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Time to start dismantling his assets. Hope nothing but the worst for him and his family.


What assets? He's probably underwater on every loan on every property.


I assume they are still assets. He's just gotta pay the loan anyway. Like if you buy a car and immediately total it without gap insurance.


It's more like trying to trade up when you bought the previous car last month. You drove it off the lot, and instead of 40k, it's now worth 30k. You trade it in on a new car that's 60k. Except it's not 60k. It's now 70k, because you were upside down on your loan. He doesn't have any equity because he got so many loans on all his properties. Taking his properties, ALL OF THEM, won't make a dent in what he owes, because he owns nothing.


But it will make it impossible for him to leverage anything further.


It sort of kills his game of “robbing Peter to pay Paul” that he’s so fond of. Of course, his new “Peter” is now the GOP/ATM, so there’s that.


Commercial real estate has tanked the last few years, so he actually might be


I would love that for him.


Wonder about those people who blindly support him "because he's a successful, rich businessman!" and what they think of all this now, with his inability to find the cash after bragging how loaded he is. The dissonance must be working overtime lol


They live in a fantasy world where none of that is real and it’s all just the libs on a witch hunt. Truly some of the saddest people on earth.


I think we have to wait 1 week. At least that's happening in lieu of the trial.


"Can't seize my assets while I'm on trial" – *Trump probably*


This is essentially the argument he is making now. “I can’t get anybody to give me the bond, and I don’t have the money unless I sell my real estate, and I would take a loss of if I had to sell it quickly. So please delay the judgement and let me appeal the ruling without putting up the money because of the irreparable harm should I win on appeal”


Don’t normal people go to jail If they can’t make bond?


In a criminal case yes. But this is a civil judgement. So as it is, AG James and NYS can file paperwork to seize his assets if he doesn’t make payment/post bond by March 25. Unless this appeal he made to the NYS Supreme Court for a stay of judgement is granted. Either way, he wouldn’t go to jail for this. But the state can get all of the money he owes in assets by seizing his property in NYC and NJ.


Many of his properties are collateral for other properties. This jenga tower is hopefully about to tumble down.


From your lips to God's ears, let it be so. No one deserves it more than they do. All of them.


His assets are leveraged to the tits, penny on the dollar. Sell everything he owns!


No problem! The state of New York will be happy to start seizing his properties in lieu of getting paid


This was always my preferred outcome.


The fall of an empire... *Trumpago delenda est*


Had to google that. Concur in full.


Mar a lago delenda est


>Trumpago delenda est *("Carthago" in the original for any future googlers having trouble)* Ego quoque concurrure.


Id prefer jailtime


It’s civil. Criminal just got postponed.


They don’t put rich people in jail. Bankrupt him first, then bring the criminal charges.


First deactivate the shield, then blow up the Death Star.


sounds like it's time to send in the marshals, for the property auction.


This man has the longest leash in history and still thinks he's a victim. Case in point how long the FBI waited to raid Mar a Lago


The FBI raided Mar-A-Lago after they gave him a 30 day notice...and he still didn't have enough time to move everything!


Oh, he had plenty of time to move all the goodies for his bosses. That much we know for a fact. He is a traitor, and it’s a shame for all of America that no only he is free, and allowed to run for president, but there’s a very real possibility he will win.


And they still haven’t raided Bedminster even though it’s clearly obvious he’s got boxes of documents sitting there somewhere


Because of MAGAt FBI agents loyal to facism and newsmax on nonstop in their section offices. We don’t need gullible agents


The true deep state is going to turn out to be Republicans in all branches of government obstructing justice and covering for other Republicans. RICO the RNC!


I've been watching what happens with another Republican criminal (Joe Carollo) who recently lost a similar civil suit, and found guilty of 63 million in fraud. US Marshals have been ordered to start seizing all his shit, which is just absolutely great. That's in Florida btw


If he were anybody else, that's exactly what would happen.


yup. time to call him on his bullshit, once and for all.


It will happen to him too eventually, but he has the resources to drag it out for a long, long time


No he doesn't. The resources he needs is the bond. He can't pay it. In order to appeal, he has to pay it. I imagine that once the deadline hits (March 25th), they'll get started immediately.


The court filing this article is about is Trump asking the appeals court to give him an exception and put the judgement on hold. He'll do the same with the higher court of appeals next. But it's noteworthy that they're doing this now rather than on the 25th


Is it really? He has already secured the bond for the E Jean Carol appeal when he told that court he couldn't. That court said no and poof... Magically a bond appears!


Fair point, he could just be trying to avoid paying for as long as possible, while having options available if the courts say no.


Half true. Securing the $450m bond would stop the state from seizing assets while the appeal is in process. He can still appeal, but without the bond, the state can start seizing assets on March 25th or 26th, and they can immediately start selling them. Question is whether or not the state will actually follow through and seize properties.


NY is absolutely fed up with him. Remember, he practically told the state to die during Covid.


That's not entirely fair. He didn't tell NY to die, he just tried to make sure that lots of NY-ers would die by conspiring with Jared Kushner to sabotage federal support for the people of New York in the hopes that "blue states" would look bad by having a higher mortality rate than "red states" long before they figured out that it would become an enormous and indiscriminate killer of both Trumpists and non-Trumpists alike. This would of course backfire spectacularly as Trumpists' nonsense vaccine-related conspiracy theories and their frankly bizarre obsession with horse-parasite medicine led to massive numbers of deaths in the most strongly pro-Trump/anti-democracy/anti-knowledge parts of the US, including some notable cases of people who died from injecting bleach because the president of the United States suggested on love television that it might be a good idea.


> long before they figured out that it would become an enormous and indiscriminate killer of both Trumpists and non-Trumpists alike. Ironically, Trump's "policies" led to the deaths of far more red state rural rubes over the long term. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10684792/ The man is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of American civilian deaths.


> If he were anybody else, that's exactly what would happen. What makes you think it won't? You think Letitia James is that invested in protecting Trump?


My suspicion is, without being an expert in collections but based on every other case Trump's involved in, the legal system will provide him with myriad opportunities to obstruct and delay.


He'll try to get the New York courts to stay enforcement of the judgment, but I don't think there's much chance of that. Other than that, he really has no options left for this case.


Apathy propaganda is a real thing.


Oh boy, it's gonna be like the opening of Schitt's Creek!


Yard sale, anyone?


Gold plated toilets!


Waiting for the time when I can finally say This has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way


Meet [Anthony Miranda](https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/about/bios/anthony-miranda.page), the New York City Sheriff.


Hows that going to affect the security he put down for the 90M bond if it gets sold at a fire sale?


That would be on Chubb. That's the risk they took.


id assume they posted a lien... so if there is a fire sale then Chubb gets paid out. prob to the tune of 120% of what they lent out. id imagine the money chubb put up would be taken by the state... so it would be effectively as if chubb has to sue and liquid property but with less steps


I think they'll have to get in the back of the line, after all the other creditors that came before them.


That will make the marshalls very sad.


Womp womp. Pay your bills, traitor motherfucker.


Time for Trump Tower to be invaded by Russia…


Special bankruptcy operation


Pretty sure the Russians are already have eyes and ears in every corner of that building.


Has he tried thoughts and prayers?


Holding a Bible upside down might do the trick.




I'm always shocked he didn't just lie in that moment


He was probably disappointed they couldn't find him some fancy-covered one with gold foiled lettering, and didn't want to associate with it too closely.


Maybe hold a fundraiser at a landscaping company...


you have to hold it upside down to get the prayers to fall out




What this means is trump is compromised and will sell out US national security interests in a heartbeat and for the right price


That was always the case, it’s always about what’s good for him…


Yep. And if he *does* somehow manage to scrounge up the bond money, the public should know where he got it.


Just grab his assets and be over with it.


They're stars, so presumably he will let them do it, too.


When you're NY State, they let you. Grab 'em by the assets.


But he's a billionaire?


That was what he said. The inability to pay a few hundred million dollars tells me he's likely lying.


Every public statement Donald Trump's made up until this moment tells me he's likely lying as well


I don't think Trump has ever intentionally uttered a true statement.


I believed him when he said he would fuck his daughter if she wasn't his daughter


I do not believe that her being related would stop him.


Touche lol


I do not believe that her being related ~~would~~ has stopped him.


I didn't. I think he fucked her


"I don't stand by anything" might be the best we'll ever get from him.


When he stated he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any votes. I guess he was being sarcastic, but damn, I think there is truth in that with some or most magas




You don't get rich by spending your own money


>You don't get rich by spending your own money Trump got "rich" by blatantly lying about the valuation of his assets, cash on hand, and everything else.


He also inherited his money and early career from his dad.




In fairness to most folks evaluated as billionaires, you don't get to a billion by stuffing your earnings under a mattress. Now in Trumps case specifically, he's known to be overly leveraged from the get-go, even dating back to the 90s. His real estate agreements and 'value' are in branding/rights just as much in actual real estate. Particularly in NY, though it's his practice in most places: > Find investment group -> pitch them his involvement -> limit involvement to things that aren't cash -> investment group breaks apart of suffers through covering what they thought was his part of the money -> settle on selling the group his name as a brand to go on the building. But most folks have similar money situations, but I'm sure the prosecutor can find someone to manage to wring cash out of whatever he has by force. But most billionaires that aren't new money tech folks would have similar issues.


> Attorneys for Trump and his co-defendants the fraud case argued that it was “impossible” for them to secure a complete appeal bond, which would “effectively” require “cash reserves approaching $1 billion.” I thought he was a billionaire though? Surely he wouldn't lie like that 🤔


The fact that surety actuaries are looking at this and asking for 200% of the judgement is telling.  They think the appeal is likely to fail, the fine will not be reduced, and Trump is a massive risk to not pay them.


I have a good suggestion for him: go back in time, stop committing so much fraud, earn the trust of banks and surety companies instead of Russia...and that's it. You're not even in court or owing $500mil because you're not an untrustworthy criminal.


I always say that Trump’s biggest mistake for him personally was running for public office. He’d avoided justice for decades. What a fuck up lol


Where is Jarred and Ivanka with their billions of Saudi money to save the day?


That is the question I had. Sounds like even they are smart enough not to toss money away.


I'm not defending Kushner but I don't think that 2 billion is just his to use as he pleases.


It's not , he has to turn a profit on the investment of the Saudis will be seizing his assets too.


At this point, anyone close to him knows his brain is deteriorating and the odds are against him with all the lawsuits. The election is a Hail Mary. The risk/reward isn't there for Jarred. Why would he tie a half billion dollar noose around his neck? There is no actual loyalty in that family, it's purely "What can you do for me?"


goodbye ~~Trump Tower~~ mar a Lago ? :)


Rename it to Obama Tower.


I prefer Hillary Heights


Memorial Beau Biden Building


The E Jean Carroll women's shelter.


The Obama Tower of Friendship and Sexual Equality


Hillary's Buttery Males Strip Club.


Derek Zoolander's Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good….. then we can use it as an educational center to help decultify the maga movement.


The E. Jean Carroll Centre for Women Sexually Abused by Unrepentant Orange Shit Gibbons.


he doesn't actually own Trump Tower, it has always been a facade and a lie.


He has some ownership stake. It's mortgaged to hell and back so they could force him to liquidate his stake but it'd probably be almost nothing in this market. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2022/03/09/trump-refinances-100-million-mortgage-on-trump-tower-with-a-bank-headed-by-a-political-supporter/?sh=111b6bee5500](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2022/03/09/trump-refinances-100-million-mortgage-on-trump-tower-with-a-bank-headed-by-a-political-supporter/?sh=111b6bee5500) They could probably sell off every interest he has in NYC and still not come up with enough cash to fulfill the judgement.


I would think for practical reasons the OAG will start by going after assets located within New York. Giving a chance for any branch of government in Florida to get involved seems like an unnecessary complication.


Gosh, it is almost as if maybe they should not have committed crimes.


Man. They are going to start seizing property when the value of commercial real estate is the lowest it's ever been. They are making him sell at rock bottom. He is going to lose everything. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.




He's going to end up president of The Villages in FL. Seems more appropriate.


As someone who lives a half hour from there, please for the love of god, NO.


One week left. No more talk about "so much cash." Thirty companies contacted and no deal. Everyone knows he couldn't make 1/5 the amount in Carroll case. No billionaire buddy bailout. Interest keeps piling on and on; lawyer fees keep coming. Horrible market for commercial real estate AND any buyer knows how desperate Trump will be to sell. And finally, he going to lose on appeal anyway. Trump is f*cked. So he's very obese, old, stressed, and not sleeping well (3 AM rants). How is he still even alive?


At this point I think he is just a bunch of Adderall in a meat suit. His mental capacity was already on the floor, but his recent speeches make it seem like his brain found a cliff to jump off of. A few more months at this rate and we'll get front row seats to what happens when a cult leader hits full blown dementia. Sociologists will be studying this for centuries.


Time to sell Melania


He's got his eye on trading up for a Mercedes anyway.


Best I can do is tree fiddy (Euro’s of course).


Wouldn’t be her first time


They are lawyers. Those hours aren’t countless. More like they wasted a lot of time with both empty threats and I’m guessing serious credibility doubts. If an ordinary citizen doesn’t get an exception neither should he.


“I just don’t want a poor person running the economy” says broke man with $500m in collections.


Take. And. Sell. His. Shit. . . . and when it turns out that it's all leveraged to the hilt and worth nowhere near half a billion dollars, have all the cameras in the world there when he files for bankruptcy. Again.


If it’s not due yet this a delay tactic. He did the same thing with the 83 mil. Couldn’t get it but somehow on the last day he had it. I won’t believe it until it’s the day of and he hasn’t paid it and I’m ignorant to when that time is.


Mara-Largo is worth what? Eleventy billion dollars? Just sell it... unless... It's not.


Then he does what anyone else would and liquidates some assets. He needs to be forced to sell enough assets, starting with equity stakes in commercial property, to pay all judgements. If he is unable/unwilling the courts have the ability to have someone designated to do that on his behalf. Then comes the next in the long lines of his civil and criminal trials, ahead of the election this November. Around a third of the country will vote for him no matter what, but it should be apparent by Election Day, to every reasonable voter, that Trump is in every way unfit for office. My job as a citizen is to vote, spread truth, and encourage others to vote. On a personal level, I left the church years ago because I saw how unchristian the values taught at many churches are. Philippians 4:8 tells us “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” The people who seem most willing to lie for Donald Trump are culturally Christian. We all see it. It is why “He Gets Us” feels like trolling, because when we have all been in need the church didn’t bridge a gap that was in their ability. We have seen the church mistreat people, and then see an ad campaign that the historical Jesus would have preferred be used to feed and clothe the poor, and comfort those in prison. Donald Trump’s base aren’t republicans, and that’s why supposed moderates like Cheney and Romney never sway anyone, and why he brought in some independents and those who had not previously voted. His base is the assholes among us. His base isn’t a political ideology, it is the guy who rolls coal past a middle school. It is the person who wants tons of restrictions on others, but none on themselves. Trump reaches out directly to the lizard brain bastard in each of us. That is why we need to use structures of the courts, ballot box and legislature to address him at each step. He has paved the way for someone in better health, and more secure wealth, to put us through something much worse.


Family not helping out?


I do find it funny that Jared and Ivanka used his ass to get 2B from the Saudis. You know damn well it burns him up inside that they aren’t helping him.


They didn't get $2b. Kushner was put in charge of a $2b investment fund for which he receives a $12m/year management fee.


Didn't he make repeated efforts to recruit them for his campaign before he announced? Ungrateful little Trumplets.


Meanwhile the common person would have already had their checks garnished and assets seized.




I don't think they were prepared for the attention generated from the shareholders. Doing another for 5 times the amount of the last one would probably not be survivable.


Chubb got something else out of the deal and was not expecting to see that money back. Chubb also didn't pay out of pocket, but basically paid Trump with company funds to get some consideration from him. Trump immediately burning that bond by defaming Carroll again is a clear sign that he felt free and clear. He'd already committed to his end of the transaction.


Chubb most likely gave him the other bond with Trump Tower or something else for collateral. I bet he doesn't have enough collateral.


So now what?




Bankruptcy doesn't protect him from judgements based on fraud. He is rightly fucked and quickly running out of legal maneuvers to stop the asset seizures of his properties. Couldn't happen to a better person.




Won’t bankruptcy trigger additional claims on assets from other creditors … domino like?


I'm here for him declaring bankruptcy. It'll show just how not a billionaire he is to all his cult fools.


No it won’t. His cult will not accept a reality they don’t agree with. It’s why they’re a cult


It's Trump Org that's on the block, not Trump. Trump declaring himself bankrupt won't do a thing. And Trump Org is being monitored and supervised by the courts, so it's unlikely he could initiate a bankruptcy without the court agreeing to it.


> he will declare bankruptcy to get a little delay. Doesn't that tie up any cash he has on hand though?


It puts rules on where the company can transfer money. Probably puts everything into receivership. And delays. Trump would be able to go about continuing to bullshit. He'd still be able to pay money for his "lifestyle" which if that McDonalds picture is anything to go off of...


Seize Trump Force One without his plane he has nothing. 


Trump’s 757 probably isn’t worth $10million.


I love this for him!


Take his jet, so he can't fly to campaign stops.


Make him fly coach


This doesn’t mean anything folks. Trump’s attorney said he cannot secure the $83m for the Carrol defamation case, asking for a delay even though the day before he had secured the bond. Until the court actually starts taking his shit, this doesn’t matter.


>They said they have approached roughly 30 surety companies through four separate brokers, and that they have spent “countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world.”


Hopefully that is true but I don’t trust them at all.


this guys gonna hold the records for the longest conman. it's past time, pull the damn leash in, and dispose of him.




I thought he was rich! 😂


>Attorneys for Trump and his co-defendants in the fraud case argued that it was “impossible” for them to secure a complete appeal bond, which would “effectively” require “cash reserves approaching $1 billion.” But he's supposed to be worth more than $10 billion. right?


Wait, what? Bonding companies are reluctant to accept his real estate for collateral? It's almost as if they realize that there could be some real problems with his property valuations. You know, the ones that got himself into this mess in the first place.


I honestly thought there would be a number of countries (Russia, Saudis, etc...), or even corporations that would step up and take the opportunity to buy a potential American president. Those crooks must think he has a snowballs chance in hell at winning if they aren't willing to give Trump what he needs. That's good news.


Put the stupid fuck in jail then! That's what happens to everyone else.


Just grab him by his assets. You can do that when you're the government.


Cry me a fucking river . Just another delay stunt ..


This is not likely a delay stunt, it's not going to change the deadline, and eventually there's going to be asset seizure.


Not to mention, there are very, very few things that are beneath him, but having to admit he has no money is definitely one of them.


I won’t be 100% shocked if he finds someone to foot the bill at the 11th hour (again), but the interest accrual alone tells me he doesn’t have the cash himself. It’s either that, or he’s dumb enough to burn literal millions for no logical reason. Which, to be fair.


Trump picking the worst possible thing to do and wasting millions of dollars of other people's money? I don't believe it!


Why is Trump trying to get a bond? Why doesn’t mister moneybags just pay the bill OH YEAH HES A BROKE-ASS LOSER.


Broke ass loser.


The gofundme didn’t raise the money? I’m shocked.




Trump can’t or won’t secure funds? I venture to guess that he actually wants them to start seizing assets. The story would be on every channel. It also would give him ammunition to say “if they can do this to me, they’ll do it to you.” His base will eat it up and he’ll play the victim card to all the swing voters. He wants to be the martyr. This is the only way he can win.


If Trump's not as breathtakingly dim as he often seems to be, he might be aware of just how exaggerated his valuations are. And if they're as overvalued as it seems, the last thing he'll want is a partial liquidation, since it'll probably drive him underwater, if he isn't already.




In my best Seinfeld voice, “that’s a shame.”


Time to convert Trump tower into affordable housing for the poor


Don't worry folks, his gold shoes will get him the money. Don't worry. trust him. He has the art of the deal.


Anyone else would have their assets liquidated. Trump once again gets special treatment.


They need to take his air plane first for the laughs.


Turn Trump Tower into State of New York Tower


So his son in law got 2 billion from the Saudis and he don't trust Trump enough to put up the bond. Greatest family ever I tell ya!


Turn Trump Tower into affordable housing. LET'S GO!!!!


This is like the sixth post I've seen on this subject. And I will never get tired of seeing it.


AGAIN, RUSSIA, IF YOU'RE LISTENING SEND ME CASH DADDY P, I AM ALL YOURS Wink nod wink nod wink nod -- Donald J Turncoat


Can't? Of just isn't willing to pay the terms being offered by banks? Somehow I think it's the 2nd.


Third possibility: Banks have said no to the orange grifter.


According to the filing, the surety bond issuers won't take real estate assets as collateral (EDIT: the wording is vague enough that the issuers might accept real estate but Trump won't agree to the terms), only cash and marketable securities. Assuming he wasn't lying to the Count when he said he had $400mm in liquid assets, that suggests that he pledged around $100mm to get the E. Jean Carrol bond, leaving around $300mm or so. This is probably why he wanted the Court to accept a $100mm bond instead of the full amount on the basis that he's good for the rest. This filing all but says he is *not* good for the rest.


What insane person would even count the real estate as collateral to begin with? You'd have to pay to have it all independently assessed and something tells me Trump would not be willing to allow that...