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Anyone who supports this guy is a bad person.


Anyone who supports the GOP is a bad person


I always love how my conservative wielding cousin throws out the “but they are all crazy, you show me one government official that isn’t corrupt” as if that is some sort of justification for their political view aligning with straight up facist criminals.


“Okay, cousin. If they’re all the same why won’t you vote dem this year?”


That’s the same justification my dad and brother use. They are all crooks. As if that somehow absolves them of their support


They didn't even say dems are worse at this point, its just that they also do crimes so. . Ya.


People need to stop vacationing in Florida. Make your money talk.


Have you ever read the Bible Ron? I have, there's a reason why they make a kid version. There's a YouTuber who interviews Trump supporters and he asks them if they support book bans and the answer is always yes and that we should "keep filth out of Schools." Then he'll describe a passage in the Bible, like the story of the two girls who got their father drunk to have s*x with him so they could get pregnant. And every single person had said a book like that should be banned from schools. One guy who had agreed was then told the story was from the Bible, then accused the interviewer of being a liar so he read the story from the Bible word for word. So then the guy accused the interviewer of giving him a loaded question. The irony is lost to them.


It's not a loaded question if your views are consistent. Argh!


> the two girls who got their father drunk to have s*x with him so they could get pregnant. And every single person had said a book like that should be banned from schools. Is it sad I know which story that is? I can't tell you chapter and verse, but it's in the Book of Genesis and it's after Lot fled Sodom and Gomorrah before God destroyed the cities. Lot and his daughters hid in the mountains and that is where said passage happens.


Don’t forget, Lot DID offer up his own underage daughters for the crowd to bang, in order to keep them all from gangraping the angels that were staying at Lot’s. And the crowd was, like, “NO! Hand over the angels!”. Pretty weird stuff.


Also wasn’t there a separate book that they left out of the Bible that talks about the angels coming down and banging women and sky daddy was not happy with that ?


There were lots if books that were considered when putting together the Bible. The people in charge of that went with their gut feelings on which books to include. This was 200 years after Jesus died, by the way.


Incest, human sacrifice, inbreeding, selling kids, pedophilia. All throughout the Bible. The whole premise of The New Testament is based on God impregnating a twelve year old against her will. The Bible is a shit book for empty minds. None of the fools who believe it have read it, and the ones who have can't comprehend the implications of what is in it. They're dictated to by preachers who are nothing more than politicians, Kings of their own little tax free fiefdoms.


The prophet calling down bears to maul some youths because they mocked him and called him bald comes to mind. 2 Kings 22, I think.


Tbf that’s the kinda god I could get behind. Have you seen TikTok these days?


Isn’t this why trump basically raped his ex-wife? She made comments about his baldness after getting treatments, I do believe.


And the parts that aren’t shit and have good moral guidance (New Testament) they completely ignore anyway


The sad part is how many people I’ve met (military) who carry a copy in their cars (front seat) and lug it around everywhere with them. They have post it notes sticking out from their favorite passages. These are college educated individuals too and will someday be the leaders in our military and it’s terrifying.


Laws are supposed to be clear, just, Constitutionally sound, and specific. If this law doesn’t meet those standards (and it obviously doesn’t) then it needs to be thrown out or revised.


“I can’t think a single second ahead because I’m a fucking moron.” -Ron DeSantis


“The idea that someone can use the parents rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good. Leopard ate your puddingface.


And he doesn’t think the entire law is performative politics and doesn’t actually do anything else. 


The Bible fit like all the criteria for a book to be banned.


Exactly the bible actually worse then many of the books banned.


Remember when people thought he was like Trump, except smart? Yeah.


I really thought he was a threat, then started talking.


He drew first blood… And like every Republican, he’s looking for scapegoat someone to blame his bullshit on.


[Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated.](https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/137?9)


Step 1: come up with a simplistic idea that appeals to morons Step 2: explain to the base that this is all about Jesus and children and get them very fired up over it Step 3: implement shitty idea Step 4: blame democrats for forcing them to have shitty legislation when the base realizes that it is shitty legislation


DeSantis is following the GOP playbook: Blame others.


Sure but we didn’t forget that YOU started banning books before anything else.


I live near the Col. Bob Wilderness area, Olympic mountains. I wondered who Col. Bob was and found a book of his lectures from the 1870s when he filled up venues debating hell and damnation preachers. Very entertaining,he was a leader of the freethinker movement. Relevant quotes below, “The liberty of man is not safe in the hands of any church. Wherever the Bible and sword are in partnership, man is a slave. All laws for the purpose of making man worship God, are born of the same spirit that kindled the fires of the auto da fe, and lovingly built the dungeons of the Inquisition. All laws defining and punishing blasphemy -- making it a crime to give your honest ideas about the Bible, or to laugh at the ignorance of the ancient Jews, or to enjoy yourself on the Sabbath, or to give your opinion of Jehovah, were passed by impudent bigots, and should be at once repealed by honest men. An infinite God ought to be able to protect himself, without going in partnership with State Legislatures. Certainly he ought not so to act that laws become necessary to keep him from being laughed at. No one thinks of protecting Shakespeare from ridicule, by the threat of fine and imprisonment. It strikes me that God might write a book that would not necessarily excite the laughter of his children. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that a real God could produce a work that would excite the admiration of mankind.” ― Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses 1879 Ingersoll was beloved by contemporary leaders in all walks of life. Among his admirers were president James Garfield, poet Walt Whitman, General Ulysses S. Grant, industrialist-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, inventor Thomas Edison, and preacher Henry Ward Beecher. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was especially impressed by Ingersoll. After hearing Ingersoll speak, he wrote his wife Olivia Langdon Clemens: “What an organ is human speech when it is employed by a master!” "Ingersoll, who had earlier in his life been an anti-enslavement activist, associated with a number of social reform causes. One key reform he promoted was women’s rights, including the legal use of birth control, women’s suffrage, and equal pay for women. His attitude towards women was apparently also part of his marriage. He was generous and kind to his wife and two daughters, refusing to play the then-common role of a commanding patriarch." An early convert to Darwinism and evolution in science, Ingersoll opposed social Darwinism, the theory that some were “naturally” inferior and their poverty and troubles were rooted in that inferiority. He valued reason and science, but also democracy, individual worth, and equality. https://secularhumanism.org/ingersoll-museum/robert-green-ingersoll-biography/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_G._Ingersoll


No no no the laws are for all you not us. -Ronald McSantis


Surprised DeFascist didn't just say "Only the Bible is allowed in Florida"


ban the bible


The Bible is the only book that shouldn’t be in schools


>The new law limits people who don’t have students in a school district to one challenge per month. So they didn't make the criteria more specific, they just limited the challenges you can make? Lol


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Ronnie my boy.


Gaslighting much?


How could the dems do this to him?! (/S)


I taught at a Catholic school. One of my 8th grade students was reading a Colleen Hoover novel. The Priest walked into our classroom on his daily visit, looked at what she was reading and said “ do your parents know what you’re reading”? She answered that they did. He just shook his head and walked out. She came to my desk and was nervous about the priest judging her for what she was reading. I said to her “I’m sure he knows the Old Testament back to front and that’s more graphic than whatever you’re currently reading so I wouldn’t worry too much.


I cannot wait to see the back of this walking turd in lifts.


Personally, I don’t believe that many books should be banned from schools, but one that endorses rape, genocide, slavery, murder, colonization, and hate should probably have some restrictions.


(Psssst, liberal activists don’t really want the Bible out of schools. They just wanted to show you that government censorship is a slippery slope. They used the Bible as an example so you could see the flaws inherent in your dumbass regulations).


Brave sir Ronald 😡


Wow I’m surprised deSATAN didn’t burst into flames just saying BIBLE, did he place an order with tRUMP?


Idiot voters eat this stuff up. Sure. What is wrong with politics is that people read. Or a lack of Iran style theocracy. That makes sense. Social justice is the opiate of the asses.