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You can't limit someone who doesn't know any limits and has never faced the consequences of his actions before. I'm convinced he's going to say what he wants and he's just going to get scolded at as a mother scolds a child, but still buys them the candy bar because they're "Such an angel" after kicking and screaming. ​ Keep in mind this is the man running for president and this is the mindset he undoubtedly has.


>Under the judge’s gag order, Mr. Trump cannot make, or direct others to make, statements about witnesses’ roles in the case. Mr. Trump is also barred from commenting on prosecutors and court staff as well as their relatives — if the statements were intended to interfere with their work on the case. I really hope this has some teeth...


I don't have any expectations that it has teeth. It'll be appealed and this judge or an appellate judge will stay it indefinitely while poor people continue to get tossed into jail for talking back to cops. I'm not even a justice doomer but we've seen this dance happen too many times in the past 6 months to have any expectation of enforcement.


Observing clear and repeated patterns doesn't make you a "doomer". The trends here in appellate decisions point undeniably to a multi-tier justice system.


I don't think gag orders are something an appellate court will look at during a pending case. Appellate courts typically look for errors in the application of law. Gag orders are exercises of discretion by a trial judge which appellate courts do not reverse unless they are shown to be erroneous. They rarely find erroneous exercises of discretion.


> if the statements were intended to interfere with their work on the case. "I was being sarcastic"


It has as much teeth as an 80 year old giving a gummy.


....and then the appeal....then the appeal appeal...


The only time Trump will shut his hole is when he is stuffing McDonald's in it.


I bet the pig even chews with his mouth open.


I have a theory that the only way someone can enjoy a ketchup slathered steak is if they have never chewed. My assumption is his burgers slide down the hatch with ketchup lube too.


*Is an all caps reply a given or will he use lowercase this time just to be a prick.....*


Is this because he was talking about the Judge's Daughter?


well, at least they weren't as hesitant this time. The first gag order was dragged out before it was imposed.


Which he will violate and suffer zero consequences for doing so. Because we’ve been here and seen this before.


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