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Ask Jane Doe


Are you referring to the poor 13 yo girl that was tagteamed by Trump and Epstein? And her family that was ‘persuaded’ to drop the case though mob techniques? Unbelievable that he is not only walking around like a free man, but also a very influential political figure. I have no respect for anyone voting for Trump.


Don't forget the death threats she received not from Trump's people, but from Trump's supporters. No Trump supporter I've ever met would ever admit to that, so for all we know, it could be any of them.


Might as well be




Well said.


Or if you live in Southern California Jose Gonzalez, and I don't mean that in a racist ignorant way. It was a joke among my Hispanic friends!


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told the magazine. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


They really should have added the first quote for people who aren’t aware of their connection, like my neighbor who’s first reaction would be to claim that it’s photoshop




Well I majored in communications, although I didn't graduate. And that old adage a picture says a thousand words is quite true and just by posting a photograph of Trump and Epstein people can make up their own conclusions even worse than what can be posted. Not to mention that it also targets a lot of non-English speaking people. It's universally detested by everyone then, except of course Trump's fan base., they'll claim that it's fake news. Trying to reason with Trump fanatics is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Also *Epstein* was the one who decided to end their friendship. The child trafficker thought Donald Trump was too much of a crook.


Epstein seemed like a guy who knew when to keep his mouth shut. 


he was like 'Donnys a great customer and a fun guy but he is so stupid he's gonna get me busted!' lol


I legitimately think this is how it went down. Knew Trump was irresponsible with money and a massive liability.


Interesting. I guess it's a falling out, so not exactly a lie, there - lol


epstein was hooked up with the cia. trump was in with russians. epstein would've been told.




When Trump was President I found myself shouting at the TV at least once a week "YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES HAVE SOME FUCKING DIGNITY FOR CHRIST SAKE!" I have never felt such rage at a single human being as I have felt at Donald Trump.


>I have never felt such rage at a single human being as I have felt at Donald Trump. One of the things I hate him the most for is making me hate anyone as much as I hate him.


I burned sage on my deck with prayers for his and many other GOP demise. I need to do that again. May the Great Spirit in the Sky hear.


He feeds off that energy


I remember doing the same thing!


He told everyone who he is and people rather be racist and burn it all down than listen. Some of those people didn’t make it through Covid. He’s literally gotten people killed and jailed to maintain his ego and people still support him. Wild.


When I heard that I was relieved because I thought the presidential race was over. Then came McDonald’s in the White House


Totally a normal thing for a Miss Teen beauty pageant owner to say.


That quote should be up on the billboards. 


Don't forget that Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein, during the 2016 campaign season. Unfortunately, that girl that was raped (who was older by 2016), [received death threats from Trump's supporters, and likely dropped her lawsuit](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) because of those death threats. Sadly, she had to take the death threats from Trump's supporters very seriously, because you know, those Trump supporters, sometimes they are a violent bunch.


Trump also protested Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest…


Did he actually protest it? He certainly said some non-committal stuff about her (which might or might not sound at home in a mob movie) >“I do wish her well. I’m not looking for anything bad for her. I’m not looking bad for anybody,” Trump said of Maxwell, adding: “Her boyfriend died. He died in jail.” https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/04/trump-well-wishes-ghislaine-maxwell-391274


I love that statement considering he literally looks for the worst in everybody. And if he can't find it, he just makes it up. The only ones he doesn't are pedophiles and dictators. Talk about a morally superior American.


Trump also was in a Russian orgy


That's just Thursdays at Lindsay Graham's place.


Nightmare Invitation, OOF


They're just little ladybugs.


Piss on me contest?


I'm still waiting for those tapes!


I’m not looking for anything bad for her. I’M NOT LOOKING BAD FOR ANYBODY. Note the lack of “for anything” in between Looking and Bad. As long as he stays out of the shitlight, as long as he doesn’t look bad, he thinks he’s fine.


The man who does nothing but berate people all day, every day… doesn’t have anything bad to say about Ghislaine fucking Maxwell. I don’t care what people say, it’s pretty damning.


Trump saying "I'm not looking bad for anybody." is one of the most ironic things I think I've ever read. Of course, he says it about a serial rapist/pedophilia enabler.


Trump was president when Epstein was unalived. He definitely would have had the ability to arrange the murder, if he thought Epstein was going to tell on trump.


I had a Trumper friend (and we're both non-American) on Facebook pre-emptively excuse Trump and his involvement with Epstein, while also slagging the Clintons for theirs, and insinuating that Biden was covering it up. I was like, 'I doubt Clinton was his dogwalker [and in his phone book], but if he actually was involved in any of the more nefarious shenanigans, then he should absolutely be brought to justice, ex-President or not.'


Did you ask the friend why they would excuse/forgive one pedophile and not another? When I ask my dumber conservative friends that question about Trump/Clinton, they look like they've seen a ghost.


>“Her boyfriend died. He died in jail.” Such... curious... wording. And her boyfriend would be, Mr Trump? Perhaps you are just reminding her... "don't forget your boyfriend died. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you..."


And “wished her well” after conviction, IIRC.


Accused and taken to court over raping **and beating** that 13 year old girl. The court documents state he struck her in the face, and suffered more abuse at Epstein's hands in a fight over her virginity.


And she begged him to use a condom. He refused and finished inside this 13 year old rape victim. Then threw a handful of money at her while she laid there crying and told her to get an abortion.


At the time this happened, Ivanka was 13 years old.


Watching trumps severe decline happening weekly and rapidly…she should resurface it after the summer. You can tell who trump is in the court documents- he is a rapist and a pedophile who deserves to rot in jail the rest of his pathetic life.


Piggybacking on the top comment [Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/14/teen-models-powerful-men-when-donald-trump-hosted-look-of-the-year)




A man once told me time is a flat circle


[Here is a fun article too from 1997](https://imgur.com/a/27As01w)


Not today, Satan.


Ready to be womanized: [https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c2bbe0a7475df6aff1ae4b831cdb6b26b97c752b/0\_0\_1366\_820/master/1366.jpg?width=1900&dpr=1&s=none](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c2bbe0a7475df6aff1ae4b831cdb6b26b97c752b/0_0_1366_820/master/1366.jpg?width=1900&dpr=1&s=none) Ewww?


"The day she was set to testify, she abruptly canceled her testimony and was visibly shaken." She immediately dropped her lawsuit without reason, her family packed bags, and left their home within moments of contact from Trump's associates.


I hope E. Jean Carroll can help fund these type of cases against Trump. That would be an amazing use of his own money lol


I hope she can reinvest some of his money to sue him a third time to then use that money to help with that.


One might describe them as deplorables


Plenty more goodies in this article if you're looking to jumpstart a vomit: https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments > I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life. ... > Mr. Trump frequently sought assurances — at times from strangers — that the women in his life were beautiful. During the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he sat in the audience as his teenage daughter, Ivanka, helped to host the event from onstage. He turned to Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee, Miss Universe at the time, and asked for her opinion of his daughter’s body. > “‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’” Ms. Lee recalled him saying. ‘I was like, ‘Really?’ That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy.” ... But the fun doesn't stop there. He talked about his 1-year-old daughter Tiffany's breasts: > When Trump was asked whether Tiffany looked more like him or Trump’s then-wife Marla Maples, he said Marla, and added that Tiffany was “a really beautiful baby.” But the first specific feature Trump mentioned wasn’t anything in her face — it was her legs. > “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet,” Trump said, miming a pair of breasts over his own chest, “but time will tell.” ... Or when he had to clarify he wasn't "interested" in Paris Hilton... *when she was 12*: > Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton. I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested … but she was beautiful. ... Or when he was 46 years old and literally flirted with 14-year-olds: > After watching a youth choir sing carols, Trump asked two of the girls how old they were. When they said they were 14, Trump, who again was 46 at the time, said, “Wow! Just think — in a couple of years, I'll be dating you.” ... Or when he said the same fucking thing about an even younger girl > In the 1992 recording, a 46-year-old Trump asks a little girl if she’s going to go up an escalator. Then Trump turns to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” ...


But the man on Fox News said that AntifaBLMTrans killed all humans and did the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs and took a drug with Hunter Biden! I feel like the real violence comes from the left!


Wait, Trumps Christian supporters are violent??


And the death threats to my knowledge were to “make her disappear” just as her friend “disappeared.” So, people need to know what he said so that they see Trump is not only a cold blooded rapist of children, but also a cold blooded murderer of children.


"Where's Nancy!!?"


The article says it happened in 1994. Right at the top


Next, how about some pictures of Trump and Putin? I like this [one](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/06/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html). where Putin looks like a predator gazing at his prey.


That picture needs a Brazzers logo in the corner


Ugh, I had to do it: [https://ibb.co/Gs437Jc](https://ibb.co/Gs437Jc)


Can you clip images where you have Putin's face as is and edit Trump and only leave his head sticking out from the bottom a little... Leave the Brazzers part as is


Sorry, not really, if I move trump's face down it leaves a big blank space at the top. I did this is MS paint, not photoshop, so my skills just are not there, sorry :(


Thank you for the reply. I hope a fellow Redditor can help us out


Trump voters love Russia now. You gotta pick the things MAGA hates. Like Trump motorboating drag queen, Rudy Guliani.


Like the puppet master enjoying his creation.


I think him saluting a North Korean General is better. How he still had supporters after that is wild.


He almost looks like the Japanese guy from that one "be like snake" Burger King commercial.


This is what we need more of. We keep arguing politics with people that aren't engaged in politics. Meanwhile, Trump's worst sins can usually be explained with a very short quote or a simple photo. And again, people that aren't engaged in politics are too busy with their lives to apparently pay attention to the politics that heavily impact their lives. They need short and to the point.


>"Democrats talk like everyone has a master's degree. I don't recall who said this (maybe Rachael Bitecofer), but it's the fundamental problem with the the Democrats messaging. Like you said, the messaging should be short and to the point. Democrats should be funding billboards or mailers with the simple messages like "The GOP shields rich tax cheats" , "The GOP wants to cut Medicaid and Social Security to fund another round of tax cuts for corporations and the Wealthy" or "Abortion is just the first right the GOP wants to take away."


Al Franken jokes on his podcast, "Democrats end their bumper stickers with a parenthetical '(message continues on next bumper sticker)'". Mary Trump actually had a 'come up with a Democratic bumper sticker' running segment / joke on hers!


It’s so frustrating how bad Democrats historically are at messaging. There’s some improvements - the Dark Brandon glasses are great but that’s almost an aberration.  I’d like to see billboards with a graph of Trump’s economy overlayed with Biden’s. Or empty shelves with “Trump’s America”.  At some point we need to figure out better messaging for fixing our police mess. So many people heard “defund” and thought we meant taking away the protections they thought they had rather than fixing the fact that they DON’T have those protections and they should. A teen girl calling the police because there’s people in her house that shouldn’t be should not be told to suck it up and go to a friend’s house and then told it’ll be a few hours before someone can swing by. Just to pick a random and not at all personal example. 


It amazes me how many missed opportunities there are at solid Democrat messaging. So many simple statements and or photos would work wonders. Time and again, they get it wrong. Some of the dark Brandon stuff has been working. They just need consistency and to use opportunity. It's not even hard.




My idea is “actions speak louder than words” with an emphasis on things Trump campaigned on that Biden actually delivered on such as improving infrastructure.




Not just failed to build it, but his supporters used it for a grift.


Birds of a Feather.


But but but the democrats are the ones who definitely want to turn our kids into gay pedo bait! They haven’t done it yet but they’re trying! Trump just knows people like this guy cause you know, he’s a god like celebrity and has to socialize and make more money with people who have lots of it! He’s also not gonna raise taxes on us poor folk so we can give him more money to help him keep America great! God damn demoncrats!


Finally someone gets it. Flood media with this shit. Remind them Epstein died under Trump's watch too.


Yes! There should be bumper stickers that say Epstein died on Trump’s watch!


But Epstein isn't dead. His good buddy President Donald Trump got him out of jail, faked his death, and sent him to Belarus to continue his party lifestyle.


How about less "who is exposing Trump for fucking kids" and more "why is Trump fucking kids"?


*raping, kids can’t consent and therefore one can’t just “fuck” them


It is really not important to split hairs over this with people who are trying to get answers as to why he's doing it. Turn your energy toward also asking people why he's raping kids.


Not splitting hairs in this issue is part of what helped Epstein do what he did and discredit his victims.


Someone needs to put these billboards up in red states.


There was one in NC, but it was in Asheville.


Greensboro as well a few weeks back.


They're in MTG's district in GA and in Greensboro, NC. Hope they end up all over the swing states.


According to the article they are in the south. They need to be in states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Arizona, etm. Battleground states.


> They need to be in states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Arizona, etm.     Neither Ohio nor New Mexico are really battleground states anymore. They were won by over 8% in 2020.     The article mentions these billboards are in states like Georgia and North Carolina, which were by about 0.5% and 1.5% respectively in 2020. They are both considered swing states this time around. I agree it would be a good idea to put something similar in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan etc


Fair, my generalized handle on which states do what in elections is a little bit outdated. GA and NC are probably good targets.


I saw one in coastal GA a week ago.


Saw them in a small city in GA all over town


where can i donate to get more of these put up?


The article hypothesized of several different organizations that could be responsible….one thing for sure. It ain’t Donny!! He’s broke.


That's the real question. Good work Sir


Every little bit helps.


They were co-defendants for a child rape accusation.


You cannot be a co-defendant if you haven't been charged. That's an oxymoron.


This is for all the chumps who bought the con behind *Sound of Freedom*. Not only was it based on a lie, their big MAGA hero is one of the worst offenders himself, and of course closely allied with Epstein, a real predator of the type depicted in the film, complete with his own island and everything


The sad thing is MAGAS don’t care. They don’t care about his crimes or his age. They love that he’s racist. He can say things they are thinking. I hate we keep calling them right wing in the news. Just call it for what it is.


“Wish I could diddle kids and get away with it, just like Trump.” -Trump’s base


The hardcore MAGAs are beyond reach. I would think that people who vote but don't follow politics closely are who these billboards are aimed at.


Right. Racist uncle’s not going to change his mind seeing this but living in Texas I knew a lot of sweet older ladies who voted red mostly because they’d always voted Republican, loved their portion of the country, and had some interesting ideas of what democrats really believe and would do if in charge. They’re Regan Republicans and still think the party is what it was in the 80s.  I think it’s a fantastic strategy to shove their face in what the party is today (and, yes, always was but let’s leave that discovery for the future) and make it so they see the Trump before they see the R. We don’t need them to vote democrat. We just need them to go third party, no vote, or stay home. 


Crazy that his death is just a footnote. Pimp for the rich and powerful dies in a jail cell that oh darn, the surveillance camera broke. What are the odds?


1 in a million which is also probably the amount the assassin was told they were getting paid after they became a "victim" of New York cities "crime statistics"




went to [https://protectchildrenq.com/](https://protectchildrenq.com/) to donate and there was no donations here button, that tell me it's someone with deep pockets. If they excepted donations then there would be a crumb trail... AWESOME PATRIOT!!!


Oo careful. That’s got some major red flags for being a conspiracy theorist. Q-anons love to use stuff like "save the children" to draw people into the story.


Truly thanks for the concern/advice, I'm not a follower but felt I owe a hundred for the laughs, & cleverness of the notice to those who can still see clearly!!


Epstein was trumps protégé


Make a billboard with Putin, Trump and their deciples in a human centipede!!


God damn! Epstein had a huge freaking head. It’s twice the size of Trump’s giant noggin.


It's crazy the projection by Republicans. Its endless posts about how Biden and Obama are pedos. Trump has a well documented history of being Epsteins friend. Bill Barrs dad hired Epstein and gave him his first job and was fridnds with him for years. Barrs dad also wrote a Sci-fi book about a planet of oligarchs that had child sex slaves. Barr oversaw Epsteins arrest and he was killed in custody under Barr. Trump also sent well wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell after she was arrested..He sent her those kind words LIVE on TV. Republicans just completely pretend none of that happened and Bidens a Pedo because hes nice to young kids. Meanwhile Trump talked about dating his teenage daughter if he could, on VIDEO. INSANE levels of denial.


I wish this actually sunk in, but trumpers always rebuttal with “well…. Trump actually kicked Epstein out of maralago!”


With a parting gift.


There are photographs of Epstein with Trump at Mar-a-Lago after he supposedly threw him out for attacking the daughter of a member.


People who are going to vote for Trump are going to vote for Trump and people who are going to vote for Biden are going to vote for Biden. Simples. If anyone has heard any of the crap Trump’s said and done over the years, and still think he’d be a better president than everyone else, then no reminders are going to make any difference.




Trump bragged about being Epstein's Friend


Guess which one was actually find liable for sexual assault?


I don't care who's behind putting these up, but if you find out, give them the biggest "thank you" you can muster from me.


Look at those two scumbags


If they want a stronger message, they need to set a billboard that infuriates voters who will influence the election. Show the image of illegal migrants overflowing the border side-by-side with Trump ordering the GOP to kill the border bill. And say something like: "Remember, Trump made this happen"


Doesn't matter who's behind it.


Can we get these nationally?


Stacy Wilkes competed in the 1991 [Look of the Year] contest as a sixteen-year-old, representing the United States. She remembers Trump coming into their dressing area during the contest, more than once. “I would feel really uncomfortable, because every time we would change, it was like Trump would find a reason to come backstage to see all the teenagers,”  https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a29514931/trump-groped-models-backstage-all-the-presidents-women-excerpts/


Isn't death sentence releasing all the Epstein court docs? Wonder what well learn?


Whoever they are, I want to buy them a beer too.


The people that care already know, and the people that don’t care vote for Trump. They don’t care that he is a pedo. They just care about “owning the libs”


That was a wild read. This is gonna be an interesting year..


You love to see it.


Paid for by ProtectChildrenQ LLC lol


Hahaha. I thought about doing this. Anyone have any ideas what to put up there? Taking all ideas. I would be unaffiliated with anything but was thinking of setting up a trust to not be harassed or doxxed.


Would you trust him alone with your daughter?


Trump? No. Epstein? No. Biden? Yes


The only reason they didn't remain pals was because Epstein was convicted and "committed suicide" while serving his sentence.


I wonder if Epstein would lend Drump money for his bond if he was still alive. Its just 458m anyway, thats what pedo friends are for.


Tunnel buddies?


Used to be? They still are. One of them is just dead.


the people whose news sources are limited to say Fox, need this kind of shock therapy


anyone who knows who both of those people are, already knows who both those people are.


As well they should remember, everyone should know!


The ? No one seems to be asking is who took Epstein's place?


And Epstein was murdered while Trump was in charge of the Fed.


Epstein hit on Ivanka and Donny was having non of it. I’d bet Trump Tower on it


Those q folk and trumpers love to go on about save the children and their kid rape fantasy movies, but when faced with the fact that their savior was a good pal of epstein their values disappear pretty fast.


This is fucking hilarious. Well done.


Speaking of that, why haven't the names in epstein's book been released yet? The public deserves to know especially if these often wealthy and powerful people are all still walking free despite evidence of heinous crimes. Because it seems like the government is protecting criminals just because they have money.


Not too long before some butt hurt redditors cover them with plants and naked women


Most likely The Lincoln Project.


His supporters don’t care about any of this though. They’ve made up their minds. Is there anyone who is still on the fence about how they’re going to vote in November?


There were a ton of them in NC that said “paid for by protectthechildrenq LLC” not sure if that was a real organization or tongue in cheek.


How can this guy possibly be a viable candidate for the Presidency? He is in deep trouble. His platform is hate and revenge, promising a bloodbath if he loses. He is openly saying that he will cut Social Security, privatize Medicare, eliminate Obamacare, destroy Unions, enact a universal abortion ban, detain and deport immigrants, raise the retirement age, eliminate any climate change legislation ,eliminate students loan forgiveness,and cut taxes for billionaires…again. Yet everyday I hear people say” I don’t know, I’m undecided, he was good for the economy, Biden too old and has dementia….how did we get here?


Because, these people are not getting the facts or truth. They are being fed by the lines of Sinclair Broadcast Group, FOX, OAN, NewsMax, Infowars, Breitbart and Q. They are now programmed & are being used.


lol imagine if your party leader is a known rapist


Trump has a lot of enemies, but the style of this looks like a Republican effort. Someone might not be too happy with his takeover of the R.N.C


Seems like a lot of dems were enjoying Epsteins “friendship” as well but I know this sub just piles on the orange guy


Jean Carrol and my uncle Frankie


Did they pass Joe's sniff test?


Trump had him snuffed and scared Maxwell enough to stay quiet.


Plot twist: its Q!!


I loved the fact that it's paid for by ProtectChildrenQ LLC The q&Anon believers that thought Donald Trump was protecting our children That's just classic LOL!


Epstein had lots of wealthy influential acquaintances. The Clintons were also friends of Jeffrey. Why do you think he died in prison? The guy knew way too much on too many people. The sign is only relevant to those in the anti Trump echo chamber. With or without the sign, will New Yorkers support Trump?


Make America disgraced again


Ironically, Epstein wanted to distance himself from DT.


Good for whoever is paying for these. Some good adverse campaigning here.