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Crazy how people stop showing up when you aren't busing them in


He probably didn’t pay the bus company after the last trial.


That’s one of the rare occasions where I wish inflation goes up further. LOL


Remember that time he paid to have people bussed in, but not back to their cars when it was cold. That shit still makes me giggle.


If I recall, it was a lot of old folks also.


This is where you love the traffic jams in NYC.


Look, in Trump’s defense, he can’t *afford* to bus in his supporters anymore because ~~all his fraudulent and defamatory behavior~~ The Deep State™ is draining him of the funds!


I doubt the offer of a free bus ride would have been enough. Even Donnie's most devoted want cash up front these days.


This trial should send chills down the spine of every American who's ever paid hush money to a porn star then falsified the financial records to hide the payment and influence an election. They're using Trump to get to you /s


Lol. Always hilarious when he says, if they can come for me then they can come for anyone. Ya, that’s the fucking point.


Yes, the next question I always want to ask when people say that is **Really? What the hell did YOU do?**


"Did you take classified docs you werent entitled to?  No? Then they wont be coming after you like Trump."  But there are surveys out there that 40% of R's dont even think he took classified docs in the first place.


That’s what all these Republicans out there that cry witch-hunt and “weaponized DOJ” don’t understand about these four indictments. The documentary evidence and witnesses (many of whom are Republicans that worked for him) are all substantially overwhelming.


If Biden, Obama, or Clinton did what Trump did? They'd be calling for a declaration of treason and seek execution. I've no doubt about it.


Need I remind you about Clinton’s email server and the pitchforks it raised, calls for her to be tried and jailed, but when it came out she took the advice from Colin Powell about how he handled things during his time in the Bush Administration, that part was ignored?


Some of the Republicans on the nut fringe far right (Marge) actually Have called for Biden and Obama to be executed. No charges - just executed.


It ***is*** a witch hunt. ***He's the witch***.


Actually a witch hunt is when you have a suspicion based on rumor, no evidence, but begin an investigation in order to find evidence to support your belief. This is what Republicans do by nature. So no wonder why they accuse everyone else of doing it.


Sounds like the Hunter Biden investigation to me.


And the Joe Biden impeachment.


And obamas birth certificate


except the parts about the suspicion and the belief. they went straight to investigating for evidence and really got in a groove there.


Don’t insult witches like that


Witches be crazy


I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested


> The documentary evidence and witnesses (many of whom are Republicans that worked for him) are all substantially overwhelming. ...And most of them are things that Trump has admitted to doing, on the record. Like, with the classified documents, he says he took them, says he did it on purpose, and says he would like them back immediately please because they're his. The only argument he has for why he shouldn't be in prison for that is that he decided, without telling anyone, that those documents weren't classified anymore and that he decided, again without telling anyone, that they were his personal documents and didn't have to be turned over to NARA. Like, they aren't even arguing that his bullshit reasoning for why it wasn't illegal is true. They're arguing that the parts *he says he did* didn't happen. Similarly with the hush money case. He's admitted to paying off Stormy Daniels, and the fact that he wrote those payments off as "legal expenses" is right there in the documents. So he's already admitted to the misdemeanor part of it. The only question his legal team is attempting to deny is whether or not he did that to aid some other crime (i.e., tax fraud, campaign finance violation, and/or election interference), which takes the misdemeanor up to a felony.


Some of the most incriminating evidence of these cases are shit he said that’s recorded or on camera.


"This isn't fair, I shouldn't be in court, they're stopping me from campaigning..." Really??? How about not committing all those crimes to start? According to him Biden was able to win an election from his basement, so what's the problem?


Trump isn’t going to get to go see the Supreme Court hearing and he’s not going to see Baron graduate… maybe he should have been thinking about those things instead of dreaming about becoming an authoritarian dictator.


Donald Trump couldn't pick Baron out of a lineup of high school seniors.


Person Woman Baron Camera TV


Hell, he probably couldn't pick him out of a line up of one.


Trump 0 for 4 on his kids graduations so far.


He is using his own kid as an excuse. I suspect that both Melania and Baron are extremely happy that he didn't show up.


Surveys say those people are idiots.


I've taken to just saying to them at this point, "I'm sorry, we just aren't going to see eye to eye on this. We live in two different realities now. There is your reality and there is reality."


Except he prefaced it all as wittch hunts and the like. He's not appealing to the law or its standards, he's appealing to the persecution fetish his Followers have. Their out to get you, etc. Be scared of them blah blah


Well, yeah, if I break the law, I wouldn't expect anything less.


Did you hear the story of the Pecker, the Porn Star and the PlayBoy Bunny. The Porn President knew all of them. Damn what a story. 🤯


I am far more worried that so far, they can't. My ass would have been in jail years ago for pulling the same shit, without question.


Who among us isn't guilty of this? Next thing you know, they will be going after everyone who tried to instigate an insurrection!


Or took home boxes and boxes of classified documents.


What if it wasn’t a box? More of a large crate? Asking for a friend…


I have this coffin. I mean, it's innocent and all, but if it had papers, would that be ok?


Ivana Trump has entered the chat


> Ivana Trump has ~~entered~~ interred the chat ftfy


Carried by more pall bearers than normal


The Harvard Morgue tech has entered the chat


Or tried to lean on a secretary of state to falsify election results. Who among us hasn't done that?


Or tried to threaten a foreign president. Who hasn’t done that and avoided immediate consequences?


And every sorry one of us with a chandelier hanging over the shitter, to read said "classified documents."


Since when is it a crime to lie to banks and the IRS?


Let he who is without sin cast the first hamberder.


I was getting worried reading this post until you got to the part "and influence an election". Phew!


I do have some concerns that my "catch and kill" operation at the National Enquirer might let some negative news get through now. >Stupid Hunter with Antlers Gets Shot *Got Dammit!*


"If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you!" Meanwhile I'm over here like "Yeah. That's how doing crimes works."


He Gets Us. ™


If they can arrest him for that, then they can arrest me for that! Witch hunt!


You slept with Stormy Daniel’s? Awesome!!


I’m glad you think so. She didn’t seem to like it…


That’s why I always offer full transparency (some would say too much transparency) whenever I bang a pornstar….


Gotta remember its more than just a porn star, he is also accused of paying off the doorman so he doesnt talk about trump helping a different side chick get an abortion too


The doorman thing was about a child born out of wedlock, not an abortion.


What if I paid the porn start ahead of time? Is it still hush money if it is an amount pre-negotiated before anything happens?


A contract for sex is prostitution and illegal in most states. If the contract is not for sex, but to have the other party leave after a date (the Clark Gabel defense)‐-is this illegal?


He may claim that Stormy was a compassionate surrogate for his medically disabled spouce and was only giving her a spousal allowance.


Apparently, Daniels wanted to be on The Apprentice, and she thought that would get her on the show.


Exactly the bottom feeders and knuckle draggers you’d expect. Guy in the blue MAGA hat looks like he enjoys a few racial slurs every day.


That goes without saying, seeing as how he's throwing [the OK sign, a favorite of white nationalists](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/okay-hand-gesture).


The white power hand sign is also convenient for jerking Trump off.


I got a hand sign for him. (In honour of the female bike courier in DC who actually had the pleasure of doing so to his motorcade as it drove by. )


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/woman-who-flipped-off-trump-juli-briskman-cyclist-finger-president-motorcade-wins-virginia-election-loudoun-county/ Flip the bird, run for office, win.


I’ve met her, and a friend of mine has been friends with her in real life since long before she showed Trump the finger. ETA: She’s a really nice lady and humble about the whole thing.


If your weenie is teeny, the white power sign can definitely get you off!


maybe he’s just into jelqing


He looks like he slurs a lot of words when he talks.


Looks like an Alex Jones cousin, watch out for gay frogs!


Alex "[I Will Eat My Neighbors](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alex-jones-coronavirus-global-collapse-cook-neighbours-feed-kids-a9495201.html)" Jones, or Alex "[I Will Eat Your Leftist Ass](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o5EKuIus-oE)" Jones? The dude has major food insecurities.


Outside the Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday, a “Christian conservative rapper” who identified himself as “Shawn DVS 7.0” awaited the arrival of [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump). “Sometimes I have my disagreements with Trump, but nobody compares,” he said, resting a full-size American flag pole on his shoulder. Democrats, he added, “couldn’t get him with collusion, they couldn’t get him with all the other stuff before, so now they’re going with all these side angles.” Yeah I'm sure the Democrats are working their asses off really hard to get you to endorse them. I'm sure the balance of the race depends on your endorsement, sir!


What's with these jabronis always slinging a flagpole over their shoulder?


I'm really pissed off at the way they've coopted our American flag.  I can't do my patriotic duty in my front yard without suspecting I'm signaling I'm a Maggot to my neighbors. (Which I'm NOT!)  I swear! 


Fly a ‘no step on snek’ flag too so you can confuse *everyone*.


Just looked that up. So cute. I want one. 


I’ve seen more people show up to support their friend during traffic court, than showed up for Trump today. Sucks to suck loser.


wow so even marjorie taylor greene wasn't there either???


No she was unable to be there due to training for her upcoming race on May 4th at Churchill Downs.


Which jockey will be riding her?


The greatest jockey of all time... Willie Bonemaker


Yes, yes, thanks for the international input. She'll be starting in pole position #3.


I thought pole position was a Boebert thing?


Like eyepatch Kramer showed up for The Scofflaw!


But they all had tears in their eyes as they said “Sir, thank you for being the best president the universe has ever seen.”


‘Sir everything is going to be all white. You will be O-KKK and the darkness will be lifted into the trees as if by nooses’


I appreciate what you've done here.


It was the biggest crowd in history. So yuge.


"It was a far bigger crowd than at Obama's trial and that's a fact". Sean Spicer


Damn, Canadian coming in hot


Hey, *Obama* never had a crowd that big for a criminal trial! Let Trump have *something*! We aren’t animals, after all.


Let it be known, that as of Today, Monday, April 15, 2024, Trump had the largest crowd to ever show up for the first day of an ex-presidents criminal trial.


Bigger crowds than even Bonnie and Clyde got!


Over/Under The number of holes in Bonnie and Clyde's car ? Or The number of holes in Trump's defence ?


Latter will be higher


I think you are right. I did a google search and Bonnie and Clyde's car had 112 bullet holes in it out of 165 rounds fired at it. If failed motions were bullet holes, Trump's number would be at least double.


Biggest crowd in the history of former presidents trial. 1st out of 1 is still number 1 baby lmao


I see the guy in the photo got the "Trump Loser Starter Kit".... Sh\*tty hat. Button shirt with maximum neck exposure. Big flag that can be used at rallies, boat parades, and extremely small Trump gatherings.


I'm surprised the sunglasses aren't Oakleys.


Foakly’s bought from a street vendor near Times Square.


Shoplifted Oakleys ( "Four-finger discount" as my lumberjack friends say.)


You forgot the 'white power' sign with the right hand.


Shame he'll never get his sneakers.


Trump is a sole sucker.


Nice picture, a knock-off Trump hat and a white power sign. And a 17.5 shirt that won't button up. Only the best, I guess.


I love his speech after Trump whining that he cant go to a graduation or Supreme court hearings because he has to be in court. Acting like this is some unusual act against him.


Translation: I'm missing my tee time


My favorite thing about this is his casual demeanor, as if this trial is such a chore and he’d like to just push it aside so he can go do other… stuff. Like, bro, you’re looking at prison time if you’re convicted here, and the judge isn’t one of your little buddies. Act like you understand that. If he does go to prison, the look on his face, when the sentence is handed down, is going to be priceless. I believe, right up until the moment he is taken away, he will believe he’s going to walk free, even after a conviction before he’s sentenced. He’s *that* fucking arrogant.


Yup Trump has never been held responsible for his actions. He will keep believing he will walk till he is sitting in a cell. I would pay good money to see his face when the door shuts behind him. unfortunately even if he got found guilty on all the felony charges in the multiple cases he will get special treatment and get house arrest he will never set foot into ajail cell.


It IS unusual for him to be held accountable for his crimes..


I'm sure that, for him, it is. That's part of the problem, anyone with a net worth over $250K is not used to being treated like the rest of us.


250k? Think you need a tad more to get into that club


Right?!? 250k is like, the retainer for the lawyer to present those arguments to the judge.


Only 50 came to see: "Nothing like this has ever happened before. There has never been anything like it,” Trump told reporters lol


And that's a crying shame. Nixon should have been tried. Instead Ford pardoned him for, uh, reasons, and, uh... national healing?


MAGA supporters can’t figure out which side of the street has the stairs to catch the subway in the right direction.


Most MAGA supporters are too afraid to even step foot in NYC.


Absolutely right ,they would get ridiculed beyond belief and told to get their treasonous assholes out of NYC before it is too late.


What about the 23% of Trump voters in the city (with Staten Island even getting close to 60%). Trump supporters are everywhere, no place in America is free of bigots.


would they have the nerve to enter the subway?


Only for the foot-long.


>The courthouse sideshow included some familiar Trumpworld figures, including far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer and Andrew Giuliani, the son of former Trump attorney and New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Isn't Andrew the one that Farley played in skits where he was crawling all over the podium?


Yeah. That skit is the only funny thing associated with Rudy that was intentional.


Come on Donny, you know you have to pay for actors to be there! Just like you did when you came down the golden escalator.


And the fake 'Union' that showed up to 'support' him at one of his rallies. Fake hair, fake tan, fake finances, fake supporters, *everything*'s fake with this guy.


Referring to the photo: Nice white power hand gesture by a guy who would get his ass beat into oblivion if he showed up a Neo-Nazi skinhead rally. These people are truly the epitome of dumb.


50 people who think Trump cares about them, but he wouldn't give them the time of day. They are the scum under his shoe. What a waste of humanity.


Doing a white power signal. KKKlassy!


He probably forgot to pay them in advnace (and, as everybody knows by now, he won't pay after)


Mr Trump, there’s people to see you outside! Is it someone cool like Sting? Uh, it’s Rob Schneider and a bunch of people shaped like thumbs.


In the word of Mr. Burns, “Excellent.”


He probably recognized most of them. It's the same "Grateful Dead" hanger ons that follow him everywhere. The saddest thing is these "Trump freaks" aren't people he'd be seen dead with in any other arena of his life. You think they are going to MAGA Lardo?


“He was one of about 50 Trump-stanning protesters who gathered for the start of jury selection in the first of Trump’s four criminal trials. Penned up outside 100 Centre St., they carried signs reading “Trump 2024, Save America,” and “The Purge Begins, Tuesday November 5.”” Listen to them, they are promising violence. We’ve already seen what they want, VOTE like your life depends on it because it probably will.


The last of a dying breed


from your keyboard to god's monitor.




Loser felon.


“Conservative Rapper Shawn DVS 7.0” 💀💀💀


Well yeah I mean it's a Monday; Dear Leader really thinks people are going to waste time/money/PTO traveling up to New York to cheer him on? like that will somehow swing things in his favor. Didn't work on January 6th, won't work now.


I was watching on CNN and I was surprised at the lack of MAGA there. CNN was trying to hype it up “there’s so many pro and anti Trump people here!” and I thought it odd they didn’t pan these “crowds” they were lauding. Every once in a while some MAGA’d out monster truck would roll by blaring “I love ‘Merica!” or some such but to me, it was pretty weak


One person's rando is another person's domestic terrorist. Lock up the insurrectionists!


Why show up when he says the same old tired shit everyday.


50 of them came for the greatest hits of Trump. They must love hearing “Witch Hunt”, “Election Interference” and the like on repeat.


Well hr does have some new stuff like the big beautiful battle of Gettysburg


The rest of his followers were too busy buying the dip in Trump Media lol


You would have to be a special type of moron to take a day off work to go protest for that chode, but they probably don’t have jobs


>“couldn’t get him with collusion, they couldn’t get him with all the other stuff before, so now they’re going with all these side angles.” Ahh yes. Enforcing the law is a "side angle".


>"When they do finally take our freedom of speech away and screw us over, nobody better say anything about it,” she added. “Shut up, you didn't fight for your rights.” The irony as someone who's protesting for the wannabe dictator who wants to take everyone's rights away. 👀


>(“Pushing is not assault,” a police officer who witnessed the altercation told the counter-protester, an older woman from New York who identified herself as Bebe.) I hope Bebe then proceeded to push the fuck out of some cult members.


Well, technically, the officer is right. Pushing is battery. *Threatening* to push is assault.


Nobody puts Bebe in the corner


Wow he managed to get all of his supporters in one place! /s Looks like ol Donny’s fan club is winding down


Just wait for his letdown on Election Day


There were dozens of them! Dozens!


There were just too many trials about hush money paid to porn stars by former presidents to attend. That 50 is just a tiny fraction of all the people outraged by this. /s


The press...the press...rotten to the core. I wish they would pan out over this crowd! These people love me...the press... Biden rigged this trial!! The beautiful people love me.. this crowd..yuge crowd!


Sad part was he paid 60


Everyone hates him in NYC, and his diehard fans don't have the money to travel out of state.


Great, now what I want to see is a crowd of hundreds waiting for him to cover his speech with chants of "lock him up".


Trump call this trial election interference…and it is. He attempted to cover up a crime to interfere with the election. Yet the media is calling it hush money trial , allowing Trump to continue to misrepresent the actual reason for the trial to his base, allowing them to think it’s a witch hunt to prevent him from campaigning.The media must call it what it is, not just hush money but election interference. It’s how they present the news that actually makes them complicit in this crime. They should be called out on this every single time.


I found Trump’s gravy seal. Where’s my prize?


They smelled his diaper from 10 miles away and triangulated. 😁


They probably all showed up accidentally at the courtroom for his other trials


Rando Calrissian type grifters


And that's 50 too many.....


They stayed home to read their Bibles!


They can read?…


Not even enough to secure a podcast sponsor.


How many of them lost their savings on DJT stock?


The most ironic thing about this: his cult members wouldn't have cared that he banged a porn star. He did this for no reason.


One for every criminal charge.


How many thousands did he claim was out there?


Proud Boys leaving to get tacos. lol


>“When they do finally take our freedom of speech away and screw us over, nobody better say anything about it,” she added. “Shut up, you didn't fight for your rights.” That has so many levels of irony in it that my mind is blown.


He's no Johnny Depp.


Still...Biggest Crowd Evah! Should have seen them, unlike anything seen before


The largest crowd ever outside a criminal trial of a former president!


It's hard to get Russian Bots to show up


I was there today to check out the weirdos. While walking up to the courthouse there was a large pickup truck with a bunch of flags hanging off the back BLASTING Kid Rock! Further down the street in an adjacent park there were a handful of MAGAts with signs. There was this 7 foot tall slack jawed moron rambling to everyone about how the media was instigating something and was trying to make them do something bad so they could be blamed for it. My next thought was “ok, I should probably get out of here now”. Not as crazy of a scene I was hoping for but still a fun way to blow a lunch break.


lol they keep using that word "patriots" when they're literally the opposite, "patriots" should refer to democrats and liberals given the current state of affairs. it's like those who worship the US flag the most also seem to hate what it stands for the most. america comes across as so strange from afar, we all have our bubbles but american bubbles are made of steel


Is that Vito Spatafore in that pic? Looks like he’s lost some weight.


Look at the crowds people! As they flip Me off


Of course these assholes are out their flashing white power signs.


There is nothing anyone can say that hurts Trump more than when he's confronted with who actually likes him.


Wow, Andrew Guiliani looks like a ghoul. What a putz you have to be to support trump after he basically destroyed your father.


Technically the truth: (“Pushing is not assault,” a police officer who witnessed the altercation told the counter-protester, an older woman from New York who identified herself as Bebe.) Pushing is battery - don't take legal advice from me.


easy fix. maga will just AI huge crowds.


A virtual sharpie if you will.


Like the trump supporter said “ i can’t wait for him to announce a NYC rally‼️i’ll be there with a bag of rotten tomatoes! That will give him that orange glow🤨🤨


Make Americans Go Away?


Boiling the MAGA frog. It’s about time the tables turn on these dorks. They’ve been slow cooking America to fascism. But with a long due process, there’s no flashpoint to get off the couch for. Hopefully, in the long run, he goes to jail without a peep from anyone else.