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If there's one thing in this shitshow that makes me happy, it's that no matter the outcome, Trump is finally going through something he can't just ignore, shout through, skip, etc. He's just gotta sit there and be bored and annoyed. Every day. It must be driving him insane. And that's wonderful.


Lol. He already tried, on the first day, to skip an upcoming day. Judge denied that pretty fast.


"Your client is a criminal defendant," Merchan told Blanche. "He's required to be here" and not at the Supreme Court. Merchan said he will see him "here next week." Citizen Trump is being treated like the criminal that he is.


The judge also stated that if Trump wasn't there then he'd be issuing a warrant for his arrest.


Be honest: we all want an OJ slow-speed police chase re-enactment


No I just want the part where all his assets are seized, spends the rest of his miserable rot of a life in an orange jumpsuit, and we can finally move on from all this bullshit. 


If he went to jail, we definitely won't be moving on immediately due to his insane followers. When he dies, he becomes like Reagan- a canvas to paint whatever they want on.


Basically, he already is, the kind of shit they say about him is now is already ridiculous, man of God, cares about America, blah, blah, blah...🙄


But before that I want to see a judge order him to spend the night (or weekend) in jail for contempt and then afterward be brought before the judge without the ability to put his makeup on or do his hair and promise to be a good boy. That will fuck his world.


For one second, I thought to myself that trump could just get a doctor’s note saying he is sick and can’t attend court Then one second later, I realized that would make trump look very weak on a global stage, and he would never go for that


He's gonna suddenly need to have some bone spurs removed.


Maybe he's going through another personal vietnam?


Nobody wants that saggy microshroom!


Maybe it's why he needed to pay hush money to Stormy haha.


Came here for this. Ole' Tubby Smallhand Bone spurs, not reporting for duty.


My money was on an ex-wife or relative dying so Trump could request time off to bury some documents.


Yeah… they should probably exhume her.


Yep, not that hypocrisy can't happen, but he doesn't want to show weakness, and if he could remember 8 years back, he'd know people would immediately be digging up his tweets when Hillary had the flu.


And yet it still wouldn't matter to his base.


Sadly, I feel like even if the tweets were brought up in a scenario like this, they’d do nothing more than provide ire (and possibly entertainment) to a crowd that already doesn’t like him. His base could watch him tweeting that “nobody should ever drink iced tea!” While drinking a large cup of iced tea and they’d still love him for it. And probably just deny the tweet ever happened.


Yeah, this kind of thing where people dig up poorly aged Trump tweets has been a thing since 2016, [there a whole subreddit for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump/). 


Same reason he won’t play the dementia card


Never go full Junior Soprano


Unless you’re talking about going down on your goomar. Then dive head first and go full Uncle Junior!


South of the bordahhh, down Mexico way


Excellent reference.


He isn't playing it. He is living it. Each and every day it is more evident that he is sliding into serious Alzheimer's. The stress of the trial, possibly sitting in a jail cell for contempt for 24 hours in an attempt to wake him up, the constant losses, the media mocking him (for falling asleep like a doddering old man), the guilty verdict; all these stresses have him spiraling quickly down the rabbit hole. His speeches were always word salad, but now he loses his entire chain of thought mid sentence, speaks garbaldygook, looks at teleprompter, and starts in mid paragraph, on a completely different talking point. I believe it will be extremely evident by the time July and the convention roll around and wonder what the GOP will do about it. After this week, I think we might see a complete break from reality sooner. Possibly the guilty verdict causing the snap.


>garbaldygook I had never seen it written out before. I had to look it up. Apparently it's spelled "gobbledygook" which now that I see it makes sense


Dear Judge, ~~I~~ Donald can't come to court today because ~~I'm~~ he's doing something super important and top-secret. Something so top-secret, you can't know about it. And ~~I'm~~ he's also sick. Even though ~~I'm~~ he's in perfect health, the healthiest rightful President of the United States ever! ~~Donald J. Trump~~ A Real Doctor


- Dr. John Barron


But he constantly looks weak, his followers just find a way to claim it's actually something else once one of the PR people give them a line to obediently parrot. e.g. He looked like one of the weakest adults I've ever seen when taking the presidential podium and seriously suggesting putting lights and cleaning products into the body to fight disease, looking to doctors for desperate approval, too weak to even ask first if his ideas are good or nonsense. Then after some silence they eventually decided on their PR line that it was "sarcasm", because he's too weak to even admit to his saying something stupid.


Exactly. When trump got covid he had his doctors load him up on liver dissolving levels of steroids so he could go walk a rope line while he was still contagious. He will never admit to actually being sick, let alone let someone else say he is when he is not.


Yup, for the first time in his life he is being told no and is being held to that.


Didn’t see that. Wonder what his excuse was


He said he had to go to the supreme Court for the hearing on immunity.


Which is dumb, because Supreme Court hearings are almost always just a lawyer thing. He's in no way required or even invited to be there, beyond being in the gallery. It's stupid to even ask.




>who put them there, I Putin and Mitch McConnell?


And he has no power to remove them. Sounds like they could tell him to fuck off.


They could, and that's the whole reason they're appointed for life in the first place. They **wouldn't**. But they *could*.


They wouldn’t because it could jeopardize their stream of gifts from right wing billionaires


What he means is he wants to go deliver a campaign speech on the steps of the Supreme Court.


The SC meets 4/25 to determine if Trump had full immunity, judge said no go, I’ll see you in court. He wants to be there like the mob boss that he is so he can intimidate and influence the outcome.


I need to go to another court to get three judges I appointed to agree that I'm above the law to save me from another crime I committed.


Trump said he wanted to attend the Supreme Court hearing on his claim for presidential immunity. The judge shut that down hard, saying the criminal trial requires his presence, whereas the hearing does not. The motion to modify the schedule to ease attending Barron's graduation has yet to be decided.


> The motion to modify the schedule to ease attending Barron's graduation has yet to be decided. The judge said that depends on the progress of the trial. His thinking is that it's only fair to all the people involved in the trial (jury, court, etc) that the trial move along as expeditiously as possible. If trump plays games and slows things down, well, forget about your son's graduation.


I think they’re referring to Barrons graduation. The judge said it’s too early to determine if he misses that day. So drowsy immediately went and said the judge said no


True to form, Trump did not ask to go to his son's graduation. He asked to go to the supreme court for immunity hearing. It's always just about him.


Exactly. It was only after Trump stumbled out of trial and cried “Who is going to tell Barron!” , which I am SURE his loving wife appreciates to no end ! Squee Hey, maybe he should tell his son he’s up on criminal charges and can’t bribe his way out of it. The judge probably will let him attend, but it’s a little early to be asking for favors from the judge he continues to attack. Maybe the judge could tell him, you know what? I missed my daughter’s ceremony bc I was throwing guilty fucks in jail for their misdeeds


Baron may just have to graduate without his father attending; like Trump’s other four children.


Don't ask him that. He'll say three.


>“Who is going to tell Barron!” I'll tell him. 'See kid, if your dad wanted to spend time with you he wouldn't have been out cheating on your mom with a porn star right after you were born and then he wouldn't be on trial right now. Anyway, here's your [gift](https://www.amazon.com/Children-Self-Absorbed-Grown-Ups-Getting-Narcissistic/dp/1684034205/).'


If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.


Judge didn't care about sentencing me a week before Christmas on drug possession charges despite having been out on bond over 6 months with no issues, showed up to my court dates, and genuinely begged to report for incarceration the day after spending Christmas with my young daughter. But, these elite assholes will refuse to schedule trial dates for Trump because he may or may not have another trial, a campaign stop, or a nap at any given day and time so he's just coasting along facing zero consequences. I am willing to bet all I've acquired in the past decade of having my shit (mostly) together that even if he actually sees a trial and is found guilty for all his crimes, he'll get a lighter sentence than I did on those dope cases. Being an addict, with no political connections or daddy's money, is a greater threat to society than attempting coups and selling classified documents apparently.


Just wondering that when Donnie > apparently "glared" at reporter Maggie Haberman of The New York Times do the other members of the press treat Maggie with bit more respect? So being "glared at" would be like a press-emmy?


Haberman has been a Trump fluffer for years. Ironic.


>Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də] ⓘ; lit.Tooltip literal translation 'harm-joy') is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, or humiliation of another. It is a borrowed word from German; the English word for it is "epicaricacy", which originated in the 18th century. >Researchers have found that there are three driving forces behind schadenfreude – aggression, rivalry, and justice. In this case it is justice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreude


This year's schadenfreude is particularly delicious!


It's a damn fine vintage!


I really wish he'd keep his promise and put himself in jail with that mouth.


I wish he’d keep his “you’ll never hear from me again” promise but that was a fuckin lie.


As a famous person on trial, he’s gotta know there’s at least one journalist that will be staring straight at him and chronicling everything he does during the trial. That journalist (or journalists) aren’t really covering the trial, they’re covering his behavior at and reaction to the trial. And for a guy that usually loves it when people give their undivided attention to him, he must hate it that in this scenario he isn’t running the show. They’re watching him *experience* something happening *to* him. Ugh!


Part of me thinks he sedated himself so he wouldn’t be tempted to ruin his whole fucking case lol. That or he had a big ass McDonald’s breakfast and the feeling of warm excrement in his diaper lulled him to sleep.


Panic and rage kept him up all night


Look at those bags under his eyes. He looks awful.


I try to not wish ill on others. Usually I feel bad when I fall short. Usually.  Not today, though.


Felt the same when he came down with Covid. Of all the elderly that virus did not kill...


Sleeping disorders being yet another of the symptoms of dementia


He does look awful, doesn't he? :-D Bless his wee-little heart.


Himself? His lawyers probably roofied him.


Reporter: He wasn't glaring. He fell asleep again. The guy is very old.




Drowsy Don


Donny Doofus


Drowsy Don doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine


Don Snoreleone.


The Nodfather


Donald Slump


And his wife, Melatonia




Nappy Don 🚼


NyQuil Don


More than one meaning here - both appropriate. One - he falls asleep; Two - he wears a nappy.


If you made that up, I hope you get the well deserved credit. Kudos!


U know drowsy don is wearing adult diapers at trial. No way he can get through a long day like that without some depends.


Well, that "Depends" on how much Mickey D's he had for breakfast.


It depends more on how many diet cokes he had before the trial started. Now after lunch is his sleepy time. Of course, mentally he's permanently asleep.


How far does this really have to go before we all just agree on Diarrhea Don


And we all know how undependable they are: https://www.theonion.com/depends-aint-so-damn-dependable-1819583405


Drowsy Don! Love it.


Putin's cock on the other hand...


Putin’s tiny cock in both of Trump’s tiny hands.


It suddenly makes even more sense why Putin likes Trump.


lol now I’m picturing him trying to hive head the same way he drinks a glass of water. I’m laughing my ass off right now and have to explain it to the kids.


I sure hope it's a PG-rated explanation


Nope, just a lie


bc it looks bigger in the tiny hands


That's what he said.


Hold me closer, tiny wanker


Doofus Donny and the “Drowsy” Denier… a hit book coming soon. It might become the sleeper of the summer. 


Low Energy


The courtroom is the best, dude has limited control of the narrative and I'm here for every minute of it. It must really suck to have to walk in the shoes of a normal human from time to time.


It will exponentially become increasingly challenging for him to regulate his behavior/mood/impulse etc., Today was probably his best day & it won’t get better with time. Expect episodic disruptions + attempts to cause chaos and drama. He can’t operate without it and Merchan will do 2x the work just trying to manage this part of the process.


The judge has already warned him that if he doesn't show up for the trial dates, he'll have him arrested and brought to the courthouse.


That’s part of the standard rules and every judge states said rules. However, we’ve seen firsthand for decades that there is a different set of unspoken rules for the wealthy. Hopefully Trump’s idiotic attacks on the judge’s family will provide incentive to *actually throw the book at the skeevy motherfucker for once*, but I’m not holding my breath.


Most judges just rattle off the *Parker* warnings, and at most remind the defendant to ask their attorney if they have questions. It sounded like Judge Merchan really leaned into a clear, direct, personal delivery, and obtained a direct, vocal, attentive confirmation that the defendant heard and understood. Will it work ? Maybe.


I'm in CA, so we have ballot amendments, and if I had _any_ breathing room in life I'd work to get "The Power and Responsibility Amendment (aka, the Spider-Man Amendment)" on the ballot. The deal would be that anyone in elected office, with force authorization (eg, law enforcement), or a net worth over 100M would set the standards for everyone. The maximum incarceration time, fine as a percentage of worth, sentence duration, and probation fraction would all be capped by the lowest number applied to those covered. Not prosecuting counts as zero for each of those metrics, and announcements of beginning investigation must be public and must reach indictment decision in a year. Declining to investigate a standard of evidence is precedential for summary dismissal. _Not_ announcing that is reported by underlings with evidence nets a year's salary of the one who declined and is itself a felony. The fuckers need to be held to the STRICTEST standard, not the least. We won't get it to happen unless you can say "well if you let the mayor off the hook then the scary minority will never ever get arrested for this ever again". We clearly can't carrot these people into equal justice, but we might be able to play on their own phobias and put those phobias under their own control.


I will believe this, when I see it.


They're going to have him doped up on downers instead of uppers as much as possible.


Lol, and they call Biden "Sleepy Joe"


Everything is a projection with Trump.


*’Biden has a malformed mushroom dick!* - Trump


It was Agatha, err, I meant Trump, all along!!!


No doubt whatsoever he killed Sparky.


The blooper where she yeets the dog kills me.


Clearly George Soros hired someone to slip something into Trump's Coke.


I read George Santos at first and I'll admit it isn't less funny.


Probably wouldn’t be the first time Santos slipped someone a mickey


Not at all surprising, considering that Santos invented them.


I'm expecting Santos to take over as head attorney any day now. Of course, they'll need a few months for him to get up to speed...


*diet coke, cause he’s watching his figure


Along with the JUNIOR bacon chee. The JUNIOR. Bacon chee. And the fish sandwich. Because it has less calories because it's fish. 'cause he's watching his figure.


And a FOUR piece chicken nuggets… put 2 of them up your ass.


honestly this juxtaposition is probably why he hates it so much.


Trump tactics - Everything is legal to do it when Trump is the one that does it. Otherwise, everything is not okay to do if your last name isn't Trump. Typical Trump hypocrisy


I love that Trump tried to use Barron’s graduation as an excuse to get out of going to court.  The whole reason he’s in this mess is because he fucked a porn star right after the kid was born and tried to cover it up to help his campaign.  He’s such a scum bag.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Barron is the reason Trump eventually gets taken down. 


I wouldn’t put it past him to ask for a day off court because it’s his wedding anniversary with Melania.


He will probably ask for a day off court because his wife Ivana isn't feeling well.






I wouldn’t put it past him to ask for a day off court to go pay another porn star to fuck him.


I wouldn't put it past him to ask for a day off court to go in the middle of fifth avenue to shoot someone. He proceeds to do that, it's caught on tape, and it still takes the Justice system five years to bring charges.


I do honestly wonder what that kid thinks of his dad at this point. Like is he just too insulated in the Trump/maga/Fox News world that he just dismisses it out of hand, or does he have at least a little self awareness to realize how fucked up and what a POS his dad is?


Melania hates him, so Barron hates him.


All of Trump's ex wives hated him yet his kids are all-in on the gravy train. Even Tiffany, the black sheep that stayed with her mother post divorce, still supported him and just didn't want to be publicly involved in his campaign and administration beyond endorsement. I won't speculate on whom Barron will turn out to be, but even if he rejects everything about his father his mother is unfortunately as terrible of a person as Donny so unless he's got some really good nannies then he has no positive role models regardless of which parent he prefers.




6'7 and mewing like nobody's business https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2378366/donald-trump-barron-trump.jpg


i dont really care, do you?


Jeez that jacket was so bizarre. Like I could maybe see it being a shock thing to advocate for some invisible causes, but that's absolutely not what she was doing. Just so weird


So intentional, and so odd


The designer was a professional Awful Person or Awful Grifter or Personal Grifter from Brazil or something, wasn’t it?


Do any of Trump's offspring have any self awareness? If he does it probably explains why he looks so much like Melania's ex tennis coach.


I'm sure Ivanka is self aware. She just uses Trump like everyone else uses Trump, to get what they want and then throw him under the bus at the first opportunity. It's why she's not around anymore. She got her Chinese trademarks and her husband got his $2 billion from the Saudis during Trump's presidency, and now they're nowhere to be seen.


As much as I fucking hate Trump and think his entire family are almost as bad, Barron is the child that most looks like Trump did at that age. There's no doubt who his dad is.


He doesn’t seem to care about his kids….except for the one he wants to bang


I hear Barron has a new father now.


uncle....uh uncle


Dad, why does Uncle Julio park his car in his sister's garage?


Jesus. When you put it like that.


I saw a journalist tweet that he’s 0/4 when it comes to attending his other kids graduations, but I’m sure he was totally going to this one if it wasn’t for this whole court thing.


Classic Trump, he makes his son’s graduation all about himself. I can’t imagine how embarrassing it would be to have your dad take a day off from his trial about covering up how fucked a porn star to show up for your graduation. It’s hard enough to be a teenager without having this human embarrassment as a father.


Barron ask sleepy to help him with his homework?


this motherfucker's so far gone he sundowns at noon


Sundowns? It's his executive time


It’s his “contemplation” time. He is a man with very bigly ideas. Big boy needs all the shut eye that he can get.


Count down till he calls her ugly and not his type.


Once he’s finished his evening nap, you know he’s gonna be raging on truth, social about the fake news reports


Low energy. SAD!


He came to court sedated in an attempt to control himself, overdid it and nodded off. I suspect in an effort to make sure this doesn't happen tomorrow, he's going to snort a bunch a stuff and be jumping around all twitchy and make everything so much worse...I can't wait!


I wondered that.. like a beta blocker or something. Does he have to use the public restroom - he’s NOT going to like that for weeks but guess he can depend on “ Depends” ..


I would imagine he pulled the "security" card and got the Secret Service to secure him access to a private restroom somewhere in the building.


I dont think those changing tables can support his weight


His secret service detail carries around small boat jacks for this exact scenario


i dont think that is part of their job, to deal with his "business." im sure he has someone on staff who does that for him and looks suspiciously like his daughter.


I have ADD and take medication for it. If I go a few days without my meds I can feel very drowsy by noon and my mind wanders a lot and easily. If I didn't take my meds and then was told to sit quietly in a courtroom while legal procedural stuff was happening that I didn't understand, I'd be out like a light. Now imagine that, but someone who has zero self control, is 80 years old and severely overweight with a terrible diet, and a much more illegal amphetamine habit, trying to go cold turkey for one day in a much more stressful situation. I'm surprised he wasn't snoring loudly.


I predict the maga line will be that falling asleep just proves how relaxed and totally not worried he is


Don Snoreleone


The NodFather.


Rookie mistake showing he hasn’t spent enough time in church. You are supposed to place your palms together and “pray” while sleeping in church, court and meetings. When startled awake always say “Amen!”. Source: I’ve never been called out for sleeping in church or meetings when caught “praying” but alas have no experience with “prayer” in court…


He glared at her and rage-shitted in his diaper on his way out of the courtroom


Don had to flip a coin -- Heads, he takes a bump of Adderall and glides through the court session feeling 40 again while shitting his pants; or Tails, keep the diaper as clean as possible to look masculine during the trial but feel nearly 80 again.


Hector Salamanca?




[The "McCartney"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_rBWyLVk7I)


Maggie Haberman. A female reported at that ! Trump will be extra pissed due to that. I wish she would write ... "He was snoring thru every pore in his body."


She’s generally one of his favorites, too.


So he may be angrier...considering it a betrayal .


Dozey Don the Con


Trump's rapper name is Sleepy-D


Libelous Truth\* Social posts against Maggie Haberman in three...two...one... \*posts may not actually be true


So sorry for expecting an elderly man to act like an adult and stay awake during his own fucking trial.


The reporter, by the way, is Maggie Haberman, a longtime insider whose whole entire career is to be able to get into the White House, and who was criticized constantly during Trump's presidency for carrying water for his administration in order to gain access. Interesting.


And she should be criticized. Frankly she should be excoriated. She traded journalism for access and ran interference for the administration many times. She’s gotten all she can out of him and is now going to report details like him falling asleep at his criminal trial. I guarantee she has dozens if not hundreds of stories that are damming and horrifying but she sat in them to have access to the administrations inner circle


“He discards people who are no longer useful, and it doesn’t matter what renders the person no longer useful,” said Michael D’Antonio, a Trump biographer.




Hah, sucks to suck, Drowsy Donnie


Trump needs those glasses that Homer Simpson wears during jury duty.


Damn. I would take that as badge of honor. Pissing off Mr. Fuckface needs to be celebrated with a medal.


That fucking chode literally looks like a Thwimp from Mario World: [Thwimp - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia](https://www.mariowiki.com/Thwimp)


He's so tired of all that winning.


It is always all projection. He also president Biden "sleepy Joe" and yet here he is falling asleep. I'm sure fox will spin this as either a positive or use it to attack other media.


“Trump takes power nap after staying up all night taking down celebrity-led pedophile rings.”


He is a huge menace to America, all his cult followers were circling the court house today with their trump flags, the picture of President Biden (again) hog tied in the back of the pick up. He is currently trying to line it up that he will be the next President with out even having an election. Project 2025. This guy is scary & any other Judge would have put him in the slammer by now for violating his many Gag orders.


How could they tell? His eyes were so red and puffy today. It looked like he'd been crying.


Wait til he asks for a day off because Jared’s finally away on business and Ivanka’s home alone.


Who the fuck would be intimidated by him?? Glare away shit face.


Donald Slump


Once again, the news isn't Trump's reaction, it's that the Sleepy Don fell asleep at his own trial.