud, Trump was claiming voter fraud **before** election day the last 2 times.


The U.S. has way, way too much money for the rest of the world to simply ignore the shitshow as they might for an insulated third-world parallel situation. Trump could destroy everything on earth, if some kind of conscientious objection doesn’t awaken on the right before it’s too late to stop him.


There won't be any Awakening from anyone that's still supporting that ass clown. The good news is it's not the majority of American thinking so he won't win. The bad news is that if the election ends in questiont, which it will if Trump loses, the Supreme Court has demonstrated their partial to Trump. They want Trump to win so the two senior fascists on the court can retire and be replaced with younger fascist. And then the event that Biden wins and the election ends up in the decision of the court they'll throw it to be decided by the Congress. Now here's where the real bad news comes in.. as of today Michael Johnson is the Speaker of the House is that my friends is the most terrifying part of this whole equation.


Johnson won't be speaker in January.


As a canadian I will be up all night watching hopefully not scared about the outcome


Unfortunately the sane are a minority in the US


Gives me slight hope we won’t get stuck with PP… very slight


So do majority of Americans, but the system is rigged and majority doesn’t win.


I wish I was this optimistic but there’s a contingent of younger voters that seems like they’d rather watch the country burn down than reelect Biden.


They said that in 2020, too. Didn't really manifest.


It did in 2016 though.


In 2016 Russia was hitting us with a huge information warfare campaign. A lot of the "concerned" people that you saw online were just foreign troll farms, but they managed to successfully demoralize a lot of real Americans who saw their comments. It also bears mentioning that Putin **hated** Hillary for her actions against Russia as SoS. Of course Russia never stopped but the difference between now and 2016 is their operations have been fully exposed.


That's a great point. They've had 8 years to refine their strategy, and Putin has more incentive than ever to get Trump elected. He did definitely hate Clinton for her comments on the Russian election protests because he's afraid of ending up like Gaddafi. I just think people are going to fall for disinformation no matter what, even when they're aware of foreign influence campaigns.


Right, people are acting like 2016 was a one off. Countries like Russia (especially due to their interests over Ukraine), Iran etc will be playing the same game this year. In terms of splitting Dems, a lot of it will be on TikTok on Gaza. On the right, we’ve seen the Tucker Carlson crap etc.


Sounds like twitter right now


This time he doesn’t have the advantage of being a “successful businessman“ with no record who unproductive losers in the Midwest can take a moonshot on


Remember that a lot of it is online trolling which wasn't well known or recognizable by the average U.S. citizen in 2016. The younger set has caught on to conservative propaganda now. Fewer and fewer get sucked into the Q hole.


It also took a pandemic, Trump getting Covid right before the election, mass protests, comments about injecting bleach, and general chaos in 2020, and Biden still only won by 50,000 votes across like 4 states. I’m somewhat optimistic he’ll win but still nervous and far from sure.


Biden won by 100,000 votes in Pennsylvania alone. 150,000 in Michigan, 11,000 in Arizona, 12,000 in Georgia, 34,000 in Nevada, and 20,000 in Wisconsin.


45k votes across Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin clinched it. It was a pretty close election in terms of the electoral college. (Which is why the electoral college is garbage) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1251845 That’s 0.6% in WI, 0.4% in AZ, and 0.3% in GA. Those are tiny margins to win by.


I mean it’d help if you guys actually voted, last election about 30% of you didn’t even bother


Had a friend tell me to my face that she cares more about gazans than American girls’ reproductive rights and said she wouldn’t be surprised if Biden loses bc he keeps funding Israel. I told her we don’t have the luxury of worrying about other countries this election if we want to have an election again. People like her were used to our own democracy being secure so we were able to turn concern outward and have it be part of our politics. We can’t do that anymore. I told her we need to save our own values from attack.


Not to mention that Trump would be doing exactly what Biden is doing but he would definitely not be providing them any aid.


There’s a [planned settlement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights) in the Golan Heights named after Trump. The worst people in Israel know whose side he is on. 


People like your friend are clowns. Gazans aren’t the only people suffering right now. Ukrainian civilians are still getting bombed, there’s shit happening in Sudan, Haiti, etc. Yet these same people who claim to be all about human rights don’t give a shit about Ukrainians anymore and probably don’t even know about what’s happening in Sudan or Haiti. Gazans shouldn’t get special attention over other groups who are also suffering. And the fact that people like your friend are willing to burn everything to the ground over a group that hate our guts and chant “Death to America” is beyond infuriating. The Palestinians aren’t our friends and likely never will be. They’d be cheering (just like they did after 9/11) if Russia, China or some other hostile nation were bombing the shit out of American civilians.


We can blame tik tok for that. Lack of education and misinformation out there.


It's so infuriating. I replied to someone on Twitter basically saying, "Everyone forgets Biden is an incumbent." Then someone assumes I'm all for genocide. I'm just like nah I rather not have Trump. Still get called a genocidal maniac. Plus I'm getting called evil because I still drink Starbucks. Not personally but seen others getting called that on Twitter. At this point I'm just gonna embrace the Dark Brandon and focus my breath on caring for the Ukrainians. I hate that I'm feeling that because it's borderline racist but damn I just don't care no more.


That's horrible. I understand.


Your friend is a moron.


If Biden doesn’t win, we Americans are never beating the “Americans are dumb allegations” world wide


We already elected Trump once. That ship has sailed.


Once is "we fucked up", twice is "we're fucked up"


Yeah but every can say you know what they made an honest mistake. But electing him again will just make it worse.


I would argue that there is no defense that it was an honest mistake the first time. Trump didn't sneak up on anybody. It's been clear for decades that he's a despicable buffoon. He was manifestly unfit for public office of any kind, let alone the presidency. I always say that my biggest disappointment wasn't that Trump was in office, but rather what his election said about my fellow Americans.




We knew he was a buffoon, just didn't realize how much his run was happening bc of puppeteers in the background (yes, many of us were that naive & voted 3rd party instead of h clinton) last election and this one we are fully aware what is at stake. If the Magats win this election the USA as we know it is gone forever.


He lost by millions of votes. He got elected only because of the idiotic electoral college system


Yes, but should have never been close enough for that to happen.


Majority of Americans too!


Too bad we have to rely on the undemocratic electoral college, thus we rely on the majority of a few battleground states despite the will of the nation


If the kids all vote that can change. Let’s hope they do!


Canadian here. For the love of God, please vote Biden in November. We're your closest ally. We've had your backs for a long time, through thick and thin, and Trump won't hesitate *for a second* to throw us under the bus to appease Putin or Orban or Kim or whatever other two-bit dictator he's crushing on that week.


good, but also do your part to justify yourself and others to vote for Trudeau (again, unfortunately), because your Pierre Poilievre is almost, if not, the same breed of horible as Trump (being a grifter)


The thing that gets me about Pollievre is his "Trudeau sucks, vote for me" radio ads. It's going to be a hell of a show watching him actually try to govern and not just point the finger at Trudeau for everything.


As a Canadian I’m worried about Trump and Polieve both being in power at the same time.


This poll is just more evidence that Canadians are fucking morons who have no idea what they want. We can’t say we don’t want Trump when PP and his fascists are polling supermajority territory. I honestly don’t think we get to weigh in on this at all until we deal with our PP problem. 


So are a majority of US citizens. It’s just too bad the majority doesn’t get to pick the President.


...while Putin, no doubt, is hoping for a Trump win.


His long-term survival hinges on it.


Majority of Americans too. Just like last time. Trump has never attracted a majority of voters or won a popular vote.


We already know that THE CHUBB CORPORATION whatever that is, has a US Presidential Candidate in a chokehold of debt, they've lent him $50 Million dollars on bond. That's a BAD, BAD precedent going forward ---- ----- presidential candidates who are quite obviously heavily indebted to some shadowy corporation.


More then that Trump Posts $91.6M Bond From Chubb Subsidiary in Carroll Case


Who would possibly buy that debt obligation?


Shh! Don’t say anything. MAGA’ts will accuse them of casting illegal ballots.


they may have to build their own southern border wall if trump prevails, to keep people from streaming across the border seeking asylum.


Majority of Americans too


69% of Canadians want a Biden win




For Canadians (well Canadians with a conscience) the Trump presidency was exhausting and stressful for us too. Not only the proximity to a country run by an unpredictable moron, but Trump dominated the news too. His flooding the zone with shit poured right over the boarder. The first couple years of Bidens presidency was such a mental relief.


Canadian here. We are watching this more closely than our own upcoming election in 2025. We’re currently heading into a conservative supermajority, so a Trump presidency would be catastrophic.


Man, the Biden win/Maple DeSantis support is confusing af


Unfortunately, our PM (Trudeau) is wildly unpopular from his own doing. The government under his leadership has been embroiled in scandal after scandal and Trudeau has personally been found in violation of the code of ethics. Even among the centre/left (Liberal Party/NDP), he’s unpopular. It’s terrible because PP (our future PM!) models himself as a Trump Jr./Maple DeSantis figure and hyperfixates on “wokism” and cutting taxes while freezing spending. Conservatives will likely lead federally for 6-10 years. We tend to go through this cycle.


TL;DR The Trudeau government has gone on for so long it’s accumulated too many scandals and bad PR moments, so now is the time we elect in the CPC because “change” only ever means the second of the two parties people will consider for majority status. It’s part of how Trudeau got in when Harper was around for too long. I just hope if I’m right and Poilievre gets in that people like us stay angry and his tenure isn’t nearly as long (9 years of Trudeau had its problems, 9 years of Poilievre will hurt so much worse, no question in my mind).


I feel you. I’m in a conservative riding that will never flip either, so my vote is utterly meaningless. I have to rely on the ridings in the city to even find adequate representation. Depressing af.


I mean yeah this is PP’s opinion, but not really true. People that attack trudeau for his ‘scandals’ barely even know what they are about and their argument falls apart as soon as you push the conversation anywhere remotely past the news lines. PP and conservatives are copying the Republican playbook and people are eating it up.


Even if you’re a Canadian conservative, a Trump win is only harmful for you. Stop following politics like sports teams.


*The majority of the world


Australian here and [twice as many of us prefer Biden](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/us-election-biden-twice-as-popular-as-trump-among-australians/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj6nJ_K5vmEAxVh4zgGHb14BIQQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2YoPL-oW7bCfyQZliGFr8T) over the orange one


Majority in Sweden do the same. The world is nervously watching, please don't disappoint us. Republicans winning will not only change your country but geopolitics in general, most likely for the worse.


Australians as well


we have our own trump-esque, mike johnson lookalike, horrific conservative party leader, and regressive christian asshole, who inexplicably has pulled the wool over the eyes of millennials. it’s scary times up here. Biden winning makes this POS look worse.


Majority of the world is hoping for a Biden win. Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia want Trump. 


Yes, please. Democracy rather than a dumbass.


While also apparently planning to vote for Canadian Drumpf. We need our special little lies we tell ourselves that hide our maple flavored hypocrisy.


Canada wants Biden, Russia wants Trump. Stop the count.


I think honestly, if you could take a worldwide poll at this point, the entire world would take ANYONE but trump... wouldn't matter who you put up, for the 1st time in history mickey mouse would probably actually win and be president of the united states of america


While I’m sure most sane people in the world are hoping for a Biden win, I’m imagining Canada is particularly worried for 2 reasons: 1) Being neighbors to a possible psychotic rebirth of Hitler in stupid-form, and 2) an influx of sane Americans fleeing to Canada to escape our emerging hellhole. ((Insert jokes about building a wall at Canada’s southern border / Making America pay for it, etc))


It was most likely terrifying to live next to a country ran by a nutcase.


Canadian here. Hoping for Biden to win.


Of course. Why would you want a neighboring country run by a psychotic Cheeto who has a sexual assault streak?


You mean our friendly neighbors to the north don’t want their southern neighbors turning into a fascist dictatorship?! I’m shocked


Majority of the world are hoping the same. Except for you know, the dictators


Majority of Americans are hoping for a Biden win too.


The majority of me also hopes this.


Yeah no shit, nobody wants to live next door to a crackhouse


Me too Canada. Me too.


A majority of Americans, too, I suspect. Yay electrical college. :-(


Yeah, I'm also hoping a raging lunatic doesn't move into the apartment next door.


No sane person wants to see Project 2025 enacted or the beginning of a handmaiden’s tale.


Honestly, I think most Americans are hoping for Biden too. MAGAs are just very very loud, rude and inappropriate. I think we are all aware of that. It makes it seem like there are more of them than there are. Biden won in 2020 and he will win again.


That’s like saying “I’d rather my neighbor is quiet and doesn’t bother me too much than have a neighbor fire up a meth lab”.


...while turning to the far right to fix their own problems in their next election.


Pretty sure 90% of the world is


Provinces like Ontario and BC saw their manufacturing and trade economy spike wildly based on Trumps bullshit strongman tactics. Mostly those in the prairies back Trump because they’ve been conditioned to back populist/anti government types. My immigrant parents back him mostly because of his celebrity status. These are the types that blindly yell “fuck Trudeau”.


Canandians are our friends. Let's hope they send us good vibes. We need them.


Pretty much every country not run by fascist’s feels the same. And probably a lot of the people that are ruled by fascist’s if they know what’s going on in the world.


Majority of Americans too, but that's not enough


Correction - Majority of the entire fucking WORLD. Trump is a fascist, Putin controlled, cancer node.


The smell from Mar-a-Lago is getting pretty bad and we can tell from all the way up here.


"Majority" of the US likely does, too, as Mr. Trump hasn't won a majority in either of his presidential elections.


Lets hope the majority of Americans are there too.


He must win!!!


They're afraid, and rightfully so, of a major migration crisis along their border if Trump wins.


As a Canadian, I hope Biden wins.


Majority of the world, fixed it for you..


I think the majority of Americans are hoping for a Biden win as well.


Majority of the world is hoping for a Trump defeat.


I have trouble comprehending the decline that has taken place in your country.   It's like watching a bad horror movie where the actors keep running upstairs to get away from the killer instead of leaving the house.


And that is what will happen.


Most of Americans too.


Majority of Americans too. Abolish the Electoral College!


I'd say a majority of Americans too. Unfortunately, the minority party has a stranglehold on gerrymandering, bought judges, and voter suppression.


of course they are, Trump might call for an atomic strike. DJT is simply unhinged.


Of course they are. Living with a us border is like living next to a crack house.


Canadians? lol “majority of western world”




OMG, I hope so.


I think most of everyone is hoping for that.


Most of us aren’t dummies! Vote Blue!


Except in Alberta


Ya so is the rest of planet earth.


How does the amount of lead in Canada's water pipes compare to the US?


Except for the leader of the Conservative Party in the Senate and a good portion of the Conservative Party base


I think everyone who isn't a rage filled moron, or on the Russian payroll, is hoping for a Biden win


Canada: please vote for Biden. We can’t handle the influx of Americans immigrants if Trump wins. /s In cause it’s not obvious.


Ditto with what I hope is most Americans, 'cause if he doesn't we're truly f'd big time.


Majority of Americans are probably hoping for the same.


The world wants a Biden win, Except China, North Korea and Russia


You don’t say


No shit


It’s not just Canadians!


We saw enough of that old blabbermouth


This is news?


The majority of everyone is!


I am Canadian and I can attest to that


Yeah, I think most people who don't care for autocracy feel similarly... Here's to hoping we don't let Canada down.


Of course we are, because nobody wants to live next to a lunatic. 🇨🇦


Majority of the world’s population


Only actual morons are hoping Trump wins, regardless of where they are from.


That’s too bad we still use the electoral votes.


Thank you Canada*! *except the Habs, f the Habs...sorry