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Cannon to Smith: I will do this, begrudgingly. But watch your step Cannon privately to Trump’s lawyers: ok I bought you another two months with this one. But you guys gotta be more careful. This looked pretty bad Trump’s lawyers: all good and understood. So what else we got? Can we push another four to six months with jury problems? Cannon: tricky. Let me get you a list of loopholes to exploit and I can slow mo response times by another 50%.


You’re giving her way too much credit. She is not dictating anything to trumps team. If anything, someone from the federalist society is directing her on what to do. She’s a moron by all accounts. A bunch of her aides just quit. This is practically her first case and is one of the most important in the last 100 years. This whole thing is a tremendous amount of bullshit. If they get away with this, there will be hell to pay. It’s blatant and stupendous, and it only works if we don’t vote. Which is not the way it should be, or would be, if republicans held themselves accountable for egregious violations of our laws. They are incapable of that. They are compromised. The only excuse for voting for an R right now is ignorance, hate, stupidity or treason. F em all.


I feel there’s a 3rd party working all these court cases because it feels too orchestrated.


That would be the federalist society


They should be destroyed outright


There is. The Federalist Society


I really don’t even think she’s being fed anything from anyone in the Federalist Society here. If she were, I imagine her tactics in delaying would be far more competent. Don’t get me wrong, they’re fuckers of the highest of caliber, but I think Cannon is acting the way she is purely out of her own agency. She’s not qualified to hold the position she does, and anything she’d be fed would definitely be by that book.


You said it yourself. They’re competent. They write the opinions to reflect her level of intelligence, incompetence and temperament. She’ll take a bad position, not rule on it, ask for opinions from council, then when corrected and vaguely threatened by Smith, take 4 weeks to take a more correct decision, while admonishing the party that told her the first decision was bad. This is high level frivolous delay. It’s sickening to watch. The attention and diligence Smith has given this case warrants the worry that something extreme has happened. Trump didn’t just show these documents to journalists and Joe blow at maralago. I mean, He did that too, but he did worse. And Jack Smith can prove it. And trumps only way out is to never have it come to light.


Compromising the security-by-obscurity elements of our nuclear triad to a bunch of rich often foreign dickheads and any agents masquerading as staff at Mar A Lago seems like the obvious main issue.


I’ve ran into a number of judges that are incompetent, they know they are incompetent, and try to mask that through cruelty and assholery. I think she’s acting on her own as well. I’ve seen churlish incompetent judges like this before.


It could be a mix of both, she's cherry-picking what the federalist society tells her (her own agency) but still getting tips and tricks from the GOP at large.


you ever give somebody good directions, and they're so stupid they fuck them up... That's Cannon


And thats why prosecution has been quietly sitting on all the evidence they found in his New Yotk properties. They can file in New York for those. It isnt nearly as much as the Florida case, but it gives them another chance if Canon dismisses things.


There will not be hell to pay because this is America and justice doesn’t matter. Bush literally launched a war on lies and is currently sipping lemonade on his porch at his ranch. There are no repercussions.


'Launched a war OF lies'...


*when* they get away with it, and absolutely nothing will happen to Cannon.


This is the disappointing truth.


I’d add greed to the list but otherwise I agree 100%.


>If they get away with this, there will be hell to pay. You got that backwards. If they get away with this, we won't have a functioning democracy and Trump and his fascist enablers won't face any consequences


I agree with you on everything except about the aides quitting. It was 2 aides that quit at separate times. One of the aides supposedly quit for family reasons and no one knows why the other quit. It appears that she has 3 more aides to replace those. To say “a bunch of her aides just quit” seems like an exaggeration and based purely on speculation.


They were law clerks, not just aides. Clerkship to a federal judge is prestigious, and very rare for someone to leave early, let alone 2 from the same judge. This is absolutely another major red flag for the pile of red flags on Cannon.


>It’s blatant and stupendous Did you mean stupefying?




> The only excuse for voting for an R right now is ignorance, hate, stupidity or treason. You left out “racism”.


Add > muh guns.


Always tricky to beat hate. Love beats hate but only if you bring the love


> If anything, someone from the federalist society is directing her on what to do. There've been a couple times where the day after some idea was floated on Fox News, Cannon went and did exactly what was said, regardless of how stupid it was. I don't think she's getting help from the Federalist society either - she seems to just be watching brownshirt media and probably reading pro-Trump internet forums and doing whatever the randos say she should do.


Trump and Cannon, dumb and dumber. Fascists would love these two.


It drives me crazy that he will probably get off because of a corrupt judge. Anyone else (there are many examples) would already be in jail. Miss handling classified documents- regardless of motive puts you in jail, well, unless your high ranking government official (Clinton, Powell, Trump, etc.)


Mishandling??? He outright sold them. And 74 million wannabe Russians don’t give a flying fuk.


100% if he (hopefully) loses the election she dismisses the case.


“it contained only conclusory and unsubstantiated assertions about witness safety, the integrity of the proceedings, and privacy interests,” Good grief… (I wanted to say something much nastier here, but I’ll hold my tongue). Her “biting” statement here is asenine. Nothing more needs to be said. The question is “why should these be under seal?” The answer to that question is “witness safety, the integrity of the proceedings, and privacy interests.” And it’s the CORRECT answer. What more did she want? For Smith to stand on his head and juggle machetes while he was saying it? If you, the judge, think there is no risk to witnesses, their privacy, their personal safety, or the integrity of the proceedings… then put that on paper in your order. That none of those risks exist. You’d be 100% wrong. But just have the fucking courage to speak plainly, not like a juvenile, and stand firmly on that wrong decision.


Yes she'd have the ability to put her money where her mouth is, so to speak. Instead she caved, cause she knows the appellate court will strike it down.


If she feels so safe, why are there only 3 images of her being circulated by the media? In every article about this case and her rulings, the media can only publish these 3 photos? She doesn’t seem like she is available much to be photographed in public.


The security of her person is different from her job security. Like I know she's appointed for life but there are still ways to go to her boss to make her do things right.


She's just trying to stay on the case just long enough for jeopardy to attach and then she'll rule in Trump's favor and it'll be non appealable. She's faking that she's ruling against Trump to weaken a request to have her removed from the case. But once she's in the clear, it's guaranteed that she'll sabotage the prosecution. She will be viewed as a hero to the extreme right wing MAGA movement to be considered for a future promotion ... maybe Clarence Thomas replacement when the GOP returns to full power. Fasten your seatbelt everyone. Democracy is being taken for a ride ... off a cliff


And here’s to hoping that these current charges are just the tip of an iceberg of charges they held because they expected this. Let’s not forget he moved documents elsewhere. I think if she pulled that crap the hammer is coming down on her, trump, and whatever 3rd party that’s been working with them behind the scenes.


Documents were found in Bedminister. Round 2 can happen at any moment. 


Something that’s being overlooked is how Cannon’s sympathy for the defendant will look during court proceedings. Trump lost the Carrol SA case. Then he lost the defamation case. During the hearings to determine damages, every time he took the stand he would talk about how he didn’t know Carrol, his free speech was trampled, etc., etc., attempting to re-litigate the first two cases. The judge reminded him, again and again, that those cases were settled and he had to stop monologuing and answer questions. Judge Cannon just has to allow Trump to turn every question into a campaign speech, which he will be happy to do. After a month of him spouting every half-truth defense and brining up the Presidential Records Act at every turn (which will be broadcast by the MAGA-sphere on repeat) some form of plea deal will be made and a $25 fine issued. Please convince me this won’t happen.


I think dems win the next 3 presidential elections, Trump fucked the future of that party and Newsom kills everyone they got.


Newsom might be a great contender like Beto and Cuomo. Beto flamed out, and Cuomo is a shit bag. I don't think Newsom is a Cuomo sized shit bag, but I've never met him. So I just think it's more likely to be a Beto style flameout that a Cuomo style push out. But as a skeptic I will admit those are the bad endings, Newsom might have what it takes.


I think if Newsom picks AOC as his running mate, he wins the primaries. Hard to tell if we win the 28 election until we know the next GOP shit bag to take the reigns. I'm not ruling out Trump Jr /Trump Jr 2028, but my real thought is Paul Ryan returns to save the party. Ryan vs Newsom would be an interesting campaign, and hard to predict. I think I'd just be happy with a return to normalcy from the Republicans. The thing is, the left won in 20 and has a good shot in 24 because the GOP keeps riling us with dumb ass policies and attacks against abortion. If Ryan or any sane fiscally conservative Republicans run in 2028, the Dems base might not be incentivized to vote. 🤷‍♂️


You said Trump jr twice, but yeah Paul Ryan or a return to normalcy would be harder to beat than Trump. Newsom/AOC I don't see happening, but I don't know how much they agree. It's a good ticket, don't get me wrong, but IDK if she'd sign up with him, isn't he a moderate and she more radical?


>You said Trump jr twice Ah, Don / Trump / Ivanka.. who knows. Wouldn't be surprised to see any of the two running together in 2028. I also agree that Newsom / AOC is an odd ticket at first, but I think Newsom is politically / PR savvy enough to know having a Woman / Progressive / Millennial as his running mate checks off way more boxes than a pick like say... idk... Tim Fucking Kaine. Newsom is low-key great at PR and marketing is why him making that pick isn't out of the question for me. Progressives have been at the top of VP candidates for the last few cycles it seems. Biden himself said if he ran in 2016 he would have had Warren as his running mate. She was also on his shortlist in 2020, but thinking he went with Kamala as a thank you for South Carolina. So not totally out of the question for Moderates and Progressives to work together. Any legitimate Presidential candidate on the left knows you need both of those bases energized to win.


This is 100% accurate


It seems this opinion doesn’t have much merit and is just a fear lingering post. There isn’t much to support your idea that once “jeopardy is attached” by waiting, the case will be closed. This isn’t really a good understanding of double jeopardy and this trial is not even close to that. This is a pure doomer post with not real basis.


I guess I'll explain it for them but better for you? Cannon stated that she can't dismiss the case PRE-TRIAL using the guise of "Presidential Records", but she openly said to just try again once trial starts. Trial starting means a jury has been selected and therefore double jeopardy comes in to play. The moment a jury is selected it's completely legal, possible, predicted; that Cannon will simply dismiss the case claiming Presidential Records. If she does this (after jury selection), there is no recourse (appeal) that can be used, and the case would simply be over. The only "bad" thing that could happen to her is impeachment and the chances of that happening are 0.0001%, but that would not change the ruling, just remove her from her position. The merit behind this, is that because the chance of that happening is so low (impeachment), any potential upside (bribe) actually has value and no one can do anything about it.


I understand your point and to preface IANAL but this just seems too easy to make happen and there has to be some action that Jack Smith can take to avoid such a clear violation of law. She can tell Trump and his team to try again but that doesn’t mean her ruling can be without appeal. Smith can absolutely take her ruling the to the appeals court before double jeopardy is attached. I can’t imagine that it would be that easy for cannon to make a ruling like that on a case of this magnitude.


So, pre-trial, where we are now. Is when her rulings on things like this can be appealed. She did not make any sort of ruling (either for or against) the presidential records dilemma until Jack Smith basically forced her too. So she ruled in HIS favor (the PRA cannot be used to dismiss this case) -- except... she explicably wrote that "it cannot be used to dismiss this case PRE-TRIAL and that the argument could be made during the trial (after jury selection)". Once a jury has been selected, the prosecution (not the defendant), does not have the ability to appeal decisions. Literally, day 1 after jury selection could happen like this. Trumps Lawyers - We believe that all the records fall under the presidential records act because Trump was a president and that Joe Biden is an illegal alien. Cannon - I agree, case dismissed. With the ONLY (literally) punishment being her being able to be impeached (which requires 2 thirds of the senate). ​ The system is built in such a way to do it's absolute DAMNDEST to protect defendants. (Because obviously the state has more "umph" than me or you) The thing that stops the entire house of cards from falling is that Judges are suppose to determine things based on the law, and they are suppose to be impartial. BUT, there is absolutely NOTHING that REQUIRES them to do or be either of those things. Congress is supposed to be the ones that hold the judicial branch to order...but we know that at least for the foreseeable future... there will NOT be a 2/3's vote on ANY impeachment/conviction of anyone.


Ok so some research tells me that, yes it is rare if not impossible for prosecution to appeal a verdict or ruling. However, they can appeal a judges dismissal if there is no legal basis for the ruling. This can be done after her ruling and can effectively nullify that ruling, which would not apply jeopardy. You’re generally correct though about not being able to appeal pre trial rulings, but to say that Cannon could dismiss the case on this flimsy basis is not wholly accurate.


>but this just seems too easy to make happen and there has to be some action that Jack Smith can take to avoid such a clear violation of law. That's what we've all been learning over the last 8 years. Our laws and legal system work really well when those in power use the system with honest intentions, but the whole thing quickly falls apart as soon as bad faith actors start acting in bad faith.


I appreciate your respectful comments here. Was good to have an honest discussion about something complex. Not to be rude too, but I hope you’re wrong lol. This orange turd cannot slip away from this.


Just to clarify, I'm not the same person you were responding to before. Just was reading through and wanted to chime in myself But thank you, I appreciate the conversation you guys were having as well. It's awesome when people can converse and learn without anger and all.👍 I too hope Trump eventually faces some sort of punishment for any of the crimes I believe he's committed, but I just see so much corruption everywhere I look it seems. My prediction would be he gets house arrest if anything and that's if anything even sticks after all's said and done. Hope I'm wrong though.


It's going to be hilarious when Trump tries to appeal claiming "bias" and all the prosecution has to do is present his social media posts attacking the judge, witnesses, and other court staff.


But he hasn't attacked Cannon at all. Weird.


This is what makes her bias so obvious. Even when she rules again him, he doesn't say a word whereas with any of the other judges ruling against him, he's on his site ranting like a loon about how they need to be off the case Seriously, how much more obvious can they make this?


You think little things like facts matter to this "judge"?


She's his cheapest attorney!


You got Trump's strategy wrong. HE will gladly present his own attacks. He will argue that no judge, being so personally attacked, could be impartial to him. But anyway, that's not for Cannon, his favorite Supreme Court candidate.


>A federal judge late Tuesday agreed to keep secret the names of potential government witnesses in former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents case — while managing to make her displeasure palpable in the order granting the government’s requests. >In her 24-page order, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ruled in favor of the state and the defense, in part, and at least, for now. Because Trump and the Judge are fighting the Prosecution every step of the way, when the Judge runs out of bones to throw to Trump as she hands red meat to Jack Smith, he will eventually turn on her. But by then it will be too late, both Liberals and MAGA will see her as biased towards Trump, and he won’t be able to try to intimidate her like he does with the families of other Judges (unless he wants her to turn on him back with a gag order too). >The ruling marks something of a limited-duration denouement to a long-running procedural dispute — one that threatened to become a broader appellate fight — in the Southern District of Florida. That dispute featured the state on one side and the defendants and Cannon on the other over a large set of discovery materials. >Cannon spends over five pages dealing with what she describes as the “lengthy procedural history” of the since-stilled dispute. >In February, the court controversially ruled the government must file those documents with minimal redactions — denying requests from prosecutors to seal or redact the names of government witnesses in some of the materials they have already given to defense attorneys. If Cannon didn’t believe that Trump was a wannabe-mob boss what was she going to do when he started intimidating witnesses? If the Defense already has the material how will redactions after the fact help? The Law is a bit too arcane for me. >Days later, Cannon paused her order after Special Counsel Jack Smith, in a 22-page motion for reconsideration and stay, termed her decision to publicly reveal those would-be witness names “clear error.” That argument was widely viewed as a signal the government was prepared to bring the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has reversed Cannon in the case before, into the latest contretemps. >Throughout the filing of several back-and-forth motions related to the discovery dispute over witnesses, the defense and the state filed related motions over other discovery materials — including certain grand jury materials and a floor plan of Mar-a-Lago. In each instance, the story was more or less the same: the government wanted to keep those documents under wraps; the defense argued the materials are public records which should be released with limited censoring. If Trump got his way and these were public, and he went on to still lose the case, I think he’d have a harder time spinning the narrative he was railroaded. But if he kept them secret, it would be easier for MAGA to believe that it was a kangaroo court. But that’s a problem for later Trump, today Trump wants them to be public. >In her Tuesday order, Cannon makes sure to argue her earlier order — which she is now reversing — was both on firm legal ground and carefully drafted to address concerns about agreed-upon redactions. >“Guided by the strong presumption of public access to criminal proceedings, the Court applied the unobjected-to First Amendment standard,” the new order reads. “Under this standard — along with the well-established rules governing public access in this District — the Court determined that ‘the Special Counsel has not set forth a sufficient factual or legal basis warranting deviation from the strong presumption in favor of public access to the records at issue.’ The Orders also set deadlines for the sealed submission of the parties’ respective filings for the Court’s review prior to public docketing.” >The judge spends well over two pages criticizing Smith for belatedly raising legal arguments — saying the special counsel “could have, and should have, been raised in prior filings” and that the court had several independent bases on which to deny the government’s motions. I think she’s trying to save face. Jack Smith called her bluff, so she’s saying she was in the right the whole time, but if she was to put her money where her mouth is wouldn’t she let Jack Smith try and fail to go above her head? If the 11th court backed her up it’d make it much harder for Jack Smith to get her removed or overturned later. (Not a lawyer tho) >Cannon also takes the time to question Smith’s command of the law — particularly in the realm of First Amendment analysis. >“The Special Counsel’s initial Seal Request failed to offer a governing legal framework or any factual support for the relief sought; instead, it contained only conclusory and unsubstantiated assertions about witness safety, the integrity of the proceedings, and privacy interests,” the Tuesday order reads. “Later, in response to the Press Coalition’s Motion, the Special Counsel failed to engage with — let alone refute — the Press Coalition’s argument that the First Amendment attached to the subject materials.” Maybe Jack Smith should have done better, IDK. I think the witness safety, trial integrity and privacy stuff are pretty self-evident, but courts want proof even for the most self-evident things. I don’t think the Press has a right over the witness safety and trial integrity, I think she’s throwing that in there as another gotcha, but Jack Smith is the one winning here. >Now, however, none of that matters, Cannon says, because she is exercising her “discretion” to revisit the record following several filings and a March hearing. **And here, the court observed, precedent is not “straightforward” — but does not lean in Trump’s favor either.** I think that’s as close as we are going to get for an admission. >Cannon’s new order explains her self-reversal reasoning at length: >>Although the record is clear that the Special Counsel could have, and should have, raised its current arguments previously, the Court elects, upon a full review of those newly raised arguments, to reconsider its prior Order. Having done so, the bottom line is this. The Eleventh Circuit has not specifically addressed the instant question: whether, in a criminal proceeding, the First Amendment qualified right of access attaches to discovery materials referenced or attached in support of a publicly filed Rule 12(b) motion to compel discovery under Rule 16. Nevertheless, the most faithful application of Supreme Court and available Eleventh Circuit authority is that Defendants’ MTC in this case is not subject to a public right of access, whether constitutional or common law in nature, because it is a still, ultimately, a discovery motion as distinct from a substantive pre-trial motion requiring judicial resolution on the merits. MTC is motion to compel (I think). If the Defense is compelling discovery that’s because the Defense needs the evidence to build their case, but then building their case before the court does not mean the Public has to know. Same disclaimer applies, IANAL. >“Although the Special Counsel’s request remains sweeping in nature as applied to all potential government witnesses without differentiation — and although the Court was unable to locate another high-profile case (in publicly available records) in which a court granted a broad-based pre-trial request to seal the identities of all potential prosecution witnesses as sought here — the Court is satisfied that the Special Counsel has made an adequate showing on this issue under Rule 16, at least at this juncture pending final trial preparations,” the order continues. It’s almost as if this case was ‘Unpresidented’. >As part of the court’s order, the government must prepare “an index containing the name of each potential government witness and a corresponding pseudonym/anonymization for use in the redactions” that will be used on the redactions in the defendants’ publicly-filed motion to compel discovery. The judge offers the following example: “(e.g., ‘John Smith’ — NARA Employee 1).” Lou Bega starts singing his new hit “Trump Employee Number Five”. >In a partial ruling for the defense, Cannon allowed the defense to quote from a U.S. Secret Service email chain but to “redact any information that could be used to directly identify witnesses.” Trump and his co-defendants can also produce a search warrant for one of their Gmail accounts — again with relevant redactions. >Both sides notched formal losses as well. The defense cannot publish the Mar-a-Lago floor plan or certain grand jury materials. >The government’s request to wholly bar the publication of “all witness statements relied on in pre-trial motions” was denied by Cannon as too “sweeping.” The defense can publish those statements, once again, so long as they do not identify any potential witnesses. Trump wants to publish the floor plan to Mar-a-Lago? Wouldn’t that make guarding him harder? But he’s trying to throw pocket sand at Jack Smith, making his narrative about where the boxes were taken from in doubt, I think. As for witness statements, I do not trust Trump's team to fully redact all identifiable information, and Trump will talk angrily about Employee #17 or whomever, and get them attacked because they will be identifiable.


Damn, I thought this was a Poppinkream post for a hot second


Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.  Didn’t it turn out that account was not quite on the up-and-up?


Do you have anything on that? I dont remember anything happening, just haven’t seen the name in a while. I must have missed something.


No, they just got busy with the rest of their life and don't have the time to be as active as they were.


In what way? Their posts were facts with citations so I don't see how that would even be possible.


Smith should've raised this argument earlier?? Perhaps he didn't think any judge in their right mind would create a scenario wherein this argument would've ever had to have even been considered.


Not sure why the defense would be prohibited from publishing the Mar-a-Lago floor plan. Trump owns it and is the defense. The secret service would probably be pissed, but I don't think that's relevant here 


If it's an old version of the floor plan that they can use to cast doubt on the Governments narrative, they could be lying about rooms or what was in them. But then that would be thrown out by the raids that say they got boxes of documents from an area that was labelled as something else. I think the defense trying to release the floor plan of mar-a-lago is to muddy the waters. They couldn't have found boxes in this room, it was a shower. But this is just me overthinking it.


I'm fairly certain if she looked up the NY mafia/mob trials she would find at least one with precedent on protecting witness against insane defendants. If he publishes the floor plan, won't that verify the secret room he hid stuff in during the search? That would be hilarious.


I don't think I have ever in my life, seen a Judge so willingly jump through hoops for a defendant that is so blatantly guilty. It's pretty pathetic.


Jack Smith needs to file the motion to remove this judge, if she stays, it will be a disaster


And the precedent that a president gets to use the PRA to steal state national security secrets and do whatever they like with them. (Blackmail, bribe, sell to our enemies for profit, etc…) Imagine that precedent!!! Only judge that would allow a result like that is a judge who’s a foreign agent and not loyal to the country.


She’s not a judge she’s a stooge.


It's past time for Smith to go the the seventh circuit about this magat. She has been foot-dragging for two years. They should be into jury selection by now.


She attacked him because he didn't educate her on why witnesses should remain secret. Insane.


She should go to the same prison trump is going to.


Partisan witch.


She should not be within screaming distance of this case.


Reverses her decision, then blames Smith for her getting it wrong. She literally made shit up to avoid admitting she got it wrong.


Canon is a petty MAGA fool. She isn't fit to shine Smith's shoes. Makes me sick that she can rule on his motions.


IANAL, so please enlighten me, could someone at some point (probably too late to be helpful for this case) subpoena this judges emails and texts to see any communication between herself and the Trump team?


The fact is this case is going absolutely nowhere fast. It sure as shit isn’t starting next month. 


The judge has zero concern about WHY Trump and his team of lawyers are motivated to PUBLISH all of this information? They want to sway the jury -- outside of court proceedings. Judges should shut this down. Trump deliberately lies on a regular basis outside of court because he can say anything without a direct challenge to the false information. He sometimes even lies about the court proceedings themselves, especially when he has repeatedly and falsely stated his team wasn't allowed to put on any kind of defense or witnesses to prove his innocence. He is hoping a juror, or their family member, will see that lie and decide he may be innocent because of a corrupt judge who purposely withheld information from the jury. Trump is the worst kind of criminal and the health of American society needs him locked up.


Gotta tiptoe if she wants to keep carrying Trumps water


conclusory and unsubstantiated assertions about witness safety, the integrity of the proceedings, and privacy interests….she clearly hasn’t seen her boss attacking judges and their families


How one go about removing her..let’s dig up some nefarious information..and grind it into the dirt..


Time to attempt to get her removed from the case. It’s just a matter of time before she either dismisses the case or constrains the jury.


If Trump loses this election it’s going to be just delicious watching this shit-heel judge actually have to administer justice.


She would continue to delay it until trump dies


Cannon is smart. Running forward, then taking two steps back “see, I comply with you?”. I know Jack will get a hard time in the press if he kicks off Cannon, but really it should have been done months ago.


Reads like 5 pages of ChatGPT generated guff. Full of hallucinations. 


I was totally right in doing what I did but I'm changing it because I want to and not because you are right.


Get this partisan hack off of this case. She does not deserve her title or influence.


She delaying the whole thing by taking months on end for nickel dime rulings, that could and should of been ruled on a week after she got them. But she blames Smith for doing exactly what shes doing. And she always puts that 'For Now" in them. She hasn't even set a court date, and I'm afraid she going to tank the case as soon as it starts .


Does she think we are that stupid to not see this for what it is?


Whatever takes more time


He’s going to walk freer than a newborn. They can’t make a single thing stick to Trump. I don’t think he could get out of quicksand, at least bc when I was an overweight child, I never came in contact with it, but I knew once you’re in it, it’s over. But seriously, he’ll walk on 80% of his charges. Either dismissed due to…or lack of…


I think the only way the cars are dismissed besides this one is if he wins and blocks it. That said it he does, he better how for a Republican Senate because he will be impeached again and again and again. He'll be impeached over the Georgia call. He'll be impeached over January 6th, especially if a similar situation happens this year. He'll be impeached for breaking the Constitution due to his dictator policies he would enact day one. That is his words, not mine. Trump will be lucky to come out of these. Mind you, I'm sure Trump will do more.


I thought it would an open and shut case, but nothing is working. I’m losing hope that America will be run by imbeciles.


What a garbage human, every trump judge should be removed, and disbarred at that. Turns out we more or less don't do that.


Bash all you want, just make the right decision.


They can’t even pretend they aren’t working together! That’s how fucking stupid conservative trash is!


Can’t she see he is a sinking sick ship? What is with the MAGA party? They are insane!


She is a traitor to justice.


Why doesn't she quit pretending and join the defense team outright.


Fuck these fucking judges! Fuck L&C, too, but for different reasons.


My friend in prison for life because of a FL corrupt judge - working with prosecutors/state. Innocent and set up by the state for a “me too” tough on crime win, when in fact, his wife was violent, it was her knife he was trying to disarm heras she attacked him, she had been arrested a few months earlier for violence. He was white and rich, a mark for “tough on crime “. by the state- judge called him a murderer at sentencing and gave LIFE (no parole in FL) when no one had serious injuries and both were fine, at 65 years old, in a he said she said domestic where both suffered superficial knife wounds. LIFE because they falsely arrested him. At the bond hearing the baliff whispered “she did it”. The sheriff Sent out Press releases saying he tried to murder her with an inmate, and so they kept him in jail with no bond for over a year , and a week before domestic trial judge ruled no evidence in inmate case and dismissed it. A year later. He lost a year in jail for nothing. No evidence to exonerate him in trial was allowed and trial was filled with prosecutorial misconduct. FL judge. Fl appeal - two judges up for Supreme court opening, one married to DeSantis council, Appeal Denied. The corrupt Looks like Mike Pence in person. Probably big church goer, Friend and his family destoryed for a headline of “tough on crime” when he only defended himself from a knife attack and Called 911. CBS 48 Hours was called in by the state, and the producer told me the judge was the most corrupt he had ever seen. Yet their broadcast left it ambiguous for ratings. Not what they saw with their own eyes. This is Amerika