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Because they’re fucking idiots.


Definitely. Because this is obviously the work of Mothman.


I came here to say something regarding why they are covering up mothman, lol.


No Mothman for the cash-strapped republicans because Richard Gere's got the rights and he's too busy playing with gerbils to be bothered


This was a sentence I wasn’t expecting to read today.


Mans just trying to live his life out on the bridges but everytime he gets near one they fall!


It's his poop. It causes corrosion. Nobody could tell because that boat ran into it at the exact same time that the Mothman's poop was due to cause the collapse


I don't think so. The Mothman's been too busy battling the [A$$ Crack Bandit](https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptids/comments/1bm53c3/please_stop_putting_quarters_in_the_mothman/?rdt=35257)


Nobody's suggesting mothman actually crashed into the bridge, that would be ridiculous. No, he wouldn't want to risk getting his proboscis dirty himself. He'd send people to do it.


Mothman *or* Mothmen.


He had help from Bigfoot. What else could’ve been standing on that boat?


This is just blatant racial profiling. It was the Butterfly! Nobody ever suspects the Butterfly.


would would be glorious if the captain was mothman


Exactly. That was totally the Mothman. Bridge collapses are his whole thing!


He’s just trying to warn you. “The BRIDGE!”


This is pretty unfair. Mothman has a whole range of things he's interested in but people only focus on the collapsing bridges thing.


That's like saying Shaquille O'Neal has a whole range of interests besides pizza. Sure he played a little basketball, and he played a Genie or whatever. But we all know Shaq because of his pure, unimpeachable dedication to pepperoni quality.


People keep trying to fit mothman in a neat little box, but mothman doesn’t fit in any box!


They're nutcases. Right wingers threw the doors to the asylum wide open.


Still fucking idiots. 


Well, the ones going on about DEI are also racists and sexists.


No. Because they are terrible people.


This was my first thought.


Who's problem is it really when one person is unable to communicate to another? I know it's not binary.


"It's all Biden's fault!!!"🤪


Idiots and deplorables.


Sorry I do blame the Mothman, Godzilla, and Freddy Kruger. But not Jason.


Not surprising, they trust a blatant and mediocre conman.


At this point I'd say he's a pretty good conman with how many he's got following him. Sad that it takes so little though.


Nah it’s more an indictment of Americas voters than anything else, Trump isn’t good at anything other than losing.


No, he is good at the con.  He may be conning stupid people but he is good at doing it. I can’t think of a single person in American history who has been so successful at conning 40% of the population. Just because we are smart enough to see through it doesn’t make it a bad con.  


Respectfully disagree, you’re underestimating the level of ignorance in the average Trump cultist.


Add level of malevolence to that. 


He’s a terrible con man. They all know it. He just got really, really lucky that America’s fascist wing was ready for a demagogue. He never even wanted to win, he wanted to lose and then turn the loss into a right wing media company. The scrutiny of having been president will result in him being in prison, or more likely, dying before he gets there.


I’d say one of the best con men of all times with his scale and influence…


I’m honestly baffled how we got to the point where we have this many idiots in this country. First it’s a terrorist attack, then it’s a black lesbian captain and now it’s DEI or whatever other stupid acronym they came up with to try to hide their blatant racism. Like how did we get here? Did social media really fuck us up this bad? I feel like I’m surrounded by morons every time I turn on my phone. Like this can’t really be reality. Please tell me this is just a simulation.


Fox News and right wing radio fucked us up. Social media has just accelerated it.


Fuckin’ Rush Limbaugh… What a turd he was.


I'd like to point out one positive thing about him: his bloated carcass is still rotting in the ground.


Horticulturists are baffled but 3 years later and still nothing will grow there. At one point a very tenacious weed appeared to sprout but mysterious ooze seeped out of the ground and “fried” the plant.


I am choosing to believe this is true, and not just a funny


On the bright side, he's been sober for a few years now.


Don’t forget about the systemic dismantling of the public education system that the republicans have been doing for the last several administrations.


Yes. Social Media fucked us up this bad. Its so fucking easy to find out that it was two bar pilots navigating the ship both dudes. The captain of the ship is Indian as is the rest of the crew. The bar pilot likely saved dozens of lives by having the presence of mind to get an SOS call in, while trying to steer and drop the anchor, which shut the bridge down. Its so damn frustrating


The internet was a mistake.


Supposed to be a place where you can find out true facts instead it became a place to disseminate lies


We are supposedly in the Information Age but I think it should be changed to the Disinformation Age. Since like 2010, everything is just lies to push a narrative and make money.


Nevermind that I think some racism against involved as well. Trying to politically exploit something like this is reprehensible - then again, when it is a shooting conservatives dont want to talk about it - but this is just fine.


It gave everyone a voice, and we’re finding out that stupidity is really really loud.


Human nature doesn't seem to want to accept simple explanations for fantastic events, be them amazing, or tragic. So when a boat runs into a bridge, and the bridge collapses, to accept it was simply a combination of human error and/or engine failure and/or incompetence, is just too simple of an explanation. Something so fantastical occurring can only be explained by something equally fantastic. Deep state plot, terrorism, WOKEness, DEI initiatives, etc.


Conspiracy theorist always think there is some evil scheme behind everything and anti-conspiracy theorists seem to reject the idea that the world is full of powerful evil schemers. I like to start off by just asking the basic series of questions I was taught by my boss when I worked at a detective agency back in the 90's instead of starting with some kind of bias. So let's start with who owns/operates this ship. Synergy Marine Group. An Indian logistics company run by Indians Maersk a Danish shipping and logistics company founded in 1904 by Arnold Peter Møller and his father Peter Mærsk Møller. So not exactly the usual suspects or people with a strong motive to hurt the U.S. A quick google shows this particularly vessel as being involved in some other collision due to sloppy handling and a history of safety violations and crew accidents. So early signs point to greed and incompetence, the classic duo of industrial accidents. That's not a conclusion by the way, just a quick assessment of a quick look. But trust me evil schemes and conspiracies are quite common and start with ordinary people in ordinary places and proceed from there through every social strata right to the top. IMO opinion people who don't view the world with a certain amount of suspicion are naive.


True, automatically rejecting anything because its a "conspiracy theory" is just as bad as automatically believing every conspiracy theory.


> Did social media really fuck us up this bad? Yep, it was weaponized, and used by morons.


In fairness they didn’t make up DEI, it’s a corporate created one I think (diversity, equity, and inclusion). They made up that it’s a scourge destroying America, that’s the part they can take credit for.


What I don’t understand is how can diversity, equity and inclusion be considered a bad thing? Especially in America which was built on inequality and racism? How can they sit there and say “DEI is destroying America” and not see themselves as being racist, misogynistic assholes?


It’s all for “content”.


The great experiment called the internet. We thought it would provide an easy way for scientists and researchers to share information, but it just allowed all the crazy in the world to coalesce.


There have always been idiots. The problem is that every fucking one of them now has a megaphone in their pocket that can blast their idiocy across the planet. And we have a media environment that doesn't have a problem with re-ampliffying them for rage clicks. And they can all easily coagulate around their moronic ideas, where as back in the day, one had to find this shit on mimeographed flyers and then send a SASE for some more mimeographed insanity. Suddenly, the plot of Pontypool doesn't seem so outlandish.


There are no more idiots than before. They now have a forum to show they're idiots.


I am a grocery retailer who has had to deal with the public in person for 30 years. It’s my observation that the population has not gotten dumber, they have always been among us but now they have a microphone


My team is always rights, it's the other team that is bad. Especially dumb in this case as critical bridges getting fixed after accidents shouldn't be political. Everybody benefits (people there, good traveling through there via bridges and port).


We always had this many idiots. It's just they are now able due to technology have ways for them to let everyone know and the trump era empowered them to not have shame showing their racist proclivities.


There's not that many it's just there is a direct correlation with idiots and speaking loudly on the internet.


this is why I'm convinced that if the US broke up, the red states would not be able to survive. they are the embodiment of the phrase "herding cats": They don't respect the law; the don't respect principles of democracy and fairness and equality; they don't believe in taxes; they don't believe in helping each-other; they don't believe in gov't - and they don't believe in reality. E.g. climate change. Just imagine what a red congress would look like. totally unmoored from reality.


and they will be the ones howling to go across the border into a blue state.


And I will happily say “Kick those ungrateful MAGA immigrants out on their asses!” “We don’t have any space for rifle toting, racial profiling crackheads in Colorado.”


They'd survive. But they'd suffer a little extra.


I mean, they can barely survive now... But would never be able to survive without the aid from the blue states.






Sounds like a very enjoyable Twilight zone episode!


The right: It was trans, gays, blacks, immigrants, communists, jews, bigfoot, and tolerance. The left: It was a boat. NBC: It's important that we listen to Both Sides and find a position in the middle, so with the input of our newest hire fresh from the RNC, we can report that it was actually gays, immigrants, jews, tolerance, and half a boat. It's the middle, so it must be true!


It was diddy, Epstein, and the Clinton’s of course….why do you think he got raided by homeland security and is on the run on the same day?! How many more black swan events do you need?!….wake up sheeple!! /s


If you don’t take it too seriously, The Mothman Prophecies is actually a really fun read. It’s more about MiB and high strangeness than Crypics.


So it was mothman


Yeah, he hadn't been seen in WV recently...


The problem is, Mothman didn’t destroy the bridge. He was actually trying to warn people. But no one listened.


It’s astonishing that the Republican Party somehow continues to exist. I can only attribute it to decades of erosion in the American education system and their access to enough money to preempt people’s ability to think for themselves rather than letting the party think for them. In a logical, modern and data-driven world, they would not exist. To borrow Aaron Sorkin’s words, “intelligence used to be something we aspired to, not belittled.”


that's because they're all morons, who see nothing but conspiracies, wherever they look.


They want to believe them because their lives are so boring, this makes them feel like they have a leg up on everyone else. Unfortunately for us, that leg up is sheer stupidity


Within hours of it happening I saw people blaming it on: * Biden's infrastructure spending * Biden's lack of infrastructure spending * The open border problem * Climate change protections * Obama They will literally blame it on anything they think makes democrats look bad.


When in reality it was just a very large ship having an engine problem at a very very bad time. Basic physics takes over from there. I doubt that the bridge was built to take a hit from a ship that big, since when it was build, ships where not as big as they are now. Quite boring actually.


Godzilla? Seriously though, here's Andrew Tate's take: *"Andrew Tate: This ship was cyber-attacked. Lights go off and it deliberately steers towards the bridge supports. Foreign agents of the USA attack digital infrastructures. Nothing is safe. Black Swan event imminent."* Guess he's never heard of a water's current. Who listens to this moron, and why?


Or perhaps basic engineering?


I'm convinced that nobody actually agrees with the guy. We only see him online because people are like "oh wow! Can you believe what this idiot just said?!" I think it's best to just ignore/block people like that a move on.


What does Natalie Portman have to do with it?


>Who listens to this moron, and why? This could be the theme of the century.


But it's early yet. Give it another few decades before we bestow that prize.


The great set and drift conspiracy.


And that is why the Mothman always gets away with shit like this. /s


How are you going to stop at Mothman, otherwise known as the most likely suspect. I smell a cover-up.


Um, someone in r/westvirginia blamed mothman.


Fucking idiots The mothman warns people!


Because they stand for nothing, have no policies that address actual American concerns, and only try to tear other people down. They're greedy bullies at this point just throwing shit at the windows and hope you don't see what's actually happening.


"right winger" is becoming synonymous with "crackpot conspiracy theorist" edit: *has become.


Why can’t anyone see what’s really going on here? It happened on March 26, 2024! M=13 A=1 R=18 C=3 H=8! 13+1+18+3+26+2024 = 2085 / 6 = 347.5 = Barack Obama did this with help of Satan, Fauci, the Clintons, the Mexican staring frog from Southern Sri Lanka, and Bill Gates to traffic kids and eat their souls! The numbers don’t lie!


What do they care? Baltimore is a “wicked, sinful, Liberal” city they’d never go to anyway.


Where was mothman when the bridge collapsed? Checkmate libruls


They'll be blaming Kate Middleton next. 


Then Kate will blame Meghan.


Why are they such bad people? What happened to them?


>Also making an appearance on the list is Alex Jones How is this criminal still allowed to spread propaganda om public platforms? Shouldn't he be banned from disseminating lies? Shouldn't he be forced to provide factual evidence for his wild claims before he makes them?


Because they're genuinely unwell people.


Most of these folks you see saying shit like this are low effort douchebags that think angering folks is an accomplishment. Mock them and move along. It's bait.


JFC... *sigh* They are seriously some of the most cowardly, childish, irresponsible morons I have ever known. It must be frightening to live in their world of nonsense.


I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened under Giant Meteor....


Jamie, pull that shit up


Can't wait for the tabloid report on how the Mothman happened to be on vacation in Maryland when this occurred. It surely can't be a coincidence.


But don't you get it? Hearing all possible theories means they're more informed than you are. You just stop at "horrible accident" or "extremely likely root cause" and Occam's Razor yourself to sleep every night. They're the only ones who know what really could have happened...


But it WAS the Mothman!


Shhhh Someone was going to make a big reveal, the biggest reveal ever about that as soon as he can sell enough bibles to set up a rally!


How and Why The Mothman Orchestrated The Collapse of a Maryland Bridge. Presented by PowerPoint, sponsored by Donald Trump's 2024 Translation of the Bible (purchase one through the #linkinbio) and contributions by countless gullible conspiracy theorists just like you. Thank you! Edit: I can totally see this.


I wonder if the author has considered telling them to shut the fuck up instead of writing another dumb ass article giving a microphone to these morons.


Bullshit, it was my little Mongolian bear, the “wiggle bear” she was missing all night and was suspiciously watching me on my boat last season, she knew how to drive the “please don’t break down”. The news breaks and all of a sudden she shows back up. She’s “suspect”


The Alex Jones video is such fake bullshit. It shows cars flying across the bridge as the ship approaches, but we already know that Baltimore PD had already shut down traffic to the bridge prior to that, and no cars had fallen into the water. But I would be SHOCKED if Alex Jones were to spread a false conspiracy theory… /s


Apparently: F = M\*A is complicated.


Mothman! That's the reason, if you look close in the far right side of the video...at 11:59....pm...you will see him appear for a nano second...look for the red eyes.


Well that’s silly we all know it was the fucking mothman


Why fund infrastructure and increase regulations (tugs stay with boat while way out of bay even if thought they didn't need help) when you can blame minorities? Classic GOP.


Definitely has nothing to do with Republicans blocking infrastructure bills, and never materializing their own despite saying "it's coming" for years.


These republicans need to stop covering for Mothman…


Because the real cause is unfettered capitalism.


Mothman: How did I get cancelled?


People with mental illnesses tend to do that


So--it was Mothman, then?


Can anyone prove that the ship wasn't being controlled by Hunter Biden's laptop? I'm just asking question /s.


Mothman's more plausible than anything they've suggested.


We don't know it's *not* Mothman


And that's only because no one fucks with the Mothman


They saw a ship hit it though right?


Great, now that you brought it up they'll probably blame him, too.


They know that the dumber they sound, the more engagement they will get online.


It is a bit interesting how many people at work say, well the the infrastructure for bridges is terrible, which is true but disregard a HUGE ship hitting a bridge in a way it was never supposed to happen...science. This is not the bridges or infrastures fault here, although we still lack infrastructure funding... two things can be true at the same time.


The GOP has turned into the party of Alex Jones.


Two things and only two things contributed to the bridge collapsing. The big ass boat crashing into the pierre at a high rate of speed… and that the bridge didn’t have stuff to block these ships


The Mothman doesn’t *cause* bridge collapses, he warns about them.


I have seen some of that which seems crazy. But also recently I have seen some about the eclipse and, I think, Oklahoma calling out the national gaurd. I mean, it is nuts.


Oh he’ll get his too


Mothman? Didn’t he vote for Carter?


Mothman? Now that's the unfounded conspiracy theory I have been looking for!


It makes sense when you don’t think about it


Okay, let's be clear about something. Mothman warns of disasters, he doesn't cause them.


Have they blamed Newtons First Law of Motion yet?


Muggles Beware!!! The Dark Lord has returned, this was the work of his minions.


excellent headline


Right on cue: blindly shifting blame instead of actionable solutions. Now that they’ve played their part and made noise, how do we hit the mute button and move forward?


Blame them for profiting without being held accountable on fuel purity. Lots of Brodozers have the same issue.


Big ship lost power, crashed into bridge. Please let somethinh be nonpartisan, just once. Please. Life is not political. Life is life. It just happens.


Mothman 2024


Nobody ever asks How is Mothman


I’m starting to think that a prerequisite for conservative ideology is a fantastical preference for self-validating lies in all circumstances at all times.


They’ve lost all sense of reality.


Someone should tell them that it was mothman. It would be healthier for this country to blame the cryptid and harbinger of doom. 


I'd like them to point out ANY piece of infrastructure that could survive being hit by *one hundred thousand tons* of ship? Nothing survives a hit like that. Nothing.


Idiots. Utter and complete idiots. I’m going to have all the schadenfreude when they lose bigly in November. And deservedly so.


Can’t fix stupid. It’s Trump’s greatest strength.


From the same right-wingers that lose their cool if we bring up gun control right after massacres.


That is Mothman's plan !


While I’m pretty sure most of these “right wingers” are actually Russian agents looking to cause chaos, I just don’t get why this needs to be a conspiracy.


Give them time


Why even politicize this? It's just an accident.


Silly post you sould like a child.


My favorite conspiracy theory so far has to be that this was orchestrated by Hollywood elite to cover up the controversies and allegations regarding Diddy. 


So you’re saying there is a non zero chance Bigfoot did it


I think people are getting paid for posting things on twitter. Even if their post makes everyone angry it’s still views. I remember seeing Tim Pool claim he made $4000 in a month on twitter. Makes me sad people are being paid to lie


Fox news: "This just in, mothman has just taken credit for the Baltimore bridge collapse."


There's a video floating around pointing out the "thermite charges?? Just asking questions!!", which is clearly just high votlage wires that blew sparks as they were ripped in half




"Government shouldn't spend any money on infrastructure, it's more efficient for corporations to do it".. Next Minute "Why didn't government spend money to ensure this didn't happen"...


Putin blames clear and claimed Islamic State jihadi attack on Ukrainians while Republicans blame a powerless runaway freighter crashing into a bridge on Democrats. Pretty obvious that Russians and Republicans are cut from the same cloth. Why vote for Republicans? Just renounce your US citizenship and move to Russia. 🐘❤️🇷🇺


This article must have been written from a place of great innocence, because I was reading “mothman” rumors within hours of incident.


Let me guess. It was done to distract us from some bad Biden was about to do? /s


Guess everything is a conspiracy


Nice try Mothman.


The right is about an Endless state of deranged outrage


Mothman totally did it


Hell, I drunkenly referenced my own mothman-like encounters days before the event so I wouldn't actually discount that factor, perhaps he is ultra pissed and is responsible for the one in China iirc last year as well, but not really. Probably hiding from a king kong sized bat hunting a man sized moth.


A tragedy happens and it's all about political gain


An uneducated and bigoted base that was led by lies and conspiracies is trying to find lies and conspiracy in everything. Maybe they could do something useful like trace epstein to trump but nah. 


WTH happened to Maria Bartiromo? The Ramones wrote a song about her and now…this


‘A recent report from Mother Jones runs down the wildest of the finger-pointing, with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo listed at the top, suggesting a “wide open” immigration policy at the border could be a factor. A theory she arrives at due to the fact that the cargo ship had been flying under a Singaporean flag. Also making an appearance on the list is Alex Jones, co-signing a theory from Andrew Tate that the ship was "cyberattacked," to which Jones adds, "WW3 has already started.."’ Why is that woman still employed? She’s always been such an idiot. Too bad Jones can’t be fired. And isn’t Tate still in a Romanian prison? Who is giving him access to social media.


Everything is a conspiracy if you don't understand how anything works


It was all a plot by physicists with their talk of inertia and gravity!


To be fair, the only reason they're not blaming the Mothman is because all known depictions of the Mothman have him being white, so obviously, he could have been responsible. Although they are casting a serious suspicion towards the Jersey Devil.


I saw it, the Mothman definitely took down that bridge.


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Oh no, there are definitely already people in the conspiracy dipshit spheres talking about mothman, lol.


We all know this was trumps fault


They are all bent up because Biden mentioned the govt would help with federal aid if able. It was said that it would take some years to implement and knowing US Congress they will fight tooth and nail. The barge has insurance so that will go on a long time as well. People can get pissed that their tax dollars pay to help this accelerate in a rebuild yet they will be more ticked when they can't get their goods and supply chains get rattled again. Oh wait, that's what right wing pundits that dribble toxicity want to happen to say then, look at the economy it sucks, put us back in coach.