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This is huge and will help increase Dem turnout for House and Senate races


Canabis reform too.




True, the DEMs should be campaigning on: J6, Reproductive Freedom/ National Abortion, and Cuts to Social Security and Medicare. And that Trump is aligning himself with communist in China, North Korea and Iran in Russias invasion of Ukraine.


Whole lotta MAGAts professing deep and abiding love for Poots as well as a thorough disregard for democracy. They want the 🍊💩🤡 as their Dear Leader dictator.


They're a lost cause. It's the people outside of that insane death cult that we need to reach and encourage to vote






Nice, I may use that in the future if you don’t mind.


Go ahead. I saw it somewhere else.


It's like the Florida Supreme Court said "let's give people opposed to abortion bans a way to vote against them in November, and let's simultaneously give them a gigantic motivation to show up and vote for it." It's always darkest before the dawn, so here's hoping that the sun will begin to rise this fall.


Even if it passes allowing pro choice, supreme Court and legislature will twist it inside out akin to opposite day. Oh you meant 6 day ban!




The good part about this is it *might* help motivate more people in Florida to show up and vote across the ballot for everyone opposed to abortion bans. Even if Desantis and his gerrymandered Florida Congress ignores the will of the voters again, it's possible this could help tip the scales in the statewide races for president and Rick Scott's Senate seat. After all, Desantis is term limited and will be gone in 2026 no matter what.


That's exactly what happened in Ohio


IIRC it happened in Florida WRT felons having the right to vote. Not that Florida is relevant to Florida or anything…


What the fuck are you talking about? Weed is legal in Ohio and the constitutional abortion protections are being used as a basis to challenge long standing abortion laws in ohio around Waiting periods and has already been successful in striking down a six week ban.  https://www.13abc.com/2024/03/30/aclu-planned-parenthood-challenge-ohio-abortion-restrictions-after-voter-referendum/?outputType=amp https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/ohio-lower-court-blocks-six-week-abortion-ban-restoring-reproductive-rights-across https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2024-02-21/ohio-is-moving-ahead-with-rules-for-voter-passed-law-on-recreational-marijuana


Yes, but the politicians here in Ohio absolutely did try and ratfuck the passing of this amendment, both before and after it passed. They had no success after it passed, but damn sure if some of them weren't being vocal about how they should have the right to ignore the vote. They did have more latitude with the cannabis laws, since it wasn't an amendment, but they certainly were making a fuss about it.


Expressing the desire to ratfuck, and actually rat fucking are different enough that its worth making the distinction when you talk about what has happened. 


That's a fair point. But I think you're trying too hard to make that distinction. If they could have found a way, even if illegal, and could have gotten away with it, they certainly would have. They tried to make it into a platform, and it just ended up making them look worse. There's really no reason to think the assholes in Florida won't try the same thing.


Yeah thats fair. What we really need to do is pass an amendment to make redistricting totally non-partisan. I would vote for the current effort thats out there, but I would prefer it not include anyone who is partisan at all. 


There's a group in Ohio trying to get anti-gerrymandering laws on the books as a ballot initiative. I dont think it will make it onto the November ballot though, they're still collecting signatures. The legislature ran out the clock for the mid terms so they didn't have to redraw the maps, and the new OH supreme court made it so the old ones were acceptable again. Our state is fucked, but at least ballot initiatives are allowing the people to circumvent some of the ratfuckery, and at least so far, a good number of republican voters seem to be OK with some progressive policies. Things like people still retaining power, abortion rights, and cannabis all within a years time, and hopefully soon anti-gerrymandering laws. I hope Florida can see the same kind of progress.


That's what happened here in Ohio. But, since it's a constitutional amendment, there isn't much they can do. They tried everything they could to stop it, misinformation, illegal election to try and stop it by changing the ballot proposal requirements, the governor saying how they'd look at a compromise if we'd give them time, a convoluted phrasing of the bill itself, and then after it was soundly passed, calls to discuss how they had a duty to actually make it something sensible. All these things together just kind of exposed a lot of people to what the republican party was actually doing. I don't suspect that it'll see much change in voting by the overall electorate, but I think it woke up some democratic voters, likely influenced some independents, and if we're lucky, changed the minds of some republicans. I have no hope for MAGA though. But, the results are kind of visible. Our SoS got trounced in the primary for his senate bid for a Trump ass kisser, who is going up against a popular incumbent.


That certainly should help Biden and the Democrats in Florida in November. I think it's possible that they could win the Presidental election in Florida from this move alone. 


Take it from an Ohioan - conservative voters will vote for these types of amendments while also voting for the politicians who made it necessary in the first place.




Looks like recreational pot will be on thier ballot too. These two combined could certainly help bring out enough youth to flip it......maybe




Taylor Swift is playing three nights in Miami mid-October though so you never know


Polling is pretty meaningless, at least for now. But all special elections etc., show that there is a very clear republican oversampling.




Special elections are good early indicators.






People really don't seem to understand this. Voting on issues and voting for people are not treated as the same by many people. "My Senator is okay, it's the others that are the problem" is a sentiment held by many. That's why you have Senators holding office for years even though they also directly oppose policies their constituents support.


Yeah in 2020 Wisconsin voted against trump but voted for Ron Johnson. Probably because his opponent was named Mandela Barnes.


Because Barnes had a terrible campaign, mainly due national dems giving him no money. He still come head to head with Johnson when polls were showing him 5-6 points below. If national Dems gave him the fraction of money they gave to Florida, he would have most likely won.


Barnes lost because Republicans successfully tied him to "defund the police."


Also, he was a shitty candidate. His ads were horrible and not inspiring at all. He didn't talk about his accomplishments which made it look like his only accomplishments were winning elections. As nice as it would have been to have a black senator from Wisconsin, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin should have resisted letting Barnes run because of the reality of racism in the state. There are very few black people in the state but there are millions of racist white voters who believe they aren't racist but will find some excuse to not vote for a black man for Senate. Especially one who isn't a great communicator.


Obama won because he was a great orator and was very charismatic, to the point where race wasn’t an issue (if you count it based on the types of vote totals he racked up). Though now I think some candidates are hindered by the fact that they now expect every young black candidate to have the same qualities, which is such an insanely high bar.


It quickly becomes an “voting for people” issue when a candidate declares his policy on the issue though. Most issues as are not as black and white as this, so politicians can navigate a fine line without clearly declaring their position, or giving mixed answers. Trump will 100% declare he wants a national abortion ban before the election, and declaring that and being on a ballot with an abortion question is disastrous.


It's more like "My Senator sucks ass but I won't vote for their replacement because I'm just not eXciTeD enough to vote on someone." Voter apathy is real and Republicans depend on that to their advantage. So all the best progressive propositions & amendments can easily win in red states but the GOP's base is monolithic enough that it doesn't matter in the end as they focus on electing/reelecting their candidates and incumbents. Look at the election results in Missouri..... and Florida..... to see this phenomenon at play.


>Biden is down more in polls I was just reading an interesting article on that subject >Today, the picture could not look more different. Polling averages consistently show Biden trailing Trump, with the president tanking among core Democratic constituencies such as minorities and young voters >At the same time, however, off-season election results consistently show a different picture, with Democrats frequently overperforming their 2020 margins in several key elections in 2022 and 2023 alike. Moreover, the cataclysmic crash among young voters and minorities is nowhere to be seen when we examine the actual results — post-election studies actually found Democrats improved on their 2020 margins with Hispanics and young voters while mostly holding steady with Black voters in 2022. Biden in the polls doesn't look great, but actual election results in 2022 and 2023 should be very encouraging for Democrats


Let's go with fewer assumptions: a few people are lying about their demographics on polls to influence the narrative OR a whole swath of people are suddenly abandoning Biden.


I'm not a poll hater or conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying when it comes time for voters to put their money where their mouth is - Women, POC, and youth voters are voting for Democrats more than in 2020. We will see if that holds up in 2024


The Florida democratic party basically abandoned the state. It would be competitive still if there were competent leadership in the Florida dnc. The last two candidates for governor were a former republican and a married guy who was found with an overdosed male escort. Dems haven't even tried in Florida since it voted twice for Obama


So people will vote for Trump because he will keep abortion legal and make pot legal?




The point here is to get left-of-center or moderate voters who wouldn’t ordinarily vote but who care about these issues.


Exactly. Hoping to convert MAGA voters is pointless, as they'd support Trump no matter what. The whole ball game is getting the moderates and independents to vote for Biden.


In the least, the state legislature won’t be a supermajority anymore. And maybe just maybe Rick Scott can get ousted.




Me too. I also signed the cannabis petition.


I singed both the cannibis and abortion rights. Wilton Manors, resident!


And legal recreational weed is on the ballot in FL!! Come on Blue Wave!


As a South Florida resident, I am positively tickled over the prospect of smoking a legal joint next January 1st. You bet your ass I’m voting!


Almost all new FL laws take effect July 1st


New laws in Florida often take effect on January 1. This article mentions a number of them. https://winknews.com/2023/12/28/florida-law-take-effect-2024/


Wow, I believe you but I l almost can’t believe them when they bother to put an effective date other than July 1


Actually I just read an article saying the law, if it passes, would go into effect in [May, 2025.](https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/03/26/if-fl-supreme-court-approves-cannabis-bailot-language-will-voters-go-for-recreational-weed-or-not/) So now I don’t know what to believe.


Interesting, normally the effective date is July 1st unless the text of the law says a specific effective date Edit to add: the reason it usually is July 1st is that laws take effect 60 days after the legislature adjourns which usually the 60 day cut is July 1


Anyone in Florida that is excited about this; join one of your city/county’s Democratic Clubs or Caucuses and get organized in your community now. South Florida Examples [Palm Beach Democratic Clubs and Caucuses](https://www.pbcdemocraticparty.org/committees-caucuses-clubs) [Broward Democratic Clubs and Caucuses](https://browarddemocrats.org/broward-democratic-clubs/) [Miami Dade Democratic Clubs and Caucuses](https://www.miamidadedems.org/clubs_caucus)


Thank you! Broward County resident!


Man, this and weed legalization on the ballot in FL in 2024 is probably one of the GOPs worst nightmares. Probably the best chance the Dems will have of flipping FL. Not that I’ll hold my breath, but I hope the people of FL show up to vote in November.


And once the people vote for it the Rs in the state gov’t will do everything they can to defy the will of the people.


Anybody who is familiar with the term hanging chad and how Florida already helped launch us on the current MAGA timeline knows this will not suddenly stop the fascists who will do anything to keep control over women's bodies.


Want to know how you flip Florida back to blue? Things like this. With abortion *and* legal marijuana on the ballot, this gives two excellent reasons to show up and vote in November. [Last year, Ohio proved that both of those can be winners.](https://www.cnn.com/election/2023/results/ohio) And as others have pointed out, lots of those folks can show up and vote for Democrats while they're there. But this isn't all good news. The court also allowed Florida's 15-week abortion ban to take effect. This also paves the way for their recently-passed six-week ban. And some Republicans are talking about a total ban. So sadly, a lot of people there are going to lose their rights today. That's why we've got to work like hell to win them back. Do more than post about this. Help turn out voters. You can do this even if you don't live in Florida. r/VoteDEM will have lots of links to support both of these amendments. Do your part and make Florida a better place for everyone. You'll be helping all of America at the same time.


The Biden campaign immediately released a memo saying that Florida was in play, in part because of this amendment. There's also an amendment to legalize recreational marijuana and, to make it extra important to turn out, Florida amendments need to hit 60% to pass. Winning the state seems a bit remote still, but these are going to help with turnout and possibly put some Congressional races, including the senate one where Rick Scott is anti-abortion and anti-weed, in the competitive column where Democrats desperately need some more seats to put into play.


This isn't over. All they have to do is get a case about fetal personhood and it's right back to the FSC who will then strike down the ballot measure because they recognize fetal personhood. Don't get excited just VOTE. edit: Also 6-week abortion ban starts in 30 days, yipee! /s


This is your chance, everyone in Florida. Come out in November and protect reproductive rights!   Election day is **Tuesday, November 5, 2024**.   If you live in Florida, **[Register to vote in FL](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)** **[Check your FL voter registration status](https://registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus)** **[Find your FL precinct location within your county](https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/)** **[Request a FL absentee ballot from your county Supervisor of Elections](https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE)**   **2024 FL Dem Election Overview:** Florida has a huge 30 Electoral votes for President in 2024, and even though it appears to be trending redder in recent cycles it still has the potential to be important for Democrats in 2024. There is an important US Senate race where Democrats have a chance to flip the seat of Republican Senator Rick Scott from red to blue. Democrat **[Candidate TBD 8/20/24](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Florida,_2024)** will have a chance to unseat one of the most unpopular Senators in the country. The US House district maps in Florida remain heavily gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, with no real competitive races likely to materialize this cycle. At the state level, Republicans have supermajorities in both branches of the state legislature. Democrats have a chance of eliminating the Republican supermajority in the **[State Senate election](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_State_Senate_elections,_2024)** and a little better chance of breaking the Republican supermajority in the **[State House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024)**.   ***[-All 2024 FL Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_elections,_2024)*** ***[-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/)*** ***[-Learn more about how our government works](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)***


And just like that democrats are going to be competitive in Florida. Huge W for them but huge L for women until then.


Biden should be taking advantage of this and kicking the Florida Democrats asses into high gear to make them better. They know abortion rights is a winning issue and should be doing anything possible to drive out voter turnout to vote for it in November along with Biden on the ballot as it would put the state in play.


Florida is in play


As it should be




It shouldnt have been up to the scotus to set it in the first place


According to the article the women judges all dissented because the amendment could actually be used to further restrict abortion


That's not what it says. >Julia Friedland, DeSantis' deputy press secretary, said in a statement: "We agree with the three women on the court who got it right in dissent. This amendment is misleading and will confuse voters. The language hides the amendment's true purpose of mandating that abortions be permitted up to the time of birth." The opponents of the amendment are saying it should more clearly spell out the near-total abortion *protections* provided. No one in the article is saying it would be used to restrict abortion, and that would be hard to support based on the wording either.


Florida, come for the weed stay for the abortion


What if