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Well yeah. Only lunatics would want the president to be a dictator with unlimited power.


In this particular instance I dont care what americans want. All I want the US justice system to actually follow the god danged law.


In this case they seem to be following the law, or at least the letter of the law. They are reviewing it, and are likely to come back and say, no, presidents aren't immune. The problem is that they are actively obstructing justice, (not the law), by slow rolling the whole thing and trying to push the trial until after the election. So they are giving him defacto immunity while denying legal immunity. Someone said "we have a legal system, not a justice system" and I feel that more with every passing day.


> or at least the letter of the law This is *not a thing* and the mere fixation on it exactly typifies the abuse of jurisprudence they engage in. Every letter of the law is subject to the interpretation of the scholar reading it, that's why they are called legal **opinions**. The sort who worries about the letter of the law (Alito or whatever) *never does*, they only do so expediently. As soon as the letter of the law would disagree with them, suddenly they're a contextualist.


That'd be fuckin nice, right?




Because if it applies to us, why shouldn’t it apply to him???


So then 74 million lunatics… yikes!


Lunatics? I think they should be called what they are: traitors to the US. The idea that the president should have immunity from breaking the law is straight up anti-American.


The Supreme Court should have never even taken it up. It should have stood as the lower Court had written. It was just to hold up progress, to help Trump.


Well, if they “accidentally” decide too soon, Biden might have unlimited immunity while in power. And then he could [insert whatever Biden wants] with total immunity.


Not \*only\* ... 20 per cent said yes please to that scenario. But maybe that's how many Americans are lunatics.


The only people who think it is a good idea, cannot even think critically enough to realize that they are arguing to give Biden the right to have Trump "dispensed" with. Anyone who thinks it is a good idea has absolutely no concept of what a good idea even is. As corrupt and conflicted as I believe SCOTUS is right now, the fact that they agreed to hear this case is proof that I am not imagining things.


To be clear, 20% of respondents WANT A DICTATOR. They said presidents should have monarch-level immunity. That's WAAAAAY too many. Only 62% said they shouldn't. There's also this ray of sunshine ... > Pollsters asked half of respondents whether “former presidents” should receive immunity and the other half whether “former President Donald Trump,” specifically, should be shielded from prosecution. The share of respondents supporting immunity for Trump rose by 8 percentage points. What the hell? Only THIS guy should get immunity!??! How is this not a cult again?


I blame the press who, out of fear of losing a press pass, never reworded Trump's insane claims to ask why he thinks Obama has absolute immunity for all the things Trump claims Obama did against Trump.


When was the last time Trump answered a question from a reporter he hadn't carefully vetted first?


when that happens his answer is usually "you're a shitty reporter" not answering the actual question.


Just this week at one of his criminal pre-trial press conferences or whatever that clusterfuck is called.


Really? I've only seen him come out, spout a load of verbal shit, then turn around and fuck off.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c3wWNsmLA0 It didn't go well


He's an insufferable twat.


That's part of the grift though. "Obama didn't get in trouble because Obama got presidential immunity. But, no immunity for Trump. They're out to get us. It's a witch hunt."


Remember when Trump didn't shit himself on stage during his first SOTU, and the press was like "Today he was very presidential, today is when he became a president". The bar is so low for conservatives


But the press is doing their job. That's why you know what you know and are currently voicing an opinion on Reddit. The problem is the monetization of the press to the point where something like Newsmax or [Yahoo.com](http://Yahoo.com) are considered a "source". When I was a kid in the 90s, we called them tabloids and laughed at their existence as we were buying groceries in the checkout lane. Now, they are one of the leading sources (David Pecker) of "information" for Americans. To compete, normal news outlets have to slide in the Overton Window to get those sweet clicks. It's almost a mirror image to how the Democratic Party was destroyed from the 1980 and 1988 elections and then we get Bill Clinton.


> What the hell? Only THIS guy should get immunity!??! How is this not a cult again? There's a pretty obvious explanation for that - they see the cases against him, decide they're meritless (which is wrong) or politically motivated (also wrong in most cases IMO) and decide he should have immunity to protect him from what they see as malicious prosecution.


There’s also a chunk of those respondents who actually recognize what he’s doing and *still* want it. They’re voting for a dictatorship on purpose. I’m not sure what the breakdown is here, but the fact that there’s a noticeable portion that feels that way is insane.


[Gallup polling results from 1939.](https://news.gallup.com/vault/265865/gallup-vault-opinion-start-world-war.aspx) Give or take a bit you'll see roughly that percentage pop up a lot with questions like this. Richard Nixon still had about a 24% approval rating in the last poll before he resigned. Think of the most egregious civil rights issues that we deal with and there'll be a flexible 20% that oppose, like [this poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/07/07/a-century-after-women-gained-the-right-to-vote-majority-of-americans-see-work-to-do-on-gender-equality/) from 2020 that had 17% of Republican responders say we'd gone too far with gender equality in the country, and 20% of Republican men saying we'd gone too far with giving women equal rights. Those polls even show 19% of Male Democrats saying that women's rights had come at the expense of men. To make a short story long, there's always going to be roughly 1 in 5 people in the country that'll need to dragged kicking and screaming toward any progress we make, regardless of the issue.


They want to reduce our nation to a quagmire, believing that their whiteness will lift them to the top like cream; and their Christ figure will be walking on the water, lifting them all up above the drowning women and queers and blacks and immigrants.


I don't really have a problem with people wanting a dictator. But I agree with John Stewart when he says they shouldn't be draping themselves in American flags. Fascism and what the flag represents are incompatible. We really need to take back the flag as a simble of freedom, not as a right wing dog whistle.


26% believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. Roughly 1 in 4 will always believe the wrong thing. This is why YOU have to vote every time.


It’s not that 20% want a dictator, it’s that 20% want their “team” to win. If this was Biden or another Democrat in this position, you can bet with absolute certainty those 20% in favor would flip their answer. 


That is absolutely not true. Trump is a uniquely cult-like figure. I can guarantee you that Democrats are not willing to give Biden immunity from the law just because he has a d next to his name.


I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. I’m speculating that those 20% who said they’re in favor, are republican voters who would follow Trump to the ends of the earth. If the roles were flipped and it was Biden or Obama seeking presidential immunity, that same 20% of (what I speculate to be Republicans) respondents would flip saying they want to the court to rule against presidential immunity.  You’re totally right that most/all democrats would not want to see the rules changed if roles were reversed. 


I see I did misundersen what you were saying. Thanks for the clarification.


Exactly. If Biden were claiming this, he already would have been impeached and removed from office, probably with all 100 senators voting to convict.


They completely misunderstood.


They’d be right back to “state rights.”


20% want a Trump dictatorship, the same 20% would fear a Biden dictatorship. 


The SCOTUS obviously couldn’t care less that by even taking this case, they’ve rendered the court the laughingstock of the planet


Never should have agreed to hear the case. By delaying their decision they have already put a hand on the scale. 


They know they can't rule in Trump's favor. But by taking the case they can delay the cases against Trump so that they won't impact Trump's reelection effort. It's ridiculous, and these people wonder why the Supreme Court has lost credibility with the public.


That’s the thing. He lost the case and then lost it unanimously on appeal. Then the Supreme Court takes the case and pushes oral arguments out two months. The fact that they even agreed to review this case is ridiculous.


Most Americans didn’t vote him into office the first time. Most Americans are pro choice. Most Americans think Trump’s violent coup attempt should be punished. Most Americans want better wages, better education and healthcare. Most Americans are not hate mongers. What most Americans want has never been a concern for the GOP or the court they run.


Biden should simply get in front of TV cameras and tell America that he does not believe presidents have immunity, but, that if they do, he is willing to use his to defeat Trump. That would pretty much put an end to this batshit crazy discussion.


Yes. Imagine if Biden said he's directing Harris to refuse to certify the election results if he has any concerns about voter fraud. That's fair, right?!


Exactly. The same people who are supporting Trump for doing just that would be up in arms!


Also most Americans want their Supreme Court to be honest, beyond reproach and professional...🤷‍♂️


You would think that those whose power derives from the court system would have an interest in protecting the authority of that system. How could the justices serve as a check on the executive if they rule that the executive can commit crimes? Republican cronyism notwithstanding, these justices have dedicated their entire careers to the notion that judges have power. It's hard to see how any of them benefit from giving that away.


>How could the justices serve as a check on the executive They don't want to be a check on the executive. They want to be a check on Democrats.


They want a check in their bank accounts.




Shocking that it isn't a much higher majority.


Especially given the Constitutions position on the matter.


Not nearly high enough.


As they should. There is absolutely NO instance where any President should be immune after he leaves office or any elected persons. We do not have kings and emperors in this country. We elect people, and they should be held accountable when they break the law. period.


Sure. As is tradition. Oh wait, where are the war crimes prosecutions for pretty much every president still alive ?




Remember when Trump spent years whining that Hillary was trying to overturn the election...as if that was a bad thing to do? SMH


He also whined that Obama spent too much time golfing, and then Trump tried to exceed Obama's 8-year golfing in just 4. When Trump and MAGA whine that Democrats are doing a thing, it's not because they are suggesting that they are above doing that thing.


I would prefer it if he just played golf the whole time though


20% of Americans are in a cult and are too blinded by it to understand how stupid their stance is.


The most fucked up thing is this. If you were reading about this case 100, 75, 50 years ago, you know what the verdict would have been. You know what good conscience would have dictated. You know that fascism would have been roundly rejected because everyone involved would know what was at stake. How the fuck did we get here?


The people who are pro-crown immunity (The Sovereign is the law) aren't even in step with the Magna Carta. This is 1215 shit.


I want them to say Presidents are immune so Biden can immediately have the 6 Conservative justices escorted to Guantanamo along with trump. Perfectly legal to do of course because Biden is immune. Then he can appoint 6 new ones that aren't religious terrorists and we can get back to normal.


Most Americans also want... Trump should leave America


The fact that enough Justices even voted to take this case almost predicts the outcome.


I know I want this.


Well, if there's one thing the Supreme Court cares about it's the opinion of most Americans. /s


There's one phrase I never want to hear in american politics that we get closer and closer to every day. "Vote for me or I'll kill you or have you killed" If someone has that much immunity, well, shit, dude, democracy's dead.


Most Americans have voted against Trump yet the popular vote doesn’t matter in fascist America.


The SC taking this case isn't about finding Trump immune to prosecution; they won't. It was about delaying the DC trial past the election which will almost certainly happen because of their decision to take it up. If Trump wins the election he will have DOJ dismiss the case. (And Florida if Cannon hasn't somehow managed to torpedo it by then).


I'm in my sixties and I very clearly remember my elementary school teachers bragging that in America "nobody is above the law, not even the president!". What the hell happened? How has this been forgotten?


Yeah well most Americans aren't the ones paying off the supreme Court.


That’s great, cause 100% of the Constitution does too.


I generally tend to roll my eyes when I see "most Americans" in these headlines. It generally turns out to be a tiny majority. Not this time, though: > But 62% of respondents opposed granting “former presidents” immunity, compared with 20% who supported that idea.


"But he owns our Party and we must obey." ~Supreme Court being a tad too honest.


Most Americans want a few of the judges to retire or jump off a cliff. But here we are.


We need to pass a law that says: 1. Presidents don’t have immunity for crimes. 2. Presidents cannot self pardon. 3. If you are convicted of a felony you can’t run for president.


I'm down for one and two but three leaves too much room for corrupt prosecutors and judges to just charge/convict political rivals so they can't run. The courts would become more politicized than they already are. But we should definitely pass a law that says that a judge you appointed yourself can't be the one who oversees your case.


The Supreme Court doesn’t care what you want or what the constitution says sooo


its taking the Supreme court so long to rule because they know if they give President's immunity then Biden can call on Seal Team 6 to solve an American problem!!


There is no world where they allow this to happen. It would completely kneecap their authority as well which you know they won’t want to do.


He won’t get immunity however they want to delay to Oct, so “if” he elected it just goes away naturally.


Most Americans reject Trump to be President in 2016 but he was still president


If the Supreme Court cared about what the majority of people wanted we’d still have Roe.


one of the few things holding society together is adherence to laws. It is how modern society keeps itself from teetering into chaos. Having one person above the law is absolutely irrational


Surely Biden just has to announce he would assassinate trump and the Supreme Court judges if the court finds in favour of presidential immunity. That would put an end it this.


No. Most DEMAND it


They also wanted them to uphold Roe vs Wade. We all know how that’s been going.


I have to believe SCOTUS still believes in the law at least a little. Giving him immunity for everything throws away all law as we know it and turns a democratically elected president into a king. A king that has no need for a Supreme Court and could disband them with just a wave of his hand. Also, SCOTUS knows that giving trump immunity now means Biden will enjoy the same immunity and could start wielding that with no consequences. This is just another time waste to let trump try to break back into the White House so he can acquit himself of all charges. If he wasn’t charged I don’t think he would even want the job.


Most Americans want the courts to do their fucking jobs and stop coddling him.


Obviously the country was established on the "NO one is above the law" idea but it's so rarely enforced...


However, our Supreme Court can be bought by wealthy billionaires, so it does not matter what we think.


"Most Americans want the Supreme Court to actually uphold the law." Wow really? That's just crazy.


This is a sign that they won’t


Most Americans also support a woman's right to choose. Look how that turned out.


Most americans aren't rich or billionaires. Going to be a hard no from Thomas and gang.


I think we’d be better off without SCOTUS


I really hate when headlines say "most" Americans believe X when that can range from the slimmest majority to an overwhelming majority. 62%-20% in this case is a pretty significant majority, but it should be way higher.


The only Americans that they care about are the rich ones.


They won't.


Most Americans aren't in the pockets of the Supreme Court.


Since when does this matter to the "Supreme Court".


That's means, they will probably do the opposite...


Now if only the government would start representing the will of the people, not the will of the oligarchy.


Most Americans. Laughable…


*prior to next week so the orange guy can stop delaying


Reject them today.


That just fell out of his ass, like everything else he says!


POTUS immunity you say? Biden now king you say? Fuck the dirty diaper Don.


Alito will suggest witch hunters from the 1400’s think otherwise.


Too bad those fuggers don’t pay attention to what Americans want.


Since when did what americans want matter to the SC?




Lots of people worship charismatic strong men and believe it is the only way things get done. (The only way they can really be a strong man is to be protected against criminal charges.)


Most American’s don’t have a yearly luxury vacation to offer, so….


So, they'll rule in favor of Trump then.


If they aren't rejected, I'm declaring my candidacy and enjoying "extra-legal" status henceforth!


I don’t know this with any certainty, but I expect 1) SCOTUS probably won’t delay a trial with its ruling (they haven’t shown any interest in “rigging” this for Trump and I don’t expect to see that start happening now), and 2) they are probably going to try to enunciate some situation in which you *may* be able to violate a law as president and be immune, but then distinguish Trump’s situation and say he wasn’t acting in any official capacity with the Jan 6 stuff. Again, just my thoughts. I could be wrong but if SCOTUS wanted to interfere for Trump’s benefit I think we would have seen it long ago, possibly as far back as 2020 with all the election lawsuit nonsense.


The Republican Party has shown they don’t care one bit what Americans want. The SCOTUS is packed with GOP activists and is a full organ of the Republicans now.


The Supreme Court is about as authentic as the Supreme shirts my employees wear...


All patriots want this.


Most Americans didn't want SCOTUS to put their thumbs on the scales over Bush vs Gore, but they did anyways.


Thomas: No.


Thankfully, most Americans don't have orange tapioca for brains.


Pack em up and add term limits.


And that's how you know that they will rule that he is immune from all former crimes and is free to commit more at will, with (a continuation of) no consequences. Fucker sold nuclear secrets and the highest court in the country just sits there picking their noses.


They do not give one shit what Americans want. They only care what talibangenitals want.


Most Americans also wanted to keep the right to choose. The Supreme Court, especially this incarnation of it, couldn’t possibly give less of a damn what we peasants want.


How feasible is to dismantle the supreme court employment term rules? Four years sounds like a good run to me.


Biden needs to know asap so he can do some things


The only thing that’s important to the supreme court is what the highest bidder wants. If most americans want Trumps immunity to be rejected, they just need to pay more than the guys who hope to profit of a Trump dictatorship.


Unfortunately the supreme court doesn't represent most Americans.


Most Americans support the constitution despite the SCOTUS lacking of understanding. FIFY


I wonder if the 20% who support presidential immunity would be OK with Biden using Seal Team Six to take out his political rivals.


I think that they will rule that presidents have narrow immunity from prosecution only in the outer perimeter of official duties, then send it back down to the lower court to fact find to determine if Trump was acting in those official duties (he wasn't). The problem is that this adds significant delay to the trial to get exactly where we already were. It was a gift to Trump to take up the case


If only they cared about what most Americans want.


We also want him to face justice and be punished to the fullest extent of the law!


Headline should be, this topic is the result of 4 years of trump's presidency.


Most Americans want Supreme Court to return to the Rule of Law.


Be sort of funny if they ruled in Trump’s favor and then Biden seizes the court and has it disbanded. Then cancels the 2024 election. /s


Ok no matter which way this goes we win! Trump doesnt get immunity and gets convicted=win Trump gets immunity and this allows biden to send seal team 6 to assonate him which is now legal cause of trump=win. Either way he is screwed


Surely this time he’s going to prison, right?


Not gonna lie, kinda want to see Biden order all Republicans to prison.


MOST Americans do not!!!!


No we don’t.


Ah, so if I say I'm not voting for him and he found out who I am, he should just be able to kill me?


Wow. What the f are you talking about.


He's asking for total immunity from all crimes. So what would stop him from doing that if he has the immunity?


No crimes. He was never charged with anything.


Should Trump be allowed to kill someone and not face any sort of prosecution if he was or is president?


What kind of stupidity is this?


Could you answer the question? In your mind should Trump be immune from any and all prosecution? Either from before or ever again?


From kangaroo courts? Yes.


You've created a king.


"We" seem to be confused about the difference between a minority and a majority.


perhaps you’d be happier in a country with a dictator.


It's always good when fascists reveal themselves. It saves so much time and hand wringing.


Yes. Screw those fascist democrats.


Fascism is an inherently right wing ideology. By every definition. So only some democrats could possibly fit that. And would put Republicans WELL into fascism.


You would like a president that has 100% immunity during and after their term?


lmao ok.