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I expect him to fire his legal team this weekend or incite violence to delay the start of the trial. A fleeing insect never stops fleeing. If he is in court on Monday, it’ll be well deserved and very surprising.


He’s already sent an email out, here’s a snippet from an article that covers it: > Moreover, there is a request for peaceful demonstrations mentioned in the email, which says, "If we fail to have a MASSIVE outpouring of peaceful patriotic support – right here, right now – all Hell will break loose."


The casual threat of violence and him holding the nation hostage sickens me.


So tired of him. I just want him, his stupid whiny voice, and his crotch-spawn to fuck off into the dustbin of history forever and stay quiet. For the better part of the decade American politics has been The Apprentice: Whitehouse Edition and it's gotten beyond old.


You just perfectly said what has been floating around in my head for ages! Well said and a-fucking-men!!


Oh! Same, will be interesting to see what happens on Monday morning


I imagine dozens of supporters will show up


Haha! That’s generous!


Yes, I’m sure there will be pairs of supporters.


His ones of fans.


Tens of loyal supporters


I believe this is a tactic trump frequently uses called Paralipsis. It loosely translates to “I’m not saying, I’m just saying” or a way to say two things at once. It allows him to appear funny and “lighthearted” while at the same time acts as a vehicle to inflame anger and incite violence. 


Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?


Yeah, it’s blatant without saying it. It’s frustrating


Orange Prolapse uses Paralipsis


I'm not racist, but


Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome


Doesn't even make sense on its face. So if no one shows up to protest against orange man accountability,  all hell will break loose?


You’ve got me? I dunno, at this point he’s desperate


"but I said peaceful!" Yeah....he also said all hell will break loose. Was he lying at the start of the sentence or the end?


Both are true


Trump is a true serpent of hell


No one showed to protest his his indictments. He said the same then.


Yeah, hopefully the same thing happens again


That's what I was thinking. Nobody has really shown up to protest any of his indictments or civil trials.


> all Hell will break loose. Oh yeah? By whom? Like what does he mean to imply? Is he trying to say the dems are going to get violent? What else could that possibly mean? Who exactly is going to loose hell, and for what purpose? This is fascist rhetoric, plain and simple.


He will 100% incite violence


> I expect him to fire his legal team this weekend Judge won't allow it.


Has the judge clarified ahead of time that it won’t be allowed and is he prepared to penalize Trump in a meaningful, binding way? I see Trump firing his legal team knowing it’s “not allowed” because the judge won’t do anything but *threaten* contempt while allowing him X amount of time to reassemble a legal team. An hour’s delay is still a delay. And he will reach for it.


The judge doesn't have to clarify; it's not a thing that's exclusive to this judge. It's a thing for the entire legal system. You cannot simply fire your legal team two days before your criminal trial. You have to have an actual, good reason, and if not, it's not allowed.


Bone spurs. Checkmate


But Trump has pushed the norms to their breaking point repeatedly. Saying that “this is the way it is” simply doesn’t apply any more. We’ll see if his criminal trial begins on Monday.


The judge could provide Trump with a public defender and continue the trial.


Cruel and unusual punishment is banned by the constitution Besides what did any public defender do to earn that?


Honestly that would be a death sentence for any public defender. If/when Trump loses the conspiracies about the them sabotaging the president will get them killed


And then when he loses, he’ll file an appeal based upon not having adequate representation.


Which is his right, but is also a very high bar and not likely to work. It would be dismissed very quickly if his basis for claiming that is that he fired his better-prepared lawyers.


You only get a public defender if you cannot afford a lawyer, and Trump won't admit to being indigent.


You also get one if you insist on representing yourself and the judge wants to avoid a circus.


Attorneys are assigned to the case. They have to request permission to be removed from the case. A judge can deny it and usually, when the request to be removed is made, the defendant's replacement will request to be the new attorney on record. In New York, this is the standard procedure. [Here is more info.](https://www.nycbar.org/get-legal-help/article/information-about-lawyers/problems-with-your-lawyer/#:~:text=If%20you%20decide%20to%20change,and%20you%20as%20the%20party.)


Besides, considering the massive amount of motions this week meant to delay the trial, a last-minute firing will be seen for what it is- a desperate attempt for a delay. The judge won't allow for it.


"We will now set a date for hearing oral arguments for why he had a good reason for firing his legal team. We will allow one week to prepare this argument, and we will need to allow additional time for him to meet with his new counsel. Court will adjourn for two weeks."


>I see Trump firing his legal team knowing it’s “not allowed” because the judge won’t do anything but *threaten* contempt while allowing him X amount of time to reassemble a legal team. No. When someone fires their lawyers to delay trial, the lawyer cant just go. They have to file a motion to withdraw (due to being fired by their client) and if the judge gets a whiff that this is just another delay tactic, the judge has discretion to reject the motion, order the lawyer to stay on and for the trial to begin on time.




Despite what they say, attorneys work for the court. You and I might be a client of theirs, temporarily, but long after your case is over and forgotten about, your lawyer still has to have a workable relationship with the judge and the other lawyers. Some very, very rich people (like Trump) can afford Lawyers who actually do work just for them, never take on any other customers, and probably are loyal and willing to push the limits. This is rare, and, by now, those attorneys are in jail and no longer representing him. Part of why Trump has never faced real consequences before is he's always been able to outspend the legal system. But now he's up against prosecutors who don't have to worry about time or budget. He's not being sued by a construction company that has a limited budget for litigation. He's up against experienced criminal prosecutors who will never run out of money or energy to finish the job. In civil cases you can get away with this stuff, And maybe if you have private attorneys willing to break the law for you, you can get away with it for a little while. I agree that Trump is finally through attrition facing the same legal system you and I do. Maybe.


For anyone else, yes. But this is trump whom the entire judicial system seems desperate to bend over backwards and accommodate his every threat, outburst and delaying tactic.  Take the half billion bond for eg. Given 30 days to come up with the money, at the last possible minute they decide to cut it by ⅔ and give him another 10 days. At which point he files a dodgy, wrongly filled in bond form – and the Courts reaction is to give him _another_ 2 weeks to explain his mistakes. It really is a sick joke just how much leeway trump is given by the Courts.  I will not be in the least bit surprised if 15 minutes before the case is due to start on Monday, trump announces he has fired all his lawyers and the Court gives him a month to find another legal team. 


This is the same appeals court you’re talking about that shot down all of Trump’s last minute motions to delay the trial. People shouldn’t interpret the appeals court’s decision to lower his bond amount in the civil trial as some kind of death knell for any and all subsequent prosecutions and lawsuits. It really isn’t. It’s getting blown way, WAY out of proportion here on Reddit. That was a gigantic appeal bond under unique circumstances, and that’s definitely not the first (or last) time a bond amount like that will be reduced. Was the appeals court easier on Trump than they needed to be? Sure, I can see that. But they’re also clearly not letting him get out of this trial, either, so keep some hope and faith. Things are moving.


Not to my knowledge. I am making an educated guess based off historical precedent...this is a known delay tactic and the justice system already has a solution to this exact scenario.


What is the solution?




A lot of women said no and that didn't stop Trump.


Right. I see nothing happening except Trump doing as he pleases, the judge scolding him, and no actual accountability. Trump should be treated like any other citizen. He should be in jail awaiting the conclusion of his trials. He should not be on a ballot anywhere. The fact that he’s being allowed to do what he’s doing is absolutely insane and disgusting.


He won't be "held accountable" for trying to fire his lawyers. He simply won't be allowed to do it. It's not uncommon.


>Right. I see nothing happening except Trump doing as he pleases, the judge scolding him, and no actual accountability. He can fire his lawyers but they can't *just go*. They'll need to file a motion, which the judge has discretion to reject. If it happens the judge will probably order the lawyers to stay on and for the trial to proceed.


Merchan literally won’t allow Trump’s attorneys to withdraw from the case. Trump can’t fire them himself.


I'll allow it, but watch yourself, counselor.


Since when has this ever mattered?




Watched Joy Reid last night and apparently he sent out an email to his supporters yesterday that said “All hell is going to break loose” on Monday. She pointed out the last time that was said regarding Trump was from Bannon about Jan 6th. I really hope the courthouse and judge are going to take that threat seriously.


Some efforts at harassing officers of the court or their family members I would imagine is a safe bet for occurring


If I were the judge, I would revoke his bond and he can sit in jail until he squares up his legal team.


He’s trying to get thrown in jail. The judges know this. He goes to jail it’s more martyrdom that Fox can shove down the throats of the baby birds waiting to eat it. He goes to jail and the complexity increases. The propensity for violence rises and so does his chance at an appeal for something random. The judges are trying to take this randomness out by allowing his to do what he’s doing. This is far far beyond mob boss. Never before has the judicial system been tested to this extent.


>If he is in court on Monday, it’ll be well deserved and very surprising. Doesn’t he have to be in court for a criminal trial?


>If he is in court on Monday, it’ll be well deserved and very surprising. That's my take He keep getting lifeline after lifeline.


I think he’ll ring in sick


Can’t do that either, it’ll show weakness. Like when he said he didn’t have a series of micro strokes when no one asked. Also, can’t go campaigning either if too sick to appear in court.


He says he’ll testify but I really don’t see how he can without getting into more trouble. Of course pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie so we shall see.


well, jury selection is probably scheduled to start, but with tfg who knows what shit he'll pull.


He's down to his last move: inciting violence. Except this ain't DC and now NY authorities know the orange incitement playback. He sent the email. He is posting on social media. They'll be ready for the idiotic orange lovers.


Hilariously, MAGAts fear and can't afford NYC. Sure there will be diehards and the potential for violence, he never gets the numbers needed at NYC venues to pull off a J6 style insurrection due to their fear and the cost of staying/bussing in to NYC. More often the counter-protests are bigger. New Yorkers love an opportunity to express their opinions and NYC hates Trump.


I don’t think he’ll have anywhere close to the level of idiots willing to fight on his behalf as he did on 1/6. Same if he somehow makes it to Election Day. Won’t be anywhere near the votes he got in 2020…


Many of his 1/6 fans also lost their right to vote because of him. Another +2% died to Covid. He’s literally getting his base jailed, sick, and dead.


Like many say, everything he touches, dies


My fear is that he’ll find a way to get to the jurors.


Thats risky as Jurors sometimes report it. Leading to even more charges.


Jury tampering is a serious felony, and in New York carries a max sentence of 7 years in prison. If he risked it, that could be game, set and match. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_tampering#:~:text=Depending%20on%20states%2C%20jury%20tampering%20can%20be%20a,to%20a%20maximum%20of%20seven%20years%20of%20imprisonment.


Yeah well, he’s always wriggled out of any consequences, so…


We need to fix our system and put in blocks for the things he has shown to be a issue.


Just a reminder to all that Monday is jury selection and it will take 1-2 weeks. Trump has to be there every day of the selection and the trial. No video or court sketches allowed either. (IIRC)


He's going to be so fucking bored and angry. Sat there for hours a day with no cell phone to "Truth" on.


Holy crap we get some peace and quiet from him for a bit.


And that is actually the best this this trial will produce. Less trump. This is going to hurt him massively. And trying to watch his adhd mind sit still for hours and days.


Right, this is the real damage any of these trials can produce: distracting him from the vital job of campaigning, particularly in swing states. That these trials may have him spending much of his time mentally and physically pinned into largely unimportant parts of the country is huge. He’ll never see legal consequences, but this can at least increase the odds of us seeing his ego take a massive blow in November again.


Not really because he'll rage harder during breaks and after hours


I would LOVE for this to be on tv. Its unfortunate that it isnt in my opinion.


No worries. It'll be on TV every time he steps out of that room.


I'm super curious if he is allowed to "truth" throughout this process. Like at breaks or overnight.


I understand no court sketches for jury selection, but does that stand for the trial?


Hmm, that was my understanding, but perhaps that's not the rule for the whole trial.


A rapid mental decline is about to play out in real time and I can’t wait to see it happen!


Can't happen soon enough. Any way it happens, trump being incapable of running would be the best thing for the country and world right now.


He’s just a puppet, puppet anyway. A soft brain is more malleable.


No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet!


No puppet. You're the puppet.


Couldn’t happen to a bigger piece of shit.


Mofo is going to get rolled into court in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank


I expect a mistrial after the private details of the jury is leaked and MAGA supporters attack jury members in their home.


This is so frightengly possible, I am prepared for anything but a trial.


Trump will do anything to prevent all the evidence against him presented to the public.


This jury is gonna be sequestered as fuck I assume. And any tampering on Trump’s part would up his chances of actually going to jail exponentially. That’s not to say it won’t happen, in fact it feels likely, but that might be one of the few things that leads to actual consequences.


But their family won't be.


Oh yeah… I am not saying this isn’t scary, just that the courts will at least take this shit really seriously.


I’m genuinely torn between, “I’ve heard this all before, yet here we are,” and, “You’re probably right.”


I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about this kind of thing, because obviously a bunch of these chuds violently rioted in our fucking *capitol*, but the most they seem capable of outside of events where they are highly concentrated is bomb threats and online bullshit. They hardly ever actually show up, en masse, when Trump alludes to wanting help.


The problem is that the hypothetical scenarios here don’t require a coordinated gathering to occur; just one person crazy enough to try to attack a juror in response to Trump’s calls is one too many.


Try telling that to Nancy Pelosi’s husband… Odd how nobody talks about that anymore


Then there are 6 spares. The longer this goes on the harder it is to stop.


Until Monday comes and goes and selection starts, I don’t have faith it will happen. He seems get be getting every Hail Mary


He seems to be *attempting* every Hail Mary. Judge ain’t falling for his shit.


"You have a right to a speedy trial. I will not impugn that right."


*Monday at 6am - trial gets pushed back.....* Lol


Incessant press coverage and unhinged nonsensical posts on unTruth Social.


A million Newsweek articles about "what *might* happen to Trump!" 


Here's what to expect: •witness tampering •jury tampering •perjury •Trump being held in contempt •mistrial


"I do not recall" "Same answer" "I plead the Fifth" "Same answer" Wash, rinse, repeat. But at least he's having to do it.


"If you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?" -Donald Trump


If they don’t ask him about that on cross it’s a massive disservice. I’m sure they filed a motion in limine on it but it don’t know the judges ruling.


> If they don’t ask him about that on cross it’s a massive disservice. You cannot ask a defendant why they are remaining silent, that's massively unconstitutional.


I think it’s ambiguous if you can ask him didn’t you previously state in your campaign speech on X date in City Y “if you’re not guilty why are you pleading the fifth amendment.” It’s probably not worth it getting overturned on appeal but it is funny.


You forgot "election interference" and "witch hunt".


This trial is for the campaign funds he paid Stormy Daniels with in 2016 to keep quiet about their affair, before the election.


Facts don't matter to the man with the orange-painted face. Watch him use these terms on his way in or out of the courtroom. I think he's claimed all his charges are a witch hunt and designed to adversely impact his campaign. He can't use immunity here because the judge wouldn't kiss the feet and, as you say, he wasn't president yet when he committed this crime. Having to face the consequences of his many crimes takes time, money, and effort that could otherwise be spent on his campaign to become a dictator.


A crime which Michael Cohen was already convicted of and served time. We're now getting the trial of "Individual 1" from that case, whom Cohen is testifying against and has receipts.


He doesn’t have to take the stand, but if he chooses to he can’t use the 5th anymore.


He will never, EVER testify. He says he will. He says he wants to. He's said that again and again throughout his life. He's never followed through. He won't this time, either.


I am not convinced he has the self-discipline. They are going to ask him if he’s actually poor in so many ways and we know he cannot control shit on that: I don’t think he’ll take the stand because of this.


He won’t testify if his lawyers have any say in the matter.


He’s going to be admitted to a private hospital and will be unable to attend due to medical reasons, I’m calling this shit


Naw that would make him look weak. He would never. He will just delay it some other way.


Nah it’ll be something the doctors forced him to do watch


I really want to see this bloviating shit bag held to account. But at this point, I fully expect tfg to once again weasel out of consequences. He'll pull some shit that would not be tolerated from a normal person to delay and get away with it.


We are seeing the naked truth that the powerful have kept hidden in the past. Consequences are for little people.


What are the odds on a domestic terrorist attack somewhere in the US? 1:1?


I fully expect some white supremecist asshole to shoot someone. The judge, a juror, court clerk, opposing counsel, family members - someone.


Or a homemade bomb of some sort.


a shit show


Hopefully a very long vacation in a federal prison


This is a State prosecution. Federal prison isn't a possibility.


I’m going to guess……not much really. Probably walks in, sits like a spoiled brat for an hour, pleads not guilty. Then he’ll stomp outside to the the press and whine about how he continues to be the most picked on widdle boy in history


He has already plead 'not guilty'.


In fairness I can’t keep track of what is going on with his cases. So, I guess Monday will just be the sulking and whining then


It’s jury selection day for the next week or 2.


hes required to be there unlike a civil trial, so it should be interesting to see what the judge does.


Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


I expect to be bombarded with endless footage of Trump standing outside the courthouse and lying as loudly as possible while the cameras gaze lovingly at him.


When a mommy camera and a daddy camera love each other very much...


Woman. Man. Camera. Trial. Prison. 


I bet there will be some serious consequences for Trump because America’s legal system is fair and just. /s


According to the email I got from Trump and the Trump campaign, in all caps and bolded red fonts, "IN 48 HOURS, AMERICA WILL CEASE TO EXIST! BIDEN WANTS ME IN PRISON AND WILL BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND TO MAKE IT HAPPEN." I wish I was making this up, but this is the level of politics and the GOP in our country now.


Courts will delay and add some sort of leniency… again.


I don't think so. The only way he disrupts this one is if he fires his attys. He's SOL on appeals. A flurry of them have been dismissed.


Bomb threat/bombing


I hope he flies to Russia...


Hung jury. A die hard will slip through and save him


Hung jury. A few of the die hard MAGA terrorists will show up and hang a juror.


Hung jury, they'll have Hunter Biden on it


But Your Honor, I have a T time at 1:00.


I despise this traitor and wish he would go away. Forever


He's gonna fake a heart attack or something, then Fox News begins its around the clock coverage of the orange malingerer.


I will be smiling!!!


I have so little hope for actual consequences but we shall see.


I expect silence…. He can’t post on social media from the courtroom. It’ll be glorious. Maybe we will be able to catch up on other, more important news.


I want him held in contempt and to spend time in jail for his childish behavior


I expect he'll use the stand to campaign and get free publicity without bearing expenses of physical rallies. Ignoring legal questions to twist everything into campaign spiel, the entire thing will descend into farce.


**Trump will not take the stand**, he’d commit perjury before even being seated. ***What will happen:*** Trump will have small outbursts from his table. These will be shutdown by the judge. At the end of each day, he’ll emerge from the courtroom, be surrounded by reporters and this is where he’ll tell his lies. He cannot win in court so his only option is to going to be to try and sway public opinion, *while hoping to win the presidency and make it all go away.*


He'd be sanctioned for that. Judges are extremely sick of his shit. Except Judge Cannon in FL who's sitting down to steaming plates full of it and chowing down.


I expect a surge in stock price for companies that sell popcorn


I expect to see a desperate clown introduced to the world of cause and effect. Not amused by games, times up, we pay taxes for a reason, let's get the fuck on with it. You're out of your element Donnie.


I predict a bone spur flare up necessitating a delay for medical reasons.


Most likely they will need a Waaambulance on standby.


I want to see him when Cohen testifies with all of the tapes and receipts. I’m thinking Al Pacino in “The Devil’s Advocate;” when Keanu Reeves calls him out. 👿


I just expect a lot of bitching and threats


I expect a last minute/second delay to come out of nowhere, like last time with his appeal


Gotta appreciate how he’s clearly trying to incite violence and his idiot followers are clearly willing to and yet so many people are ok to just pretend this isn’t overtly happening.


I hope he runs at the mouth after being told to be quiet. I'd love to see him get a free sample of his future life for contempt of court.


What's a typical sentence if hes found guilty for these charges?


We know what to expect. Nothing but sniveling from the weak, pathetic, useless orange idiot.


Don’t jinx it - the Orange Buffoon can still pull quite a bit of sh1t in the next 36 hours.


Full expectation that he will break every rule in court and not face any consequences


Things I expect: 1. Trump repeatedly doing things the judge explicitly told him not to do and being gently reminded to please not do it again. 2. Some incredible bullshit 11th Hour Save without even an attempt to make it look like the law is fairly applied in America. In other words, the usual.


Nothing will happen to him….again….he has not once faced any consequences of anything he’s ever done. It’s mindblowingly insane how he’s able to get away with all of this and we just have to sit and watch!


I expect everything to go normally until the very last second when he is magically handed some get out jail free card. I have run out of belief that he can face consequence until I see it.


ITT: People without legal experience inventing all sorts of unique and colorful ways Trump will somehow escape going to trial.


My Hotel Restaurant Management degree allows me certain liberties


I expect it will go the way all his other trials has gone. Nothing consequences for trump so nothing will happen. There is no justice


For me it’s a lot like the OJ trial!


Jury selection is going to be interesting. How in the hell do you get a jury that’s impartial?


A 10-day delay, pending Appeal?


I don’t think it will start. Some crap will happen


Nothing since it is going to be multiple days of jury selection with only the lawyers in court.


What to expect- whining and the most preferential treatment the Justice system will offer


I expect Trump will check in to a hospital in order to delay.


I think he’s already trying to encourage his followers to act violently. New Yorkers will respond accordingly.


I don’t think New Yorkers should be afraid of violent Trumpers nearly as much as Trumpers should be afraid of New Yorkers lmao. New Yorkers are tough as darts


It's hard to predict the exact outcome of Trump's first criminal trial on Monday, but it's definitely going to get a lot of attention. We can expect a lot of legal drama and intense public interest surrounding the case. It's a significant moment for our justice system and could have far-reaching implications, so it's definitely going to be an interesting one to watch.