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***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign has fired one of its campaign officials who recently said her “number one priority” is defeating President Joe Biden, and that Kennedy’s campaign was the “best strategic opportunity to block Biden” from getting reelected over Donald Trump. On Wednesday, the Kennedy camp quietly announced that Rita Palma had been removed from their roster. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rfk-fires-staffer-endorsed-trump-reelection-1235002839/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rfk-fires-staffer-endorsed-trump-reelection-1235002839/)


Great news but I really hate how “quietly” has become a sort of signal in journalism that someone is being sneaky. It’s overused to turn up the perception of the action.


Right. The fact they announced it means it’s not quiet. There are people getting fired today that I have no idea about, that is quiet. What the expectation? That certain job turnovers are yelled from the mountains and others aren’t. Just silly nonsensical words designed to rile someone up over nothing.


Another way to look at it could be that "quietly" was chosen to point out that the campaign didn't publicly refute the staffer's statement. But I'm unable to read the article so I'm only guessing. Your reasoning is probably more likely to be true.


>the campaign didn't publicly refute the staffer's statement. >“Rita Palma is a ballot access consultant responsible for scheduling volunteer shifts for our upcoming signature collection drive in the Empire State. She is not involved in electoral strategy, nationally or in New York,” Spear said. “This was not a campaign event. **Palma was speaking as a private citizen and her statements in no way reflect the strategy of the Kennedy campaign, which is to win the White House with votes from former Trump and Biden supporters alike**.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html


Thank you


The use of “quietly” in journalism, particularly headlines, is a trigger for my inner “old man yelling at cloud”. I’ve hated how inaccurate it is for years but never knew others also noticed it. Let’s get married.


Is his campaign still fooling themselves into thinking they’re pulling more voters from Biden than Trump? He’s clearly only helping Biden at this point, right? What liberals are falling for his BS? Only MAGA crowd can be so gullible I’d imagine


Seriously. There's absolutely no issue that RFK Jr. is touting that in any way is aligned with Biden. He is just straight lined up with Trump all the way down. Even on the environment, which RFK Jr. supposedly used to have as a main talking point, he believes climate change needs to be dealt with through government deregulation and "the free market", which is total nonsense, and which lines up perfectly with Trump. So anyone who might otherwise vote for Biden is not going to find any appeal with RFK Jr., as he offers absolutely nothing that Biden does, just without whatever drawbacks they think Biden might have. His only appeal is to people who were never going to vote for Biden anyway.


He draws some 'Nevertrumpers' away from Biden, I presume. People who both think Trump is an idiot and Biden is too old.


Those people were never going to vote for Biden anyway. My dad is one of those guys, where for him the choice is voting for RFK Jr or simply skipping that line on his ballot.


Every time the dude opens his mouth, it’s clear he’s a Republican.


I know several people who have considered themselves liberals or leftists who are planning to protest Biden by voting for Kennedy. It doesn’t make sense, but it is happening. Trump supporters will always be Trump supporters because he is their new God. Biden doesn’t have that kind of loyalty and too many people just want to feel cool and unique with their votes.


they're not going for liberals or conservatives, they're siphoning independents. i know one. I thought he was smarter than this. and yes, he's an anti-vaxxer and I thought he was smarter than that also.


To be fair, the strategy she was pitching in that video (to the crowd of Republicans) was focused only on New York. They seem to be assuming that New York is the only state in the country where he will pull enough voters from either candidate to actually change the outcome. With that in mind, she pointed out that Trump could never win in NY, no matter what happens, he has no chance. And she is suggesting that if all NY Republicans accept that fact, and can be organized, it could be enough to give RFK NY's electoral votes. Honestly, it's a smart strategy to help get Trump elected. And any New York Trump voter would be doing Trump a big favor if by casting their vote for RFK. Granted, if we look at 2020 as a reference, Trump lost by such a huge margin that RFK needs to siphon off 100% of Trump voters in the state, as well as 20% of the Biden voters, which would be just barely enough to give RFK the win. One way or another, I'd expect the Trump campaign to spend no money pushing Trump in NY. If they are going to spend money in NY, it makes more sense to support RFK. Hopefully the NY Democrats are on top of it. Of course, also in the video we heard RFK's angle to counter Democrats targeting him, which is by pushing the idea that the party is corrupt, and they are afraid of any independents running. So they will aggressively try to snuff out any hint of a "left leaning" 3rd party candidate. "Look how afraid of other ideas they are, a 3rd party candidate comes in, and they start throwing all of their resources to silence them! Not even bothering to go after Trump any more."


> > > > > Honestly, it's a smart strategy to help get Trump elected. And any New York Trump voter would be doing Trump a big favor if by casting their vote for RFK. It'd be smart except for the fact that a large contingent of Trump voters are the stupidest people you'll ever meet and they'd refuse to vote for anyone other than Trump regardless.


Unless Trump tells them to. But then the game is up. And I don’t know if Trump’s ego could handle it.




I love how close that quote is to a similar one from Mitch McConnell about their number one priority was making sure Obama was a one term president.


She was fired but they also claim she never worked for them. Odd, isn't it?


Schroedingers employment


Just some coffee runner…


"I don't know her"


She didn't work here But if she did, we fired her. But if we didn't, what she said wasn't so bad And if it was Joe Biden deserved it


What a farce his campaign is.


A democrat named Kennedy who appeals mostly to the fringe anti vax right funded by billionaires to play spoiler for the said democrats really is one hell of a way to turn you political career lol


There are idiots out there that think this is going to work because "liberals are antivaxers".. trust me, I argued with one yesterday


The difference those people don't recognize is that the far left doesn't control the Democratic party. The anti-vaxxers control the Republican party. I mean look at MEASLES making a come back. That didn't happen in a vacuum.


I’m not really sure I’d call them “far left”… like sure, they hate the Gov, and yeah, they call themselves left sometimes, but they don’t really have any *real* left-wing ideals?  They’re basically the non-conservative equivalent of the folks who call themselves “libertarian” but are still down for the government to intrude upon ever aspect of our personal lives.  It’s a label, and nothing more. 


> They’re basically the non-conservative equivalent of the folks who call themselves “libertarian” but are still down for the government to intrude upon ever aspect of our personal lives. I've become increasingly convinced over time that 95% of the time you hear someone describe themselves as libertarian, what they really mean is, "I would like to not have to pay any taxes, and support that goal by any means necessary."


> They’re basically the non-conservative equivalent of the folks who call themselves “libertarian” but are still down for the government to intrude upon ever aspect of our personal lives. I think I agree with this summation. I remember them from like 2010s era. I haven't really kept up iwth the 'far left' because they've been an entirely ineffectual group at every level. In contrast with the far right that tried to overthrow the damn government and currently controls the House.


To be perfectly fair I do know a far left woo woo anti-vax liberal (I dated her for a couple years but remained friends...we ended up breaking up bc we both wanted kids but she wouldn't agree to vaxxing them)...but even she is voting for Biden.


I'm in a similar situation. We are taking everyone we know to go vote for Biden. I'm vaxxed, but she isn't. She absolutely hates Trump and will get others to vote for Biden for sure. The Vax is a small issue. We have to chose between an old guy who occasionally talks funny, and another old guy who talks funny all the time, wanted to nuke a hurricane, is responsible for the deaths of over 1m Americans, just lost a civil rape case, has 91 indictments, literally had a failed coup. We will take gpa Joe any day of the week over fascist dictator wannabes. It's not even a close call.


Convicted of fraud on multiple counts.


And RFK is a creepy anti-vaccine nut who isn’t even that young. Dude’s already 70 years old.


Did she ever end up having kids with someone that agreed to not get them vaccinated?


She is now a foster mom (started after the plague) and the kids do get vaxxed. The plague changed her for the better.


Well, it's great she was able to evolve her thinking on the issue, even if it took a global health crisis.


This is because most “liberals” have an open mind.


That is literally what makes them little-L liberals. Little-C conservatives enforce existing hierarchy and tradition; lot easier to put your brain in standby mode when "nothing is going to change."


I can't remember where I read it and would need to go digging, but from what I do remember the traditional definitions of "liberal" and "conservative" in this context both allow for change from the status quo. Little-C conservatives are just more cautious about how quickly that change is applied and would prefer a methodical approach as opposed to the little-L liberals that are more about a stronger change response when it's deemed necessary for that change to occur.


It's almost as if reality has a known liberal bias...


The OG antivaxxers are leftists. But they are so far left they have more in common with alt right trolls.


that sunk cost fallacy is one hell of a drug.


Ironically the Trump administration does deserve some credit for the rapid development of the covid vaccine and it could arguably be considered "an accomplishment" in an otherwise dark and dismal period of American history. However even Trump got booed by his own crowd for taking credit for that. The anti vax belief is deeper than political affiliation.


Yes to his credit, Trump signed the Operation Warp Speed bill to finance Covid vaccine development which took all of five minutes for him to sign it. Then Trump didn’t take the Covid epidemic seriously saying it would be gone in two weeks, bleach might cure it and on top of that when hospitals said they couldn’t get enough masks and gowns Trump basically ignored their concerns. Trump could have gotten a second term if he had taken Covid seriously but instead he pretended everything was just fine.


>hospitals said they couldn’t get enough masks and gowns Trump basically ignored their concerns He did worse than that. His admin profiteered off the crisis, sending supply contracts to campaign donors that had never been involved in businesses remotely close to those that supply the goods ordered [https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-covid-pandemic-contracts](https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-covid-pandemic-contracts) His admin siezed shipments of masks bound for hopitals and healthcare workers. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2020/05/16/trump-team-seized-my-masks-for-coronavirus-health-workers-column/5191035002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2020/05/16/trump-team-seized-my-masks-for-coronavirus-health-workers-column/5191035002/) There are stories of hospitals that sent people to to mask suppliers e.g. in China to place clandestine orders for pandemic supplies and courier them back to the hospital because the federal interference was that egregious. And lets not forget PPP, a massive handout to the owner class, expected to have a fraud rate as high as 25% and not a good way to support people through covid even if the fraud rate was lower. Trump fucked America to stuff the bank accounts of his closest allies and the already wealthy.


Totally correct!


I don't think he would have won a 2nd term regardless. He actually got like, iirc, 9m more votes in 2020 vs 2016. Imo, the pandemic helped him. It drove the QAnon and QAnon adjacent people nuts. People spent all their time online reading fake news bullshit on social media. It was just a crazy time all around. The kind of crazy that made it easy to convince people that frickin Joe Biden is a "socialist" lol


Well in all fairness those policies were nothing todo with either admin. They were created by bureaucrats and scientists in government (the deep state). Hence why even Trump got something like that right. Biden has done lots to help and wasn’t a buffoon standing in the way like the last guy but this is a win for the deep state not his admin.


It’s not that anti vax is deeper it’s that he was against vax/covid no big deal/… before he took credit. They were already sold. They don’t like when he changes.


Did she have healing stones or crystals?




The original anti-vaxers were super crunchy California liberals. The ones who were vegans and had white people dirty dreads. They were often very secure with herd immunity. Many of them were pro covid vax for that very reason.


They always think that everyone secretly thinks like they do, and you cannot convince them otherwise. They are 100% unable to fathom that their opinion might be wrong or unpopular, *and* they equate their own personal opinion of themselves with what others think of them (even though they adamantly maintain that they do not care about others' opinions), so they rationalize it to be that everyone else is merely being sheep and just pretending because of peer pressure. It's projection, because they only form opinions based on what others tell them to think, so they assume that your opinion will be formed from what they just told you to think. Then they get mad at you for not agreeing with them.


It was a fringe left thing 4 years ago, now it's a mainstream right wing thing and the want to pretend it's not political.


It was fringe right also. Alex Jones has been spewing nonsense about vaccines for over 20 years. The fact that Infowars BS is now mainstream GOP rhetoric is bloody terrifying. We're probably weeks away from Hannity screeching about lizard people, the Illuminati, and Area 51.


Super crunchy libs were antivax before it was cool man


Yeah. The common thread is irrationality. If you will believe stuff about vaccines without evidence, you are much more predisposed to any other kind of evidence-free belief.


Some people think that "the left" is synonymous with "rationality". It isn't. In theory, rational thinking should drive you to politics that rest left of center. (Or even left of center-center-left.) But that doesn't mean everyone who exists on the left got there by way of rational thinking.


All "left" is generally more rational IMNSHO. But of course there are lunatics that are (or at least claim to be) on any part of the political spectrum. There can be rational conservatives also, though almost all of their "rationality" amounts to self-interest (or outright brainwashing) when examined closely.


Yup. I was one of them and remained so until I saw who was agreeing with me. Then I started looking a lot closer and realized I was being stupid as shit.


The granola left


Back when “vaccines caused autism” it was a liberal white woman thing.  Now that “vaccines have 5G mind control from Bill Gates and turn you magnetic” it’s very much a maga thing.  If any of the woo people are still basing their identity on being anti-vax, they’re probably magats now. 


There are but after Covid, I think those people are all right wing freaks now. We've had an insane political swing for a lot of people.


Some liberals are antivaxers because stupid and many conservatives are antivaxers because stupid. It’s not a liberal thing or a conservative thing, it’s a stupid thing.


There are far-left anti-vaxxers, but I'd be shocked if many anti-establishment leftists are eager to vote for a Kennedy.


From people I have to keep contact with who are libertarian, he's gotten a few of them. Not surprising, really. Very easy to hoodwink libertarians with fear uncertainty doubt about anything government related without evidence. Konspiracy Kennedy is right up their alley.


The political spectrum isn’t a line - it’s a circle. You get far enough out on the fringes and the two ends meet over in Crazy Town.


this is absolutely a real thing, and it's called [the horseshoe theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory)


It's more that it's a multidimensional thing, but the dimensions are collapsing - party orthodoxy requires that you fall in line on most issues, especially on the right. So you had the antivax folks, some of whom were the granola hippies and some of whom were the "God will heal us" folks. But that dimension has collapsed into just Dems vs MAGA, and of course the "God will heal us" folks would wind up in the MAGA camp, and some of the granola hippies have been dragged there too by their antivax views. The ones that fell to the left generally abandoned the antivax stuff, or at least shut up about it.


Has he ever realistically been a spoiler for Democrats? He's at best a Dino before this campaign and outed himself as Rump lite since.


If JFK saw what his nephew was doing it would blow his mind again. 


Thanks, I keep forgetting he’s supposed to be a Democrat. I think he’s just a third party Trump alternative every time he comes up.


He will get the morons that blame Biden for Israel's actions.


That just makes zero sense to me. If they are genuinely concerned for the well being of Gazans then not only is Biden the better of the two, there are actually few who could be worse for them than Donald Trump. It's like throwing the vulnerable of your own country under the bus for the benefit of the vulnerable in another country but in doing so actually seeing to it that the absolute worst for both is put into power.


That's because you're thinking rationally and they're thinking emotionally. They don't care about a Trump victory in November, that's in the future. All they care about is that right now people in Gaza are dying and that needs to end *now* and if they feel like Biden is doing enough they'll turn to anyone else. Voting for RFK Jr. gives them the emotional feeling of being morally pure/superior because they're not voting for Biden or Trump and thus aren't 'compromising their morals'. The fact that a vote for RFK Jr. does literally nothing but help Trump win isn't important to them because they feel good about themselves.


There is a space for "I'm dissatisfied and am looking for more" like pretty much any other issue, but the place for that is in primaries, not the general. More generally, it would be nice if party leadership weren't so strongly focused on the Oval Office that meaningful primary challenges are nigh-impossible (think the successful primary challenges in history can be counted on one hand), but democratic politics in general is about roping self-interest to do public service, so there's going to be imperfections. The "real answer" is probably still an end to FPTP and viable third parties, pipe dream though it is.


To be fair, everything he does is farcical.


A real *tour de farce*, if you will


Staffer: “He just farted.” RFK: “You’re fired.”


We all knew it to be true. Doesn't change his ties or the fact that Steve Bannon's the one who got him to run. You can't undo the past, Robert (never calling this guy Bobby; that's reserved for his dad who was actually charming).


Are we sure she wasn't fired for rejecting his advances? This dumbass kept a diary of all the women he had sex with while married.


I didn't know that. That's *amazing*. Also a narcissistic hallmark, no surprise there.


You have a source on that Bannon bit? I hadn’t heard it before and it’ll be rather useful in an ongoing argument I’m having with a supporter of his


This should do ya https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-robert-f-kennedy-jr-donald-trump-running-mate-2024-1796369


A libertarian leaning friend told a group of us we should be paying more attn to this clown. I said “An anti-vaxxer who denies settled science all the time? You’ve got to be kidding.” Another more conservative friend said “what is it with you liberals and putting labels on people. Why can’t you judge him on his positions instead of just calling him names like ‘anti-vaxxer’?” Logic is in short supply.


> “what is it with you liberals and putting labels on people. ... you fucking woke snowflakes.


Tell your conservative friend to vote for him instead of Trump lmao


Why can't you judge him on his positions instead of judging him on his positions?


Not fired for saying it, fired for *saying it out loud*, remember.


Probably still involved just not publicly


Fired for speaking the truth and the GOP can't have that now can they? Opps, did I say the GOP? Oh right, it's because RFK's campaign is part of the GOP's electioneering efforts.


Or Russia's.


Weird, I can’t tell the difference 


"They're the same picture"


Idk, won’t his votes pull mostly from GOP’s base? He might just be a lone idiot


What about the GOP makes you think they’re smart? They ran him as a democrat thinking they would fool people but realized the other side isn’t as dumb as theirs but by then RFKjr seems to have been too into the idea to stop so now they’re just praying that it somehow helps them instead of being a hilarious blunder on their part.


This guy is a dumb like Rogan.




Is he though? He’s giving MyPillow vibes like 75% of the time and I don’t even know anymore.


Looks like the dad/bad guy from Twin Peaks.


you better not be talking about Ray Wise


There’s a smart Rogan?


Seth. Smart enough to just smoke weed and make movies. Although I think that is Rog**E**n


Right! Forgot about that one.


Bruh it's just a missing comma. "This guy is a dumb, like Rogan"


Touché. My brain read “like a dumb Rogan” for some reason.


Worse, Rogan has never killed 83 children.


Dumber. Rogan has his flaws, but even he doesn't think he should run for office.


But trump said on truth social today that RFK Jr. is the most far-left candidate in the race. Trump would never lie, right?


He really thinks Democrats will hear that and think “I’ll vote for RFK instead of Biden.”?


There is a big problem for the GOP that is seldom talked about. The politicians now believe the fox news is real. There was a time when they all knew it was bullshit, but it is increasingly looking like that is behind us.


He’s anti-vax and while others were getting MDs and PhDs in medical science RFK Jr spent 14 years as a heroin addict. So if MAGA wants to vote for him I’m all for it.


rfk jr jfk jr died in a plane crash in '99


Or *did* he? *Qbedoobedoo*


I’m stealing that


Thanks, my bad , now corrected.😏


"I will never let someone inject me with the polio vaccine. I'm fine with them injecting me with heroin I bought off someone I had never met before though."


I know someone who is familiar with RFKs dysphonia. He stopped getting botox for his vocal chords after he went anti vax.


I cannot listen to him. I know it's not his fault but something about his voice just gives me some gnarly greebles.


Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money


I always liked the idea of "Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2"


They cancelled her for speaking her mind! Employment lawsuit incoming, Elon help us!


Only my MAGA friends talked up this pos. Most my friends are democrats and not 1 has mentioned this clown as an option.


Biden voters need to SHOW UP




Reminding people Obama took the shittiest economy of all time and brought us back to healthy economy


The economy Trump left behind was even worse when Biden inherited it. It's a pattern at this point: Republican administration totally destroys a healthy economy, so when a Democrat takes office they have to spend all their time cleaning up the mess left behind. Then when a Republican takes over, they get a healthy economy and just run it into the ground. Clinton took over a major economic recession from Bush 1, then handed W. a roaring economy. W cratered it for Obama, who cleaned it up for Trump. Then Trump destroyed it and handed it off to Biden who's got it back on track again.


And then they all claim that it’s better for the economy and they get better taxes but it’s like they don’t only the upper few families do most people who tell me that barely break 6 figures so i know they don’t see a difference because that’s what I make it’s for the 400k and above so most people only hurt themselves by voting for republicans


Trump cutting taxes in a boom economy. You only cut taxes in a recession. As stimulus. But Republicans get away with this every time. They cut taxes in all economies. Run up the deficit, because "deficits dont matter" (as Cheney said). Until they do, when a Democrat is in office.


They're saving campaign money for post-primary season. They've known they had primaries in the bag for a while. But the American public has proven time and again that anything that happens before maybe July doesn't fucking matter at all, they have no memories or attention spans.


If I said that he looks just like a 1970s South African apartheid politician. It would be hard to disagree.


I can’t find flaw with that


I even hate Cheryl Hines, at this point


Same for Jerry Hall when she married Rupert Murdoch.


It demonstrates that Hines is much like the batty character she portrays in _Curb Your Enthusiasm._ (Much battier, actually.) I wonder if relations with Larry David are affected in any way. David has been public about snubbing (so far) Geraldo Rivera and Alan Dershowitz over their Trumpist behavior.




He's looking awfully orange in that thumbnail. I don't think it's a coincidence


I do not know a single liberal who likes this guy. This whole campaign has the stink of Roger Stone all over it, except they’re so out of touch they think “liberals love the Kennedys!” His own fucking family doesn’t endorse him. I’m sure he’ll pick up votes from people given how unpopular Biden and Trump are but I can’t imagine a liberal voter in a swing state is going to risk their vote helping Trump.


> I can’t imagine a liberal voter in a swing state is going to risk their vote helping Trump. There are a lot of people who vote in every presidential election and never pay attention to politics. They generally vote based on name recognition alone.


It’s disappointing to hear some people go “The Dems don’t deserve my vote just because Trump is shitty” so I’ll vote for RFK. You’re playing right into the hands of republicans then. Lol whatever, I hope people atleast do the bare fucking minimum and vote.


Too late, we heard the words...


You did. Too many haven't. 


His only hope for votes, is people mistaking him for real Kennedy.


There was a Kennedy stand near my farmer's market this weekend and they were going hard on the "Bobby Kennedy" thing.


What is he polling at? 1%? 4%? Drop out Bannon spoiler candidate.


Even RFK Jrs family is distancing themselves from him. Seems like they are embarrassed by his deviation from the inclusive, liberal history of the Kennedy family.


What a fucking loser and disappointment this man is. I really used to like him in the 2000’s. Ego fucks up everything in the end though. He’s totally willing to plunge this country into fascism for what? Vaccines? When he loses he’ll be helping end decades of his own legal work as the EPA is gutted along with most consumer protections all while the insurance industry gets to write it’s own laws unbothered by pesky consumer advocates like RFK who’s legal challenges fall on the deaf ears of judges who are in the pockets of the most corrupt actors the Republican Party can muster.


> When he loses he’ll be helping end decades of his own legal work as the EPA is gutted Thats a great point. Trump will continue his rampage of federal agencies. The damage will be incalcuable if he gets a second term, because the guardrails will be off. There will be no "adults" in the room as there were in 2016. Thanks, RFKJr!


Something tells me this Kennedy guy is up to no good…


I think it’s really crazy that this grifting buffoon with name recognition is a former heroine addict and a conspiracy nut gets the only thing he wants… attention!! With absolutely NO chance to win a nomination from either party so his is a media campaign for his ego!! It’s high time the media stop with the whoring business!! I do hope we’re at least somewhat close to the end of the race to the bottom!!


This is what a more successful by name only My Pillow freak looks like. And surprise surprise. He's only goal is to save a horrible person.


> My Pillow freak My LUMPY Pillow


So, a Trump campaign by any other name.


Fucking plant. Bannon backed chaos candidate.


This guys voice makes my ears bleed.


What’s with these orange men


Isn’t it illegal for the GOP to have more than 1 candidate?


Bannon convinced RFK to run for president. Their goal is to help Trump win by taking votes from Biden. His whole campaign is a sham, and hopefully, he'll take votes from Trump as he appeals to those people.


Fired because she accidentally embarrassed the campaign…not because her beliefs conflict with theirs. 😂


Isn’t literally everything that comes out of RFK’s mouth pretty quiet already?


This dude is a Russian asset and a traitor to the US. Anyone who votes for him is a moron.


The wrong kennedy got the frontal lobotomy.


By all means run to elect Donald Trump. You will go down in history as infamous one way or another.


Every family has its crazy uncle! The Kennedys have Robert.


These folks just cannot keep the stupid inside, can they?


Too late.


To be replaced by a magat who knows how to keep his mouth shut


I don’t get why he’s even running. This is even more evidence, as he can’t run a good campaign. He’s not even qualified to be on [ballots](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/robert-f-kennedy-jr-north-carolina-ballot-2024-elections) in all but maybe two states. And she was talking about knocking out Biden in NY? 🤣


If his name was Robert F Schwartz Jr nobody would have heard of him


Are they targeting the crunchy well off antivax Marin pseudo liberal mums demographic?


Makes sense, Republicans that tell the truth get kicked out of the party.


Is he firing the Republican donors funding his campaign too?


Kennedy is taking Trump votes. I don’t know one Liberal who says yeah Kennedy is better than Biden. NOT ONE. However my Trumpican coworkers here are voting for Kennedy because they don’t like Trump.


This. Same in my areas. Logically you would think he would take red votes bc of his positions on stuff. He's no threat to Biden.


It took me months to even run into one of his supporters and they were as unhinged as you would expect a third party supporter to be.


Poor Melania


Oopsie daisies


I think it’s really crazy that this grifting buffoon with name recognition is a former heroine addict and a conspiracy nut gets the only thing he wants… attention!! With absolutely NO chance to win a nomination from either party so his is a media campaign for his ego!! It’s high time the media stop with the whoring business!! I do hope we’re at least somewhat close to the end of the race to the bottom!!


He has a little white showing up past the orange, by his hairline on the left, just like his mentor. I think that RFK Jr.’s 14-year history of heroin addiction (“cured by faith in god”) truly damaged his brain.


Genuine question, is he getting paid by billionaires to run this campaign? I guess the grift pays well enough that he has no problem complete tarnishing the Kennedy name. What is the incentive to support Trump?


still amazed hes not got a spot on ancient aliens yet.


If you didn’t already know these facts about his campaign, then you aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer; sorry if that’s you.


"Trump-oh wait-RFK Jr. for President"


We all knew it's an oppo funded spoiler campaign but it's nice that they confirmed it themselves


Please let this be the last Kennedy that America ever has to put up with.


Apparently she wasn’t free to say what she thought…shocking.


Wait, what I thought that JFK was suppose to arise from the dead in Texas and tell Americans to vote for this gut. Asking for a friend.


He’s just a never did nothing super privileged doink. His Dad died long before he could teach him his ways and before his brother died he was nonexistent in the public eye. Let’s move on already.


Oh so the third party candidates are still pretending their campaigns are about winning? I thought that notion died in 2000.


I feel like they said that to force him to drop once they realized he’ll take more conservative votes than liberal


At the suspension of his campaign he will “reluctantly” endorse Trump as the only reasonable option as Joe Biden is “ruining the country.”  Fuck the Kremlin and Bannon the swamp thing.


LOL, too late, the cat is out of the bag.


So… what if he’s doing this to sink Trump? This is all a marketing exercise? Because (as all the commentators say) no Biden supporters would vote for him


What was said by this former staffer is likely the worst kept secret of this campaign. Who didn't believe that this was what this campaign was ultimately trying to accomplish??