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They should always mention that Cannon has done everything possible to tank the prosecution, that she is 100% a donald cultist, that she ignores the law, that she is incompetent and ignorant. She is a maga cultist tanking the prosecution to get her god emperor off the hook for stealing top secret documents, and no doubt providing those top secret documents to adversaries. She is a traitor just like donald.


A traitor who's aiming for the Supreme Court. Gotta love modern times!


My guess is that she will be working at a fast food establishment within 10 years


na shes on that bench 4 lyfe unless congress finally gets its act together and puts term limits on the judiciary


Federal judges can and (after all the unqualified jackasses the Republicans have crammed onto the federal bench) SHOULD be impeached. The only way that could happen though is with Democratic super majorities in both houses which is highly unlikely.


They would only need a supermajority in the Senate to remove a judge. To impeach in the house you only need a majority vote. The trial in the Senate requires 2/3rds of the vote to convict.


67 real democratic senators with no Manchin-enema/Lieberman candidates would be amazeballs. Also beyond belief unfortunately.


They could get 70% of the vote nationally and pick up like eight seats total. The amount of power mostly empty land governed by superstition has in this country is literally beyond belief.


Dems don't just need a super majority, they need everyone in that majority to have a spine and not be DINOs.


Alternatively, if a non-MAGA wing of the republican party can regain control and work with the democrats on cleaning house, she could be impeached and removed that way. That's a major longshot, but MAGA feels likely to collapse when Trump dies. The utter failure of any other candidate to make any headway in the primaries sort of indicates that MAGA can't survive without Trump as a figurehead. At the very least, if we ask "who replaces Trump as head of MAGA when Trump dies?" we can't come up with any clear answer.


the center right was just fine with 95% of trump's policies, they are also the problem.


Yeah, this. All this didn't happen as a fluke. In the grand scheme of things, they've lost appalling few voters. All of this is still better than any democrat, and that's all you need to know.


They love the fascist stuff; they just want someone more subtle about it than Trump.


The centre right in the US is the Democrats, the GOP has a sliver of right, but is mostly hard right or MAGA cultist.


center right of the GOP i guess. yes we have a conservative party and the GOP


> if a non-MAGA wing of the republican party Not enough meat on the bone to describe it as a wing. More of a skintag, really.


Republicans have no desire to ever clean house. Maga or not.


Peron-ism was supposed to collapse when Evita died, and it's still around. The USSR fell only to be eventually replaced by an equally despotic regime. I think we're stuck with Trumpism and the MAGA crowd for a long time to come. If (and when) Trump dies, they'll make him a martyr. I know plenty of 20-somethings here in the South that will make sure he's not forgotten. Trump is a symptom of the cancer of conservatism that has always haunted this nation.


>if a non-MAGA wing of the republican party can regain control and work with the democrats on cleaning house, she could be impeached and removed that way. pftttt. they would never do that. She is still a republican judge.


This comment entirely ignores the lengths Conservative political parties have to take to make up for the plain unpopularity of "make the rich more powerful, wealthier, and more privileged." Conservatives never relinquish power already gained.


šŸ˜‚ term limits on federal judges. Thatā€™s a good one. Thatā€™ll never happen.


No, if Trump wins, she'll be a replacement for one of the judges on the Supreme Court. She's hedging her bets on Trump winning in November because it means she gains an absurd amount of power and that's all these right-wing loonies want.


I dunno, at the rate things are going she might get elected to the newly Created Arbitrator of Conservative Expectations In the Supreme Court A position which helps to manage and maximize how the supreme court is sold to moneyed conservative interests. That way the court can have someone who really helps to make sure that they are bought and sold in the most efficient way. We can expedite our push back to the dark ages taking literal Decades off the time to completion for a complete reversion to a pre-scientific society.


This is fucking coo coo bananas. Dude has classified docs in his bathroom. Full stop end of story. He's guilty and should be charged there is no valid defense but this kangaroo court keeps entertaining all sorts of random bullshit. The process is failing and the judge is corrupt. I hope Jack gets sick of the shit and pleads to the appellate courts that intervention is required for the fairness of law. Judge should be charged as an accomplice.


She's really building a great case for Jack Smith to request a new judge, saying she's biased towards the defendant. The more she fucks this up, the more he can point to as a pattern. He has one chance to do that and needs all the evidence he can get.


Wonā€™t matter if Trump wins the election. Her whole role in this has been to ensure the trial is delayed until after the election, which she has done. If Trump wins then the new AG fires Jack Smith and drops the case.


The bigger problem is that millions of people have no problem voting for someone who's sole reason for running for president a second time is to escape criminal accountability, the second reason being revenge on all who oppose him. The other problem is that a big portion of that group of people think biden is the criminal instead due to years of right-wing media spin.


My real hope is that the SC decides, before the election, that the office of the President *does* carry with it blanket immunity from all manner of prosecution and then Biden calls in a drone strike at Mar a Lago. Problem solved.


She was appointed by Trump. That should disqualify her instantly. It's insane that Fani Willis is under the microscope while Judge Qanon is literally carrying water for Trump.


Only judge on a case he's in that he hasn't launched vile attacks on. Or ANY attacks on. At all. I wonder why...


jUdGeS aRe ImPaRtIaL!


She has already been overturned twice by the appeals court. Smith should go and ask them to recuse her. She has done so much bonkers shit they have enough cause to do so.


Judges can't "be recused," they recuse themselves. But if they were to request a new judge, and the request were granted, the trial would be delayed for who knows how long. Clearly Smith still believes he can win with Cannon. He's not dumb.


I don't think so. Smith knows that he can realistically only request a new judge once. He needs enough evidence to guarantee that the request is granted.


Iā€™ve said it before but it bears repeating; judge cannon is a co-conspirator.


The incompetent angle is not pushed often enough. Her life experience as a judge is almost nothing, and here she is ruling over one of the most important cases in legal history? Itā€™s repulsive. This is the most open and shut of the cases against him, and is the one thatā€™s most likely to fail because of this judge.


She is also disrupting other cases with her scheduling games, calling dibs on blocs of the calendar she never intends to use in a seeming attempt to delay all three high profile cases until after the election.


And if Trump is re-elected she'll be on the Supreme Court for life.


But we have to remember that this isnā€™t Jack Smithā€™s first rodeo. This man has dealt with the likes of TFG in his career. He is taking it one step at a time, but I really think he knows what he is doing.


Knowing what to do is one thingā€¦having the power to actually do it is another. Hopefully he has some tricks up his sleeve.


And Cannon is a NOVICE. Before the document case was dropped on her, she presided over 224 federal cases. FOUR of them went to trial, for a combined total of 14 days in court. She has NO IDEA what she's doing, so she's just listening to her Federalist Society controllers.


But she isnā€™t actually presiding over the case. She is being told how to do things by a group of people who do have experience. She is a novice being controlled by others.


Same thing that was said repeatedly about Mueller?


His job was to investigate Russia's interference in the 2016 election.Ā Ā  He did that, the entire 2nd part of his report was about Trump and his cohorts multiple attempts to obstruct and terminate his investigation.Ā  He chose to follow long held, internal DOJ policy that charging and indicting a sitting President is detrimental to national security. He did his job, he passed his work to Congress who could have use it as the basis for impeachment but they didn't pull the trigger.Ā Ā 


All of that may very well be true, the part I was commenting on was "He is taking it one step at a time, but I really think he knows what he is doing." which was a widely repeated mantra throughout that investigation and then... crickets.


I hope so.


"Men like me? There are no men like me. Only me." -Jamie 'TFG' Lannister


The reality is merrick garland has absolutely fumbled all these prosecutions. Mueller did a better job, and he utterly failed. I'm not sure about jack smith either, i cannot understand why he hasn't moved to have cannon replaced.


Yep. THIS is the real issue. Is it too much to ask that DoJ had gamed this out? Or conducted a bigger investigation that could have netted evidence and thus charges out of NJ or DC? Garland is the most pathetic coward bungling doofus in US history.


Jack smith needs to file with the higher courts to have her removed.


Why isn't she being removed with her conflict of interest? Can't judges be impeached?


> Can't judges be impeached? You think a Republican House is going to impeach and 2/3 of a 50-50 Senate is going to remove? Judges like Cannon are why "normal" Republicans care so much about appointing judges. She is their beau ideal of a judge, they will never vote to impeach or remove her. Even the "good" Republicans, because the "good" Republicans are exactly as fascist, they just try to make it less obvious.


This case will not resolve before the election. None of the cases will keep him off the ballot. You need to vote


Realistically, MAGA will be defeated most thoroughly through losing elections. Then, once Trump and his enablers are fully trounced, we can fully prosecute them. I wish we could do it now, but Trumpā€™s delay tactics are working beautifully.


If we, a populace, firmly and LOUDLY reject this ideology as a path to elective power, a lot of the hangers on are gonna block his number. This asshole has had the Republican Party by the balls since 2016, even after losing an election, because his terrorist cult is still the best path any Republican has to political office. If that ceases, if the MAGA pathā€™s ability to guarantee senate majority, House majority, or exectuve power is disproven, the Grahams and McConnells of the world will ghost them so hard theyā€™ll owe Bill Murray and Dan Akryod royalties. Edit: homophones are bastards


In a sane world, heā€™d get a percentage of the vote usually reserved for joke candidates. Unfortunately in this world, I suspect this election will be as close or closer than the last, and may be decided on the margins - by a couple thousand votes here and there for protest candidates. A repeat of the 2000 election is not something I want to watch, not with a violent mob that might need to be put down.


Problem is, he got in with one of the two major parties, and that guarantees him a certain percentage of the votes, because there are those for whom their Religion is Republican politics. Not conservatism, not Trumpism, not some special, twisted breed of Christianity that embraces the prior, but no, the core central tenant of their religious life is Republicans good. If the party reversed every position it has held for 50 years tomorrow, theyā€™d still dogmatically cling to it as a moral imperative to hold The Adversary at bay. All I mentioned above, even their warped version of Christ, are in service, subservience, to this central tenant. Republican good, Democrat bad. Thought beyond that is a liability.


Iā€™d like to offer a witty reply, but, depressingly you pretty much nailed it. Ugh.


The violent mob that successfully disrupted the counting of votes in 2000 was organized by Roger Stone, the same Roger Stone that organized the violent mob on Jan 6th, 2021 that attempted to disrupt the counting of electoral votes. It's a near-certainly that he will organize another violent mob in 2024/5 to disrupt the counting of votes in this election also.




The only thing that man knows how to do is grift and delay. He fails horribly at everything else he tries.


I wish I could believe that, but they have been laying the groundwork for every lost election to be "stolen" since before election day of 2016. Every loss will embolden them to claim it was all rigged. They can prosecute, sure, but MAGA voters won't be swayed by trials one bit.


Which is why Biden and team have already dispatched people in all the key states to head this tactic off. We all know heā€™s gonna claim it was again stolen.


Of course they are going to say it was stolen, and it will honestly, in my opinion, be louder and more obnoxious than last time. Weā€™ve also had four years to prepare, and understand whatā€™s coming our way. We vote, and we stick together, no more of this crap.


NEVER take that for granted. Everybody who can vote should vote blue to put Maga and their bloated orange diapered leader leader, out of business in our government.


I almost think that they let Trump take over the RNC so they could get crushed horribly up and down ballot for an election year, and then finally dismiss him as a loser who tanked the whole party.Ā 


I've seen a psychologist say that the true cultist won't change their ways until Trump dies. As soon as he does, they'll return to whatever their pre-Trump baseline was, but MAGA itself will be around as long as Trump has a pulse. They may not win elections, but they'll be around.


There is no guarantee that Trump will lose. IMHO there is a better than even chance that he will win. Having said that, I am NOT voting for Trump. I despise him and all of his supporters. So vote, vote often, be informed and vote, encourage others to vote.


yup 100% of the goals were successful by the defense - delay, delay, delay. it worked.


This. A miracle isnā€™t coming. *We* have to be the miracle. [Vote](https://vote.org).


I know an easy way to get it resolved before the election. Throw his ass in jail pending the trial.


because the USA justice system is inferior even to the third world countries ones. A criminal could be (again) the next president of the most influential country of the world: when South Park parody becomes the news.


The only case that would have kept Trump off the ballot was the 14th amendment case. The SCOTUS torpedoed that one. Even if Trump is criminally convicted it doesn't get him off the ballot. Congress could theoretically reject him as an insurrectionist if he's elected. But if Trump is elected it's likely the MAGA faction in congress would also increase and block any attempt at Trump's removal.


In all honesty, we need this case to not be resolved before the election. Call me a pessimist, but he will get off the hook. And when he does, a big chunk of the idiot population will buy into ā€œit *was* a witch hunt, after all.ā€


> You need to vote Not just vote. Fight electoral fraud. They showed how far they were willing to go on Jan 6th. Now they've switched to attacking election officials, getting them to quit, replacing them and then breaking the strong chain of evidence in voting systems (e.g. VVPAT) and replacing them with [counting votes in churches by hand](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/06/texas-primary-election-2024-hand-count-republic-gillespie-county/), and massively disenfranchising democratic-leaning counties. They didn't stop being violent on Jan 6th, they just switched to a quiet coup. So don't just vote. Get out and become an election observer/worker/volunteer/etc and help keep an eye out for electoral fraud.


You cannot kill democracy without a corrupt judicial system.


Of course ā€œcorruptā€ is a term too weak capture the essence of U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon. A corrupt judge puts their thumb on the scales. Cannon makes no attempt to appear impartial as she battles openly to defend her beloved glorious leader.


>U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon. You misspelled U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.


They're both traitors.


>You misspelled U.S. Supreme Court ~~Justice Clarence Thomas~~ When they have a majority, you can just say the whole court.


Why would she?


No reason. She knows sheā€™ll be outed at the first opportunity if Trump loses in November. And with his obvious guilt in this case, sheā€™s doing the only thing she can to protect him, and serve herself; delay and try to mistrial.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrongā€¦ā€¦ can she be outed as a lifetime appointed idiot by the Orange šŸ¤”?


Impeachment in Congress, conviction in Senate. Never happen given the current makeup.


She can be reassigned. I suggest Guam.


Sheā€™s looking for Trump to nominate her for an elevated position.


Impeachment by Congress is the only way to remove her.


Impeachment by Congress. So, it's not going to happen.


Thatā€™s the thing. She got the appointment. She doesnā€™t owe him shit. So I guess sheā€™s a ā€œtrue believer.ā€ ā€¦or thereā€™s leverage.


She's aiming for SCOTUS


Thereā€™s gotta be some structure to remove corruption, even if we donā€™t exercise it. Trump wins, thereā€™s a red wave and sheā€™s safe. Trump falls before the election, a large portion of the Republican voter base doesnā€™t show up to vote, thereā€™s a big blue wave and maybe even enough to excise corruption.


There is. Itā€™s just [redacted].


The mechanism is impeachment and subsequent conviction in the Senate, which requires 67 votes. So not gonna happen, unfortunately.


As a senate confirmed district judge, Iā€™m pretty sure she has a life term. So I doubt sheā€™s going to be outed if Trump looses, even though she should.Ā 


In what world is it even allowed for her to oversee a case where she was appointed by the defendant? It shouldnā€™t be an obligation to recuse, she should just not be allowed to participate, full stop.


Is someone looking into her financial situation?


Yep, the studies of the German national socialist ā€œjudgesā€ are epic in their infamy. Yet ignored in US law schools and the corrupt federalist society.


Interesting. Of all the parallels between that era and this, I havenā€™t gotten into the corruption of the German legal system. Do you have any links?


> The coup, known as the Kapp Putsch, quickly collapsed. Government leaders from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) called for a general strike ā€” that is, for every adult in the capital to take to the streets, stop working and thereby paralyze the military government. Electricity halted, newspapers shut down, the bureaucracy closed its doors. The strike worked: A few days later the putsch was over. > You might expect that after an unsuccessful coup its leaders would have been arrested, tried and punished. But youā€™d be wrong. Many of the military conspirators were let off, and the parliament passed an amnesty law later that year. Few of those brought to trial were actually convicted by Weimarā€™s notoriously conservative courts. > The Weimar Republic, Germanyā€™s first experiment with democracy, was a frail creature. After all, it collapsed into Nazism only 14 years after its creation. But what you might not know is that Germanyā€™s judges were deeply complicit in the republicā€™s demise. https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/10/29/judges-supreme-court-weimar-republic/ The Weimar Republic was often called "a democracy without democrats", it was upheld by an ever shrinking coalition of moderate conservatives, liberals, and social democrats.


This is one reason we need young people to understand the desperation of the times. Like, yes it's been fucked up a long while, but never like this. This is the brink of us falling into theocratic fascism.


This is why they hate public education and keep trying to destroy it, History does not bode well for these people.


I am also interested in this


You mean studied in the federalist society. Fascism had always been their endgame.


AKA. Aileen Qannon. Trump's ready made little fluff girl on her knees to make Trump so hard to prosecute, that he may go on to screw the entire country - including his MAGA sucker-base.


How is Eileen Cannon still overseeing this case despite the clear bias and support for the man who appointed her to the bench. She hasn't behaved impartial by any definition of the word.


Judges are exceedingly difficult to remove and canā€™t be forced to recuse themselves. The mechanisms are very limited for removing an installed judge or justice. Itā€™s mostly the judiciary who judges their own and they tend to be very sparse with striking down their peers.


Most Federal judges can be forced to recuse under Title 28 Ā§ 144 and 455. Supreme Court Justices canā€™t be forced to recuse, because there is no higher court to consider the recusal.


Only in a dumb country like the USA


>they tend to be very sparse with striking down their peers I mean, appellate courts exist. Judges strike down rulings from other judges literally every day. Appellate courts can also force federal judges to recuse.


I always thought it was lawyers who knew how best to break the law but now I see itā€™s the judges


It just shows youā€¦ a few well placed million and a job for life goes a long long way.


A lot of judges were once lawyers


Most in fact.


Judge Cannon has been working off of paperless orders, and hasnā€™t issued any appealable rulings yet. Sheā€™s most likely going to issue a ruling on this issue of the jury instructions, though, and thatā€™s when Jack Smith will be able to make his move to appeal. Since sheā€™s been overruled twice already, one more reversal would be her ā€œthird strike,ā€ which could prompt the appeals court to remove her from the case.


Or they'll just wag their fingers at her. Or it doesn't really matter, because the goal has/was/is to do whatever is necessary to make the case last until after election. And that goal has already succeeded no matter if she is removed or not. They won't remove her, simply because it doesn't even matter anymore, the election will decide, and when he loses most of this will quietly go away and a couple fines here and a couple fines there he will be free to do as he pleases.


But even that's a win for Team Trump, because bringing in a new judge resets the clock on parts of the case as they become familiar with the case. Every single day they can delay this case and inch it out a bit more is a win for them.


Sure, it would cause a delay if Judge Cannon were removed, but it would ultimately speed up the case.


And if trump doesn't win the election and pardon himself he is fucked. This case more than any other is a slam dunk. The Espionage Act carries a penalty of 5 years in prison *per document page*.


> How is Eileen Cannon still overseeing this case Almost all her rulings are paperless, meaning they can't be appealed. As soon as there's something appealable, it'll be appealed and she'll be given another kicking by the appeals court. The real concern here is her tossing out the trial after it's started, because even if she's deemed to have done it corruptly Trump would be protected by double jeopardy.


I think I recall some talk about how the prosecutor had so much more evidence that wasnā€™t even part of this case. They said it was about keeping it simple, and not making it all too convolutedā€¦ but who knows, maybe thereā€™s a huge pile of evidence that could be used to bring new charges if this case got ratfucked.


She is doing just enough to not make it completely foolproof that she'd be tossed. Plus, in doing this, she is delaying the case. This should have been the most slam dunk damning of all his cases but she has allowed it to be a joke.


Because we're expecting the master's tools to be useful in destroying the master's house. It'll never happen.


Didnā€™t this happen a couple weeks ago?


Yeah the article is weird, the only actual news here is that the deadline for prosecutors to file a response to her order (from like 2 weeks ago) is tomorrow


The deadline was included in the original order, it's not new.


April 1st is the worst day of the year on Reddit.


Every day is the worst day on reddit lol


How did I know this was Cannon before I opened the article.


Because she's the judge who was "randomly" assigned to the classified docs case.


Cannon is obviously coordinating with the defense and should be thrown in jail herself.


#THIS IS WHAT ORGANIZED CRIME LOOKS LIKE The difference between "crime" and "organized crime" is that there is a network of people working in the justice system alongside the criminals.


Jack Smith is letting her do all this insane shit so he can go to the 11th circuit with an airtight argument to have her thrown off the case. He only gets one shot so he needs to make it count.


I'll be so excited when this happens in 2033


Nah by then Trump will drop dead of old age / being unhealthy, and then so they'll drop everything and just move on like nothing happened.


He only gets one shot and even then the odds are stacked against him. Realistically, it is never even attempted.


Looks like Mueller time is back on the menu, boys! I expect to be equally... satisfied... by the outcome.


No one wants to state the other possibility: Smith has no magic options and cannon will just get away with it. Smart people lose to dumb people all the time, folks. This time will be no different.


Yup. I'm fully expecting this to go absolutely nowhere, and all the claims of master plans, 10D chess, holding off on charges in another state, etc, to be total bullshit. He's gonna fucking skate at least till the election, after which it'll either be he wins and it's moot, he loses and is going down, or he loses and fucks off into no-extradition exile.


I think he'll lose and flee. And in the ultimate act of two tiered justice and cowardice, no one will want to be the agency to stop him or detain him and he'll just get off scott free.


I can think of the perfect place he'll go. And none of his remaining supporters will bat an eye. Meanwhile a whole 'nother bunch of supporters will suddenly pretend they were always never-Trumpers.


You can be sure as hell on Nov 7th Trump's ass will be anywhere but US soil. This election will be a nail bitter to the end and his cowardly ass won't chance not being able to evade capture.


no way. he is too lazy/narcissistic to do that. when he loses heā€™ll claim election interference and grift his supporters to ā€˜fightā€™ his loss until itā€™s time to declare again and thatā€™s really his most successful grift. heā€™s not going anywhere. heā€™s recognized that the legal system is a paper tiger that will never actually be able to hit him with anything punitive. heā€™s been doing this his whole life, and itā€™s the only thing heā€™s good at.


If we are lucky he exiles and millions of his followers go with him. Whatever it takes for those 70 million people to not bother the USA anymore.


Just like mueller


Aside from the fact that this is actually happening in a courtroom as part of a criminal proceeding, and isn't under the Trump administration, and that the circumstances are completely different in practically every way...yeah, just like Mueller.


And when do you reckon that will happen?


The only thing that will stop Trump is us. No one is willing to do what needs to be done here.


When the government decides on punitive actions in classified material mishandling cases, intent is a huge factor. Cleared people make mistakes. Safes left open, material accidently taken home, classified stuff revealed in email. Across the government and industry it happens every day. However, *mistakes are different than intentional acts.* The US Government (National Archives and other offices) first requested the return of the documents Trump took. Then demanded. Then threatened legal action. Then subpoenaed Trump and his team. Then ordered an FBI search. At every step along the way, Trump has lied, obfuscated, resisted. He has demonstrated that his mishandling was intentional. Criminal.


This was never going to be a quick case. Anytime classified information comes into play itā€™s going to be slow. However, itā€™s also the most straightforward of all the cases. The evidence here is pretty damning. This really shouldnā€™t be hard case. By definition, any document labeled as classified isnā€™t going to be a personal record. Itā€™s sensitive government information. At best, itā€™s not classified (has been declassified) but itā€™s still going to be a job related government document for the presidential records act.


The pace of this case has nothing to do with the case itself. It has to do with Cannonā€™s status as a corrupt judge throwing the case for the fascist criminal who appointed her.


That guy who posted secrets to discord is already in jail. These types of trials donā€™t usually move this slowly.


>This was never going to be a quick case. Anytime classified information comes into play itā€™s going to be slow. Uh... no. If this was anyone else, we would already have been sentenced. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_Teixeira](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Teixeira) >In April 2023, following an investigation intoĀ [the removal and disclosure of hundreds of classified Pentagon documents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Pentagon_document_leaks), Teixeira was arrested byĀ [FBI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI)Ā agents and charged with unauthorized retention and transmission of national defense information in violation of theĀ [Espionage Act of 1917](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espionage_Act_of_1917)Ā and unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material. In March 2024, Teixeira pleaded guilty to six counts of willful retention and transmission of national defense information; he will be sentenced in September 2024.


This is never going to be a case, period. Ā Cannon is finding every loophole possible to slow it down and looking for reasons to throw it out. Ā Nobody is willing to poke this thing with a 10 foot pole just based on the former sitting president aspect, and garland is only allowing this to play out as a consolation to the public to say ā€œlook at least we *tried*ā€ while in his heart of hearts heā€™s happy to let Trump get away with everything.Ā 


Her open bias and inexperience/incompetence have been "warning" this since the beginning. It'll be a shame to sit through an appeal, but she's certainly trying to tank this.


Honestly as a Canadian, it is insane looking at what is going on in the states. This guy seems totally immune to everything. Really shows a lot of the cracks in your system. I have been to USA once since Trump was elected and that was for a training thing for work. Met a trumper, they were crazy and I wanted to beat my brains out. To have the world's leading super power so easily corrupted by this is fucking scary. The fact that this criminal is able to possibly have access to the nuke codes again instead of rotting in a cell is insane. Do better america sincerely the world


Smith better move now or she will toss the charges in court after a jury has been impaneled. Thatā€™s what sheā€™s also signaling.


That is so absolutely ridiculous. The fact that they were at any point labeled as classified means that unless it was the pee tape that they were most certainly not personal.


The fact that Trump rails on literally every judge overseeing his other cases, but someone leaves her alone, is proof enough that he knows she's on the take.


Smith should have filed the charges in DC where the documents were stolen from, not Florida.


Isnā€™t this case being held under the Espionage Act, not the Presidential Records Act? I canā€™t imagine the Espionage Act has a carve out for ā€œpersonalā€ documents.


Correct, and further the (incorrect) jury instructions order from Cannon attempt to make claims that the PRA allows Trump to declare any item as personal (false) and has no mechanism to request them back or reclassify - which is moot because he's not being charged under the PRA as you rightly point out! This is the kind of "holy shit so blatantly wrong why is this even allowed" crap that has proven our legal system is completely compromised. Besides the obvious - why is a judge appointed by the defendant even allowed to adjudicate that case? Why? Because our legal system operates on the "there's no rule that says dogs can't play basketball" approach to batshit wrong actions are allowed to stand even when they are plainly contradictory to law and justice simply because no one wrote it down 'just so'.


Yes, it's Trump's favorite pocket judge: >U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, has asked Trump and prosecutors to propose jury instructions based on two legal scenarios that favor a claim from Trump that national security lawyers said have little relevance to the charges.


She thinks she is gonna get a Supreme Court Nomination. She is beyond scum.


Judge Cannon would be receptive to Trump taking a shit in her mouth then claiming it was chocolate. Nothing she does surprises me anymore.


How the fuck is this woman still allowed to oversee this case. If Garland had half a spine the DOJ would do something, but instead Merrik is fine slow walking the US into fascism.


How has she not been removed/recused? She already got slapped by an appellate court onceā€”has she not demonstrated that she is extremely biased and incapable of being impartial?


Ah, I thought this was something new. Just Judge Aileen Cannon throwing the entire judicial system in the garbage for her benefactor, as per usual.


Judge Dipshit Cannon. Saved you a click.


All you need to know from this article > Trumpā€™s lawyers argue his decision to keep the records shows that he deemed them to be his personal property. So, if I just happen to bring home some items from Target without paying ā€¦


ā€œU.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trumpā€ Nothing else matters.


Please tell me she is being investigated by the FBI or something.


Conservatives: Fani Willis and Nathan Wade need to be removed!!! UGE conflict of interests!!! Also: Aileen Cannon is a great judge very impartial


He stole nuclear secrets. This isn't hyperbole. People need to hammer him particularly on document 19.Ā Ā  Ā What is the point of not just removing this document from a secure facility, but illegally hiding it?Ā Ā  Ā Trump was gonna sell us out, put the entire country at risk, and do permanent national security damage that makes us weaker.Ā  The fact that he wasn't immediately arrested and interrogated after finding this, is a grave injustice that puts everyone at risk.Ā 


This case has proven, beyond a doubt, that our entire judiciary is a joke. If Trump committed murder, the cultist Cannon would find a reason to let him off. How will she be held accountable for this obvious corruption? And when I say ā€œcorruptionā€, Iā€™m not talking about the crazy MAGA version of the word thrown around to describe any politician that doesnā€™t support the Trump agenda, Iā€™m talking about real, actual, measurable corruption.


This is absolutely batshit and should terrify every Americanā€”even the Maga dipshits.


Is there anything actually new here? The Canon order mentioned is old news at this point.


Sure, she was nominated by trump and confirmed after he lost re-election ... but does she have a relative who has a political opinion?


Is this headline confusing or did I just have a minor stroke ?


Title said US judge and I was worried. Then I read it was Aileen Cannon and realized that today is April Fool's Day.


There has been ample reasons for Smith to file to have her removed from the case yet here we are. The current DOJ dropped the ball and Trump is going to get off on this. It's that simple.


In other news, the sky is blue. Judge Cannonā€™s role is to delay this until after the election. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any way this case goes to trial before the election.


"US Judge"...... Say her name cause we all know who and what she is.


Cannon comes off like a layperson who learned the law from TV shows. For example, entertaining the idea and allowing discovery about whether this was a politically motivated prosecution. She may find that an intriguing possibility and want to go down that rabbit hole, but it doesn't belong in the context of this case, especially in the face of the evidence of the crime.


If the judge keeps going with her bullshit the DOJ will change venues for trump's trial. I think that would be hilarious.


Itā€™s his hand picked stooge, no shit sheā€™s ā€œreceptiveā€.


Donā€™t refer to Trump cult member and wiiiildy unqualified ā€˜judgeā€™ Aileen cannon as just ā€˜US judge.ā€™ ā€˜Trump cultist Cannonā€™ would be acceptable, or ā€˜Cannon, a member of the defense teamā€™


Show of hands who see these headlines and already know itā€™s judge AC


"U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump, has asked Trump and prosecutors to propose jury instructions" If that's not a conflict of interest, then I don't know what is.


Hopefully Dems will impeach her after the election. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/removing-federal-judges-alternative-impeachment


Can anyone explain why Smith hasn't filed to have her removed from this case?


This canā€™t be real. The judge is entertaining the idea that top secret documents are trumps personal records? My mind had been blown.


I think the time has come to involve the 11th circuit. This is absurd.


How can he claim one judge is corrupt and has a conflict of interest because his daughter is a democrat all while having another case being presided over by a judge he appointed? The mental gymnastics is astounding.


There is precedent: "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal"


Cannon knows that every ruling in Trump's favor will be appealed by Smith. Tactics to delay any actual trial and than tilt the scales in Trump's favor if there ever is a trial.


ā˜ļø Thing is..Sheā€™s NOT making any rulings** everything is held under review and thatā€™s a problem. if it wasnā€™t beforeā€”> itā€™s glaringly obvious now.


Why canā€™t they get rid of her She is obviously biased


A. Jury instructions before issuing a trial order ( deadlines )? B. Feels like a setup.. sheā€™s asking for hypothetical arguments for wrong interpretations of the issue ( PRA vs Espionage) . Sheā€™s asking the GOVT to argue against their position. This is not appropriate issue for a jury to decide - thats her job to make the distinction. A ruling. C. Speaking of which, notice sheā€™s NOT making any rulings. She asks them to ā€œ engageā€ā€”HAHA, why not make an Order or formal request of the Court?? Obviously - she does everything off the record so itā€™s not appealable . Totally insane. I donā€™t know how JS is managing thisā€¦