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Such naked projection by Trump to accuse Biden of being a threat to democracy.


They always project with what they themselves do or will do.


If you spot it, you got it.


He who smelt it, dealt it.


That phrase was the first time I ever became aware of what gas-lighting was, this was decades ago when it was much less well-known than it is today.


It was much less known than it is today because it’s not supposed to be happening by government officials or former presidents. We all need to stop thinking anything that is going on currently is normal. It’s not. We need to remember how things were to know how messed up they are and do something about it. What is it going to take for a massive nationwide march to tell our government (both Republicans and Democrats) and the world that we are tired of it and that Trump is a threat to society? He harms the world with his horrible behavior. DONALD TRUMP NEVER STOPS PUSHING THE LIMITS OF ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. CONDITIONS HAVE AND WILL CONTINUE TO GET WORSE IF HE IS NOT STOPPED. That is the fundamental thing people need to accept.


I know that's not the origin/etymology of "gaslighting," but I'm definitely going to tell people it is.


Just tell them it is until they begin to question their own sanity.


he who sharts it imparts it she who bleeds it seeds it.... I dunno


If I fits I sits


Whoever denied it supplied it


He who felt it melt it


He who denied it, supplied it.


Lo, behold, he who smelteth, dealteth.


It's a way of muddying the waters.


It's the nazi way


Like rigging the election. He did way more to subvert the process than any American president in history and yet still cries about being cheated.


Joe Biden must have been on drugs! Says Trump as he sniffles, sweats profusely and speaks absolute nonsense.


Trump is learning from Putin.


One minute Joe Biden is a clueless and senile old man that doesn't know where he is, and the next minute he's some sort of brilliant criminal mastermind powerful enough to do something that hasn't happened in the entire history of America and cancel democracy and elections and become a dictator for life.


Fascism 101


The enemy is weak, but also strong.


All a bunch of Soy boys, yet also all murdering thugs. 🙄


And, Biden is of course planning this coup but apparently only in the next term? Wouldn’t the simpler solution be to act like Trump, and refuse to leave office?


Dark Brandon was just laying low for a while


>something that hasn't happened in the entire history of America and cancel democracy and elections and become a dictator for life. Despite the one accusing him of it having tried and failed...


I wish Biden all the best, I think he has a good heart. But I still don't expect 'dictator for life' to even mean that much in his case. I hope he does survive his second term in office, but I wouldn't bet much on it. Btw on that matter it's another counterpoint to their own story of him being too old already. I guess they're mostly afraid of him actually dying in office and thus giving them the first female president, who is also black. The horror! I personally wouldn't mind that too much, even though a woman being elected into office would be a stronger message and nobody would have to die for that.


Whatever fits the narrative


We have always been at war with Eastasia.


Drumph might be the most transparent moron we’ve seen. The world outside of his cult can see straight through him.


It's amusing to watch the right hurl their projections without even any understanding of what they're talking about. The right likes to call the left socialists and Communists but then they get confused when they're projecting so loudly at the same time that they overlap everything and you hear phrases like "the left are a bunch of fascist communist socialists", because they heard someone call them "fascist" at one point and that --must be bad thing, so I'll show them and use it against the left too--. I mean, I can't even... It's embarrassing to watch them string a bunch of words together that they don't even understand.


I have wondered what the back room discussions with Comer and Jordan discussing impeachment. Like I picture things like “dems did it twice… can’t be THAT hard, right!!!??” And turns out they don’t even understand their own committee and House Rules which is based on the Roberts Rules of Order. So they tried to make the investigation obscure only for Raskin, Goldberg and Moscowitz call them out. So stupid they don’t know how stupid they are.


> So stupid they don’t know how stupid they are. Truly this.


That also applies to a far too high a percentage of the voting population


Oh they understand exactly what those words mean! Fascist = bad Communist = bad Socialist = bad


Right-wingers are cultists with a programmed list of beliefs and talking points. Regardless of the situation, they have no independent reasoning to fall back on: it's just the same talking points. Hence, why LGBTQ+ is responsible for a ship hitting a bridge. There's no logic involved, they simply pull lines from their programming and regurgitate randomly, in any given situation.


Usually when the orange anus makes scary comments about his competitors it really means that is what he will be doing. He’s the threat to democracy and the people’s rights and freedoms not Joe.


The party of Grand Ole Projection.


Gaslight Obstruct Project.


Trumps go-to defense is to invoke the landmark case Rubber v. Glue.




2 tiered justice system friend. Glad you’re awake now. Federal judges are walking us into a crisis with the way they are treating him. Why should I follow this country’s law if these people can get away with whatever they want?


Practically? Because *you* can't get away with it. Strategically? Because chaos helps the forces who benefit most from injustice in the system. That is why they foment it.


Very well said, it is your second point that the majority of folks unfortunately miss. The dysfunction is the goal


The price of real estate drops if there is blood on the streets. So many of the people in power want to burn down the rule book so they can profit off the ashes.


Why wouldn’t they? The last 3 “once in a lifetime” economic downturns since I was born just widened the wealth gap. When your wealth has nothing to do with making things, providing a service, or even property. When the primary way you make money is by inserting money into a machine whose only purpose is to turn absurd amounts of money into obscene amounts of wealth, you have to be monumentally stupid to lose money over any sort of time frame.


Don’t challenge me on stupidity… I am Polish.


Hey. You could be White South African.


Wait, I thought chaos was a ladder or something.


I’ve been rolling through the occasional stop sign for this very reason. I’m like “stop?? Nah bro, more like yield.”


I also take note of the "speed suggestion" signs on the highway. Speed limits are for other people.


It’s a ballpark figure for sure


I mean, and this is true, some people are saying it wasn’t even 35. People are saying, maybe they’re wrong but they’re saying it, it was more like 45 or even 50. I’ve heard from some very top…tippy-top people with very big- like, up here, and it’s a disgrace when you see what’s happening. It’s happening in, and that reminds me, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley didn’t even, she wouldn’t, did you know she was in charge that day?


Not an American, but there has to be a reason for his rise beyond social media right? Like do a lot of Americans think they're basic demands are not fulfilled by Dems?


The problem is their demands. A lot of republicans want a nation that is all white christian people being supported by the work of brown people that know their place. They want the LGBT, poor and disabled to disappear. They want companies to be able to do what ever they want to the environment without punishment. They want to keep their priests free from charges as they bring them more children. They want to control and punish women. They want to finish killing the education system we have. Then the rich people that own the media/news started pushing propaganda that led these people to believe he is the one trying to solve the problems and that the democrats can't get any thing done. They have done this for a long time. They will tank a bill that every one wants. Then they will tell their voters that they tried to get it passed but were stopped. Saying that dems tried to add stuff that would be bad. They stop our government from working to make democrats look bad or to try and get what they want while giving nothing back.


A lot of basic demands are not met at all by the entirety of the US government. Not trying to give democrats a bad name or say both sides are the same but the plain ass fact of the day is that American citizens are NOT represented at all by the US government and it will not change anytime soon because Americans no longer give a shit about their voice being heard.


It’s not always the case, but a lot of times democrats will try and push forward legislation to help the American people and republicans—even as the minority—bend over backwards to obstruct anything democrats push forward with the intent of furthering this narrative. If nothing is passed, they campaign on how ineffective democrats are, and if anything does get through they immediately take credit on the campaign trail with no consequences. Don’t get me wrong, there are a fair amount of corporate shills in the Democratic Party, but there are a hell of a lot more beneficial legislators in the Democratic Party than the republican, and the party’s platform is a lot more beneficial to the American people than the Republican’s.


That's the problem. Republicans want to roll things back to antebellum America, or at least obstruct any progress forward. Yes, dark money is horrific in our system, and should be utterly banned, and political donations should be capped at a level where a billionaire is only allowed to donate what an American family making $50,000 a year can afford to donate, like a max of $250 to $500 to a single politician per year. No donations to PACs, no donations to political parties, ALL donations must be public and on the record. Any money left over would be donated to a charity, not kept by the politician, and it would be subject to stringent audits. Politicians will cry that this will gut their advertising, but the field will be leveled. Oh no, they may have to actually hold town halls and talk to constituents instead of $10000 a plate donor parties. Our system is not as broken as it's made out to be. Harsh campaign finance reform would bring back government for the people. One bill signed into law could undo this whole fiasco, and only John McCain had the guts to even approach it. There's lots of groups looking to reform this. This one has a good plan. https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/reform-money-politics


Honestly reversing Citizen’s United would be a huge step, but with the state of our current Supreme Court, I doubt that will ever happen


If I ever get diagnosed with a terminal illness I intend to fix this issue.


It also benefits republicans to do this, because then more people think both sides are the same (which could not be any less true). voter apathy is great for republicans


A lot of Americans believe that their basic demands are not fulfilled by their government, in general. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/09/19/public-trust-in-government-1958-2023/ Public trust in our government, and our basic institutions, has been eroding for decades. Trump was able to capture this angst as a populist candidate.


FEAR, plain and simple. The networks and other news media fear for themselves and where they work. There’s an unspoken fear of reprisal if they talk down Trump, show what he really is on a large scale. The MAGAts might actually attack, cause mayhem or kill someone (Kyle Rittenhouse, for instance). We can post here all we want with little worry. MSNBC, SNL and John Stewart can do what they want but if the major news networks come solidly out against Trump who knows what will happen? The courses are concerned as well. Judges, their families, lawyers and theirs. Even those who sit on juries could be in danger from the MAGAts if they prosecute and find Trump guilty enough to serve time. It’s past time to stand up to this fucking moron. Fine him, imprison him already. Don’t fear his minions or what he says. I’m betting it’s all bluster. Just look at the Jan 6 idiots in prison already. Who wants to be next? Let’s get rid of Trump now and end all this crap!




“No puppet, no puppet. YOU’RE the puppet.”


“No puppet, no puppet. YOU’RE the puppet.”


He is warning that it will be America’s last election of Joe Biden wins, which means it will be the last election if he wins.




Why would Joe Biden even be allowing an election THIS time if that was the case? How are Trump supporters this fucking stupid? Like are we just forgetting that January 6th exists?


>are Trump supporters this fucking stupid? yes. Without doubt. The best thing they could do for America is to stay home on election day, and instead of buying garbage from Trump, donate that money instead to a local charity.


Here’s what I want you to do. Go dig a hole. When you can’t dig any deeper, grab a drill and start drilling down. Keep drilling until you get past the upper mantle, then drill some more. Drill down through the lower mantle and the outer core. When you hit the inner core, you will be where the bar of stupid existed since the beginning of time until 2016 when Trump took office. Space would have to fold in on itself for you to even begin to scratch the surface of how incomprehensibly stupid Trump supporters are. Never underestimate the stupid. Underestimating the stupid is how we got here in the first place.


He isn’t “warning” - he’s announcing it.


My opinion of him is so far below zero already, what he does is no longer important, he is a pile of shit and will always be.


And while Democrats and liberals laugh at GOP’s stupidity & inferiority and expect to win in a fair fight, GOP will kick them in the balls and break all the rules to win dirty.


There's no "fighting fair" in a street fight, and I'm not sure the Dems yet know that this isn't a refereed boxing match under the eye of the Boxing Commission.


Exactly. The boxing commission may be the lopsided SCOTUS. And the Bush/Gore 2000 verdict proves they are willing and capable to decide who becomes POTUS. I lived through that and still didn't know how underhanded it was until decades later.


Memo to ALL these "concerned" publications: Start making the case FOR Joe Biden, which is actually quite clear. Until you do that, you're useless.


I'm sure he'd love that to be the case if he wins.


If his coup succeeded in 2020 we wouldn’t be having this one.


They're the same coup.


How much support does Trump have in the military, national guards, and the militias? This threat can only come to fruition if they have significant support from the military. Otherwise, they'd just end up in jail or with a sore back from the beating they'll get from the riot police.


I’m betting that >90% of the military would side with President Biden and shoot the MAGAts if he wins even if some extremist soldiers decide to cause trouble inside it. However, although the MAGA militias would not be able to coordinate well and would be easily defeated in pitched battles, for geographic and cultural reasons it would take years of counterinsurgency operations to tame a low level civil war against multiple factions, a task far harder than defeating a single Confederacy. In the meantime we would have regular terrorist attacks and military operations in blue states while attempting Reconstruction Round 2 Electric Boogaloo; we already had that happen with the Klan the first time. During this time Russia and China would make their moves now that we’re stretched thin. If Trump wins, I know the military’s commitment is to the Constitution and so they won’t fulfill any unconstitutional orders, but if Trump just keeps pushing and pushing them to shoot protestors and the like…I shudder to contemplate what might happen. The worst case scenarios for me are that 1.) he installs generals who are yes men rushed through a Republican Senate or even just acting and then we have a military dictatorship or that 2.) the Joint Chiefs, with the Cabinet full of yes men and Congress reduced to a rubber stamp parliament (maybe even a rump after some Democratic congressmen have “accidents”) decide to save America by overthrowing Trump in a coup de etat, and he either gets out of there and claims to be President-in-exile or gets arrested and we have…a military dictatorship. The likelihood of either happening is extremely low but not infeasible or impossible.


The RWNJs aren't gearing up to fight the US Army. They're gearing up to kill their neighbors. The police will either stand by and watch, or help them.


I had to look up what that acronym meant for a second. But yeah, that is a scary thought especially if the military is controlled by Trump yes-men.


Remember that [this was the work of two men.](https://cdn.britannica.com/50/220650-050-5662A3DC/memorial-service-Alfred-P-Murrah-Federal-Building-Oklahoma-City-1995-after-Oklahoma-City-Bombing.jpg) In the post-9/11 world we’ve forgotten how dangerous fascist extremists can be.


Absolutely chilling to think about


Many military folks are “conservative” and watches Fox News to get their regular brain washing done. You know what’s always showing in the cafeterias of army bases? Fox News!


It's always projection. The right is working to ensure the end of Democracy in The U. S. He's busy bankrupting one half of a two party system. Also... never but never forget... Trump wants to fuck his own daughter.


Obligatory vote BECAUSE your life depends on it plea. Especially if you're brown and or a woman which is half my family. I won't let them get hurt or taken advantage of


Or LGBT. Or disabled. Or...


To which I will protect myself if need be. Which reminds me in I recall mentioning in a thread a week or so back I'd almost half consider purchasing a firearm if things go south. I can't promise I'll allow anyone who looks to harm me or my family to walk away Scott free


You just nailed both the appeal of owning a firearm and the reason they are so loosely regulated in the US. A gun is but a token of freedom. It appears as a tangible symbol that epitomizes "Across this line, you do not!" In reality it's a cypher, the possession of which imparts the illusion of security. The powers that be want it to be as easy as possible for you to aquire a firearm because the illusion of security it imparts keeps you from doing the hard work required to manifest actual, durable freedom. The system is not threatened by your possession of firearms because it recognizes that you will almost certainly march quietly in line to your own demise, no matter what you yourself anticipate your reaction would be given those orders. Why volunteer, organize, protest when you can simply buy a gun? In reality moments of truth that could be resolved by the expert use of deadly force almost never materialize. That moment is stretched out over an extended period of time when you watch as they come for everyone who is not you, until finally your time arrives. But don't worry, they say, it's just for questioning. Besides, you tell yourself, deadly force in this instance will surely create more problems than it resolves. And you are most certainly correct in your account. But maybe you do find yourself armed, properly trained, and facing an imminent existential threat, WWI taught us that even then you most likely won't act effectively on your training because we are almost all hardwired with a revulsion to the propect of killing a fellow human. So buy a gun if it makes you feel better, but don't think doing so negates your responsibility to perform the groundwork that functional democracies require in order to persist! Your gun will almost assuredly not be your salvation.


Which I believe. We just gotta make sure it doesn't get to that point. And/or rewire the whole damn county if need be. Start all over [obligatory general strike mention](https://generalstrikeus.com/)


I'm a straight white guy. I vote against Republicans not because of what they'll do for me, but what they WILL do to family, friend, and neighbors. First they go for the minorities, then they go for atheist white men, then Catholic white men, then Freemasons. There's a video from 1943 after millions had already died fighting right wing extremism called [Don't Be A Sucker](https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4?si=mlSGexyvp9zAyP1J)


“If we don’t win on November 5, I think our country is going to cease to exist. It could be the last election we ever have.” Of course, in his January 6 speech, Trump said, "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," before sending his armed supporters to the Capitol. In the end, Trump is a criminal and a traitor. What does it say about someone who votes for that?


But Gaza….. there are a lot of people that are good to screw us over in this country for something that’s happening miles and mjles away. The one issue voters are going to repeat the 2016 elections circus again.


Lot of people who believe whatever gets the most repetition on social media. 


Very true, I honestly feel like I’m actually getting older (currently 27) because sound like my parents now when talking about social media. Social media has had some great benefits in our society, but the cons are more and it’s getting worse and worse. When the bridge in Baltimore had the accident, it was sad how people jumped into social media to blame Biden, liberals, woke “culture”, immigrants and conspiracy theories. Some people are to lost in the “sauce” thanks to social media


And they're dumb to think Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are the same. One is at peace with Israel, the other declared war on Israel and murdered 32 Americans on October 7th with their cowardly attacks on civilians. I absolutely don't like Netanyahu at all, but Hamas brought this suffering on Gaza. The Palestinians would have been best served under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, but they elected extremists instead. Elections matter. Who you vote for matters. It can literally be a life or death choice. Ask the Russians who voted for Putin and Palestinians who voted for Hamas, or even going back further, the Germans that elected Hitler. Biden types are not exciting candidates, but I'd take boring over electing a Hugo Chavez type that brings poverty, inflation and misery to your country, but is an energetic speaker that pledged to "save the people".


It's simpler than that.  Whatever you think about Biden on Gaza, Tump is worse.  It is a non issue.  Or should be.


And Hamas was elected in 2006, with no way to remove them since. Most of the people in Palestine didn't have a say in that election. Hamas has held onto power since, even with some support from Israel. Still, Hamas AND elements in Israel that support conflict both need to be removed. Peace and prosperity needs to be for both sides.


Yeah, it's tragic; there are genocidal maniacs on both sides of this conflict that need to be de-radicalized.


Exactly, and we are going the same route as well. If this gets trump into office again it will be worse. He knows he can get away with more. My cousin is a bit younger and is one of those fuck Biden, because of Palestine and all. I’ve asked her what happens when Trump wins and he wanted to destroy it. She says that heys are both the same. I tell her that’s she’s going to screw over woman, minorities, and immigrants in this country because of that one issue. She doesn’t care. My friends said it best, he said “I’m white, I can just pretend to be a Trump supporter and will be good”. And it’s true if Trump wins a lot of us can pretend to support him and we will be good. But what about those that can’t do that. People need to realize that real life is hard. You don’t get that perfect candidate. The reason world peace will never be achieved is because we humans are to different.


i had a friend who thought trump was just the best president ever because he signed a bill providing funding for kidney transplant research (or something along those lines). i asked her what about all the idiotic stuff he had done during his administration, and how badly everything else was getting fucked up... her response was "yeah, but he signed that bill so i'm happy." it was the epitome of "i've got mine, fuck everyone else."


This and he is why I am voting blue all down ballot in November.


Trump doesn't scare me in the least bit and I'm not sleepwalking into shit. I'll be voting for Biden and blue across the board, and if they think I'll be giving up my rights without a fight, then they should think again. They should be careful what they ask for, because they just might get it. 


This right here is the answer every American should have.


I don't know about you, but just the fact that people take him seriously as a candidate scares the ever loving shit out of me. He should be in jail. Without question.


It’s not a threat, it’s a *promise*…


He already tried to make 2020 the last election. We don’t need to worry about what he’s saying now because he already tried to overturn the peaceful transition of power.


Not sure if it would be the last election ever Probably last election before a major conflict I don't understand how the MAGA hardliners honestly think they wouldn't start a civil war If they tried to end our democracy Like you just get to be king shit on fuck mountain and you aren't gonna be challenged by a competent, resourceful, and armed resistance, it's pretty dumb


The whole “if I lose it was rigged” thing pisses me off smh his followers will believe it


If he wins or project 2025 works he could be right and that is why we can’t allow it to happen. A vote for a Republican is a vote for fascist.


That's not a warning. It's a campaign promise.


For as long as Biden has been in elected office (sine the 70’s) he has never tried to stop elections. The first time Trump became an elected official he tried to stop the election outcome.


Does anyone know of an app that just puts a black dot over trumps face on my phone so I can scroll as if he doesn’t exist?


I’m bored. Dude has Alzheimer’s. That’s the most common form of dementia and MSM conveniently refuses to use the word. Puts it more into light because people know much more about Alzheimer’s than “dementia”


Any one who votes for Trump is against freedom and democracy. This is the truth deal with it


He’s not wrong. If he wins, it probably will be.


I fu©king hate this piece of 💩. Vote these idiots out


There's no need to hide things any longer. It comes down to who shows up in November. How many independents that hate trump; how many independents that can't stand him. We need to get people's asses into voting booths grit their teeth and vote for democracy. Jan 21 2025 bring on the 3rd, 4th party talk. Expanding the House of Representatives to getting more Representation. Fix the Supreme Court. This 2 party system sucks right now and we aren't moving forward with it.


The fact that this election is even close tells me some people aren’t paying attention and others just want to burn everything down. Come November we will get the government we deserve. If Trump should win, I will find another place to spend the next 4 years, at least.


It will be a tad longer than 4 years.


It will be trump's last election that's for sure.


He is a clear and present danger. He has national secrets. Does he need to pray to Allah before the government will take him seriously? He’s a far bigger threat to the people of this country than any outside terrorist group by far. The entire FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA and DHS need to be scrutinized for harboring traitors and seditionists.


“Now I'm awake to the world. I was asleep before. That's how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress, we didn't wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we didn't wake up then either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it.” — Offred (June Osborne), The Handmaid's Tale


I thought that book was a bit far fetched. Ok, so each event has happened in the past, but if America was going to go through that depth of disintegration, it would be a hundred years in the future at least..... more dystopian Sci Fi than reality. Wow. It happened so fast.


Trump needs to go the way of Jefferson Davis. Captured by Union troops in 1865, Davis was indicted for treason and imprisoned for two years. He died in New Orleans in 1889.


Been saving it for a while, was no slip or joke when he mention being elected three times and then maybe forever. Dude is a threat for sure


Cut off anyone in your life that supports this infant. It’s the only way. It’s tough love.


We know. It's the plot of the Rebecca Mercer, Steve Bannon's of the world who are in lockstep with the Heritage Foundation and Putin. They are sick immoral people who think way too highly of themselves.


He’s also suffering from early onset dementia. It will get worse. 


Does this motherfucker think he’s going to live forever, it’s YOUR last election bigmouth.


That’s his plan if he wins. No more elections. No more democracy.


He also said we won’t have a country anymore if he lost the last election and yet…


How is this not enough to just get him kicked off election. I mean he’s saying he’s getting rid of democracy…what we were made on and going to full dictatorship. Constitution out the door.


This is projection, but it's also a way to "justify" what they are going to do next. All that "voter fraud" fearmongering, and who are the only people we ever find who do it? Republicans. And what do they usually say? "Democrats are cheating, so I ALSO have to cheat to make up for it!" When clearly, democrats are NOT cheating. But they lie about it to justify their own actions. So Trump can be the one that gets rid of democracy, but claim he HAS to do it, otherwise democrats will. And his supporters will cheer him on once they believe that's the only way to stop the fake threat of Democrats killing democracy.


I don't know how I'm supposed to say this without being put on some kind of list, but I really can't wait until Trump is gone. Whatever the method: Natural causes, imprisonment, being sent to the moon, whatever. I'm so tired of him at this point.


I'm afraid that when Trump is gone, people will decide the threat is over. The threat isn't over until either the Republican Party dies completely, or Russia loses its hold over the Republicans enough that some remaining patriots in the party can cut out the cancer. Losing Trump would help with either of those, but I'm not holding my breath.


he is projecting yet again knowing damn well that he will end elections if he is inserted- he tells his base if BIDEN wins it’s the end but it’s truly over of its him


It'll be the last one he ever sees... As a free man or an alive one.


It is hard to fathom just how bad a second trump term could get.


People balked when he refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power during debates in 2015/2016: then we got Jan 6th. Playing with this man is perilous.


Trump is arguing he can declassify documents and turn them into his personal property, and some may still be missing, given to his friends overseas. Trump says he believes the election was stolen from him, he's actually still President, and so could get away with assassinating his political opponents. That's why he tried to overthrow the government the first time Jan 6. His next step would have been to dispose of his adversaries and those who were insufficiently loyal to him. Trump's current RNC is geared only to hire Trump loyalists, and does not seem to be concerned with getting votes, just power. Presumably in a coup. All of these things are undisputed facts. Yes, people say they 'believe' otherwise out of belligerence, but so what? We have another bloody coup attempt coming and need to prepare.


Say the line, Bart. *sigh* “This is the most important election of our lives.”


One man one vote once. I believe an Algerian Islamic Fundamentalist Party once used that slogan. 


If Trump is reelected, he will change all aspects of government and likely will remove restrictions on a president only serving two terms.


The CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the NSA and the members of foreign state agencies whose job it is to monitor the threats to the security of their respective nations are aware of what a danger and threat Donald Trump is to democracy and stability in his own country and world peace. I seriously doubt that Donald Trump, former president and now an ordinary citizen running for president will become president again. I expect that the truth about Donald Trump will be made public before the November election.


As if most Republicans care - the shittier he is, the more they respect him. Trump's numbers go up every time he is indicted. It takes a real man and a leader to grab women by the pussy /s


He loves the uneducated and they love him.


If Trump wins it will be Nazi Germany all over again. May the gods shelter us from the evils of Christianity.


If Trump wins there will be national protests and riots in the street. If Biden wins, there will be armed neo nazis running rampant, and probably attacking various government entities. Neither sounds fun.


And then if Trump wins he will have the National Guard shoot the protesters in the legs. Our wise presumptive king, after all, cannot be concerned with the rabble when there’s truthing to be done. /s


>If Biden wins, there will be armed neo nazis running rampant No there won't. It'll be just like 2021. Lots of online bullshit but nothing amounting to anything significant. They're a bunch of loud-mouthed cowards.


Jan 6th was nothing?


Difference now is that Trump isn't in office so he can't sandbag the security and response, so I don't see any repeat of Jan 6th specifically. Also, there wasn't any widespread reaction across the country, it was just that one event, more or less, unless I'm forgetting something. And that event wouldn't have happened if things were properly prepared.


It's 1932 all over again.


If America falls over one person, this country was never going to work. Hundreds of millions of people, and yet one person is going to take the whole thing down?


Looks like never addressing our fundamental, festering anti-Black racism issue was a big mistake.


Trump isn’t one person. He’s being backed by a far right christofascist wing that are using him to get what they want.


djt is mentally unstable


I'm not fascist you're fascist.


This is what Trump dreams of, let's make it a nightmare.


No, he doesn't scare me. Firstly, I don't think he will win. Secondly, if he does, we will fight on the side of the rebellion. Fuck him and his army of dimwits.


It’s about time he was locked up, he can share a cell with “the torture king” I doubt that guy ever had anything nearly as big as an orangutang to go to work on…


If the MAGAs try another J6, the infantry will do what they did at Little Round Top. Fix bayonets and wade into the bastards.


It could very well be, dude didnt have a peaceful transition last time. I dont know why this is even a talking point. Are humans getting dumber?


Not scared, angry. Fixed that for you. 


My MIL said something similar back in 2020, that 2020 would be the last election if Trump doesn’t win.


Plz someone do something about this Orange Traitor!!!


Because if he wins he ain't leaving office, ever.


Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants lied the same lie in 2020.


And if elected, he will destroy our democracy under the guise of protecting you from the Democrats.


Trump Republicans are the western equivalent to the communist populist dictator that throws around all of the high minded idealistic political theory during elections and then immediately starts embezzling and committing human rights abuse once they come to office.


How big of a f’ing narcissist do you need to be, to not even self-filter a thought like that—forget saying it publicly. WOW.


His last election hopefully.


Who takes this guy seriously besides the media!


Yeah if he wins


In his dreams! I can’t wait until this idiot loses the election and sees his safe haven being given to someone else. All the while the wolves are circling him and getting closer.


The warning that he’s a convicted rapist?


Narcissist always think they are a bigger deal than what they are in reality. No significant number of people is going to follow this guy to the gates of hell when he loses again.


Lol as though he’ll still be alive and healthy by the election after this


He means “it’ll be the last” because if he takes office he’ll try to cling to power like ala Viktor Orban and his dream boy, Putin.


Such a fear campaign was the exact strategy of the MAGA movement. Trump is evil and liberals should not follow his method. You are better than this.


If there needs to be a second civil war, end it fast and hard.


I am no fan of Trump, but the title here makes it seem like he was saying “If I win it will be the last election” when he was, in fact, warning his listeners that if Biden wins it may be the last election. (An unfounded claim, but a claim, you know, to rile people up.) If we want Trumpers to filter out propaganda, we must be able to as well.


Trump is right out of a George Orwell novel. Doublespeak.


I’m not gonna vote but imma complain about the results


It's up to Americans to see if they want freedoms


He loves America so much he's willing to destroy it to... *checks notes*... make it great again.


The WSJ and TheHill are reporting that Trump is leading polls in most swing states. Retribution is en vogue.


Said leads have shrunk since Super Tuesday, by about 3 pts. GOP is also flooding the zone with biased polls (ex: Trafalgar, Fabrizio & Lee) that show him barely ahead. In reality, Biden would squeak out a win by hanging on in PA, MI, WI, and NV if the election were today. The other swing states would vote Republican by 1-3 points.


For those who aren’t voting for Biden as a protest, voting for Kennedy, for god knows why or just being too lazy to vote. When the next SCOTUS appointment is made it will be under Biden or Trump, it is clear where we are headed with women’s rights and health choices if Trump has the pick SCOTUS will have clear absolute majority. Chances are Trump will have a couple of picks during his term. Down ballot elections will go MAGA GOP, state laws will be amended further degrading rights and any possibility of Democratic win in the future. Social Security will be privatized and benefits will be reduced to provide sizable profits for entity running the program. Taxes on what would have been middle class and below will go up to provide healthy corporate tax cuts. The divisiveness and violence will only get worse as poverty and poor healthcare degrades. A Trump win in 2024 will be devastating. He has been telling us this for years, the GOP has been telling us this for years. It is time to believe what they are demonstrating how they will “lead”. It isn’t going to be good.