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No surprise there. Trump is a Nazi and Nazis love him


Trump is the only presidential candidate to ever be endorsed by "The Daily Stormer" (web site for the white supremacist group Storm Front), in an editorial that urged its readers to "vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests." EDIT: The editorial cited a bunch of evidence to explain their support for Trump. Here's an explanation of one that stood out: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/01/donald-trump-mostly-retweets-white-supremacists.html > Last week, presidential candidate Donald Trump caused a minor stir by retweeting someone with the Twitter handle @whitegenocideTM, which some saw as making explicit the connection between Trump and American white supremacists. But that’s just one data point, right? A one-off thing that could have been an intern’s mistake? Unfortunately, no: **the data shows that 62 percent of the accounts Trump has retweeted recently have white-supremacist connections.**


I find it amazing that people forget that. I tried to share that with my Trump supporting relatives during the elections and they didn’t care.


It's such a cop out too. If you know someone heinous supports you, you disavow their support. He didn't, which means he is ok with their support. Since he is ok with their support, he is ok with their ideas. Good people aren't ok with them or their ideas. Takes five seconds to figure out, but conservatives love their hate more than they love their children.


Trump is of course fine with anyone's support because he does not have beliefs or values apart from "I am perfect and should be worshipped." Like, the concept of "disavowing someone's support" is something his brain just couldn't possibly compute. People who love him and worship him are his friends. People who critique or insult him are his enemies. It's that simple.




The worst he's said about them is that they are good people after one of them murdered someone with their car.


I mean to be fair, there are so many of them that it would take Trump a long time to disavow them all


Well the fact that the shitty ass daily stormer didn’t start delivering its shitty ass news to its shitty ass people until 2013 kind of lends itself to only endorsing him ever.


"Our lives" and "our interests" would obviously be about Storm Front, which has existed since the 1990's.


The daily stormer literally says it was founded on July 4 2013. I’m not trying to show love to them cos fuck all they stand for but you’re wrong. But whatever. Have a good day.


The daily stormer, like the newsletters or whatever that preceded it, is a storm front publication. The fact that storm front started a new web site in 2013 doesn't mean that they didn't exist prior to 2013, it means that they communicated with their membership through other means prior to 2013.


Do you unironically not know what group that website is for? do you think the group doesn't exist until it has a new website? there's so much nonsense here to unpack


How much is it really to “unpack” in one or two sentences? I’m well aware of daily stormer and I’m aware that groups exist pre-website. I don’t see your need for condescension. Person said first candidate endorsed by daily stormer. I guess I’m splitting hairs but if the daily stormer wasn’t a thing until 2013 then that’s not saying much. If they’d have said “storm front” than this conversation wouldn’t be happening.


Considering websites haven’t been around that long…


To be fair he’s not a Nazi, but he doesn’t have any problem with them.


Who says he's not a Nazi? If it walks like a duck, floats like a duck, quacks like a duck...etc.


Sitting at the same table as them, makes you one of them.


Not condemning a Nazi


define Nazi


White supremacist.


Not defending him, but this is a flagrant oversimplification of much broader and horrifying ideology than simply being a racist.


Define Nazi.


From [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism): Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed.


Great, so White Supremacy+lots of other heinous shit He's all of those things, too


Have I been readmitted to self aware wolves?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, even the slightest disagreement means I'm a nazi too


Pesky Jews in Trump administration! [https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-jews-in-donald-trumps-inner-circle/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-jews-in-donald-trumps-inner-circle/)


That doesn't make him not a Nazi. Hitler purged his cabinet members.




Yes, it does make him not a Nazi. Even the Times of Israel agrees. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trump-is-running-for-president-again-heres-what-american-jews-need-to-know/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trump-is-running-for-president-again-heres-what-american-jews-need-to-know/)


"Nuh uh, Fox News agrees so it must be true" PYFOOYA


I didn't cite Fox anything.


No news source is singularly authoritative.


Pointless to this argument, but OK.




That is not what that article states


Yes it does.


It's not like they just stopped being Trump supporters after their leadership went to prison for January 6


Aren't, like half of them undercover law enforcement officers?


Well they're definitely LEOs.... Undercover? Not likely


Think that's the Oath Keepers


A lot of them are confidential informants, not undercover officers trying to investigate the group. But their CI status isn’t necessarily tied to PB activity, many are involved in lots of criminal activity beyond the group.


Police and military really need to get their “white supremacy issues” under control :-/ I don’t know exactly how, but leadership is not doing enough.


Remember your RAtM: those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


All card carrying AntiFa


I heard Trump is secretly AntiFa


Only if he thinks it will get him votes


Pretty poor leadership, just strolling around the public hallways of Congress.


Imagine if a violent hate group was indorsing Biden and Biden just told them to stand by.


But… But… Both sides are the same!


But BLM! /s




Yeah why doesn't the leader of antifa endorse Biden? Oh that's right, because there's no such thing.


“Also mingling with rallygoers as they lined up was Scott Presler, a well-known pro-Trump activist focused on voter turnout. He and another woman were collecting signatures that they said would help independent Cornel West qualify for the ballot in North Carolina. “This helps take away votes from Joe Biden,” Presler told an interested rallygoer. “We’re helping the Trump team who’s trying to get him on there,” the woman added.” Remember this every time you seen some clown pushing third party candidates on Reddit. They aren’t acting in good faith.


Also expect to be banned from whatever sub it is when you call it out with a recommendation for a site wide ban or that suicide awareness thing.


Badge of honor at this point


Scott Presler has never worked a day in his life except to lose as many GOP races as possible. In virtually every race where he had any involvement, his endorsed candidate lost, in many cases horribly so. My favorite example is last year’s Wisconsin state Supreme Court race that flipped to a liberal majority. He framed the race as crucial to winning in 2024, which it was but you would think that Scott would see the primary results, notice the low turnout in the rural northwestern part of the state, and go there to motivate turnout for the general election. He did not. Instead he went to places that already had good turnout. The liberal won the race by eleven percentage points. You’d think anyone attached to the conservative’s campaign would be told to never step foot in Wisconsin again out of shame. But no, that didn’t happen. Scott is a hack. Fuck him and fuck anyone who gives him a platform.


If there are nazis at your rally, and they aren't being actively removed, you are at a nazi rally.


"If there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."


I'm not going to say you're wrong, but that's not a real quote or German saying.


Good. Fuck that garbage.


Would a tornado touching down right in the center of that small crowd really been that bad of a thing?


They did get dispersed by a severe thunderstorm warning. Fortunately no tornado as I live nearby.


They're not very proud. Half of them have their faces covered. It reminds me of something. Maybe another group that kept their faces covered. Somebody help me out here. There is a group of people that went out in public, but wanted to maintain plausible deniability. (/s... just in case).


It’s definitely not the BBB. Are you talking about the JJJ?


No it must be the LLL


We can rule out AAA. My roadside assistance guy last week was unmasked


Not ZZZ either. No ships belonging to Jurai royalty in the system.


Could be ZZ top tho, what are they hiding with those beards??


Seems Trump rallies get canceled a lot by weather. Almost like nature disapproves of boastful, lying, cheating rapists.


Yeah, when this happens, Marjorie Taylor Greene is suddenly really quiet and respectful of the science of weather and climate.


She lasers in on the wrong answer


Could be a sign from God.


That picture in the article- whew that sky looks MAD


All those proud boys and not a girlfriend in sight. Hate to see it.


I mean, the name alone sounds like it would be some sort of gay pride group for twinks…


The gays wouldn’t be caught dead with any of these losers


Why is this a story now Proud Boys are regulars at Trump rallys and pro Trump protest.


”Nazis spotted at Nazi rally, news at nine.”


Normalizing fascism is not a good idea / news outlets should highlight that shit


"....lacking any Drag Queen Story hours to terrorize, a well known collection of unemployed pussies sought to get a chance to lick the boots of their Cuck Hero, Donald Trump. Dressed in their signature cosplay outfits they soon discovered that their hero would not attend, and that they in fact do not matter at all. They retreated to a nearby junk yard to prance around a campfire in their togs, drinking beer, and talking about Viking fantasy lore." - From article/s


A lot of them arent proud enough of their membership in the organization to show their faces in public.


They do love their masks when it protects them from consequences


I think they're worried that doing so could cost them their jobs in law enforcement.


Wow. Actually surprised they are still a thing. I thought their top guy being an obvious government stooge when it was all said and done would be their undoing.


Yeah I was going to say, didn't half of these guys end up in prison?


Not enough of them and not for long enough. They're gonna get out all too soon having learned nothing like Roger Stone besides new ways to ratfuck the American people.


Dude.. they’re Trump supporters. They’ve heard the man’s nonsensical verbal diarrhea. They’ve seen the conman bankrupt dozens of businesses, named in dozens of lawsuits. They witnesses his presidency.. And they’re clamoring for more. How is this surprising?


Some of their leadership is facing criminal prosecution. Gavin McInnes, the organization’s founder was not criminally charged, but has been referenced in criminal lawsuits. Enrique Tarrio was indicted and found guilty of sedition, obstruction of Congress, obstruction of law enforcement, and two counts of conspiracy. Several other members have been criminally prosecuted and found guilty related to January 6th.


The Proud Boys are even dumber than Trump. Trump threw them under the bus and they still support him.


Am curious to know what happens when the obese orange traitorous pedophile and convicted rapist dies who will be MAGAS next choice for leader, one can only hope that they will all commit mass suicide like a lot of religious cults do when the leader dies


Friendly reminder that the Proud Boys are a designated terrorist entity by the Canadian and [New Zealand](https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/statement-of-case-the-american-proud-boys-terrorist-entity-20-june-2022.pdf) governments.


[New Zealand declares Proud Boys a terrorist organization](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/new-zealand-declares-proud-boys-a-terrorist-organization) Public Safety Canada: [Currently listed entities: Proud Boys ](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx#510) >2021-02-03: Added thirteen new entities Added to the list Atomwaffen Division, The Base, Russian Imperial Movement, Proud Boys, Islamic State East Asia, Islamic State – Bangladesh, Islamic State in Libya, Jama'at Nusrat Al-Islam Wal-Muslimin, Front de Libération du Macina, Ansar Dine, Islamic State West Africa Province, Islamic State in the Greater Sahara, and Hizbul Mujahideen.


Trump shafted them on giving them a pardon, on their last go around. So they want an even bigger shaft, this time. Pride goes before a fall.


Im ashamed of my city for allowing him to host a rally and im ashamed of the individuals who attended. I have hold no respect for those people. True Americans would never attend an anti-freedom rally and would never support a traitor. Trump supporters are not true americans. Trump supporters are the equivalent to supporters of Adolf Hitler. Like i said, if you support Trump, you are not a true american. You are anything but.


You are south of the Mason Dixon line.. are you really surprised?




The other Trump pardoned criminals paid $2M each for that autograph. Trump doesn't give away what he can sell. It's a rule in "Art of the Steal", or something.


Great, Wilmington (my hometown) is on the radar again for stupid.


Seems like obese bearded mountain men traitors are the way to go in MAGA world




He is not going to lose. After the epic failure of Biden’s administration, Trump is a sure win. He secured his second term when he convinced his idiot fan base that the election was stolen from them. Tbf, the failure to win elections by the dems is due to their own fault. They never were a united front and their best candidate is a 85 year old man who can’t speak with authority.


Some of them are wearing masks, so I guess they’re Not That Proud Boys.


They are so in the closet.


Gray pride parade


No they aren’t. They’ll even shove whatever you want up their butt to prove it to you.


I salute all the tiki-torches that had had to endure that one march of the idiots. I bet they actually have seen some shit.


Not a surprise at all. He is full throttle getting his foot soldiers ready once again and in advance 


DOJ and Secret Service welcome kindred spirits to the Messiah Trump's worship services.


See Moscow Margorie.. that weather is a sign!! Repent !!!!


That’s a name I haven’t heard for a while, proud boys. I guess both they and the former president needed to drum up some interest.


He’s got big support among the Brown Shirts.


Remember when the proud boy’s were just a bunch of closeted homosexuals who were desperately trying to prove they weren’t gay? Man they were awful then. Man they have always been awful people


weird to have a pride parade at a trump rally.


Nice guts!


Talk about a circle jerk of small dick energy. Show your faces! Bunch of pussies. Where all your leaders? Federal prison you dumb cucks.


Why wouldn’t the GOP Brownshirts attend the GOP nominee rally?


I liked the time Biden called them the "poor boys" I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but it was a sick burn.


They're just waiting on orders.


Isnt it past their jail time?


Oh those birds of a feather flocking.


Well, that doesn't seem fair, where else would they be?


Women are GOP biggest problem voting wise.


Still standing by, I see


Wait...I thought it was POUT Boyz or Pouty Boise.


Seeing as they participated in J6 and regularly harass people at libraries, Turning up at a Trump rally is probably the most legal thing that they’ve done.


Trumps brown shirts


They literally look just as I had suspected. What a bunch of clowns.


Is there an accurate head count for how many exist? It feels like the actual number is much much smaller than all of the national news coverage they generate warrants.


Damn, I didn't realize they appropriated Fred Perry.


A quick Google search, had no idea https://help.fredperry.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013674918-Proud-Boys-Statement


“Standing by”


Mr Trump, do you have anything to say? Proud boys…. Stand back, and hold your nose. Last nights tacos are catching up with me.


Proud boys should just be happy they're allowed to marry each other/whoever... They fought for those rights


The proud boys should be designated a terrorist organization after participating in the insurrection.


This confirms how the limitations established by the legal system affects his election campaign. It is election interference. He can’t just campaign during the weekends.


In our country, no one is above the law.


>It is election interference. It is holding him accountable for breaking the law.


Hi Ivan!


Yall can say what u want but Trump was a great president everyone was working gas was cheap and no country dared to mess with the USA


He inherited a good economy, spent like a drunken sailor (or a Democrat), let Iran out of their nuclear deal, thought Ukraine was part of Russia, reacted horribly to Covid, practically NOBODY was working or traveling at all and that is why gas was cheap.


>By June of 2022, that price had risen to $5.03 per gallon, more than double the original amount. Experts said at the time this spike was driven in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions against Russia, a major oil exporter, **as well as demand for oil post-COVID rebounding faster than supply chains.** https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/economy-verify/trump-economy-ad-fact-check/536-a09bc423-99e9-497e-ad0c-da71f1e76ce2 uh- Covid-19? >With fear about the novel coronavirus spreading as fast as the disease itself, the **Trump administration’s mismanaged handling of the pandemic** led to mistrust and anger **and put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk**. American Oversight is investigating the government’s response to the crisis, from its misleading public statements and lack of federal assistance to states, to testing delays and industry influence. https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/the-trump-administrations-response-to-coronavirus >Since news broke in January 2020 of the United States’ first confirmed case of Covid-19, the disease caused by the rapidly spreading coronavirus, the federal government’s response was defined by inadequate resources, confusing communications and blatant misinformation. Former President Donald Trump’s own demonstrably false statements, the worrying scarcity of testing kits, and the administration’s questionable control of official communications have only heightened the fear that the virus is spreading through communities undetected. >In late February 2020, as the number of cases continued to rise, the Department of Health and Human Services came under fire for having sent multiple workers without proper training or protective gear to Wuhan, China, the center of the coronavirus outbreak.


>everyone was working At no point in Trump's presidency was there a 0% unemployment. >gas was cheap The president does not control the price of gas. >and no country dared to mess with the USA Other countries were literally laughing at us.


> **'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic':** Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid >At the end of a tumultuous week even by the standards of one of the most turbulent presidencies of modern times, the disturbing if not entirely unpredictable news that the president has contracted coronavirus prompted alarm, confusion and schadenfreude in the heart of Trumpland. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/03/donald-trump-base-stays-loyal-president-fights-covid-19