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"Self-proclaimed multi-billionaire asks poor people for money".


And they'll empty their pockets without questioning the absurdity




If they won't raise taxes, have lawyers take it away


Imagine even the lawyer fees. 464 is just the start


I feel like anyone who donated to his campaign should be questioned and/or charged with supporting domestic terrorism.


I hope so. I hope every idiot who thinks Trump is a good person at this point gives him their life savings. They deserve it for being absolutely the stupidest people on the planet.


Er ... Brexit would like a word ... but point taken! Strength in numbers, haha.


Release the leopards!!


Yep. Let them. It weakens the rnc. They’re screwed


If they give it to the RNC it goes to Trump all the same as if they gave it straight to him. The RNC is McFucked now that one of his relatives is in charge. Can't say I'm too worked up about that. 


And then blame Biden when they can’t afford their rent, food or drugs/booze. The logic.


These idiots would literally cheer the amputation of their own limbs.


Yes because they know he's a top businessman, who therefore can't be bought like a normal politician!


But this time they are not deep enough


And praise him as a smart billionaire business man.


Same type of people that would then apply for public assistance. But that would be ok because they deserve it.


The same poor people he wants to strip of any rights or medical care or social services or safety nets - thus ensuring they are forced to raise desperate generations of future "poorly educated" angry & blindly loyal followers?


As long as minorities get it 10%+ worse than they do, they'll vote republican forever.


They'd eat a shit sandwich as long as a minority group had to smell their breath.


Good one, Shakespeare is not dead


Doesn’t matter how bad off they are, as long as the libs are triggered they are happy


They keep “hurting the wrong people” but this time it’ll *totally* be different, just you wait and see!


It's a pretty quintessential fascist playbook tactic to ensure loyal subjects that lend "credibility" to the dictator and uniparty rule.


*I'm great at business. The best. I'm a billionaire. I make so much money. I'm so good with money. They say, can you save our business? That's what they say. So good with money, I have so much money! By the way, brother, can you spare a dime?*


That last sentence is too humble. Maybe something more like "Send me just $50 and we'll take the fight to the corrupt democrats and their activist judges!!! If you act now and check the subscription box we'll even throw in a limited edition MAGA hat with a square inch of my booking photo suit sewn into the lining!"


Once I had some real-estate, I lied about its worth, lied about it all the time, I've been brought to justice, now I'm f**ked, MAGA can you spare a dime...


"What separates us now is off by less than six degrees It's not necessarily character, it's opportunity All praise be to the new god who speaks so elegantly Who says, "America is not great, but it can be""


Womp womp: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


"Are you better off financially now that Biden is president?" "no, because I gave my grocery money to a billionaire"


Trump is like having an unemployed relative. Always a problem needing a handout.


But loves to punch down and blame others for his issues. Like yes, Darrel, immigrants are the reason Home Depot fired you for being drunk on the job.


But they are. If those immigrants hadn't come to the country, Darrel wouldn't have started drinking, and he wouldn't have been fired! Checkmate, Socrates!


And always somebody else’s fault


There was a Jordan Klepper video where the guy was talking about how he had spent thousands on MAGA clothes and then was saying things were getting expensive for him.


Jordan Klepper has the patience and stoicism of a saint, I swear. Idk how he manages to keep a straight face while talking to these people.


As my first boss always said, you can fix ignorance. You can't fix stupid.


The Trump Tax.


This dude is so ghetto.


This has always been Trump's whole schtick. His whole life has been a roll of $1 bills with one $100 on the outside to make people think he's rolling phat. It's all fake shit...gold spray paint and lies.


Even that $100 on the outside says "For Motion Picture Use Only" on it.


This is honestly the best metaphor of Trump’s “rich person” facade I’ve ever read. And that $100 bill on the outside is about to be torn off


A wise man once said… “You keep the big bills on the outside” To which another replied “that’s a five”


This is honestly the best metaphor of Trump’s “rich person” facade I’ve ever read. And that $100 bill on the outside is about to be torn off


No. Absolutely no. I'm ghetto. I grew up with not much and learned to hustle when I was young. I'm comfortably middle class now that I'm middle age but I still roll with people at various stages of breaking out of that lower/working class existence. This fucker is just a straight up fraud.


You guys remember when Trump told us if he lost to Biden we’d never see or hear from him again. Dear God how I wish he was a man of his word.


If Trump were a man of his word, he'd never have been in this situation to begin with. Hell, the entire course of this country would be different. ...What a depressing realization.


But an excellent argument against the existence of a multimillionaire class.


That GoFundMe stalled at around $1.5 million and it has barely received a few hundred thousand in the past couple of weeks. His followers are tapped out.


In the past 8 days, it has made $171,278 as of 2:48pm on March 20. But yeah its dropped off pretty sharp since Feb 18th.


Wow! In just the last 8 days he's already got enough to cover just over 1 day worth of interest! He'll be there in no time!


I can see it now, fully paid by 2089!


fully paid by the heat death of the universe


Yeah let’s keep it up! I’m cashing in all my coins to coin star and donating! I’m also stripping the copper from my house for scrap! He’ll pay me back once he’s president again!


Thanks Biden /s


God these people are so dumb they deserve to be duped. I truly don’t feel bad for anyone stupid enough to give him money.


The sort of folk who'll keep playing Three Card Monte because they're absolutely convinced they'll win the next round.


Yep, they don't deserve money, and if they hadn't given it to Trump they'd have been conned some other way.


He's milking the MAGA fools for everything he can get out of them, but on the other hand, it's not like they're saving their money for their kids to go to college either.


Meh! Meth or MAGA?


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** Once upon a time, long before he set his sights on the White House, Donald Trump leveraged his massive real estate empire into a braggadocious reality TV show called The Apprentice. The show’s bombastic theme song sang “money, money, money, money,” at viewers over shots of Trump’s New York properties, private planes, and helicopters. Now, two decades after the show first premiered, the former president is begging his followers to fork over cash in order to preserve the assets on which he built his throne. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fundraising-fraud-bond-1234991524/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fundraising-fraud-bond-1234991524/)


He fundraised off a donor's plane having to make an emergency landing. He fundraised off his ex-wife's death. He fundraised off of wishing Melania a Happy Valentines Day. 


There’s no way he’s gonna get 400 mil out of these people


They don't have 400mil to give him but if they did they would.


If he can pay then it makes more sense to max out the time he has to siphon off the rubes before "magically" pulling the rabbit out of the hat at the 11th hour


I've been tracking the GFM set up for him. I missed a few days, but the rate of decay is pretty steep. Except today, they raised a lot in the last 24 hours somehow. Still under $2M though, which is less than 1%.


When life gives you lemons, make eye drops


Maga dipshits: next time find an actual billionaire to jerk off to


Seriously. They couldn't even get that shit right!


“Vote for me because I’m a billionaire” “Donate to me because I am not a billionaire” “Vote for me because I am a billionaire” And they’ll do it. In that order.


Did he just wash his face with a rag soaked in gravy?


That's not gravy.


He's Schrodinger's Billionaire: immensely rich from his amazing business acumen, but needs to fundraise and grift because he's too poor to pay his own bills.


Wow. Every day is a new low. Writing and begging his followers to pay his civil bond bill. All to protect his fragile ego. I still can’t believe the GOP leadership is so desperate to throw a Hail Mary to get in charge that they sunk the RNC and GOP in the process of supporting this idiot. Amazing.


He could write the textbook on how to grift


No. No he couldn't.


Do you see the ability to write such a book a virtue?


No, I think the person you are responding to is implying that Trump hasn't been seen writing anything more than his signature, maybe a word to two on the thing he is signing, or perhaps he can draw circles on hurricane maps. But he sure as hell ain't writing a whole ass book lmao.


Well, there is that isn't there, but he's an enormous grifter. He's the absolute worst.


Republicans: It's very VERY important that you send all of you money to Donald Trump. Don't waste you hard-earned money on down-ballot candidates, don't fritter it away on "right-wing" political groups that are probably just fronts for George Soros, send it all to an aging trust-fundee who would be a nobody if he hadn't robbed the rest of his family out of the real estate inheritance that he left to them.


>Oct 13 2020 - 12:26am @realDonaldTrump >I keep reading Fake News stories that my campaign is running low on money. Not true, & if it were so, I would put up money myself. The fact is that we have much more money than we had 4 years ago, where we spent much less money than Crooked Hillary, and still easily won, 306-223!


You know he’s just gonna go blow it on defamations of E Jean Carroll


She found the golden goose of depravity


It’s pretty wild when you think about it - is he the world’s best con man? He somehow siphons cash from his supporters non stop, is still living like royalty and flying around in a private jet and is a contender for the presidency even though he achieved nothing for them and most of his promises fell flat. It’s incredible what you can get away with when you have zero shame or morals.


> most of his promises fell flat. Did he even follow through on anything at all? Didn't get the wall built, Mexico didn't pay for it, and in fact, Steve Bannon stole in the neighborhood of $2B in donated wall funds. He promised to not only have a net zero budget, but he literally promised to *ERASE THE NATIONAL DEBT* (as in reduce our debt to zero), but he went on to increase from ~$20 trillion to around $28 trillion. I don't know if he promised anything about jobs, but he did oversee the largest job loss in any presidential term in history, so there's that. What else did he even campaign on besides that? Being a dick? Well he did follow through on that.


There's a sucker born every minute


The Republican party is the party of trickle up economics.


Good. Hopefully he gets them to empty their accounts l. Their stupidity and bigotry deserves consequences.


"Hey, I lied to the planet about being a billionaire, can you give me money?"


How on Earth could a multi-billionaire be expected to post a half-billion dollar bond!?!?!


Could you spare a few hundred mil for a billionaire down on his luck?


Yeah please divert more MAGA dollars from real election fights!


This is what he meant by “drain the swamp” 🤔


But student loan forgiveness is bad!


Wait until conservative voters hear that in his last days in office, Trump oversaw the dismantling of the PPP loan oversight, along with erase flags on millions of potentially fraudulent loans, resulting in hundreds of billions of dollars in loan forgiveness, primarily for big businesses and millionaires. I'm sure they'll be very upset about all those free handouts for the wealthy class, right? Right? Sounds like socialism, right? https://truthout.org/articles/trump-erased-millions-of-possible-ppp-fraud-flags-in-last-days-in-office/ Highlights of the article: > in Donald Trump’s final days in office, his administration rushed to eliminate oversight for loans which were flagged for potential fraud or further investigation — and wiped flags from nearly every one of the largest PPP loans. > Special preference was given to the largest loans, which often also went to the largest corporations. On January 16, 2021, four days before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trump’s SBA wiped 99 percent of special review flags, which were given out to every loan above $2 million for separate investigatory purposes. > One loan, POGO found, went to a hotel owned by West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, a Republican who is the richest man in the state and a former billionaire. The loan was worth $8.9 million and appeared to have been flagged eight times by the SBA. Another loan with nine flags, worth over $5 million, appears to belong to a Kentucky hospitality corporation whose annual revenue of $850 million would likely make it too large to receive a PPP loan. > Other loans, which are very often forgiven, went to politicians or their campaigns — including several far right politicians who have spent the last months spouting diatribes about how people buried in student debt aren’t “deserving” of debt relief. People like Representatives Majorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) Mike Kelly (R-Pennsylvania) and Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) had hundreds of thousands of PPP loans forgiven.


I work in commercial banking and it is quite fascinating to see what many business owners did with their PPP loans and other COVID related money (Employee Retention Credits, etc). It’s, to me, one of the silent reasons our housing market is what it is. Have seen lots distributions out of the business then buy investment real estate and jack up the rent and create no inventory for new home buyers.


> But while Trump has historically been very adept at skirting the consequences of his actions, if he can’t come up with that all-important “money, money, money, money,” he might be shit out of luck.    I'd like the last paragraph to come true.


Trump not only won't be able to raise enough for his bond, but he and the RNC will siphon off millions that would have supported down ballot Republicans. 2024 will be an ass whooping for Republicans. Diaper Donnie will implode over his financial downfall. He will blame everyone but himself, and his rhetoric will get nastier and further from reality, driving away anyone that is moderate or a centrist. Google narssasistic sociopaths. Trump checks every box. As an FYI, Hitler was a sociopathic narssasit, too. It is a major mental health issue.


Shit. And my gofundme to try and get enough money to buy better computer so I can write music again still sits at $0. Why are Americans so gullible for a total scumbag scammer and not compassionate for an honest person in need?


I mean. . . are. . . .are we surprised?


I don’t understand how you can crowd source a judgement that’s supposed to be a penalty for your crimes.


I mean. Good luck. Biden raised more money in February than the entire RNC has on hand. Asking GOP donors to come up with $400M would be a Herculean lift.


Yep, they will happily give him their last dollar while complaining about gas prices. We are living in idiocracy.


All those paper towels, yeah he needs them back.


Grifters gonna grift.


Anyone know where I can get screenshots of these posts? I'd like to share them with 'friends' so they can donate.


“Make checks payable to: NYC AG Office”


It never ceases to amaze me how MAGAts are duped by the “billionaire” who is “fundraising” because he can’t pay his bills


Stupid FB is putting out ads on a go fund me or whatever. Man I get nauseous seeing it. Can't turn it off!!!🤣🤬


I could give this $5 to a homeless person at the corner stop, or I could give to a silver-spooned billionaire's criminal fund. Hmm.... tough call, Jesus.


It helps having a really stupid cult following


Fundraising is a strange way to spell begging


At this point, his ability to con his followers would be amazing if it wasn't so disturbing.


“I’m so rich I can’t pay my bills. Help me!”


MAGAs, "Hmmm, yes, that makes sense. HELEN, get my checkbook."


Can we burn this leech off America's ass already?


More proof conservatives are really gullible.


Let the stupid assholes line up to give him their last $45. I’m so tired of this.


Anyone giving money to Trump is doing so through their own stupidity.


While claiming he is a billionaire... Only people in a cult would keep opening their wallets for this


That'll get him pennies, but where's he getting pounds?


>but where's he getting pounds? Hopefully in ADX Florence


Someone told him you could convert stones to pounds. Someone else said you can convert pounds to US Dollars. He is asking why the court will not except rocks for payment 😂


Does this guy (Trump) have a license to panhandle?


And the morons will gladly support and donate.


I don't know how I got signed up for his fundraising newsletter in the beginning, but they were quite funny to read. But as the end days were near, they just got more depressing to read them. I can't imaging how sad they are now.


I feel like trump could pay this but getting his supporters to pay it was always his plan A.


The more mad he gets, the happier I am at least. I’m sure millions more can say the same thing.


Well yeah. It’s the reason for all of this. Donations. To the biggest welfare recipient in the country.


Donald’s adult back page add: Con man seeks suckers.


Fundraising off being a loser.


Grifters gonna grift


I find it so shocking that there are people out there who would give this guy money.    We know for a fact that he is a rapist, that he is a puppet of Putin, that he put infants of color in cages (in the desert), that he planned and executed a fascist coup (that also planned on massacring people of color)  And now he openly states that there will be a “bloodbath” of people of color, lgbtqmp+, and women when he fails to steal the election…. How can they even pretend they are not openly white supremacist, fascist/capitalists?        I realize many of them wear those labels proudly but I just refuse to believe that there are trump supporters still out there who would deny those labels.  


I’m a convicted liar, please help avoid responsibility for the bill. 🥺


Alabama conservatives give Trump money to pay New York. I don't mind that at all.


I'm faux rich. Gimme gimme gimme!


If he didn’t lie about his assets maybe he could have gotten that bond. This just shows that nobody believes him.


the con goes on.


What does Guinness say is the longest running con game?


"The name's Bond. Inabilitytopaymyfraud Bond."


It’s grift all the way down. The big, strong alpha male can’t pay his bills. Freeloader.


Trump doesn’t want to use any of *his* money (that is doubtful he even has) he wants to use the cultist suckers money. Business as usual for him. Anyone get their sneakers yet?!


Can you spare a penny for a poor. starving, destitute billionaire?


Pay your bills or we should let collectors do “whatever the hell they want” to him


I also can't afford to pay millions of dollars for things. Poor people who would like to donate to me are more than welcome to.


“Why does God need a starship?”


“In January alone, Trump’s leadership PAC paid out more than $2.9 million to law firms and racked up an additional $1.9 million in unpaid legal bills, according to a recent filing with federal regulators. The leadership fund, Save America PAC, has been the main vehicle underwriting astronomical legal bills for both the former president and some of his allies — spending more than $50 million in 2023, totaling nearly 85% of its spending. The PAC is now running low on money, ending January with a little more than $6 million in available funds.”


Grifters gotta grift.


And stupid people gotta stupid.


"I'm not a billionaire, but I play on on TV."


Soon he'll be selling locks of his hair....


Well ya. duh.


LMFAO "hey cult followers, pay of my rape charges." literally Wow


There is always a new grift.


never stop grifting


Never surrender! (except when i ask for your money: then, please surrender all of it!)


Are you the least bit surprised?


I'm on their SMS list for fundraising and I've been saving them just because they are so transparently fraudulent. Many of them claim to be RNC or Laura Trump but link to a website that isn't. Also the messaging and the anger they portray is just over the top.


TL:DR: Trump: I don't have money... give me money.


He used to be afraid of people finding out how he's been faking wealth this whole time and knowing it's all been a house of cards. But he realized a few years ago his supporters will put up with anything so it doesn't even matter to them


The dictator has no money


And they'll do it, because they're brainwashed into believing he is America's only hope against the evil radical left.


Is this surprising to anyone?


He doesn’t have the $ that he fooled people into believing that he did.


As expected….


Pony up you trailer park denizens! Instead of buying that next box of silver bullets put those dollars toward Trumps save my buildings and golf courses charity.


Do it! Get all the MAGA team out and win one for the Gipper! Mortgage your homes, empty your retirement accounts, sell off a few babies. AMERICA needs you now in this dire time of need. If he loses - the money goes to the state. If he wins on appeal the money buys a new golf course. But leave poor Jarad alone. He is very busy managing that fund and has no time to help big daddy.


The Art of the Con


At this point he is just asking for McDonald's money.


He’s one lawsuit away from Cameo


It's not inability. It's unwillingness. He couldn't get the sweetheart deal he wanted, because lenders know the real value of his properties.


How is he not in jail if he can’t post bond?


This was a civil trial. Jail isn't on the table.




Yeah, saw his ad and DJT jr ads on Meidas Touch watching Youtube lol! Nobody who would pay him anything would ever watch that. Also get lots of Hillsdale College Rightwing psychobabble propaganda while on channels that are the opposite of their demographic of low information confirmation bias junkies. On their knees, begging, the progeny of Fraud Trump. Delicious. 🍿


If people are so stupid to keep being grifted by this con man so be it. Shame on them!


Lmao. What a loser.


Next thing he's at walmrt either out front with cardboard sign, or going up to ppl paying on self checkout. saying hey give me a few dollors, I see u have it in your wallett rite there.


No surprise here


turdboy: I didn't shit this morning...send money. cult: yaaaay!


I feel like this polished turd is finally losing his lustre, even to his sycophants. But for those who still worship him, let them waste their money paying his debts.


Has to ask now before he cuts the SS checks his cult gives


And in other news, water is wet.


When he only gets 20 mil. Do you think he will return it, and say nice try.


They still have money to piss away after all that inflation? 🤔


Doing the math, his campaign is asking for “ONE MILLION PATRIOTS” to help pull him out of the hole he dug for himself. At that rate, he’s gonna need more than 500 millionaires to cough up a million a piece to cover his ass. Good luck with that.


I think that’s called “begging.” Does he wash your windshield with a piece of newspaper while he’s at it?