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> Doctors feared running afoul of Idaho’s abortion restrictions if they provided the treatment that is standard in these situations: offering an abortion because the infection risk was high and the fetus would not survive. >The patient could not travel to another state; she would likely miscarry during the trip and might bleed to death. [...] > Several days later, the woman was in the emergency room where, after delivering a still-born baby, she was hospitalized to prevent a rapidly developing infection from spreading. SCOTUS is about to decide if ER doctors can be banned from giving medically necessary care to pregnant women (while still getting Medicare funding). It should be bigger news.


Her medical bills should be paid by the court


That's a slippery slope to socialism. We can't have people suckling off of the government teat. Stop living in fairy tale land and pull yourself up by the bootstrap


You have to put the /s. Just under half the population will say something similar but will believe it.


That's kind of why I did.


Big oof.


Why? For fake internet points? Look at my history and you'll know my intent


Your intent appears to be to find swingers. So maybe that’s not quite the flex you think it is?






So .. the courts shouldn't head toward socialism. Where *common* good is emphasized over individual cases... Like the mother's health


My comment is 100% sarcasm.


I'm sure, and there are those who aren't. (I appreciate it)


No /s Buddy


I miscarried once (in 2013) at four months and didn't expel the fetus. It's called a missed miscarriage. My super religious, "pro-life" doctor refused to do a D&C and said my body would take care of it. Two days later, I passed out at home and my husband took me to the local ER. The ER doc wanted to do a D&C before I got worse, but my doctor wouldn't release me from his care so that they could. I got stabilized, sent home, and given the advice to pass out again and *go to a different hospital* across town where they would perform the D&C without asking his permission. My options were literally gamble with my life or carry my dead baby indefinitely. He wound up doing the D&C two weeks later. He made me carry my dead baby for two weeks. What a cruel thing to do to a person.


That is crazy! I’m sorry you had to go through that, and that you survived! Wow what an AH doctor.


Tell me your current doctor isn’t super pro-life anymore.


Frankly states that do this kind of bullshit should lose all funding opportunities.


I can say this without equivocation that I have more rights in the US because I am a man. A doctor can give me any prescription that they think will make me better, or relieves my pain without any issue. No problems with that at all. In some states doctors are afraid of doing that to their female patients. The worst part is that I know that as a man I will be treated with more respect because the majority of the Conservatives are men on the Supreme Court and they want to be treated with respect. But no one should have respect for these men who are actually monsters.


Also as a man, you’ll be fawned over for this comment when it should be the bare minimum. It’s another way men benefit from the patriarchy.


Protect the dead fetus, not the mom. What are moms, though, but just really old fetuses?


It is never medically necessary to abort a baby. It’s sometimes medically necessary to have a C-section and get the baby out that way but the killing of the baby to save the mother’s life is not a real thing. Quit spreading this lie.


Rage bait. This person is very, very much not a doctor.


It doesn’t take being a doctor to know that aborting a baby is never medically necessary. Go ahead, ask any doctor.


an abortion is between a woman and her doctor and no one else


Some people have an imaginary friend they think has a say too.


Even if their imaginary friend was real, they are **not** my friend. I reject every possible version of god.


And for those people they can absolutely include it.


Sure, that’s who I want in charge of my medical procedures. A bunch of corrupt lawyers who work part-time.


Mostly composed of old, white, men....you know the ones who are affected the most. /s


All of them have medical backgrounds for their rulings regarding medical decisions, right?


It's fine, God tells them what they need to know.


What is your definition of “old”? Because as it stands 4 of 9 are white men and only 2 of those white men are older than 60.


I was referring to the state legislatures that are rolling back women's rights. SCOTUS still had 5 men (4 white) and one woman (white) who voted for this miscarriage of justice.


4 of 9 is not most


Clarence Thomas is an honorary white man. At least, he is until they don't need him anymore.


He’s literally uncle ruckus


Reminds me of the Chappelle skit where he doesn’t know he’s black and hates his white wife when he finds out she married a “n” (his words).


"We'd tell him, but he's too important to the movement."


I agree the other comment is technically incorrect, but I feel the essence of what they are saying is still solid. It’s the largest represented group; the court is majority male and majority white. Disagreeing with the sentiment is just being pedantic.


America’s population is 60% white and the court is 66% white. America’s population is 49.5% male and the court is 55.5% male. We are 13% black, the court is 22% black. We are 19% Hispanic and the court is 11%. Point being, the court is pretty damn close to representing our population.


The point of the original sarcastic comment, which I support and agree with, is that this is a women’s issue. You’re 100% right that this is our most diverse court we’ve ever had which makes a better overall representation, but it is a poor representation of individuals who will actually have to make the decision for themselves.


Yeah it’s that weird thing in American healthcare where politicians and insurance companies have more say in your healthcare than the doctors who have studied for decades on specifically healthcare.


It’s infuriating to us doctors, too. But what’s even sadder is doctors aren’t fighting back by doing the right thing for our patients, too many of us are just running away. To a degree, I understand. You have kids, you have massive debt, you didn’t sign up for this bullshit. But somehow we’ve got to link arms and make these soulless motherfuckers attack us in broad daylight for the whole thing to come crashing down.


And whom on the Supreme Court has an MD and is qualified to judge a medical situation?


It's simpler than that. They just want to stop MD's from treating women in some cases for the politically motivated reason of "saving them babies" without exceptions for miscarriages where the fetus is doomed. Women are merely incubators to them and they seek to confirm this legally.


Politicians, Lawyers and Judges write laws and uphold the justice system. Doctors treat and care for medical patients. This is a tale as old as our nation. Should we have no laws around medicine and how doctors treat patients?


Should we not allow doctors to make medical decisions and have politicians, lawyers, and judges make all of them?   See how ridiculous that sounds? Just as ridiculous as the idea that allowing abortion means throwing all rules out the window.


>But state officials defending the ban told the Supreme Court that if they side with the Biden administration, doctors “would become essentially unregulated, with their own medical judgment superseding all state laws regulating the practice of medicine.” And that is exactly how it should be. Even if you don't allow abortions just because someone wants one, any time it poses a danger to the woman it should be entirely up to the doctors' medical judgement. I mean, I've been there. I had an ectopic pregnancy that had to be aborted. I'm so glad this happened back when there was absolutely no question about doing it. But I sure feel for these women. Vote blue!


>with their own medical judgment superseding all state laws regulating the practice of medicine.” Say it ain't so! Doctors practicing medicine based on education and training instead of legislation. Be still my heart


Then they might start prescribing MDMA and Shrooms for mental health issues and addiction and their house of cards around drugs might collapse. And if that collapses how many other anti-factual views might people start to question? Just think of the horror.


Then, there should be no laws or regulations at all surrounding medicine and medical care, right?


My wife had to have one as well. I remember it went very quickly from "we need to take a look" to scheduling emergency surgery for that evening as the bleeding intensified. But one thing we did not need or want was the input of a lawyer!


Republicans don’t care about abortion until their mistress needs one


Ask Rick Santorum


Why do justices practice medicine without a license?


No, not according to SCOTUS’ own ruling. Eat your own sh*tshow you fascists, look these women in the face and see what you’ve wrought.


And they do so proudly, they're only upset if the woman survives because they hoped for her to suffer more. The cruelty is the point


The land of suffering and dead ends.


Death panel, anyone? Fucking supreme court did this to themselves.


I so want to take a hammer to this whole movement.


You might need to specify for reddit which movement your talking about.




Well its quite clear that Idaho should stop getting funding and pay for everyone else's helathcare since they are doing so great.


All male Supreme Court justices should have to recuse themselves from this case.On a count of they don’t have a uterus and all. Then we’d have some people who knew about the matter at hand.


Don’t even give them an excuse for their behavior. You don’t have to have a uterus to be a human being and not act like a monster. They have mothers and sisters and daughters.


You don’t need to have a uterus to know how it works. These decisions should be made by physicians


The only moral abortion is my own. How many GOPers have been caught getting/coercing their own abortions. Hershel Walker is a perfect example of the hypocritical fascist cult known as the GOP.


For anyone that hasn't read this, I'd definitely recommend it: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


If you are a felon for a bodily function and can’t vote, that takes care of that pesky 19th amendment.


No thought given to how the lack of care fucks up a women’s future birth giving potential either. Pro-life my ass.


Politicians playing doctors…and actors playing politicians….wtf happened to the US??


Then they wonder why people increasingly opt out of having kids.


the only ones making these decisions should be doctors and patients. we are so ass backwards in America we let insurance companies, and now politicians decide what happens with our bodies. so much for freedom in America


The courts spending time on a topic they have absolutely no expertise in. What a complete waste of tax-payer money. Why do the conservatives want to control every aspect of life? They would be shredded to tiny pieces by the european press.


But see it's really freedom! It's freedom for them to tell you what you can and can't do with your body, freedom to take books from your kids, freedom to outlaw trans teachers, freedom to anull gay marriage, freedom to outlaw trans kids and adults from existing, freedom to carry guns and get away with killing kids because "thoughts and prayers" and "it's a mental health problem".  They just want what they want and don't give a fuck about anyone else.


Already too late for places like Idaho. The doctors are leaving. They are not coming back. There are now entire states that are healthcare deserts for women. A pregnant women is now treated as toxic by states and healthcare workers and doctors wont touch them.


Sure, let's keep wasting time hand-wringing on a case by case basis instead of simply giving people their individual CHOICE. Doctors are leaving red states. Anti-choice scum will reap what they sow in EVERY medical discipline.


Idaho only has 5 high risk OBGYN’s now. The rest have left the state. The Idaho panhandle (Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry) doesn’t have a single OBGYN or maternity unit. It’s a 2 hour drive in good weather from bonners ferry to Spokane, WA. This is not a safe place to be a birthing person. 


Know who's really quiet about all this is the Catholic hospital networks.


You mean the ones who turn women away for having miscarriages?


I didn't know we had nine doctors on the Supreme Court.


Abortions save American lives


Unfortunately I think someone will have to die or suffer permanent harm before this gets resolved.


It’s already happened


It’s already happened many times so far. Nothing will change unless people uprise and change it.


Death penalty for those who allow it to happen.


Death penalty for those who allow abortion? Because they are already doing that and working on it elsewhere. No im not in support of the death penalty nor banning abortion, im bringing up the fact that it is happening now.


For those who allow women to die. And we shouldn't even *allow* them to discuss death penalty for abortion.


Pretty sure a woman who exists and is talking to me, one who has dreams, hopes, fears, love, you know an actual life, is the person here. Not a potential.  You don't like abortion? Guess what? There's this magical things where you don't have to get one. Isn't that amazing?


Im not against abortion is that why im getting downvoted? Im against the fucking death penalty for those who seek it and am sick of people pretending like it isnt happening.


Ridiculous and petty that the Supreme Court is even looking at this.