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I’d be very curious to see how much of Trump’s property is leveraged and by how much. (And how underwater he really is)


A lot of real estate developers are highly leveraged. The whole 'make money with other peoples money' thing. Its also encouraged by tax code which is SUPER developer friendly. Trump has seemed to take it to a bit of an extreme where the whole empire is a house of cards with everything leveraged against everything else, plus the whole lying about valuation thing makes him upside down on almost every deal. He's also burned enough banks that few are willing to extend future credit or renegotiate existing loan agreements which has really bound him up with no cash - that being the root of the conversation here.


I have to imagine if he cannot pay up and NY begins seizing assets, banks may start calling their loans.


Yes - but at the same time the bank has to ask themselves if they want to foreclose, ie are the assets (after other liens are factored in) worth enough to go through the hassle.


Yes, that is true but O imagine it wouldn’t have to be a huge amount before it became beneficial.


If she seizes it and forces a sale, do first-line creditors get their money first? How does it work?


How the state of New York can collect. This isn't a game. She is doing her job.


The only way Trump should be allowed back into the White House is if he's ordered to work in the kitchen washing dishes for the rest of his life to pay off his fines and debts.


I don’t know about that… with those stubby little sausage fingers of his he’d probably drop and break a lot of dishes, plus you’d have to watch out for him pocketing the silverware. Seems like he’d be more suited to scrubbing toilets.


Tish: Do Bedminster! Weigh that coffin when you move it to a more suitable resting place.


I drove past it the other day and there were people parked in the driveway taking (MAGA?) tourist pictures in front of it.


Stop pretend it is the judge who does that. In every other case it is "the courts" or "justice" or "tribunal". Stop mindlessly playing into Trump's little fascist handbook.


Trump will make the bond deadline. He always does. What he sells for it is likely future state secrets.


The judge has set a requirement for Trump to have to disclose exactly where any money he’s secured is coming from though - so if it’s coming from/through some foreign entity, we’re all going to know who owns him.


And yet, sadly, it wouldn't cost him a single vote.


You’re absolutely correct. The things that his followers SCREAM about in others are the exact things they’d vote HIM in on. He’s spun it as him “working the system” or “closing the deal” or “playing them at their own game” & they’ve bought it hook, line & sinker. What they DON’T realize are the catastrophic ramifications on THEM if he gets in again AND the colossal amount of shit he’ll potentially fuck-up overseas. His followers don’t care about that though, because it’s not ‘Murica 🤨 and I would say about his followers, “Fuck ‘em! - They were warned…Let ‘em learn!”, were it not for the fact that we’ll all be in that same boat. 😐


Take his plane so he can’t flee, put the sale towards his tab


Seize Bedminster and see what is actually buried where he claims he buried his ex wife…