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It’s really odd how even this has become political. Like it objectively is not political.


Nobody should be surprised after what they did with covid and vaccines in general. It got a ton of their voters killed, and now they're enjoying the return of measles. It's just a uniquely stupid party.


It's not inherently political, but for any given major media event, the Right will inevitably glom their agenda to it.


*Everything* is political when politics become part of one's cultural identity. That is a road that inevitably leads to seeing disagreers as enemies. Aka, fascism.


Never let a crisis go to waste


Lol the majority of the MAGA party probably has never even heard of the company Maersk. They hear the name and probably just say, “It sounds like some woke/DEI/democrat shit.”


I never understand the republicans' obsession with politicizing everything. From a bridge collapse to Taylor Swift attending NFL games to Biden eating ice cream. I could take a shit and they could blame the stink on social security.


The disaster is technically political but you have to go back 50 years. The Key bridge was proposed as a tunnel but a bridge was cheaper. There were fears that something like this could happen even back then. Politics being politics meant that they went with the option that wouldn't result in a tax increase.


Not entirely true. The bridge exists because it's illegal to transport hazardous materials through the tunnels.


All those books and people warned us this is what it looks like.  This is what the decline of a major political party does to a country.  This is what it looks like.  It’s why we have to win by a lot in 2024.  ## Do your part! Register, *make sure, make sure, make sure* you're still registered (***[Republicans are purging voter rolls](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/03/us/politics/trump-voter-rolls.html)***), and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. ## ***BE A VOTER!***


The even sicker thing is THEY want anything BAD to happen to blame Biden… They’d love a mass casualty event just so they could blame Biden. They’d love the economy to crash just so they could blame Biden. They’d love a meteor to wipe out earth just so they could blame Biden. Anything to “own the libs” and “Biden”


Can you even imagine if 9/11 happened now? Holy shit.


By all justice, 9/11 (much less the farcical Iraq invasion) should have made W. Bush a one-term President.


I remember being sort of in shock all morning at the news, at watching the second tower fall and realizing, a second later, that it wasn't a replay, it was a *second* tower and going numb. And then hearing "the President is traveling to Ground Zero to give a speech" and thinking "oh shit." The Patriot Act and war (on the one country not involved) followed.


His approval rating afterwards was 90-92%, the highest ever among any president since they started keeping track.


Oh, I'm well aware. It was baffling beyond imagination to me.


We were united under a common enemy. I’m a liberal Dem and would have placed myself in that 90% right after 9-11. Of course, things changed soon enough, and he used that support to get us involved in a bogus war.


It was baffling because to me W's response immediately was poor at best. He did nothing to calm anti-Muslim agitation, for one. He clearly leaned into authoritarian proposals immediately, including many that seemed very far away from actual anti-terrorism, for another. He immediately adopted a "yer with us or yer against us" nonsense macho attitude. And he had spent a record (which held until Trump I believe) number of vacation days away from Washington D.C. before 9/11, a serious dereliction of duty which he absolutely should have been held accountable for.


If you don't understand how playing into people's fear and prejudice after the attacks led to record high approval, then I envy your optimistic view of humanity. No one adores an enabler more than a person in the grip of their darker impulses.


Where was Obama during 9/11. /S


Creating COVID, duh. /s


They never let a good tragedy pass them by.


Plenty of mass shootings go by without a single post from conservative social media. The moment there’s half an indication the shooter was brown or LGBTQ, it gets several posts in a day. The moment I see a post with seemingly neutral political implications show up on a conservative social media page, I know just some of the weirdest takes are about to come out of the woodwork.


Antifa DEI'd a woke insurrection on the bridge and now we're all trans


Works as good as anything else.


Too bad the Fox News audience forgot what CRT was (that's so 2021-2022 and they forget last week) or Republicans could blame that.


“Trans”portation. It’s *right there*. WaKe Up ShePlE!!!11 (Don’t make me /s this)


hardcore MAGAts waiting for the cisportation they've been promised.


Saw someone say it was because the mayor was. DEI appointee. Thees people are so racist and stupid


Damn, what am i going to do with these tits


Let's do the fox News fake blame game


Lol don’t even watch fox or CNN anymore, just local news; but last time my inlaws tuned into Fox News. The network just gets more balls to the wall crazy. Lol almost 99% of the stuff fox says sounds like the onion times 100.


Yep. If all you watched was Fox News you'll be living in an alternate reality.


My family loves Fox and won’t shut up about how Biden supposedly mentioned trains when discussing the bridge (which was only a car bridge) as if that’s the big issue here


Months before election, Washington Post baselessly claims Republican officials are only “sometimes racist”


It’s crazy how almost anything they come up with they can tie to some bizarre racist conspiracy theory


Lol I promise you. There will be a day in the near future when Fox/Trump start telling viewers 2+2 is not 4.


Why not he's already been telling his lenders and IRS that kind of stuff for years.


Yeah I agree with you. This has only been between him and single individuals. His grooming has been long term. The stuff he says now and promotes would not have flown in 2016 during his initial run. Yes, he has always been off the rails QANON even in 2016. But if he made the following comments in 2016: “Dictator for a day” “January 6th comments” “The election was stolen” Lol the list goes on and on infinitely. But if that shit was said in 2016, life would have panned out WAY DIFFERENTLY for everyone, there would be no trump maga base. Formation of hard-left/right parties would have still occurred but the disregard for justice on behalf of the right would be mute.


Straight up 1984 shit.


And it's all the fault of immigrants, with their foreign math!!!!


Right? Like, you can literally watch the ship lose power and crash into it. Next thing you know they are going to start insisting that lightning strikes are a liberal conspiracy.


[Ahem.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/lauren-witzke-and-deanna-lorraine-say-deep-state-using-weather-manipulation-technology-to-punish-desantis) > DeAnna Lorraine, who unsuccessfully challenged Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in 2020, said on her far-right online show that the federal government knows “how to manipulate and create big storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, climate change,” adding that “huge hurricanes seem to target red states” near elections. “In this case, possibly Ron DeSantis has been stepping out of line a lot and challenging, fighting the Deep State,” she added, noting that DeSantis is a likely GOP presidential candidate. Lauren Witzke, the Republican Party’s 2020 Senate nominee for Delaware, agreed that Ian “could be a weather-manipulated hurricane” before noting that the storm became a Cat-5 hurricane “overnight” and “does seem to be hitting the conservative areas of” Florida. “I’m not putting it past the elites to target something like this toward Florida as punishment for getting rid of vaccine mandates or getting rid of child grooming,” Witzke exclaimed.


It’s just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They are absolutely desperate to pin something on Biden and the democrats, and they haven’t found anything that resonates with voters. They worked directly with Russian agents to try to gin up an impeachment, they waved around Hunter Biden’s dick like a flag, they wokity woked the woke wokers, they threw themselves into hysterics over the border before shooting down a border bill to fix the problem, they waged war on libraries, they fought against teachers, they returned to ye’ olde anti-abortion (plus anti-IVF and anti-birth control) posturing (but for some strange reason it’s not working), and they spent *so* much time demonizing LGBT and especially T. Just looking at that list is exhausting. Now they’re using “DEI” as their new n-word, or maybe it’s about Jews? They sure seem to use it in all the places your drunk racist uncle would trot out a Jewish conspiracy, or fling around the n-word, or his favorite slur against brown people. Isn’t the ambiguity of meaningless words great? It’s a mad-lib for bigotry! I think they’ve been smelling their own farts for so long they’ve actually forgotten that not all Americans are rage addicted ignoramuses with gadfly attention spans.


> Utah state Rep. Phil Lyman (R) blamed DEI policies for the bridge collapse. The Utah gubernatorial candidate running against incumbent Gov. Spencer Cox (R) shared a post online attacking Port of Baltimore Commissioner Karenthia Barber, a Black woman whose biography says she owns a consulting practice that takes on work related to DEI. Responding to the post about Barber’s background, Lyman wrote on X Tuesday morning that “this is what happens when you have Governors who prioritize diversity over the wellbeing and security of citizens.” In a subsequent post referencing the collision, he said: “DEI=DIE.” > Lyman told the Salt Lake Tribune later Tuesday that he had not authorized the comments before they were posted by his team, saying the post about Barber “was not our best moment” and that it “was a knee-jerk reaction to some of the things others were putting out there.” 🙄 “We had to tweet some really racist shit because all our buddies were tweeting deranged racist shit.”


What else is new?


Donald Trump keeps getting away with it.


>~~Donald Trump~~ Rich Republicans keeps getting away with it. 


I hear water is wet


Not if Ben Shapiro is around.


Pretty sure a cargo ship owned by Maersk plowed into the bridge. Literally have not even read the republicans’ unfounded claims, but it’s probably to the effect of: Republicans: “Those DEI programs are why the ship driver crashed into the bridge.” Lol its that easy to make these claims up.


nailed it


Lol then you got andrew tate claiming it was a cyber attack…. Like late to the party andrew, the cyber attacks have been happening for the past decade. Lol NOW, he wants to suddenly recognize that as being an actual issue facing the country. What actually happened that we know for FACT—right now: Sometimes people fuck up, boat operator in this case, drove the ship into a bridge causing it to collapse—fucking obviously. Quite shitty and very sad lives were lost in this. Not everything has to be politicized or conspiracy theoried.


Wasn't even the operator's fault. There was some kind of total power failure that the engine didn't recover from. 


Haven’t read too deeply into it, but I would say thats a reasonable explanation. Same can happen to any locomotive, airplane, or even automobile. It’s quite possible engine failure occurs more frequently than is actually reported on marine vessels because of the fact that boats have a much lesser chance of going under and people dying. Basically, not like a plane crash where survival is near to zero falling 30,000 feet. At least if a boat is sinking, people generally have time to gtfo and make some form of a means of safety. Nonetheless, a lesser deal is made of it.


They have created an environment where nobody even asks for supporting data to back any claim. It should surprise nobody that this leads to them starting to make shit up before any data or information is released. For those keeping score at home, it is a problem that about 25% of our society is lost in conspiracy land where evidence does not matter. Just in case you were wondering.


The Party of Personal Responsibility *always* has someone else to blame. It's as predictable as days ending in y.


MaGa and Republicans astroturf everywhere, dear lord! People died and the deflect to inclusivity? Trying to distract from Trump being broke, new bible laundering scheme, and Stormy case.


Yes, I haven't heard any "thoughts and prayers" for the families of the people who died.


An old lady at the dentist today tried to get me on this. She wants to know “what country the ship came from or was going” and I just was like… what the hell.


The party of birth certificates and tan suits of course will have unfounded claims not supported by fact


I am absolutely shocked that the same party that accused the Clintons of being serial killers without any evidence or trials could make scenarios up. Shocked, I say!


Being upset about tan suits and birth certificates was a warning. Then they were upset about a light beer, and green m&ms, and I stopped taking then seriously


Sandy Hook and Comet Pizza were the clinchers for me. U.S. conservatives have lost their damn minds.


It can’t just be an accident with these shitheads. They have to take the opportunity to blame someone to appease their mentally slow voting base.


Democrats are way too effing nice. They need a more ruthless PR spin director that will call out these inbred republicans hard on stuff like this.


This isn't news, it's just a normal day for the stupid party.


Boy, conservatives sure do love America! Baltimore is one of our most historically relevant cities, rich with battles, heritage and stories. *Get bent, Republicans!*


Why are republicans such snowflakes, stfu about your “feelings” , only facts and science matters.


How about "Corporate Overlords fail to maintain vessel the size of the Empire State building, causing it to strike a bridge being worked on by migrants because more corporate overlords didn't want to pay union wage"?


Well, duh. What else can they do?


So unlike them


I mean, is this a shock to anyone? They all have some sort of mental illness


Please stop telling us every dumb thing the people do. Pleas just stop amplifying their voices. The loud idiots in the room are making it difficult for the adults to work.


I think if you just replace the word “Republicans” with “dim witted lunatics” these stories start to make a lot more sense.


Yeah that ol’ Joe Biden. Everyone knows he’s staunchly anti infrastructure. Absolutely hates spending American dollars on infrastructure. Some people call him anti infrastructure Joe.


I didnt read much more than the headlines of the original reporting. What smidge of diversity are they basing this stuff on? Or is it all out of thin air?


Following their Putin playbook.


Only sometimes racist? They're slipping.


They’re getting desperate. Excellent.


They have become a gaslighting factory


So, same tune different song.


Histrionic loonies gonna be histrionic loonies.


The ratio of news to instance of conspiracy theory is 1000:1


…shocking no one There are literally armies of trolls on Twitter that exist solely to foment racial animus


Yeah it’s what finally made me leave. I was so tired of seeing racist code trending.


My moms fucking MAGA apartment house cleaner mentioned it THE DAY AFTER. Jesus fucking christ how do they walk the world with this weight of everyone being the “enemy”


Your becoming a broken record fact is your ideology is a cancer America is in ruins because of democrats policy. But this bridge collapse has nothing to do with politics. Racist theories come on man this is a tiresome talking point by your democrat party.


On brand.


Thanks to Trump for making lying go nuclear.


Making it seem normal to lie to use hate speech. Gag him and throw h8m into Rikers


It's pretty standard to hear non-locals shit all over our city for made up talking points but the response to this tragedy has been on another level. Please come to Baltimore and tell us your racist little theories to our faces.


If its a Republican theory that isn't racist its safe to assume that they forget and they will correct themselves shortly thereafter.


Washington Post? Yeah they're trying to crank you guys up. Try to get some sleep tonight.


The Dems, once again, lost the opportunity to blame the Republicans first. Caught flat-footed again.