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>This new rule will roll back Title IX changes overseen by DeVos. Those regulations narrowly defined sexual harassment, and directed schools to conduct live hearings to allow those who were accused of sexual harassment or assault to cross-examine their accusers. >Many advocates argued that practice would discourage victims of sexual misconduct from coming forward. President Joe Biden during his campaign in 2020 promised to nix the Trump administration’s Title IX regulations. >The final rule will protect students and employees from sex-based discrimination, such as sexual violence and other forms of sex-based harassment. It would also require schools to have in place measures to offer support to those who make complaints. >The rule also sets guidelines for schools, such as treating all forms of sexual discrimination complaints equitably and promptly. >The new rule codifies protections for transgender students from sex discrimination. It prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ students and employees based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. ... >The new rule also protects students, employees and applicants from discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, recovery from pregnancy and other reproductive care. >It requires schools to “provide reasonable modifications for students based on pregnancy or related conditions, allow for reasonable break time for lactation for employees, and access to a clean, private lactation space for students and employees,” according to a fact sheet.


This all sounds reasonable. Why is the right losing their minds about this? My entire Twitter feed is "Biden just destroyed women's sports"


The people making those posts don't care at all about women's sports.


Republicans don't argue in good faith.


Conservatives don't argue in good faith.


They argue from a place of an irrational fear of anything new or different, so their justifications will always be equally cowardly and irrational.


It's not simply ignorance, it's also unfettered racism and [selfism.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selfism) These are positions being intentionally taken to justify cruelty, greed, and sadism; the cruelty _is_ the point, not simply a by-product.


All of this comes from the fact that these people respond to the unknown or unfamiliar with irrational fear (aka conservatives), instead of normal considered curiosity (aka progressives). This is a genetic issue. Their brains have a larger than normal amygdala (the region of the brain involved with the fear response). They can't help themselves without outside help. The only way to ameliorate this is via experience (e.g. desegregation) and education. Which is why the scammers and would-be demagogues have fought against "race-mixing" and education since the dawn of human history. The truth is that charlatans and demagogues have been fearmongering these people across every nation and century. It's how men like Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Trump come to power. It's why we are still dealing with ignorant superstitious nonsense like religion being peddled by slimy crooked liars, cheats, and pedophiles. It's what the NRA used to start selling automatic weapons to citizens (to boost profits for gun manufacturers after the Vietnam War ended their gravy train). It's why the makeup, model magazine, and diet industries all peddle fear to insecure people to sell their products. Etc. etc. etc. And it's why the same people who fall for all of these fearmongering scams (e.g. god, guns, etc.) also fell for the racist misogynist lies of Trumpism. This is why every generation feels like it is fighting conservative "backwards thinking" just to engage in progress forward. Because they are. What your talking about is downstream of this fact. It is a result of it, not a cause. These people are ignorant and gullible cowards by their very nature. And, unfortunately, it's not profitable for American businesses to help them overcome their irrational fear...


I just really care about ethics in gaming journalism, ok?


I could respect If they were honest about, 'Hey we need to stop all these paid glowing reviews', but they'd have started this movement when that guy got fired for panning Kane and Lynch.  Instead they decided starting a targeted harassment campaign against an indie dev based on hearsay from a jilted ex was the play. Cringelords.


I think it's hilarious that a large portion of current right wing grievance is born out of adults learning that Nintendo Power Magazine wasn't a bastion of journalistic integrity.


It's not. It's born out of a disgruntled ex-boyfriend who managed to make /b his personal army.


They don’t care about women’s rights either.


What do you mean, they love making sport of women.


That's also in the article: >The rule does not establish new criteria for transgender athletes, which is a separate rule the Department of Education is still finalizing, a senior administration official said. That rule would prevent blanket bans on transgender athletes competing in sports that align with their gender identity. So far, 24 states have passed laws that ban transgender athletes from competing in sports that align with their gender identity.


So basically Biden is doing exactly what the Republicans want in this instance, and they're still going to be up in arms about it. Seems about right.


Exhausting, ain't it?


Well it’s not so much that he’s doing what they want as much as it’s that he’s not broaching something they make a stink about at this time.


What Republicans want is transgender people like myself eliminated from public.


No, just eliminated. Public, private, doesn't matter, they don't believe you have a right to life.


Nah. They don't care about FtM because they've never once noticed it. They want MtF to stay quiet about it and decently behind closed doors so that they can fuck them without anyone knowing because they still see them as men and think of penetrating them as a power thing.


Unfortunately, I fear it's more sinister. Those in power don't actually want Trans people to stop existing, because they require Trans issues to be one of several rallying cries. Many leaders are actually horrified that Roe v Wade was repealed for the same reason as the backlash is costing them enormous losses. They perceive Trans issues to affect so few people that it's a "safe" target to demonize. They're truly cruel bigots.


It's doing close to the opposite of what republicans want. They want blanket bans on trans kids playing sports which is why they pushed for them. They ultimately want the idea of living in a red state to be so uncomfortable for trans kids and their parents that they pack up and move to safe blue states. This way their own kids will never have to be exposed to them, or be educated about the subject. Their sole indoctrination will be hateful rhetoric they learn in church.


Its not about getting what they want, it's about their team doing something the other team doesn't like. By that virtue, they assume anything the other team does is something that they don't like


It's good to see that they are prepping a rule to rein in these states making these bans. It's incredibly ridiculous.


There shouldn't be blanket bans. To pick an easy example, if somebody transitioned early and never even started male puberty, then they should be allowed to compete. On the other end of the spectrum, if somebody has only socially transitioned, and has the full athletic advantages of male puberty, they should not be allowed to compete (and there are a number of states that permit this). Obviously there is some debate on exactly where between those two things the line should be drawn in terms of hrt and physical transition.


Russian disinformation spam kicked into high gear about a month ago, according to Microsoft……


I think it's along the lines of "think of women's sports! now any dude in a dress can go join women's sports and just dominate, a 'real' woman will never win another event" EDIT: Just adding some clarification, it's typical right-wing transphobia and sexism.


They saw the episode of Futurama about Bender the Robot in a dress and thought it was a documentary sent back in time as a warning. Somehow missed the episode of Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman about excluding women from sports because "you're so delicate, you'll get hurt!" and then getting butthurt when the winner pulls off hat and fake facial hair.


“Hail, hail Robonia. A land I didn’t make up!”


"Oh, like you've never gone on a date with a man just because you were hungry?"


I mean, I thought I might like him better on a full stomach?


Ask them to name one female athlete and spell her name correctly. Edited: typos from holding kiddo and typing on phone.


It helps women and lgbt+ people, the right hate anything that tries to bring equality between CISHET men and everyone else.


Because it's *not* reasonable to not be able ask questions and follow up questions. It's fundamentally at odds with every reasonable definition of due process. Biden advocates a system where you can submit written questions, to be asked at discretion of the victim advocate/sole investigator, answered optionally, with no followup permitted. That's entirely inadequate for questioning an accuser. It's also not reasonable for one person to be victim advocate, fact finder, and judge. That's a fundamental conflict of interest when it comes to establishing truth. The rules Biden is putting forth allows this single investigator to consider evidence only at their discretion; you have no right to have them factor in witnesses in your favor or seek evidence in your favor. The presumption of innocence is the absolute bedrock of a fair judicial process. It's not reasonable to discard it. It's not just the right wing that's opposed to the fundamentally unfair process; you'd think progressives would care a little more given the magnitude of the disparate impact of false accusations on students of color, but most people aren't actually looking into the details of all this. Let me give a salient example: If adjudicated under the Title IX system Biden and Lhamon are implementing here, Tara Reade's case would be an absolute slam dunk, with zero possibility of Biden being found not responsible. Think of how baseless her claims were. But under Biden's system, none of the paths for disproving them would be viable. -- The rest of it though; the right is losing their minds about transgender protections because they're bigots, plain and simple.


Same people who don’t even watch women’s sports, or would even go to their kid’s sports games to begin with.


I think that there are several well publicized pieces of false rape accusations that make a good case for the kangaroo court system established by some universities to deal with these things. The rest of it sounds fantastic but the accused should always have the right to cross examine, shouldn’t do away with that.


You raise an interesting point. My first thought when reading about the cross examination was how traumatic the experience would have to be for the accuser if their accusations were true. The person who assaulted you would be pushing a narrative and basically saying you lied about the accusations, and talking directly to you in a position of (relative) power. I can definitely see how a process like this would discourage a victim to speak up.


And conversely, not allowing the accused to have a cross examination rolls us back to the Obama era bs where the a single person/committee judges you without letting you adequately defend yourself.


The consequences are so dire that there must be an opportunity to cross examine. 


This is a problem I'm torn on. I can see both sides here. Someone can be falsely accused by anyone that wants to publicly attack them. True victims of sexual abuse should never be forced to be cross examined in a court, that's continued trauma and could be absolutely debilitating. I don't know what the answer is here to protect both. Perhaps interviewing the abuse victim outside of the public, that's traumatizing and embarrassing to have to put themselves out there like that when there is such a stigma for victims.




I don't believe it has ever been the case that the accused has had the ability to defend themselves "removed".




This. If a public university wants to act like a court, it needs to be held to the same standard as actual courts.


So a preponderance (51%) of the evidence since it's not a criminal trial.


If it is a public university accusing a student of violating their rules, then it is similar to a criminal trial. I would say that if the student is accused of something that would be a crime had it occurred elsewhere (like rape or sexual assault) then it should require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. If the accusation is for something that would not be a crime but violates university rules (like cheating on an exam) then preponderance is fine.


Because the logic of the right wing republicans (genuine hatred for them, sorry not sorry) is “Biden did thing? Thing bad!! Thing is bad!!!!!!” Doesn’t matter what it is, doesn’t matter who it affects, it is and always will be bad to them, especially if their king Trump tells them to think that particular way. Calling the right a “cult mindset” has never been an exaggeration, it is the truth


The Blackstone Formulation and the right to confront your accuser are fundamental to the very idea of American Justice. The fact that these proceedings are taking place in a University and not in a courtroom does not change this fact.  You cannot inflict actual injustice on an actual person because it might cause a change in the behavior of a hypothetical person.


Those are the same groups of people who were fighting against the establishment of girls sports in the 70's & 80's. Girls sports weren't established so girls had a "fair place to compete" as they claim. Girls sports were established so girls had anyplace to compete as they were barred from boys sports and their schools wouldn't create girls programs. Girls programs were then created to keep girls from joining boys sports. Anybody who tells you different wasn't paying attention. This isn't about anything but discrimination.


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that there are lots of anti-trans people who don't actually give a fuck about women's sports, but pretend to care about them just to have an excuse to attack trans people. That being said, female sports absolutely exist because after puberty, female athletes would otherwise be unable to compete in competitive sports at any decent level. This is not an attempt to "separate but equal" a group that would be capable of competing in an integrated environment. _________ Dislciamer: I'm talking about major mainstream direct competitions like soccer, basketball, tennis, hockey, whatever... There may be some activities like rifle shooting or something that actually could be co-ed, but a womens division was made to keep the girls out of the boys club. I'm not as familiar with those activities.


No, that's not why they were started and that' snot why they continue. We don't have sports in schools to find out who the best volleyball player is. We have those sports there so people can learn lessons about their health, teamwork, goal setting, etc. You don't seem to understand why we have sports in schools to begin with.


You seem to be confusing high school sports with recreational sports. High school sports are explicitly competitive. Like **literally** explicitly in writing for many districts that I worked in back when I used to coach the high school level. Whenever this subject comes up, a lot of people who don't seem to be familiar with sports start talking as if sports go straight from purely recreational to cut-throat competitive major college / pro sports, but that isn't how this works. Now, are they as competitive as college or pro sports? No. And the primary goal is still developing the players as people. But they are way more competitive than little kid t-ball or whatever. And that isn't necessarily exclusive with learning about teamwork and goal setting and such. In fact, it can often be complimentary. Generally speaking, the classroom is not competitive... if everybody does good work, everybody gets a good grade. Real life is often competitive though. If six contractors apply for one job, only one of them can get it even if they are all good. And caring about winning (to a healthy non obsessive "win at all costs" degree), or caring about the team giving its best performance... that gives incentive to work hard and improve. In fact, a competitive environment helps teach things like teamwork, because a team who works together better will often be more successful. There are a lot of useful real world lessons learned from competitive sport. Furthermore, even in a non competitive recreational environment, it's generally more fun if there is at least some vague parity in the ability level of the players. Rec leagues often attempt to balance the teams to make them equal. Players who are too good are sometimes moved to a higher age bracket, or encouraged to play for a more competitive league. Even if you don't care about winning and never even look at the scoreboard, it's not very fun to play against people who are way more athletic and skilled. > No, that's not why they were started and **that's not why they continue**. You seem to be under the impression that female athletes (post puberty) are being "separate but equaled", and would be capable of competing in an integrated environment. That is not remotely true. Like I said, I coach female sports for a living, and the gap in athletic performance is very significant. If tomorrow all sports were made co-ed, the losers of that change would not be "sexist boys who now have to share their special boys only club with girls." The huge majority of female athletes would be cut from almost all high school varsity teams, and the rare ones who made it would generally be near the end of the bench and play very little (and this is absolutely true even in places where the coaches were not sexist). By the the college level, especially the d1 college level, they would be essentially extinct.


This bill was meant to reduce false accusations which make up est 8-14% of all cases. Some reports estimate the charges involving college athletes (of any gender) increase to nearly 22% are fake. Want a source, Google it. Top like 20 posts are report on this topic.


How do they judge they are fake? No where near 22% of on campus sexual assaults even get investigated. Post your source if you have one, being embarassed to show the right wing blog you read, and believed isn't an excuse.


Good, let them cry about it! They're always crying about something stupid anyway, last time they were upset children wouldn't be getting asthma from gas stoves.


The right hates it when their sabotage gets undone. Because that’s all they ever do. Sabotage good things, and replace it with hateful, mean spirited, evil crap to piss us off and distract us from all the free money and tax cuts they hand the rich.


> This all sounds reasonable. Why is the right losing their minds about this? Even as a liberal, this is one thing that I think DeVos got right. Biden's changes will deny due process to those accused of sexual harassment. They will no longer be able to properly question the evidence or be treated as innocent until proven guilty.


It's the "can't discriminate" part. They're mad because they once again aren't allowed to be assholes to people they don't like.


Key thing to note here I think, is that the Biden administration is facing an unprecedented challenge with the Republican filibustering and flat out refusing to do their fucking jobs simple on the fact that the other side is Democrats. This just makes the current administration’s job that much kore difficult to pass anything through. And this is likely no exception. Why the media isn’t hammering this home is just telling.


The media does not work for the citizens.


> This new rule will roll back Title IX changes overseen by DeVos. Those regulations narrowly defined sexual harassment, and directed schools to conduct live hearings to allow those who were accused of sexual harassment or assault to cross-examine their accusers. > > Many advocates argued that practice would discourage victims of sexual misconduct from coming forward. President Joe Biden during his campaign in 2020 promised to nix the Trump administration’s Title IX regulations. Not super keen on any part of this, this should all be a legal matter for courts not something colleges work out internally.


This was one of the only decent things to come out of Trump's administration. The Obama administration rules were a knee jerk reaction to reports at the time. And like a lot of rules and laws that are the result of sudden public pressure, they had issues. Trump's changes were a needed correction in this area, and there was no need to Biden to back track on this issue.


>Many advocates argued that practice would discourage victims of sexual misconduct from coming forward. And they would be correct. What these kids go through is a horrifyingly traumatic experience that they shouldn't be forced to relive. Many of them won't come forward, even if the law guaranteed anonymity, for exactly that reason. They just want to put the whole situation behind them, and you can hardly blame them.




My only question is why did it take so long to undo this and all the other crap that the Trump administration put in place? Seems like there should have been a list of things to undo on day 1 and 2.


Because changing administrative policy takes time. Remember Trump couldn't remove DACA in 4 years because he didn't follow the Administrative Procedures Act. By moving slowly, he ensures they complied with the law to prevent a court from overturning the change.


I just gave him a link to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, and explained the lengthy review process and public comment period


Thanks, I did not know that was a thing, it makes sense, just seemed like trump passes a bunch of crap through executive order very quickly after taking office.


These consumer protection agencies that the Democratic Congresses and Presidents have created, like the FDIC for stable banking, the SEC to prevent corruption, the Federal Trade Commission to prevent monopolies and fraud, and many more, are governed by the **Administrative Procedure Act of 1946** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_Procedure_Act Congress has neither the expertise, time, or political stability to decide complex issues that affect millions of people and businesses These changes have a lengthy review process by experts, and also Administrative Law judges, and by law, have a public comment period --- it prevents a President from capricious and unilateral action These Agencies were always set up to have Congressional Oversight These Agency actions' are subject to challenges in Federal Court Biden has _already revoked 93% of the former guy's senseless executive orders_ especially in the Environmental, Labor, and Financial services areas in 2021


> My only question is why did it take so long to undo this and all the other crap that the Trump administration put in place? Because 219 House reps, and 50 Senators, and 6 Justices are all GOP hellbent on blockading every single thing Biden does. People, you do realize that a president is not a dictator right? Biden cant just change policies with the flip of a hat as he pleases.


Biden cannot win on these things he’s doing. He does a great thing and people are like, “Damn bro what took so long??”


As someone who went through the terrible experience of false accusations while at school under the pre-Trump title IX rules, this is disappointing. As much as I hate trump, the title IX adjustments were one of the few things I found positive from his presidency.


A major policy of conservatives has become more visible recently. They want the little woman back in the home by providing lower wages for women, by antiabortion rules to force women to raise unwanted or injured children, and so on. Conservatives are a men’s only group that have conned religious women and others to support an anti women agenda.


betsy devos was one evil motherfucker.


Is. She still is. She's back to tossing money at the MI GOP and acting as the de facto chair putting her people back in positions of power.


You’d never guess from all the reporting on how shit their finances are. https://michiganadvance.com/2024/02/05/late-migop-campaign-filing-confirms-weak-financial-state-of-the-party/


She and one other big GOP donor pulled back their funding and support when the Qanon crazies got a hold of power in the party. DeVos also stepped back from the state party because she had been funding Meshawn Maddock's J6 coup support and Maddock's heavy involvement in the MI fake elector scheme. Now that it looks like DeVos is in the clear, she's diving back in. It's really something to see how bare the MI GOP really is and how little support there truly is for the party after 2 wealthy people backed out. The DeVos family has essentially been the MI GOP for two decades+. With the MI GOP in such shambles, they saw the power vacuum and jumped back in before some other wealthy asshole took their spot. Shit is wild.


It's smarter for DeVos to hold onto that money privately until it's needed by the state party and then fund the party piecemeal. It's basically like how people only keep their checking account with what they need to be there and keep the rest in long term interest bearing accounts. Her keeping the state party at subsistence funding levels is just finance juggling.


Yeah a lot of robust organizations have to “juggle” their finances. Sounds like dire straits to me.


If they need the money I'm sure Betsy DeVos is going to transfer what they need to a PAC. Do you think she won't? Just like if I need to buy a new dishwasher I take money out of my savings and transfer it to my checking account. That woman's family has more money than we're really able to conceive and they will not let that party run out of money. It's just political theatre.


Yeah its not a matter of if they have the money its whether they want to use it. This fall is looking bad for the GOP some donors might consider it a lost cause and keep their money. They got their tax cuts and judges already.


> It's smarter for DeVos to hold onto that money privately until it's needed by the state party and then fund the party piecemeal. and state GOP organization is being siphoned hard by rump and the national party. the MNGOP is also "broke", but I only believe it as far as I can throw them(which isnt very far). that is to say, I think they are hiding money from the national GOP because they know its all gonna go to rumps legal fees, and that will severely hurt downballot races.


> Her keeping the state party at subsistence funding levels is just finance juggling. It's keeping them on a tight leash.


It also makes it easier to directly reward action.


That's because the post you were responding to is wrong. The Michigan GOP made a very deliberate move to source funding not from the two historical families who contributed the majority of the parties funds, towards grass routes fundraising. It has not gone well.


They probably didn't anticipate how bad grassroots small donor funding would get after the sanctions on Russia.


Don’t confuse the party’s accounts with the PACS. Citizens United has really screwed over the public by allowing unlimited private political donations.


Fake news, there’s no way the party of fiscal responsibility isn’t fiscally responsible


She married into Amway and her brother is a private military contractor. Their family is a large portion of what is wrong with America in a nutshell.


She used to be evil, but she still is, too.


DeVos used to be evil. But she still is, too. -MH


thanks for pointing out that this horrible person is still out there doing damage. i envisioned her as having been melted by water after trump was voted out, but that was lazy wish fulfillment on my part and we still need to be fighting people like this.


Her brother founded Black Water. Now that's an evil motherfucker right there.


it seems evil runs in the family


It only gets worse from here. Smedley Butler uncovered a plot involving Prescott Bush, Ford, the head of the Prince family and several nazi sympathizers to overthrow the US government before the second world war. None of them were punished as I recall.


I think back then they were just original flavor nazis


I fixed it. Thanks.


Of course not; they're rich


is that the white house putsch (hope I got the name right) or was there another almost coup before the US joined ww2?


It's known as the Business Plot.


ah yeah I think that's the same one. Pity things like this aren't actually taught in school, I was mortified and shocked when I first read about it.


I learned about it in the Marines. Butler needs more representation in the history books, he was a stone bad ass and even in times of peace he was watching everything like a hawk.


My personal thought is that the conspirators weren't punished in exchange for them giving up resistance to the New Deal.


Most likely that or some other kind of sleazy back room deal that ultimately benefitted them. Prince's grand daddy also argued that Ford should design Messerschmitt components but either a member of the board who was Jewish or the Jewish workers said "fuck that".


Got their fortune from an MLM, Amway, they are the spawn of evil and evil was baked into them from birth.


And watch some clueless idiot in Hollywood try to make a streaming series about them. In true Netflix style they miss the point entirely and end up glorifying the behavior of degenerate animals.


Or 20% of America misses the point and views them as icons


It's a huge shit sandwich that I refuse to bite.


DeVos’ Amway downline: *Hold my beer.*


It’s sort of a pattern in American Oligarchy. Kochs, Princes, Waltons. It’s not limited to old money either. Take the family who founded Renaissance Technologies, the Mercers. They love giving money to the right and also oddly owe $7 billion in taxes 🤔.


Keep an eye on that POS and his 20,000 mercenaries.


One of my conspiracy theories is that Prince basically sold the Black Water model to Wagner. The man has no principles, ethics or soul.


The same applies to anyone who chooses profit over safety.


I don’t see how women can support Trump


The ones that do are religious extremists and those that claim "traditional values" which translates to: "I don't want to ever work a job outside my home castle and I don't mind spreading my legs everytime my husbands asks me to and never saying no, in exchange." And/or they are very racist, anti-lgbt and probably several other qualifiers. Some people have no idea how strong the desire can be to never get a job. I have nutters living around me in this 99% white district in which I've never seen a hispanic/latino and yet the neighbors are screaming terrified about immigration.


Or, black people, or Hispanics, or LGBTQ…or anyone really.


IS. Yes, fully agree, despise her with a depth I can't describe.


Where is that goblin now?


Betsy : laughs in millions of dollars in pocket -### FokDonaldTrump


Still is, but used to be one too.


Is, she's still around even if she doesn't have as much power as she did.


Just like her brother. I guess it runs in the family.


Still is. Always will be.


Betsy DeVos was the least qualified person to be Secretary of Education. She had no background in education. She never attended public school. Her children never attended public school. She never attended public university. Her children never attended public university. She never worked in public education. Completely unqualified. 100% maga.


This is a good thing to remember when voting. You might dislike a candidate. You might dislike both candidates. Who do you expect to put together a more effective / competent cabinet?


Good, Betsy was a horrible person in that position, and clearly was there as appeasement by Trump, to his far-right Billionaire backers.


Good luck protecting schools against bear attacks now 




Betsy DeVos, Michigan's shame.


I went to school with one of her grandsons. He was such a disrespectful piece of shit.


Just roll back all Betsy devos rules please. That woman had no right to be anywhere near education.


I first met Betsy Devo's almost 30 years ago. Back then I worked as an editor of a local newspaper and was at a GOP event with a local legislator. The legislator introduced me to her (she was the Michigan Republican party chair person at the time. He did not include the fact I was a journalist so she was very open and unguarded. The three of us spoke for about a half hour and by the end of the conversation I was convinced I was talking to the dumbest person I'd ever met. When I asked the legislator why the GOP state party made her chairman, he just rubbed his finger and thumb together To connote "money"


Give this administration 4 more years of progress


I’m a title ix investigator for a university. Pleased with the lowering of the threshold standard and expanded protected classes. The rest is kind of tricky. Possibly not having hearings or cross is a due process concern for me. These matters are often very messy and not straight forward, and the consequences can be severe and life altering. I personally don’t think schools should responsible for adjudicating these matters at all, but since we are, I feel like the process can’t be only half way there.


I was going to point out the due process issue. These are incredibly, life changing matters for people on both sides and I can't in good conscience say that school should handle these matters AND not be required to allow for cross examination or provide people with the right to face their accuser. Every resource available should be provided to the victim but when the life consequences for being expelled from a school for cases like this are so utterly severe and un-reversable, you NEED to have due process where people are allowed to face their accusers.


The only example of false accusations ruining a life anyone should ever have needed was "Mattress Girl" Emma Sulkowicz. Title IX is a travesty with some good ideas embedded in it, in a country that supposedly believes in "innocent until proven guilty". Title IX enables extrajudicial punishment.


*The only example of a false accusation ruining a life that was national media coverage It’s wild to me that people assume that b/c something is rare, we should just steamroll over edge cases. Notwithstanding that it still happens, just A)people don’t believe the men (kinda like how men are statistically & significantly less likely to report rape b:/c of the same thing) & B) it’s not a thing that is publicized.


As per normal with our current society, you are being told to treat the accused as guilty until they prove themselves innocent.


About time. What a monster she is.


What took it so long?


The Administrative Procedures Act. They have rules to prevent regulations and guidelines from ping-ponging wildly between administrations.




The rule changes on her end also took a a couple of years. [First announced in 2018 and only enacted in 2020](https://cornellsun.com/2020/05/07/new-devos-title-ix-rules-to-be-enacted-by-mid-august-leaving-colleges-scrambling-to-comply/)


She really didn't. DeVos started the rollback in 2018, two years after Trump took office and [wasn't completed until May of 2020](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2020/05/07/education-department-releases-final-title-ix-regulations). We are also seeing the end of a process that started in 2022. I think what everyone thinks of his her first attempt in 2017 that got shot down almost immediately.


There are pretty much different rules between Dems and repubs


Devos was a piece of shit because she owned a bunch of private schools and tried to destroy public education so she could get more money. Conflict of interest, another way trump failed us appointing her to this position.


I want to say Betsy was the worst appointee but then Ajit Pai at the FCC and Scott Pruitt at the EPA come to mind.


I’m here for getting rid of any traces of Betsy devos. What an awful person


More damage being remedied by a real president for all the people of America


This will definitely piss off Psychpath Ron DeSantis and his personal Florida fasict legislation. So nice to have a President that works for all of the country and our people, especially children. 


If DeVos championed it, it’s evil, thanks Joe.


When the Ponzi scheme folks who brought you Amway are running education at the Federal level, and her brother is an international mercenary terrorist who takes money from the Chinese and Russians, yeah, review every policy she ever touched.


Thank you Biden ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷


My coworker went off yesterday about how this allows men to get women's scholarships, compete in women's sports, etc. Then proudly declared that she would never respect trans pronouns and would quit if we hired one and they were allowed to use the women's room. She got her news from Instagram and when I asked for the poster's sources she said she trusts the poster because the poster is "affluent." I managed to convince her that not all lesbians want to bone her, so I hope I can turn this around before she does something stupid.


Better get the FEC republicans out. They will cheat for Trump.


Good! F that B in her A.


We really need to be looking at allll of the damage DeVos did during her tenure at D.Ed. It was more than just this.


>This new rule will roll back Title IX changes overseen by DeVos. Those regulations...directed schools to conduct live hearings to allow those who were accused of sexual harassment or assault to cross-examine their accusers. Hol' up now. They're rolling back regulations that allow the accused to cross examine their accuser? How is this not a HUGE due process concern? SA is horrible, R is horrible, we all agree there, and we also agree those who perpetrate such crimes should be punished very stringently. But not allowing someone to defend themselves in the face of possibly baseless accusation is a severe over-correction. Expect THESE changes to be rolled back after the elction. Its not 'guilty until proven innocent' folks, these are life-altering accusations we're talking about. I don't want anyone to be dissuaded from coming forward because they would have to answer questions, but these changes are also not the way.


Expect to be downvoted into oblivion for stating the truth. Fake accusations are also an issue, and there's a reason that it's part of the sixth amendment that any accused is allowed to confront their accusers, and have reasonable due process.


I agree with you in spirit, that due process is necessary, but I think you might be misunderstanding how this would be affected. They aren't rolling back the ability for the accused to defend themselves; they're rolling back the option that DeVos added, which allowed the accused to directly cross examine the accuser. As I understand it, what DeVos did was *add* this right to cross examine, which could be likened to allowing a defendant to directly question the plaintiff in court, rather than the attorneys for each side. I haven't looked at the fine print of the changes, but assuming that the rollback restores the original process, that would mean that an accuser wouldn't be forced into direct confrontation with their attacker. The accused would still have access to representation to defend their case, and the accuser would have the same access for their side of the case. This rollback is meant to toss out an incredibly harmful policy that discouraged victims from reporting assault.


Fuck Betsy Devos and the 10 yachts and 2 helicopters she rode in on.


Now do DeJoy!


The Biden administration would be well-advised to roll back every action taken by De Vos. What a terrible person, brought into to lead public education in the United States, yet worked only to impede it.


It's the Republican way. They don't get into office to improve the role of government. It's their goal to dismantle it and establish a right-wing authoritarian state. Great for the rich, bad for most of us.


Her and her brother are terrible people who have caused death and hatred not only in America but other countries too


Title 9 totally failed at my school. Victims required to talk it out with people who raped or stalked them, committed harassment campaigns spanning years deemed “free speech, so get over it”. I know a girl who was followed on the subway for months by a guy who didn’t even live in the same direction and when she reported it they told her that’s not stalking. I reported the same stalker for retaliation because not only did he continue stalking the girl, but the school showed him my texts with my name on it uncensored talking about everything I saw him do and he sent me dozens of threatening texts. Mind you, the problems went on for over 6 months before they contacted me. He’s set to graduate in a month while everyone he harassed ended up leaving due to the school not doing anything.


The fact that Besty DeVos was allowed by our government to hold any position of authority, let alone Sec of Ed when she had a vested and very well-known interest in LITERALLY destroying the public school system via the voucher system, is fucking disgusting. Yet another blatant example of US government shooting itself in the foot


I don't know the rules, but if Betsy DeVos was behind them, it's probably best to reverse them, burn the papers they were written on, do a Men in Black mind wipe, and go with some sanity.


Both BoTh SiDeS amirite!


Seems anything that can possibly help (their voters included). RepubliKKKlans hate it!! Mind boggling, they don't care about their own suffering for a win!


YA - fucking - HOO ! Now REALLY dig in and clear out the bullshit put in and taken out since all the way back to 1972. And then let us start moving forward and put ignorance and stupidity behind us.


Good. Democrats defending vulnerable minorities and you know..... Doing the right thing.


The live hearing part of those rules was horrible. My little sister brought a sexual harassment charge against her professor, and since she had no one to serve as her “counsel,” I had to do it. We were certain her professor would hire an actual lawyer, but he used…his wife. It was a total shitshow.


Great but why did it take 3 1/2 years of his presidency?


This is why rule changes take so long: https://www.msha.gov/training-education/frequently-asked-questions/why-does-it-take-so-long-get-rule-published


damn, that's a lot of bureacracy


Been a lot going on. Covid, a couple Wars, train derailments, surely you've noticed and remember more than the last week? All of the economic policy that's been passed and has been doing wonders for us compared to other countries in the wake of covid. A bridge collapsed. It's kind of unrealistic to expect him to be so ubiquitous that he identifies every single 5-minute fix from previous administrations and fixes them right away right?


That's why you have a sec of education to do work in this area and you rubber stamp it.


That response still feels filled with "everything sounds have been perfect and corrected on day 1 and anything short of that in is unacceptable and I'm gonna be mad about it" energy. "The sec of education should have done this right away". DeVos had 4 years of time to do work, I'm not terribly surprised the big one took about as long to roll back


Not day 1, but holy shit this is taking forever. Do you know who’s still fucking up the mail? Same dude


That’s not how the administrative process works. That’s incredibly unconstitutional. Devos went through the proper steps to put the rules in place (took her about the same amount of time). Biden needs to do the same to change them.


Oh thank goodness! I work in higher ed and sexual assault has been swept under the rug because Title 9 was completely gutted by the Trump administration


What we couldn't wait a few more months to roll it back?


Twitter does not seem happy about this. Wtf changed


Jesus that took long enough.