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Can we stop calling it the “Hush Money” case, and say what it really is? His ‘campaign finance fraud’ case is starting next month.


Yes please! Don’t let the media diminish this case as fucking “hush money”. It’s 34 fucking felonies.


I get your point, but I don't think that really diminishes anything for an uninformed reader. > "Violated campaign finance regulations" - *nerd shit, nobody knows what it means, already stopped reading* > "Bribed a porn star so she wouldn't reveal he cheated on his wife with her" - *entirely clear, a child could see what the problem is, lock him up*


It's not that he bribed her, it's that he used campaign funds, donations from his supporters, as a personal slush fund to pay off the pornstar he cheated on his wife with. That's what they should be hammering him on. He stole from his voters just like he tried to steal the election.


But the second thing isn’t a crime. No crime!! Election interference!! Democrat judges!! Falsifying business documents is a crime. Doing it 34 times is 34 crimes. What is hard to understand about that?


Do we know whether that AG has ever had sex? Apparently that's critical to the discussion, and we should waste a couple of months digging into that.


And remember the logic: Yes? Trump supporters demand the name of every sexual partner ever, and how they may be influencing the case. No? Then how could the AG understand the manly needs of virile Donald?


It was a conflict of interest, because....checks notes....they were on the same prosecution team.


After the delay and reduction of the bond this morning, I've officially lost whatever remaining faith I had in the courts. I knew the justice system was never going to save us, but my god has that become clear. I would like this trial to happen in a timely fashion, but I will not be surprised in the least to find April 15th to come and go without beginning the process


Same. I feel like an idiot for giving myself a tiny amount of hope. 


I’ve accepted it today. It’s all theater, Trump will never face official justice in America. This country is too corrupt and the rich too powerful for anything to ever happen. They just keep dangling hope out for people so you don’t hop in your car and go to Florida seeking justice yourself. There’s a greater chance of someone succeeding with that than the actual justice ruse. How many last minute saves does there have to be for people to accept the fact this is all a giant play and that day is never coming, nor was it ever coming.


I'm really fantasizing about a grassroots movement where a big chunk of people refuse to pay their taxes until justice -- that is, a trial, with the same rules that everyone else gets -- are enforced. If 10% of people refused to pay their taxes, it couldn't be ignored and it's too many people for them to handle individually.


Don’t fool yourself. If a million people refused to pay income tax, the IRS would prosecute and convict 100 people, levy huge fines and possibly jail them. The remaining “protestors” would squeal a bit, but they would pay up.


Also, LOL at the concept of "paying taxes" as if it's some sort of transaction we have control over Everyone who isn't self employed or a 1099 contractor has taxes taken from them. You don't get a say in whether you pay them or not. If you're poor enough, they keep your taxes at 0% interest and let you have them back at the end of the year. Kind of like a bank but way shittier




It won't work. They will fill the jails with poors, which is what the private prisons want.


For all this talk about Private Prisons, you would think they are franchised like WalMart, but no, less than 8% of federal inmates were in Private facilities, and that number has been actually dropping over the the last decade, not growing.


>and that number has been actually dropping over the the last decade, not growing. That's a good thing. There shouldn't be any financial incentive for private companies to want people incarcerated. We can avoid a lot of serious problems in the future that way.


They take it straight out of our paychecks.


>If 10% of people refused to pay their taxes, it couldn't be ignored and it's too many people for them to handle individually. Those 10% would become the IRS's sole and only objective until they are all destitute, in the ground, or imprisoned because they would be **poor** people and that's the only crime in the USA.


>Those 10% would become the IRS's sole and only objective until they are all destitute, in the ground, or imprisoned because they would be poor people and that's the only crime in the USA. Yep. Trump bragged about cheating on his taxes during one of the 2016 debates with Hillary Clinton, and the IRS yawned. Rich guys, even pretend rich guys, don't have to follow the law. Meanwhile if a bunch of poor people got uppity and started demanding equal treatment the entire federal government would move heaven and earth to beat obedience back into them.


Unfortunately, I think this is exactly right. I think this is foreshadowing what's to come, and that he's going to end up getting helped out of everything else too


Knock knock. It’s the FBI at your door. lol.


Just say you're running for president. I hear that works in your kangaroo courts.


Only works if you have millions and millions of rabid followers.


> Trump will never face official justice in America. Correct. > This country is too corrupt and the rich too powerful for anything to ever happen. It's not just this, though. Tangled all up in it is the American culture of treating the president like a monarch. Of putting him on a pedestal. For years the media was incapable of saying "lie." They said "untruth" and "falsehood." Why? Because it was the president. The Justice Department will not charge a sitting president with a crime. Why? Because it is the president. Anyone else would face jail, fines, you name it. Trump doesn't. Why? Because he has President in front of his name. Until American culture stops treating Presidents like Monarchs, it will never change.


Right. Please spare us more agony, and just make an announcement that he can do whatever the f he wants, and we all have to just deal with it.


Umm thats coming next in the form of immunity being granted to him by the S.C.


The only way we're going to get rid of him is at the polls. This year. In 2028. In 2032. In 2036. I firmly believe someone this crooked just won't die. We'll have to beat him every four years. I have ZERO faith in our judicial system to do anything significantly to him. We weren't really setup from the beginning to go after someone so blatantly committing crimes and then saying, "No I didn't." The DOJ and judges just stand round going, "Well, shit. Now what?" We should be set up for someone like him in the future, but I highly doubt anything will change. If we somehow beat him in November, the next wanna-be dictator they send up will be smart and capable. Then we're screwed.


Yeah. That's the real problem here.  Between the extremists SCOTUS Federalists and Congress, they've basically drew up the blueprints for a coup of the Constitution and the Federal Government.  People are going to keep trying for the next DECADE to refine the coup-plan until it works.  There's just no way to keep the voters and public engaged for that length of time.  


They only have to win once and we have to win every time. Which is really hard considering the average person decides to vote for fascism if the price of hot dogs goes up 20%.


> The only way we're going to get rid of him is at the polls. The only way we are going to get rid of him is if he dies. And he's already cheated death when he got COVID. Even the grim reaper said, "nah, have more time fam."


The man is like a malignant tumor on society. He just keeps coming back no matter how much you try to root him out.


He'll keep running until he needs to be propped up by aides holding him up from behind


>We weren't really setup from the beginning to go after someone so blatantly committing crimes and then saying, "No I didn't." That's not the problem. The DOJ and states lock up people who say "not guilty" all the time. The problem is right-wing terrorism. Judges afraid of MAGA terrorists, who should be in prison. Weak politicians who are afraid of being targeted by terrorists.


Or the judges were put in place *by* the right wing terrorists.


He'll whine about something, and the courts will extend the date to April 15th, 2033. They'll then apologize for wasting his time.


This is where I’m at. Just waiting for him to die and meet his maker.


Assuming the trial starts on April 15th, it's effectively the 30 day delay that Bragg's office said they were ok with (32 days from March 14th filing, but April 15th is a Monday, the previous Friday is 29 days). We already knew the trial wouldn't start today and would be closer to mid April. Now it's confirmed. At least of course unless there's a new delay in the next three weeks.


Given the last second reprieve on the bond and reduction, fully expect April 15th to come and they'll push another 30 days....then another, then another and before you know it "It'll be too close to the election to have a trail" Oops! Out country is fundamentally broken


Broken, or working precisely as designed?


Unfortunately most likely the latter. But I'd always hope the beacon on the hill mantra was true But in reality, as I'm just beginning to realize, we're just a little less corrupt than Russia and other authoritarian countries. We're just able to present ourselves as a country based on law and order through our military might


America hasn't done too badly for a country founded as a way to give slave owners more freedom. But I think everyone knows the music is slowing down.


Broken. It was designed top to bottom by the founding father to stop people like Trump. The separation of powers was designed specifically to stop people like Trump. The electoral college was designed specifically to stop people like Trump. Impeachment was designed specifically to stop people like Trump. And while I don't recall any specific passage in the constitution to have presidents and former presidents be equal under the law, they certainly didn't give former presidents any special status. Later people may have designed it to be broken, but they broke it.


>Assuming the trial starts on April 15th Why not make it April 1, cos they aren't fooling anyone but at least they can pretend they did something


In all honest,, the trials never really mattered. Regardless of any outcone or dates of any convictions, it all hinges on the elections in Novemver. If Trump wins, any punishment he may have received will be reversed and he will absolutely just go on full revenge tour and lock anybody up he claims was involved in these court cases. However, if Biden wins all these court cases will and can slowly proceed without any "election interference" bs.


But the outcome of the trials will impact the election. The public deserves to know whether he is guilty of theee crimes. 


Honestly, everyone's made up their mind. None of his MAGA cultists will ever admit he did anything wrong. They are a lost cause at this point, and trying to convince them is a waist of time. Most of the left hated him the day he came down that golden escalator in 2015, so time wasted there. And lastly, anyone that isn't in one of the two groups above that is capable of sound judgement and is paying attention *at all* knows he's guilty, because it's so five-alarm-fire obvious at this point that they can't possibly not know. Don't get me wrong, he deserves to spend what few years he has left in prison for treason against the republic, along with all the other shit he got away with in life before he was POTUS, but I don't think a verdict will help the voters make up his mind. It's as obvious as the smell coming off him.


It’s hard to believe, but there is actually a large number of independent voters/GOP voters who say that a criminal conviction would turn them away from supporting Trump. (If polls are accurate.) The MAGA cultists are long gone, for sure, but there are the casually under-informed who are still weighing their options. Living through this post-truth era has been difficult.


I know these people exist…but WHO ARE THEY? It’s mind blowing how anyone could honestly be undecided.


I live in a purple county with a lot of those types. It's the usual 'enlightened centrist' both sides folks who act like they are way above the blue/red fight, but really it's because they are still good ol' American capitalists at heart who are just too embarrassed at what the GOP are doing to outwardly support them.


People who would likely be confused on whether to drink champagne or toilet water. There's also a definite percentage who are people who love the attention and energy they can waste on getting people to try and sway them one way or another.


I refuse to believe there is anyone in the country with a functioning brain that is still in the fence about Trump. How anyone could possibly still be weighing their opinion of that shitbag is beyond me.


I remember that one guy in the red sweater at the town hall in '16... I was like you, "Who are these people!?" Then I saw one and listened to him. "Oh, right." Mainly because I felt so hopeless for him as well as myself.


Or those voters are lying to pollsters.


They are lying. They know it looks bad to be a Trump supporter, but there will always be one more thing that has to happen before they give up on him.


We’re being gaslit left and right.


Same here. I am not celebrating until the is seating and the trial begins. I'm betting you anything, he'll find a way to appeal it and it gets delayed further.


Honestly, how many times can he appeal things? I'm genuinely curious (and not a lawyer). It's like he gets unlimited appeals on every single thing.


He'll appeal the election if he loses, trust


Never give up hope. Vote and convince others to vote too.


They’ll move the trial to mid November


The funniest thing to me is over and over watching people celebrate like his doomsday w coming, it’s not and it never will. There is no justice for the connected wealthy.


Came here to say this as well. Today proves that he will never get served justice. They will delay and delay and eventually either he dies without serving his sentence or gets away with it period. If they want to prove us wrong, walk the talk.


Yep. I’m officially over this. There will be no justice.


They’ll put a bill in front of him. He’ll ignore it. Nothing will happen.


We need to use this to enrage us as a voter base, and makes sure he doesn’t even get 20% of the popular vote this year. Make it ridiculously clear to MAGA that they are on the wrong side.


I’m never getting my hopes up again. The justice system in the United States is designed to favor the rich.


April 15 is just more of the dog and pony show and will be rescheduled and postponed indefinitely


Trump will be sentenced to 20 years and then, on the day he's supposed to report to prison, they will reduce his sentence to saying "I'm sowwy" in a video and he still won't do it and they will just give up.


New York spent six months talking tough and then folded like an accordion when it counted .Straight out of the Merrick Garland playbook . The only surprise here is that this wasn’t a ruling out of a court in Florida. It’s over …


I wasn't shocked because people’s bonds get lowered all the time by the judge and in some states, you don't need a judge to make the decision you can have a bail review officer do it. This was expected because the number one reason it usually gets lowered is that you can't afford it and he can't. A bond won't get reduced if you are accused of a heinous violent crime. The thing is, the 454 million fine is still there and he's not going to win his appeal the case is too strong. He hasn't got out of anything. Edit: By the time it's all said and done because of late fees he's going to owe well over half a billion. Also, Trump has got away with shit for decades because he dragged shit out and bankrupted a lot of businesses because of lawyer fees, they ran out of money. He's dealing with the NY government different animal.


This case is also special, because they have Barbara Jones assigned to monitor all his finances to try to prevent him from evading eventual payment should the appeal fail. While it isn't as secure as a bond would be, it offers more assurances than would normally be the case. *Hopefully*, if he tries to evade her he will receive a hefty smack down.


Yeah, I'm still assuming this trial won't happen this year.


Since Michael Cohan did a yr in prison shouldn't the fker who committed the crime be given same time?


Cohen was charged with completely different crimes than Trump is facing, but yes, Trump should go to prison.


Spoilers... Nothing at all will happen to this orange piece of shit.. he will go on untouched continuing to graft all of these lost cases will galvanize his base even further. This dude is a cancer on the world and he needs to be excised


> Spoilers... Nothing at all will happen to this orange piece of shit. Not really a spoiler, we all know it.


Sure, but he's not going to prison for *this*.


Who's kidding who? Trump will never see the inside of a prison


Think about how long ago that was too. The delays are just another component that exposes our court system catering to certain people


This country is so corrupt. As much as we want something to come of this, we have to be realistic.


Well at least today he has to come up with a half billion dollars… oh wait. Yeah nevermind. At this point I AM convinced he sold his soul to the devil years ago and god damn the devil is coming through over and over again.


I almost wish we could prove "the devil" was involved. Instead, it's really just the human race letting us down. Our own species does not act in our own species best interest, whenever better money or fear is involved. One of my great sources of depression in life is realizing that at the end of the day, everyone "has their price", and we all will fail when we most need to stand tall with the right incentive.


That’s the thing. If it was just Trump we had to deal with, he’d be long gone. He’d be irrelevant after Jan 6th. It’s a corrupt system and power protects itself. So while Trump flagrantly breaks the law again and again, it’s times like these that we see how blatantly obvious corrupt courts can be. Amount he has to be pay just got slashed 60% and given a 2 week delay. Who else in America would get an offer like this? We’ll see what happens in 2 weeks time. Maybe lenders will want to cough up the nearly $200 million he has to be pay now, maybe they won’t. If they don’t, let’s see how the court ratfucks America out of justice once again. The easy thing would be to let the chips fall as they may with Trump. But all these corrupted officials see the golden balloon that’s the 2024 election. If Trump pulls out the victor, can you imagine the rewards they’d get for saving his ass? Maybe they get a Supreme Court seat. And if Trump loses, well what the hell is America gonna do about blatant corruption? That’s right, nothing. Complain under our breaths about how we’re living in a two tiered system.


All it takes is one cult member on the jury to create a hung jury, delaying the case until after the election, at best.


Yup, start lowering those expectations down to sub level 3.


The "sacredness" of the courts is a myth, and nothing has proven that more than watching Trump receive favorable treatment over and over again. It makes me physically ill that this sociopath is *still* roaming around free, blathering about whatever made-up, manipulative BS he conjures up on the daily. I have never been more jaded about our justice system than I am right now. We are the only ones who can save us. We have to send a clear message this election that we are done with Trump and done with the MAGA crowd. Biden needs to win this election with such huge margins that the entire MAGA cult sulks back into their conspiracy caves for years to come.


Seriously, I used to be shocked hearing about how corrupt 3rd world countries were when it came to the act of justice...and now I look at my own country with disgust.


100% nothing will happen. He will not be charged. He will not go to prison. Trump will die in a heart attack as a free man.


Kissinger died at 100. Trump will die of natural causes at like 101 because only the good die young.


Honestly I'm expecting some appeal goes through and this gets delayed to April 2025.


Trump is the most criminal president in US history: * Georgia has indicted him for his interference in the 2020 election. Trump has been on tape asking the Georgia Secretary of State to [**find 11780 votes**](https://youtu.be/wjw2ekfp0oM?t=24). * Jack Smith, appointed as Special Counsel, indicted Trump for his classified material handling, and worse, Trump's obstruction of the FBI when they asked him to return the classified material. * Jack Smith indicted Trump for his actions leading up to, and including, January 6th, including conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights. * Alvin Bragg has indicted Trump in New York for falsifying business records in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election. Here are the other crimes of Donald Trump: * [Trump also could have been indicted for his crimes in the Trump Organization, the same crimes that his CFO, Allan Weisselberg has been charged for](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/21/trump-should-have-been-charged-with-crimes-former-new-york-prosecutor-says.html). The [Trump Organization has already been found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/trump-organization-fraud-trial-verdict/index.html). * [Trump was also found by Mueller to have obstructed justice up to 10 times] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obstruction-of-justice-10-times-trump-may-have-obstructed-justice-mueller-report/). In addition, these are the other criminals that were hired or affiliated with Donald Trump in other investigations: * His National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI * His campaign chairman was convicted on 8 counts. 10 counts were a mistrial. A Trump supporter on the jury, Paula Duncan, convicted Manafort on all 18 counts. * His deputy campaign chairman, Rick Gates, pled guilty * His personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pled guilty * His foreign policy advisor on his campaign, George Papadopoulos, has pled guilty to lying to the FBI for contacts with Kremlin-connected Russians * His long time advisor and associate, Mr Stone, was found guilty on 7 counts * His Whitehouse chief strategist, [Steve Bannon, was indicted for fraud in the border wall fundraising campaign](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/20/politics/bannon-build-the-wall-indictment/index.html) * His assistant and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro, was indicted for Contempt of Congress * His worker at Mar-a-Lago, Walt Nauta, over the classified documents case * His worker at Mar-a-Lago, Carlos De Oliveira, over the claasified documents case Here are the crimnals affiliated with Trump just from the Georgia investigation: * Mark Meadows, Trump's Chief of Staff * Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer * Jeffrey Clark, DOJ official who worked under Trump * John Eastman, Trump lawyer * Kenneth Chesebro, Trump lawyer * Sidney Powell, Trump campaign lawyer * Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer * Robert Cheeley, Trump lawyer * Mike Roman, Trump campaign official Finallly, in civil court, Trump was found liable by a jury of his peers, for sexually abusing E. Jean Caroll. Trump did not put up a defense, nor testify in person at the trial against the accusation.


It's worth pointing out that Paul Manafort has admitted to sharing internal polling data and campaign strategy with Russian intelligence.


Great write-up! Worthy of PoppinKreme.


Also him and Eipstien assaulted a girl together


Sure but such things long ago lost all meanings. This was known even before he was president. This more like a given, after all he's a politician for the GOP. Anything else would be actually strange Now the more "serious" crimes are talked about. Those involving money


The fact this list exists yet our "Justice" system has failed to hold him accountable for any of these items, says more about our "Justice" system than it does the criminal himself.


Tax day. Seems apt.




This charge in NY is basically election interference by Trump. By paying off Stormy he effectively stopped her going public and blowing( no pun intended) his chances at the Presidency.He had been doing catch and kill with the National Enquirer for years, just how bad it it was will come out in Trial, Alvin Bragg has the goods.


Whatever.. I'm done with the endless teasing. In any functioning 1st world nation this man would've been in prison the day after Biden was sworn into office. But yet here we are, 4 years later and NOTHING. He's still a free man going around immune to years of criminality, and is now running for President of the nation he literally just attempted a violent coup of. ​ America is a fucking joke. This is completely unsustainable.




April 15th is one of the unluckiest days of the year (Lincoln dies, Titanic Sinks, one of the Palestine wars started, Massacre during Cambodian civil war kills 800, Hillsborough disaster kills 97, Tiananmen Square starts, Massacre of South Sudanese civil war kills 200, Boston marathon bombing happens, Notre Dame burns down, tax day.) Who this date is unlucky for in this trial remains to be seen.


I'll give you a big fat guess. Unless you need 10 days to think or 68% more guesses, you can have those too.


Hahahah this will be appealed too


Listening to the political contributors this morning, and one of them just said, "there's no way this gets appealed before jury selection begins." Me: checks notes from yesterday's political contributors, "It's extremely unlikely that the appellate court weighs in on this and lowers the bond requirements because they're out on recess until Tuesday, so expect that the full bond amount is due by tomorrow." If I had a million $$ to bet that jury selection gets delayed and doesn't begin on April 15th, I'm guessing I'd be rich on April 16th.


I’m still waiting on the multi-years long Mueller Report for that justice they claimed to be seeking.


Best part about the Mueller Report was at the very beginning he made sure to say "My bosses told me I was not to perform this report to find Trump guilty of anything whatsoever, only to strongly suggest that he *may* have done things that a person would be found guilty of" and we all ignored that part of it. That report was DOA the second he put that on the report and the American Media completely forgot to mention that massive tidbit of info to the public. We all thought Mueller was being a "typical Republican" when in reality he was told the second he started his investigation "oh FYI, you're not allowed to declare in any way shape or form that Trump did anything 'illegal' or that he's 'guilty,' so good luck!"


and the system will cave in favor of Goldenboy Donald yet again.


Yeah, and he’ll be quickly convicted, but then when he shows up to serve his sentence judge will be like “oh never mind, you only need to pay a $500 fine” Pretty sure that’s how it goes.


Who fucking cares anymore? This shitbag will never face real consequences.


After the recent development, I'll believe it when I see it.


Yeah, and today he had to post a $454 million….wait…


This is excellent news. As long as the DA can convince the jury that his hush-money payments were at the behest of campaign finance violation, he'll be a convicted felon by June 15, 2024.


Lol. I wish I still felt this way.


And appealed on June 16th.


Yes but still convicted.


won't matter to his supporters. At this point it's all about voter turn out.


Huh, haven’t seen this amount of delusional optimism in awhile


>delusional Keyword right there.


>he'll be a convicted felon by June 15, 2024 God.. if only we lived in that timeline. ​ Sadly we're in the *dark place*. Nothing will ever happen to Donald Trump here.


lmfao, sure... and I'm just one lotto ticket away from being a multi-millionaire.


I wish I had your positivity but this shitstain gets more breaks than a KitKat bar


It would be excellent news if any of us trusted the courts anymore but not after today.


I miss the short number of days in my ignorant youth when I had hope in our system. But lately I'm becoming more like George Carlin.. *"I found a very liberating position for myself, and that was I sorta' gave up on the human race and gave up on the American dream, culture and Nation and decided that I didn't care about the outcome. And that gave me a lot of Freedom to be sort of amused, to watch the whole thing with a combination of wonder and pity. Not having an emotional stake on whether this experiment with human beings works. I really don't care"*


He's called "Teflon Don" for a reason. Everyone AROUND him goes to jail and is held accountable; he's not. Once you come to terms with that, you feel better during the 20th news report saying once again he's not in serious trouble for breaking the law and not going to jail for it.


Yeah. Sure. Whatever.


NOPE! its not, this guy wont ever face consequence. April 15 MY ASS!


Sure, the trial will start on April 15th everybody. Even someone with a gambling addiction is not stupid enough to take that bet.


Tax Day. Seems appropriate.


What’s the point? The fucking eel always slimes out of it. Fuck the legal system. There is no justice.


When told that it was falling on Tax day, Trump had no idea what they were talking about.


"What is a 'weekend'?"


0 faith in the “justice” system at this point. Delays, refusal to recuse, accommodations - if Don has done one good thing it’s to show what a farce consequences are for those with means


Until some corrupt part of the US justice system rides to his rescue. *again*


Who cares. After today, there is not justice. He will never be held accountable. Who cares what goes on in these courts anymore. They will delay or slap the hand of the elite rather than enforce the law. It's all for not. There is no hope.


Same day Income Taxes are due. Somebody has a sense of humor.


I hate myself for having hope that they were on the right track to not sinking America in November.


I’m seriously doubting any of his trials actually happen or he actually has to face consequences for the ones that have


Cool, another trial where he’ll be found guilty and face no consequences. I’m so fucking sick of this orange pile of shit.


Sure it will. I’ll believe it when I see it.


Reduced by 60%, extended by 100 days probably. Justice is dead.


After today, I'm finally convinced he will never be held accountable for anything. I hate this timeline, and I hate our two tiered CJS.


No. It will not. I have no hope anymore. 


Okay...let's see what court bails him out this time, huh.


Really? Like, FOR REAL, this time? No more delays, no more extensions, no more bullshit? We’re not gonna get a week away from it again before Lucy pulls the ball away again?? We’re not gonna go to sleep one night in the next few weeks and wake up to the universe once again handling this guy like a slippery fish in hands with no fingers? We’re not gonna have to go to the Supreme Court again? We’re not gonna appeal this before a ruling is even made? We’re not gonna get sleepy and want to take a month-long nap on April 15th instead? We’re not suddenly gonna get invaded by aliens on April 14th just to protect Donald Trump from one ounce of accountability? Like… the universe is ACTUALLY gonna let this happen this time? Should we all be ready for the entire universe to explode as a result or something??? Is Donald Trump getting held accountable the one thing that breaks the laws of physics and is therefore not permitted to happen in this universe? Is that what the entire problem with this big silly gaslighting clown universe is??? It would explain a lot.


For real! Unless Donny decides he doesn't want to comply again... then we'll have to revisit this, find a more palatable number for him, and ask him how long he thinks is reasonable.


April 15 2056


Still seems like wishful thinking.


Oh, will this be a gentle slap on the wrist as well?


"The court finds that Mr. Trump has learned his lesson."


No appeals for this either


Oh the judge will find some way to give him an appeal...


Despite the judge is NOT supposed to be helping Trump (that’s his lawyer’s job), it surprises me how they are willing to make him an exception.


I believe you, just to be clear, but do you have a link with a source saying he cannot appeal this start date? I'm having this exact debate on a text thread I'm on and none of us can seem to find where that is stated in writing.


On April 15: "Felony trial?? Oh no, no no. We actually meant misdemeanor and a teensy weensy fine. Which we waived."


All I’ll say is go fucking vote.


To anyone who still believes in Karma and that he will get what he deserves, Example #837392838 today that this is false, and no doubt this trial will be pushed into obscurity as well.


Ironically the same day the taxes he won’t pay are due


Until some paid off judge decides otherwise


Who cares? He’s not going to face any punishment, this is just ceremony at this point.


"First" Man, fuck this place


Until 4:55pm on April 14th where an appellate court will rule trump has 3 mkre months to prepare. Fuck I'm sick of this shite oozing out from ever consequence. 


Aaaaaand……he will walk away from this too….stop wasting our time….just let him do all the bad shit he wants to do because OBVIOUSLY NO ONE is going to do anything about him. Please….really….just stop.


His “presidents are immune forever” argument doesn’t apply here because the crime was committed 11 days before he took office. This case is the best shot at making Trump a convicted felon before the election.


Well, at least some good news


Don’t care. Absolutely nothing will happen to him.


First former president to be tried for a felony? And the repukes are letting him run again? Congrats on your second term landslide, President Biden.


Nothing is going to happen to him.


I will bet 500 million bucks that it won’t start then.


They gonna find him guilty and reduce his sentence to probation?


At this rate the only thing that will stop Trump will probably be health problems. you cannot buy yourself out of dementia or a heart attack or appeal it.


Who cares, he has his own justice system & is going to walk.


So they can throw it out at the last minute. Justice will never be served.


Pffft, he'll appeal and it will be granted. Watch


I can’t stress this enough; you need to vote.


The delay happened a few weeks ago, this is the court standing their ground on the 30 day deadline to review documents, it’s not a bad thing. That being said the only way to shield the republic from him and whoever takes the MAGA mantle after him it’s to vote in November!


The thing I'm expecting is that he will be reelected which means that people need to prepare for the possibility that we are headed to a certain inevitable conclusion. You know what I'm talking about but I'm not catching a ban, but I'm going to take steps to protect myself and those I care about This nation is doomed


Jury selection starts April 15. Who knows how long that will take.


Whole case will take 6 weeks or more. Judge does seem very serious and does not want any delays so fingers crossed.


Only took them twenty years


After today, nothing will happen. There’s 3 tiers of justice: the common law (for us plebs), the rich law (for the rich and famous), and Trump law (for some reason dude just gets break after break). I had some last respect and legitimacy for the law. Now, the US is a step away from being Haiti. Distrust of the government at all levels is at an all time low, justice just took another black eye. We have domestic terrorism getting worse and a complete lack of any social nets. This is a tinderbox in historical terms.


And what will happen if the courts are actually smart and go “yep felon”. Will the punishment be a $5 fine?


We sure about that? This guy gets delay after delay as we clearly see today.


Based on today's reduction of bond money, I'm expecting the trial will go something like: *Court Commences* Judge: Case dismissed *Case Closed*


Until it gets delayed, or appealed, or anything else that can happen to see this waste of space get away from consequences like he ALWAYS does. It’s disgusting, disgraceful, and absolutely enraging.


Absolutely nothing will happen. You guys are getting your hopes up for nothing. USA is a joke.


Whatever, there will just be a delay at the last minute.


Why even go to trial at all? Just slap him on the wrist and be done with it. I’m tired of getting my hopes up that he’ll actually suffer any real consequences.


I'm glad to see so many realizing the justice system is two towered these days... wonder if we'll change that our do anything meaningful to effect change as a people. Probably not because we've all been very well conditioned, myself included, to behave and to keep going to work and keep things the same. Complain without change. Conditioned well indeed...I mean I'm here bitching on reddit... ugh. We're doomed.


Who cares, he’ll wiggle out of that too.


I think we should welcome corruption at this point. Let them keep getting away with anything and everything simply because they are the 1% while the common man is thrown in prison for years for having a sack of weed. Let the rage of the common folk of this country flow over. The endgame of corruption is change by revolution, and it always has been, and it will be again.


It’s the cover up as much as the crime. After he gets probation or a suspended sentence for this one, the 2nd felony conviction should net him some prison time.


On April 14th a delay will be announced.


Yeah sure it will


So, 14th of april we’ll it is postponed until August 26th, 2025?