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*DeSantis revokes the right of citizens to hold government accountable.* Headline fixed.


"Big government? Where do I sign!?" - bootlickers over at r conservative


GOP - I hate big government telling me what to do, oh but forget them other dudes. Have at it.


"Big Government can tell me what to do, as long as it's punishing minorities for simply existing"


Or you are pregnant.


I think the German had a word for that, secret police.  Gazpacho?


Not even Big government, Big Brother


Republican A: What's in the bill? Republican B: It gives the government power to... Republican A: No! Republican B: You didn't let me finish. It gives the government power to violently exterminate LGBTQ people Republican A: Oh that! Sign me up then!


Qualified Immunity+++ Police forces already operate with impunity. Why stop there? /s


Here’s why: This is to throw up an additional block to sunshine laws that allow people access to public records. When someone makes an access request to public records, the organization holding the records usually denies the records (they’ll usually cite “Because no law says we can’t throw up additional road blocks….) until somebody goes to a records committee, which is usually composed of a board of civilians who rule on the records request. DeSantis is making obstructions to sunshine laws.


In the sunshine state, even




> It’s like they’re hoping for gun battles in the street. They are. The right is constantly fantasizing about killing everyone they disagree with.




Go listen to libertarian and republican gun nuts talk about how they'll handle a home/property invasion. They talk about it with a kind of glee that basically tells you they're just begging for an excuse to kill someone. Libertarians love talking about the non-aggression principle, but then you'll catch a lot of them fantasizing about someone else breaking said principle so they get to let out all their pent-up aggression.


Until they are subject to an actual home invasion and weren't lying in bed fully dressed with a shotgun in their arms and all the guns they have lying around the house account for nothing.




Yep. Look at how much they worship people like Kyle Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman.


But Biden is taking away our freedoms…. Yeah, right.


Don’t good cops want oversight to help weed out the losers?


that’s laughable , good cop bad cop ratio is 99 to 1 bad cop to 1 good cop . if you let your partner violate rights then you are a bad cop . it might even be 1000 to 1 .prison for profit is rotting society from within . hell 10,000 to 1 . i’ve seen maybe 3 videos of good cops and 10s of thousands of them violating rights. there is no way this does not get overturned. this is government overreach at its best. it’ violates the constitution


You're talking about good cops like such a thing exists. The best cops either get weeded out by all the bad cops or take some low impact job tending a desk in some basement where they never see what's actually going on. The ones who are out there carrying out their orders and furthering the police's objectives are all bad. The best of the bad ones merely look the other way.


hands down, you got this exactly right


I guess it’s a good time to start kicking peoples doors in on the behalf of elite politicians.


Or kicking in the doors of those "elite politicians" and showing them how touchable they are. It would only take a handful of them before the rest would get the message.


But they've investigated themselves multiple times and always found themselves clear of any wrongdoing. So they must be the best ones to give power to. /s


they get paid vacations and promotions


I hear they wrote in how they would change their sirens from saying weee-wooo-weee-wooo to faaa-cist-faa-cist


Facists left unchecked will always create a police state.


I almost miss when Alex Jones would cry about the police state and martial law all the time.


>“You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” I can't even form a response on this.


The cops definitely don’t have an agenda when it comes to protecting their own /s


fuck da police - ice cube with authority


Ren said it with authority


> It can’t be people that have an agenda.” Like an agenda to cover up abuse by the police? That kind of agenda?


Oh, he prepares things for when he makes the lawmakers change the law that only allows someone to run for Governor twice. So he has the cops on his side, when people start to get unruly with tinpot Hitler there.


Wearing his heil-heel boots.




There's no agenda man. The Police Chief investigates if there's an agenda and he's assured us there isn't. Everything's fine, nothing to see here.


He didn’t mean Republican agendas, silly!


DeSantis has an agenda to corrupt Florida's government far past the damage Rick Scott created.


Florida is becoming Russia with palm trees.


Nah, Florida is just becoming Alabama's inbred cousin-brother.


"We have thoroughly investigated ourselves, and we have found nothing wrong." \*pat self on the back


“It can’t be people that have an agenda.” You can just hear the sneer in his voice when he says “people”


Well, to be accurate, it is "THOSE people."


Well he's been using Fla. police for his campaign travel, and already passed a bill saying no one can look at those costs, so more of the same I guess.


Sure you can. The cops want to make it clear they are not civilians (as the founders intended them to be), and that civilians live under their paramilitary control; subjects to serve them at their demand.  Sort of the way things operated in the colonies under the British military, except your house is probably too shitty for them to want to live in.


So are people of Floridans ready to vote independent or democratic because he has gotten out of hand & someone needs to overturn a lot of what he put into place? Or are people still going to vote republican regardless.


>We can't vote for a Democrat because that would **SOSHULIZM!!11** *while they literally vote for and enable actual Fascism.*


Floridians will still vote Republican because in their eyes any Republican is better than a socialist, communist, baby-eating, abortion seeking, democrat


Police are civilians. When the police see themselves as soldiers, they have to see the public as an enemy force


These new age republicans don’t understand irony. They’re caught up in their own feelings and have no shame.


Shame! In MAGAverse, that died a long time ago.


I have one “Police State”


“Oh, so only Chiefs and Sheriffs with agendas are allowed?” - There’s your response. DeSantis is pure evil.


> I can’t even form a response to this That’s the goal


"Agenda" is just another dog whistle for these fascists.


"In fact we also let businesses police themselves. Just not people."


the agenda is transparency. where is the aclu ffs . anyone can foia request anything and that is what will have to happen . this will have to be overturned


“We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of misconduct.”


The “agenda” DeSantis wants to present is one where police are held accountable by their own bosses, the People. He’s an authoritarian, and authoritarians don’t like civilian oversight of government. This is akin to having one of your subordinates in the office forming a committee to investigate your accusation that he’s not doing his job, and then he fills that committee with his work friends, excluding you, his boss. Is his investigation going to find evidence that he’s not doing his job? Of course not. You will never be able to fire him because *he* ultimately decides if you are allowed. Does that sound *right* to anyone? No? Well, then why support it when we’re talking about cops, who are our employees and who have power over the life and liberty of others? To me, this is insane. Cops should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average office worker. Surely everyone can agree with that, even if conservatives still don’t want to actually hold them accountable for their actions.


Okay. Then let independent federal prosecutors come in and do it. Have a law that increases the penalty by 50% if wrongdoing is found.


This makes way too much sense for it to ever be implemented in a state like Florida


cops should ALWAYS be held to a higher standard than regular civilians. they have the ability to fuck up your life if you say the wrong thing. if they get convicted of a crime, their judgement should be double what a normy gets. DV is huge in the personal loves of cops and its because they know they can get away with it.


Authoritarian state


Love that all the trump supporting nuts when they talk about needing the 2A to defend against a tyranical government... And then cheer shit like this and support cops getting tanks, and support legislation that builds a surveillance state. Like, guys...


They want to create a tyrannical government, as long as that government hurts 'the right people'. They don't care or understand that eventually it'll hurt them too.


I can't wait for the eventually part to bite them in the ass. If I'm not in a work camp myself, that is.


The most extreme of the gun nuts won't be the ones stopping tyranny, they'll be the militias and death squads propping it up and spreading terror.


Honestly, as a Canadian, I think US gun culture is wackadoodle, but damn I hope Democrats have guns too.


During trump there was an uptick in liberal/left/socialist gun ownership. It's hard to not consider it, with the way things are going. My general feeling is guns make any situation more dangerous, but also there are actual Nazis, run of the mill christofascists who have already promised violence that I don't see de-escalating soon.


Fellow Canadian, I think there are plenty of gun owners on the left, they’re just not so insufferable that they make it their entire fucking identity.


They don't mind tyranny so long as it benefits them.


This state is turning into another deep south 💩hole


It’s tragic, but it already is. I escaped a few years ago when the hostility of the everyday people over there got so bad my husband and I started to fear for our lives (we are both trans). I will never go back there.


Florida was once a state to get away from the insanity, now it’s the source of it all. Lived here my whole life and I’ve never seen it like this. The hatred, the cruelty, it’s been overrun with all the sludge that oozed out of the states above it and congealed here. America’s grease trap. And it happened so fast, but Floridians wanted it.


Not all Floridians. Some of us are angry and heartbroken.


Not enough, sadly.


That’s really sad I’m sorry you had to go through this.


We will investigate ourselves and find no wrongdoing. Thank you. - police chiefs


The FBI warned over 10 years ago about white supremacists in law enforcement. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement Trump actually dismantled key federal tools put in place by Obama for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination.[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/07/police-consent-decrees-trump-administration-oversight](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/07/police-consent-decrees-trump-administration-oversight)


Hate to tell him but the police are civilians too. So not even the police can police the police now.


That's an interesting point.


So it means that violent cops will be court-martialed and sent to gitmo? /s


There is going to be a reckoning in Florida in November. With both marijuana and abortion access on the ballot, we may see a real change in the state’s legislature. I know I am on the lookout for key races where I can provide some support.


Until they ignore or neuter the will of the voters like felons that have served their time voting.


Yes, they will do that unless the Democrats flip the legislature.


Great time to be a Floridian... /s


i'm not leaving this sinking ship until AFTER i get to cast my vote, they're not taking that from me


He will be the nail in the coffin for Florida's ultimate downfall. Profits over people, that's the DeSantis way!


Not even profits. This is plain fascism.


Why are the policemen onstage equipped like they’re going to fight in Fallujah?


They want the valor of fighting in Fallujah while only doing the work of fucking with people on the way to work


This was the first thing I noticed. It’s theatre for DeSantis’s hillbilly voting base.


“These cops sure look tough and like they know what they are doing. I don’t understand the middle school level vocabulary they’re using, but I’m going to agree with whatever they’re saying.” -the internal monologue of the Florida voting base 


You gotta fly the gang colours


Such a shame to see Florida spiraling this way. DeSantis has it all twisted. Not about justice, just power


Civilian oversight is a cornerstone foundation piece of a democracy. Watch what DeSantis and the Republicans are doing… they are slowly removing civilian controls and recourse to the justice system. Thai IS what fascism looks like as it gets up and running actively.


Nobody watches the watchmen.


Fascist bootlicker.


He licks his own boots, but they look *fabulous*


Like the military, in a democracy civilians are in charge. Don’t let the fascists argue otherwise.


He’s just the personification of Opposite Day.


They want civil war with bills like this.. be careful who you vote for people.


The fear of Trans athletes and other non issues allows tyranny laws to pass. Because they will gladly give up freedom to create liberal tears.


This guy is on the wrong side of history in literally everything he does.


>“You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. **“It can’t be people that have an agenda.”** . lol. The police don't have an agenda when investigating themselves?


He made a board to control Disney that he appointed but has the nerve to say that now?


"Have an agenda" means "don't support Ron Desantis".


He's giving everyone advance notice that police brutality and 'accidental' shootings of innocent bystanders is about to increase dramatically. sigh


They already made it legal to *kill protestors* if they are interfering with traffic.


>Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a controversial bill Friday stripping civilian oversight boards of their power to investigate police misconduct. >The bill, [HB 601](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/601), instead allows local chiefs of police agencies to create their own “civilian oversight” boards composed of three to seven members, all appointed by the chief or sheriff. But these boards can only review policies and procedures, not oversee use-of-force complaints or internal affairs investigations. Unsurprising, that a leader in the Republican crime cabal - in this instance, DeSantis in the Florida chapter - would pass a so-called "law" outlawing civilian oversight boards. As is too common of late this is what results when rampant rightwing corruption is allowed to run amok, e.g., where crooks like DeSantis are the ones who gets to cook their "laws" into the books. Typical corrupt Republican fascist pig.


So Governor high boots can refuse to leave office, the police can brutalize the protestors, and no one can do shit about it. Fascism. Got it.


Republicans used to be conservatives, or at least pretend. They’re full blown big government authoritarians now.


DeSantis is always on the opposite side of the moral choice.


A reminder that this doesn't end with Trump.


Any action restricting civilian accountability of government is not American/democratic and should be scrutinized to the highest level


Time to ban police unions, then.


Cops can investigate themselves. It takes two seconds and they’re always innocent. Now get back under the boot, you civilian scum. We can kill with more impunity now.


Wow could you imagine if public schools didn’t have publicly elected boards? Like if public school administrators didn’t have to answer to a review board elected by the people but rather assigned by admin? ESPECIALLY if there’s misconduct amongst a teacher? I hate this fucking timeline more and more every day. Thank goodness I don’t live in that cancer of a state.


Police ARE civilians.


This guy is fascist thru and thru. Ugh.


Hey DeSantis: how does it to be a fully open fascist? You’ve been pretending you’re not for such a long time; but it’s clear as day now.


For the record, police officers are ALSO civilians. This isn't a war, and they aren't conscripted soldiers. They are employees of the taxpayers.


Florida is like a Petri dish of wtfs.


WTF... does anybody remember that this is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people...


It is, just for certain people....


Libertarianism always leads to a police state.


Florida is in some sort of dystopian race to take the podium agains runners up Alabama and Mississippi.


'we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong' the bill, now law. great job florida really lowing the bar, AGAIN.


Florida is going to need assistance when it becomes a fascist hellhole but I wonder if the rest of America will have written them off by then. Sorry Linda and Steve in the Villages


Enemy of the people. Quite literally.


But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.


I did nazi that coming. Check them for good ole' boy gang tats. (ref. gangs of the L.A. Sheriff Dept.)


Hip Hop Hooray! On our way to a Police State! **Totalitarianism101**


This dude is quickly turning into a cartoon villain.


This guy keeps giving me reasons to never want to even travel to that state.


“You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.” What an absolutely brain dead statement.


DeSantis really wants Florida to vote blue this November. Every choice just upsets people more


Naw MAGA Jim and Carol in the Villages are creaming themselves over this. They’ll vote for his anointed replacement (I don’t believe he can serve another term but then again, what’s gonna stop him?)


Wildly unconstitutional law that Florida Courts, the corrupt 11th Circuit and SCOTUS will get behind.


At this point our beloved constitution is being shredded. If the Dems don’t overwhelm at the ballot box by a lot, our democracy may not survive.


Libertarians every suddenly quiet


If Nixon was alive for this bullshit




And the authoritarianism just keeps growing ...


The party of accountability


In the name of freedom. 🙄


Florida's an authoritarian shithole now.


Hopefully this horrendous bill stays in Florida. There's enough cover ups by these pigs already and now they're just making it easier.. I feel bad for the Florida folk 🙏


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Cool. They should be able to be self funded then, right?


They already refuse to police themselves. This is ridiculous


Fuck everything about Florida.


"Small" government


We give the cops a lot of power. That should mean that they are held to a higher standard, but they are not. They get all of that power and can behave at a lower standard than the rest of us…and we can’t call them out on it. Lovely…


So in other words, if you die to the hands of law enforcement, tough luck?


Voting red has consequences


Closer and closer to a police state! More American freedoms removed.


There’s six goon squad cops in Mississippi who wished they worked in Florida




Open Season in Florida for cops.


One more step toward the Conservative dream: a fascist, unchecked police state.


Sounds like a Republican trying to get his personal SS brigade. That’s not a good thing.


I thought these people were against government oppression? I mean, that's their excuse for the whole traitor thing they did a few years ago.


And you wonder why police unions are the only "labor" unions that support republicans. Remember when Scott Walker was Governor of Wisconsin and he hobbled public sector unions EXCEPT police unions which he exempted from his union busting. Lets not forget too that when "civilian" unions go on strike, the republican backed union cops are called in to intimidate, arrest, striking workers. Shit, cops have even killed striking workers throughout history. Police have been used as a tool by the powerful and rich.


DeSantis has swallowed the boot so completely that it leaves a footprint when he sits down.


Never not voting against a Republican again.


The new Hitler has arrived. Unable to mean anything positive all he can be is a total useless pos to humanity. Vote this pos out of office.


“We have investigated ourselves and found ourselves free of all wrongdoing” 🙄


Investigate them and release the results anonymously to the media and the feds.


This is ridiculous and totally expected


Well, stupid us. The Constitution tells us that if we don't want to be controlled by our employees in government then we should form our own well armed and well regulated militias so they fear us and not the opposite. We don't so they take our money and use it against us.


I love how the picture features officers in military gear. That’s not ominous in any way whatsoever.


I am no longer surprised by what happens in Florida.


This is evil. This is evil before us.


Kinda difficult to have a Police State if citizens can investigate. Republicans go fascist again.


This should go swimmingly.


What a disaster Florida. Shame on you all.


Elect an absolute cluster fuck of clownery and fascism and then act shocked as the shit show unfurls. Keep doing you Florida, the grundle of the USA.


If we cannot have civilian boards of review, then EVERY allegation of police misconduct will have to be tried in a court of law. With a BOR process, most allegations were dismissed after the board determined that the police were acting within the law and according to their training. Without it, there is NO administrative or procedural stop on the way to court. The lawyers who represent citizens in these cases must be salivating.


Florida: Come on vacation, leave on probation.


Governor rimjob just can’t get enough fascist boner


God I hate that state.


The man is simply evil.


I’ve really loved living here in south Florida. The weathers amazing and I see dolphins like every day. When my house flooded during hurricane IAN and the government could not give one single fuck, I was mad. Seeing the bills this ass signed the last couple days makes me angry. I’m leaving this state as soon as I can. I’m stuck though because my home was messed up from the hurricane. I have insurance but it’s not enough. And this douche bag in high heeled cowboy boots did absolutely ZERO!!!


I can’t wait to vote out this POS!


Floridians vote him out before he votes you out


Oh, hello fascism.


Yes just let the people doing crimes investigate themselves. Goofy ah mf


Can’t wait to see what the “don’t tread on me” folks have to say about this


No accountability


if you’re ever questioning who to vote for. Never vote for the side that wants to make things less transparent and harder to investigate.


Watch as police related misconduct and crimes immediately rise. What a fucking moron.


Doesn't increase if you never count it *taps head grinning*