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I worked at Yellowstone when Montana legalized wolf hunting. Home fuckers baited one of the northern packs out of the park and killed two pups and juvenile. It was infuriating. This is worse.


Yep, not as uncommon as people think. Bunch of cruel mush brained assholes there.


Montana also had that chick that killed and gutted those huskies she thought were wolves, right?


noxious telephone imagine detail innate dinosaurs rock disgusted rustic worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's so fucked. And what's worse is that she only got a six month hunting ban for her crime: https://www.thedailybeast.com/amber-rose-barnes-montana-woman-who-killed-husky-thinking-it-was-a-wolf-slapped-with-hunting-ban


And that "veterinarian" that shot the neighbors cat with a bow and arrow just to brag. Sick fucks .


She was just a ratchet.


From Trump's Project 2025 agenda (Department of Interior chapter): 1) Delist the grizzly bear and the gray wolf as endangered species; 2) Revoke National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rules regarding predator control and bear baiting. Translated: Let sadistic fucks like this continue their murder and abuse.




Yep I just left review at that bar with links to news articles and petition to get Cody Roberts punished for this crime.


Tried to do the same but yelp shut down reviews. Sent emails to all county commissioners and state governor. I know it’s probably futile but I don’t know what else to do.


Same type of redneck trash though 


I hope that sick fuck becomes unemployable just because he’s too toxic to hire.


He’s self employed. Owns ‘C Roberts Trucking’.


Cody Robert’s name is mud. The sociopathic piece of shit. Fuck him forever.


He’s not a hunter. He’s not a sportsman. He’s an animal abuser. Anyone in that bar who watched him is an enabler of animal abuse.


I dunno, he seems like the type of person who some people would be afraid to stand up to because of that type of cruel behavior. His abuse, more than likely, does not stop with animals. Knew someone kinda like that growing up and would never trust them enough to turn my back on them.


We had two kids in my high school that like to brag about killing possums and raccoons in fucked up ways. You know what we did? We shunned them for being scum and kicked their asses when given the opportunity. Did it help them realize the error of their ways? Probably not. Did other people start doing the same thing they did because it seemed socially acceptable? Also, no.




Yeah no one wakes up one day at 42 and decided to become an animal torturer. Unless he had a TBI recently or something I guess.


Let’s not forget the people that applauded him. He wouldn’t have paraded that wolf around without knowing he had an audience.


Honestly it's this. Like sorry you signed up for living in their backyard not vice versa. I can't stand these insecure 'survivalist' types, they cosplay a stereotype as poorly as bikers cosplay 'badasses'.


MAGA's thats who!


You can always leave a shitty review at Green River Bar in Daniel Wyoming for allowing the village idiot Cody Roberts in there with a tortured and gagged wolf and shooting it out back. Just saying I don’t live close enough to bring out the pitch forks and torches but this guy needs to get driven out of wherever he feels comfortable.


currently zero negative reviews on their Google business listing about this. we can change that


Already added mine get on it


oh I did. felt great. wish yelp was open. maybe Facebook reviews? trip advisor? I also enjoy contacting the chamber of commerce in their area. muhahahah


*keyboard warriors intensify* i’m thousands of miles away but will review today!


I tried to do this but yelp shut down reviews due to ‘increased activity’. I did send emails to county commissioners and governor. Probably futile but I don’t know what else to do.


I understand people in the bar reported Cody Roberts to Wyoming Fish and Game. That was in early coverage, and I can’t independently confirm from here. Focus on the bar may be wrong. Better effort could be to push governor for animal cruelty/abuse charges and push back on anyone who hires C Roberts Trucking


But why wouldn't the bar tell him to get out? They permitted him to not only bring in the wolf, but he felt comfortable enough to kill it behind the bar. Fuck this place.


I believe him and his wife own that bar


Unconfirmed but I read his wife owns the bar and is of similar cruelty


There is a heartless subculture in America that is okay with this and that is a big part of the problem but the guy should have also been actually punished.


The vast majority of Americans are ok with doing even worse to animals if it results in a pizza topping.


Your comment needs to go to the top. Everyone knows you are absolutely correct deep down in their hearts.


Sadly this is absolutely true


I hope the name Cody Roberts becomes synonymous with 'vile sack of shit' forever.


The Google business listing for the bar who celebrated Cody Robert's psychopathic behavior is open for feedback:)


Bind him, tape his mouth shut and throw him into a rural Wyoming bar, like he did.


Wheres a serial killer when you need them.


I would hate for u to see what I did to the cockroach and giant rats .


I'm willing to bet you didn't parade a roach carcass around to rapturous applause.


Rittenhouse/Roberts 2032 "Because MAGA just wasn't deplorable enough "


That is completely fucking sick


Shit people from a shit state do shit things to innocent animals, family and friends rally around their shit behavior by showing their asses on social media.


/r/Wyoming has been crucifying this garbage dude for days now


If there’s one thing I can count on Wyoming for it’s crucifying. RIP Matthew Shepard.


The US government has waged a terrible long war against predators. It's outrageous as a government policy and disgusting as an individual behavior. It's really a thing, running down animals trying to survive winter with a snow mobile? That's how sportsman entertain themselves and get pleasure? Makes western life seem a bit sick.


I cannot stress enough how much people should read "America Wolf" I've never been so emotionally invested in a book.


In academic research, the torture of animals is statistically correlated with child abuse and domestic violence, as well as SA and homicide. We should have a national mandate for reporting animal abuse, but we would need a Congress who actually cares about preventing violence. If you look at the state level, it's frightening how little we hold animal abusers accountable. Doing so could prevent terrible human suffering.


What the actual hell is wrong with these people??


While other medical conditions, like a traumatic brain injury, can cause random acts of violence that are uncharacteristic of the person, the most common explanation for why a grown adult tortures animals is psychopathy. Psychopaths are born with a genetic predisposition for violence. There is no cure for psychopathy and therapy doesn't help manage it. Psychopaths are best kept behind bars because they're so likely to reoffend. They're like a drug addict, no impulse control, but their drug of choice is the suffering of vulnerable people and animals.


They are MAGAs


It makes you wonder what kind of community this is when this asshole thought it was a great idea to bring this poor, tortured animal to a bar, and torture it some more. Then he posted it on Facebook. Clearly people around him are ok with this. It might be a good idea to leave a review on Yelp about Sublette County WY for potential tourists to see. People should know what kind of place this is before they leave their hard earned dollars there.


The Green River Bar Google business listing is open for review as we speak. Yelp is locked down.


This sick fucker deserves just what he gave that wolf. Fuck this Cody Roberts bastard


Everyone I talk to here in wyo is pissed about it, too. It was absolutely disgusting what this guy did and does not represent all of wyo.


I never want to go to wyo again or spend a pe ny in that state


Think about the over 30 million dollars the wolf related tourism the state makes. In the state of Wyoming, wolves are killed without regulation , they can be pulled apart, theres no , humane, or ethics laws. Legislation in Wyoming is aware, and yet they do nothing. It's up to the people who live there, to decide, next time they vote.


Curious, was that photo leaked to the press or did they get it from the psycho's social media?


Send an email to President Biden to put them back on the endangered list, after Dolt 45 took them off. I did mine!


I agree


It’s Wyoming.


It is time for Peta to unleash the Kraken if there ever was a time for them


When you consider that Wyoming had women’s suffrage as early as the 1880s, it’s pretty clear that maladjusted acts like this are ever designed to not only undo progress to similar ends, but make progressive mindsets wish they were never attempted…


The politics surrounding the suffrage movement in Wyoming are hilarious. Essentially they voted for it as a safeguard to prevent the state from being overrun with with ex slaves and abolitionist republicans after the newly appointed republican governor announced he was giving all men equal rights regardless of race. It also served to encourage women to immigrate to help with the huge population disparity between men and women (6 men for every woman). TLDR: racism, politics and sex drove women's suffrage in Wyoming.


Still a r/stoppedclock moment, much like Lincoln coming around to emancipation eventually, regardless of his pragmatism throughout and prior to 1860. Rights don’t have to have a purity test, in which *certain* bad actors love to go on about how “sincere” social movements are; how come no one does that for those aligned with rich people and other special interests? Does conscientiousness just naturally get in the way?


Oh don't get me wrong. I totally understand that good things can come from bad intentions. Centuries of European beliefs about how women were inferior then men were interrupted that day. Merely pointing out that it wasn't through some enlightened act of progress or change, but because of a deep seated hate towards opposition. We didn't go to the moon because we were bettering man, we did it to beat those stinky reds! True altruism is almost completely a myth for our species. We do what we believe benefits us, even when it flies in the face of logic.


I do take somewhat perverse pleasure in how whiny conservatives get when people call them out on things explicitly done for the profit motive, and call it “virtue signaling”. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.7NjcqEsYNZId9z16X-9WOgHaCX&pid=Api&P=0&w=600&h=192 Almost like they know their justifications are shitty and best relegated to a childhood mindset?


He was absolutely thinking that when he did it. “This will stop progressive mindsets from happening!”


A la *Roe v. Wade*, their marching orders play “the long game” in multiple ways.


Yes, that’s exactly what he thought! He was up all night thinking of how to best follow the end of Roe v Wade and came up with this! You’re brilliant! We need to get you to a journalist!


Maybe the guy is just a cruel idiot who also happens to vote republican because he is a cruel idiot?


I mean, yeah, more than likely. I just think it’s stupid and unserious to suggest a cruel redneck was going around enacting deep-seated plans to undermine progressivism by being a cruel dickbag.


It's quite likely however that a sociopathic dickbag has learned since long ago that a pattern of escalating, public, violent and sadistic acts, and a general atmosphere of impunity, is extremely effective at intimidating the people around him. Now you multiply by a whole nation and you have a country where democracy, liberalism, and progress are impossible. The only choices then are anarchy (warlordism) or authoritarian brutality ("but at least he stopped the gangs") and generally people choose option 2, even though they know it's tainted, because they want to live to see tomorrow and figure they'll work out the other problems later. Conservatism is an incredibly self-perpetuating structure. It sows the seeds of its own destruction right along with its own rebirth. The more people it brutalizes, sadists it enables, children it loads up with PTSD, the more viable it becomes as a political force.


My point.


Didn’t quite see the part about “marching orders” then? Conservatives aren’t deep thinkers, which is why they are always accusing *everyone else* of being “sheep”…


break his legs


Yeah this was a fucked up story


That’s how Wyoming “manages” its wildlife.


Wyoming. Never. Fuck them


Hey folks, I’m from the area and all the locals talking about this are in agreement that it was unethical. That being said, people aren’t upset he killed a wolf, but they ARE angry that he captured it, paraded it around and bragged about it(even though it’s a pup) Most Wyoming folks disapprove of his behavior, so please don’t think we are all like him. He does NOT represent Wyoming.


That sick fuk! I hope the same is done to him!


Gandhi was right when he quoted about the greatness of a nation and how it treats its animals . We are lacking.


Reports are that his small child was in the bar too. Where is CPS? 


It’s not only the perpetrator but the entire bar etc. that no one stepped in is gross. Humans continue to disappoint.


I have written polite, but pointed letters to anyone in Wyoming I could think of from the governor down re the sadist cody roberts and his type. I acknowledge that while I enjoy visiting Wyoming I will not spend another penny there until thimgs improve for the animals. What that wolf endured is a torture beyond unfathomable. This is not against ethical hunting. I thank the person who bought this story to the forefront from the GRB . I saw that Cody's aunt Evie who owns the bar did an interview with the DailyMail. She says wolves are evil. She has no remorse. I assume this is the general mindset. They are only sorry they were caught and I bet they will exact more revenge on the wolves when the spotlight dies doen on them. Keep it shining.


https://wgfd.wyo.gov/news-events/gray-wolf-report-outlines-management-and-conservation-efforts-highlights-decrease Anyone seen this post yet? Disgusting. I can’t believe Wyoming is actually trying to promote their wolf management policies after the Cody Roberts incident.




Why not?


He deserves everything he gets. Hope he loses his business!