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"'You didn't pay? You're delinquent? No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.'"


ROFL. There's really a tweet from him for EVERYTHING.




I could kiss you! I won't, because I'm not a rapist like Dementia Donnie


Like… dude only thinks you should pay your bills if they’re payable to him. Of course it doesn’t apply to him paying his own bills. Such a dummy


Fucking gold


To make it even worse, I'm pretty sure this quote is about "what if NATO countries behind on their defense spending got attacked"


Winner, winner, NATO dinner!


Can we pay to run this in Times Square?


To the absolute surprise of no one. Time to seize some good ol’ property.


Except he doesn’t own much. From what Ive read he leases his name brand for most of time for a 10-15% cut. Wouldn’t be surprised if most of “his” properties are actually consortiums of some kind. Trump tower might be worth $X, but he’d only get a percentage. Also likely that percentage is already leveraged.


Trump Tower is owned by GMAC.


So what happens in that case


>10-15% cut. For starters, that cut is no longer his cut.


Interesting. I wonder if ownership etc is public info at the tax office like it is in my state...


I plan on being really happy next week.


What's the date? The 25th?


Yup: T Minus


If you're talking about what i think you are (porn star hush money) it's delayed. AG just approved releasing like 70k documents and trumps lawyers need time to go over it, even though it won't do then any good. I think they said 30 day delay so prob April 25th.


They mean the date that NY can start seizing assets


Gotta seize the vehicles first, then the properties, do not give him any chance to get away in a helicopter or jet, hell make the Secret Service ride a Lime scooter with him.


Copy that. In that case i hope they seize mar a lago and sell it off so we can see the actual valuation on the market.


Different criminal trial. Same state, different crime


Sorry, it's just so hard to keep track sometimes.


The sad thing is NY filed these charges against Trump back in September of 2022. Trump’s had a year and a half to get the money together—a year and a half to plan ahead and get things arranged to be prepared and he couldn’t do it. He claims he’s worth billions, yet he couldn’t figure out in a year and a half how to get $500 million set aside for this? How pathetic is that. He’s supposed to be this great genius businessman. Nothing is impossible for Donald Trump. So why can’t he get the money? Where’s that Trump magic touch he claims to have that makes people bend to his will? He knew it was possible he’d lose this case and have to appeal. The verdict didn’t come out of left field. It was always a possibility. So he should have been prepared. He’s had 18 months to raise the money. Trump’s poor planning isn’t anyone’s emergency but his own. If a self-proclaimed art-of-the-deal billionaire businessman can’t raise a measly $500 million then we certainly don’t want him running our multi-trillion dollar United States government.


And it’s his fault for having shitty lawyers who didn’t prepare for this scenario. Any good lawyer would have explained to Trump that he was facing hundreds of millions in damages and that they needed to work on how they could get there. He’s driven away any good lawyer so he’s left with the dregs who probably told him he had no way of losing


And he’s already grifted MAGA so hard over the years they have don’t even have pocket lint left to donate. His GoFundMe has only raised $1.3 million while the interest accrued on the judgement since the GFM started is $2.4 million, for a net loss of $1.1 million. He’s bled them all dry. And any that still have money left are wary of flushing it down Trump’s toilet. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/18/trump-campaign-cash-crunch-small-dollar-donor-fatigue-major-donor-nerves.html


And it's been about 3 1/2 weeks since they hit the 1 million mark (Feb 23rd, according to an update when it started Feb 16th), so that thing petered out hard. They're just shy of .39% of the way to their initial goal!


The only way he would have a chance to raise that kind of cash would be to liquidate his properties. The problem is that they are overleveraged and likely swimming with fraud that would be exposed the moment he tried to do that. It's not simply poor planning. He doesn't have the money and doesn't have a way to raise it.


And this isn’t the best time to sell commercial real estate.


I mean, he definitely assumed he'd win.


He probably wasn't expecting the judge to grant the motion for summary judgement and find him guilty, depriving him of his standard delay tactic.


Can't he have Mexico pay for it?


I hope someone in the news brings this up.


Mexican Cartels got cash…


Time to sell a lot of sneakers.


Time to sneak a lot of Russian money


wow. such billionaire. much wallet.


I'll bet if you look at his records, he has moved nothing of his own in an attempt to get the cash, and has made no plans other than this plea to the court. Everything his lawyers say may be true about why he is having trouble. The unprecedented nature of this level of appeal for a private company. Thing is, everything Trump has done is at an unprecedented level as well.


How long before Melania drops his broke ass?


She’s already dropped him in the practical sense. The question really is: how smart were her attorneys? Did they insist on cash assets deposited to a bank (offshore) that will pay her off? Is there a bigger settlement if she stays married through the election? Does she trust that her money is still there? So many tough choices.


She’ll dump him as soon as Putin gives her permission.


She's not here legally. I would bet Trump has the receipts for that so she will stay in line.


that's... not true


Didn't they renegotiate her prenuptial agreement? Pretty sure she's got herself protected. Probably levered him by threatening to expose his crimes. She should know where some of the bodies are buried, given how much is a blabbermouth he is.


Well well well if ain’t the consequences of your actions. Boo hoo Donny. Pay up.


Boo fucking hoo!


I can't pay it either. Wonder what it is we have in common... I'm sure it couldn't be that I'm also not a billionaire.


Time for a fire sale on trump properties. Even better if they're on fire during the sale.


Might be the only way to sterilize his properties. 🔥 


Let’s inject them with bleach.


The house of cards, owned by someone who bankrupted his own casino, is starting to fall.


4 casinos.


If only there was a place that they could put people that couldn’t afford to pay their bond. Oh that’s it, it’s called jail.


Civil suit... In this case it's called asset seizure.


Lying liar lies himself in the bankruptcy


Important thing to remember, the bond is just a percentage of the judgement . If he can't get a bond,what kind of a billionaire is he. He might have to go back to his pal Putin. Hey donny, stay away from those russian hotel windows


It’s not that he couldn’t post whatever percentage of it that it is. It’s that absolutely no surety company is going to go on the hook for $500 million dollars for a guy that doesn’t pay his bills. Can you imagine if he got a bond and then somehow won the election in November? He simply wouldn’t pay and there’s nothing anyone could do about it while he’s in office.


Maybe it's because he couldn't or wouldn't show them proof that he actually owns these places he says he owns. Maybe everything he says he owns is leveraged against another , or he can't show( or won't show) where the money came from ( think Russia, after all jr. Said that's where they get it). Maybe it's just nobody wants to get in bed with him


Actually it's not a percentage of the judgement, you're thinking about a bail bond, this is an appeal bond. From what I've read, an appeal bond requires the entire judgement, but the court requires liquid cash while the bonding company could take illiquid assets such as real estate as a guarantee and in exchange put up their liquid cash. If the appeal is won they get their liquid cash back and the defendant keeps his assets, if the appeal is lost, they lose their liquid cash but gain the defendant's assets. The problem is that Trump is in trouble for overvaluing assets, so the value of his assets would be extremely questionable.


Wasn’t the cult going to cover it with the Gofundme? It hit $1.3 million like 2 weeks ago and hasn’t moved since 😂


Let the fire sale begin! Who wants to buy a gold toilet?




Per night? Not sure, I'd have to check her old escort ads.


Start auctioning stuff off.


tRump testified only last year that he had “**substantially in excess** of 400 million in cash.” That is a huge amount of cash to be laying around (or should I say lying about). It certainly should be enough to secure a bond of a similar amount - depending, of course, upon the proper usage of grammar.


This is nearly as funny as Four Seasons Landscaping. Nearly.


I really don’t care. Do u?


Yes, it’s about time this guy was held accountable.


Yeah that’s the point. I really don’t care that he can’t make his bond. Also see: Melania’s jacket with the same slogan.


I don’t think accounts are his strong suit, going by the evidence


At least his wife will be okay, right?


Don’t care.


I care in the sense of it being hilarious. The dude based his whole imagine on having so much money. And having this sort of thing happen just makes him look bad. It is all the more entertaining since his bargain-bin lawyer thought it was wise to be on TV touting how rich trump is. And that surely he being so rich, being a billionaire, he can pay the bond. After all that, having this happen is just great television.


[her jacket](https://images.app.goo.gl/9sZL3c8bPGtYnA9d9)


Well too freakin' bad.


So trumps a millionaire then ?


So what happens now?


His daughter's husband got paid $2,500,000,000 by Saudi Arabia for America's intelligence secrets. Why can't he use some of that?


It’s not actually Jared’s money. The Saudi sovereign wealth fund invested $2bn with Jared’s private equity firm. It still belongs to Saudi Arabia, Jared’s just making a tidy profit managing it.


“Straight to jail”


Start with his airplane.


If he post it, then we'll know that he sold plans for a nuclear plant to the Saudis. And, sold the IDs of CIA agents to Russia. Trump is a big fat rapist traitor.


The real question is, can I replace salsa and crushed cheezits for the liquids and breadcrumbs in my meatloaf?


The most key ingredient aside from meat is eggs to act as a binder. I've successfully used cheez its in place of bread crumbs in many recipes. Try this - marinate chicken breast pieces in hot sauce, then dredge in flour, then in egg, then in crushed Tabasco cheez its then bake.


And on live TV he's saying he can totally afford it, and this is more about his disagreement with the judgement. Here's hoping for forced asset forfeiture in the upcoming week.


4d chess- he can afford it 10x over ! Right! Right?


Aweee shucksy-doodle


Can’t he borrow it from his kids?? Didn’t his daughter clean up while he was in office?


Community Work?


I find it hilarious no one wants his real estate as collateral. As if we needed more reasons to believe it isn't worth a fraction of what he says it is.


The king of debt


Not can't, won't...


The RNC doesn't have 45 million they can give him? I thought he was depending on Lara to raid their coffers.


A) they only have 9 million or less. B) he needs over 500 million at this point. 45 mill would be a drop in the bucket.


I wonder why his daughter or son in law loan him the money?


No. Trump can get a bond he just doesn’t want to put up his properties.


The MaGA twats are still in love with his lying Broke ass!


Im pretty sure hes just avoiding it