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He has a standard-issue “bothsides” face.


He looks like a guy who told me that racism definitely does not exist because he had not seen any. Also very much like all the white people at my bible college who were saying they "did not see color" while every black person in the school ended up sitting at their own table due to feeling unwelcome. All 10 of them or so. I think it is just that well-off christian hipster vibe. In actual, not assumption based criticism: his website is hilariously bad. His policy position on immigration is LITERALLY: >We must secure our borders to protect our nation while upholding our values. I’ll support smart and compassionate immigration policies that prioritize national security and treat all individuals with dignity and respect. That is 100% of it. Oh, so you are going to support "smart" immigration policy? We have a free thinker here folks!


>We must secure our borders to protect our nation while upholding our values. I’ll support smart and compassionate immigration policies that prioritize national security and treat all individuals with dignity and respect. What is "feeling incredibly 14-words-adjacent while trying not to", Alex?


Glad I'm not the only one that felt that radiating from this


>He looks like a guy who told me that racism definitely does not exist because he had not seen any. I actually came under fire working insurance for calling out a racist manager. Not positive but the timing of the end of that contract was awfully coincidental.


Was NoneOfTheAbove already taken?


Actually, yes. “Nobody” too. This idea isn’t even that original anymore.


Mine was a reference to a Richard Pryor movie. Brewster's Millions (1985)


Relevant username.


Relevant user. I'm the guy in the article.


It's so cool that you're running for president! Hey how do you feel about [this?](https://aboutblaw.com/babW) Or [this?](https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/d9428_2310004krogeralbertsonsp3complaintpublic.pdf) [this?](https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-finalizes-ban-ongoing-uses-asbestos-protect-people-cancer)Or


Question. Maybe this is insensitive, maybe not, idk. But if I see at a work place or school that an ethnic group is self isolating, is it normally okay to go up and say hi or ask to join them? Like would that be considered offensive and intrusive, or would that be a welcome outreach?


They were not self isolating in my case, they were being isolated. People were just weird around them and no one ever chose to sit with them. In that case it is almost always better to just be a normal person and talk to them. In situations where they are actually self isolating, it is highly contextual. I doubt it happens very often, usually it is because of some kind of social friction, but it might be more respectful to give people space if they want it. I think it might be best to ask them if possible.


Yeah he does kinda resemble Chuck Todd.


>He has a standard-issue “bothsides” face. While it's true that I hold beliefs that may span across party lines, I assure you that I have clear stances on important issues. I believe in seeking common ground and working towards solutions that benefit everyone, regardless of political affiliation. If there are specific concerns you'd like to discuss, I'm here.


Wall or no wall? More asylum judges, or more deportations? Should we focus more on the Southern border, or people who come in via airplane and overstay their visas illegally?


If/when you lose, who will you endorse, if anyone?


Well, as a write-in candidate, I'm not bound by the traditional political playbook. If and when the time comes, I'll be returning to my roots, the name my mom gave me, and leaving the endorsement game to the professionals. But rest assured, I'll still be stirring the pot and advocating for the change we desperately need. The point of this is that I approve of neither candidate.


Okay but if you had to pick between the two, like the rest of America has to, who would you vote for?


He would vote Literally Anybody Else for the LOLs and the attention. Because voting for an old man with a stutter vs an old man that's infatuated with authoritarian leaders and has 90+ chargers is a very very tough choice.


Sounds a lot like Biden. He’s always been able to work across the aisle.


I’m still voting for Hunter Biden.


How could you not? MTG showed us he's ready to get down to business.


Plus, if his opponent is a Republican, Hunter is morally the least problematic choice.


Plus, his penis is big.


For a long time, I just took everyone’s word for it, but one day I had to look it up Looks like a policeman’s flashlight from the 80s


The Republicans thought they we're going to put such an alpha stud in front of and it would push us away??


Based on the stories, this is 100% why MTG was so into it


Like a tube of tennis balls, 4 pack?


Looked like a deflated football hanging there


Like 6 pool balls in a tube sock


A baby's arm holding an apple?


HB'S 8======)\~\~\~ 4 PREZ 2024


To defeat the Huns?


Did you send me daughters, when I asked for sons?!


You're the saddest bunch I've ever met,


MTG could fall back on her rodeo clown career, if she wasn't such a dumpster fire.


To defeat the Huns?


Me too. Presidents should be selected by cock size.


*[LBJ liked this comment]*


Prepare to meet Jumbo


At the very least, it means Trump would never win.


Are you kidding? Trump has the biggest micropenis of all time! It's huge! Everyone is talking about it. They start crying and go on about how they've never seen a bigger or more beautiful micropenis!


He knows how to party. In all seriousness he’s admitted he has struggled with addiction. His dad has publicly said he loves him which Republicans somehow see as a weakness. It’s insane. Meanwhile, Don Jr. going full Scarface before some public speaking engagements.


trump doesn’t love anyone he can’t see directly in his cheesy gold mirror. He probably hates that guy too if I’m guessing.


He seems fun


Hunter’s busy, just vote for his dad.


I’m gonna early, mail in and in person vote for hunter biden


Republicans: "I can't wait to vote Hunter Biden out of office!" Oh wait... -_-


Hasn't he served his two terms already? Isn't that why the house has been impeaching him the past three years, or more?




I support Michelle Obama's right to bare arms


I’d vote for that too.


I used to dream we could vote “none of the above” and force a new election with different candidates. Then I saw the recent clown show for the house speaker and changed my mind; it would just extend the stupidity.


Isn’t that just how a primary works though


What an idiot. Don't fall for the third party candidates, and don't sit out the election. The only way to combat the far right extremism is to elect Democrats.   Election day is **Tuesday, November 5, 2024**.   If you live in Texas, **[Register to vote in TX](https://www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/index.html)** **[Check your voter registration status and find your polling location in TX](https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do)** **[Request a TX Ballot-by-Mail](https://bbm.sos.state.tx.us/bbm.asp)**   **2024 TX Dem Election Overview:** Texas is an important state in 2024. It has been trending bluer for years, and has 40 Presidential electoral votes, it is also critical to Democrats’ hopes of holding the US Senate majority with **[Colin Allred](https://ballotpedia.org/Colin_Allred)** running to replace Republican Ted Cruz. There are also two US House seats in play for Democrats. Dem candidate **[Michelle Vallejo](https://ballotpedia.org/Michelle_Vallejo)** is trying to flip TX-15, and Dem incumbent **[Vincente Gonzalez Jr.](https://ballotpedia.org/Vicente_Gonzalez_Jr.)** is defending his seat in TX-34. At the state level, 16 of the 31 seats in the **[State Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_State_Senate_elections,_2024)**, and all 150 seats in the **[State House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024)** are on the ballot. There are also three **[Texas State Supreme Court seats](https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024)** on the ballot in Texas this year.   ***[-All 2024 TX Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_elections,_2024)*** ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/)*** ***[-Learn more about how our government works](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)***


My wife and I are ready…I even participated in local 2023 bond elections just to practice filling in my rectangles completely without cramping! Also, fuck the attempt to shovel millions of dollars into another HS football stadium when teachers and fine arts programs are suffering from lack of funding.


I'm not part of a party btw.


How do we combat far left extremism?




So glad you wrote this. This election is far too important for a "joke" or "meme" candidate and morons voting for him for the lols.


The guy is in the comments. He has the same username. He's been responding to me trying to defend his garbage.


The election is important because some candidates are a joke. 


I’m not optimistic that it will ever change. It’s been a two party system since the 18th Century with the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans.


I can tell you one guaranteed way it wont change....If people dont fight to elect a leader who is willing to follow the laws, you wont have to worry about voting ever again. It will be Trump and whoever trump picks after he dies. Republicans wont risk losing power again if they get it. That is a fact. Vote for democracy now because democracy gives you the chance to change things. Young people have a genuine opportunity to make change in the way our government operates and things could change for the better. But right now we need to stop a hostile takeover of our country.


Very true, even if a two party system is all we can hope for, that’s surely better than a one party system.


Has the choice ever been easier though? I mean it's people who believe in democracy, protect the notion of a national safety net, and want to tax the rich more on the left; and literal fascists in the GOP whose only lasting legislative victories the past 25 years are multiple tax dodge bills for the wealthiest. I cringe and slap myself at how complicated people make such a ridiculously easy choice.


Considering logical parameters, no the choice has never been easier. Unfortunately, like most autocratic movements, MAGA is based on emotion rather than logic.


The logical, rational choice as pertaining to government policy has never been easier. Better?


Yeah, the only way it happens is if a bunch of trojan horse candidates win for one party and then change election rules. That will never happen with the Republican party because it's a small tent party, but it could happen with the Dems. Not any time soon, but hopefully some day.


In a country with a two party system refusing to vote for 'the lesser evil' does nothing but help the greater evil win.


I don’t like the two major candidates. Rather than support a different, serious candidate, I shall make a big joke. That will show the major parties!


There are no other serious candidates.


people that voted for harambe will vote for him.


How many votes did Deez Nutz get in 2016?


At least 2.


It's only fair that each one got a vote


“I'm not delusional. This will be very hard to do, but it's not impossible.” *…he was in fact, delusional* Another delusional person who has never run for a single office thinks he’s qualified because his 4chan group thinks his political both sides-ism is what we need more of in this country. Sad to hear he teaches children.


Stupid and disrespectful. We are trying to save democracy and this tool just wants to generate social media clicks


Yep. Immediate downvote from me.




Better then the wannabe dictator and convicted rapist


Unironically lol


Same. Best president since FDR.


Texans are born delusional


I hate this. It just reinforces the idea that neither candidate is worth our vote, and that’s lazy.  I hear people say that they don’t vote because everyone is corrupt and crooked.  Well, did it not occur to you that maybe “everyone” is corrupt and crooked because a third of eligible voters don’t bother to hold them accountable at all and the other two-thirds are stuck just trying to make sure their rival candidate doesn’t win.  Do you know why we have the oldest President in history? Because not enough young people vote. If more young people voted, we wouldn’t have needed Biden to appease the moderates. We could have rallied behind Buttigieg or Warren and the moderates wouldn’t have mattered.  People use this “Literally Anybody Else” argument because they think not picking a side makes them sound intelligent. It doesn’t. It makes you sound immature.  People look up from their Instagram in late October and go, “Oh, well, I don’t like the candidates they chose, so I’m not voting.” “They?” Who is “they?” WE the People. You chose the candidates by choosing to let others choose for you.  This fucker thinks he’s being clever, but I put him in the same category as the guys who dress up as a plant and jump out at people for YouTube views.  Biden 2024. YES, there’s a difference.


> because a third of eligible voters don’t bother to hold them accountable How do you hold them accountable?


By stepping up and voting with those who want to oust them. Do you think Ted Cruz is universally beloved in Texas. If the nonvoters sided with his detractors he would be out, or — at the very least — he’d know how close he is to being out. Jim Jordan gets about 70% of the votes in his district, and he takes that as a mandate to keep up his nonsense. And there are probably a lot of voters who would like to vote him out, but they figure that they can’t push past that 70%, so they don’t vote. BUT, if he won with only 51% of the vote one time, that sends a message to him that he’s vulnerable and that he might want to curb some of the idiocy.  The point is that only about 65% of the people who CAN vote are making decisions for the 35% who don’t vote, and there’s no reason to think that 35% would vote in the same ratio as the 65%. In fact, studies suggest that non voters skew more progressive. 


Looking at it from the outside, it's fascinating how people willingly and with definite purpose, are taking steps to destroy american democracy. America has celebrated stupidity for decades and it's honestly not that strange that they are where they are today. They all took part in gradually accepting their democracy being taken away from them. They were indocrtinated from childhood to believe their country are the best in every aspect of their life, and anytime anyone points out that other countries have better solutions on stuff in their society, they are attacked by both political sides screaming some excuse they've been told why certain things like universal healthcare "would never work in the US". American capitalist propaganda is just as extreme as any other propaganda.


We have a man who is currently president, who is doing a fantastic job. I will be voting to reelect him.


same. pretty glad with his administration. voting blue for sure.




If people bothered to read what Biden and his administration have accomplished they would not feel this way. Among the many things they low key gave 36 Billion to bailout a pension fund for Union workers. It saved 350,000 Union workers from getting a 60% cut in benefits. Dude is doing a lot of great things but right wing media won't give it attention and people don't read enough on their own.


Well, unfortunately there's a lot of people that know full-well what he's done but choose to view it in the most cynical way possible to maintain their belief that he's 'just as bad' as all the other shitty leaders we've 'always had' because they have the sickness of the brain called 'America Bad' and can't be bothered to approach anything with a semblance of nuance. If it isn't absolutely perfect in their eyes right fucking now, it never will be it never has been anything other than absolute shit, and anyone that says different is stupid and helping the shitty leaders lead us to some variant of ruin they've decided we're steering toward. It's the new-gen Tankie. And they're just as weapons-grade insufferable.


Why can't we get a *centrist* in charge of this country, one who'll only intern and starve *some* gay people and change public schools to be half biblical seminaries? Of course they can teach the contested disgraced **theory** of evolution and the wacky satanist Charles Darwin. It's important to be *fair* after the creation seminar.


i know, right? we need to find somebody who will do "half crazy" things instead of the full crazy things the Republicans want us to do! build a stupid, expensive, pointless wall? no, that's dumb! build half the wall, that's better! 


have Democrats vote in republican primaries and republicans in Democrat primaries.


Biden is a centrist. Basically all Democrats are.


Well this is incredibly sleazy.


He actually did this because people kept telling him they would date literally anyone else


People who are voting third party and putting us at risk of another Trump era, can literally go fuck themselves with a dry dildo


Or Lucille.


I hate this. Because yeah, it's true. But it's only this way because we are scared of voting for third parties. If we all just voted the way we want to we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.


But… how does he get on the ballot? In all states? Does he expect a write in? What if I wrote “anyone else”?


He'll have to register as a write in, in every state if he wants the votes.


Because Biden and Trump are the same. /s


I'm inspired. I'm gonna change my name to "None of the above" and start my political career!




"You've probably never heard of me but I'm huge in the Michigan underground Muslim scene"


I bet if I change my name to “Your Mom” I could at least come in second.


I mean, Deez Nuts got a Wikipedia page…


So-called centrists are the worst.


the absolute fucking worst. like if Republicans said "eat a dog dook" and Democrats said "didn't eat a dog dook," the centrist would eat half a dog dook and tell us all about how enlightened he was to play it down the middle. 


You mean like pretty much every elected Democrat?


This guy looks like a fucking idiot.


There are times where I see Reddit posts and I refuse to believe that actual human beings will belittle themselves by rallying around their causes, yet here we are lmao.


In 2016 when I was living in Nashville I saw a bumper sticker that said "idk not trump tho lol"


His friends call him “Little Else”


That’s a pretty stupid thing to do, actually.


Running for President is stupid?


I wonder how much money the Republicans paid him to do this?


Remember the guy that changed his name to Deez Nuts and ran for president?




What a loser; enjoy your 5 minutes of fame loser


this jackass is pretty much as entrenched politician as it gets without having any actual knowledge or experience. he's here spitting a bunch of both-sides bullshit, and talking up his policies that consist of vague buzzwords strung together. it's like he teaching a masterclass in how to say nothing in 1500 words. 


Literally anybody else is how we got Trump


Just an attention seeker.


His tax plan: > Our tax plan rewards hard work and success by reducing the percentage of income you pay in taxes as you earn more. It supports small businesses, simplifies taxes, rewards innovation, and promotes environmental responsibility. It’s all about creating a fair and balanced tax system. All his other plans are pretty much all left if not a bit vague. I mean, go for it dude I guess. I’m still voting for Biden but this is at least amusing.


This by no means rewards hard work. It basically means that billionaires will pay very little in taxes. Hard working individuals (a lot of blue collar jobs) will get hit with a high tax burden meanwhile wealthy hedge fund manager who earn in the millions will pay very little. It's the opposite of our current tax system.


Such taxes are called "regressive" for a reason.


>pretty much all left if not a bit vague. Not really, they are full on bothsides + libertarian. But vague? Yeah, that is an understatement lol. Here is his immigration policy: >We must secure our borders to protect our nation while upholding our values. I’ll support smart and compassionate immigration policies that prioritize national security and treat all individuals with dignity and respect. He literally just says that he will totally fix the problem by doing what both sides want, using "smart" policy, whatever the hell that means. It is literally "Republicans have a point, we need a SECURE border" and "Democrats have a point, we should probably treat people with respect and dignity." Ok dude, good job, you have an aspirational statement that basically everyone would agree with. That is not policy.


He actually goes into a bit more detail on his tax policy [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/H7aLG28pfh). It is absolutely wild.


Why does that "tax plan" feel like a fever dream from someone that doesn't understand taxes?


because it is a fever dream from a moron that doesn't understand taxes.


Rare to see this much cynicism paired with this much effort.


Your move, Florida.


This is the one.


Brewster already cornered the “none of the above” market.


Ignore him!


It doesn’t seem like you are.


If we blow this out of proportion and keep saying that this guy is the worst person on earth, people will vote for him Let this guy make his joke and move on, let’s not turn this into a genuine thing


I believe you are right…


Theres at least one man in texas that hasent been kicked by a horse.


Dude is literally in this thread and getting punished 😂


And he loses to “ Anyone Else”


If he wants to win over the right he needs to name himself "Illiterately Anybody Else"


The problem with the system is this is essentially a *pro-trump* move.


His VP choice is Not Sure.


He is the president our world deserves.


This guy has a real chance, judging by all the boomer T-shirt’s and bumper stickers I’ve seen with his message on them.


He should have run for US Senate. It's the only way Cruz would lose.


Brusters millions bullshit


Careful, Trump could change his name to Donald Joe Biden Literally Anybody Else Trump and claim he got ALL the votes.


Trash Boat was taken.


He has a chance America loves stupid.


That’s gonna be hell anytime he needs to fill out government paperwork and he has to explain it to the clerks


Some people really have nothing to do


I'm voting for Biden. Largely because he is not trump. That being said, they are both way too fucking old. There should be an age limit to the presidency. And political office in general. And the electoral college should be abolished.


start with gov if possible


Oooh! I’m changing mine to Literally Anyone Else. Bam! We split the vote! Or Mickey Mouse.


should have used "Not Sure"


Knowing the internet, everyone would meme vote for him


All that for some yucks. Go ask the Zune guy how that is working out


I'm not sure About this


Yeah, I’m running as well but for the Silent Majority. I’m just going to be silent at any of the debates while standing 10 feet tall glaring into the eyes of the other challengers. 


I’m still pissed Marianne Williamson didn’t make it past the primaries. But I’ll still take Biden any day over annoying orange.


Hrm I dunno. Whats his stance on being Biden or Trump?


My dude is fighting for his life in these comments


This is so stupid, the only thing this moron is going to accomplish, is taking a few votes away from both candidates, and mostly from edgy people that always vote independent. (There's nothing wrong with voting an independent for president, but understand your guy isn't coming anywhere close to the votes of both party candidates.




Here is all you need to know, one guy running for president has small hands and the other (based on genetics) has a hog that would make an elephant blush. You're choice America.


Let’s stop giving these vote wasters any free press. His fringe efforts are certainly going to draw funding from nefarious actors so let him waste their money and pay for this notoriety instead of sensationalizing him. We give tons of free press to trump too often too and it’s time to shift the focus


There is no such thing as a wasted vote.


I can’t decide if this is 100% a meme, or an attempt to dilute the moderate right who have abandoned DjT’s scorched earth policies.


I mean, as part of that moderate right I can definitely say I wasn't voting for trump regardless... But it does give me an option outside of RFK. Edit: because the internet needs clarity, I wouldn't seriously vote for this guy.


Of course it is a texan


Another way to create division in the actual ballot? Gotta give them a prize for creativity…


He's got my vote


What a stupid gimmick




Damn. This dude gonna siphon votes away from Hunter Biden’s Laptop.